4,{ H.lping Verbs Lesson 13 Helping Verbs 1 Lesson 14 Helping Verbs 2 N] * Adlectives and Adverbs Lesson 15 Adjectives Lesson 16 Adverbs Lesson 17 Comparisons N ,r.oositions Lesson 18 Pr
Trang 1Have a Feeling of Success
Trang 2Strder.ttB*E
Trang 3Nouns and Pronouns
Lesson 1 Nouns and ArticlesLesson 2 Quantity WordsLesson 3 Pronouns and Possessives
Lesson 4Lesson 5
Lesson 6
Lesson 7 Present Simple vs Present Continuous
Lesson I Past Simple 1
Lesson 9 Past Simple 2 Lesson 10 Past Continuous
Lesson 11 Future: Will/Be Going To
' l,','', l :
Trang 44,{
H.lping Verbs
Lesson 13 Helping Verbs 1
Lesson 14 Helping Verbs 2
N] * Adlectives and Adverbs
Lesson 15 Adjectives
Lesson 16 Adverbs
Lesson 17 Comparisons
N ,r.oositions
Lesson 18 Prepositions of Time
Lesson 19 Prepositions of Place and Movement
N s.nt.nce Structure
Lesson 20 Parts of the Sentence
Lesson 21 Parts of Speech
Lesson 22 Statements and Yes/No Questions
Lesson 23 lnformation Questions
56 60
Trang 5O wrte thecorreclsubject orobject pronoun.
ex.OailiehasfourgGndparensHelov.s S9{ rrymud
7 lknowHarryverywell lfiBim.t l0r36a!o.
I My parenacome from China €n Wkchine.
9 lremembe.th.boystae,butldontknow
10 we haw oivone comp*nat home My bbiher and I +are
O ctcte the corst rcrd.
O Wdte the coret fom of the Be yerb.
ex, {} wrum, yodr atworkxstcrday
you at the sw mri^g poo ye*erdavmorning?
Z {1 Mary arschoorEste.dayshewassc(
@l y tnd I wa^t to 9o to bed now.
4 & Where laneandhdnlcndtno*?
5 fi: uv mom in the hosp ta yesE.day
5 & terc
Grammar Link activities at thebeginning of each lesson can be usedboth for a cumulative review as well as
a tool for assessment ln each lesson,teachers can use this activity to monitorlanguage development and identifyareas of weakness in need of review.
Grammar lntroduction chartsintroduce new grammar concepts in a
clear and structured manner New targetsare presented in small portions thatfacilitate mental digestion
Check-Llp Activities follow each target's presentation
to ensure the understanding of new grammar points
ex Dere ne e sen *F / F.qle,/.qh{,!tl
11 Yisunshintoneorffekrean pssois / her6 I hero6
12 My 6@E gaft / spoft / s@r6 ar badh nron and tcnnit
I lmihnrry Can I h,ve eme / ard / mahy o'anqejui ?
14 How many / mu.h / aroror mlkis.th.irids.?
15 Can I have a f.wof / sl e of / a slic.sof chftse in m!
A Concise Summary of essential grammar points is
shown in the box within the chart
Trang 6: My Next *rammar is ihe following seres to My Firsi Grarnrnar Matniaining the goals and
i educatiai'lal philcsophies of ihe srsvious series, My Next Grammar i$ conltruct*d $riih ihe learner
: at ihe cer:ter of the jesign The grai:":rr'iar concepts ard activiiiec are cie*lg*ed io m€et the needs
cf eiementar;., schrol sirrdenls {ram ihe foii,th to sixth grade My tdext Grammar uses e spiral
; syllabus In iniracijcirg essenlial grammar pornts This €iicws silr**nt* the fieedonr tc study iram
iany L:aok in ine series wilhout missing key Gfamfiar p*ints My Nef Grammar pro'.ricie* varioL;s
: in-Cepih gtai.{fru aciivli;ca ihai *stai:iish a strong faundatian ir Ingli*-: S.afl-imar.
Grammar Practic€ activities attow for
greater practice of target grammar Through a
variety of in-depth activities and methods,
students use and practice the material they
are learning #mmtemt ffimmdlng activities help consolidate the
target grammar in context A variety of topics are
chosen from the school subjects such as
language arts, science, history, social studies,art, literature, and physical education
3 My dad reads the nbwspaper in the
morring-4 M/ farrly watcfes Lo es o F day 1igh,s.
eggs ftq food and
_ their nst bigger Soldien are la€e worker Thry
studenB ride their bikes to school?
know that boy's name.
u5ua ly qet up late on Sundays
1 usually We jeans wear to school
!9.*a*.l!Y ** r" el' !:.*h ! .
n ,r .r.oe
5 teacher The asks alw6E questiors a lot of
*f*mrv**f Xl;{t!f.*eff provides a concisereview of the day's lesson Students and teacherscan refer to them for a quick overview of the materialthey have studied
Trang 7.ii;6;i:1 a::r$re! -
O Choose and complete the rntence with lhe o.rect iorm of the ved
O ctcle the h5tansweL
ffir*gr*sm Ymmtm are presented in
Lessons '12 and 24 These tests
provide a method to follow and assess
the development of students'
=+ rcIlddqg a? <dotr + E1l34E +{
B7t 32e !+ +4idrt d+ ?d*i ! I ErB$3 5
ar geEq es:iodc* L+q rslzE Borl
? 36e <Y6 * + dordoG I FEe <No S + doi Vdosil ,e ft3tL
4 ihs€ae
O che.k a.d corect the Bistatu here is ane atqt antrye in erh y@.
ex rhoc ,t ini ,es i st
*rarnrylmr ff rn*ti*m activities provide
an opportunity to further work with andpractice the grammar targets of eachlesson
ffirmrnrxmr i"""il:k sections help studentsprepare for the cumulative quizzes in
the following lessons
Trang 8Nouns and Pronouns
Lesson 1 Nouns and Articles Les*an 2 Quantity Words
Lesson 3 Pronouns and Possessives
Less*n 4 Present and Past: Be 18 Lesson 5 Present Simple 22 Lesson 6 Present Continuous 26 Lesson 7 Present Simple vs Present Continuous 30 Lesson 8 Past Simple 1 34
Lesson 1ff Past Continuous 42 l-esscn 1'! Future:Will/Be Going To 46
6 10 14
Trang 93 These skates are for Sam.
B.,$inguhr aad Plural, Nouns
" Common irregular plural nouns:
,,sheep- sheep tooth -teeth
woman - women foot - feet mouse - rnice person people
Common nouns are general names,of people animats,places and things.
Proper nouns are specific names They.always begin
with capital letters.
proper noun.
2 Grace is my best friend.
Singular means one PJural means more than two.
To make most nouns plural, add 6to the singular form.
Trang 10C Count and Noncount Nouns
1 - Nouns and Articler IL
Count nouns are the names of objects that we can count.
They take singular or plural form.
Noncount nouns are the names of objects that we cannot
They take only singular form and no&ior fiffi
Common noncount nouns:
G Choose and write Use alan with the count nouns.
desk homework bread egg music
Article,Sor&$ means 'one'thing
Use it before a singular noun.
Putgbefore a consonant andffi*sbefore a vowel.
G Write a, an,the or @ Write @ if a or an is not needed.
1 Amy has cap and hat cap is blue hat is yellow
2 There is milk and cheese milk is white cheese is yellow
3 lt is nice day sky is blue sun is bright.
water class letter
D Articles: A/An and The
My Next Grarnmar 2 7
Trang 121 - Nouns ano nrticrcs
A: I can't find my pen Do you see it?
B: lt's right there lt's on floor
A: weather is so gray today
B: I know Where is sun?
B: No, thank you I'lljust have glass of orange juice
@ Write the plural forms.
3 Grammar Summary
i The ski is so gray I don'1'see,tlie Sun,
I have a blue pen and an ofange pencil i The sky is so gra'
S$y f\lext &rarnnrar X 9
Trang 132 Would you like ice cream?
.ffiis used with plural count nouns.
.:@is used with noncount nouns. Use@in affirmative sentences. UseEWin questions.
.ffiis used with plural count nouns.
.@is used with noncount nouns. UseS$$$in negative sentences. UseSffiin questions.
G Write some or any.
1 There are funny books at the library
2 There aren't clouds in the sky
3 My grandma has antique furniture in her house
4 John didn't do homework today
lisome lany
me lany
ji,xome lanY
,$q* lany ill#me I any
Trang 14B A Few/A Little & Many/Much
ftre,are aifQw'bga$ed,:lrtt ,.' :.,
, ,
There aren't many mountains
How many sisters do you have?
I don't have much moner/
How much,infonnati6h,,dg Vzu, haVe?
There are a lot of flowers
I have a lot of homework
I have
the correct word.
a few / a little questions
2 There
3 Do you write many / much letters to your friends?
4 We have a few I a little milk,
5 Amy doesn't get many / a lot of mail
C Measurement Words
.ffiis used with plural count nouns.
M6ny is used with plural count nouns.
Use:kx$iifiWfiSwhen asking for exact numbers
.;*${i*t&is used with noncount nouns"
Useffi*ffit$when asking for exact arnount Alot:iirtis used with both plural count nouns and noncount nouns.
{1,) There is some juioe.,, :':, :,, '::,
{2}There is a bcttle of,juicb;:r :,
(3) How much rice did you buy?
, l'bought twg fuqgs'Sl rica :,,,,
(1) means "There is juice, but you don't know exactly how much "
(l) means "There is juice, and you know exactly how much."
M easu rement word s I i ke$&*$S&.l!ffiie a n d 3ii3ii$&84{ a re u sed to express
::$irecEie' ernourlte of noncount nou ns.
Common measurement words:
a cup of - a slice of - a loaf of - a carton of - a can of
dos food ffi
L-l w.vO c:.
Trang 153 Grammar Practice
@ Ctrange some to a few or a little.
1 I need to buy some shirts
4 There are some good shows on TV.
5 This soup needs some salt
@ Cfrange a lot of to many or much.
1 I don't ask a lot of questions in class -)
2 Karen doesn't drink a lot of coffee -)
4 Do you drink a lot of milk? +
@ Look and write.
2 A: How
milk is there?
4 A: How hamburgers are there?
5 A: How coffee is there?
I ne :94 te b,^y * {e yl sh i.+ S,
+ + +
There are .thn9g- egrten5 of milk.There are of bread.There are spoons.There are hamburqers
Trang 162-Quantity W"rd
Put r three / much : ice cubes in a blender
Pour '?-],''9cgg-"i-' milk into the blender
Add ' ;m;_,1_ nrnr- ice cream and
r a few / a little : frozen strawberries
Add , two spoons / two spoons of sugar
Pour your smoothie into a glass and enjoy
@ nll in the blanks Use some, any or alan.
Mom: Sure Look in the refrigerator There is cheese
Sam:Yuck! I don't like cheese I want cookie
Mom: Come on, Sam How about healthy food?
@ Circle the correct word(s).
Common measurement words:
acupof - asliceof - aloaf of - acartonof - acanof - apieceof - apacketof
-Ouantity Words
My lXext Grammar 3 13
Trang 17Change the underlined
John likes his friends a lot
Ann can speak three languages
I met Karen's sister today
noun to the subject or object pronoun.
Trang 18ffi Write the correct possessive form.
+ +
C Possessive Adjectives and Pronouns
3 - Pronouns and Poss ,u"
Plural ' ': ?;nd 1, T.his is your house, .This is youni
Circle the correct word.
This is my book and that book is your / yours
A: ls this your cat? B: No, it's not ,, my / mine
Trang 19@ Circle the correct answer.
2 My computer is not working, but is working fine
3 We gave them telephone number, and they gave us
@ ours, their @ out their @ ours; theirs @ out theirs
to my party
ffi yesterday
Trang 203 - Pronouns and Possessivet
Charlie Bucket is a poor young boy He lives with parents and
four grandparents Near their house is the largest chocolate factory in the world One
da5r, Charlie finds the last Golden Ticket to the factory goes there with
Grandpa, Joe Four other children come to the factory with
parents do not listen to Willy Wonka and disappear
Object Possessive , PossessivePronoun Adjective Pronoun
you , your i yours i
PossessiveNoungirl'stnomas s
Trang 21ffi Read and write the correct Be verb.
1 Mary .15 at home today She was at home yesterday too
2 lt hot now lt ., hot yesterday too
B Present and Past of Be: Negatives
ffi Read and write the correct negative Be verb.
1 I *f n?.t- at home right now
4 What happenedT You in class yesterday
Trang 224 - Present and Past: ," Ia
you at the library now?
your dog sick yesterday?
E Complete the sentence using There + Be.
I .Ihp f9 *f9 many people at the concert yesterday
2 a post office next to the bank lt's a small building.
' 3 A lonq time ago, a princess in the castle
4 ; many tall buildings in Tokyo
19 :
Trang 233 Grammar Practice
@ Wrlte the correct Be verb.
1 A: How class yesterday? B: lt great
2 A: What your favorite season? B: I like spring
3 Kelly and Ann happy after the test They did very well
4 What happened to you yesterday? you sick?
5 We went to the beach yesterday There so many people there
ar9 *wo people,
@ Look and write.
Trang 244 - Present and Past: ," ,sfl
@ Write the answers about you.
How was school yesterday?
@ Choose and write.
This a statue of George Washington He
the first president of the United States Before that, the United States
part of the British Empire and George Washington
a general in the Revolutionary Army There
war between the Revolutionary Army and the British
A Little Histoty
in the l77O's
feelings about it today NoW the USA and Great Britain
Trang 25The present simple tense expresses:$6breorffi
ln affirmative sentences, addg&to the verb if the subject is a singular noun or&&Mf$.
ln negative sentences, putg&f*rylelregal_f before the verb:i*s*t/abegil*+'yer
ffi Read and write the correct verb form.
4 :tn,at speali' Kelly Japanese
Add&to most verbs.
AddSS*to verbs that end inWWffil
90,,,, have
.*,,t,,, ,'dQgs
i) ri:,'',ha6, rl
B Present Simple: Spelling Rules of Final -s
lf a verb ends in aleW changegWand add$
Trang 26Write the verb with final -s.
7 I I
Rewrite the sentence with the frequency
Students have lunch at school
Mr Lee sends e-mails
We get up late
Trang 27Grammar Practice
G) Check and correct the mistake.
2 Amy don't have any homework today
3 Does John has many friends?
6 Does the students ride their bikes to school?
7 I not know that boy's name
8 John usually get up late on Sundays
@ Write the sentence in the right order.
3t often the to with my friends go library
Trang 28@ Choose and write about you.
always usually often sometimes
5 - Present simpte &dary
Frequency Adverbs
sometimes rarely never
.'Be +rffqliuency.rfdVefb' r, ll , r,
2 My friends and I do our homework together
3 My dad reads the newspaper in the morning.
@ Write the verb in the present simple tense.
worker ants, soldiers and males The queen has wings when she
young She _ eggs for her entire life The worker
l/Youlwerir."v ti"1. i, DorU,you/welthey.read,?
S not lay 0 collect
their nest bigger Soldiers are large workers They
Trang 29You/We/They are eating You/We/They aren't eating ' Are you/we/they eating?
The present continuous tense: h€.*,,@beirg.
Answers to yes/no questions: Yes, I am Yes, she/he/it is.
No, I'm not No she/he/it isn't.
The students
"4e-r]1+%:"m?._. - :*-, el.ffi - :
ffi Read and match.
B Present Continuous: Spelling Rules of Verb-ing
Yes, you/we/they are.
No, you/we/they aren'1.
is doing his homework right now
aren't reading books right now
am having lunch right now
Trang 30C Present Gontinuous: Now
6 - Present continuous
The present continuous tense talks about actions happening right now.
Time expressions used with the present continuous tense: now, at the moment, today
ffi Match the question and answer.
1 What is Jenny doing now?
2 Are your friends playing outside?
3 What are the boys doing?
4 ls your mom cooking dinner?
5 What are you doing right now?
6 ls your teacher talking on the phoneT
-They are helping the teacher right now
Yes She is making spaghetti
She is having lunch
No He is writing something on the board
No, they aren't They are watching TV.
" Iam studying English grammar
The present continuous can be used for actions happening in the near future.
My class is gping, on a, pignlc, tomorrow
We are having a party next Saturday
Time expressions used for the near future: tonight, tomorrow, this Saturday, this weekend, next Monday, next week
Complete the sentence.
ffit.r We a movie this weekend
My mom fish for dinner tonight.
D Present Continuous: Future
lWy l$ext Gran'lrmar 2 27
Trang 31you / go to the library / tomorrow
the boys I talk I right now
my mom / cook chicken / tonight
you / get together / tomorrow itirainltoday
@ Write the question.
Yes, she is (The teacher is asking questions.)
Trang 32@ Write the answers about you Use a complete sentence.
1 What are you doing now?
2 What are you doing tonight?
3 What are you doing next weekend?
@ Wrlte the verb in the present continuous tense.
people in many countries We
that our money will
this money to the Red Cross on
Friday The Red Cross
We are playing soccer now , My class is going on a picnic tomorrow
John is playing soccer at the moment ' My dad is working at his office this weekend
The boys are playing soccer today We are having a party next Saturday
[My Ncx* Gnarmrmar 3 29
Trang 33j.,l'The,present continuous t"nse t"tk" rbout
l.::-,: :t r,eV:g{y day wEry.w.eet ,eyery month
:.aeJions that are *ryruBnxxxor tw$$&wffiK
- now, at the mornent today, these days
Write the correct form of the verb.
ffi,to work on Saturdays
ffi lunch right now
ffi on a field trip twice a year
ffi Japanese Japanese is his native language
Trang 34Common non-action verbs:
7 - Present Simple vs Present Continuous
want know believe understand
B Non-Action Verbs
Non-action verbs are used in presont simple,
but NOT in present continuous.
Correct the underlined words and rewrite the sentence.
They are needing some help
We are knowing our teacher very well
He is wanting some ice cream
She is understanding the problem
I am disliking loud music
lhgy ngp d s emg hg.t?.,
]E Write the correct form of the verb.
1 ffio My family out to eat tonight.
3 ffik tor you your keys right now?
4 ffiudv John usua|ly hard before a test
r fii:i;.lil
12 31
Trang 353 Grammar Practice
@ Write the correct form of the verb.
1 Right now Amy is in class She ffi ,t her desk
She usually ffi ,t the same desk in class every day
2 lt's 7:00 in the morning My mom ffi the newspaper
3 There is a funny cartoon on TV, but my brother
10 Look at the girll She
Sam is in his room right now He
He ffiffffiX$the book very much
ereffi some help from my dad
ffi to the store right now
ffiffi}! English to us right now
ffi everything she's saying
the children on the playground right now
*Xre around the tree
$&{:ri -xii:*&
Xnte!&iii at us
Trang 367 - Present Simple vs Present Continuous
@ Choose and write the correct form of the verb.
1 My cousin is a violinist She hc^-s- a violin concert once a year
2 Let's run! The train
3 Let's go help They more people over there
4 Please speak quietly The baby
5 My brother chess very much He's very good
7 My grandma is in the garden now She the flowers
@ Write the answers about you.
1 Do you sit at the same desk every day?
2 Look at the blackboard What do you see?
3 Look at your teacher What is he/she wearing?
4 What do you like to watch on TV?
4 Grammar Summary
Present Simple vs Present Continuous
Common non-action verbs: (O) I like apples fi) | am liking apples.
Trang 37A Past Simple: Affirmatives and Negatives
Regular Verb : llYoullhey/She walked,
Il!{ItIl!l?*Y1lli9:._,._ "*,*,.:::-::::-::-,_,:.IY:.:flh:r1_:Eltlyr
The past simple is used to talk about actions that began and ended in the past.
ln affirmative sentences, addiii$dito regular verbs lrregular verbs have their own past forms.
ln negative sentences, put:{iliii{ii{*before the verb:SffiI*&i;'ffi6iiwdidn't = did + not) Past time words: yesterday, yesterday morning, yesterday afternoon, yesterday evening
last night, Iast week, last month, last year, last Sunday, last summer
hel *-4 her mother clean the house yesterday
her mother clean the house yesterday
all day yesterday
all day yesterday
3 :@m+' @ Theeirls
E The girls
Trang 388 - Past Simple , &
ffi Write the question form.
2 We finished the project last week
3 They stayed at a hotel in Japan last summer
G Past Simple: Spelling Rules
?il Anry t*lk te [*r*h !"^st_ nlehtl
::,diink ,' ,, i { drank ' lrregular verbs have their own past forms'
ffi Write the past form of the verb.
,,i lf a verb ends in a vowel + a consonant,,$6i*ffit&$ffiii*&and add!i6d;
lf a verb ends in a consonant +*ichange@iand add M
Trang 393 Grammar Practice
6 Write the verb in the past simple tense ((D: affirmative $: negative)
1 rain a rt 4t4dl-.f*if here last month.
6 answer a Amy the phone yesterday
7 come O All students to class early this morning.
@ Choose and write the sentence in the past simple tense.
My dad and I e*il+e2 the house last month.
Ted his little brother with his homework yesterday
My mom three cups of coffee yesterday
My friends and I a DVD at my house last Sunday
Trang 40a popular way to spend time.
my birycle here today I can't wait
Did:, i /you /thevlstrewit(?
@ Write the answers about you Use a complete sentence.
What did you eat for breakfast this morning?
What did you watch on ry yesterday?
What did you study at school yesterday?
What did you do at home last night?
@ Write the verb in the past simple tense.