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GA Anh 5 Unit 6

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Lesson plan English 5 Song Lang Primary school TGE – – unit six: the school festival. Section A • Objectives: Ss can talk about their past activities. • Content: Vocabulary: festival, yesterday, great Structures: Where were you yesterday? I was at the school festival. • Aids: T: Lesson plan, books, chalk, cassettes, tape , Ss: books, pens, hand boards, notebooks • Procedure Section A 1, 2 and 3 P. 54 - 55 Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Content 1`. Warm up. ? Name the sports and games - Comment and mark 2. Presentation - - ask Ss to look at part one - presenting the structures - say again and play the tape - ? some Ss read aloud 3. Practice - Play the tape again - Ask Ss to read again ? Some pairs read aloud - Guide Ss how to do part 2 by doing an example ? Some pairs read aloud 4. Consolidation - Ask Ss to further practice part three using real objects - Guide Ss how to do ? Some Ss go to the board and practice - Comment on 5. Homework - Learn by heart structures and vocabularies - write on the board (S1 S2) - in class: say aloud (5Ss) - look at and listen - listen and repeat - Ss listen - Ss look & listen - others listen and remark then write down - listen and repeat( three times) - work in pair - others listen - look at and listen then do pair work - look and listen - do pair work - others listen carefully and remark - listen and do at home unit 6:the school festival section a Section A 1, 2 and 3 1. Look, listen & repeat • New words: - Festival: (n) - school festival: (n) - song festival: (n) - school game: (n) - yesterday: (adv) - great:(adj) • Structures : - Where were you yesterday? - I was at the school festival. 2. Look and say * Example exchange: S1: Where were you yesterday? S2: I was at . 3. Let’s talk Example exchanges : A : Where were you yesterday? B : I was at . Teacher: Tr¬ng C«ng Chøc 1 Period Week 12 : Lesson plan English 5 Song Lang Primary school TGE – – unit six: the school festival. Section A4 -7 p.56- 57 Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Content 1. Warm up - Give some words on the board and guide Ss how to do - Ask 2 Ss to go the board and write the answer - Comment on and read 2. Pre – listening - Ask Ss to talk about the differences between the two pictures - Comment on and guide Ss how to listen 3. While – listening - Play the tape - Play it again - Ask Ss to give the result - Comment on and give right answer 4. Post – listening - Guide Ss to read part 5 by reading loudly ? Some Ss read aloud - Guide Ss how to write part 6 ? Some Ss go to the board and write the sentences - Comment on 5. Consolidation - Guide Ss how to play the game - Comment on 6. Homework - Do exercises in workbook (1 - 5 pages 41- 43) - Look and reorder the words to meaningful sentences (hand board) - others observe and remark - repeat - listen and do pair work - listen and correct - look at the picture and listen - listen and number - others listen and remark copy down - listen and repeat - others listen write on the hand board - look at and remark write on the notebook - listen carefully and play in group (5 gs) - others listen and remark listen 1. yesterday/ you/ were/ where ? 2. at/ home/ I/ was Answer: 1. Where were you yesterday? 2. I was at home. unit 6: the school festival. Section A 4, 5 ,6 and 7 4. Listen and check . Typescripts: Key: 5 . Say it right A: were you at school yesterday? B: Yes, I was. 6. Let’s write A: Where were you .? B: I was at 7. Read aloud Happy teacher'day Teacher: Tr¬ng C«ng Chøc 2 Period 2: Lesson plan English 5 Song Lang Primary school TGE – – unit six: the school festival. Review section A • Objectives: Review new words and structures • Content: Exercises: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 - pages: 41- 43 • Aids: - Ss: books, hand board, notebooks - T : Lesson plan, books, chalk, poster • Procedure Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Content 1.Consolidation - Ask Ss to recall the structure and new words - Comment on and guide Ss how to do some exercises in the workbook 2.Practice • Ex1 - P 41 - Ask 2 Ss to go to the board and write the answer - Correct and comment on ask Ss to copy down • Ex 2 - P.41 - Guide Ss how to do this exercise - Call one S to write on the board - Comment on • Ex5 – P. 43 - Guide Ss how to do and ask 4 Ss to go to the board and do - correct and give right answer 3. Consolidation - Ask Ss to rivice the new words and structures 4. Homework Do exercise 3, 4 P.42 - Ss go to the board and write the word - listen carefully and congratulate on - others do on their hand board & hold it up - copy down and do pair work - do on the hand board - Look at and write down - write down - listen and do on the hand board - copy down - Listen and do at home * new words:- last weekend(n) - - have —> had - celebrate —> celebrated - hold —> held * Structure: Where were you yesterday? I was • Ex1 - P .41 1. song 2. festival 3. yesterday 4. an • Ex 2 - P.41 1- c 2- a 3- d 4- b • Ex5 - P. 43 Answer key: 1. I was at a festival yesterday. 2. It was Teacher's day last week. 3. Were you at home yesterday. 4. Where were you last weekend? Teacher: Tr¬ng C«ng Chøc 3 Period 3: Lesson plan English 5 Song Lang Primary school TGE – – unit six: the school festival. Section B • Objectives: Ss can talk about their past activities at school. • Content: Vocabulary: enjoy (v), schoolyard (n) Structure: What did you do at the festival? I played sports and games. • Aids: - Ss: books, chalk, pen, notebooks -T: Lesson plan, books, chalk, cassettes, tape • Procedure Section B 1, 2 and 3 P. 58-59 Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Content 1. Warm up. ? Answer these questions - Common on - Introduce the new lesson 2. Presentation 1. - Ask Ss to look at part one and describe the picture (in Vietnamese) - Say again and give some new words - Give structures ? Some Ss read aloud 3. Practice - Play the tape again - Ask Ss to read again ?Some pairs read aloud - Guide Ss how to do part 2 by doing an example ? Some pairs read aloud - Comment on 4. Further practice - Guide Ss how to do the listening - Play the tape three times - Get Ss’ answers 5. Homework - Learn by heart structure and new words - 2 Ss do on the board. - in class: answer T's questions. - look at and remark - listen and open the book - one S describe. - others listen -Ss look and listen - look and repeat - others listen and remark then write down - listen and repeat( twice) - work in pair - others listen - look at and listen then do pair work - others observe and remark - do pair work - listen carefully and number others listen and correct 1. When is your birthday? It's 2. What' the date today? It's . 3. What are you doing? I am 4. Where were you yesterday? I was unit 6: the school festival Section B 1, 2 and 3 1. Listen and repeat • new words - enjoy(v): • Structure: A: What did you do at the festival? B: We sang and danced. 2. Let’s talk A: What did you do at the festival? B: We 3. Listen and check Key: 1 – 3 – 2 – 4_ Teacher: Tr¬ng C«ng Chøc 4 Period 1: week 13 Lesson plan English 5 Song Lang Primary school TGE – – unit six: the school festival. Section B4 -7 p.60- 61 Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Content 1. Pre – reading - Ask Ss some questions (in Vietnamese) - comment on and introduce the text. Give some new words 1. While – reading - Ask Ss to read the text and write the answers - Look and check ?Ss work in pair ?Some pairs stand up and speak aloud - Ask Ss to write down the answer 3. Post – reading - Ask Ss to read again the text and about Mai ? 1 S goes to the board and writes - comment on 4. Consolidation - Guide Ss how to do part 6 ? Some Ss go to the board and write the numbers ? Some Ss read the numbers from 1- 90 before the class - Say the summary 5. Homework - do exercises in workbook (6 - 12 pages 43- 46.) - listen and answer - listen - read and write on the hand board (hold up the board) - listen and correct - do pair work - others listen and remark - write on the notebooks - listen and write - look and remark - listen - listen and do pair work - listen and remark - look at the book and listen unit 6: the school festival. section b4 -7 P. 24-25 4. Read and answer. P - 60 Ss’ book - last week: - celebration: - schoolyard: - story: Answer: 1. They had the celebrations last week. 2. They were in the schoolyard. 3. There were a lot of teachers and students. 4. They sang, danced, told funny stories, played exiting games. 5. Let’s write P. 60Ss’ book. Write about one of your school festival. 6. Let’s play P. 61- Ss’ book A memory game 7. Summary P. 61 Ss’ book Teacher: Tr¬ng C«ng Chøc 5 period 2 Lesson plan English 5 Song Lang Primary school TGE – – unit six: the school festival. Review section B 1. Objectives: Review the knowledge by doing some exercises in workbook 2. Content: Exercises: 6,7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 - pages: 43- 46 3. Aids: - Ss: books, chalk, pens, notebooks - T: Lesson plan, books, chalk, 4. Procedure Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Content 1.Consolidation - Ask Ss to recall the structure - Comment on and guide Ss how to do some exercises in the workbook 2. Practice Ex7 – P15 - Ask Ss to read aloud the sentences - Guide Ss how to do ? Ss give the answers correct and comment on Ex 8– p.16 - Guide Ss how to do this exercise - Get Ss to read aloud their answers - Comment on and give right answers ? Ss work in pair Ex 9 – p.16 - Guide Ss how to do - Ask one S to go to the board and write their answer - Correct and give right answers 3. Further practice - Guide Ss to do Ex 10 - Comment on 4. Homework - Guide Ss how to do Exercises 11 and 12 P `46 - Ss write down on the hand board - listen carefully and do - others listen - listen and do - listen and copy down - Read the sentences and reorder the sentences to make a dialogue. - listen and remark - copy down - read the text then write the answers - others look at and remark - copy down - go around and complete the table - Listen carefully unit 4: the school festival Review section B Ex6 – P43 1. festival 2. on 3. where 4. Are 5. yes Ex 7 – p.44 2- 4- 5- 1- 3- 6 Ex 8 – p.44 1- c 3- b 5- a 2- d 4- e Ex 9 – P. 45 1. .a student at Dong Da primary school. 2. . a sport day yesterday. 3. . were there. 4. . different sports and games. 5. . he was the best player. Teacher: Tr¬ng C«ng Chøc 6 Period 3 . exiting games. 5. Let’s write P. 60 Ss’ book. Write about one of your school festival. 6. Let’s play P. 61 - Ss’ book A memory game 7. Summary P. 61 Ss’ book. carefully unit 4: the school festival Review section B Ex6 – P43 1. festival 2. on 3. where 4. Are 5. yes Ex 7 – p.44 2- 4- 5- 1- 3- 6 Ex 8 – p.44 1- c 3- b 5-

Ngày đăng: 13/09/2013, 10:10

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