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Land pollution is when humans introduce harmful objects, chemicals or substances, directly or indirectly, into the soil in a way that causes harm to other living beings[r]


Date of preparing: Period: 80



- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to listen for specific information about how science and technology solve some problems in the future and write to express agreement and disagreement about the roles of science and technology + Vocabulary: drawback

+ Grammar:

- Skills: develop and practice listening and writing skills

- Political thought and moral sense: help Ss understand more about the roles of science and technology


- Textbook, teacher’s book, lesson plan, board, chalks, posters and pictures, cassette and the CD record

C.METHODS :- Chatting, circle the word you hear, listen and answer the questions, write it up

D CONTENTS: I Organization:

II Revision / Warmmer: (5’) : Chatting

- T asks Ss to express their agreement and disagreement about how scientific advances can help us solve problem in the future

ex: A: I think nutrition pills will help us live longer.

B: Yes But it is expensive and it will create an ageing population and overpopulation

A Listening( 15’)

* Activity 1: Listen and choose the best summary ( part – p.55)

- Have Ss read the three options Then play the recording and elicit the answer from Ss


b The benefits and drawbacks that advances in science and technology may bring to people’s lives.

* Activity 2: Listen and circle the words you hear ( part – p.55) - T plays the recording again, once or twice

- T asks Ss to listen carefully and tick the words/ phrases according to what they hear in the passage


1 problems high yields the moon

4 overcrowding on television bring unemployment * Activity 2: Listen and answer the questions ( part – p.55)

- T plays the recording again

- T tells Ss to take notes/ write down the key words as they listen Then they answer the questions in writing or verbally Correct their answers as a class Key: Hight yields in farming will (help feed the growing population on earth). (We may be able to live) on other planets.

He says he likes the idea of having lessons at home with a robot, and on the Internet.

Yes, she does.

He thinks there will be may new problems. Audio script

Nick: Hey, Duong and Chau, you remember Dr Nelson’s talk on science and technology?

Chau: Yes He said that science and technology would help us solve the world’s problems in the future.

Nick: Right I think world hunger in a problems now, and developing ways to get hight yields in farming will help feed the growing population on earth.

Duong: Good point Also we may be able to live on other planets, so overcrowding won’t be a problem any more…

Nick: And I like the idea of having lessons at home with a robot, and on the Internet.

Duong: And no more paper books We’ll have e-books, and tablets for everything. Chau: That doesn’t sound like a benefits to me I’d still to go to school I’d like to communicate face-to-face with teachers and friends In my opinion, science and technology will bring new problems to people.

Duong: Like that?


B Writing( 20’)

*Activity 1:Fill in the outline ( part 4- p.55) - T tells Ss to read the notes in the box carefully

- Have Ss read the sample paragraph Explain that the first sentence in the sample is the topic sentence which tells the reader whether the author agrees or disagrees with the statement The following sentences exprees the reasons The last sentence is the concluding sentence, which summarises the main points in the paragraph - Now have Ss work in pairs to fill in the outline Check as a class

Introduction: disagree Idea 1: expensive

Idea 2: make people jobless

Idea 3: make people lazy and inactive Conclusion: not always good

*Activity 2: Writing( part 5- p.55)

- Have Ss read the argument put forward Then work in pairs to make notes using the model in They must decide if they agree or disagree, give three supporting points, then conclude their argument

- T moves around to provide help If time allows, have Ss work from their notes to write the paragraph in about 100 words Make sure that they use proper

connectons first/firstly, second/secondly… and pay attention to the class.

- Otherwise, help Ss develop a good outline for their writing for their writing and write the paragraph as homework Remind Ss to bring their work to class in the next lesson

IV Summary (2’)

- T asks students to repeat the main contents of the lesson V Homework: (3' )

- Finish your writing


Period 81


Name: Class:


*Complete: 1.How old? Best friend:

3 Favourite day: Best sport: _ 5 Lunch : A sandwich and * Answer the questions

6 Which school does Daisy go to ? Which class is she in? Does Vicky sit next to Daisy at school?

B LANGUAGE FOCUS(2,5ms) I Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others Circle A, B, or C.

1 Chinese Taiwanese Japanese

2 attendee disagree interviewee

3 humanistic atomic ironic

4 progressional traditional technological

II Choose the word or phrase( A, B, C or D) that best fits the blank space in each ss

1 Environmental pollution has _ to lots of health problems

A caused B led C made

2 _ industrial waste, many fish cannot survive

A Because B Since C Because of

3 Oil spills from cargos and ships have _ many animals and plants die

A made B caused C resulted

III Put the verbs in the correct form

1.If the river is polluted by herbicides, the aquatic animals such as fish, crabs, or shrimps ……… (die)

2.If people ……… nothing to stop global warming, the weather will change more dramatically in the future (do)

3.What will you if you ………a person littering in the street? (see) If farms ……….fewer pesticides, the water pollution would be less serious (use)

4 If you ……….…….a wish what would you wish for? (have)


C READING (2,5pts)

Land pollution is when humans introduce harmful objects, chemicals or substances, directly or indirectly, into the soil in a way that causes harm to other living beings, destroys soil or water ecosystems It can be caused by agricultural sources, industrial sources, sewage treatment, and deforestation

A Farmers often use highly toxic fertilizers and pesticides to get rid of insects, fungi and bacteria in their crops However with the overuse of these chemicals, they often result in contamination and poisoning of soil

B Industrial activity is also one of the biggest contributors to this problem in the last century, especially since the amount of mining and manufacturing has increased Most industries are dependent on extracting minerals from the Earth C Another reason is the sewage treatment Household or municipal waste such as glass, metal, cloth, and plastic is collected and gets dumped in a landfill or burned to generate electricity Both end up polluting the environment

D Deforestation is carried out in order to create dry lands This is a major concern. When trees are cut, the earth’s surface is left unprotected from rain and the sun’s intense heat Accordingly, the unfavorable conditions result in soil erosion, land degradation, and desertification

E The effects of land pollution are very hazardous and can lead to the loss of ecosystems When land is polluted, it directly or indirectly affects climate patterns, rainfall or temperature

F Land pollution has been found as one of the leading causes for birth defects. Pregnant women living in unhealthy and dirty environments can incur breathing problems and a number of diseases, which may affect the health of the baby as well

So what should we to reduce land pollution? I Match the words with their definitions.

Landfill Plastic Mining Deforestation Fertilizers ………= substances added to soil to make plants grow more successfully 2.……… = the process of getting coal and other minerals

3.……… …… = an area of land where large amounts of waste material are buried

4.……… = the act of cutting down or burning the trees in an area II Read the text and decide in which paragraph each detail below is mentioned Write A, B, C, D, E or F in the blank.


2 The impact of land pollution on pregnant women The reasons for desertification

4 Examples of household and municipal waste

D WRITING: (2,5pts)I Rewrite the sentences, using the words provided 1.Volunteers have given out food and blankets to homeless people

……… 2.So far, rescue workers have freed ten people trapped in collapsed buildings ……… 3.Did the storm destroy the whole village?

……… 4.Unless the storm hits the area, it won’t cause a lot of damage

Period 82


*Complete: 1.How old? 9 Best friend: Lisa

3 Favourite day: saturday Best sport: badminton

5 Lunch : A sandwich and milk * Answer the questions

6 Which school does Daisy go to ? Which class is she in?

8 Does Vicky sit next to Daisy at school? No

B LANGUAGE FOCUS(2,5ms) I Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others Circle A, B, or C.

5 Chinese Taiwanese Japanese

6 attendee disagree interviewee

7 humanistic atomic ironic

8 progressional traditional technological


1 Environmental pollution has _ to lots of health problems

A caused B led C made

2 _ industrial waste, many fish cannot survive

A Because B Since C Because of

3 Oil spills from cargos and ships have _ many animals and plants die

A made B caused C resulted

III Put the verbs in the correct form

1.If the river is polluted by herbicides, the aquatic animals such as fish, crabs, or shrimps ……… (die)

2.If people ……… nothing to stop global warming, the weather will change more dramatically in the future (do)

3.What will you if you ………a person littering in the street? (see) If farms ……….fewer pesticides, the water pollution would be less serious (use)

4 If you ……….…….a wish what would you wish for? (have)

5.If I were you, I ……….the dishes by hand to save water (wash) C READING (2,5pts)

Land pollution is when humans introduce harmful objects, chemicals or substances, directly or indirectly, into the soil in a way that causes harm to other living beings, destroys soil or water ecosystems It can be caused by agricultural sources, industrial sources, sewage treatment, and deforestation

A Farmers often use highly toxic fertilizers and pesticides to get rid of insects, fungi and bacteria in their crops However with the overuse of these chemicals, they often result in contamination and poisoning of soil

B Industrial activity is also one of the biggest contributors to this problem in the last century, especially since the amount of mining and manufacturing has increased Most industries are dependent on extracting minerals from the Earth C Another reason is the sewage treatment Household or municipal waste such as glass, metal, cloth, and plastic is collected and gets dumped in a landfill or burned to generate electricity Both end up polluting the environment

D Deforestation is carried out in order to create dry lands This is a major concern. When trees are cut, the earth’s surface is left unprotected from rain and the sun’s intense heat Accordingly, the unfavorable conditions result in soil erosion, land degradation, and desertification


F Land pollution has been found as one of the leading causes for birth defects. Pregnant women living in unhealthy and dirty environments can incur breathing problems and a number of diseases, which may affect the health of the baby as well

So what should we to reduce land pollution? I Match the words with their definitions.

Landfill Plastic Mining Deforestation Fertilizers ………= substances added to soil to make plants grow more successfully 2.……… = the process of getting coal and other minerals

3.……… …… = an area of land where large amounts of waste material are buried

4.……… = the act of cutting down or burning the trees in an area II Read the text and decide in which paragraph each detail below is mentioned Write A, B, C, D, E or F in the blank.

1 The influences of agricultural practices on land The impact of land pollution on pregnant women The reasons for desertification

4 Examples of household and municipal waste

D WRITING: (2,5pts)I Rewrite the sentences, using the words provided 1.Volunteers have given out food and blankets to homeless people

……… 2.So far, rescue workers have freed ten people trapped in collapsed buildings ……… 3.Did the storm destroy the whole village?

……… 4.Unless the storm hits the area, it won’t cause a lot of damage

Ngày đăng: 03/02/2021, 03:40



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