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Lesson plan 8

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Lesson plan- English 8 Week 3: Unit 2 : MAKING ARRANGEMENTS Date : Period 7: Lesson 1: Getting started- Listen and read 1. Objectives : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to know steps to make arrangements on telephone 2 Language Contents : • Vocabulary: directory, answering machine, fax machine, a bit far from • Grammar : Simple Present Tense, Present Continuous Tense 3. Techniques : Q & A, Matching, pairwork, groupwork 4. Teaching aids : pictures, textbook, sub board, cassette player 5. Procedures : STAGES TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES Warm up _ T has Ss look at the book (Getting started) and match each object with its name * Feedback (?) When do you use this thing? * Feedback a/ To leave and take messages b/ To make a phone call to anywhere we like c/ To send fax d/ To find someone's telephone number e/ To make a phone call when we have no a telephone f/ To write and address and telephone numbers _ T helps Ss practise 6 new words Look at the book &match each object with its name Read the name of each object aloud As the Qs (groupwork) Each group gives an answer Practise reading new words Presentation _ T helps Ss review expressions when speaking on the phone [Can I speak to …, please?/ … speaking./ Wait a minute./ Hold on …] _ T : "Hoa and Nga are talking on the phone. Let's listen and read the dialogue to find out what they call for." (?) Who calls who? What to call for? Review some expressions Listen to the teacher Answer the questions _ T helps Ss review some structures + What would you say if you want to know where people show the film? + How do you say" Is 6:30 all right?" in Vietnamese? + How do you say" a bit far from" in Vietnamese? Review some structures _ Where is the film on? _ 6:30 ñöôïc khoâng? _khaù xa 1 Lesson plan- English 8 _ T asks Ss to look at the dialogue and read the sentence " I'm using my cousin's bike tonight." (?) Is Hoa using her cousin's bike now? * Sometimes the Present Continuous Tense express an action in the future _ T asks Ss to look at another sentence " I'm going to see the movie Dream city …" and Answer the question (?) What does "be going to + inf." express? _ T has Ss listen to the tape and repeat _ No, she isn't. _ To express ana intension Listen and repeat Practice: _ T asks Ss to to practise the dialogue with a partner * Feedback _ T has Ss read the dialogue again and do exercise 2 in the book _ T asks Ss to share their answers with another pair * Feedback _ T has Ss give steps when making an arrangement * Feedback pairwork 3 pairs read the dialogue aloud Read the dialogue and do Ex.2 Share the answers 6 pairs read the Qs and As aloud Find out steps to make an arrangement on the phone pairwork One group shows their steps on the board and the others correct if necessary Summary Homework + To make the phone + To ask for permision to speak to your friend and to introduce yourself + to invite your friend to do sth + To arrange the meeting place and the time ( if there still is a lot of time) _ T asks Ss to make an arrangement with a friend on the phone + Practise reading the dialogue and remember steps to make an arrangement on the phone  2 Lesson plan- English 8 Week 3: Unit 2 : MAKING ARRANGEMENTS Date : Period 8: Lesson 2: SPEAK and LISTEN 1. Objectives : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to know how to male arrangements on the phone and write a message from a conversation 2 Language Contents : • Vocabulary: message (n) • Grammar : Simple Present Tense, Simple Past Tense 3. Techniques : pairwork. groupwork. Q & A. Ordering, role play 4. Teaching aids : pictures, textbook, sub board, cassette player 5. Procedures : STAGES TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES 1/ Pre- speakin g * Set the scene: _ T asks Ss to review steps to make an arrangement on the phone Review steps to make an arrangement on the phone * Set the topic " Today we are going to study how to make an arrangement on the phone" _ T has Ss read sentences in exercise 1 and Answer the questions: (?) Who made the call? What to call for? _ T asks Ss to do Ex.1/20 and to share the answers with another group * Feedback ( _ T has Ss write the answers on the board and T chooses the correct answer) G1 G2 G3 G4 1 b b b b … 11 Read Ex.1 and Answer the questions _ groupwork each group shows their answer on the board 1 – b/ Hello.9 210 752 _ T has Ss practise the conversation * Feedback Practise reading Pw. (closed/ open pairs) * Set the task _ T shows picture in exercise 2 and asks: (?) What are they doing? T:"Ba and Bao like playing chess together. Now Bao is making a call to ask Ba to play chess. Look at the dialogue in the book and complete the dialogue." Answer the questions _ They are playing chess. Complete the dialogue pairwork (share the answers) 2/ While- speakin g _ T has one pair read the dialogue aloud and the rest of the class remark. _ T helps Ss correct mistakes _ T asks Ss to practise the dialogue with a partner A pair reads/The others listen & remark pairwork 3 Lesson plan- English 8 * Feedback 3 pairs read the dialogue Post- speaking _ T asks Ss to make an arrangement to see the film" Harry Poster" at Mini movie theater at 7:00. * Feedback pairwork 3 pairs show their comversation before class. Pre-listening * Set the scene: * Set the topic Sometimes you call someone but he/ she is out. What would you do? _ T shows the message to Ss LAM SON HIGH SCHOOL Date: Thursday Time: 8:00 For: The form teacher of the class 8A Message: Mr Nam wanted to see you at 9:00 on Thursday. Tel. number: 513 874 (?) When did Mr Nam make the call? (?) Could he talk to the form teacher of the class 8A? (?) Who did Mr Nam want to meet at 9:00 on Thursday? (?) What is Mr Nam's phone number? Look at the message Answer the questions _ At 8:00 on Tuesday _ No, he couldn't. _ The form teacher of the class 8A. _ 513 874 * Set the task _ T has Ss look at the message in the book (?) Who received this message? _ T:"Today a woman phoned the principal, but he was out. The woman left the message to him. Now llisten to the conversation between the woman and his secretary and complete the message." Look at the message Answer the questions While- listening _ T asks Ss to listen to the tape and complete the message in the book, then asks 2 Ss to write on the board * Feedback ( _ T has Ss look at 2 messages on the board and compare with their owns. If there is sth different, asks them to listen to the tape again to find out the correct answers.) Listen to the tape and complete the message in the book pairwork (share the As with another pair) Post- listening If there is still time , T has Ss listen to another conversation and write a message Summary Homework • Ss retell what they've just studied Phone your friend to make an arrangement to go swimming on Sunday morning  4 Lesson plan- English 8 Week 3: Unit 2 : MAKING ARRANGEMENTS Date : Period 9: Lesson 3 : READ 1. Objectives : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to know more about the inventor of telephone 2. Language Contents : • Vocabulary: (v) emigrate, experiment, transmit, conduct, demonstrate (n) deaf-mute, assistant, device, exhibition (a) countless, commercial • Grammar : Simple Past Tense 3. Techniques : Q & A, Matching, Ordering 4. Teaching aids : pictures, cards, textbook, sub board 5. Procedures : STAGES TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES Pre-reading * Set the scene _T: “These are inventors and these are their inventions. Please match one name with his invention.” A B Thomas Edison Television Jonh Logie Baird Ball-point pen Alexander Graham Bell Telephone Laszlo Biso Electric light bulb * Feedback Matching groupwork * Set the topic _ T shows the picture of A.G.Bell (?) What did he invent? (?) When did he invent telephone? (?) When and where he was born? _ T writes the answers on the board _T: “Let’s read the text about A.G.Bell to check the answers” _ T has Ss read new words aloud Look at the picture Answer the questions • Pre- teach vocab • emigrate (v) [Ex. go to another country to live] • deaf- mute (n) [Ex. a person who can’t hear or speak] • experiment (v/n) [T] • transmit (v) [T] • assistant (n) [Ex. helper] • conduct (v) [T] • device (n) [Ex. machine] • demonstrate (v) [Ex. perform, show] Listen and repeat Take notes 5 Lesson plan- English 8 • countless (a) [Ex. Do you know how many leaves are there in the tree?Can you count them all? No, the leaves in the tree are countless./ Your hair is also countless.] • exhibition (n) [T] _ T helps Ss practise reading vocab * Comprehension check _ T has Ss complete the following sentences 1/ In Chemistry classes we often conduct a lot of ___. 2/ I can’t find him on the beach, there are ___ people there. 3/ Kari Max was born in Germany, but he ___ to England in 1847. 4/ A ___ is a person who can’t hear and speak. 5/ People often ___ the World Cup on TV to every country in the world. 6/ A lot of big companies introduce their products in this ___. * Feedback Practise reading the vocab Complete the sentences groupwork * Set the task _ T has Ss compare their answers with the information in the text + What?Telephone/ When?  In 1876 + When/ Where to be born? Edinburgh, on March 3 rd, 1847 _ T asks Ss to read the text again and to do exercise 1 in the book * Feedback Read the text and compare the answers with the information in the text pairwork (share) Each group reads one sentence, says T/F, and says the correct answer if False While- reading _ T asks Ss to read the text again and to do exercise 2 • Feedback G1 G2 G3 G4 1/ d ñ ñ ñ 2/ e a a e . groupwork (share the answers with another group) d/ was born in Scotland e/ went to live in Canada Post-reading _ T has Ss put subjects or conjunctions before sentences to combine them into a text • Feedback Use subjects or conjunctions to combine the sentences into a text 6 Lesson plan- English 8 Summary Homework “ Alexander Graham Bell was born in Scotland, He went to libe in Canada and then went to live in the United States. He .” _ T asks some Ss to tell about A.G.Bell + Write a paragraph about A.G.Bell  7 Lesson plan- English 8 Week 4: Unit 2: MAKING ARRANGEMENTS Date : Period 10: Lesson 4: WRITE 3. Objectives : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to write a message from a paragraph/ a dialogue or a paragraph from a message 4. Language Contents : • Vocabulary: (n) furniture delivery • Grammar : Simple Present Tense, Simple Past Tense 3. Techniques : pairwork, groupwork, Completeing 4. Teaching aids : pictures, textbook, sub board, cards 5. Procedures : STAGES TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES 1/Pre- writing * Set the scene (?) What do you do if you want to buy a desk, a bed, a cupboard .? _T: “ Nowadays we can buy sth by using telephone, e-mail .Mrs Lien wanted to buy some furniture, she called Mr Ha at Thang Loi Delivery Service, but he was out. So she left a message for him. Now we read the message and complete the exercise 1” _ Go to a shop/ Telephone a shop and ask them to bring it to our house . Listen to the teacher Read the message and complete the passage groupwork (share the answers with another group) * Set the task * Pre- teach vocab • delivery service (n) • customer (n) • reach (v) Listen and repeat _ T gives Ss 8 cards and asks them to write the information to complete the passage on the board * Feedback Complete the passage on the board 2/ While- writing _ T asks Ss : (?) How many details must we get to write a message? What are they? Answer the questions _ 5 details: 1/ Date 2/ Time 3/ Receiver 4/ Content of the message 5/ Writer of the message _ T has Ss read the dialogue in the exercise 2 and answer the Qs for details (?) When did the customer phone the Thanh Cong delivery Service? (?) At what time? (?) Who received the message? _ On June 16 _ 12.10 am. _ Mr Van 8 Lesson plan- English 8 (?) What did Mr Nam call about? When did he want Mr Van call him? (?) Who took this message? _ Mr Nam called about his stationary order. He wanted Mr Van to call him at 8 634 082. _ Mr Toan _ T asks Ss to underline 5 details in the message _ T has Ss write the telephone message in exercise 2 by using 5 underlined details • Feedback Correct the message on the board Underline 5 details Writing pairwork (share) 3/ Post- writing (?) Do you often play sport/ go to the movie/ go swimming . with your friends? “ Today Tom phoned Nancy to ask her to play tennis this afternoon, but she was oout. Now we read the dialogue betwwen Lisa and Tom to help Lisa write a message for Nancy. Before writing, let’s underline necessary information in the dialogue” Answer the questions Listen to the teacher Read the dialogue and underline necessary information (pairwork) [Nancy/ Tom play tennis this afternoon, come over to pick her up, at 1:30/ Lisa] _ T asks Ss to write a message for Nancy ( T gives Ss handouts – 2 Ss write a message on the board) • Feedback Correct the message on the board pairwork Share the message with another pair Homework + Write the message Lisa writes for Nancy in their exercise notebooks  9 Lesson plan- English 8 Week 4: Unit 2: MAKING ARRANGEMENTS Date : Period 11: Lesson 5: LANGUAGE FOCUS 5. Objectives : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to talk about intentions with “be going to” and use some adverbs of place in right contexts 6. Language Contents : • Vocabulary: (n) fishing-rod (adv. of place) outside, inside, here, there, upstairs, downstairs • Grammar : Structure: Be going to + inf. 3. Techniques : Q & A, pairwork, groupwork, Completing, Matching 4. Teaching aids : pictures, cards, textbook, sub board 5. Procedures : STAGES TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES Warm up • Matching game: ( T shows 6 pictures: 1/ movie ticket 2/ fishing rod 3/ novel 4/ present 5/ material 6/ tent and 6 phrasal verbs: make a dress go fishing give someone a birthday present go camping read a novel go to see a movie) (?) What do you use these things to do? * Feedback Matching pictures with verbs groupwork P 1 => go to see a movie P 2 => go fishing P 3 => read a novel P 4 => give some a present P 5 => make a dress P 6 => go camping Activity 1 _ T asks: (?) If Nga has a movie ticket, what is she going to do? (?) Yesterday Nam and Lan borrowed some tents. What are they going to do? _ T has Ss do exercise 1 in the book * Feedback _ T corrects Ss’ mistakes Answer the questions _ She is going to see a movie. _ They are going to go camping. Do Ex.1 (pairwork) 5 Ss read sentences _ T has one S write sentences a and b on the board, others say the corrrect sentences again * Underline “be going to” in 2 sentences on the board Say correct sentences 10 [...]... pairwork Lesson plan- English 8 bubbles in exercise 3 Consolidation Homework * Feedback (?) What do you use to express an intention? + Write 4 sentences about 4 your intentions in next month 12 Share the As with another pair 6 Ss read 6 answers Be going to + inf Lesson plan- English 8 Week 4: Period 12: Unit 3: Lesson 1: Date : AT HOME Getting started- Listen and read 1 Objectives : By the end of the lesson, ... fried rice” * Ss retell what they've just studied + Write the way to cook the dish you know  18 b/ T c/ F ( alittle) d/ F (the garlic and the green pepper) pairwork 3 5 4 1 6 2 Speak Copy down Lesson plan- English 8 Unit 3 Week 5: Period 15: Date : AT HOME Lesson 4 : READ 1 Objectives : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to read for details about safety precaution in the home and know how to... Why-Because closed- open pairs * Ss retell what they've just studied + Write-it-up, using the grid and write 10 Copy down chores you and your Mom have to do 24 Lesson plan- English 8 Week 6: Period 18: Date : Lesson: REVIEW 1 Objectives : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use grammar points (Unit1Unit 3) to do exercise 2 Language Contents :  Vocabulary: Review vocab U1-3  Grammar : review must/... Summary * Ss retell what they've just studied Homework Write-it-up “ At home we have to do the housework I have to Lan has to ”  14 Copy down Lesson plan- English 8 Week 5: Period 13: Unit 3: Lesson 2: Date : AT HOME SPEAK 1 Objectives : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to describe the positions of the furniture in the room 2 Language Contents :  Vocabulary: furniture(review), (n) rug, calendar,... pairs Play game 2 teams Choose and make precautions * Ss retell what they've just studied Homework Read + check their predictions  20 Copy down Lesson plan- English 8 Week 6: Period 16: Unit 3: AT HOME Lesson 5: Date : WRITE 1 Objectives : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to describe one of the room in their house 2 Language Contents :  Vocabulary: above, beneath, wardrobe, folder, towel rack,... a description of your favourite room in your house based on the sketch you draw  22 Teamwork Ind.work Present in front of the class Lesson plan- English 8 Week 7: Period 19: Unit 3: Lesson 6 : AT HOME Date :10/10 – 17/10 LANGUAGE FOCUS 1 Objectives : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use have to/ ought to, reflexive pronouns, Why/Because in real context 2 Language Contents :  Vocabulary:... [couch] S2:_ OK And we ought to put _ Stick their pictures on the board _ Describe the room they arranged Ind.work Write about the room Copy dowm Lesson plan- English 8 Unit 3 : Week 5: Period 14: Date : AT HOME Lesson 3 : LISTEN 1 Objectives : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to talk about the dish “Special Chinese Fried Rice” 2 Language Contents :  Vocabulary: (n) green pepper, ham, garlic... You _ come and see us soon 7/ That’s an interseting book You read it 25 2/ dangerous 3/ message 4/ unhappy 5/ himself 6/ deaf-mute 7/ enough 8/ sense of humor Play game (Team competition) must have to have to must must Lesson plan- English 8 Activity 4 8/ I’m afraid I can’t come tomorrow I _ work late Describe a house, using given words Write-it-up G1: Lan/ live/ big house/ city/ her house/ have/... shout the suitable prepositions 21 Lesson plan- English 8 prepositions _ T asks Ss some questions (point to the things) 1/ Which room is it? 2/ Where is there a desk? 3/ Where are there many folders? 4/ Is the bookself beneath the desk? 5/ Is the bed next to the desk? 6/ Is the window on the right side or on the left side of the room? 7/ Where is there a wardrobe? 8/ What is opposite the desk? Whilewriting... in front of Correct the answers Listen and repeat Take notes pairwork Example exchange S1:_ Where is/ are the ? S2:_ It’s/ They’re [in/ on] the Give ideas groupwork: Speak and Draw Model: Lesson plan- English 8 S1:_ Let’s put the [chair] next to Summary * Feedback : picture exbihition _ T asks 2 representatives from 4 groups to talk about their arrangement _ T decides the most beautiful one * Write-it-up . phone  2 Lesson plan- English 8 Week 3: Unit 2 : MAKING ARRANGEMENTS Date : Period 8: Lesson 2: SPEAK and LISTEN 1. Objectives : By the end of the lesson, . know. Copy down  18 Lesson plan- English 8 Week 5: Unit 3 AT HOME Date : Period 15: Lesson 4 : READ 1. Objectives : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be

Ngày đăng: 11/10/2013, 02:11

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