Tài liệu tham khảo |
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Chi tiết |
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Incidence and prognosticfactors associated with biliary atresia in western India |
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Biliary atresia: the Canadianexperience |
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Relationship between prognosis of biliaryatresia and infection of cytomegalovirus.”, "World J Pediatric |
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Tiêu đề: |
Nhận xét một số biến chứng thường gặp và kết quảđiều trị bệnh nhân teo mật bẩm sinh sau phẫu thuật Kasai tại bệnh việnNhi Trung Ương”, "Luận văn Thạc sĩ Y học |
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Pathogenesis and outcome ofbiliary atresia: current concepts.”, "J Pediatric Gastroenterol Nutr |
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Congenital biliary atresia jaundice inlambs and calves”, "Aust Vet J |
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Identification of a plant isoflavonoid thatcauses biliary atresia”, "Sci Transl Med |
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Histologic features of the portal plate inextrahepatic biliary atresia and their impact on prognosis a Danisshstudy |
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A muticenter study of the outcome ofbiliary atresia in the United States.”, "J Pediatric |
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Extrahepatic anomalies ininfants with biliary atresia: results of a large prospective NorthAmerrican multicenter study |
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SPECIAL SECTION–NONNEOPLASTIC DISEASE PATHOLOGY Biliary Atresia: AMultidisciplinary Approach to Diagnosis and Management”, "Archives ofPathology & Laboratory Medicine |
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Home-Based Screening for Atresiausing infant stool color cards in Canada: Quebec: Feasibility Study |
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Long-term prognosis and factors affectingbiliary atresia from experience over a 25 year period.”, "Chang Gun MedJ |
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Relationship between prognosisof biliary atresia and infection of cytomegalovirus.”, "World J Pediatric |
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Biliary atresia: which factors predict thesuccess of a Kasai operation? An analysis of 36 patients.”, "Eur JournalMed Res |
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Tiêu đề: |
Does time taken to achieve jaundice-clearance influencesurvival of the native liver in post-Kasai biliary atresia |