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- T asks students to repeat the main contents of the lesson: vocabulary and the words stress in words ending in - ese and - ee. Homework:(3’)[r]


Date of preparing: Period: 61




- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to review some vocabulary about types of pollution , conditional sentences 1,2 and then practice speaking more in

“Communication” + Vocabulary:

+ Grammar: conditional sentences 1,2

- Skills: develop and practice speaking and writing skills

- Political thought and moral sense: helps Ss to protect the environment B TEACHING AIDS:

- Textbook, teacher’s book, lesson plan, board, chalks, posters and pictures and the projector

C METHODS: - Complete the sentences, write word web, rewrite the sentences, discussion

D CONTENTS: I Organization: II Revision / Warmer: III New lesson :

A Vocabulary: ( 7’)

*Activity 1:Complete the sentences ( part 1- p.14) - T runs through the passage

- T asks Ss to the Ex individually and compare their answer with a partner - T checks Ss’ answers

+ Key:

1.pollution contaminated 3.death 4.poisonous 5.pollutants *Activity 2: Write word web ( part 2- p.14)

- T runs through the web

- T asks Ss to the Ex in pairs


- T and Wc correct the answers, gives feedback + Keys:

1.radioactive pollution 2.noise pollution 3.visual pollution 4.thermal pollution 5.water pollution land/soil pollution 7.light pollution 8.air pollution

*Activity 3: Rewrite the sentences ( part 3- p.14)

- T asks Ss to write the sentences using the words in brackets

- SS compare the their sentences with a partner Have two Ss write their sentences on the board

- T and other Ss give comments - T asks Ss to read aloud

Key :

1.The residents of the street cannot sleep because of the loud noise from the music club 2.Vy had a stomachache since she ate a big dinner

3.The road in front of my house was floodes due to the heavy rain 4.His mother is unhappy because his room is untidy

5.Too much carbon dioide (CO2) in the atmosphere causes global warming> B Grammar: ( 15’)

* Activity 1: Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form ( part 4- p 14 ) - T and WC run through the sentences

- Let Ss complete the task independently- then exchange the As with their partners - T calls some Ss to read out their answers- T corrects mistakes

+ Key:

1.won’t be; don’t take 2.continue; will be 3.were/was; would wear 4.do;will see 5.would… travel;didn’t have 6.wouldn’t be; didn’t take care * Activity 2: Complete the sentences ( part 5- p 14 )

- T asks Ss to read the sentences carefully

- T asks ss to complete the sentences individually using their own ideas

- Remind them to identify whether the sentence is a conditional sentence type or type


C Communication (10’): (part - p15)

- T asks Ss to work in groups to discuss what they or say in each situation

- T ask Ss to read the example Ss may not need to discuss all the situations Two or three groups may discuss the same situation

- T moves around the class to listen to their ideas


Ask Ss to complete the self-assessment Indentify any difficulties and weak areas and provide futher practice

D Project (5’)

What would you if ….?

- T asks Ss to read the information about project Ask if Ss still remember what a collage is They made a collage in Grade If they not remember Clearly, tell them that a collage is a picture made by sticking photographs, pictures or drawings onto a surface Remind Ss that they should use conditional sentences type to give the presentation - Ss work in groups to project following the instructions in the book Answer Ss’ questions if there are any Remember to have Ss present their collage in the next lesson and vote for the best

IV Summary.(2’)

- T asks students to repeat the main contents of the lesson IV Homework: (3’)

- Learn by heart all the vocabulary and grammar - Finish the project (p 15) at home

- Prepare the new lesson: Unit 8- Lesson 1: Getting started E EVALUATION:



- By the end of the unit, students will be able to:

+ pronounce the words ending in – ese and - ee correctly in isolation and in context

+ use the lexical items related to the topic of people and places in English speaking countries

+ use the present simple to talk about the attractions of a country + listen for specific information about a day trip to an amazing town + talk about interesting facts of a country

+ write a description of a schedule for a visit or a tour

- Students will be developed skills: speaking , listening , reading and writing - Students will know about English speaking countries

II Teaching aids

- Textbook, lesson plans, board, chalks, cues, posters, real objects, pictures, computer and the CD record

III Procedure.

Lesson 1: Getting started

Lesson 2: A closer look Lesson 3: A closer look Lesson 4: Communication

Lesson 5: Skills Lesson 6: Skills

Lesson 7: Looking back + Project

Date of preparing: Period: 62 UNIT 8: ENGLISH SPEAKING COUNTRIES


- By the end of this lesson, students will be able to listen and read the dialogue between Nick and Phong to understand the details then some more tasks to understand more about English speaking countries

+ Vocabulary: absolutely; accent; native speaker; official; improve + Grammar: WH- questions

- Skills: practice and develop listening, reading and speaking skills

- Political thought and moral sense: Help Ss to know about countries which speak English


- Textbook, teacher’s book, lesson plan, board , chalks, pictures, posters, stereo and the CD record


Brainstorming, Rub out and remember, pre-questions, comprehension questions, matching, gap filling, game “ quik quiz”

D CONTENTS: I Organization:

II Revision / Warmer: (5’): Brainstorming. - T draws the net on the board

- T gives the instructions: write down names of English speaking countries you known

- T models the first one

Australia -T checks Ss' understanding

- Ss think and prepare in about minute

- T divides the class into groups T gives the name -> checks

- One by one student from each group comes to the board and writes one answer - T corrects then praises the winner

+ Possible answers :


- England, The USA, Malaysia, Canada, Philippines, Singapore, Ireland, New

zealand, Scotland, Liberia, Zimbabwe,…

III New lesson:

* Open prediction questions: ( 2’) T shows the picture on page 16, asks Ss to look at the tittle of the conversation and asks some questions:

1 Where are the children?

2 What you think they are doing?

- T encourages Ss to answer the Qs Their As can be as simple as one word or a phrase

- T plays the recording , asks Ss to listen and read silently T asks if their predictions are correct or not

Activity 1: Vocabulary.( 5minutes): T asks Ss to find out the new words from the text

- International summer camp ( n): trại hè quốc tế ( picture)

- Official language (n ): ngơn ngữ ( translation) - Accent ( n) giọng nói ( real example )

- flight (n) : chuyến bay ( example) - Absolutely (adv) : hoàn toàn đồng ý

+ Checking vocabulary: R- O- R * Listen and read (18’)

- Let Ss listen to the tape again, notice the pronunciation and intonation - T asks Ss to practice the conversation in pairs.T calls some pairs to practise reading

Activity 2: 1.a Find a word or an expression from the conversation which you use

- T runs through four situations and check the meanings

- Ask ss work independently Guide Ss to look at the beginning of a reply/ a

sentence for the answers

- Ss share answers in pairs

- T checks their answers and corrects

Key : Awesome, just awesome

Any of the following: Absolutely/ Right It’s hard to say


Activity 3: 1.b Questions- Answers. - T runs through the Qs


- Ss try to answer as many questions as possible then read the conversation again to check their answers

- Let Ss compare in pairs

- T calls some Ss to give the As Then asks the whole class to correct Key:

1 He’s at an international summer camp (in Singapore) They come from different countries/from all over the world

3 He has made new friends, visited places, ( and taken part in different activities Because he uses English every day with people from different countries

5 The two boys from Australia and a girl from the USA After July 15th.

* Further practice: (12’)

Activity 1: Part Complete the sentences with words / phrases from the box.

- Run through words / phrases in the box

- Ask Ss to underline these words/ phrases in the conversation and make sure


understand their meanings

- Ask Ss to work independently to complete the sentences Have them share their

answers in pairs

- T elicits the answers from the whole class

Key :

1 summer camp

2 native English speaking countries native speakers

4 The USA

5 accents Official language

T can explain for Ss

Your first language is often known as your mother tongue, and your second language may refer to a language used as an official language in your country, like English in Malaysia, Singapore, India, or it could simply mean the foreign language you learn at school as part of the curriculum.

Activity 2: Part 3: Put the names of the countries under their flags.

- Have Ss run the names of the countries and T explains

+ The UK, or the United Kingdom = Great Britain + Northern Ireland + Great Britain/ Britain = England + Scotland + Wales

+ The USA = the United States of America It id also known as the US, or the United States, or even just the States


- Have Ss work in pairs/ groups to match the flags with the countries - T checks and corrects


1 the USA The UK 3.Singapore Australia Canada New Zealand Activity 3: Part 4:Game: Where are they?

- Ask SS work in groups of Look at the map and locate the six countries in part

3 on the map below

- The first group to find all the countries wins

- Ask one student from the winning group to go to the board and mark the six

countries so that other groups can see and check

- Key:

IV Summary: (1’)

- T asks one student to repeat the main contents of the lesson V Homework: (2’)

- Practice the dialogue, learn by heart all the vocabulary


- Prepare the new lesson: Unit 8: Lesson 2: A closer look E EVALUATION:

-Date of preparing: Period: 63 UNIT 8: ENGLISH SPEAKING COUNTRIES


- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to use the lexical items related to the topic of people and places in English speaking countries

+ Vocabulary: + Grammar:

- Skills: practice and develop listening and speaking skills

- Political thought and moral sense: help Ss to know more vocabularies to talk about English speaking countries


- Textbook, teacher’s book, lesson plan, board, chalks, cassette, CD record, computer

C METHODS: word form, gap fill, matching. D CONTENTS:

I Organization:

II Revision / Warmer: (5’): Jumbled words - T writes some jumbled words on the board 1.Soctladn Waels

3 Ierladn Caanad Autrsalia 6.New Zaealnd


- T asks Ss to work in groups

- T corrects Ss’ words, gives marks, praises the winners

Key: Scotland Wales Ireland

4.Canada Australia New Zealand III New lesson:

* Vocabulary.(25’)

Activity1: Write the names for the people who belong to these places Then listen and repeat the words.

- Run through the countries

- Ask Ss to work individually Then allow them to share their answer with a partner

- Play the recording for Ss to check their answers Ss listen and repeat - T points out the change of stress from Canada to Canadian

Key: The Americans The English The Scottish / the Scots the Weish the Irish The Canadians

7 the Australians The New Zealanders

Activity Change the words into a noun (N), an adjective (A) or a verb(V)

- Ss work in pairs Have st one by one in two big groups go to the board to show their answers

T checks the answer as a class Key:

1 Historic N= history

2 Symbol V= symbolise

3 Legend A= legendary

4 Iconic N= icon

5 Spectacle A= spectacular

6 Festive N= festival

7 Scenery A= scenic

8 Attraction V= attract

Activity 3: Use the words in the box to complete the sentences.

- Run through all words in the box and incompleted sentences below


- T corrects with whole class

Key: Icon Symbolizes Scenic Unique Attracts Activity 4: Match the words / phrases with the pictures.

- Have Ss look at the pictures Ask them what they see in each of them Allow them then to work individually to match the words / phrases to the pictures - T checks the answers as a class by asking Ss in which countries, from the list in 1, they might see these things or ask them to give an example of these things

Key: Castle Loch Parade

Monument State cattle station * Pronunciation: stress in words ending in – ese and –ee Activity 1: Listen and repeat the words( part 5)

SS listen and repeat Then have Ss say the words individually

- Have Ss look at the ‘ remember’ and mark the stress in the words and say the words aloud

- T plays the recording for Ss to listen, check and repeat Key:

-ese -ee

Canto’nese Employ’ee

Taiwa’nese Adop’tee

Japa’nese Addre’ssee

Portu’guese Interview’ee

Activity 2: Mark the tress in the underlined words Then listen and repeat the sentences.( part p 18)

- Put the underlined words on the board Have volunteer Ss come and mark the stress in the words first Ask for a show of hands from the rest of the class if they think the strees is correct or not Then play the recording Ss listen, check and say the sentences Hace Ss correct the stress on the board if necessary


IV Summary:(2’)

- T asks students to repeat the main contents of the lesson: vocabulary and the words stress in words ending in - ese and - ee

V Homework:(3’)

- Learn by heart vocabulary

- Practice the words stress in words ending in - ic and - al - Do the exercises: 1, in U8- part A- W.B

- Prepare the new lesson: Unit 8: Lesson 3: A closer look E EVALUATION:

Ngày đăng: 03/02/2021, 05:25


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