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MYANMAR 2001 2002 2003 2004 POPULATION Total population million; as of October 51.1 52.2 53.2 54.3 Population density persons per square kilometer 78 79 81 83 Population annual change, percent 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Urban population percent of total population 29.4 29.5 30.0 30.2 LABOR FORCE million; fiscal year beginning April 24.9 25.6 26.4 26.9 NATIONAL ACCOUNTS billion Kyats; fiscal year beginning April At Current Prices GDP by industrial origin at current producers prices 3548 5625 7717 9079 US$ triệu 526 847 1257 1564 Net factor income from abroad -0.2 -0.0 -0.0 -0.1 US$ -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 GNI 3548 5625 7717 9079 US$ 526 847 1257 1564 GDP/đầu người 10 16 24 29 Structure of Output percent of GDP at current producers prices Agriculture 57.1 54.5 50.6 48.2 Industry 10.6 13.0 14.3 16.4 Services 32.4 32.5 35.1 35.5 Structure of Demand percent of GDP at current producers prices Private consumption & Government consumption Gross domestic capital formation 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 55.4 56.5 57.5 58.4 59.1 59.8 60.4 61.0 84 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 2.0 2.0 1.8 1.5 1.3 1.1 1.0 1.0 30.4 30.5 30.5 30.6 30.7 30.7 30.8 30.8 27.4 28.0 29.3 30.0 30.5 31.0 31.4 31.8 12287 2112 -0.0 | -0.0 12287 2112 38 16853 2884 0.3 0.0 16853 2884 51 23336 4155 0.5 0.1 23337 4155 72 29233 5372 0.3 0.1 29234 5372 92 33894 6078 -0.2 -0.0 33894 6078 103 39777 7059 … … … 46344 8513 … … … … … … … … 118 141 … 46.7 17.5 35.8 43.9 19.2 36.8 43.3 20.4 36.3 40.3 22.7 37.1 38.1 24.5 37.4 36.9 26.5 36.7 32.5 31.3 36.2 30.5 32.1 37.5 88.5 89.8 89.0 87.7 86.9 84.8 85.1 82.6 84.2 78.8 72.5 70.9 11.6 10.1 11.0 12.2 13.2 13.7 14.8 15.6 18.9 23.2 29.2 30.3 Exports of goods and services 0.5 0.3 0.2 0.2 Imports of goods and services 0.5 0.3 0.2 0.1 Statistical discrepancy – – – – Growth of Output annual change, percent GDP 11.3 12.0 13.8 13.6 Savings and Investment percent of GDP at current market prices Gross domestic saving 11.5 10.2 11.0 12.3 Gross national saving 11.5 10.2 11.0 12.3 Gross domestic capital formation 11.6 10.1 11.0 12.2 ENERGY annual values Crude petroleum thousand metric tons Production 653 862 967 1011 Imports 638 675 – … Consumption 1181 1449 1023 1060 Coal thousand metric tons Production 44 52 57 234 Consumption 56 57 113 117 Natural gas terajoules Production 327391 348482 369087 398351 Consumption 45225 46774 62146 64382 Electricity million kilowatt-hours Production 4689 5068 5426 5608 Consumption 3041 3484 3850 3909 Price Indexes annual change, percent Consumer price index 21.2 57.0 36.6 4.5 Food price index 19.5 68.3 36.3 1.1 Wholesale price index 24.8 41.5 20.5 3.6 Implicit GDP deflator Government Finance percent of GDP at current market prices 0.2 0.1 -0.2 0.2 0.1 1.4 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.1 1.8 0.1 0.1 -3.1 0.1 0.1 -2.0 15.4 15.7 -1.4 14.6 14.9 -0.9 13.6 13.1 12.0 10.3 10.6 9.6 5.6 7.6 13.1 13.1 15.2 15.2 14.9 14.9 17.4 17.4 15.8 15.8 … … … … … … 13.2 13.7 14.8 15.6 18.9 23.2 29.1 30.3 1098 1049 852 1046 816 993 901 951 948 … … … … … … 224 357 315 245 235 240 356 … 471 … 426597 452627 142153 476832 142547 405521 151186 439615 127624 450381 455394 … 452538 … 6064 4353 6164 4355 6398 4438 6622 4701 6964 4993 8625 6312 9711 7717 9738 8255 9.4 9.3 19.2 20.0 20.6 21.3 20.9 21.3 23.6 17.9 18.5 13.6 1.5 -0.3 4.9 7.7 7.3 7.0 5.0 3.9 … 1.5 -1.5 3.7 Total revenue Taxes Total expenditure Overall budgetary surplus/deficit EXTERNAL TRADE million Kyats; fiscal year beginning April Exports, fob 17131 19955 14119 16697 Imports, cif 18378 14910 13398 11339 Trade balance -1247 5045 722 5358 Direction of Trade million US Dollars; calendar year Exports, total 2759.6 2755.9 2766.4 3157.4 Thailand 735.4 831.2 827.0 1230.3 India 314.0 314.2 355.2 363.7 China, People's Rep of 122.0 124.5 154.1 188.0 Japan 92.8 100.3 126.9 163.5 Korea, Rep of 46.1 51.1 26.6 27.4 Malaysia 71.1 69.8 72.6 97.1 Bangladesh 17.9 21.6 30.2 24.8 Singapore 102.1 97.3 76.2 64.5 Viet Nam 3.6 5.4 16.6 17.5 10 Germany 100.3 73.1 94.0 118.3 Imports, total China, People's Rep of Thailand Singapore Korea, Rep of Japan Malaysia India Indonesia 2666.1 547.3 390.5 465.6 255.3 205.3 216.7 61.1 75.9 2970.4 797.3 355.9 576.6 157.8 126.9 263.1 78.7 59.8 3228.5 998.7 483.3 716.0 202.4 137.0 154.3 94.6 50.2 3459.5 1032.4 665.4 717.1 178.2 115.8 164.3 115.2 66.3 17.6 4.3 21.9 17.2 3.8 21.0 15.8 3.6 18.2 13.9 3.2 18.5 14.2 3.2 18.9 14.7 3.7 18.5 22.7 3.8 27.4 -4.3 -3.8 -2.3 -4.6 -4.6 -3.8 -3.2 20647 11514 9133 30026 16835 13191 35297 18419 16878 37028 24874 12154 41289 22837 18452 49107 35508 13598 49288 48764 524 … … … 3715.6 1623.0 450.9 249.5 184.8 51.1 121.5 29.3 98.5 41.6 102.2 4543.4 2135.7 653.1 229.7 225.6 87.7 113.5 24.5 63.2 58.7 114.9 4838.6 2104.9 729.8 336.9 269.2 73.4 126.6 27.0 55.6 68.5 110.2 6276.9 3059.6 829.6 585.9 288.6 105.7 162.5 75.7 80.0 68.7 90.5 5910.7 2549.0 1086.6 586.9 309.5 71.2 128.7 62.3 106.6 59.1 73.0 6453.7 2590.3 1019.1 873.6 353.4 145.4 207.3 90.6 74.8 93.5 71.0 8299.3 3362.6 1219.7 1181.2 612.2 319.2 167.6 67.5 71.7 88.7 50.5 3563.7 1028.4 777.3 656.1 132.0 101.0 270.3 122.5 85.8 3912.4 1328.0 837.9 619.6 133.4 114.1 181.5 146.0 151.5 5595.4 1861.1 1054.0 855.8 321.2 194.0 231.6 191.4 288.6 6976.4 2177.1 1449.1 1415.0 268.2 207.2 346.3 259.6 275.8 7075.1 2507.0 1693.6 978.8 446.8 222.1 226.0 230.8 192.2 9944.8 3828.8 2280.2 1271.9 526.7 290.5 402.1 300.6 312.6 8314.8 3172.6 1143.4 1524.9 538.7 271.5 212.8 141.5 78.0 77.1 75.4 13688 5307.5 3095.6 1333.6 733.6 557.7 615.6 513.1 395.4 16886.4 6242.5 3419.3 1474.6 1464.0 1384.9 774.1 586.1 441.7 Russian Federation 2.5 96.7 11.7 25.5 10 Germany 18.4 20.1 15.9 27.9 BALANCE OF PAYMENTS million US Dollars; calendar year Current account -169 -21 -79 Capital account – – – – Financial account 117 96 136 211 Net errors and omissions 230 -37 -40 -7 Overall balance 178 69 75 125 Reserves and related items -178 -69 -75 -125 Reserve assets -178 -69 -75 -125 Use of Fund credit and loans – – – – INTERNATIONAL RESERVES million US Dollars; as of end of period Total 410.6 481.0 562.3 684.7 Gold, national valuation 10.2 11.0 12.0 12.6 Foreign exchange 399.9 469.9 550.1 672.1 Reserve position in the Fund – – – – SDRs 0.6 0.1 0.1 0.0 EXCHANGE RATES Kyats per US Dollar End of period 6.850 6.344 5.805 5.552 Average of period 6.749 6.642 6.139 5.806 EXTERNAL INDEBTEDNESS External debt percent of GNI Total long-term debt percent of total debt 90.1 88.7 87.9 87.2 Short-term debt percent of total debt 8.9 10.3 11.1 11.9 Debt service percent of exports of goods and services 1.1 1.9 1.2 1.1 0.8 35.8 7.2 44.1 23.2 58.3 35.5 59.6 50.0 58.3 68.9 33.4 250.9 64.8 48.7 138.9 590 – 167 -625 132 -132 -132 787 – 195 982 1266 1262 1093 1961 -1576 -1249 … … … … – – … 782.3 11.6 770.5 1247.8 12.2 1235.4 3101.8 12.9 3088.5 3730.1 12.6 3717.4 5264.5 12.8 5138.4 5729.5 12.6 5714.3 7016.5 12.6 7003.0 – 0.2 – 0.2 – 0.4 – 0.1 – 113.3 – 2.6 – 1.0 – 0.5 5.990 5.818 5.717 5.843 5.444 5.617 5.552 5.441 5.502 5.576 5.580 5.635 5.615 5.444 | … 640.653 … … 87.0 86.6 85.8 85.8 82.1 80.5 80.5 … 12.0 12.4 13.2 13.3 13.1 14.4 14.6 … 0.7 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.2 7.1 … …

Ngày đăng: 22/04/2019, 22:12


