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1 MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING HANOI NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF EDUCATION DO THANH TRUNG ` DEVELOPMENT PRACTICAL TEACHING CAPACITY FOR BIOLOGICAL STUDENTS OF PEDAGOGICAL UNIVERSITIES Major: Theory and Method of Teaching Biology Code: 9140111 DISERTATION SUMMARY FOR DOCTORAL PHILOSOPHY PROGRAM IN EDUCATION HA NOI - 2019 The thesis has been completed at: Falcuty of Biology - Ha Noi National University of Education Instructor: Associate Professor – Dr Nguyen Van Hien Dr Lê Thanh Oai Reviewer 1: Reviewer 2: Reviewer3: The dissertation is defended before Scoring Board Council at institution level at Hanoi National University of Education at … hour…… day… month…… Year 2019 The dissertation can be referred at: National Library of Vietnam Library of Hanoi National LIST OF ARTICLES Do Thanh Trung (2012), Forming the capacity of high school Biology practice for students of pedagogical universities, University of Education, No 294 (September 2012) Do Thanh Trung (2014), Building document intruction for practice biology at high school for department of Biology students at the Universities, scientific journal of Hanoi University of Education, October 2014 Do Thanh Trung (2015), Testing and improvements experimental in chapter I, II 11 biology at high school, educational magazine, special issue, 2015 Do Thanh Trung (2016), Determining the competency structrure of practical for biology pedagogy students of univesities , scientific report on Biology research and teaching in Vietnam, Proceedings of the 2nd National Science Conference, Hanoi National University Publishing House, p1487 - 1493 Do Thanh Trung (2016), Application of Lamap method to organize the teaching of plants reaction in biology of class 11 at high school, special number, July 2016 Do Thanh Trung (2017), The reality of teaching practical bilogy in high school nowadays, cause – solutions, proceedings of the International Conference: Developing the capacity of natural science teachers to meet the requirements of general education innovation, natural science and technology publishing house, p: 393 - 401 Do Thanh Trung, Man Thi Hang (2018), Apply science experiments to teach new knowledge of chaptet I, II, III biology 11, scientific report on the 3rd research and teaching of Biology in Vietnam, Natural Science and Technology Publishing House, pp 328 - 337 PART I INTRODUCTION The reason for choosing the topic Educational revolution aims to build the system including the characteristics of national and modern education, thoroughly grasping the principle of learning go with practice, the theoretical associated with practice, and orienting the fostering of capacity for learners at all levels Biology is an experimental subject Almost phenomena, concepts, rules, and processes in biology are origined from real life The practical method is a model representing objective reality, which is the basis for students' cognitive process Teaching by practice, experiments have important and urgent role in teaching biology and meeting the requirements of education innovation to improve creative capacity and practical capacity (human resources) for learner In order to have effectively using experiments in teaching biology, it is necessary to focus on exploiting and using experiments in biological teacher training in pedagogical universities In fact, teaching biology of teachers in high school still has many obstacles Teachers often lack confidence when organizing teaching, leading to lessons / contents that are not fully implemented, or when organizing practice, the results are not as expected As a result, the traditional biology lessons are less organized The process of forging teaching pactice skills for students in training institutions has not been focused, students only focus on practice skills, but the way to organize teaching practices has not been much forged From the above reasons, we selected the researching topic: "Developing practical teaching capacity for biological students of pedagogical universities" The purpose of the study Determining the structure of bio-teaching practice capacity, developing the process and proposing solution to develop students' capacity to teach practical in high school, contributing to improving the quality of teacher training in universities Scientific hypothesis If the structure of practical teaching capacity is determined, the process and appropriate training solutions are built, it will develop practical teaching capacity for Biology Education students of universities Subjects and objects of research Research subjects: Structure of practical teaching capacity (biology), process and solution to train practical teaching capacity for students Object of research: The process of teaching theory of biology and the curriculum of Biology methodology for students in pedagogical universities Researching tasks of the topic Overview of research in our country and in over the world of teaching capacity, practical teaching capacity in high school and university level Research theoretical and practical basis for developing practical teaching competence for students in pedagogical students in universities Determining the structure of the capacity for teaching biology practice Develop the process of developing high school biology teaching capacity for students in Biology pedagogy universities Develop a set of tools to evaluate teaching capacity for students in the pedagogical universities Pedagogical experiment to test and evaluate hypotheses Researching method The methods used: Method of theoretical research; Methods of investigation; Professional solution; Experimental method of pedagogy; and processing data by mathematical statistics New contributions of the topic Contributing to the theoretical basis of practice, teaching practice, and the capacity of teaching biological practice Determining the structure of teaching capacity in biological practice Develop a set of tools for assessing the capacity of teaching biological practice for pedagogical students of universities Build up the process of training bio-teaching practice capacity in high school for pedagogical students of universities Proposing some types of questions and exercises to practice the practical teaching skills for students of pedagogical universities PART II RESEARCH CONTENT CHAPTER THE THEORETICAL BASIS AND PRACTICAL BASIS OF THE THESIS 1.1 Overview of research related to the topic 1.1.1 Overview of teaching capacity, development of teaching capacity Some research in the world Studies on teaching capacity have been conducted quite early in the world These studies have shown the structure of teaching capacity, concepts that constitute and at the same time determine the role and importance of training according to learners' competence Typical representatives are: X.I.Kixegof, N.V.Kuzmia, F.N.Gonobolin, O.A Abdullina, J.Watshon (1926), A.Pojoux (1926), Skinner (1963), X.Regegiers (1996), Hermann Satedag (2004), Michaeel Steig (2006), James H.Strong (2013) Some studies in Vietnam The problem of teaching capacity, training and developing teaching skills has been approached, inherited and researched by quite educated people in different fields, from social sciences and natural sciences typical are the authors: Tran Ba Hoanh (1993, 2004), Nguyen Canh Toan (2000), Bui Thi Mai Dong (2005), Nguyen Thi Kim Anh (2012), Nguyen Van Hien (2009) , Nguyen Trong Khanh (2010, 2018), Do Thi Loan (2018), Through analysis and overview of research projects on teaching capacity in the world and in Vietnam, we found that there have been many studies on teaching capacity in general and specialized teaching capacity Studies have brought about the system of teaching skills and teaching skills needed for teachers and pedagogical students In particular, the orientation of training according to capacity has been focused on research by countries In Vietnam, studies on formation and development of skills for pedagogical students have also been studied and applied in teaching However, for teaching practice capacity group, no author has gone into research 1.1.2 Some studies on practice and teaching practice In over the world In the research projects in the world, the theory of practice, experiments in teaching has been researched by many educational scientists The projects all identified practice has a very important role in teaching and organizing the process of comprehending knowledge of learners With the field of experimental science such as Physics, Chemistry, Biology, conducting experiments to discover knowledge is one of the typical methods Representing the research on practice teaching has the authors: I.I Samova, Skinner, P.N Ximbixep (Czech), P.I Boro-Vixki, II Samova (Russia), Skinner (USA), Wieslaw Stawinski (1986), Peter Nonnon (2005), Phan Thi Thanh Hoi (2007), MC Pavlova (2010) Some studies in Vietnam In Vietnam, there are many research projects, experiments in general education as well as in training teachers to promote the activeness of learners and improve the quality of teaching natural science subjects as objects, physics, chemistry, biology In teaching Biology in high school, research directions focus on improving, developing lessons, making standard processes for lessons, and proposing teaching organization in some stages of the teaching process Representatives include authors such as Nguyen Quang Vinh, Tran Ba Hoanh, Dinh Quang Bao (1980), Nguyen Duc Thanh, Truong Xuan Canh (2015), Do Thi Loan (2018) Thus, the problem of practice, and case study has been studied quite a lot in the world and in Vietnam The studies focused on the following directions: 1) Forging practical skills for students; 2) Using the results of experiments in teaching (mainly in the stage of consolidating and illustrating knowledge); 3) Improving lessons and tests Although the studies cover from high school to university, however, researches in the direction of equipping pedagogical students with practical skills, building and using lessons in high school biology are not too much We focus on developing for students in biological pedagogy to learn skills: practice; designing and improving lessons, organizing for students to implement practice activities This is one of the basis and premise for improving the quality of teaching subjects At the same time, it is a necessary and right direction, supplementing both the theoretical and practical basis of the research of biology experiments in general, using experiments and skills in teaching biology in high school in particular 1.2 Theoretical basis 1.2.1 Biological practice Definition of biological practice, teaching biological practice The definition of practice: In Hoang Phe’s Vietnamese dictionary, practice is defined as a way to apply theory into reality (In general) or to make it become true through specific activities In another way, Practice means to follow the rules and orders specifically Dinh Quang Bao, Nguyen Duc Thanh (2001) stated that practice was a human activity, in which materials were affected to: create products Also, practice was seen as a way to apply our understanding into real life, connect the theory collected from the theoretical research with work or practice is a habit or a method usually used at work Therefore, the definition of practice (in teaching) can be understood as follows: Practice is to act or some activities to discover the knowledge, accumulate skills or reinforce, complete your knowledge The definition of biological practice: According to Dinh Quang Bao and Nguyen Duc Thanh, biological practice is a method in which students themselves observe or conduct experiments, deploy the technical process into the practice of farming or raising animals From all the definitions above, it is concluded that biological practice is student’s impact on the living objects for the sake of reaching study goals (such as discover the knowledge, accumulate skills or reinforce, complete your knowledge) Categorize biological practice at high school * Based on practical activities and contents, we classify biological at high school into experimental practice and observation practice Experimental practice is an activity in which learners their own experiments to achieve new knowledge, reinforce and complete their leaning and also improve their experimenting skills Observation practice is an activity in which learners directly affect the observed objects through their senses to form new knowledge, reinforce, complete their learning and practice their skills * Based on the purpose of teaching philosophy: Practice is used in different steps during the teaching process Practise forming new knowledge, reinforcing, illustrating knowledge; practice checking or evaluating The role of practice in teaching biology The main role of practice teaching is to explore knowledge and improve In short, learners not only practice skills but also achieve knowledge in the most positive and creative way The role of practice in training students for teaching biology Practice in training students is both a method and a training content It helps learners form new knowledge and practice their skills; is a condition for learners to be able to organize practical teaching well in high school Especially, practice is a content in which teachers must organize teaching for students, so it is important that pedagogical students facilitate themselves with skills and practical knowledge when they are still at university The process of biological practice Based on the fact of biological practice, it is seen that to biological practice, learners follow this process: Step 1: identify the practical contents and aims -> Step 2: prepare the necessary conditions -> Step 3: conduct the practical steps -> Step 4: collect and process the practical results -> Step 5: bring out the science results or adjustment (if possible) 1.2.2 Teaching biological practice The definition of teaching biological practice From the definition of practice, biological practice and practical teaching, we define: Teaching biological practice as an pedagogical process, in which teachers, through their activities, give students chances of impacting on “ living objects” (do experiments) in a specific process to achieve the study purpose (explore the knowledge, practice skills, reinforce and complete knowledge) In other words, teaching biological practice is the process of teacher guides, which organized for students to perform practical activities (observation, experiment) on objects "live" to establish, consolidate, apply knowledge and develop skills Structure of teaching a practical biology lesson Teaching a practical lesson includes: Practice objectives; Practice preparation, Practice implementation (conducting the practice); Report; Summary Process of organizing a practical biology lesson Step 1: Disseminate laboratory safety rules -> Step 2: Describe the practice objectives, guide students to identify practical goals -> Step 3: Guide students to practice -> Step 4: Students follow the forms or follow the instructions -> Step 5: Students observe, collect and process the data -> Step 6: Students explain the results, draw scientific conclusions Write a report -> Step 7: Summarize, evaluate – report  Organization of a Biology practical teaching lesson o Organizing a practice in forming new knowledge The process of organizing a practice in the formation of new knowledge can be summarized as follows: Step 1: Teacher raises the problem -> Step 2: Students raise research questions -> Step 3: Students form hypotheses -> Step 4: Students design exercises -> Step 5: Students the design work -> Step 6: Students collect and process practice results -> Step 7: Students compare results with hypotheses, draw conclusions o Organize a practice in consolidating and illustrating knowledge The process of organizing a practice in consolidating and illustrating knowledge shall be carried out as follows: Step 1: Describe the practice objectives -> Step 2: Guide students to identify practical processes (design a practice) -> Step 3: Guide students to practice following the design / form -> Step 4: Students observe, collect and process data -> Step 5: Explain the results, draw scientific conclusions -> Step 6: Guide students to write a practice report -> Step 7: Summarize, evaluate – report 1.2.3 The competence of teaching practical biology The concept of competence The competence is understood in many different ways, but in general it can be understood in three ways: the first one is based on the competence structure, the components that make up the competence; the second one is based on psychological signs; the third one is based on the origin, the process of developing competence Thus, capacity is a concept that is viewed in many different ways In this topic, the concept of competence is considered from X Roegier’s view: "Competence is the integration of skills that naturally affect content in a variety of situations given to solve the problems posed by these situations " Teaching competence Basing on the research of Truong Dai Duc, Vu Xuan Hung, Tran Ba Hoanh, Pham Thi Huong (2016), we introduced the concept: Teaching competence is the ability to combine smoothly, to use knowledge, skills and attitudes creatively to effectively carry out the work and teaching tasks of teachers in specific conditions and circumstances The competence to teach practical biology lesson As discussed above, to teach a Biology practical lesson, teachers need: - Understand well the basic knowledge of the lesson; Be proficient in using practical equipment; Carry out proficiently the experiments of the lesson; Develop a plan to organize the lesson; Organization of practical teaching lesson in class must ensure the maturity, accuracy and ensure the objectives of the lesson Basing on the concept of practice, practical biology, teaching practical biology, competence, teaching competence, it is possible to generalize the competence of Biology practical teaching as follows: The competence of Biology practical teaching is teachers' ability to guide and to organize students to impact on "living" subjects (observing, doing experiments) to well solve a learning task (formation, review, consolidation, perfecting, knowledge adaptation and skills training) Structure of the competence of teaching practical biology The competence of teaching practical biology includes the following component competencies: Practical competence; Competence to prepare practical teaching lessons; Competence to organize practical teaching lessons 10 Table 1.1 Table of structure of biological practice teaching competence Component Definition Actions to take competence Practical competence is the - Identify practice goals  Identify, ability to perform activities prepare materials and equipment affecting living objects practice  Identify the sequence of (observing, doing practice steps (design, layout)  experiments) according to a Perform practical operations (do Practical certain process to well solve a experiments, observation competence task (formation, templates, surgery ) Collect consolidation, completion, practice results  Analyze, process, application thereby evaluate, explain and draw reinforcing ability) scientific arguments Competence for preparing practical lessons is the ability to identify the content (topic) of practice and design the process of organizing practice - Determine the content (topic) of practice  Identify practice goals Determine the conditions for organizing biological practice  Competence for preparing practical Preparing conditions to organize lessons practical teaching  Determine the process of organizing biological practice teaching  Expect inspection and evaluation activities Competence for organizing - Set rules, require for the practical teaching is the laboratory Guide students to ability to guide and organize identify practical goals  Guide learners to impact on living students to identify practical steps objects (observating and  Organize for students to practice Competence for organizing practical doing experience) according  Guide students to collect, analyze to certain processes in order and process practice results  teaching to complete learning tasks Guide students to explain, draw (consolidate and improve conclusions or write practice knowledge and form new reports  Review, review knowledge and sharpen skills) summarizes the practice From the component competencies, we identify the skills that make up that capacity and at the same time determine fundamental requirements of each component skill 13 - Level teaching pratical lesson in high school, difficulties often encountered when teaching the practical lesson - Level of confidence of teachers when practicing and organizing practical biology lesson For students of Pedagogy of Biology at the University of Pedagogy - The level of practice compentence of students; - The desire of students on forming practical skills; - The level practised competence for practicing, organizing biological practice lesson students; - The level of interest of students to the practical content in schools; - The level of confidence of the students when when practicing and organizing practical biology lesson For lecturers of universities of education - Perceptions of the importance of practice in training students majored in Biology teacher education; - The level of training practice competence for students in the process of teaching basic subjects; - The way of teaching practice in practical lessons; - Lecturers’ methods of assessment; - Lecturers‘levels of care with regard to the content of practice in high school curriculum 1.3.2 Comments from the results of investigating the current situation of teaching and developing teaching competence in terms of practical Biology After thoroughly looking at the current situation, it has been revealed that most of the lecturers, teachers and students consider practice as a key component in teaching Biology in schools However, as teachers have difficulties providing practical lessons as well as managing classrooms, the effectiveness of them is limited Besides, lecturers have attached much importance to help students develop practice competence Nevertheless, the skills of designing practical lessons and skills of carrying out experiments have not been taken into account yet That the level and methods of training teaching competence in terms of practice are not suitable leads to a limit on the competence of students On one hand, students are quite confident when doing experiments themselves On the other hand, they find it hard to teach how to experiments Of all skills, the ones that students expect to be trained most are skills of practice skills, design skills, innovation skills and classroom management skills In short, how to build up a process of training teaching competence in terms of practical Biology for students majored in Biology teacher education in universities of education is of great importance 1.3.2 The current situation of training students majored in Biology teacher education in some universities To examine the current situation, we have analyzed the curricula of the four following universities: HNUE, Hanoi National University of Education 2, University of Education (the University of Danang) and Vinh University basing on major subjects and teaching methodology As a result, we can have an overview of bachelor’s degree program in Biology Teacher Education and assess the chances of developing teaching competence in terms of practical Biology After careful analysis on the curricula of some universities of education, we have found out that most of the practical content in schools have been paid much attention in the universities’ curricula However, the time allotted to guiding students how to teach practical lessons seems insufficient 14 CHAPTER DEVELOPMENT OF TEACHING COMPETITIVENESS CAPACITY FOR HIGH-GRADE STUDENTS 2.1 Analysis of practical content in the bachelor program in Biology pedagogy and high school Biology program 2.1.1 The content of practice in the training program of Biology pedagogical bachelor In order to determine the content of the training program for the bachelor of biology pedagogy in the universities, we conduct a detailed analysis of the basic modules in the training program for the bachelor of biology pedagogy in universities For example: Hanoi National University of Education, Pedagogical University - Da Nang University, Vinh University, Hanoi National University of Education Besides, we base on the biology program in high school, which is issued by the Ministry of Education and Training in 2018 and the current high- school biology program as a basis for comparison Through analyzing the practical content of biology program practice in the basic modules, we realized that the practical contents of the biology program are covered all basic modules and include the knowledge of high- school program In the basic modules, theoretical knowledge is always taught in parallel with the practical content 2.1.2 Practical content of biology program in high school Practical contents of Biology lessons in high school Through the determination of the ratio of practical biology lessons in high school shows that the lessons also account for a relatively low rate and uneven distribution among chapters and sections In which, grade 10 (5/32 lessons in basic book; 10/52 lessons in advanced book) only reached 15 - 10.8% of the total; grade 11 (8/48 lessons in basic book and advanced book) accounted for 16.67%; in the grade 12 (3/48 lessons in basic book; 6/66 lessons in advanced book) accounted for 6-9.09% Thus, in general, the biology lessons only reach about 15% of the total in high school Thus, opportunities for students to improve practical skills are not much When considering the proportion of biological practicing at high school, it can be seen that the current program is still focusing on theoretical knowledge more than practical skills for students To analyze the content of the practical lessons, we base on the division of the current biology program and the biology program which is issued in 2018 with main contents: General introduction about the living world; Cell biology; Microbiological biology; Body biology; Genetics; Evolution; Ecology Through the analysis of the content of the current biology program at high school, we found that the practical contents are concentrated at the end of each chapter and each part for reviewing, consolidating and illustrating the knowledge Thus, it is necessary to have the pratical content that helps students explore knowledge, comprehend new knowledge or apply knowledge into real life Content of knowledge can be designed to practice To design the practical lessons / pratical activities, the content must have follow some characteristics For example: the knowledge of morphology, anatomy, the knowledge of physiological and biochemical processes of the body At the same time, the content of knowledge must contain the factors that can organize the pratical lessons From these characteristics, we determine the content of knowledge about biology in high school to design practical lessons Through content analysis, we found that in most biological knowledge units in 15 high school, it is possible to design and supplement suitable practical lessons or activities , in order to increase opportunities to improve practical skills for students 2.2 The process of training the competence of practical teaching high- school biology for pedagogical students 2.2.1 Principles of building process 1) Ensure the purpose of training the competence of practical teaching biology; 2) Ensure systematic; 3) Ensure practicality; 4) Ensure the principle of experience; 5) Ensure the principle of interaction 2.2.2 The process of training the competence of practical teaching high- school biology for pedagogical students in universities From previous studies on teaching competence and theoretical basis on practical teaching, we propose to develop the process of training the competence of practical teaching high- school biology for pedagogical students in universities, which consists of stages: Stage 1: Strengthening the capacity of Biology practice; Stage 2: Training the competence to prepare lessons for teachers and the capacity for organizing practical teaching biology Stage - reinforcing practical competence From the analysis of the program of pedagogical pedagogy of Biology as well as the results of the survey of students' status, we found that the practical practice capacity of students was trained quite well in the basic modules However, through the survey of the situation, we found that the level of confidence in conducting students' lessons is relatively low With the aim of improving the knowledge of students about high school, teaching, and at the same time, helping students to be confident in applying those knowledge into organizing the teaching of biology (before forging students with disabilities) In teaching, we conduct consolidation of practical skills for students It is equipped with knowledge about practice, experiment, practical teaching, knowledge of techniques of laboratory prevention, forging ways to conduct different forms of practice In this stage, we proceed with the following steps (Figure 2.1) Step 1: Testing about practical knowledge Step 2: Supply for students with the knowledge about practice and pratical teaching Step 3: Give students a chance to practicing Stage 2-Training competence for preparing lessons and teaching organization of teaching biological practice for students Step 1: determine the learning task, assigned to students, identify skills which are improve In this step, teachers assign students prepare lesson plan, prepare the practical conditions including: goals, identify specimens, tools, chemicals, prepare the request Identify the steps to perform the exercises, expected to form organizations, expected main activities, situations can arise in practice, designing test question-reviews From that compose the curriculum practice lessons (can send a content, depending on the purpose of teachers required) Step 2: Research projects illustrated, observation/watch video about biological practices in high schools In this step, teachers organize students study lesson plans illustrate, analyze objective, standardized equipment, activities of teaching practice, assessment activities, so that students have an overview of the practice of teaching biology Later, the teacher 16 organized students observe or watch videos practical lesson The practice teaching activities biology is not necessarily achieved the highest level of skill In the process of guiding learners use observation sheets organizational competence of pratical teaching to record the progress and activities Step 3: Assess the skills of guided activity Activity of teacher Activity of student Evaluate your skills competence to prepare practical lesson Teachers guide students to evaluate lesson plans Students rely on rubric tables to illustrated by rubric assessment table including assess the level of achievement of component skills: skills to identify topics and practical skills objectives; identification skills and preparation of Students compare with each conditions for organizing practical teaching; skills to level to make their own judgment determine student organization process; expected skills about the level of achievement of to assess students' s practical activities component skills Evaluate the skills of organizing practical teaching competence Ask students to observe the lesson (can attend Students use rubric tables to lesson, practice lecture video), evaluate the component evaluate the achieved results of skills of organizing practical teaching skills: Guide illustrative teaching skills that students to identify practical steps; Instructions for they have just observed implementing practical steps; Guidance on collecting, analyzing and processing practice results; Instructions to explain, draw conclusions or write practice reports; Review, evaluate and summarize the practical lesson Step 4: Group discussion about the guided activity The teacher organizes students to discuss in groups (3-5 students / group) to assess the lesson plan and guided teaching activity, and on the basis of rubric assessment of skills in the capacity to prepare practice lessons and capacity to organize biological practice teaching The purpose of this step is to help students become familiar with the assessment method, and at the same time they have their own judgment about each component skill, thereby adjusting themselves to achieve higher levels of skill After discussing, assessing the level of achievement of illustration skills, students determine the skills of organizing biological practice teaching, at the same time, determine which skills they need to improve Step 5: Application and practice After having gained initial knowledge about the competence of teaching biological practice, students rewrite their own lesson plans, preparing to train the competence of teaching biological practice according to the following process: Step 5.1 Select lesson  Step 5.2 Prepare practical lessons  Step 5.3 Teaching - filming  Step 5.4 Review videos, reviews - feedback  Step 5.5 Edit the text  Step 5.6 Practice teaching - filming, evaluation - feedback 2.3 A number of exercises to train high-school students' practical teaching competence for pedagogical students of universities In the study, we design and use the questions and means of exercises to train the competence of teaching high- school biological practice for students The essence of the method of using questions and exercises is the design of questions and exercises to develop for students with basic skills in the competence to teach biological practice 17 2.3.1 Exercise, questions reinforce the skill of determining practice objectives or skills to determine the scientific hypothesis of the experiment 2.3.2 Exercise, questions reinforce identification skills, prepare materials for practice; layout skills, experimental designing 2.3.3 Questions, exercises for practicing predictive skills, explaining practical results 2.3.4 Questions and exercises to train practical skills 2.3.5 Questions, exercises forging skill to guide students to collect data, explain the pratical results 2.4 Evaluate the competence in teaching practice 2.4.1 The system of practical teaching competence in biology which need to train and evaluate at students, bachelor teacher of Biology of the University Thus, to develop the capacity of teaching biological practice, we identify competencies which need to train and evaluate include: Practical competence; Competence to prepare practical teaching lessons; Competence to organize practical teaching lessons  Practical competence Derived from biological practice processes, we identify students must have some following skills: Identify the objective of practice; Practical preparation conditions; Take steps to practice; Collecting and processing practices result; Draw scientific conclusions or adjusted (if necessary)  Competence to prepare practical teaching lessons In this capacity, our team identify a student need to have the following skills: identify content (topic) and objectives of practice; Determine and prepare the conditions for organizing teaching practice; Identify the process of organizing practice for students; Anticipate the evaluation of practical activities  Competence to organize practical teaching lessons From the process of organizing teaching practice, a process of one lesson, we have determined the capacity of organizing biological practice include: disseminate rules and requirement of laboratory; Guide students to identify the practical steps; Practice organization; Guide to collect, analyse, handle the results of practice; draw conclusions or write report; Comment, evaluate the practice 2.4.2 Build the tools assessment to achieve the level of competence of teaching biological practice Principles for building the capacity criteria for evaluating teaching biological practice 1) Ensure suitability: That is the choice of evaluation skills to match the training objectives, outcomes, consistent with the logic; 2) Ensure feasibility: The component skills have to be easy to manipulate and train students in universities; 3) The criteria for evaluating the capability of teaching biological practice must ensure clarity, specific, independent and not overlap; 4) Ensure the popularity: that is the criterion, the level, the indicator can be used to evaluate students in all pedagogy at the training facility in the country; 5) Ensure reliability The tools for evaluating capacity for teaching biological practice of biology pedagogical students in universities The purpose of evaluation: Evaluate the development of competence of teaching biological practice to give teachers and students about the quality of learning by itself after they complete all modules of Biological teaching methods From these results, adjust the 18 training activities, learning activities to enhance the quality of subject teaching Content evaluation: derived from the structure of practical teaching competence in biology, we determine the component competence, and the ability to focus to develop skills for students The content evaluation include: knowledge of practice, experiments, teaching biological practice; practical capacity; the competence of preparing lessons of teaching practice; the competence to organize teaching practice Evaluation methods: From the contents determined to evaluate, we conducted evaluation methods through written test (the test), observation (through the process of pratice and organizing teaching pratice) Table 2.1 Methods evaluate the development of competence in teaching biological practice Evaluation Evaluation Proven evaluation Evaluation tools contents methods Acquire knowledge - Test Writing test Questions, exercises about practice, method experiment, teaching biological practice Skills of - Manipulation Observation - Observation form implementing the practice or testing method - Rubric to evaluate practical operation - Practical report practical competence - Product of the - Questions, exercises process of practice or experiment Skills of desgining, - Test Writing test Questions, exercises improving practical - Practical report method lesson or creative experiment Skills of guiding - The operation to Observation - Observation form students to organize practice method - Rubric to evaluate performing pratical skills of preparing lesson materials for practical lesson - Practical lesson - Mark the lesson - Questions, exercises plan plan method Evaluation skills, - Practical lesson - Mark the lesson - Observation form summarizing plan plan method - Rubric to evaluate excercise - The operation to - Observation competence for evaluate and method organizing teaching summerize practice o Evaluation tool Evaluation tools to match the content and assessment methods Assessment tools must be designed to ensure the most information and accurate information is collected to assess the quality of teachers 'teaching and students' competence development process In the content of this thesis, we use tools: questions, exercises; rubric rating; practice report; observation cards; interview Questions and exercises  Questions about assessing knowledge of practice, experiment, teaching practice 19     of students  Practice assessment assessment questions Questions about assessing skills to determine goals and objectives of the lesson Questions assessing skills of experiments design experiments Questions on exercises to assess skills to improve experiments  Questions on exercises to assess the capacity of organizing teaching in secondary schools Questions about exercises to assess skills to guide students to determine the objectives of the lesson Questions to evaluate skills to guide students to practice exercises Questions to evaluate skills to guide students to design lesson and experiment Table of criteria (Rubric) assesses the ability to teach Biological practice In each component capacity, we rely on logic to determine pedagogical requirements of each component skill After that, determine the criteria to evaluate concepts and the achieved levels of each skill Level (L1): The operation has not been performed, the result is not output or the result is incorrect (the task has not been completed) Level (L2): Being aware of the assigned task, performing some operations of skills but still having many embarrassing difficulties, so it has not achieved results Level (L3): Has a high sense of assigned tasks, ready to perform tasks, basically implement the operations of concepts However, sometimes it is still difficult to have help to accomplish the task Level (L4): Always ready to accept tasks, have a high sense of assigned tasks, well perform operations of skills, give good results Rubric assesses the ability to practice, organizing teaching skills as a basis for teachers to monitor, orient and influence the development of practice teaching skills for students Through these evaluated rubrics, students can determine the level of their own ability, which can orient themselves to adjust the process of training for themselves as well as help students to learn self-evaluation and evaluate each other's peer From the table of criteria for assessing the capacity of teaching Biology practice, we built Rubric to evaluate the core skills of each component of skills including skills: Performing practical operations; The skills of components of capacity to prepare practical lessons; Skills to guide students to perform practical operations Table 2.2 Rubric evaluation is used to evaluate skills to perform practical operations Definition behavior indicator description Level and direction A Use  Select devices that are not suitable for practice practical  Assemble the device incorrectly, the operation is still awkward and A1 devices slow A2  Select the device suitable for the practice lesson  Assembly and operation is still slow, still need the guidance of 20     teachers and also make mistakes in operations that affect the results of the exercises Initially select devices that are suitable for the exercise Assembling, the operation is still slow, there is still a need for teacher guidance and errors in some operations but without affecting the results of the exercises Selecting the right equipment for the practical lesson Operation of assembly, proficient and skillful use of equipment without teachers' guidance, flexible and creative using  Failed to perform or follow the steps in the process  Implementing most of the steps in the practical process, not A3 A4 B.1 B.2 B Perform ensuring the practical time practical  Properly follow the steps in the experimental process, ensure the B.3 operations time, but draw the notes in each step of the process  Strictly follow the steps in the process of experiment, at the same B.4 time draw the notes in each step of the process Table 2.3 Rubric evaluation is used to assess skills to determine the process of organizing students to practice Definition and Behavior indicator description Leve behavior l direction  Not anticipated and identified the process of organizing practical activities F1  Unable to anticipate situations and difficulties in organizing students to practice  It is expected that some activities will be organized for students to practice, but still messy, not logical F Determine F2  It is expected that a difficult part will be encountered, but it is the process difficult to give a solution of organizing  Expected and determined the process of organizing students to students to practice F3 practice  Expected that some difficulties and plans for handling, but not strict, logical and concise  Expected and determined the process of organizing students to practice F4  Expected that some difficulties and plans have been dealt with closely, logically, concisely and concisely Table 2.4 Rubric evaluation is used to evaluate skills expected to evaluate students' practice activities Behavior indicator description Level Definition and behavior 21 direction  No expected method of assessing students' practical activities  It is expected that some methods to assess students' practice G1 G2 activities  Expected and determined methods of assessing students' practice activities, but still embarrassing in organizing assessments for G3 students  It is expected that the method of assessing students' practice activities, how to organize assessment is neat and easy to G4 understand Building a road to develop Biology practical teaching competence Based on tables 2.2, 2.3, and 2.4, we determine the scale of the scale of developing biological practice teaching competence shown in Table 2.5 Table 2.5 Express the levels of the scale of developing biological practice teaching competence G Estimated evaluation of practical activities of students The level of practical teaching competence Level Level Level Level The levels of component skills A1, B1, C1, D1, E1, F1, G1, H1 A2, B1, C2, D1, E1, F1, G2, H1 A1, B2, C2, D2, E1, F1, G2, H2 A2, B2, C2, D2, E2, F2, G2, H2 A3, B2, C2, D2, E2, F2, G2, H3 A3, B3, C2, D3, E2, F3, G3, H3 A3, B3, C3, D3, E3, F3, G3, H3 A4, B3, C3, D3, E4, F3, G4, H4 A4, B4, C4, D4, E4, F4, G3, H4 Based on tables 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, and 2.5, we develop a table showing the levels of the scale of biological practice teaching competence Figure 2.2 The way to develop practical teaching competence Observation-evaluation votes In assessing the development of concepts, and helping to observe, record, monitor fully and accurately the evolution of the process of implementing skills using observation cards Observation form to assess biological practice teaching capacity with content: Information of students, skills, behavior indicator, description of behavior indicators, assessment results - comments Independent use observation cards, combined with assessment rubric, practice 22 development pathways enable teachers to assess students in a relatively accurate, quick way, and accurately assess levels the attainment of component skills in the capacity of teaching biological practice, thereby taking measures to help students overcome the limited skills At the same time, observation cards, help students to self-assess and evaluate each other, together with evaluation rubric, students will determine exactly what level they are, to change their behavior on their own CHAPTER PEDAGOGIC EXPERIMENT 3.1 Experiment objectives Examining the possibility and effect of the proposed research hypothesis 3.2 Experiment content - Examine circumstance of conducting the practical exercises of student before the module “Biology teaching theory”, “Biology teaching method 1&2”, “Pedagogic practice” - Training students about practical teaching following the designing process, practise planning and organizing a Biology practical lesson - Assessing the efficiency of processes and manners to found the student’s ability to conduct the practical lessons after finishing mentioned modules 3.3 Experiment method 3.3.1 Experiment objects - Selecting students: we carried out the experiment with the third year students in K64 and K65 of the faculty of Biolgy, HNUE Total number of involved students is 115 - The experiment period is the first semester of the school year 2016-2017 and 2017-2018 3.3.2 Experiment organizing Because of the few number of pedagogic students and the principles of no permission to train the prospective teachers in different standards, we did not apply experimental methods - parallel control (organizing to teach a group of students according to different content and methods with the proposed research plan) but use the experimental layout as the target control Organizing method: Before experiment: Examining students’ knowledge of practical and laboratory technique, pratical teaching Afterward, lecturers will be able to train additionally students the knowledge of pratical and laboratory technique, practical teaching before applying in reality During experiment: - Training students to be aware of practice, laboratory technique, Biology practical teaching - Instructing students to carry out some basic practical types: conducting experiment, observation (based on templates, videos, and guiding material) - Instructing students to organize some basic pratical lessons - Lecturer assement: + Assessing students about their knowledge of lab technique, practical teaching We designed 30-minute tests: pre-experiment, during experiment tests + Assess empirical, practical planning and teaching capabilities of students under the supervision of lecturer, adjust where necessary throughout the research Assessment tool carries out via the students’ ability to plan a practical lesson, observation hand-out, questionnaire and exercises After experiment: We used an integral test about all concepts: practical knowledge, 23 lab technique, practical teaching, practical skills, practical lesson planning skill, and organizing practical lesson skill 3.3.3 Collect data and measurement method Table 3.1 Contents and applied tools No Time Data test Measurement tool Reliability Valueablity Before experiment Pre-experiment Each test was Validate the - Practical test marked by value of knowledge marker and questions, , lab get the mean observation technique, cards, rubric practical Teacher assessment teaching observe, by expert During 1) After -practical Test number assess Bio method experiment practical knowledge, lab practical knowledge, technique, teaching lab practical teaching ability of technique, student via practical -Skill to - Observation other practical teaching experiment hand out types - Skills to prepare - Skill practical lessons assessment - Skill to guide the rubric hand out student 2) After -Knowledge of Test number teaching practice, lab practice the technique experimental - Skill to - Observation lesson experiment hand out - Skills to prepare - Skill pratical lesson assessment - skill to instruct rubric hand out student 3) After - Knowledge of Test number teaching practice, lab observation technique content - Skill to - Observation experiment hand out - Skills to prepare - Skill pratical lesson assessment - skill to instruct rubric hand out student Post experiment Ability to - Overall exam summarise after module Content 3.3.4 Assessment method In term of acquisition of practical knowledge, practical teaching, lab technique: based on the test results, we compared the average mark, determine whether the difference is statistically significant Afterward, specify the increase of ability to acquire knowledge of students We marked the knowledge based on the current level of awareness proposed by the Ministry of Education and Training including levels: Level 1: know (0 – 2.5 point), level 24 2: understand (2.6-5 point), level 3: apply (5.1-7.5 point), and level 4: advance apply (7.6-10 point) In term of experimental skills, instruction skill, assessment skill, in general, we used assessment rubric (table 2.2, 2.3, 2.4), evaluation form to assess the level of partial skills in pratical capacity Regarding to designing new experiment and improving pratical lesson skills, we evaluate via marks of lesson plans of different practical form by assessment rubric (table 2.4) Each component skill is divided into levels, summarize the development level of each component to assess practical teaching skill on the scale 3.4 Experiment result 3.4.1 Quantitative analysis Assess the knowledge acquisition about practical and practical teaching In order to check the distribution format of the students' frequency scores through tests, we use the Frequencies procedure of SPSS 23.0 software to check the frequency chart (Histogram) Figure 3.1,2,3 Diagram frequency distribution of the tests number 1, 2,3 Table 3.2 Compare the result of the knowledge tests Summary Test 115 Test 115 Test 115 Average 5.574 6.357 7.130 The date of test results shows the increase in average throughout the test from 5.574 of the first test to 7.130 of the third test  Result of acquisition level of knowledge via tests The results indicated in above figure shows that: in the first test, students’ marks mostly reach level 2, (level reaach higher in later test) This can be explained by the limit of students’ knowledge about lab technique, practical and practical teaching However, their marks increase up to level and later  Testing the difference in average scores between knowledge tests In order to compare the average value of knowledge points through tests, we conducted the hypothesis of the mean value of two pairs of each pair (Paired - Simples T - Test) Table 3.3 The test results of the average between knowledge tests Pair of knowledge Test -1 Test - Test -1 Correlation coefficients 0,858 0,889 0,755 t 13,816 15,515 22,315 (df) 115 115 115 P value 0.000 0.000 0.000 The results shows that Sig = 0,000 are

Ngày đăng: 16/10/2019, 05:25

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    The dissertation can be referred at:

    1. National Library of Vietnam

    Table 2.1. Methods evaluate the development of competence in teaching biological practice

    3.3.3. Collect data and measurement method

    Table 3.1. Contents and applied tools Assess the knowledge acquisition about practical and practical teaching Evaluate the development of students' Biology practical teaching capacity

    Figure 3.5. The development of Biology practical teaching ability via tests

    Table 3.4. Result of examination the acquisition level of practical teaching ability in students K64, K65


