PRC 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 POPULATION Total population million; as of 31 December 1276.3 1284.5 1292.3 1299.9 1307.6 Population density persons per square kilometer 133 134 135 135 136 Population annual change, percent 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 Urban population percent of total population 37.7 39.1 40.5 41.8 43.0 LABOR FORCE million; calendar year 738.8 744.9 749.1 752.9 761.2 Unemployment rate percent 3.6 4.0 4.3 4.2 4.2 NATIONAL ACCOUNTS billion Yuan; calendar year, At Current Prices GDP by industrial origin at current market prices 10966 12033 13582 15988 18494 US$-tỷ 1324.8 1453.8 1641.0 1931.6 2256.9 Net factor income from abroad -158.7 -123.7 -84.6 -42.5 -132.0 US$-tỷ -19.2 -14.9 -10.2 -5.1 -16.1 GNI 10806.8 11909.6 13497.7 15945.4 18361.7 US$-$ 1305.6 1438.9 1630.7 1926.5 2240.8 GDP/đầu người-$ 1038.0 1131.8 1269.8 1486.0 1726.0 Structure of Output percent of GDP at current market prices Agriculture 14.4 13.7 12.8 13.4 12.1 Industry 45.2 44.8 46.0 46.2 47.4 Services 40.5 41.5 41.2 40.4 40.5 Structure of Demand percent of GDP at current market prices Private consumption 45.1 44.1 42.4 40.8 39.3 Government consumption 16.0 15.6 14.8 14.0 14.3 Gross domestic capital formation 36.3 37.9 41.2 43.3 42.1 Exports of goods and services 22.6 25.1 29.6 34.1 37.1 Imports of goods and services 20.5 22.6 27.4 31.4 31.5 Statistical discrepancy 0.6 -0.1 -0.6 -0.7 -1.3 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 1314.5 1321.3 1328.0 1334.5 1340.9 1347.4 137 138 138 139 140 140 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 43.9 45.9 47.0 48.3 49.9 51.3 763.2 4.1 765.3 4.0 770.5 4.2 775.1 4.3 783.9 4.1 785.8 4.1 21631 2712.9 -41.0 -5.1 21590.4 2707.8 2063.9 26581 3494.0 61.2 8.0 26642.2 3502.1 2644.4 31405 4519.5 198.5 28.6 31603.0 4548.1 3403.2 34090 4990.2 -58.3 -8.5 34032.0 4981.7 3739.4 40151 5930.5 -175.3 -25.9 39976.0 5904.6 4422.8 47310 7321.9 -454.2 -70.3 46856.2 7251.6 5434.3 11.1 47.9 40.9 10.8 47.3 41.9 10.7 47.5 41.8 10.3 46.3 43.4 10.1 46.7 43.2 10.0 46.6 43.4 38.0 14.1 36.2 13.5 35.6 13.3 36.3 13.4 35.1 13.3 35.7 13.3 43.0 39.1 31.4 -3.0 41.7 38.4 29.6 -0.3 44.0 35.0 27.3 -0.6 48.3 26.7 22.3 -2.3 48.2 29.4 25.6 -0.3 48.3 28.5 25.9 0.1 Growth of Output annual change, percent GDP 8.3 9.1 10.0 Savings and Investment percent of GDP at current market prices Gross domestic saving 39.0 40.3 42.8 Gross national saving 38.2 40.2 43.2 Gross domestic capital formation 36.3 37.9 41.2 ENERGY annual values Crude petroleum million metric tons Production 164 167 170 Exports 20 21 25 Imports 91 103 132 Consumption 228 248 271 Coal million metric tons Production 1381 1455 1722 Exports 90 84 94 Imports 11 11 Consumption 1262 1366 1637 Natural gas billion cubic meters Production 30 33 35 Consumption 27 33 34 Electricity billion kilowatthours Production 1481 1654 1911 Exports 10 10 10 Imports 2 Consumption 1463 1633 1903 Price Indexes annual change, percent Consumer price index 0.7 -0.8 1.2 Food price index -1.3 -2.2 2.3 Wholesale price index 2.1 0.6 2.6 Government Finance percent of GDP at current market prices Total revenue 14.9 15.7 16.0 10.1 11.3 12.7 14.2 9.6 9.2 10.4 9.3 45.2 46.2 46.3 46.6 47.7 48.6 50.3 51.5 51.1 52.7 50.3 50.8 51.7 51.9 50.9 50.3 43.3 42.1 43.0 41.7 44.0 48.3 48.2 48.3 176 22 173 317 181 29 172 325 185 26 195 349 186 27 211 367 190 29 230 373 189 39 256 384 203 41 294 432 203 254 440 2123 87 19 1936 2350 72 26 2167 2529 63 38 2392 2692 53 51 2727 2802 45 40 2811 2973 22 126 2958 3240 19 163 3122 3516 15 182 3430 41 40 49 48 59 56 69 71 80 81 83 90 94 108 103 131 2203 2197 2500 11 2494 2866 12 2859 3282 15 3271 3467 17 3454 3715 17 3703 4207 19 4193 4713 19 4700 3.9 6.1 6.9 1.8 4.9 3.8 1.5 3.0 3.8 4.8 3.1 7.6 5.9 6.9 7.8 -0.7 -5.4 -0.6 3.3 5.5 6.7 5.4 6.0 7.8 16.5 17.1 17.9 19.3 19.5 20.1 20.7 22.0 Taxes 14.0 14.7 14.7 Total expenditure 17.5 18.3 18.1 Overall budgetary surplus/deficit -2.5 -2.6 -2.2 EXTERNAL TRADE billion US Dollars; calendar year Exports, fob 266.1 325.6 438.2 Imports, cif 243.6 295.2 412.8 Trade balance 22.6 30.4 25.5 Direction of Trade million US Dollars; calendar year Exports, total 266723 325783 438486 United States 54395 70064 92633 Hong Kong, China 46503 58483 76289 Japan 45078 48483 59423 Korea, Republic of 12544 15508 20096 Germany 9759 11382 17536 Netherlands 7294 9070 13505 India 1903 2673 3344 United Kingdom 6786 8059 10824 Singapore 5795 6969 8869 10 Russian Federation 2715 3522 6035 Imports, total 243567 295440 412837 Japan 42810 53489 74151 Korea, Republic of 23396 28581 43135 United States 26221 27251 33939 Germany 13695 16434 24341 Australia 5430 5852 7301 Malaysia 6206 9295 13987 Brazil 2347 3003 5844 Saudi Arabia 2723 3436 5195 Thailand 4713 5599 8827 10 Russian Federation 7959 8405 9726 BALANCE OF PAYMENTS million US Dollars; calendar year Current account 17405 35422 43052 Capital account -54 -50 -48 Financial account 34829 32340 54921 15.1 17.8 15.6 18.3 16.1 18.7 17.2 18.7 17.3 19.9 17.5 22.4 18.2 22.4 19.0 23.1 -1.3 -1.2 -0.8 0.6 -0.4 -2.3 -1.7 -1.1 593.3 561.2 32.1 762.0 660.0 102.0 969.0 791.5 177.5 1220.5 956.1 264.3 1430.7 1132.6 298.1 1201.6 1005.9 195.7 1577.8 1396.2 181.5 1898.4 1743.5 154.9 593770 125181 101126 73536 27810 23754 18518 5926 14976 12696 9071 560811 94192 62166 44744 30159 11531 18162 8656 7518 11538 12089 762648 163348 124505 84097 35117 32537 25876 8937 18983 16716 13211 660224 100468 76874 48995 30668 16147 20108 9982 12286 13994 15886 969698 203898 155435 91773 44558 40302 30843 14588 24159 23188 15829 791795 115811 89819 59326 37888 19195 23577 12907 15087 17962 17539 1218700 233181 184289 102116 56129 48729 41411 24036 31654 29680 28484 956264 133903 104045 69998 45422 25758 28737 18342 17546 22653 19630 1429340 252786 190772 116176 73905 59192 45921 31517 36079 32325 33011 1131920 150808 112175 81723 55911 36284 32131 29632 31072 25636 23784 1203420 221384 166261 98045 53639 49943 36693 29683 31283 30089 17518 1003910 130928 102501 77773 55916 39241 32224 28311 23582 24846 21103 1580400 283679 218205 120262 68811 68069 49711 40880 38776 32333 29592 1393920 176304 138024 101959 74378 59698 50375 38038 32862 33201 25811 1901480 324856 268039 147290 82925 76433 59482 50489 44113 35297 38886 1741450 194410 161673 119164 92759 80930 62017 52649 49545 39040 39043 68941 -69 108222 132378 4102 91247 231843 4020 45285 353183 3099 91132 420569 3051 37075 243257 3939 194531 237810 4630 282234 136097 5446 260024 Net errors and omissions -4856 7794 8224 12967 Overall balance 47325 75507 106148 190060 Reserves and related items -47325 -75507 -106148 -190060 INTERNATIONAL RESERVES million US Dollars; calendar year Total 218698 295202 412225 618574 Gold, national valuation 3093 4074 4074 4074 Foreign exchange 212165 286407 403251 609932 Reserve position in the 2590 3723 3798 3320 Fund SDRs 851 998 1102 1247 EXCHANGE RATES Yuan per US Dollar End of period 8.277 8.277 8.277 8.277 Average of period 8.277 8.277 8.277 8.277 EXTERNAL INDEBTEDNESS External debt percent of GNI 14.1 12.9 12.6 12.8 Total long-term debt percent of total debt 69.3 64.4 57.2 52.8 Short-term debt percent of total debt 30.6 35.5 42.7 47.1 Debt service percent of exports of goods and services 8.1 8.3 7.5 3.4 22921 250649 -250649 3628 284776 -284776 13290 460704 -460704 18844 479539 -479539 -41383 400344 -400344 -52936 471739 -471739 -13766 387801 -387801 825588 4074 818872 1391 1072564 4074 1066340 1081 1534354 4074 1528250 840 1953334 4074 1946030 2031 2425855 9815 2399150 4382 2875895 9815 2847340 6397 3212605 9815 3181150 9785 1251 1068 1192 1199 12510 12345 11856 8.070 8.194 7.809 7.973 7.305 7.608 6.835 6.949 6.828 6.831 6.623 6.770 6.301 6.461 12.6 11.9 10.7 8.4 8.9 9.5 9.4 47.5 46.2 45.4 50.7 43.3 35.8 28.9 52.3 53.7 54.5 49.2 54.3 62.2 69.6 3.4 2.7 2.4 2.1 2.9 3.6 3.6