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1 INTRODUCTION Rationale for the study The Central Highlands is considered as a strategic national defence and security area, and it is also home to nearly a half of the country's Protestant people The mobilization of the masses in general and the mobilization of the Protestant people in particular are of paramount importance, contributing to strengthening the great national solidarity and keeping security, stability and order so as to develop the Central Highlands to be wealthy and powerful Mobilization of people with Protestantism is the responsibility of all levels, branches and political system, in which, with the function of being the main combat force and as the core in the people's war posture in the locality, the local soldiers are both an advisory force to the local party committees and administrations on military and defence work; directly participating in the mobilization of people Protestantism In the past recent years, the local soldiers in the Central Highlands have performed relatively well the role of advising the Party committees, local authorities of the provinces in the area on guidelines and measures to lead and direct the tasks related to Protestantism Simultaneously, they coordinate with organizations, mass organizations and other standing forces in the area to participate in propagating and mobilizing Protestant people to abide by the Party's lines and guidelines, policies and the State’s law; guiding and supporting Protestant people in socio-economic development; participating in building a local political base in areas with strong Protestant people; fighting with the plots and tricks of the hostile forces to take advantage of Protestantism to undermine the cause of the national revolution The above results have impacted and created a positive change in the perception and life of Protestants; helping them develop their economy and culture and raising their revolutionary cautiousness Besides the achievements, the local soldiers of the provinces in the Central Highlands, taking part in the mobilization of Protestant people, remains some certain limitations Some officers and soldiers are not fully aware of their roles and responsibilities; the content, the form, and the method are not flexible and not creative Notably, some units are confused in coordination with organizations and mass organizations of the people; they fail to show the core role in the fight with the intrigues and tricks of the hostile forces to take advantage of Protestantism to undermine the cause of the national revolution All of these limitations are seen as obstacles to the quality and efficiency of the implementing process 2 At present, the hostile forces continue to promote the strategy of "peaceful evolution", rebellion to overthrow our country's revolution In the Central Highlands, they have been increasing illegal evangelization activities, developing the "De Ga Protestantism" organization to gather forces, propagate, distort, incite and entice people to participate in mass gathering, demonstrations, rioting, opposing the government, illegally crossing the border, etc causing political instability, social disorder and hindering local socio-economic development Thus, promoting the role of the local army to participate in mobilizing Protestant people in the Central Highlands, besides contributing to the successful implementation of the Party's religious work and the State's religious policies, directly struggles to fail the hostile forces’ intrigues and tricks, winning the people, keeping the people, and consolidating the revolutionary forces From the above-mentioned reasons, the PhD student decides to choose the topic entitled: "The role of the local soldiers in mobilizing the Protestant people in the Central Highlands today" as his doctoral these with its urgent theoretical and practical significance Aims and objectives of the study Aims The thesis aims at clarifying some theoretical and practical issues about the role of the local soldiers to participate in mobilizing Protestant people in the Central Highlands; accordingly, the thesis seeks to propose solutions to promoting the role of local soldiers to participate in mobilizing Protestant people in the Central Highlands today Objectives - Giving an overview of the thesis-related research situation - Interpreting some theoretical issues about the role of the local soldiers in mobilizing Protestant people in the Central Highlands - Evaluating the current situation of the local soldiers performing their role in mobilizing Protestant people in the Central Highlands today - Proposing solutions to promoting the role of local soldiers to participate in mobilizing Protestant people in the Central Highlands today Object and scope of the study Object The role of the local soldiers to participate in mobilizing Protestant people in the Central Highlands 3 Scope - In terms of content: some theoretical and practical issues about the role of the local soldiers to participate in mobilizing Protestant people in the Central Highlands - In terms of space: the activities to participate in mobilizing Protestant people of local soldiers in the Central Highlands (including the following provinces: Dak Lak, Dak Nong, Gia Lai, Kon Tum and Lam Dong) - In terms of time: sufficient data and materials exploited through the summary reports of the concerned units in recent years; mainly from 2015 to present Theoretical, practical basis and methodology Theoretical basis The thesis is conducted basing on the views of MarxismLeninism, Ho Chi Minh's thought and the lines of the Communist Party of Vietnam on civil mobilization in general, and mobilizing people of religions in particular in socialist revolution Of which, it is the opinion and principle of solving religious issues Practical basis The results of activities of local army units to participate in the mobilization of Protestant people in the Central Highlands region; the reports on the mobilization of Protestant people at all levels, local authorities Simultaneously, the thesis is based on resolutions and directives of the Central Military Commission, the Ministry of Defence, the General Political Bureau as well as the statistics of the General Statistics Office, the Ministry of Labour - Invalids and Social Affairs, and the Religion Government on the related areas Methodology The thesis is carried out on the basis of the methodology of dialectical materialism and historical materialism, the thesis also uses research methods of specialized and interdisciplinary science such as analysis and synthesis; logic and history; system and structure; access to value; survey investigation; practical review and experts consultation New contributions of the thesis - The conception of the role of the local soldiers to participate in mobilizing Protestant people in the Central Highlands - The basic factors regulating the local soldiers in mobilizing people with Protestantism in the Central Highlands 4 - The solutions to promoting the role of local soldiers to participate in mobilizing Protestant people in the Central Highlands today Theoretical and practical significance of the study The results of the thesis contribute to providing the scientific basis for the local army in the Central Highlands in particular and the local army units of the country in general to apply in order to improve the quality and efficiency of participation in mobilizing people of religions, especially Protestant people at present The thesis can be used as references in doing research, teaching and learning related to the mobilization of religious people for different objects of military schools Structure of the study The thesis includes: introduction, chapters (9 periods), conclusion, list of the thesis-related works by the author, list of references and appendices Chapter AN OVERVIEW OF THE THESIS’S RELATED RESEARCH SITUATION 1.1 Typical scientific works related to the thesis 1.1.1 Typical scientific works related to basic theoretical issues about the role of local soldiers in mobilizing Protestant people in the Central Highlands Typically: The army participates in building the grassroots political system of ethnic and religious regions in the Central Highlands region under the new conditions by Le Ngoc Sanh; The role of the Vietnam People's Army in the mobilization of religious people in the Central Highlands today by Nguyen Nhu Truc; Some issues about Protestantism among the Hmong people who freely migrate to the Central Highlands today by Nguyen Van Minh; Relationship between the State of Vietnam with the current Protestant organizations by Nguyen Hong Duong; Some issues about Protestantism in the Central Highlands by Do Quang Hung; Viewpoints of the Communist Party of Vietnam on religious issues, beliefs and religious work in the innovative period by Nguyen Phu Loi; Ph.Angghen's basic ideology on religion - new scientific and cognitive basis for religion and religious work by Nguyen Tien Phuong; Research on the basic psychosocial characteristics of the Protestant ethnic minority community in the Central Highlands today by Vu Dung; The role of the People's Army in the mobilization of the masses in the religious areas by Pham Thi Nhung; Well implementing religious policies to contribute to strengthening the bloc of great national unity by Nguyen Xuan Trung; Some principles in solving problems related to ethnicity and religion in Vietnam today by Hoang Thi Lan The above works have mentioned some general theoretical issues on mobilizing Protestant people in the Central Highlands, affirming that this is the responsibility of the whole political system, organizations and delegations, in which the Vietnam People's Army in general and the local soldiers in the Central Highlands in particular, have a role of paramount importance 1.1.2 Typical scientific works related to the current situation of the local soldiers performing the role of participating in mobilizing the Protestant people in the Central Highlands Typically: The role of the Vietnam People's Army in implementing the current views and policies on religion of the Party and the State of Vietnam by Pham Van Nghia; The role of political commissar and politician in mobilizing the masses to build defense zones in the area of Military Region by Dao Duy Minh; The role of the Vietnam People's Army in the mobilization of religious people in the Central Highlands today by Nguyen Nhu Truc; Activities to participate in building a strong local base of military units in the area of the Central Highlands in the current period by Nguyen Tien Dung; Results and issues raised in the advocacy work for Protestant dignitaries in the Central Highlands by Le Quang Toan; The role of the People's Army in mass mobilization work by Pham Thi Nhung; Results of coordination in conducting religious work of the armed forces of Military Region in areas with a large number of religious people by Nguyen Dinh Son; Achievements and some lessons learned in implementing Directive 01/2005 of the Prime Minister in the province of Dak Nong by Nguyen Thi Thuy Lien; The work of people mobilizing the religious policies of the Party and the State of military units in the area of the Central Highlands today by Nguyen Van Lanh; and The Vietnamese People's Army participates in carrying out religious work in the new situation by Nguyen Van Bao The above-mentioned works have primarily evaluated the current situation and explained the strengths and limitations of military units in mobilizing people of religions in general and the Protestant people in particular 1.1.3 Typical works on the solutions to promoting the role of the Vietnam People's Army to carry out religious work in general, local soldiers in the Central Highlands participate in mobilization the Protestants in particular Typically: Promoting the role of the Army in implementing the religious policy by Nguyen Van Bay; Consolidate and strengthen the grassroots political system in Protestant ethnic minority areas in the Central Highlands provinces by Nguyen Huu Tri; Promoting the role of religious dignitaries in strengthening and strengthening the great national unity bloc in Lam Dong province by Pham Minh Tuan; Solutions to improve efficiency of religious policy implementation in the Central Highlands region in the new situation by Nguyen Dinh Bang; Promoting the role of the local soldiers in building the grassroots political system to prevent and combat "peaceful developments" in the Central Highlands by Nguyen Truong Son; The work of mobilizing the people to implement the religious policies of the Party and the State of military units in the area of the Central Highlands today by Nguyen Van Lanh; Struggling with conspiracy to take advantage of ethnic and religious issues to cause riot and separatism in the Central Highlands by Tran Quang Phuong; The Vietnamese People's Army participates in carrying out religious work in the new situation by Nguyen Van Bao The above works have proposed some solutions to improving the effectiveness of the Army to participate in mobilizing people of religions in general and the Protestants in the Central Highlands in particular 1.2 An overview of the results of scientific works related to the thesis and the issues need further addressing in the thesis 1.2.1 An overview of the results of scientific works related to the thesis In terms of theory, the research works have mentioned quite thoroughly under many different approaches to the characteristics and causes of the restoration and development of Protestantism in the Central Highlands; interpret the views, undertakings and policies of our Party and State to respect the people's freedom of religious beliefs and freedom of non-beliefs Simultaneously, these works affirm that: the mobilization of Protestant people in the Central Highlands is a part and an important content contributing to the successful implementation of the religious work of the Party and State to motivate the Protestants of labour, production, socioeconomic development, raise awareness and awareness of the revolution against the hostile forces’ plots and tricks of "peaceful evolution"; contribute to maintaining political security, social order and safety This is the responsibility of the whole political system, organizations and mass organizations, in which the Vietnam People's Army in general and the local soldiers in the Central Highlands in particular have a role of paramount importance In terms of practice, some authors have evaluated the advantages and disadvantages of military units in mobilizing people of religions in general and the Protestants in particular At the same time, they explain the causes of the advantages and limitations in implementing this content under many different research angles Some officials and soldiers have inadequate knowledge about ethnic minority cultures, customs and practices and language; there are many points of mechanism and policy not relevant to the reality In terms of solutions, the authors have proposed some solutions to improve the quality and efficiency of the Army to participate in mobilizing people of all religions in general and the above Protestant people in the Central Highlands in particular: mobilize religious people through the activities of socio-political organizations; through the effective use of mass media; through the guidance and support of religious people in socio-economic development, improvement and improvement of life; through the exemplary role of officials and party members and taking advantage of the consensus and support of dignitaries and jobs in the religious community 1.2.2 The issues need further addressing in the thesis The overview of the research situation related to the thesis shows that, in order to accomplish the identified research purposes and tasks, the thesis needs to continue researching and solving the following points: In terms of theory, the thesis further studies and generalizes characteristics of awareness, belief, socio-economic conditions of Protestant people in the Central Highlands; concept of mobilizing Protestant people in the Central Highlands In particular, focusing on research and explanations to clarify the conceptions and basic factors defining the role of the local soldiers to participate in mobilizing Protestant people in the Central Highlands In terms of current situation, the thesis systematically, objectively and comprehensively assesses the strengths and limitations and draws out the causes of strengths as well as causes of limitations in performing the role of local soldiers on mobilizing the Protestant people in the Central Highlands On that basis, it generalizes the issues that need to be solved in promoting the role of the local soldiers to participate in mobilizing the Protestant people in the Central Highlands today In terms of solutions, from the theoretical and practical framework, the thesis builds and explains a comprehensive, synchronous and feasible solution system to promote the role of the local soldiers to participate in mobilizing people having Protestantism in the current Central Highlands, contributing to the political system to mobilize Protestant people to well implement the Party's undertakings and lines, the State's policies and laws; consolidating the block of great unity of the whole nation; struggle to defeat the hostile forces' plots and tricks to take advantage of Protestantism to undermine the cause of socio-economic development; creating a stable environment for further development of the Central Highlands Conclusion chapter An overview of the research related to the thesis topic shows that the role of the Vietnam People's Army in participating in mobilizing Protestant people in the Central Highlands has always been paid due attention by many scientists, leaders and managers under several different approaches The works have explained thoroughly many theoretical and practical issues related to development of Protestantism into the lives of ethnic minorities in the Central Highlands; on the conception of mobilizing people of religions; on the status quo and solutions to promote the role of the Vietnam People's Army in general and the local soldiers in particular in this regard This is a very valuable resource in terms of science, helping the PhD student have an overall view of the previous results for reference and comparison when conducting the thesis The overview of the research situation related to the thesis also shows that the theoretical and practical clarification of the role of the local soldiers in mobilizing Protestant people is still a scientific gap, there has been no work researching independently and systematically, especially under the perspective of philosophy Therefore, the thesis has the task of researching and explaining some theoretical and practical issues as well as proposing solutions to promote the role of the local soldiers to participate in mobilizing the Protestants in the Central Highlands today Chapter SOME THEORETICAL ISSUES OF THE LOCAL SOLDIERS PARTICIPATING IN MOBILIZING THE PROTESTANT PEOPLE IN THE CENTRAL HIGHLANDS 2.1 The essence of the role of the local soldiers participating in mobilizing the Protestant people in the Central Highlands 2.1.1 The conception of mobilizing people with the Protestant people in the Central Highlands Mobilization of the Protestant people in the Central Highlands defined as a specific part of the advocacy work of the whole political system, conducted in accordance with the characteristics of the Protestant people in the Central Highlands to contribute to the effective implementation of the Party's views, the State’s policy and laws on Protestantism in each certain period of the history The nature of the mobilization of the Protestant people in the Central Highlands is political and social activities, always complying with the general principles of the advocacy of people with faith of the Party and State, and at the same time consistent with the characteristics of the Protestant people in the Central Highlands This is the responsibility of the whole political system, depending on each subject’s actual functions, tasks and abilities The purpose of mobilizing people with Protestantism in the Central Highlands is to propagate and mobilize people to implement the Party's guidelines and policies, State policies and laws, to make the Party's guidelines, State policies and laws towards Protestantism are effectively implemented; to help the Protestant people improve their development, equal integration and accompany the entire nation in the revolutionary cause under the leadership of the Party in certain period of the history The subjects implementing the mobilization of the Protestant people in the Central Highlands include: leading subjects; subjects 10 managing, directing, guiding and subjects participating in the implementation The subjects leading the mobilization of Protestant people in the Central Highlands is the party organization at all levels, directly the party committees and grassroots party organizations in the provinces in the Central Highlands Local party committees and grassroots party organizations determine undertakings, lines, objectives and measures to mobilize Protestant people appropriate to specific conditions in the locality The subjects managing, directing and guiding the mobilization of Protestant people in the Central Highlands are the People's Committees and Religious Committees of the provinces in the Central Highlands The subjects participating in the mobilization of Protestant people in the Central Highlands are local departments, mass organizations and organizations, and forces standing in the area under the leadership of committees and party organizations; management and administration of the local government at all levels On the basis of the Party's lines and undertakings, the State's policies and laws, the participants perform appropriately with the functions, tasks and each locality’s specific conditions and circumstances The contents of the work of mobilizing Protestant people in the Central Highlands: Propagating and disseminating the Party's lines, undertakings and policies to the Protestant people; to encourage and gather Protestant people into social organizations; guide and support the Protestant people in labour production, economic development, improving their material life and eliminating customs; propagandize and mobilize Protestant dignitaries and people to live "good life and good faith", "serve God, serve the Fatherland and the people"; propaganda and education to raise patriotism and cautiousness for the Protestant people The forms and methods of mobilizing Protestant people in the Central Highlands are used diversely, such as: through mass media, direct contact with each individuals and families to propagate, educate and persuade; combining propaganda and advocacy with care for socio-economic development, improving and gradually improving the material and spiritual lives of Protestant people; promote a positive spirit, self-discipline to well exercise citizenship rights and 11 obligations of fellow Protestants; to mobilize people who have Protestantism through the role models of cadres, party members and forces participating in the campaign; using the prestige and influence of the contingent of dignitaries, jobs, monks and fighting against the hostile forces’ plots and tricks 2.1.2 The conception of the role of the local soldiers to participate in mobilizing the Protestant people in the Central Highlands From the basic theoretical issues about the mobilization of Protestant people in the Central Highlands and the functions and duties of the local army, it can be claimed that: The role of local soldiers in participation to mobilize people with Protestantism in the Central Highlands is a combination of values that manifest the functions of the local army in contributing to the Party's views and the State’s law for Protestantism is effectively implemented in every certain historical period The role of the local soldiers in the mobilization of the Protestant people in the Central Highlands is shown in the following specific points: Firstly, they are seen as a direct force giving advice to local commissars and authorities in leading and directing the mobilization of Protestant people Secondly, they participate in propagating and mobilizing Protestant people to abide by the Party's lines and the State’s policies and laws Thirdly, they participate in propaganda, advocacy, guidance and support for Protestant people in socio-economic development Fourthly, to participate in building the political base of people with strong Protestantism Fifth, they participate in propaganda and mobilization of Protestant people upholding the spirit of revolutionary vigilance and fighting with the schemes and tricks of hostile forces to take advantage of Protestantism to damage the national revolution cause Sixthly, they directly educate and train soldiers practising religions and Protestantism 2.2 The basic factors regulating the local soldiers in mobilizing the Protestant people in the Central Highlands 2.2.1 The leadership and direction of the party committees, party organizations, commanders and authorities at all levels 12 The local soldiers involved in mobilizing Protestant people in the Central Highlands region are to perform the functions and tasks of a particular force with difficult, complicated and sensitive nature Thus, in order to properly perform their functions, tasks and roles in participating in mobilizing Protestant people in the Central Highlands, the leadership and direction of the party organization and authorities set out as an objectivity and inevitable requirement 2.2.2 Coordination and cooperation with departments, local mass organizations, standing forces in the area and goals, requirements to maintain security and order in the Central Highlands The process of the local soldiers performing the role of mobilizing the Protestant people in the Central Highlands always takes place in parallel with two basic relationships: the relationship of the Protestants and with other organizations and forces to participate in implementing this work Thus, the coordination and mechanism with departments, local mass organizations and standing forces in the Central Highlands is an important factor, directly and often affects the quality and efficiency of the Army Local authorities play a role in the mobilization of Protestant people in the Central Highlands 2.2.3 The practical qualifications and capacities for mass mobilization of the local army in the Central Highlands The mobilization of Protestant people is a difficult, complicated and sensitive issue that requires each subject to participate in the implementation to have qualifications, capabilities, working style, and sensitivity to bring the desired results Notably, the mobilization of people with Protestantism in the Central Highlands region takes place in the complicated situation of political security, social order and security in many localities, placing more demanding Therefore, the practical qualifications and capacities of the local army mobilization work in the Central Highlands regularly and directly affect all aspects of the performance of military operations as well as regulations for the Protestants 2.2.4 The socio-economic conditions in the Central Highlands The Marxist-Leninist theory on the dialectic relationship between the objective condition and the subjective factor shows that objective conditions always dominate and decide the content, nature, scope, level and success of the subjective factor Accordingly, the socio-economic conditions in the Central Highlands are the basis of 13 reality, prescribing the creation of favourable or difficult circumstances for the local army to perform the role of mobilization Protestants At the same time, starting from the important role of the strategic area, the goal of building and developing sustainable socioeconomic of the provinces in the Central Highlands, ensuring economic wealth and political stability Strong national defense and security, a healthy culture and society are indispensable Conclusion chapter The nature of the mobilization of Protestant people in the Central Highlands region is to carry out political mobilization tasks to educate, persuade, guide and support Protestant people to participate in the revolutionary movements; develop production, improve the material life and spiritual enjoyment as well as strengthen the national unity, successfully realize the goals and the requirements for protecting the Vietnamese Fatherland in the new situation Participating in the mobilization of people with Protestantism in the Central Highlands region, the role of the local army was shown in many specific activities This process is influenced by several factors, both objective and subjective, such as the leadership and direction of the party organization and the government at all levels; mechanism of coordination, cooperation with departments, local mass organizations, standing forces in the area and objectives, requirements to maintain political security, social order and safety in the Central Highlands; practical qualifications and capacity for mass mobilization; local socio-economic conditions and the goals and the requirements for defending the Fatherland in the new situation Chapter THE CURRENT SITUATION AND THE ISSUES POSED FOR THE LOCAL SOLDIERS IN PERFORMING THEIR ROLE ON MOBILIZING THE PROTESTANTS IN THE CENTRAL HGHLANDS TODAY 3.1 The current situation of the local soldiers performing their role in mobilizing Protestant people in the Central Highlands today 3.1.1 The advantages and causes of advantages of the local soldiers in performing their role on mobilizing the Protestants in the Central Highlands * The advantages of the local soldiers in performing their role on mobilizing the Protestants in the Central Highlands 14 Firstly, the local soldiers have actively advised the local party committees and authorities in leading and directing the movement of people with the Protestants On the basis of the correct perception of their functions and duties and a thorough grasp of the guiding spirit of the Central Military Commission, the Ministry of National Defense, especially Directive No 36 / ĐUQSTW of February 23, 1999 of the Military Party Committee The Central Government and local soldiers in the Central Highlands have made their efforts to advise local committees and authorities in formulating plans, content, leadership measures, and directing religious work in general as well as the public to mobilize the Protestants in particular to follow the Party's guidelines and the State’s laws Secondly, the local soldiers have actively participated in propaganda and mobilization of Protestant people to abide by the Party's guidelines, the State’s policies and laws, contributing to strengthening the solidarity of the country and the army The local soldiers have actively participated in propagating and disseminating widely and widely and mobilizing the Protestant people in the Central Highlands to abide by the Party's lines and guidelines, the State's policies and laws Local regulations are specified in resolutions, directives, legal documents and documents guiding the implementation Thirdly, the local soldiers have effectively participated in propaganda, mobilization, guidance and support for Protestant people in socio-economic development Local soldiers in the Central Highlands also regularly coordinate with local departments and mass organizations to assist and guide Protestant people to promote production as well as increase the enjoyment of material and spiritual values The Party Committee and Military Command of the provinces in the Central Highlands have regularly grasped the Party's directives and resolutions at all levels, thereby determining the right motives and working methods for related agencies Fourthly, the local soldiers have actively participated in building the healthy political base of the Protestants By understand correctly the relationship between participating in building a political base of healthy Protestant people with quality and effectiveness in mobilizing Protestant people and 15 from the role, their responsibilities, the local soldiers has made many active contributions to advising the Party committees, local authorities to ensure the building of a strong political base in the area, first of all advising on policies to consolidate and improve the quality of operations of political organizations and mass organizations to meet the task of mobilizing Protestant people in the new situation Fifth, the local soldiers actively participated in propaganda and mobilization of Protestant people uphold the spirit of revolutionary vigilance and struggle with the hostile forces’ plots and tricks, taking advantage of Protestantism to cause political instability and damage the cause of the national revolution Fully understand the malicious plot and fierce anti-destructive actions of the hostile forces taking advantage of Protestantism to undermine the socio-economic development, causing instability in political security, order and security Accordingly, the local soldiers in the Central Highlands region have clearly shown their active role in propagating and mobilizing the Protestant people to realize the hostile forces’ plans and tricks to take advantage of the Protestants to cause political security and social disorder in the area Sixthly, the local soldiers have thoroughly grasped and implemented effectively the religious work for the soldiers who practice Protestantism Under the leadership and direction of the Central Military Commission, the Head of the Ministry of National Defense and the guidance of the General Political Department on the implementation of the Party's and State's religious views and policies towards the military with faith and origin Within the army, over the past years, the commissars and commanders of the units of the local soldiers have regularly paid attention to religious work for the soldiers who practice Protestantism * The causes of the advantages of the local soldiers in performing their role in mobilizing the Protestant people in the Central Highlands Firstly, there is due attention from the party committees, local authorities, the Central Military Commission, heads of the Ministry of National Defense, the General Political Department, and the Party committees, leaders of agencies and units 16 Secondly, the level of awareness, responsibility, and working capacity of the local soldiers is regularly cared for and improved Thirdly, there is harmonies coordination of different organizations, forces and local people Fourthly, the socio-economic and cultural situation in the Central Highlands has been developed; national defense and security have been maintained 3.1.2 The limitations and causes of limitations of the local soldiers in performing their role in mobilizing Protestant people in the Central Highlands * Limitations of the local soldiers in performing their role in mobilizing Protestant people in the Central Highlands Firstly, the work of advising the local party committees and authorities is not timely, the content is not appropriate, and the forecast is not effective In the past recent years, some local army units have grasped and forecasted the situation of Protestantism as well as the conspiracy and tricks of the hostile forces in the area at a time not yet closely, leading to advising and proposing to the Party committees and local authorities a number of guidelines and measures to lead and direct not in time, even passive, confused at times in participating in the implementation of preventive measures; the fight with some heresy such as "De ga Protestantism", "Ha mon" is not adequate Secondly, the work of propaganda and mobilization of the protestant people to abide by the Party's lines and guidelines, State policies and laws in some local army units have not yet been frequent, continuous, the efficiency is not as expected The reality of the work of propaganda and mobilization of Protestant people to abide by the Party's guidelines and lines as well as State policies and laws, especially on the issue of religious beliefs in some units of the Army In recent years, there have been signs of focusing only on a few key areas, with outstanding political security problems, other areas that have not been paid enough attention, have not been paid attention to invest properly in terms of force, means of participation and time Thirdly, the effectiveness in participating in propaganda, advocacy, guidance and support for the Protestant people in socioeconomic development have not been steady 17 The mobilization of the Protestant people to raise awareness and implement the emulation movement for economic development, production labour, new rural construction, new life of the local soldiers in some localities the table is not very effective Some units have not fully exploited the potentials and strengths in guiding, helping Protestant people to develop production and improve their lives There has not been a sustainable basis to help people develop their economy as well as effectively and sustainably eradicate hunger and reduce poverty Fourthly, participation in building the political base of the Protestant people is not timely and appropriate Activities of some units of the local soldiers participating in building the political base of the Protestant people are still low, not commensurate with their inherent experience, potentials and strengths; Some units lack initiative and lack of acumen in assessing the situation, so the work of advising the Party committees and local authorities to build political bases for Protestant people has content that is not close to reality and lack of feasibility Fifthly, participation in propaganda and mobilization of Protestant people to recognize and struggle with the hostile forces’ schemes and tricks lack initiative The activities of grasping the area of some local army units at times lack the initiative, not timely grasp the developments of the conspiracy and actions of the hostile forces, the opportunistic elements in enticing and seducing fellow Protestants to participate in illegal religious activities, gathering large numbers of people and inciting them to take action against the government, leading to lack of timeliness in advising the local authorities to take right and effective solutions Sixthly, sometimes the work of educating and fostering religious and Protestant soldiers of some units has not been given due attention In some units, the local soldiers have not paid adequate attention to the work of grasping and implementing the religious policies of the Party and State, the regulations of the Ministry of National Defense, and the guidance of the General Department of Politics on religious work for the soldiers who have faith, Protestant roots in the unit; The awareness of some soldiers who are religious and have Protestant roots on religion and religious work of the Party and the State is not sufficient 18 * The reason for the limitation of the local soldiers in participating in the mobilization of the Protestant people in the Central Highlands Firstly, some of the local army cadres and soldiers’ awareness, responsibility and capacity of mobilizing the Protestant people are not high and uneven Secondly, the content to participate in mobilizing Protestant people of some local army units is not comprehensive, the form is diverse Thirdly, the coordination and synergies mechanism between the local soldiers and departments, local mass organizations and other standing forces in the Central Highlands area is not specific and insufficient Fourthly, the lives of Protestant people face several difficulties; facilities, means and funding for mobilization of Protestant people are still limited 3.2 The issues posed to the local soldiers in implementing their role in mobilizing the Protestant people in the Central Highlands today In the rapid and complicated changes in many aspects of the world, regional and domestic situation, especially the situation of Protestantism in the Central Highlands as well as the development of work requirements and tasks mass mobilization in the Army shows that the role of the local soldiers in participating in mobilizing Protestant people in the Central Highlands is very important; Promoting this role in the current situation is a very urgent issue, and has been being led and directed by the Party, State and Army However, in the implementation process, there appeared many conflicts, which require an objective and careful assessment and consideration to have thorough and effective solutions: Firstly, the requirements for the quality of mobilizing Protestant people in the new situation are demanding, whereas the awareness level and participation capacity of the local soldiers remains limited Secondly, the requirements for participating more comprehensively in advocacy of Protestant people in the Central Highlands while some forms and methods of the local soldiers are still monotonous 19 Thirdly, the requirements for initiative and flexibility in the practical situation is constantly mobilizing and changing while some cadres and soldiers participating in this work are still passive and lack of creativity Fourthly, the requirements for ensuring facilities, remuneration policies and coordination and cooperation with departments, mass organizations and standing forces in the area is increasing but the funding source is still limited; and the coordination mechanism is not harmonious Conclusion chapter Under the close leadership and direction of the party committee, authorities and the coordination of actions of departments, local mass organizations as well as standing forces in the area, the local soldiers has fulfilled its role in mobilizing Protestant people in the Central Highlands However, besides the advantages, the role of the local soldiers in the mobilization of Protestant people in the Central Highlands also reveals certain limitations in both awareness and in implementation The advantages and limitations of the local soldiers in implementing the role of mobilizing the Protestant people in the Central Highlands are influenced by many factors, posing the issues that need to be addressed in the thesis: the requirements for the quality of mobilizing Protestant people in the new situation are demanding, whereas the awareness level and participation capacity of the local soldiers remains limited; the requirements for participating more comprehensively in advocacy of Protestant people in the Central Highlands while some forms and methods of the local soldiers are still monotonous not flexible; the requirements for initiative and flexibility in the practical situation is constantly mobilizing and changing while some cadres and soldiers participating in this work are still passive and lack of creativity; the requirements for ensuring facilities, remuneration policies and coordination and cooperation with departments, mass organizations and standing forces in the area is increasing but the funding source is still limited; and the coordination mechanism is not harmonious and inadequate Chapter SOLUTIONS TO PROMOTING THE ROLE OF THE LOCAL SOLDIERS ON PARTICIPATING IN MOBILIZING THE PROTESTANTS IN THE CENTRAL HIGHLANDS TODAY 20 4.1 Raise the local soldiers’ awareness, responsibility and capacity to participate in mobilizing the Protestant people in the Central Highlands 4.1.1 Raise the local soldiers’ awareness and responsibility for participating in mobilizing the Protestant people in the Central Highlands This measure is of paramount importance to unify the will and action of the local soldiers to participate in mobilizing Protestant people in the Central Highlands today In order to raise awareness and responsibility for local army cadres and soldiers for the mobilization of Protestant people in the Central Highlands today, it is necessary to well implement some measures: fostering local soldiers and cadres on the views of Marxism-Leninism and Ho Chi Minh's thought in solving religious problems; grasping the Party’s views and the State’s law towards all religions in general and Protestantism in particular; regularly grasping the local soldiers on the purposes, characteristics of the situation and tasks of the Army and the unit to participate in mobilizing Protestant people in the Central Highlands ; and diversifying the forms and methods of education and raising cadres and soldiers’ awareness of the mobilization of the Protestant people in the Central Highlands 4.1.2 Improve the local soldiers’ capacity of mobilizing the Protestant people in the Central Highlands Seen as a specific form of capacity, the capacity of mobilizing Protestant people of local soldiers includes the overall qualities of mind, physiology and professional qualifications and soldiers realized in the process of participating in specific aspects and contents of the mobilization of Protestant people in the Central Highlands These factors have a close relationship, interacting with each other, directly deciding on the quality and efficiency of completing the contents of implementation in each identified situation Thus, the implementation of this solution is urgent and fundamental, and needs to be fostered during the process of local soldiers participating in the mobilization Protestants in the Central Highlands Of which, it is vital to implement some of the following points: improving the knowledge level for the local soldiers in language, psychological and cultural characteristics of the Protestant people in the area; fostering and training in mobilizing Protestant people for local army cadres and soldiers; implementing the process of training, fostering, 21 arranging and employing officials and soldiers to participate in mobilizing Protestant people 4.2 Synchronously implement the contents and apply flexibly the forms and methods of the local soldiers in mobilizing the Protestant people in the current Central Highlands 4.2.1 Implement synchronously the contents of the local soldiers to participate in mobilizing the Protestant people This is considered as a basic and important solution, stemming from the impacts of the socio-economic situation in the area, the internal development from Protestantism itself as well as the requirement to maintain the security socio-economic development in the Central Highlands today On that basis, it is essential to attach importance to good implementation of a number of key issues, including: improving the quality of advising to local committees and authorities on guidelines and measures of leadership, directing the mobilization of the Protestants in the right direction; promoting propaganda and mobilization of the Protestant people to implement the Party's lines and undertakings, the State's laws and policies and raising the revolutionary cautiousness; building political bases for people with strong Protestantism; promoting the core role in preventing and fighting against the hostile forces’ conspiracies and tricks 4.2.2 Apply flexibly the forms and methods of the local soldiers to participate in mobilizing the Protestants In order to bring into full play the role of local soldiers to participate in mobilizing Protestant people in the Central Highlands today, it is urgent to apply flexibly various methods In particular, it is necessary to pay attention to the forms such as: outdoor marching to public mobilization work; exchange, bond; appointing teams, working teams to increase staff for the grassroots level; taking advantage of the consent and support of reputable people, especially dignitaries and ministries of Protestantism; propaganda and campaign activities at the unit; through participating in solving "hot spots" about political security in the area For specific activities: outdoor marching to public mobilization work; relationship exchange; sending teams and working teams to strengthen the grassroots level; taking advantage of the agreement and support of Protestant dignitaries and ministries; participate in handling "hot 22 spots" of security and order related to religious issues in general, Protestantism in particular 4.3 Complete coordination mechanisms and remuneration policies and promoting the activeness of the local soldiers in mobilizing the Protestant people in the Central Highlands 4.3.1 Complete coordination mechanism and remuneration policy for local soldiers in mobilizing Protestant people in the Central Highlands The reality of the socio-economic situation in the Central Highlands over the past years as well as today shows that the mobilization of Protestant people is always an urgent issue, it is difficult, complicated and sensitive with the participation of many organizations, forces, the whole political system in the area Thus, there should be a legal mechanism, responsibilities, duties and powers as well as a policy of care to encourage and motivate the responsibility of the organizations and forces participating in this activity in general, of the local soldiers in particular In order to perfect the coordination mechanism and remuneration policies for local soldiers to participate in mobilizing Protestant people in the Central Highlands today, the following points should be implemented: analysing the positions, functions and duties of organizations and forces in mobilizing Protestant people; perfecting the payroll organization in terms of structure, quantity as well as the management mechanism of groups and working teams when attached, strengthening political establishments to participate in mobilizing Protestant people; ensuring material foundations and paying attention to the implementation of a reasonable remuneration policy for local soldiers to participate in mobilizing the Protestants 4.3.2 Promote the activeness of the local soldiers in mobilizing the Protestants All measures to promote the role of local soldiers to participate in mobilizing Protestant people in the Central Highlands will only achieve the desired results when each officer or soldier truly raises their awareness and responsibility in receiving and transforming the impact of leading, commanding and supervising their related subjects This process requires awareness and thorough handling of some main areas: building the right purpose, motivation, sense, responsibility for 23 local army officers and soldiers in participating in mobilizing the Protestants; raising the spirit of initiative and self-study to improve the qualifications of all facets of local army cadres and soldiers to meet the requirements of mobilizing the Protestants; promoting the flexibility and creativity of local army cadres and soldiers in settling the issues when mobilizing the Protestants Conclusion chapter It is essential to focus on synchronous implementation of solutions so that for the local soldiers can promote their role in the mobilization of Protestant people in the Central Highlands: raising awareness, responsibility and capacity to participate in mobilizing Protestant people for local soldiers; implementing synchronously the contents and applying flexibly the forms and methods of the local soldiers to participate in mobilizing the Protestant people; perfecting mechanisms and policies and promoting the activeness of local army cadres and soldiers to participate in mobilizing the Protestants These solutions are unified, with reciprocal relationships, closely attached to each other, as a premise and conditions for each other Thus, the implementation process should be conducted synchronously, without absolute or underestimating any solutions Simultaneously, it is important to grasp the movement and change of the practical situation to adjust and supplement appropriate and effective solutions CONCLUSION The participation of the local soldiers in mobilizing the Protestants in the Central Highlands is an important political task, stemming from the practical need to ensure political stability for socio-economic development in the locality and from the local soldiers’ functions and duties It is natural and traditional of the army to perform this work - a new type of army, of the people, by the people, for the people, as well as highlighting the noble qualities of Uncle Ho's soldiers in the new situation The local soldiers’ role to participate in mobilizing Protestant people in the Central Highlands is always influenced by several many factors, both objective and subjective Of which, the basic factors are: leadership and direction of the party committee, party organization, command and government at all levels; functions and duties of the Army, local army and objectives, requirements to protect the 24 Fatherland in the new situation; practical qualifications and capacities for mass mobilization of the local soldiers; and socio-economic conditions in the Central Highlands In the past recent years, it is under the leadership, direction and guidance of the commissars and leaders at all levels; the support of the party committees and local authorities; The coordination and working co-ordination of organizations, forces and people's unions in the area as well as the high efforts of each local cadres, soldiers, and soldiers have shown their role quite well in the work of mobilizing the Protestant people As a result, important and practical results have been achieved, contributing to raising awareness, strengthening confidence, supporting Protestant people to develop production, fighting to defeat the hostile forces’ plots and tricks However, the implementation process reveals several limitations and shortcomings need overcoming To promote the role of the local soldiers to participate in mobilizing Protestant people in the current Central Highlands, it is necessary to thoroughly grasp and implement synchronously many specific solutions In particular, it is necessary to focus on solutions such as: raising awareness and practical capacity in mobilizing Protestant people for the local soldiers; renewing the content, form and method to participate in mobilizing people with Protestantism; perfecting mechanisms and policies and promoting the activeness of the local soldiers to participate in mobilizing the Protestants In the internal movement of Protestantism itself in the Central Highlands as well as the hostile forces’ intrigue and tricks, it poses high demands on the process of participating in the mobilization of Protestant compatriots of the local soldiers, in order to gather, educate and organize the Protestants to successfully carry out the revolutionary tasks This is seen as a difficult and complex task that needs to be thoroughly studied in both theory and practice ... subjects implementing the mobilization of the Protestant people in the Central Highlands include: leading subjects; subjects 10 managing, directing, guiding and subjects participating in the implementation... locality The subjects managing, directing and guiding the mobilization of Protestant people in the Central Highlands are the People's Committees and Religious Committees of the provinces in the Central... cadres, party members and forces participating in the campaign; using the prestige and influence of the contingent of dignitaries, jobs, monks and fighting against the hostile forces’ plots and

Ngày đăng: 03/11/2020, 08:35



