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1 INTRODUCTION Rationale for the study Considered as a vital component of ideological work (IW) of the Party in the Army, the task of ideological situation management (ISM) for soldiers in general and that for cadres in particular plays an important role in building a politically strong army; directly contribute to raising awareness, political ideology, strengthening the stance and views of the working class, fostering and developing the personality quality of revolutionary cadres; build positive and progressive thoughts, proactively prevent and fight negative and backward thoughts, and manifestations of decline in political, ethical and lifestyle ideals within each cadre Infantry Divisions (IDs) is the core, permanent fighting readiness (FR), fighting force of the Army The strength of IDs is a decisive factor that creates the combined quality and combat power of military regions In order to contribute to the construction of strong IDs, many issues must be resolved, of which the political - mental factors and ISM of the division-level officials are of crucial importance In recent years, the task of ISM at division level cadres in IDs has been led and commanded by agencies and units interested in leading and directing The content and measures are diverse and plentiful However, ISM of officials in some units still has limitations and weaknesses: Some party committees, commissioners, political instructors, and commanders have not paid adequate attention to ISM division level; in leadership, direction has shown signs of disregard, even contracting to political organizations and officials; slow to renovate content, forms and measures of implementation; lack of initiative and acumen in forecasting and understanding the cadre of officials A number of officials show signs of decline in their goals, fighting ideals, irresponsibility in management, commanding and performing their assigned tasks and duties, violating moral qualities, lifestyles, being attracted to In social evils, the phenomenon of violations of the State law, especially serious violation of discipline, has not been completely overcome 2 In the years to come, the requirements of the task of the Fatherland protection, of the army and of IDs are increasingly demanding The hostile forces continue to promote the strategy of "peaceful evolution", especially in the field of ideology, reasoning and culture by sophisticated and cunning new tactics with the scheme to promote "self-evolution", "self-transformation" Moreover, the negative effects from the left side of the market economy, the division of rich and poor, social stratification also greatly influence the ideology of DLO The development of the Internet with social networking sites, smart phones with many malicious information streams is daily, hourly, direct, multi-dimensional impact on the thought of DLO Meanwhile, the development and use of high-tech weapons by a number of countries in the wars in the Middle East in recent years and the trend of hypersonic weapons development also raises many issues to renovate the work of ISM of DLO at IDs in the Army currently From the above-mentioned reasons, the PhD student decided to select the issue entitled "Innovating the task of managing ideological situation of the division-level officials in the infantry divisions in the Army in the current period" as the topic of this doctoral thesis Purposes and tasks of the study Purposes The study seeks to clarify the basic practical and theoretical issues of renovating the task of ISM of the division-level officials and proposes solutions to renovating the task of ISM of the division-level officials at IDs in the Army at present Tasks Giving an overview of the research works related to the thesis topic and identifies the issues that the thesis continues to solve Clarifying the theoretical issues on the work of ISM and renewing the task of ISM of the division-level officials at IDs in the Army Accurately assessing the current situation, defining the causes, and drawing some experience in renewing the task of ISM of the division-level officials at IDs in the Army Identifying requirements and proposing solutions to renewing the task of ISM of the division-level officials at IDs in the Army at present 3 Object and scope of the study Object Renewing the work of ISM of the division-level officials at IDs in the Army Scope The fundamental issues on IS, the work of ISM of the divisionlevel officials at IDs, the work of ISM of the division-level officials at battalions, companies and platoons of the IDs in the army Some specific IDs are listed: Corps No1, Corps No3, Corps No4, Military Zone 2, Military Zone 3, Military Zone 5, and Military Zone Sufficient surveys and data are mainly from 2010 to present Practical and theoretical bases for the study Theoretical bases The study is conducted base on Marxism-Leninism, Ho Chi Minh’s ideology, the views and lines of the Communist Party of Vietnam on IW and that of the Party in the army; on the officials work and officials construction of the army Practical bases Realizing the situation of ideology and task of ISM of the division-level officials at IDs in the army Relevant summarizing reports on ideological, party work, political work, and cadre work at IDs Survey results and practical are conducted by the author Methodology: The study is based on the methodology of Marxism-Leninism, a combination of interdisciplinary and specialized scientific research methods are made used of, in which the method of analysis, synthesis, analysis and history are focused Summaries of practices, statistics, comparisons, sociological surveys as well as experts’ consultancy New contributions of the study The study seeks to propose a number of new solutions on renovating the task of IS M of the division-level officials in the army presently The solutions include: "Renewing the contents, forms, and measures to manage the ideological situation of the division-level cadres in the infantry divisions in the Army in the current period" and "Promoting the activeness and proactivity of the contingent of cadres at the infantry divisions in self-management ideology” 4 Practical and theoretical significance of the study The study helps contribute to further clarifying some theoretical issues on the task of ISM and reforming the task of ISM of the division-level officials at IDs; it also provides further scientific arguments to help the party committees, leading cadres and media organizations at all levels at IDs to study and apply in the process of leading and directing the reform of ISM of the division-level officials at IDs Furthermore, the study can be used as a reference for research and teaching of party work, political work at schools in the military Structure of the study The study includes Introduction, chapters (9 periods), Conclusion, a list of published works by the author, a list of references and appendices Chapter OVERVIEW OF THE THESIS-RELATED RESEARCH SITUATION 1.1 The works abroad related to the thesis 1.1.1 The works abroad on ideology, ideological situation, ideological work and ideological situation management Here are some typical books: "The cultivation of ideological consciousness of the members of the Communist Party" by Liu Shaoqi; "Leaders and subordinates" by X - Ko - va - press - xky; "Scientific foundations of the management of thought processes" by G.I.Gui - - la; "Education and management - the coordination of ideological work" by I.Đ.To - rot - chen - she (1984) and "The quality of ideological work of the provincial Party Committees Central Plains of the Lao People's Democratic Republic” by Bun Duong Cay Xon 1.1.2 The works abroad on ideological situation and the management of the ideological situation in the armed forces Typically: "Some issues of party work, political work in the Soviet armed forces" by A.A.E-Pi - Sep; "Ideological work in the Soviet armed forces" by A.A.E-Pi - Sép; "Overview of spiritual education in foreign army" by Cao Vu and Duong Cuong; "China renewed the theory of military direction in the new period" by Zhang Xiaodong and "Spiritual - psychological training for soldiers in foreign army" by M.Delenkvv 1.2 The works at home related to the thesis topic 1.2.1 The works on ideological work and renovation of ideological work of the Party Typical works are listed here below: "On innovating thought" by Dao Duy Tung (1987); "Innovation and development in Vietnam - Some theoretical and practical issues" by Nguyen Phu Trong; "Innovating ideological and theoretical work in service of national construction and defense" by Pham Tat Thang and "Renewing ideological work of the Party in the Central Highlands" by Truong Minh Tuan 1.2.2 The works on ideological situation and the management of the ideological situation of officials of the Party and the State Typical books: "Addressing situations in terms of thought work" by Mai Duc Tho; "Some issues of renewing the content and method of propaganda in the new situation" by Pham Van Linh and "Social public opinion with leadership and management" by Nguyen Thi Ung; "Social network management in the new situation" by Le Quang Tu Do; "Some issues of forecasting political thought among cadres and party members today" by Tran Viet Luu 1.2.3 The works on ideological tasks of the Party in the Army Typical books: "Strengthening the Party's ideological work in the Vietnamese people's army to meet the requirements of the new period" by Mai Hong Binh; "Renewing the content and mode of ideological work in the Vietnam People's Army in the new period" by Truong Thanh Trung; "Some issues of ideological and theoretical work in the army before the new situation" by Le Minh Vu; "The ideological - cultural work in building the Vietnam People's Army" by Dinh Xuan Dung 1.2.4 The works on the management of ideological situation in the Army Typically: "100 ideological situations that may arise at the grassroots units and measures of grassroots officials" by Propaganda Department - General Department of Politics; "Managing the social relationships of military personnel at the grassroots units in the new situation" by Nguyen Thanh Tuan and Dinh Quang Tuan; "Strengthening the management of the ideology of training cadres at current division level" by Do Ngoc Son; "Solutions for managing military ideology at the grassroots units in the Army today" by Nguyen Van Huu and "Proceedings of the conference to draw experience of ideological work in army management at the grassroots unit for years" (2009-2013) by the General Department of Politics 1.3 An overview of the results of published works related to the thesis and the issues need further dealing with 1.3.1 An overview of the results of published works related to the thesis First, the above-mentioned works have clarified a number of theoretical issues on ideology, ideological work, innovating ideological work, and ISM A number of works have analysed quite profoundly and comprehensively the views of Marxism-Leninism, Ho Chi Minh’s thought, the views of the Communist Party of Vietnam on the position, role, functions and tasks of IW; on innovating IW; on the management and innovation of management on society and human Second, some works have built up the concepts of ideology, innovation of IW, the process of ISM, and handling of IW situations; identify the principles of innovating IW; interpret theoretical and practical basis, the needs to innovate and improve the quality of IW and ISM Third, some works have analysed and clarified the ideology of soldiers in the army of some capitalist countries, some countries in the NATO, the mental and psychological state of soldiers; study the contents and measures of a number of countries' military forces in training military ideology, spirit and psychology Fourth, most of the researches have evaluated the status of ideological situation of society, people, ideological situation of cadres, officers and soldiers, both positive and negative; specify the causes of ideological thoughts and draw lessons learned, models of conducting IW in social management and human management; propose some contents and measures to manage the ideological process and ISM 1.3.2 The issues need further dealing with Firstly, focus on researching and clarifying the concept of ideology of the division-level officials, the structure and expression of ideology of the division-level officials in the army Build the concepts of ISM, and the work of renewing ISM of the division-level officials at IDs Identify, analyse and interpret the content, form, and measures to renovate the task of ISM of the division-level officials at IDs in the army Secondly, conduct surveys, collect materials and data; research, assess the current situation, identify the causes, draw experiences from renovating the task of ISM of the division-level officials Thirdly, predict IS and propose solutions to renewing the work of ISM of the division-level officials at IDs in the army at present Conclusion of chapter The above overview of the research situation related to the thesis shows that each scientific work has different specific subjects, scope, and research methods, but all affirms the role and importance of IW and thought management of military officials Some works have mentioned the concept, content, form, measures of military ideology However, there has not been any scientific research on ISM of the division-level officials Therefore, it can be concluded that the thesis topic is fresh, original, independent and it does not overlap with any works published previously Chapter SOME BASIC PRACTICAL AND THEORETICAL ISSUES ON RENEWING THE WORK OF IDEOLOGICAL STATUS MANAGEMENT OF THE DIVISION-LEVEL OFFICIALS AT INFANTRY DIVISIONS IN THE ARMY 2.1 The division-level officials at infantry divisions in the army and the work of managing their ideological status 2.1.1 The division-level officials at infantry divisions in the army and their thoughts * The concept of the division-level officials at infantry divisions The division-level officials are those who hold leadership, command, professional and technical positions at battalions, companies, platoons and the like, and perform positions and responsibilities duties and powers as prescribed, operating under the direct leadership of the party committees, party grassroots organizations, the direction of political commissars, politicians and superiors * The functions and responsibilities of the division-level officials at infantry divisions in the Army The functions and duties of division-level staff members: According to Decision No 735 QD / TM of October 13, 1993 of the General Staff Department, the Vietnam People's Army stipulates the functions and tasks of the division-level officials The responsibilities and duties of the division-level political officials comply with the Decision No 236 / QD-CT of February 21, 2019 of the Chairman of the General Department of Politics, defining the responsibilities and duties of battalion politicians * The concept of the division-level officials' thoughts at infantry divisions in the army The thought of the division-level cadres in the infantry divisions in the Army is the combination of awareness, consciousness, viewpoints, beliefs, emotions, motives, and willpower of the division officers; reflects all aspects of social life, practice of military activities and life and activities; manifested in attitude, behaviour, resolving social relationships in the working environment of infantry divisions * The structure of thought of the division-level officials at infantry divisions in the Army consists of their awareness, consciousness, viewpoints, beliefs, wills, political motives, morals, lifestyles and behaviours politics, ethics, and lifestyle * The manifestations of thoughts of the division-level officials at infantry divisions in the Army First, it is manifested through their thoughts, opinions, attitudes and actions in all areas of social life 9 Second, it is manifested in their relationships with the Party, the State, and the Army, the community, comrades, party committees, and authorities, local people where they work and reside Third, it is manifested in their moral qualities and lifestyle Fourth, it is manifested in the personal life of officials, problems arising from their own lives and activities, and in their inner world Fifth, it is manifested in their attitude and responsibility towards assigned functions and duties; sense of compliance with the State’s law, the Party and the army’s discipline, and their units’ regulations Sixth, it is manifested in their words, articles, gestures, gestures, psychological status * The concept of ideological status of the division-level officials at infantry divisions in the Army The status of the thought of the division-level officials at infantry divisions in the Army is the manifestations and ideological developments of the division-level cadres taking place in the reality of military activities and life and activities; reflect their level, status, and development trends in their consciousness, perception, viewpoint, beliefs, motivations, wills, behaviours and relationships to socio-economic conditions in infantry divisions The status of the division-level officials at infantry divisions takes place at different levels, scope and feature 2.1.2 The concepts, characteristics, roles of the management of ideological status of the division-level officials at infantry divisions in the Army * The concept of managing the ideological status the divisionlevel officials at infantry divisions in the Army The management of the ideological status of division-level cadres in the infantry divisions in the Army is the overall undertakings, contents and measures of subjects, participating forces and of each staff member themselves to organize and control activities of capturing, analysing, evaluating, forecasting, addressing, orienting, fighting, and stabilizing the thought of the division-level officials in order to promote progressive ideas and achievements, 10 contribute to building strong division-level cadres, meeting the requirements of performing assigned tasks The purpose of the work of ISM of the division-level officials at IDs is to regularly grasp the intellectual information, solve well the arising ideological problems, and promote the progressive and positive ideas; prevent and combat negative and backward thoughts; build and develop the quality of personality of the division-level officials, helping this team to fulfil its assigned duties and tasks The subjects of ISM of the division-level officials at IDs are the various levels of party committees and party organizations, from the division party committees to the branch branches and branches, commissioners, political instructors, the commanders and political agencies Of which, the direct subject of the task of ISM of the division-level officials is the branch committee, company branch, battalion and regiment party The subject of advising, directing and guiding the work of ISM of the division-level officials is the division political office, the regimental political committee The subjects who direct and organize the ISM of the division-level officials are commissioners, political instructors, commanders of the regiments, battalions and companies The force participating in the task of ISM of the division-level officials is all cadres and party members; mass organizations, military councils; Party committees, authorities, mass organizations where the division-level officials is working, residing and the family and relatives of the division-level officials The objects of the task of ISM of the division-level officials are cadres level officials, the ideological status of division cadres at IDs * The content of ideological status management of the division-level officials in the infantry divisions focuses on the following main contents: Identifying guidelines and measures to lead and direct the management work the status of the thought of the division staff; building, consolidating and consolidating the organizational apparatus for managing the status of the thought of the division-level officials; identify and implement the contents of management of political ideology, morality, lifestyle of the division- 11 level officials, and defense the Fatherland and political duties of the unit; inspect and supervise the work of managing the ideological status of team-level officials; ensure material facilities and technical facilities for the management of the status of the thought of cadres at the division level; summarizing and drawing experience from the work of managing thought status of the division-level officials * The forms and measures of managing ideological status of the division-level officials at IDs focus on the following: Managing ideological status of the division-level officials through forms and measures of capturing, forecasting, analysing, evaluating, orientating, encouraging, and preventing recession of political, ethical and lifestyle ideas in the division-level officials Managing ideological status of the division-level officials through management of cadres and party members; party activities, party organizations; through political education, propaganda, promotion; through talking, exchanging, direct dialogue and psychological counselling for staff at the division level; to adopt regimes, policies, regulations and regulations for cadre management; through the division-level officials’ self-management of ideological status * The characteristics of managing ideological status of the division-level officials at IDs in the Army Firstly, management of ideological status of the division-level officials is influenced by many factors, which are mainly qualitative Secondly, the subjects of the management of ideological status at the division level are mostly young officers with basic training who directly educate, manage and command the soldiers Thirdly, the management of the ideological status of the platoon-level cadres is closely linked to the task of training, combat readiness and the tasks and aspects of the infantry divisions Fourthly, the task of managing the ideological status of division staff was conducted according to the organizational system in infantry divisions * The role of the work of managing ideological status of the division-level officials at infantry divisions in the Army 12 Firstly, the management of the status of the thought of cadres at the division level is an important basis for properly assessing cadres, promptly promoting the advantages and overcoming limitations and shortcomings of the division-level officials Secondly, the management of ideological status plays an important role in cheering, motivating and guiding the right ideological orientation for cadres at the division level, ensuring all activities and all aspects of the cadre's work in accordance with political orientation ideology of the Party Thirdly, the management of the status of the thought of cadrelevel cadres directly contributes to building a battlefield of thought, building strong division-level cadres about political ideology, morality, lifestyle and accomplishment Fourthly, the management of the ideological status of the cadre-level cadres has an important role in ideological struggle, contributing to prevent early and remote manifestations of recession in political ideology and practices of "self-evolution", "selftransformation" 2.2 The concepts, principles and evaluation criteria to renew the work of managing ideological status of the divisionlevel officials at infantry divisions in the Army 2.2.1 The concepts, contents, forms, and measures to renovate the work of managing the ideological status of the division-level officials at infantry divisions in the Army * The concept of renewing the work of managing ideological status of the division-level officials at infantry divisions in the Army Renewing management of ideological status of the divisionlevel officials at infantry divisions is the total of activities carried out by the subjects and forces that change, supplement, develop and perfect internal units in order to constantly improve the quality and effectiveness of the management of ideological status of division cadres in infantry divisions in the new status * The content of renovating the management status of the thought of the division-level officials at infantry divisions 13 Firstly, renew the determination of leadership policies, directing the work of managing the ideological status of the division-level officials Secondly, consolidate and consolidate the organizational apparatus for managing the status of the thought of the division-level officials Thirdly, renew the content of management of political ideology, morality, lifestyle, social relationships of the division-level officials Fourthly, innovate, inspect and supervise the implementation of the status of thought management of the division-level officials Fifthly, renew the preliminary work and summarizing the experience of managing the thought status of the division-level officials Sixthly, strengthen the assurance of material facilities and facilities in service of the management of the ideological status of the division-level officials * The form and measure of renewing the work of managing ideological status of the division-level officials Renewing the forms and methods of grasping, analysing, evaluating, forecasting, solving, orienting, cheering, motivating, ideologically struggling, reasoning and preventing the decline of political and religious ideology ethics, lifestyle among team-level officials Innovating the form and methods of managing the ideological status of staff at the division level through the management of cadres, party members, and activities of organizations at IDs Renewing forms and measures to manage the ideological status of team-level cadres through political education, propaganda, promotion, emulation and commendation Innovating the provision, reflection, information orientation, public opinion Enhancing confidences, exchanges, dialogues and psychological counselling for staff at the division level Building and well implementing regulations and regimes on managing the ideological status of cadres at the division level Innovating the regimes, policies, regulations and regulations for IM for the division-level officials Innovating the forms and measures to manage the ideological status of the division-level officials through the self-management activities of the division-level officials 14 2.2.2 The issues of principle for renewing the management of ideological status of the division-level officials at infantry divisions in the Army Firstly, renewing the management of ideological status of the division-level officials must be based on the Marxist - Leninist theory, Ho Chi Minh ideology, the views and lines of the Party Secondly, renewing the management of ideological status of the division-level officials must closely follow the practical tasks of the Army, and current status of management of ideological status of the division-level officials Thirdly, renewing the management of ideological status of the division-level officials must be put under the leadership of the party committees and party organizations, aimed at building strong team officials, fulfilling their responsibilities and assigned tasks Fourthly, renovating the management of ideological status of the division-level officials needs to be carried out in a comprehensive, synchronous, scientific manner Fifthly, renovating the management of ideological status of the division-level officials must effectively solve the urgent and pressing problems the division-level officials’ life 2.2.3 The criteria for evaluating and renewing the work of ideological management at division level in infantry divisions in the Army Firstly, assessing the awareness and responsibility of the subjects and forces for renovating the management of the ideological status of the division-level officials at infantry divisions in the Army Secondly, the content, form and measures to renovate the work of managing the ideological status of the division-level officials at infantry divisions in the Army Thirdly, the results of renewing the work of managing the ideological status of the division-level officials at infantry divisions in the Army Conclusion of chapter Renewing the management of ideological status of the divisionlevel officials infantry divisions is the total of activities carried out by the 15 subjects and forces changing, supplementing, developing and completing internal content, form and measures of management of ideological status, in order to constantly improve the quality and efficiency of such work, to meet the performance requirements and tasks of the division-level officials at the Infantry in the new status The content, form and measures of renewing the management of the status of the thought of cadres at the division divisions are very diverse It is necessary to base on the practical status, the subjects, and the experiences in ISM of the divisionlevel officials in each unit to determine appropriately In order to renew ISM at the right level, it is necessary to understand the issues of principle in renewing the task of ISM of the divisionlevel officials Besides, it is necessary to stick to the criteria to practically and effectively evaluate the innovation of the task of ISM of the division-level officials at IDs in the army Chapter THE CURRENT STATUS AND SOME EXPERIENCES ON RENEWING THE MANAGEMENT OF IDEOLOGICAL STATUS AT INFANTRY DIVISIONS IN THE ARMY 3.1 The current status of renewing the management of ideological status of the division-level officials at infantry divisions in the Army 3.1.1 The achievements Firstly, most of the party committees, party organizations, political commissars, politicians, commanders, political agencies at all levels have been properly aware of, highly responsible in leading, directing the renovation of the management of ideological status of the division-level officials Secondly, the content, form, and measures to renovate the management of ideological status of the division-level officials at infantry divisions have ensured the sense of science, practicality and suitability for each and every single object Thirdly, the ideological status of the division-level officials is quite stable, most of them had a progressive change in political quality, morality, lifestyle, well fulfilling their assigned duties and tasks 16 3.1.2 The limitations and shortcomings Firstly, the awareness and responsibility of a number of party committees, political commissars, politicians, commanders and political agencies on renovating the management of ideological status are limited Secondly, the content, form, and measures to manage the ideological status of cadres at some units are still general, lacking in detail, not following the target, and slow to innovate Thirdly, the ideological status of the division-level officials is not really stable, not completely focus on their work, irresponsible in carrying out their tasks, violating the State law, and the army’s discipline 3.2 The causes and some experiences in renewing the management of ideological status of the division-level officials at infantry divisions in the Army 3.2.1 The cause of these achievements Firstly, the achievements of the country's renovation and military construction have created the basis and favourable conditions for the renewal of the management of the ideological status at the infantry divisions Secondly, the attention and leadership of the party committee, political agencies, political officials and commanders at all levels in renovating the management of ideological status of the division-level officials at infantry divisions Thirdly, the close coordination between organizations and forces of the unit with the party committee, the local authority and the family of officials Fourthly, most of the division-level officials at infantry divisions have striven, voluntarily cultivated and actively participated in the management of ideological status and self-management 3.2.2 The causes of the limitations and shortcomings Firstly, the negative impact of the market economy, the conspiracy and the anti-sabotage tactics of the hostile forces in the field of cultural ideology Secondly, the leadership and leadership capacity to innovate the management of the ideological status of cadres at a number of 17 party committees, party organizations, political commissars, politicians, commanders and political agencies fail to meet mission requirements in the new status Thirdly, the capacity to fulfil the task of managing the ideological status of the officials of some political commissars, politicians, commanders and political agencies is insufficient Fourthly, the coordination between organizations and forces in renewing the management of the ideological status in some units is not really effective Fifthly, some the division-level officials are not active, lack of will, energy to strive, and not manage their thoughts well 3.2.3 Some experiences in renewing the management of ideological status of the division-level officials at infantry divisions Firstly, regularly attache importance to raising the awareness and responsibility of the committees, party organizations, political commissars, politicians, commanders and political agencies at all levels on renovating the management of ideological status of the division-level officials Secondly, regularly grasp political tasks and management subjects to identify contents and measures to appropriately renovate the management of ideological status Thirdly, renew the management of ideological status of the divisionlevel officials must be comprehensive, synchronous, and focused Fourthly, renovate the management of ideological status of the division-level officials must combine closely with building and resisting, promoting positive factors, pushing back negative factors; proactively forecast, promptly detect and solve problems that arise Fifthly, coordinate closely between organizations and forces, creating the power in renovating the management of ideological status; appreciate the activeness and self-awareness of ideological status of the division-level officials Conclusion of chapter In recent years, being fully aware of the importance of the management of ISM of the division-level officials in building the staff, building a strong political unit, most of party committees, party 18 organizations, commissioners, political instructors, and commanders have had many guidelines and leadership measures, directing the innovation of content and measures of ISM However, at some divisions, the innovation of ISM of the division-level officials is still inadequate It fails to create positive and solid changes in awareness and responsibilities of some organizations and forces involved in the process of renewing the process of ISM The contents and measures to renovate ISM of the division-level officials are not comprehensive, unfocused, and not efficient That has a negative impact on the quality and effectiveness of ISM of the division-level officials at IDs These limitations and shortcomings have several objective and subjective causes From the current status, the achievements and limitations of renovating the task of ISM of the division-level officials, drawing practical experiences to identify solutions to continue renewing the task of ISM of the division-level officials at IDs in the Army at present Chapter REQUIREMENTS AND SOLUTIONS TO RENEWING THE MANAGEMENT OF IDEOLOGICAL STATUS THE DIVISION-LEVEL OFFICIALS AT INFANTRY DIVISIONS IN THE MILITARY AT PRESENT 4.1 Predict the ideological status of the division-level officials and requirements for renewing the management of ideological status of the division-level officials at infantry divisions in the Army at present 4.1.1 Predict the ideological status of the division-level officials at infantry divisions in the Army at present * Predict the positive ideological trend of the division-level officials Firstly, the vast majority of the division-level officials at infantry divisions are well aware of their goals, combat ideals, partners and subjects; having absolute confidence in the leadership of the Party and the socialist regime Secondly, most of the division-level officials have the right career motives, the will to strive to rise up, to be dedicated and devoted to their jobs 19 Thirdly, the need to capture and use information technology applications is a trend in the ideology, awareness and daily life of the division-level officials * Predict the negative ideological trend of the division-level officials First, a number of the division-level officials are skeptical, leading to a decline in confidence in the country's path to socialism and the future development; having inadequate awareness of the Army's objectives and ideals Second, some the division-level officials show a pragmatic lifestyle, uphold the ideological enjoyment, and underappreciate their own dedication and ambiguity against the plots and tricks of hostile forces, not attaching enough importance to the good cultural ideological values of the nation, the army and the units Third, some the division-level officials are not interested in the profession, and are still too much into online games, lack of sense of discipline, indifference to the difficulties of their colleagues Fourth, the social relationships of the division-level officials have more various and complex development 4.1.2 Requirements for renewing the management of ideological status of the division-level officials at infantry divisions in the Army in the current period Firstly, thoroughly grasp and apply flexibly and creatively the Party's views on ideological status in the new period during the process of renewing the management of the division-level officials Secondly, innovate the management of the ideological status of the division-level officials at IDs must make the division-level officials always believe and strive to overcome all difficulties and challenges in all conditions and circumstances Thirdly, maintain and strengthen the leadership and direction of the party committees, political agencies, and the presiding officers in renovating the management of the ideological status at the divisionlevel officials Fourthly, the content and measures to renovate the management of the ideological status of the division-level officials must ensure the science, stick to reality, and be suitable to the subjects 20 Fifthly, promote the comprehensive power of organizations, forces, inherit and select good experiences in managing the ideological status of units in the whole army 4.2 Solutions to renewing the management of the thought status of the division-level officials in infantry divisions in the Army in the current period 4.2.1 Raise awareness and responsibility of organizations and forces for renewing the management of the ideological status of the division-level officials in the infantry divisions at the present period First, the subjects and forces must have a change in thinking about the management of the ideological status of the division-level officials in infantry divisions Second, regularly grasp and propagate to make subjects and forces deeply aware of the importance of the management of ideological status and the need to renovate the management of ideological status of the division-level officials at infantry divisions Third, propaganda so as to make the involved subjects and forces master the scientific and revolutionary nature of MarxismLeninism, How Chi Minh thought, the Party’s lines and views, ensuring the quality and efficiency of renewing the work of managing ideological status of the division-level officials at infantry divisions Fourth, disseminate and thoroughly grasp the subjects and forces with the current status of ideological status of the divisionlevel officials at infantry divisions Fifth, clearly define the responsibilities of the party committees, party organizations, political commissars, politicians, political agencies, and commanders for renovating the management of the ideological status of the division-level officials 4.2.2 Further renew the content, form, and measures to manage the ideological status the division-level officials at infantry divisions in the Army at present * Innovate the content of the management of ideological status of the division-level officials 21 Renewing the management content of political ideology, ethical status, lifestyle of the division-level officials, social relationships, and ideological status of the division-level officials Renewing the content of managing attitudes, responsibilities and behaviors of the division-level officials, especially their attitude and gestures on assigned tasks and attitudes towards their superiors, subordinates, and comrades * Renew the form and methods of managing the ideological status of the division-level officials Renew the forms and measures of grasping, analyzing, evaluating and classifying the ideology of the division-level officials Renew the forms and measures to forecast the ideological status of the division-level officials Renew the forms, solutions and ideological orientations of the division-level officials Renew forms and measures of ideological and theoretical struggle; prevent degradation of political ideology, morality, lifestyle, "self-evolution", self-transformation "of division staff Continue to renovate forms and measures of political, ideological, ethical and lifestyle education for cadres at the division level Build and well implementing regulations and regimes on managing the ideological status of cadres at the division level Enhance communication, dialogue, and psychological counseling with the division-level officials Innovating the provision, reflection, information orientation, public opinion Strengthen the management of ideological status through practical activities of the division-level officials 4.2.3 Promote the activeness and initiative of the divisionlevel officials at infantry divisions in self-managing their own ideological status First, the concerned subjects and forces must have a change in thinking about the management of the ideological status of the division-level officials at infantry divisions Second, the division-level officials need to be positive, proactive and self-fostering to eliminate the negative thoughts Thirdly, the division-level officials need to educate and train their habits and behaviors according to the standards of the Army, the 22 unit, the family and the society, voluntarily attach themselves to and respect the organization Fourthly, the division-level officials should be proactive to encourage, share and help each other to overcome difficulties Fifthly, the division-level officials should be proactive in selfcriticizing and criticizing, promptly fight and overcome the manifestations of distorted thoughts in order to grow together and make progress Sixthly, the party committees, political commissars, politicians, commanders and political agencies of all levels should regularly pay attention to and orient the division-level officials to promotion their activeness and self-awareness in ideological self-management 4.2.4 Strengthen the leadership and direction of the Party committees, leading cadres and higher-level functional agencies in renovating the management of ideological status of the divisionlevel officials at infantry divisions in the Army at present First, strengthen the leadership and direction of the Party Committee of the military zone and the corps in renewing the work of managing the ideological status of the division-level officials at infantry divisions Second, enhance the direction of the political commissar, commander of the military zone and the legion to renew the task of managing the ideological status of the division-level officials Third, promote the direction and guidance of the political bureaus of military zones and legions Fourth, strengthen the direction and guidance of the military propagation bureau and army corps 4.2.5 Promote the comprehensive power in renewing the management of ideological status of the division-level officials at infantry divisions in the Army at present First, promote the role of the Standing Committee, Division Party Committee, Standing Committee and Regiment Party Committee for renovating the management of ideological status of the division-level officials 23 Second, promote the role of the battalion party committee and the company branch in renovating the management of the status of the thought of the division-level officials Third, promote the role of the organizational system of commanding battalions and companies Fourth, promote the role of mass organizations and military councils Fifth, promote the role of the party committees, local authorities where garrison, residence, sisterhood, families and relatives of officials Sixth, to organize the material and spiritual life well for the divisionlevel officials, to build a clean and healthy cultural environment Seventh, further renovate and perfect policies for the divisionlevel officials Conclusion of chapter In the years to come, the ideological status of the division-level officials evolves in both positive and negative trend, which has a multidimensional impact on the innovation of the management of the ideological status the division-level officials at IDs In order to renovate the task of ISM of the division-level officials, it is required that the party committees, party organizations, commissioners, and commanders at all levels need to raise the awareness and responsibility for the management of the ideological status of the division-level officials Strengthening the leadership and direction of the party committees, party organizations, the direction and guidance of the authorities Regularly renovating the contents and measures of the ideological status of the division-level officials Promote the comprehensive power of organizations, forces and the ideological self-management role of the division-level officials Therefore, it is required that the committees and officials in charge of units need to make use of solutions flexibly and synchronously so that the process of renewing the task of ISM of the division-level officials at IDS can be assured the quality and efficiency ONCLUSION 24 The management of ideological status of the division-level officials is an important content of IW and personnel work Good management of the division-level officials will help the Party committees, commissioners, political instructors, and commanders to grasp and properly assess the officials’ ideological status Accordingly, appropriate measures are taken to educate and train the division-level officials to promote their strong points and overcome their weaknesses so as to constantly strive to fulfil every task assigned Renewing the management of ideological status of the division-level officials at the infantry divisions is the combination of activities carried out by the concerned subjects and forces changing, supplementing, developing and completing internal content, form and measures of management of ideological situation, in order to constantly improve the quality and efficiency of such work, to meet the performance requirements and tasks of the division-level officials at the infantry divisions in the new situation In the past recent years, renewing the task of ISM of the division-level officials at IDs has been led and directed by the majority of the party committees and commanders However, the renovation of ISM of the division-level officials at some units remains certain limitations, weaknesses and shortcomings, even in leadership, direction and organization of implementation The successes and limitations on renovating the task of ISM of the division-level officials have both objective and subjective causes, most of which are subjective ones Base on the current situation of renewing the task of ISM of the division-level officials, some experiences are drawn to effectively apply in the process of renewing the management of the division-level officials at IDs In the coming years, the ideological status of the division-level officials tends to be both positive and negative Therefore, good management of the division-level officials’ ideological status requires 25 the concerned units to implement synchronous and appropriate solutions The renovation process needs to be carried out in a persistent, scientific and synchronous manner so as to promote the role and strength of relevant organizations in managing the divisionlevel officials’ ideological status, contribute to build a strong ideological status and partly help the division-level officials fulfil every task assigned in all circumstances ... Army at present First, promote the role of the Standing Committee, Division Party Committee, Standing Committee and Regiment Party Committee for renovating the management of ideological status of... Renewing the content of managing attitudes, responsibilities and behaviors of the division-level officials, especially their attitude and gestures on assigned tasks and attitudes towards their superiors,... opinions, attitudes and actions in all areas of social life 9 Second, it is manifested in their relationships with the Party, the State, and the Army, the community, comrades, party committees,

Ngày đăng: 29/04/2020, 06:05



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