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Lecture A systems approach to small group interaction (8/e): Chapter 5 - Stewart L. Tubbs

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Cấu trúc

  • PowerPoint Presentation

  • Leadership and Social Influence Processes

  • Glossary

  • Slide 4

  • Case Study

  • Status and Power

  • Slide 7

  • Slide 8

  • Leadership

  • Slide 10

  • Slide 11

  • Slide 12

  • Slide 13

  • Slide 14

  • Slide 15

  • Leadership—Practical Tips

  • Slide 17

  • Slide 18

  • Slide 19

  • Slide 20

  • Followership

  • Slide 22

  • Contingency Theory

  • Slide 24

  • Slide 25

  • Slide 26

  • Group Norms: Social Influence and Conformity

  • Slide 28

  • Slide 29

  • Slide 30

  • Slide 31

  • Slide 32

  • Slide 33

  • Slide 34

  • Group Development

  • Slide 36

  • Slide 37

  • The Systems Approach

  • Slide 39

Nội dung

Chapter 5 - Leadership and social influence processes. Chapter 5 covers quite extensively three more of the internal influences in the tubbs model of small group interaction: status and power, leadership, and group norms. This chapter examines the two types of status, ascribed and attained, and the five types of power: reward, coercive, legitimate, referent, and expert.

CCHH AAPP TT EE RR Leadership and Social Influence Processes Stewart L Tubbs McGraw­Hill © 2004 The McGraw­Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved Slide Leadership and Social Influence Processes • • • • • • • • • McGraw­Hill Glossary Case Study Status and Power Leadership Followership Contingency Theory GroupNorms:SocialInfluenceandConformity GroupDevelopment TheSystemsApproach â2004TheMcGrawưHillCompanies,Inc.Allrightsreserved Slide Glossary ã AscribedStatustheprestigethatgoestoapersonby virtue of his or her birth • Attained Status—the prestige that goes to a person on  the merits of his or her own individual accomplishments • Coercive Power—the power an individual has to give  or withhold punishment • Expert Power—our acceptance of influence from those  whose expertise we respect • Followership Styles—behavioral tendencies people  have toward authority figures (e.g., obedient versus  rebellious) McGraw­Hill © 2004 The McGraw­Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved Slide Glossary • Groupthink—refers to the tendency of group members  to share common assumptions which frequently leads to  mistakes • Legitimate Power—the influence we allow others,  such as our bosses, to have over us on the basis of their  positions • Referent Power—power based on identification with  thesourceofpower,e.g.,havingadmirationforsomeone ã RewardPowerthepoweranindividualhastogive orwithholdrewards McGrawưHill â2004TheMcGrawưHillCompanies,Inc.Allrightsreserved Slide Case Study Department 8101 1. What mistakes do you think Rita made as a leader in  this case? 2. What, specifically, would you have done differently if  you had been Rita? McGraw­Hill © 2004 The McGraw­Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved Slide Status and Power • Types of Status – Some have theorized that power and status are a  function of the ratio of the number of successful  power acts to the number of attempts to  influence – The success rate and relative status of any  individual will vary from group to group McGraw­Hill © 2004 The McGraw­Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved Slide Status and Power • Types of Power – – – – – McGraw­Hill Reward power Coercive power Legitimate power Referent power Expert power © 2004 The McGraw­Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved Slide Status and Power • Power tends to equate to effectiveness in the  eyes of others – Comments in small groups tend to be directed  more often (by direction of eye contact) to  higher­status group members than to those of  lower status • Positive and Negative Uses of Power – Most experts agree that power tactics are  amoral McGraw­Hill © 2004 The McGraw­Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved Slide Leadership • An effective leader is essential for optimal  group performance.  • Historic Trends – Trait Theory • The physical traits associated with leadership were  height,weight,physicalattractiveness,andbody shape CircumstancesTheory ã Apersonmaybeaneffectiveleaderinone circumstancebutperformpoorlyinadifferent circumstance McGrawưHill â2004TheMcGrawưHillCompanies,Inc.Allrightsreserved Slide 10 Leadership • Historic Trends (continued) – Function Theory • Leadership consists of certain behaviors, or   functions, that groups must have performed – 1. Task orientation – 2. People orientation – 3. Change­oriented behaviors (Yolk et al, 2002, p. 18) • Leadership Roles – Earlystudiesidentifiedthreedifferentstyles: ã Autocratic ã Democratic ã Laissezưfaire McGrawưHill â2004TheMcGrawưHillCompanies,Inc.Allrightsreserved Slide 25 Contingency Theory ã FiedlersContingencyLeadershipModel McGrawưHill Source:FromFiedlerandChemers.LeadershipandEffectiveManagement(Glenview,Ill:Scott,Foresman, â2004TheMcGrawưHillCompanies,Inc.Allrightsreserved 1974),p.80.Copyrightâ1974byScott,Foresman&Co.Reprintedbypermissionoftheauthor Slide 26 Contingency Theory • Hershey and Blanchard’s Contingency  Model of Leadership McGraw­Hill Source: From Hershey, Blanchard, and Johnson, Management of Organizational Behavior, 8th ed.  © 2004 The McGraw­Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved (Englewood Cliffs, N.J.:Prentice­Hall, 2001), p. 182 Slide 27 Group Norms: Social Influence and Conformity ã Wood,Phillips,andPedersen(1986)define normsasstandardizedpatternsofbelief, attitude,communicationandbehavior withingroups. McGrawưHill â2004TheMcGrawưHillCompanies,Inc.Allrightsreserved Slide 28 Group Norms: Social Influence and Conformity • The following guidelines help groups arrive  at more creative solutions about 75 percent  of the time (Leonard and Swaps, 1999, p.  66) – Avoid changing your mind only to avoid  conflict and to reach agreement and harmony – Withstand pressures to yield, which have on  objective or logically sound foundation – View differences of opinion as both natural and  helpful McGraw­Hill © 2004 The McGraw­Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved Slide 29 Group Norms: Social Influence and Conformity • Conformity: Research and Applications – The results of several studies are summarized  below 1. Group pressure does, indeed, produce conformity 2. Yielding can be induced even in attitudes having  personal relevance 3. Yielding is greater on difficult decisions than on  easy ones 4. There are large differences in the amounts of  yielding for different individuals 5. When subjects are tested again without the group  pressure, a major part of the original yielding  disappears McGraw­Hill © 2004 The McGraw­Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved Slide 30 Group Norms: Social Influence and Conformity • Conformity: Research and Applications – Individual personal factors have been studied in  relation to conformity 1. Conformists are less intelligent 2. Conformists are lower in ego strength and in their  ability to work in stress situations 3. Conformists tend toward feeling of personal  inferiority and inadequacy 4. Conformists show an intense preoccupation with  other people 5. Conformists express attitudes and values of a more  conventional nature than nonyielders McGraw­Hill © 2004 The McGraw­Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved Slide 31 Group Norms: Social Influence and Conformity • Conformity: Research and Applications – Lipman­Blumen and Leavitt (1999) offer a  qualitative anlaysis of the four stages of  conformity pressure • • • • McGraw­Hill Reason Seduction Coercion Isolation © 2004 The McGraw­Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved Slide 32 Group Norms: Social Influence and Conformity • Conformity: Research and Applications – Groupthink tends to occur when several factors  are operating at once • Type I: Overestimation of the group—its power and  morality • Type II: Closed­mindedness • Type III: Pressures toward uniformity McGraw­Hill © 2004 The McGraw­Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved Slide 33 Group Norms: Social Influence and Conformity McGraw­Hill © 2004 The McGraw­Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved Slide 34 Group Norms: Social Influence and Conformity –   Theoretical Curves of Communications from        Strong Rejectors, Mild Rejectors, and Four  Nonrejectors to the Deviant in the Four  Experimental Conditions McGraw­Hill Source: From Schacter. “Deviation, rejection, and communication.” Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology  © 2004 The McGraw­Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved 46:202.AmericanPsychologicalAssociation,copyrightâ1951 Slide 35 Group Development ã Groupdevelopmentseemstobepartlythe resultofindividualpsychologicalneedsand partlytheresultofthesocialinfluences manifested in the group – Phase 1 (orientation) • Seems to be a period in which group members  simply try to break the ice and begin to find out  enough about one another to have some common  basis for functioning – Phase 2 (conflict) • Frequently characterized by conflict of one kind or  another McGraw­Hill © 2004 The McGraw­Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved Slide 36 Group Development • Group development . . . (continued) – Phase 3 (emergence) • Involves a resolution of the conflict experienced in  Phase 2 – Phase 4 (reinforcement) • Thephaseofmaximumproductivityandconsensus McGrawưHill â2004TheMcGrawưHillCompanies,Inc.Allrightsreserved Slide 37 Group Development ã SummaryofLiteratureonGroupPhases McGrawưHill â2004TheMcGrawưHillCompanies,Inc.Allrightsreserved Slide 38 The Systems Approach ã Highưstatusindividualstendtohavemore power ã Theleadershipstylethatwouldbe appropriateinonesituationwithonesetof followersmaynotbethemostappropriate inadifferentsituationwithadifferentsetof followers McGrawưHill â2004TheMcGrawưHillCompanies,Inc.Allrightsreserved Slide 39 The Systems Approach • Conformity pressure differs depending on  the type of group, the personalities of the  group members, and a number of other  factors • Groups go through fairly common phases,  depending on the type of group – The systems theory approach suggests that these  phases are simply parts of a recurring cycle of  events that probably occur during a single  meeting and tend to be repeated throughout the  group’s lifetime McGraw­Hill © 2004 The McGraw­Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved ... Interaction? ?Process Analysis. Categories of  Communicative Acts McGraw­Hill Source: Based on Robert F. Bates.? ?Interaction? ?Process Analysis (Reading, Mass.: Addison­Wesley, 1 950 ), p. 9;  A.  Paul Hare. Handbook of? ?Small? ?Group? ?Research (New York: Free Press of Glencoe, 1962), p. 66; and ... Mostexpertsagreethatpowertacticsare amoral McGrawưHill â2004TheMcGrawưHillCompanies,Inc.Allrightsreserved Slide Leadership ã Aneffectiveleaderisessentialforoptimal groupperformance. • Historic Trends – Trait Theory... RewardPowerthepoweranindividualhastogive orwithholdrewards McGrawưHill â2004TheMcGrawưHillCompanies,Inc.Allrightsreserved Slide Case Study Department 8101 1. What mistakes do you think Rita made as? ?a? ?leader in 

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