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Besides, the lesson can helps ss work harder II.Preparation: + T: Textbooks, lesson plan, poster. + Ss: textbook, notebook, pen… III.Techniques:[r]


Date of preparing: 21/ 3/ 2019 Period 83 UNIT 13 FESTIVALS

Lesson 3: Listen I Aims:

- Help ss listen a coversation

- By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to listen to the conversation of the Robinson family and fill in the gaps

1.Language contents: *Grammar:

- Passive form: be + past participle - compound words

- Reported speech

*Vocabulary: Pomergranate, Sticky rice balls, Tailor

2.Skills:Developing skill: Speaking,listening, reading, writing 3.Attitude : It helps ss to have motivation , happiness to communicate with each other in

English Besides, the lesson can helps ss work harder II.Preparation: + T: Textbooks, lesson plan, poster. + Ss: textbook, notebook, pen… III.Techniques:

Pair work, group work, individual IV.Procedures:

1 Organizaton(1’): - Greeting and checking attendance. - Ask: Who’s absent to day?

2 Checking up + warm up (5’):

- Ask ss to work in pair to talk about flower festival * Form of checking: speaking

* T corrects and gives them marks 3 New lesson:

Teacher’s activities T Ss’activities

A – Pre-listening;

* Vocabulary: T elicits some new words:

- Marigolds (n): cúc vạn thọ (realia) - Dried watermelon seeds (n) : hạt dưa (example) - Spring rolls: bánh tét, chả giũ (translation) - Peach blossoms (n): hoa đào (explanation) - Candies : kẹo (realia) * Check: Ro and Rm

Listening :

- T introduces: Today, we will listen to their conversation and find out what Mrs Robinson wants her husband and Liz to



- Listen and repeat in chorus – individual

- Copy down


1 Gap fill : (Listen 1):

- Ask ss to read through the ex1.p124

- Ask ss to guess the missing words or phrase - Ask ss to compare with their partner

- T gets feedback B – While – listening:

- Asks ss to listen to the tape times - Ask ss to listen again and corrects - T gives key : Answer key

a Mr Robinson: you / flower market (for me , please.) b traditional

c dried watermelon seeds d make

2 Complete the notes : - Ask ss to complete the notes - Call on some ss to give their notes - Gives answer key;

Things to Mr


Go to the flower market to buy Peach blossoms and a bunch of marigolds Mrs

Robinson Go to Mrs Nga's to learn how to makespring rolls Liz Go to the market to buy candies and apacket of dried watermelon seeds

C – Post – listening:

- Ask ss to talk about how to prepare for Tet in your family

- Let ss free talk - T controls the time 4- Consolidation:

- Retell the main points of this lesson: What have you learnt ?

5- Homeworks :

- Do the exercise in the workbook - Prepare well for the next period: + T: lesson plan, textbook,poster + Ss : homework, text book , pen







- Read the ex1 individual - Predict words or phrases - Compare with their partner

- Listen to the tape times - Give their predictions

- Copy down the answers

- Complete the notes individual

- Free talk about the preparations for Tet

- Retell the content of the lesson

- Listen and copy


Date of preparing: 21/ 3/ 2019 Period 84 UNIT 13 FESTIVALS

Lesson 4:Read I Aims:

- Help ss know more about the Christmas in many countries around the world

- By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to understand the content of the text well then form the passive in the Present Simple

1.Language contents: *Grammar:

- Passive form: be + past participle - compound words - Reported speech

*Vocabulary: - spread (v),design (v),perform (v) performance (n), The patron saint - a Carol (n),- Jolly (adj)

2.Skills:Developing skill: Speaking,listening, reading, writing 3.Attitude : It helps ss to have motivation , happiness to communicate with each other in

English Besides, the lesson can helps ss work harder II.Preparation: + T: Textbooks, lesson plan, poster. + Ss: textbook, notebook, pen… III.Techniques:

Pair work, group work, individual IV.Procedures:

1 Organizaton(1’): - Greeting and checking attendance. - Ask: Who’s absent to day?

2 Checking up + warm up (5’):

- Ask ss to retell What the Robinson family are making preparations for Tet. * Key: flower market / traditional / dried watermelon seeds / make * Form of checking: speaking

* T corrects and gives them marks 3 New lesson:

Teacher’s activities T Ss’activities

*Chatting :

1 When is Christmas held every year ? (December 24th )

2 Do you celebrate Christmas ?

I Vocabulary: T elicits some new words. - spread (v) (spread -spread): Lan rộng - design (v): thiết kế

- perform (v) performance (n) biểu diễn, buổi biểu diễn - The patron saint (n) thánh bảo hộ

- a Carol (n) hát giáng sinh

- Jolly (adj) = happy and cheerful (adj) vui tính * Checking up: Matching.

II Pre- Reading : P.124-125

- T gives the True/ Fasle statements : - Ask ss to predict the sentences is T or f - T gets feedback

* True/ Fasle statements :




- Whole class - Team work

- Listen and repeat in chorus , individual

- Copy down

- Match words - Individual - Pair work


1 Christmas is an important festival in every country in the world

2 The custom of decorating a tree first appeared in Europe The leaders of the church were unhappy with Christmas carols when they were first ferformed

4 Sending Christmas cards was an American's idea III While – reading:

- Ask ss to read the text about the Christmas in many countries around the word

- Ask ss to check their predictions - T gives key:

1 F (not every but many countries in the world) T T F (an Englishman's) * Complete the grid : (Read P.126)

Christmas specials

Place of origin

Date The Christmas

tree Riga early 1500s

The Christmas card

England mid 19th century Christmas carol no

information 800 years ago

Santa Claus USA 1823

* Comprehension questions: (Read P.126) a More than a century ago

b He wanted to send Christmas greetings to his friends c 800 years ago

d An American professor named Clement Clarke Moore e On the description of Sain Nicholas in frofessor Moore's poem

C Post – reading :* Reporting :

Eg: On Christmas people often decorate a tree and they send cards to relatives and friends…

4 Consolidation:

- Retell the main points of this lesson: What have you learnt ?

5 Homeworks :

- Learn by heart vocabulary

- Let students the exercises in the workbook - Prepare well for the next period

+T: lesson plan, poster, textbook, picture + Ss: homework. 17’




their guess

- Read the text and check their predictions

- Copy down

- Do individually

- Work in pairs

- Individually

- Some Ss retell the main points of this lesson - Copy down homeworks V.Evaluation:

……… ………

Date of preparing:21/ 3/ 2019 Period 85


Lesson 5:Write I Aims:

- Help ss practice in writing a report

- By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to completing a report about the rice – cooking festival.Writing a report about a festival they joined recently

1.Language contents: *Grammar:

- Passive form: be + past participle - compound words

- Reported speech *Vocabulary:

2.Skills:Developing skill: Speaking,listening, reading, writing 3.Attitude : It helps ss to have motivation , happiness to communicate with each other in

English Besides, the lesson can helps ss work harder II.Preparation: + T: Textbooks, lesson plan, poster. + Ss: textbook, notebook, pen… III.Techniques:

Pair work, group work, individual IV.Procedures:

1 Organizaton(1’): - Greeting and checking attendance. - Ask: Who’s absent to day?

2 Checking up + warm up (5’): - Ask ss to speak the vocabulary * Key: Ss’ answer

* Form of checking: speaking * T corrects and gives them marks 3 New lesson:

Teacher’s activities T Ss’activities

* Warm up: Brainstorm - fetching- water

- making- fire - cooking- rice

- Six people take part in the rice cooking festiaval - Fire is made in the traditional way…

I Gapfill (write 1)

1 rice-cooking one/a water-fetching run water traditional bamboo six separate 10 added

II.Understanding questions: (The answers to the questions below can help you)

1 What does this report show? Where was it held ?

3 How many competitions were there ? What each team in each contest ? How was the festival ? Name of the festival




Whole class Team work

- Individual

- Listen and repeat in chorus - Individual

- Pair work


6 Where was it held ? How long did it last ? Activities, competitions ?

9 How were the ativities organized ?

10 How many people took part in each activity ? 11 What did you think about the festival ?

III Write: Write the similar report on a festival you joined recently


This report shows how the school festival was held

The festival was held in the schoolyard There were two competitions: volleyball and jug of war

In the volleyball game, the were six students in each team and each class had a volleybal team The played against each other and the 8C team had most points got the grand prize.

There were ten students who took part in the jug of war Each class had a team and the 9B team won all the others got the first prize.

The school festival was wonderful it made all the students love their school and study better.

- Correction. 4 Consolidation:

- Retell the main points of this lesson: What have you learnt?

5.Homeworks :

- Learn by heart vocabulary

- Let students the exercises in the workbook - Prepare well for the next period

+ T: lesson plan, poster, pictures, textbook + Ss: textbook, notebook, homework




- Write the report on a festival Ss to open their books and complete the notes

- Individual

then compare with their friends

- Some Ss retell the main points of this lesson - Copy down homeworks

Ngày đăng: 03/02/2021, 05:27



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