SINGAPORE 1995 2000 2005 2008 2009 POPULATION Total population million; as of July 3.52 4.03 4.27 4.84 4.99 Population density persons per square kilometer 5443 5900 6112 6814 7022 Population annual change, percent 3.1 1.7 2.4 5.5 3.1 Urban population percent of total population 100 100 100 100 100 LABOR FORCE thousand; as of June 1749 2192 2367 2940 3030 Unemployment rate percent 2.7 4.4 4.2 2.8 4.1 NATIONAL ACCOUNTS million Singapore Dollars; calendar year, At Current Prices GDP by industrial origin at current 123399 162584 269658 274655 market prices 208763.7 190590 188830 US$-triệu 87061.9 94308.5 125428.8 Net factor income from abroad 825.4 -1104.0 -14013.6 -12291.2 -14712.6 US$-triệu 582.3 -640.4 -8419.6 -8687.2 -10115.2 124225 161480 194750 257366 259942 GNI 1 181902 178715 US$-triệu 87644.2 93668.1 117009.2 GDP/đầu người 24702 23414 29403 39383 37860 Structure of Output percent of GDP at current basic prices Agriculture 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 Industry 33.3 34.5 31.6 26.5 27.4 Services 66.5 65.4 68.4 73.5 72.5 Structure of Demand percent of GDP at current market prices Private consumption 41.4 41.9 40.1 39.8 38.9 Government consumption 8.4 10.9 10.5 10.6 10.5 Gross domestic capital formation 33.3 33.2 20.0 29.3 25.0 2010 2011 2012 5.08 5.18 5.31 7126 7257 7422 1.8 2.1 2.5 100 100 100 3136 2.8 3237 2.7 3362 2.6 315921 231697 -1532.0 -1123.6 314389 230573 45639 334092 345560.5 265620 276519.2 -2746.0 -3919.6 -2183.2 -3136.5 331346 341640.9 263437 273382.7 51242 52052 0.0 27.5 72.5 0.0 26.7 73.3 0.0 26.7 73.2 37.2 10.4 21.4 38.3 10.2 22.2 39.2 9.7 27.0 Exports of goods and services 183.0 192.3 229.7 Imports of goods and services 166.2 179.5 200.3 Statistical discrepancy 0.2 1.1 – Growth of Output annual change, percent GDP 7.3 9.0 7.4 Savings and Investment percent of GDP at current market prices Gross domestic saving 50.0 46.0 49.4 Gross national saving 49.7 44.0 41.4 Gross domestic capital formation 33.3 33.2 20.0 ENERGY annual values Crude petroleum thousand metric tons Production Exports 61 – 164 Imports 51159 40876 54786 Consumption Coal thousand metric tons Production Exports – – – Imports – 10 Consumption Electricity million kilowatt-hours Production 22057 31665 38213 j Consumption 20240 29133 34761 Price Indexes annual change, percent Consumer price index 1.7 1.3 0.5 Food price index 2.3 0.6 1.3 Wholesale price index 0.1 10.1 9.6 Implicit GDP deflator 2.8 3.6 2.1 Interest Rates percent per annum; period averages On deposits Savings 2.72 1.28 0.30 Time: months 3.67 2.04 0.66 12 months 4.01 2.42 0.86 Government Finance percent of GDP at current market prices 232.9 211.2 -1.4 196.0 170.8 0.4 203.6 174.1 1.4 207.2 179.6 1.7 200.7 178.5 1.9 1.7 -0.8 14.8 5.2 1.3 51.0 44.5 29.3 50.2 42.7 25.0 50.9 48.2 21.4 49.8 46.8 22.2 49.2 45.6 27.0 64 50313 43 44175 38 41247 – 42102 – 46920 – – – – – – 39 41717 37940 41801 37974 45368 41200 45998 41787 46936 42808 6.7 7.7 7.5 -1.1 0.6 2.4 -13.9 2.7 2.8 1.3 4.7 0.2 5.3 3.1 8.4 0.6 4.5 2.4 0.5 2.1 0.22 0.51 0.70 0.15 0.34 0.53 0.13 0.28 0.45 0.11 0.19 0.32 0.11 0.20 0.32 Total revenue 34.8 29.8 20.7 Taxes 15.9 15.1 11.5 Total expenditure 15.6 18.5 14.4 Overall budgetary surplus/deficit 14.0 9.9 6.3 EXTERNAL TRADE million Singapore Dollars; calendar year Exports, fob 167515 237826 382532 Imports, cif 176313 232175 333191 Trade balance -8798 5651 49341 Direction of Trade million US Dollars; calendar year Exports, total 118255 138159 229708 Malaysia 22665 25042 30405 Hong Kong, China 10126 10842 21570 Indonesia … – 22109 China, People's Rep of 2759 5377 19752 United States 21576 23891 23880 Japan 9219 10404 12536 Korea, Rep of 3243 4916 8053 Australia 2592 3222 8429 Thailand 6824 5872 9431 10 India 1877 2871 5897 Imports, total 124400 134635 200197 United States 18725 20270 23482 Malaysia 19250 22848 27347 China, People's Rep of 4042 7116 20526 Japan 26308 23189 19244 Korea, Rep of 5399 4822 8599 Indonesia … – 10452 Saudi Arabia 3796 4338 8958 Thailand 6418 5801 7518 India 921 1076 4079 10 Germany 4323 4236 5955 BALANCE OF PAYMENTS million US Dollars; calendar year Current account 14280 10190 26866 Capital and Financial account -5383 -5598 -15584 Net errors and omissions -308 2278 971 24.3 14.0 16.6 7.8 19.0 13.3 17.4 1.6 22.5 13.2 14.8 7.7 24.7 13.8 15.2 9.5 476762 450893 25869 391118 356299 34819 478841 423222 55619 514741 459655 55086 510329 474554 35775 339414 40912 35098 35747 31125 24196 16710 12291 13876 13193 11962 319779 37853 38140 33711 25942 18009 17593 14693 11287 8480 9244 270998 30972 31253 26121 26357 17747 12305 12570 10582 10094 9253 246014 29217 28554 25964 18758 14061 14258 8099 8223 5612 7884 353644 41913 41326 33091 36496 23005 16412 14399 12585 12702 13341 310885 35633 36358 33666 24454 18030 16839 11241 10240 9233 8904 412201 50019 45156 42832 42764 22362 18432 15483 16092 14100 14117 366077 39536 39132 38020 26235 21770 19300 17620 11389 14142 10417 412204 50432 44775 43332 44071 22709 18826 16580 17140 15622 10903 379975 38818 40418 39192 23639 25665 20193 17192 10158 12968 10570 28840 -16247 506 33482 -24570 2402 62026 -22373 2504 65317 -44201 -4033 51436 -28476 3131 Overall balance 8589 6870 12253 13098 Reserves and related items -8589 -6870 -12253 -13098 INTERNATIONAL RESERVES million US Dollars; as of end of period Total 68816 80170 116172 174193 Gold, national valuation – 210 212 212 Foreign exchange 68470 79514 115501 173437 Reserve position in the Fund 297 310 174 174 SDRs 49 137 285 370 EXCHANGE RATES Singapore Dollars per US Dollar End of period 1.414 1.732 1.664 1.439 Average of period 1.417 1.724 1.664 1.415 EXTERNAL INDEBTEDNESS External debt percent of GNI 9.8 16.0 Total long-term debt percent of total debt 85.1 69.2 72.4 Short-term debt percent of total debt 15.0 30.8 27.6 Debt service percent of exports of goods and services 0.9 11314 -11314 42157 -42157 17082 -17082 26091 -26091 187804 212 185793 262 1537 225715 212 223678 297 1527 237739 212 235362 833 1332 259306 212 256841 912 1341 1.403 1.455 1.288 1.364 1.301 1.258 1.224 1.250 ... expenditure 15.6 18.5 14.4 Overall budgetary surplus/deficit 14.0 9.9 6.3 EXTERNAL TRADE million Singapore Dollars; calendar year Exports, fob 167515 237826 382532 Imports, cif 176313 232175 333191... 79514 115501 173437 Reserve position in the Fund 297 310 174 174 SDRs 49 137 285 370 EXCHANGE RATES Singapore Dollars per US Dollar End of period 1.414 1.732 1.664 1.439 Average of period 1.417 1.724