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English Syllabus: 8 - 1 – Period: 1 THE TEST AT THE BEGINNING OF THE SCHOOLYEAR I. Underline the best answer to complete sentence. 1. Minh drinks ………milk than Nam. (fewer/less /some/any) 2. Last night, she ……….TV until 11.00. (talked/played/watched/ate) 3. He …… his face every morning. (wash/washes/have/has) 4. Lan ………to HaLong Bay last weekend.(get/go/went/gotten) II. Give the correct form of verbs in brackets. 1. She (brush) …………her teeth twice a day. 2. Cuc (tidy) ………….her room yesterday afternoon. 3. In 10 days, we (travel) ……… to china. 4. They (speak) …………to Liz five minutes ago. III. Re-write the sentences with its meaning as sentences provided, using cue words. 1. How tall are you? What ………………………… 2. Let’s go to see a movie tonight. Why don’t ……………………. 3. Ba finished making this box in 3 hours. Ba took …………………………… 4. What is the distance between Hanoi and Danang? How far ………………………………………… 5. Which place does she live in? Where ………………………………………… IV. Read the paSsage, then answer the question below. THE FRIENDSHIP On Hoa’s birthday, Ba gave her a present which he made it himself yesterday. That’s a pencil box. When Hoa received this gift, she felt very happy.Ba made this pencil box from a piece of wood. His father has all the tools. He just borrowed them and his father helped him. He cut flowers into the lit for Ba. That part is quite dangerous. You need to use a sharp knife. Hoa said: “what a nice box! And thank you.” Then she asked: “How long does it take to make it?” Ba answered: “only two hours.” Next, Hoa said: “you are very patient.” Ba replied: “ I gueSs I like doing wood work. It is my favorite hobby.” 6. What did Ba give Hoa on her birthday? …………………………………………………………… 7. Did he buy it? …………………………………………………………… 8. When did he make it? ……………………………………………………………. 9. How long did it take Ba to make the box? ……………………………………………………………. 10.What is Ba’s hobby? ……………………………………………………………. Teacher: Đặng Hoàng Huy – Nguyễn Du Secondary School Week: 1 Date to prepare: 22/08/2010 Date to teach: 23/08/2010 English Syllabus: 8 - 2 – Period: 2 UNIT 1: MY FRIENDS LeSson 1: Getting started & Listen and read I. Objectives: After finishing this leSson, Ss’ll be able to describe people’s appearance and their characters. II. Language contents: 1. Vocabulary: seem. Receive, photograph, enough, smile, claSsmate. 2. Grammar: The adjective pattern III. Techniques: Pair work, rub out & remember IV. Teaching aids: Pictures, syllabus, caSsette player, tape, sub-board PROCEDURES Time Teacher-Student’s Activities Contents 5’ Warm-up + Ss have 2 minutes to describe these groups of friends and their favorite activities. Work in groups The sample questions: o What are these children doing? o Where are they? o Are they all boy? o What time of the day do you think it is? + T calls some to do. 5’ Lead-in + T leads in the new leSson with some questions: o Do you have any friends faraway? o Where does she/he live? o How do you keep in touch? + Ss answer the questions above. + T says: “Today, we’ll study a dialogue between Lan and Hoa to find out what they are talking about.” 10’ Presentation + T teaches words after Ss listen to the dialogue. + Techniques: o Cue-gueSs-read-repeat-write o Call some to read the word learned. + Rub out and remember to check 1. Vocabulary o Seem (v) look/appear o Receive (v) nhận (mine) o Photograph (n) (realia) o Enough (v) Đủ o Smile (n) Nụ cười (mine) Teacher: Đặng Hoàng Huy – Nguyễn Du Secondary School Week: 1 Date to prepare: 24/08/2010 Date to teach: 25/08/2010 English Syllabus: 8 - 3 – + T introduces structures with an example. + T asks Ss to read the structure again and give some others. 2. Adjective pattern Example: She isn’t old enough to ride a motorbike. Form: S + Be + Adj + enough + to-verb Meaning: enough = đủ He isn’t strong enough to lift this box. 15’ Practice + Ss listen to he tape once more, then practice the dialogue in pairs. + Call some to do. + T corrects the faults of pronunciation. + Ss work in groups to read the dialogue again to choose True/False: a) Today, Hoa didn’t receive any letters from her friend, Nien. b) Lan doesn’t know Hoa’s friend. c) Hoa is beautiful and she has a lovely smile. d) Hoa is 13 years old. + Feedback + Ss continue to work in pairs to ask and answer the questions in books – P.11 + Call pairs to practice, then write answers on the board. + Feedback. Answers: a) F b) T c) T d) F Answers a) She lives in Hue b) No. She doesn’t know her. c) “She wasn’t old enough to be in my claSs.” d) She’s going to visit Hoa at Christmas. 9’ Production + Ss discuSs and talk about their friends (appearance and character) + Call some to do + The claSs listen and comment 1’ Homework + Practice the dialogue + Prepare “Speak & Listen” + Make 6 sentences with (enough + to-verb) Teacher: Đặng Hoàng Huy – Nguyễn Du Secondary School English Syllabus: 8 - 4 – Period: 3 UNIT 1: MY FRIENDS LeSson 2: Speak & Listen I. Objectives: After finishing this leSson, Ss’ll be able to listen to identify characters in the pictures. II. Language contents: 1. Vocabulary: slim, straight, curly, bald, blond, fair. 2. Grammar: What + do/does + S + look like? S + be + Adj III. Techniques: Pair work, what & where, gap-fill IV. Teaching aids: Pictures, syllabus, caSsette player, tape, sub-board PROCEDURES Time Teacher-Student’s Activities Contents 3’ Check-up + Ss write words and make sentences with “enough”. + T comments and marks. 2’ Lead-in + T says, Ss listens. “In daily life, we always have to communicate with other people. Thus, it is important to know the adjs & structures to describe one’s appearance. Today we will deal with this matter” 7’ Pre-speaking + T elicits words from Ss + T models, ask Ss to read in chorus, individually and give meaning + Check understanding: Ro + R + T shows pictures of some people- asking some questions. What are they? What are they like/What do they look like? Describe their hair and appearance ;Using structures: S + have/has + adj + hair S + be + adj 1. Vocabulary o Curly (adj), explanation: xoăn, quăn o Blond (adj), translation: vàng óng, vàng hoe o Beard (n) , example: râu o Moustache (n), translation: ria o Bald (adj), picture : hói đầu o Fair (adj), antonym: trắng(da) vàng nhạt (tóc) 10’ While-speaking + T asks students to complete the network of adjectives. + T tells Ss that they will learn more adj to describe people. +T calls some Ss (having the physical features similar to those given in the boxes) to the front of the claSs Example Hoa: This person is short & thin. She has long blond hair. Lan : Is this Mary? Hoa : Yes. Teacher: Đặng Hoàng Huy – Nguyễn Du Secondary School Week: 1 Date to prepare: ……./…./ ……… Date to teach: …… /… /………. Week: 1 Date to prepare: 27/08/2010 Date to teach: 28/08/2010 English Syllabus: 8 - 5 – + T asks Ss to look at 6 pictures in the text book and call on a student to use the adjs given in the boxes & the verb HAVE to describe one person, the others have to gueSs who he / she is + Go on until six people on the poster are described. 4’ Post-speaking + T shows 3 or 4 pictures of famous people. Some pairs of Ss practice the dialogue with these pictures or T asks Ss to show the photos they brought to claSs. 4’ Pre-listening + T reviews the expreSsions for greetings- explaining when to use them. + Ss read these expreSsions (p. 12) + Ss read the 4 conversations (pp. 12-13) and try to gueSs and complete four dialogues, using the given expreSsions. + T asks Ss to get ready to listen to the tape and check if their answers(words in the blanks) are correct. 7’ While-speaking + Ss listen to the tape (all 4 conversations). (twice) + Ss listen again with a pause after each conversation. + Ask Ss to work in pairs to compare with their predictions + T gives the correct answer + Tape script in Teacher’s book Key: 1. I’d like to meet you 2. nice to meet you 3. I’d like to meet you 4. It’s pleasure to meet you 5. come and meet 6. how do you do 7’ Post-listening + Call on some Ss to play the roles of Nam- Hoa - Thu, Khai-Mrs Lien, Mrs Vi, Ba, grandmother, Mr. LAm- Mrs. Linh, Mr. Thanh and practice the dialogues + Ss work in groups of 3 or 4 and practice introducing to people. + T monitors takes notes and correct their pronunciation and grammar mistakes 1’ Homework + Practice describing people + Prepare new leSson. Teacher: Đặng Hoàng Huy – Nguyễn Du Secondary School English Syllabus: 8 - 6 – Period: 4 UNIT 1: MY FRIENDS LeSson 3: Read I. Objectives: By the end of the leSson ,Ss will be able to understand the vocabulary, the content of the text and know more about Ba’s friend. II. Language contents: 1. Vocabulary: sociable, character, generous, hard-working, reserved, orphanage, outgoing, sense of humor. 2. Grammar: What + do/does + S + look like? S + be + Adj III. Techniques: Pair work, rub out & remember, T/F prediction IV. Teaching aids: textbook, syllabus, sub-board PROCEDURES Time Teacher-Student’s Activities Contents 3’ Check-up + Ask one Ss to describe a famous person & the rest gueSs + T comments and marks 2’ Lead-in + T says: Today , you’re going to read a text about Ba’s friends. What are their characters? Now we will deal with this matter. + Ss listen. 11’ Pre-reading + Pre-teach words. + Techniques: situation, antonym, antonym, translation, example explanation antonym explanation, example + T elicits words from Ss + T models, ask Ss to read in chorus, individually and give meaning + Check understanding: Ro + R + T sets the scene. + T asks questions about Ss’ friends: do you have many friends? What are they like? What do they like doing in their free time? + Ask Ss to look at the statements which are about Ba and his friends and ask them to gueSs which sentences are true or false: + T/F predictions: a) Ba only has three friends – Bao, Song and Khai b) Ba & his friends have the same 1. Vocabulary o Sociable (adj):chan hoà,dễ gần o Generous (adj),: hào phóng o hard-working(adj): chăm chỉ o reserved (adj):kín đáo o orphanage (n): trại trẻ mồ côi o outgoing (adj): dễ tính ,cởi mở o the sense of humor:có khiếu hài hước. o character (n): tính nết, tính cách Teacher: Đặng Hoàng Huy – Nguyễn Du Secondary School Week: 2 Date to prepare: 29/08/2010 Date to teach: 30/08/2010 English Syllabus: 8 - 7 – characters c) Bao-Song –Khai are quite reserved in public d) They all enjoy school and study hard. 17’ While-reading + Ask Ss to open the textbook , read the text silently and check their predictions + T gives the correct answers + Ask Ss to read the text and complete the information about Ba and his friends. + Ss work in group of four + T monitors, takes notes and give the correct answers. + Ask Ss to work in pairs to do the exercises 1 (page 14). + T monitors, takes notes and give the correct answers + Ask Ss to work in pairs, ask and answer about the Qs in exercise 2 (p14). + T monitors, takes notes and give the correct answers Answers: a.F b.F c. F d.T Answers Name Characters Activities Ba -not as outgoing as Bao -with a sense of humor -telling jokes Bao -sociable, kind, generous, hard-working -doing volunteer work Khai - reserved in public -playing soccer Song -reserved in public -going to the local library Answers: a-A, b-C, c-B, d-D Answers: a) Ba feels lucky. b)Bao is the most sociable. c) Khai likes reading. d)His jokes annoy his friends e) Bao spends his free time at a local orphanage. 11’ Post-reading + Ss work in groups to describe one of the friends. + T calls on some to do in claSs + Some listen and give ideas + T comments 1’ Homework + Describe a friend or a member in family. + Prepare “Write”. Teacher: Đặng Hoàng Huy – Nguyễn Du Secondary School English Syllabus: 8 - 8 – Period: 5 UNIT 1: MY FRIENDS LeSson 4: Write I. Objectives: By the end of the leSson,Ss will be able to write a paragraph to describe about themselves and about other people. II. Language contents: 1. Vocabulary: Review 2. Grammar: What + do/does + S + look like? S + be + Adj III. Techniques: Individual work, network, pair work, guiding questions IV. Teaching aids: Word cards, leSson plan, teacher’s book PROCEDURES Time Teacher-Student’s Activities Contents 3’ Check-up + Have one Ss to rewrite vocabulary. + Ask one Ss to retell the content of the text 2’ Lead-in + T says: You know how to describe people . Today we’ll learn how to write a paragraph about yourself and about your friends in formal writing 11’ Pre-writing + Have ps write adjs about characters of a person. + Ask Ss to read the information about Tam then answer some questions. + Have them work in pairs. + Call some pairs to practice in front of the claSs. + Ask Ss if they understand the text or not Networks Read the information about Tam. a) P1. What his name? P2. His name is Le Van Tam. b) P1.How old is he? P2. He is fourteen. c) P1. What does he look like? P2. He is tall and thin. He has short black hair. d) P1. What is he like? P2. He is sociable, humorous and helpful. e) P1. Where does he live? P2. He lives at 26 Tran Hung Dao street. f) P1. Whom does he live with? P2. He lives with his mother, father and elder brother. g) P1. Who is his friend? P2. Ba and Bao Teacher: Đặng Hoàng Huy – Nguyễn Du Secondary School Week: 2 Date to prepare: 31/08/2010 Date to teach: 01/09/2010 Adj of character English Syllabus: 8 - 9 – 17’ While-writing + Ask Ss to write a similar form for their partners. Use the following questions as prompts. a) What is his/her name? b) How old is he/she? c) What does he/she look like? d) What is he/she like? e) Where does he/she live? f) Who does he/she live with? g) Who is/ are his/her friend(s)? + Call some Ss to ask and answer these questions in front of the claSs. + Have Ss write a paragraph about one of their partners using the form they’ve made above.( groups of five) Fill in similar form for your partner. Name: . Appearance: Character: AddreSs: Family: Friends: Age: . Sample This is my friend. His/her name is and he/she is . years old/ He/she at in with his/her , his/her parents and his/her . sister, . . He/she is . and . He/she has black hair. He/she is rather shy but friendly and helpful. He/she has a lot of friends but his/her close friends are . and 11’ Post-writing + Ask the tutors to write on the board. + Ask other students to give their remarks. + T monitors, takes notes and give the correct answers 1’ Homework + Have Ss write a similar paragraph about one of their family members. + Prepare unit 1: Language focus Teacher: Đặng Hoàng Huy – Nguyễn Du Secondary School English Syllabus: 8 - 10 – Period: 6 UNIT 1: MY FRIENDS Lesson 5: Language focus I. Objectives: By the end of the leSson ,Ss will be able to use simple tense to talk about general truths & using the structure: (not) adj + enough to talk about one’s abilities. II. Language contents: 1. Vocabulary: Review 2. Grammar: Present simple to talk about the general truth “(not) adj + enough + to infinitive” to talk about one’s abilities III. Techniques: Individual work, network, pair work, guiding questions IV. Teaching aids: Word cards, leSson plan, teacher’s book PROCEDURES Time Teacher-Student’s Activities Contents 2’ Warm-up + Ss give some adjectives learned + T comments o Big o Old o Strong o Good o Tall o clever 15’ Practice 1 + Elicit form from Ss + Elicit use from Ss + Elicit form from Ss + Elicit use from Ss + Ask Ss to do exercise 1,2 ( p16) + T monitors, takes notes & give the correct answers I. Present simple and past simple tenses Form: (+) S + Vs / Ves /Vies / bare V (-) S + don’t / doesn’t + bare V (?) Do / Does + S + bare V? Yes, S + do / does No, S + don’t / doesn’t → It is used to expreSs an action which is always true. Form: (+) S + V-ed / irregular verbs (-) S + didn’t + bare V (?) Did + S + bare V? Yes, S + did No, S + didn’t → It expreSses an action which happened & completed in the past. Exercise 1 (page16) Keys: a, 1- is living, 2- sent, 3- was, 4- is. b, 1- are, 2- came, 3- showed, 4- introduced. Exercise2 (page16). Keys : 1.sets, 2. goes, 3.moves, 4.is, 5. is, 6.is. Teacher: Đặng Hoàng Huy – Nguyễn Du Secondary School Week: 2 Date to prepare: 03/09/2010 Date to teach: 04/09/2010 [...]... leSson + Guides Ss how to do + Asks Ss to read and do in silence (2') While-speaking + Asks Ss to come to the board and put the sentences in order + Correct mistakes Answers ( 1- b, 2-f, 3-j, 4-a, 5-I, 6-c, 7-e, 8- k, 9-g, 10 -h, 11 -d ) + Work in pair (2 pairs of Ss read the dialogue) + Introduces + Asks Ss to read open - dialogue 10 ’ Guides Ss how to complete 3 difficult sentences Bao: May I speak to... Huy – Nguyễn Du Secondary School English Syllabus: 8 1 - 16 – + prepare next leSson Week: 3 Date to prepare: 10 /09/2 010 Date to teach: 11 /10 /2 010 Period: 9 UNIT 2: MAKING ARRANGEMENT LeSson 3: Read I Objectives: By the end of the leSson Ss can understand the content of the leSson about Alexander and his invention II Language contents: 1 Vocabulary:Deaf- mutes , experimenting , transmitting , aSsistant... to pick someone up 10 ’ + Check with rub out and remember + Ask Ss to read the meSsage in section 1and fill in the gaps in the paSsage P 23 + Call some Ss give answers + Listen and repair mistakes Answers: 1) phoned ; 2) May 12 ; 3) speak 4) took ; 5) name ; 6) delivery Teacher: Đặng Hoàng Huy – Nguyễn Du Secondary School English Syllabus: 8 - 19 – 7) Mr Ha ; 8) At 15 ’ 10 ’ 3’ 1 While-writing + Ask Ss... Give form of future plans again 10 ’ + Ss do exercise 1 Give intentions with be going to for situations below + Calls some to give answers on the board + T and the whole claSs correct if neceSsary ExpreSsing a plan in near future - S + be + V-ing + O - S+ be not + V-ing +O - Be + S + V-ing +O? - S + be going to + V(bareinf) + (0) - S + be (not) going to + V(bareinf) + (0) - Be + S + going to + V(bareinf)... English Syllabus: 8 - 34 – Because had to do her chores 9’ 1 Production + Ss write some sentences with cue words and use reflexive pronouns: a) You / do / homework b) He / fix / washing machine c) Mary / cook / dinner +Feedback Homework + Ss make 10 sentences o 5 ones with modal verbs o 5 ones with reflexive pronouns Week: 6 Date to prepare: 01/ 10/2 010 Date to teach: 02 /10 /2 010 Period: 18 REVISION TO... Nguyễn Du Secondary School English Syllabus: 8 Week: 4 Period: 12 - 22 – Date to prepare: 17 /09/2 010 Date to teach: 18 / 09/2 010 UNIT 3: AT HOME LeSson 1: Getting started & Listen and read I Objectives: By the end of the leSson, Ss will be able to talk about the chores they often do at home and use modal verbs to talk about the housework II Language contents: 1 Vocabulary: Steamer, chore, sauce pan, frying... is 10 .30 ok? S: I’m sorry The principal will have a school visit at 10 .30 what about 9.45? W: 9.45? let me see Yes, it’s alright S: what’s your name, please? W: My name’s Mary Nguyen S: is that N-G-U-Y-E-N? W: yes, that’s right Mrs Nguyen S: and your addreSs, please? W: number 23, 51st Street My telephone number is 64 683 720942 S: thank you, Mrs Nguyen W: thank you very much Goodbye S: Goodbye Post-listening... School English Syllabus: 8 - 36 – Eg: Your eyes are weak You have to wear glaSses o Ought to : expreSses an advice Eg: We ought to obey our parents OUGHT TO = SHOULD + T asks Ss to make some sentences by using modal verbs just learned 1 Homework + Ss learn the old leSson carefully to prepare the test 45’ Week: 7 Period: 19 Date to prepare: 01/ 10/2 010 Date to teach: 04 /10 /2 010 FIRST 45-MINUTE TEST I Choose... English Syllabus: 8 Week: 3 Period: 8 - 14 – Date to prepare: 07/09/2 010 Date to teach: 08/ 09/2 010 UNIT 2: MAKING ARRANGEMENT LeSson 2: Speak & listen I Objectives: By the end of the leSson ,Ss will be able to know how to call and answer the phone II Language contents: 1 Vocabulary: Revision 2 Grammar: Would you like to + V? Let’s+v Can I speak to Hoa, Please? III Techniques: Role-play, Pair work,... pick you up at 1. 30 Taken by: Lisa Consolidation + T repeats a form of meSsage : Date :…… Time :……… For………………… MeSsage:…………… taken by: ………… Homework + Do the exercise 5 in workbook + Prepare the next leSson : talk about their Teacher: Đặng Hoàng Huy – Nguyễn Du Secondary School English Syllabus: 8 - 20 – intentions Week: 4 Date to prepare: 14 /09/2 010 Date to teach :15 /09/2 010 Period: 11 UNIT 2: MAKING . past. Exercise 1 (page16) Keys: a, 1- is living, 2- sent, 3- was, 4- is. b, 1- are, 2- came, 3- showed, 4- introduced. Exercise2 (page16). Keys : 1. sets, 2 complete . + Corrects mistakes. Answers ( 1- b, 2-f, 3-j, 4-a, 5-I, 6-c, 7-e, 8- k, 9-g, 10 -h, 11 -d ) Bao: May I speak to Ba, please? This is Bao. Bao: I’m

Ngày đăng: 20/10/2013, 04:11



