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- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to listen for specific information about aliens and describe an alien.. + Vocabulary: + Grammar:?[r]


Date of preparing: Period: 86 UNIT 12: LIFE ON OTHER PLANETS


- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to listen for specific information about aliens and describe an alien

+ Vocabulary: + Grammar:

- Skills: develop and practice listening and writing skills

- Political thought and moral sense: help Ss imagine more about the aliens B TEACHING AIDS:

- Textbook, teacher’s book, lesson plan, board, chalks, posters and pictures, cassette and the CD record

C.METHODS :- Chatting, circle the word you hear, listen and answer the questions, write it up

D CONTENTS: I Organization:

II Revision / Warmmer: (5’) : Chatting - Show SS pictures in part page 65 - Ask them :

- What the pictures show? Do you think they really exist? - How would you feel if you saw an alien?

- Do you think aliens are very different from humans? - What differences may there be?

III New lesson: A Listening( 15’)

* Activity 1: part 2: Listen and fill in the blanks.


- Tell them to highlight key words in the questions and decide the part of speech of the words they will need to fill the blanks

- Ask Ss to listen carefully to find the words from the recording - T plays the recording twice

- Have two Ss write their answers on the board Confirm the correct answer Key

1 Jupiter much bigger more powerful lots of hair thick skin four eyes happiness fear energy 10 rock

* Activity 2: part 3Listen again and tick T, F or NG( not given)

- Have Ss work individually to run through all the statements and underline the key words in the statements Ask Ss to the exercise without listening to the recording first Write their answer on the board without confirming the correct answer

- Play the recording again for Ss to check T may pause at the sentences that include the information Ss need for their answer

Key: F NG T 4F 5F B Writing( 20’)

*Activity 1:Fill in the web ( part 4- p.65)

- Set a time limit for Ss to brainstorm ideas and write their notes Move around and help Ss if necessary Ask Ss to refer back to speaking in 5, SKILL and listening in and 3, SKILL for useful language and ideas

*Activity 2:Write a description of your alien.


*Activity 3: Swap the writings

- Ss swap their writings with a partner They comment on each other’s work Ss revise and edit their writing in class if time allows, or else as homework

IV Summary (2’)

- T asks students to repeat the main contents of the lesson V Homework: (3' )

- Finish your writing

- Do the exercises: 1, in part E – Unit 12- W.B

- Prepare the new lesson: Unit 12: Lesson : Looking back + project E EVALUATION:

Date of preparing: Period: 87 REVIEW ( UNIT 10 -11-12)


By the end of the lesson, the Ss will be able to : + read the words correctly

+ understand the meaning of the words related to the topics + practise doing grammar exercises

+ use the language knowledge in everyday English

+ revise the language Ss have learnt and the skills they have practised in Units 10, 11 and 12


- Textbook, teacher’s book, lesson plan, board, chalks, and the projector


D CONTENTS: I Organization: II Revision : III New lesson :

Activity ( 10')pronunciation 1- Mark the stress on the words.

- Review the rules of stress in words ending in – un, - im , -ful, - less with SS as a class Have Ss then mark the stress independently Play the recording Ss listen and correct their answers Confirm their answers SS listen again and repeat, in chorus and individually


uni'denified a'bility suc'cessful capa'bitily 'meaningful im'mobie in'formative un'popular un'suitable 'wireless inte'ractive 'powerless 'paperless po'ssessive im'possible 'colourless EX2:Complete the words in sentences.

- Have Ss work individually to complete the words in the sentences - Play the record for ss to check


1 colourless unidentified interative capability 5meaningful impossible 2 Activity 2: Vocabulary.(10')

Ex3: Match each verb in column A with a phrase in column B

- Have Ss the task individually and then share their answers with a partner - Check ss’answers



2 make inventions move round the sun

3 exchange information benefit from science and technology Ex4: Write the correct form of the words in brackets to complete the passage - Have ss read the passage for two or three minutes

- Ask Ss what part of speech can be filled in each blank - SS the task individually

- Call some ss to show their answers on the board Key:

1 scientist chemistry inventor ambitious unhappy invention Activity 3: Grammar ( 15')

Ex5: Use the correct form of the verbs in brackets. - Run through the passage

- ask Ss to work individually - Pair compare

- Call some Ss to read out their answers - T confirms the correct answers


1 will be? to buy to read Look will be will appear to read will appear

Ex6: Rewrite the sentences in reported speech.

- Have Ss the task individually Have Ss write the sentences on the board while other ss the exercise at their desk

- Ss comment on the sentences on the board Conform the correct ones Key


2 The teacher said that a communication breakdown might happen due to cultural difference

3 Duong asked me what the inhabitants of Jupiter might look like 4.Chau asked me if we would still have traffic jams in 30 years' time Phuc told me he had read a book about life on other planets

Activity 4: Everyday English.( ')

Ex7: Match the questions in the first column with their answers in the second column.

- Run through questions and answers - Ask ss to the task in pairs

- Have Ss practice saying the exchanges as naturally as possible - Select different pairs to say the exchanges to the rest of the class Key: D F E G A C H B

IV/ Summary (2’)

-Vocab related to the topics ;Grammar V Homework: (3’)

- Learn by heart all the vocabulary and grammar - Prepare the new lesson: Review 4- skills

-Date of preparing: Period:88 REVIEW - SKILLS



+ Practise their reading skill

+ Talk about the topics that they have learnt in uints 10,11,12 + Listen to the passage and the task

+ Write a paragraph about the topic “life on other planet”

B TEACHING AIDS: - Textbook, teacher’s book, lesson plan, board, chalks, and the projector

C METHODS: T or F statements, make questions, multiple choice , discussion , sentence building

D CONTENTS: I Organization: II/ Revision : III New lesson:

*Activity ( 10’ )Reading ( part 1- p 69)

- Run through all sentences Make sure ss underst and the meaning - Have ss read the text individually and the task

- Compare with their partner

Key: 1T 2F 3F 4F 5T 6T

Activity 2: Speaking( 10’ ) ( part 2- p 69)

- Have ss read all the five questions and think of the question that interests them the most

- Have ss time to think about what they would like to say about the topic

- Form groups of about ss Have ss ask and answer about their topic Encourage them to use the language they have learnt

- T goes round and observe the groups Activity 3: Listening.( 8’ )


- Run through the questions Check that Ss understand the phrases used - Play the record twice Ss listen and choose the correct answer

- Have Ss listen again and check their own answers Correct their answers

Key: 1C 2B 3A 4A 5C

*Activity ( 12’ ) Writing ( part 4- p 69)

- Before writing Have Ss brainstorm ideas about the use of mordern equipment in our lives: advantages disadvantages, ect

- T explain the writing task

- Ss need to write a short- not more than 100 words - online massage to a friend - Elicit from Ss the words and phrases they may need for their writing

- Remind Ss of the reasons for communication breakdown and the rules of netiquette they learn in unit 10

- Give Ss time to the writing task Have Ss swap their work with their partner to check before going through some of the message as a class

- T collects Ss'work to check at home IV/ Summary (2’)

-Vocab related to the topics in uints 7-9 -Grammar

V Homework: (3’) - Complete the writing E EVALUATION:

Ngày đăng: 03/02/2021, 05:27


