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Preparation: 5/1/2010 Teaching (8A+8B): 7/1/2010 Period 55 UNIT 9 A FIRST–AID COURSE Lesson 1 Getting started + listen and read ( P.80,81) I. Ojective By the end of the lesson, Sts will be able to know what they would do in the situation which require first – aid. II. Teaching aids : Text book and picture III. Procedures 1. Organization 8A: 8B: 2. Check – up : No 3. New lesson Teacher's and Students' activities Content * Warm up - Ask sts to look at the things are often used for first – aid and asks sts some questions to ilicit vocabulary. - T reads, students repeat (choral, individual). - Checing vocabulary ( What and where ) - Ask sts to discuss what they would do in these situations which require first – aid ( PW ) T – S ; S - S - Teacher checks some pairs. I. Getting started * Vocabulary - emergency room: phòng cấp cứu - medicated oil : dâù cao - sterile dressing : băng vô trùng - ice : nước đḠ- water pack : túi nước - alcohol : cồn - ease (v) : làm giảm đau - nose bleed (n) : chảy máu mũi - bee sting (n) : ong đốt * Discussion Ex: S1: a girl has a burn on her arm S2: I’ll use cold water to ease the pain and then take her to the hospital if necessary. S1: A girl has a nose bleed S2: I’ll leave her lying flat and stuff her nose with cotton-wood to stop bleeding. S1: A boy has a bad cut on his leg. S2: I’ll wash the cut with bactericile. Then I’ll bandage the cut to stanch it. 1 * Presentation - Teacher introduces the dialogue using the situation in real life. - Students observe. - T introduces some vocabulary. Students take note and write them into the note book. Teacher reads. Students repeat. - Checking vocabulary ( Rub out and Remember) * Practice -T reads, Sts listen and repeat. - Sts work in pairs. - T checks some pairs. - T asks students to work in groups and select the topics in the dialogue. - Students give the answers. - T remarks and gives the answer key. * Production -T asks some questions: a) What happened with the girl at quang Trung school b) Did she have a bad cut her head? c) Is it bleeding quite badly? d) How does the nurse give first-aid instructions? II. Listen and repeat * Vocabulary - emergency (n) : ca cấp cứu - bleed (v) : chảy máu - conscious ( adj) : trong tình trạng tỉnh táo - wound (n) : vết thương - ambulance (n) : xe cứu thương - promise (n) : lời hứa 1. Practice the dialogue with a partner 2. Select the topics covered in the dialogue * Answer key a) b) c) e) f) • Comprehension questions a)She fell off her bike and hit her head on the road ) b) Yes, she did. c)Yes, it is . d) Use a towel or a handkerchief to cover the wound. Then put pressure on it. Hold it tight. 4. Consolidaton : Summarize the content of the lesson. 5. Homework : - Learn new words. Practce the dialogue. - Prepare : Speak + Liten ( P.81,82 ) IV. Evalution ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2 Preparation: 7/ 1/ 2010 Teaching 8A: 8/ 1/ 2010 8B: 9/ 1/ 2010 Period 56 UNIT 9 A FIRST- AID COURSE Lesson 2 Speak + Listen (P.81,82) I. Ojective By the end of the lesson, Sts will be able to make and respond to requests, offer and promises and listen to a tape to get information. II. Teaching aids : Text book and picture III. Procedures 1. Organization 8A: 8B: 2. Check – up : Call on one student to read the dialogue P.80 3. New lesson Teacher's and Students' activities Content * Warm up ( Revizion ) - T asks : Which stuations require first-aid? ( Have a bee sting, a snake bite,a nose bleed, a burn, a cut, a bad fever). * Pre- speaking - T explains the phrase words to talk about the request, offer, promise and repond. - T reads,students listen and repeat. * While- Speaking - Teacher introduces the pictures. and asks Ss : What happens with the girl/ boy in pictures a)- e) Answer a) The girl has a bad cut on her arm. b) The boy has a headache. c) The boy has a snake bit. d) The girl has a bad fever. e) The boy has just broken the vase. - T asks students to practice in pairs T-S, S-S I. Speak 1. Phrases to request, promíe,offer, and respond (P.81) 2. Picture drill b)Sister:Can I get you some medicine? 3 - T checks some pairs and corrects if students make mistake. * Post- speaking -T gives the situations in real life and asks Ss to practice in pairs - T checks 2 pairs * Pre- litening - Asks Ss to match the letter A, B, C, D,E, or F to the correct words in the box and give the meaning. * While – litening - T asks Ss to liten to the tape and put them in the correct order as they here. - Ss works in pairs then give answers - T corrects * Post – listening - Let Ss write the story - Give feedback Boy: Yes, please. c) A: Can I get you some bandage? B: Yes, please/That would be nice d) Daughter: You must have a fever. Would you like some medicine? Mother: Yes, please. e) Boy: I promise I won’t play soccer in the houe again. Mother: I hope so. * Situations - Lan has a bee sting - Minh has a headache II. Listen 1. Matching A. ambulance : xe cứu thương B. wheelchair : ghế đẩy C. crutch(es) : cái nạng D. eye chart : bảng đo thị lực E. scale : cái cân F. stretcher : cái cáng 2. Ordering 1 – F 4 – D 2 – B 5 – E 3 – A 6 – C 3. Write it up There is an emergency in a large hospital. A paramedic is wheeling apatient on a strecher in to the emergency room where a doctor is waiting to treat the patient… 4. Consolidation: Summarize the content of the leson. 5. Homework: - Repractice section speak, learn new words. - Prepare: Read ( P.83,84 ) IV. Evalution …………………………………………………………………………………… 4 Preparation: 10/ 1/ 2010 Teaching 8A: 11/ 1/ 2010 8B: 11/ 1/ 2010 Period 57 UNIT 9 A FIRST- AID COURSE Lesson 3 Read (P.83,84) I. Ojective By the end of the lesson, Sts will be able to understand the cases for the treatments. II. Teaching aids : Text book, pictrure and poster III. Procedure 1. Organization 8A: 8B: 2. Check – up : Call on two students to give requests, offers and responds in the situations: a) The girl has a bad cut on her arm. b) The boy has a headache 3. New lesson Teacher's and Students' activities Content * Warm up : Networks * Pre-reading - T intrduces the topic of the lesson by showing the pictures and asks Ss: + What was wrong with the man? + What would you do in this case? + What will you do before taking them to the hospital? + What will you do in these cases? - Ask Ss to work in groups of 4 - Give feedback - T presents vocabulary * Discussion * Vocabulary - fainting (n) : cơn ngất xỉu - shock (n) : cú sốc, choáng - burn (n) : bỏng 5 Burn bad cut Use alcohol cold water Use ice bag - T reads vocabulary,students repeat. - Checking vocabulary “ What and Where” * While- reading - T asks Ss to read the text. - T ask Ss to choose the correct case for each of the following treaments. T-C; S-S-S - Students give the answer. - T remarks and gives the answer key. * Post – reading - T gives these things are used for the first-aids and asks: “ In which cases are these things used for the first aids?” - Ask Ss to discuss in groups of 4 - Give feedback - T gives these cases are needed first- aids and asks Ss to write what will they do. - Give feedback. - lie flat (v) : nằm thẳng - elevate (v) : nâng cao - lower (v) : hạ thấp - overheat (v) : làm quá nóng - ease (v) : giảm đau, làm dễ chịu - revive (v) : tỉnh lại - minimize (v): giảm đến mức tối thiểu - victim (n) : nạn nhân - blanket (n) : chăn len - immediately (adv): lập tức - tissue damage : sự tổn hại mô * Choose the correct case for each of the following treaments. Answer key A. Fainting : a , b , e B. Shock : b C. Burns : d * Discussion Ex T: In which cases are these things used for the first aids? A towel/ A handkerchief Cotton balls/ A bandage S: The bleeding T: What will you use when your friend has the bleeding? S: I will use a towel, a handkerchief and a bandage. * Writing Ex: - A boy has a bad cut on his arm. - A girl has aburn on her leg. 4. Consolidation : Summarize the content of the lesson 5. Homework: - Study vocabulary, do language focus 1 page 86 - Prepare : Write ( P.84,85 ) IV. Evalution ……………………………………………………………………………………. 6 Preparation: 13/ 1/ 2010 Teaching - 8A: 14/ 1/ 2010 - 8B: 14/ 1/ 2010 Period 58 UNIT 9 A FIRST- AID COURSE Lesson 4 Write (P.84,85) I. Ojective By the end of the lesson, Sts will be able to know how to write a thank- you note. Use the future simple tense. II. Teaching aids : Text book and poster III. Procedure 1. Organization 8A: 8B: 2. Check – up : Call on three students to answer the questions. a) What will you do when your friend has a fainting? b) What will you do when your friend has a shock? c) What will you do when your friend has a burn? 3. New lesson Teacher's and Students' activities Content * Warm up : Shark attack - - - / - - - - = lie flat - - - - - - - = elevate - - - - - = lower - - - - - - = victim - T asks Ss to write the words * Pre- writing - T presents the letter to Hoa and some new words. - T read, Ss listen and repeat - T asks sts to read the letter and coplete it. * Vocabulary - Thank (someone) for (something) : Cảm ơn ai về điều gì Ex: Thank you for the flowers you sent me. - Cheer someone up = make (someone)feel happier:Làm cho ai vui - Come over: đến thăm - Contact: liên hệ 1. Complete the thank-you note Nga sent to Hoa after she left the hospital. Use the correct tense forms of the verbs in brackets. 7 T- C; S- S. - Students give the answers. - T remarks and gives the answer key. - T asks students read aloud the letter. * While- writing - T explains the questions in the text book. - Teacher asks students to work in groups and answer some questions. - Students give answers - Let Ss work in groups of 4 to write a thank-you note. - Teacher goes around the class and checks students. - T checks some groups’ writings - T corrects and gives the answer key. - Ss write it into the note book. * Post- writing - T asks students to write another letter. - Students work in pairs. - Teacher asks students to read aloud the letter before the class. - Teacher remarks and give marks. *Answer key (1) was (4) came (2) were (5) am (3) helped (6) will, phone 2. Write a thank- you note to a friend. Invite your friend to go on a picnic with you. Arrange to contact your friend. Use the following questions to guide your writing. Dear Lan Thank you very much for the book you sent me while I treated my disease at home. They were very interesting and helped me relax a lot. I loved reading them very much. Now I feel very sad. I want to go out to enjoy the fresh air. Do you want to go on a picnic with me this Sunday? If yes, I’ll come and pick you up. I’m looking forwards to hearing from you. Your friend Nga 3. Use the same format to write another letter to another friend for other occasions. 4. Consolidation: Summarize the content of the lesson 5. Homework - Write a letter to your friend - Prepare: Language focus IV. Evalution ……………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………… 8 Preparation: 14/ 1/ 2010 Teaching - 8A: 15/ 1/ 2010 - 8B: 16/ 1/ 2010 Period 59 UNIT 9 A FIRST- AID COURSE Lesson 5 Language focus (P.86-89) I. Ojective By the end of the lesson, Sts will be able to use in order to/ so as to to indicate purposes and make sentences use the future simple tense and modal will to make requests, offers and promisses. II. Teaching aids : Text book and pictures III. Procedure 1. Organization 8A: 8B: 2. Check – up : Call on a student to read out her/ his thank-you note. 3. New lesson Teacher's and Students' activities Content *Warm up ( Chatting ) - How are you ? - Will you open the window, please ? - What will you do in the next summer vacation ? * Presentation - T presents the phraces : In order to and so as to * Practice - Asks Ss to language focus 1 T – C ; S – S - Ss give answers, T remarks and give answer key. * Presentation - Teacher asks students to remind the future simple tense. 1. Math one part of a sentences from column A with another part in column B. Then write a complete sentence by using in order to/ so as to. - In order to để (chỉ mục đích ) - so as to Ex : 1 + f - I always keep the window open in order to/ so as to let fresh air in. *Answer : 2+c 3+b 4+e 5+a 6+d 2. Ba is talking to his mother about his aunt Mai. Complete the dialogue. Use the correct words or short form * The future simple tense 9 - T writes the structures on the board. - Ss write them into the note book. * Practice - Ss complete the dialogue (PW) - Ss give answer,Teacher remarks and gives the answer key. - T asks students to read the requests, offers, promises in speak page 81. - T asks Ss to do exercise. (PW) - Ss give answer. Teacher remarks and gives the answer key. - Teacher introduces the pictures in text book page 88 - Student take note. - T explains the words in the box. - Student observe. - T asks students to practice in pairs - Students do as request and practice before the class. - Teacher remarks and give marks. + S + will / shall + V-inf + O - S + Will / Shall + not + V-inf + O ? Will / Shall + S + V-inf + O ? Yes, S + will / shall No, S + won’t / shan’t *Answer key. 1) will 4) Shall 2) Will 5) will 3) won’t 6) ‘ll 3. Nga is helping her grandmother. Look at the pictures and complete the sentences. Use the words under each picture and will a) Will you open the window b) Will you give it c) Will you answer the phone d) Will you turn on the TV e) Will you pour a glass of water f) Will you get me a cushion 4. Work with a partner,look at the pictures. Make requests, offers or promises. Use the words in the box and will or shall. b) A : Will you paint the door, please B : Yes, of couse c) A : Will you study harder, please ? B : That would be nice d) A : Will you carry the bag for me ? B : OK e) A : Will you hang the washing, please ? B : All right f) A : Will you cut the grass, please ? B : Sure 4. Consolidation : Summarize thr content of the lesson 5. Home work : - Redo all the exercises . - Prepare: Unit 10- Getting started+ listen and read IV. Evalution : ………………………………………………………………… 10 [...]... Preparation: 21 / 2/ 20 10 Teaching - 8A: 22 / 2/ 20 10 - 8B: 22 / 2/ 20 10 Period 70 ÔN TẬP VÀ CỦNG CỐ I Ojective Further practice in passive form, structures: in order to/ so as to, adj+To- inf, adj+that- noun clause, model will to make requests, offer and pronisses, use mind in request and future simple II Teaching aids : Text book III Procedure 1 Organization 8A: 8B: 2 Check – up : No 3 New lesson Teacher and... 14 Preparation: 21 / 1/ 20 10 Teaching - 8A: 22 / 1/ 20 10 - 8B: 23 / 1/ 20 10 Period 62 UNIT 10 RECYCLING Read (P. 92, 93) Lesson 3 I Ojective By the end of the lesson, Sts will be able to understand more about recycling II Teaching aids : Text book and picture III Procedure 1 Organization 8A: 8B: 2 Check – up : A student reads the dialogue then answer the questions 3 New lesson Teacher's and Sts' activities... ………………………………………………………………………………… 23 Preparation: 31/ 1/ 20 10 Teaching - 8A: 1/ 2/ 20 10 - 8B: 1/ 2/ 20 10 Period 66 UNIT 11 TRAVELING AROUND VIET NAM Speak + Listen (P.100 - 1 02) Lesson 2 I Ojective By the end of the lesson, Sts will be able to make and respond to formal requests, usinh mind and suggestions and listen about positions and places of interest II Teaching aids : Text book and pictures III Procedure 1 Organization 8A: 8B:... …………………………………………………………………………………… 18 Preparation: 27 / 1/ 20 10 Teaching - 8A: 28 / 1/ 20 10 - 8B: 28 / 1/ 20 10 Period 64 UNIT 10 RECYCLING Language focus Lesson 5 ( P.95 - 97) I Ojective By the end of the lesson, Sts will be able to write the passive sentences, structures “ S + be + adj + that clause” and “ It + is + adj + to – inf” II Teaching aids : Text book and pictures III Procedure 1 Organization 8A: 8B: 2 Check – up... Preparation: 24 / 2/ 20 10 Teaching - 8A: 25 / 2/ 20 10 - 8B: 25 / 2/ 20 10 Period 71 TEST I Ojective Check students’ knowledge from unit 9 to 11about passive form, structures: in order to/ so as to, adj +To- inf, adj+that- noun clause, model will to make requests, offer and pronisses, use mind in request and future simple II Teaching aids : Questions and paper III Procedure 1 Organization 8A: 8B: 2 Check –... …………………………………………………………………… 12 Preparation: 20 / 1/ 20 10 Teaching - 8A: 21 / 1/ 20 10 - 8B: 21 / 1/ 20 10 Period 61 UNIT 10 RECYCLING Speak + listen Lesson 2 (P.90,91) I Ojective By the end of the lesson, Sts will be able to give and respond to instruction and listen for specific information about making compost II Teaching aids : Text book and picture III Procedure 1 Organization 8A: 8B: 2 Check – up : A student... of Ba, Hoa and Lan 2 Answer a) Reduce means not buying products which are overpackaged b) We can reuse things like envelopes glass, plastic bottles and old plastic - Ss give the answers bags c) Recycle means not just throwing things away Try and find another use for them - T remarks and gives the answer key d) We can look for information on recycling things by having a contact with an organization like... Preparation: 4/ 2/ 20 10 Teaching - 8A: 5/ 2/ 20 10 - 8B: 6/ 2/ 20 10 Period 68 UNIT 11 TRAVELING AROUND VIET NAM Lesson 4 Write (P.105 - 107) I Ojective By the end of the lesson, Sts will be able to write a narrative Use the past simple tense II Teaching aids : Text book and pictures III Procedure 1 Organization 8A: 8B: 2 Check – up : Ask Ss some questions about Andrew, Mary, John Where should Andrew/ Mary/... ………………………………………………………………………………… Preparation: 28 / 1/ 20 10 Teaching - 8A: 29 / 1/ 20 10 - 8B: 30/ 1/ 20 10 Period 65 UNIT 11 TRAVELING AROUND VIET NAM Getting started + Listen and read ( P. 98 - 100) Lesson 1 I Ojective By the end of the lesson, Sts will be able to use some expressions to express their interest II Teaching aids : Text book and pictures III Procedure 1 Organization 8A: 8B: 2 Check – up : * Fifteen- minute...Preparation: 17/ 1/ 20 10 Teaching - 8A: 18/ 1/ 20 10 - 8B: 18/ 1/ 20 10 Period 60 UNIT 10 RECYCLING Getting started + Listen and read (P .89 ,90) Lesson 1 I Ojective By the end of the lesson, Sts will be able to do something to protect the environment and save nature resouces II Teaching aids : Text book III Procedure 1 Organization 8A: 8B: 2 Check – up : Call on two students to make . Evalution ……………………………………………………………………………………. 14 Preparation: 21 / 1/ 20 10 Teaching - 8A: 22 / 1/ 20 10 - 8B: 23 / 1/ 20 10 Period 62 UNIT 10 RECYCLING Lesson 3 Read (P. 92, 93) I. Ojective By the end of the lesson, Sts will be able to understand more. Evalution ……………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………………. 18 Preparation: 27 / 1/ 20 10 Teaching - 8A: 28 / 1/ 20 10 - 8B: 28 / 1/ 20 10 Period 64 UNIT 10 RECYCLING Lesson 5 Language focus ( P.95 - 97) I. Ojective . ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2 Preparation: 7/ 1/ 20 10 Teaching 8A: 8/ 1/ 20 10 8B: 9/ 1/ 20 10 Period 56 UNIT 9 A FIRST- AID COURSE Lesson 2 Speak + Listen (P .81 , 82 ) I. Ojective By the end of

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