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Branch: Economics Major: International economics



Hanoi – 2019

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At hour day month year

The Thesis can be referred at:

- National Library of Vietnam

- Library of Foreign Trade University

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1 Tran Tuan Minh, 2014, Research on establishing the plan of connection and supervision of temperature and humidity parameters in the archives, storage of the Ministry via the Internet, scientific and public themes and Ministry of Public Security.

2 Tran Tuan Minh, 2017, Effectiveness of Technology Transfer

in Security Industry, Journal of Finance, 2nd period of December 2017, p 31- 33.

3 Tran Tuan Minh, 2018, Factors Affecting Technology Transfer in the Security Industry, Journal of Finance, 1st period of March 2018 (677), p 29 - 32.

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1 The urgency of the theme:

At the request of the country's renewal and development, in the context

of international economic integration, the scientific capacity and potential ofour country, of the Ministry of Public Security in general and the GeneralDepartment of Logistics – Engineering in particular has been improvedconstantly The technological content of many products has increased thequality and created added value for products and services to improve thecompetitiveness of units inside and outside the public securitybranch Scientific staff are better equipped with research infrastructure andfacilities through the investment programs of the State and the Ministry ofPublic Security The system of scientific and technological organizations issupported and facilitated to transform the management structure to suit thesituation of each unit.Technological market has been gradually formed,promoting application and transfer of technology, boosting thecommercialization of scientific research results, linking scientific researchresults with practical activities of the public security branch

To meet the increasing demands of the industrialization andmodernization of the country in the new period, effectiveness of resources forinvestment in science and technology, science and technology shall bedeveloped in the direction of considering the development and application oftechnology transfer results as one of the most important driving forces fordeveloping socio-economy, defending the fatherland and maintain the politicalsecurity and social safety and order

According to the functions and tasks of the units in the GeneralDepartment of Logistics and Engineering of the Ministry of Public Security, anumber of specialized technical equipment must be mass-produced in thecountry and the concept of «security industry» is set and considered as a keyindustry, play an important role in the sustainable development of the cause ofnational security protection in the current situation

However, our security industry has been facing more opportunities andchallenges than ever before In general, the current system of research andproduction facilities of the security industry has a small scale, not in line withthe requirements of fighting and development of the public security forces inthe new period The professional facilities, specialized weapons and supportivetools equipped to units and localities are shortage of quantity and their quality

is not high; material facilities, equipment and technological level of themajority of research and production establishments have low technological

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«Technology transfer in the field of security industry at General Department of Logistics and Engineering (Ministry of Public Security)»,

aimed at promoting technology transfer activities at General Department ofLogistics and Engineering (Ministry of Public Security) in a young industry asthe security industry, thereby contributing to socio-economic development andensuring social order and security in the current situation in Vietnam

2 Objectives of the research, Questions and Tasks of the study:

Objectives of the study:

The study objective of the Thesis is to study the scientific foundation andpropose solutions to improve and promote international technology transfer inthe field of security industry in the Ministry of Public Security

Study questions:

- What is the technology transfer in the field of security industry? Why

transfer technology in the field of security industry?

- How is the current state of technology transfer in the field of securityindustry through the General Department of Logistics and Engineering(Ministry of Public Security)?

- What are the factors that affect the international technology transfer inthe field of security industry?

- What measures should be taken to promote the technology transfer inthe field of security industry at the General Department of Logistics andEngineering (Ministry of Public Security) ?

(ii) The current situation of technology transfer in the field of securityindustry is implemented through the General Department IV of the Ministry ofPublic Security

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(iii) Identify factors that affect international technology transfer in thefield of security industry using case studies and questionnaires Analyzefactors affecting the technology transfer in the field of security industry

(iv) Provide recommendations on measures to promote the technologytransfer in the field of security at General Department IV

3 Objects and scope of the study:

3.1 Study objects:

The thesis studies international technology transfer activities in the field

of security industry through the General Department of Logistics andEngineering (Ministry of Public Security)

3.2 Study scope:

- Regarding space: technology transfer activities of units inside andoutside the General Department of Logistics and Engineering under theMinistry of Public Security For projects of units outside the GeneralDepartment of Logistics and Engineering under the Ministry of PublicSecurity, the thesis will only research the technology transfer projectsauthorized to the General Department to perform

- Regarding time: The thesis studies the technology transfer activities inthe field of security industry at the General Department of Logistics andEngineering under the Ministry of Public Security in the period from 2009 (theofficial time of establishing the General Department of Logistics andEngineering) to 2017 During this period, almost all technology transferactivities in the security industry are carried out through the Department ofSecurity Industry and Enterprises, which is a part of the General Department

of Logistics and Engineering In 2018, although the organizational structure ofthe General Department of Logistics and Engineering has changed, but theDepartment of Security Industry and Enterprises is still responsible formanagement of security industry Therefore, the results of research onindustrial transfer activities in the security industry in the Ministry of PublicSecurity are still valuable both in practice and reasoning

- Regarding content: The thesis deals with the technology transfer fromthe perspective of the technology recipient rather than the transferor, becausethe units in the General Department of Logistics - Techniques of the Ministry

of Public Security usually play a role as a recipient or as an intermediary ininternational technology transfer activities

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Security and projects that the General Department carried out under theauthorization of units outside the General Department The statistics were takenfrom 2009 to 2017

The analyses and comments in the Thesis are also based on the legaldocuments on the security industry of the Government of the SocialistRepublic of Vietnam, the Ministry of Public Security and the GeneralDepartment of Logistics and Engineering (Ministry of Public Security)

In addition, the author also relies on statistical data, as well as researcharguments of the reports and research papers of domestic and foreign authorsabout the situation of technology transfer in the field of security industry

* Primary data

Primary data is collected through questionnaire survey Conduct thesurvey by questionnaires to the units in the General Department of Logisticsand Engineering (Ministry of Public Security) such as: enterprises, researchinstitutes, hospitals and departments for state management, partners andcustomers inside and outside the armed force sector of General Department IV

- The information in the questionnaire: The research student developes aquestionnaire to find out the technology transfer activities of the units in theGeneral Department of Logistics and Engineering and who their customersare, find out what these units has been learned, how to innovate and renewtransfer technology, the costs of technology transfer in the technology transferprojects, the capacity of operation and the capacity of renewal of transfertechnology, the quantity of technology transfer and smooth running rates,number of solutions and development initiatives from the technology transferprojects

4.2 Study method

* Method of collecting data:

- Destop study (Method of document research): To collect secondary

data, the research student uses this method to search and synthesize fromsources such as books, journals, scientific seminar summary records,synthesized reports of Ministry of Public Security, General Department ofLogistics and Engineering, websites of agencies and enterprises in the industry

as well as domestic and foreign magazines

- Method of survey:

+ Study Sample: To conduct the study, the author conducted a surveywith the sample of 300 survey forms The objects of the survey are individualsinvolved in technology transfer projects in the field of security industry Thenumber of survey forms obtained is 251, reaching the rate of 83.67% Theauthor used a method of cluster sampling, thereby each unit participating in thesurvey is considered as a cluster The author conducted the survey with 35units inside and outside the General Department, equivalent to 35 clusters of

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survey For clusters with few technology transfer projects, the author issued 5

-10 survey forms for each cluster For units regularly implementing technologytransfer activities, the number of survey forms issued is 20 Thus, the surveysample covers most objects involved in technology transfer activities in thefield of security industry (implemented through the General Department ofLogistics and Engineering (Ministry of Public Security)

+ Objects of the survey: enterprises in Department H59 (Department ofSecurity Industry and Enterprise Management), research institutes, hospitals,departments in charge of state management and units under the departments atGeneral Department of Logistics and Engineering, customers and partners ofGeneral Department of Logistics and Engineering (including armed force unitsinside and outside the industry such as: public security of units, localities;customs; army) The respondents are those who have been involved in securitytechnology transfer projects

+ The survey period is 4 months, from July 2017 to November

2017 As a result of the post-cleansing survey, 251 survey forms wereobtained to conduct the EFA and regression analysis using SPSS 20software

* Method of data analysis

The thesis uses a combination of study methods such as:

- Qualitative method: (Method of statistics, description, analysis andsynthesis) The research student uses data analysis software tool SPSS 20 tosynthesize and analyze data The author uses this method with criteria such asnumber of average, frequency, percentage to describe the current state oftechnology transfer and evaluate the results of technology transfer in the field

of security industry at General Department of Logistics – Engineering Theevaluation of the current status of technology transfer in the security industry

is also based on a number of judgments, reports and self-assessments of units

in the General Department of Logistics - Technology (Ministry of PublicSecurity) over time

- Quantitative Method: The research student uses the method ofchecking the reliability of scale (Cronbach's alpha factor), Exploratory FactorAnalysis (EFA) method, and then performs multi-linear regression to see ifthere is a linear relationship between a single dependent variable (technologytransfer result) and different independent variables (influencing factors) toestimate and test the factors affecting the transfer technology in the field ofsecurity industry

5 Structure of the theme:

Apart from lists of tables, acronyms, conclusions, appendices,references, the Thesis is structured in five chapters as follows:

- Chapter 1 Overview of study situation related to the Thesis

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- Chapter 4 Analysis of factors affecting the technology transfer in thefield of security industry at the General Department of Logistics andEngineering of the Ministry of Public Security

- Chapter 5 Solutions of completing technology transfer in the field ofsecurity industry at the General Department of Logistics and Engineering ofthe Ministry of Public Security


THE THESIS 1.1 Foreign study situation

There are many foreign studies that deal with technology transfer such

as some authors: Tyhanyi and Roath (2002), Mascus ( 2003 ), Li.Q(2014); Sanjay Kumar et al., (2015); Astrid Szogs (2010); Rashid Ali Al-Saadi(2010), Bozeman, (1994); Geisler and Clements (1995); Sandelin(1994); Phillip H Phan and Donald S Siegel (2004), Schlie et

al (1987), approaching on many different aspects Regarding the technologytransfer model, many authors approached the qualitative model Behrman andWallender (1976), Dahlman and Westphal (1981), Chantramonklasri(1990) However, many authors studied the quantitative model, assessing thefactors affecting the technology transfer such as Li.Q ( 2014 ); SanjayKumar et al ( 2015 ) ; Astrid Szogs ( 2010 ) ; Rashid Ali Al-Saadi (2010); Tang Ming Feng (2009); Jean-francois Eck ( 2011), Kneller et

al ( 2010)

There are not many studies on the security industry and technologytransfer in the field of security industry, mainly from the studies from theperspective of security and defense The main authors mainly in this issueinclude: ASIS Foundation (2013) ; Vincent Boulanin (2012) ; Ecorys researchand Consulting (2009) ; Martí Sempere, C (2010), James B Rose,B.S ( 1995), Wayne M Johnson (1998) These studies do not address publiccivil security (of the armed forces) or merely cover the general technologytransfer for the economy in general, of which a small portion related to nationalsecurity, not mentioning the effectiveness of technology transfer in the field ofsecurity industry These are gaps in the study that the research student can takeadvantage

In the study, the research student only approaches in the respect of thesecurity industry in the armed forces, (notably at the General Department of

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Logistics and Engineering under the Ministry of Public Security), not in terms ofmilitary (defense) or at private security service companies This is also a newtopic and has not been studied by many authors so this can also be considered anew point in the study The research student depends on models of Schlie et al.,and analyses of some other authors such as Li.Q to establish the research model

on the basis of quantitative analysis to determine the factors that influence theoutcome of transfer technology in the field of security industry, then proposeappropriate solutions

1.2 Domestic study situation

There are quite many study works on technology transfer in Vietnam,authors or group of authors through their own study works such as books,textbooks, theses, articles, etc (of authors such as Ho Sy Hung (1996), PhamDuc Nghiem et al (2011), Dang Kim Nhung (1994 ) ; Shoichi Yamashita; LuuQuy Tan ( 1994 ), Phan Xuan Dung (2004), Ngo Van Que (2001), Ha ThiNgoc Oanh (2006), Vu Chi Loc (2016), Phan Xuan Dung (2017) etc But most

of the works haven’t established the model of technology transfer and in thequalitative aspect, only a few in quantitative aspect such as of Nguyen VanAnh (2012), Pham Duc Nghiem et al (2011) The studies generally refer totechnology transfer in Vietnam, not technology transfer in a particular sectorsuch as security industry

Regarding security industry and technology transfer in the securityindustry, there are almost very little domestic studies mentioning thesecontents, except for a number of management agencies such as Ministry ofPublic Security, General Department of Logistics and Engineering In addition,there are a number of separate studies on the security and security industry ofmany authors compiled and published by the Theoretical Council of VietnamMinistry of Public Security in 2014 and some studies of Tran Dai Quang, NguyenQuang Yem (2015) outlined some issues of security industry product anddefinition of security industry The arguments and research data of these authorsare also used as reference materials in the Thesis However, the arguments abouttechnology transfer in the field of security industry have been still very lacking,the research student has not found any study that covers, in a systematic andcomprehensive way, the technology transfer in the field of security industry .Through the review of study works in Vietnam, it can be seen that thereare no study themes on technology transfer in the field of security industry inVietnam and the General Department of Logistics – Engineering (Ministry ofPublic Security) These are the gaps that the research student can use up to carryout the study

1.3 Study gap of the theme

In the above study works, the author finds some gaps in the study such

as: (i) Regarding study content: There are not many studies in the world

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related to security industry, mainly about defense industry In Vietnam today,the concept of security industry is vague, and is often understood within thescope of the defense industry As a result, there is no study on security industry

in Vietnam, moreover, at the General Department of Logistics and

Engineering; (ii) Regarding study method: The study works in the world

mainly use qualitative, quantitative methods or both, the study works inVietnam mainly use qualitative method The thesis boldly adopts andselectively uses quantitative study method in analyzing the factors that affectthe technology transfer in particular fields such as security industry, therebyhave appropriate solution to improve the efficiency of this activity, ensuringthe development of the security industry in the coming years


2.1 General issues on security industry and technology transfer in the field of security industry

2.1.1 Related concepts:

“Technology is a collection of knowledge, information or way of organization combined with tools and means to a certain extent to reach a particular objective of an organization”.

"Technology transfer is the transfer of ownership of or right to use a part or the entire technology from the technology transferor to the technology transferee under certain legal regimes in order to create a certain technological capacity for the transferee technology"

"Security Industry is a system of units of research, production, repair, improvement and modernization of technical equipment, supportive tools, information technology, specialized weapons to serve the work and fighting of the public security force and serve the needs of security and social safety " (Theoretical Council of the Ministry of Public Security, 2014) Within the

scope of the study, in the perspective of a person working in the public securitybranch, the author of the thesis applies the definition of the TheoreticalCouncil of the Ministry of Public Security of Vietnam, because the conceptalso mentions dual security, including military security (in state security units)and civil security

" Technology transfer in the field of security industry is the process of

transferring the ownership or the right to use part or all of the technology from the technology transferor to the technology transferee under certain legal regimes aimed for the purpose of serving the work and fighting of the public security force and meeting the needs of ensuring security and safety in society".

Thus, technology transfer is not only carried out in the public securitybranch (public security force) in order to improve the operation capacity,ensuring the work of maintaining social safety of the sector but also

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2.1.2 Characteristics of technology transfer in the security industry

* Characteristics of the security industry : (i) Confidentiality; (ii)Double applicability; (iii) Economy; (iv) Science

* Characteristics of technology transfer in the field of security industry: (i)Technology transfer in the field of security industry is increasinglydiversified; (ii) Increase the global cooperation, technology transfer in the field

of security industry; (iii) Trend of transfer of double-applicable technology

2.1.3 Theories of industrial security

At present, there are only some theories about security industry Thesetheories also lay the foundation for the development of this newindustry However, the research student has not found the theory of technologytransfer in the field of security industry Theories of technology transfer in thefield of security industry are based on theoretical models (procedures) oftechnology transfer (discussed in section 1.1.3) Theory of the security industry market

Ecorys research and Consulting company, 2009, in the analysis of thecompetitiveness of the EU security industry, developed a model of the securityindustry market (or security area) in the aspects of: (i) ) Approach fromsecurity threats; (ii) Approach from the demand; (iii) Approach from thesupply; (iv) Common scope of security area

Through this model, the authors have come up with a comprehensivepicture, distinguishing between military and non-military security, clarifyingthe relatively fragile boundary between the two these forms The theory of Carlos Martí Sempere and Vincent Boulanin on the boundary of the security industry

Based on the analyses of risk-based classification by Carlos MartíSempere (2010) related to the boundary of the security industry whenanalyzing the EU security industry, Vincent Boulanin (2012) has developedreferences to classification of security industries According to VincentBoulanin, the term "security industries" should be used instead of "securityindustry" because of the diversity as well as difficulty in delimiting theindustry This classification, according to the authors, would allow the researchstudents to analyze different security industries in a better way

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2.1.4 Process of technology transfer

In the world, technology transfer processes are carried out in differentmodels

Model 1: Behrman and Wallender Model: Behrman and Wallender(1976) proposed a seven-stage process in international technology transferinvolving multinational corporations, a seven-stage model

Model 2: Dahlman and Westphal Model: Dahlman and Westphal (1981)conducted study in Korea, and based on their experience of industrializedcountries in the 1980s, in the Far East, proposed a nine-stage modeling processfrom feasibility studies prior to investment to handling the incidents and workarrangement

Model 3: Model of Schlie, Radnor, and Wad: Schlie et al (1987)proposed a simple common pattern, outlined seven factors that can affect theplanning, implementation and ultimate success of any project oftechnology transfer, including the transferors, the transferees, the technologyand transfer mechanism, the environment of the transferor and the transferee andthe surrounding environment of both Parties

Model 4: Model of Chantramonklasri: The model of Dahlman andWestphal was further improved when Chantramonklasri (1990) proposed afive-stage model from pre-investment and feasibility study to thecommencement of commercial production

In practice, depending on the specific situation of each country, theprocess or model of technology transfer in the field of security industry isdifferent In China, the technology transfer for technological products in thefield of security industry is done through regulatory authorities, but in France,each unit of the public security force or enterprise can conduct the technologytransfer in the field of security industry by its own through the security industrymarket without performing the application for license from the managementagency (except in some special cases)

2.2 Necessity and content of technology transfer in the field of security industry

2.2.1 Necessity for technology transfer in the field of security industry

Firstly, the progress of politics is increasingly complex

Secondly, high tech crime tends to increase and become more sophisticated

Thirdly, the stormy change speed of technology in the world

Fourth, the conflict between increased demand for security and backwardness in the supply of security products and services

2.2.2 Forms and channels, objects of technology transfer in the field

of security industry Forms of technology transfer

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* According to the flow of technology transfer

Technology in the field of security industry can be delivered verticallyand horizontally

Vertical technology transfer: Technologies in the civil security industry

can be co-operatively transferred in this form to save study costs, as well as toaccelerate technology transfer to the market, reduce the invisible wear oftechnology and technological products in the context of faster replacement oftechnologies as today

Horizontal technology transfer: Under-developed and developing

countries often import the technology horizontally due to limit in technologicalstudy capacity as well as limit in investment capital for technological studyand development Maintaining the national security and safety is largelydependent on technologies and technological products transferred from abroad Channels and objects of technology transfer According to technology transfer channel

Technology transfer can be implemented in two channels: direct channeland indirect channel For industrial security products, the transfer method is alsoimplemented through these two channels

The objects of technology transfer in the field of security industry aswell as other industrial fields, include: (i) technical know-how (technologicalknow-how); (ii) technological plans and procedures, technical solutions,specifications, drawings, diagrams; formulas, computer software, datainformation; (iii) solutions of production rationalization, technologicalinnovation; (iv) machinery and equipment accompanying one of the aboveobjects

In many cases, as owning countries often prefer to keeping technicalknow-how, most of the technology transferors in the field of security industryoften transfer products, machinery, deliver technical know-how

Technological products transferred under technology transfer projects inthe field of security industry are quite diverse due to the highly increasing needfor ensuring security and safety in society, including the military and civiliansectors Technological products imported under technology transfer projects inthe military field are often focused on specialized tools, facilities andprofessional technical equipment for combat operations of armed and securityforces, such as types of weapons, tools to suppress and prevent from crimes;audiovisual, surveillance, inspection, forensics and other professionaldocuments; specialized equipment to fight against terrorism, riots; specializedmeans of transport, patrol, search and rescue activities; security and safetyequipment in military and civil

2.3 Model of factors influencing technology transfer in the field

of security industry

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2.3.1 Theoretical background on factors influencing technology transfer

There are many studies on the factors that affect the technology transfer

in many different fields The studies of Kumaraswamy and Shrestha (2002),Malik (2002), Lin and Berg (2001), Fisher and Ranasinghe (2001), Cohen andLevinthal (1990), Fosfuri and TRIBO (2008), Todorova andDurisin ( 2007), Tsai ( 2001), Deeds ( 2001), Jones and Craven ( 2000), Limand Klobas (2000), Lihua (2001), Ma du (1989) and Lai and Tsai (2009), Zhouand Sun (2005), Odigie (2012) and Megantz (2002), Sun and Scott (2005),Li.Q (2014) showed that when studying technology transfer, each author looked

at a different aspect, under the various technology transfer models Therefore,the viewpoint on factors influencing the outcome (or success) in technologytransfer is different In this Thesis, the author bases on the model of technologytransfer of Schlie, Radnor, and Wad (1987), and the results of study by Li Q.(2014), Kumaraswamy and Shrestha (2002), Malik (2002) to build model offactors influencing technology transfer efficiency in the field of securityindustry

Since the security industry is a specific, relatively new and confidentialarea, there is almost no study in the field, and moreover is the issue oftechnology transfer in the security industry field Therefore, the author chooses

to study this issue on the basis of many studies on technology transfer andapplication in specific fields such as security industry

2.3.2 Factors affecting technology transfer in security industry field

Based on many studies on factors influencing technology transfer, theauthor of the Thesis presents six groups of factors that may affect the results oftechnology transfer in the field of security industry as follows: i)Characteristics of technology in the field of security industry; (ii) externalenvironment (including political, cultural, social environments); (iii) theGovernment; (iv) Characteristics of the technology transferor; (v)Characteristics of the technology transferee; (vi) communication environmentbetween two parties

Technology characteristics in the field of industrial security is

expressed through a number of criteria such as: (1) high complexity, require a high level of technology that can not be produced domestically; (2) double

application , can be applied in many different fields, including the field of

civil and national security; (3) inheritance and consistency with the current

technology of the beneficiaries.

Characteristics of technology transferor will also affect the result of

technology transfer in the field of security industry These characteristics are

expressed through: (1) the willingness to perform the transfer contract; (2) good cooperative attitude ; (3) experienced in transfer; (4) the ability to

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manage and own source technology ; (5) have full intellectual property rights over the transferred technology.

Characteristics of the transferee include: (1) ability to readily receive

and learn the technology ; (2) clear understanding of the transferor and the technology to be transferred; (3) full experience to acquire and apply

technology; (4) full investment in R&D to control technology, improve and complete the technology; (5) adequate technical facilities to receive and operate the technology; (6) human resources with the necessary skills and

qualifications to receive and operate the technology; (7) encourage and create learning environment for employees.

Government factor affects the technology transfer in the field of

security industry through the following activities: (1) issuing policies to

encourage businesses to learn foreign know-how; (2) encourage the recipient of the technology to link with the research units and assist the company in absorbing technological knowledge; (3) encourage businesses to invest effectively in R&D ; (4) support in financial terms; (5) protect the interests of enterprises when joining the security industry; (6) issue technical standards prominently for transferred technology; (7) assist in the search for technology supplies and promotion of technology transfer activities; (8)

systematic provisions for the protection of intellectual property

rights; (9) regulations on the technology transfer process in the field of

security industry; (10) issue a mechanism for the formation of the domestic

security industry market; (11) participate directly in the project of technology

transfer Government factor is separated from the external environmentbecause the security industry is characterized by the great impact of the State

In order for technology transfer activities to be successful, the

communication environment between two parties should be ensured : (1)

create mutual understanding: (2) having a firm commitment to the

performance of the obligations of both Parties; (3) have mutual trust ; (4)

have easy and convenient communication; (5) the Parties are willing to

assist, train and operate the transfer technology; (6) have strict supervision

of the transfer project; (7) may be made through third parties.

The external environment (in political - social – cultural terms) can be

influenced by: (1) political stability ; (2) cultural differences between two

countries The specialty of the security industry is related to risk

2.3.3 Evaluation of the result of technology transfer in the field of security industry

As far as study is concerned, the research student believes that the

results of technology transfer, especially in the field of security industry, are reflected in the ability to meet the defined objectives of the economic, political and social transferee.

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From the establishment of definition of technology transfer, a number ofstudies identified criteria for technology transfer Based on the studies of Chen(2011), Teece (1976), Staikarn (1981), Mansfield (1982), Leonard-Barton &Sinha (1993), Davenport & Prusak (1998), Bhatia(1998) , Pursell (2000), Rouach (2003), Waroonkun & Stewart(2008), Mohamed et al (2010), the author of the thesis found that the result oftechnology transfer in the field of security industry must be measured by thetargets of added value in economic and added value terms in the application ofsecurity industry product production, increase the knowledge acquisitioncapacity of the technology recipient from the transfer technologies

Regarding economic targets, the result of technology transfer are

reflected in the added values delivered by the transfer technology in terms of

(i) consistent with cost and quality of technology, (ii) increasing competitive

capacity for security enterprises and (iii) meeting the commercialization potential of the transfer technology.

Regarding the production, the result of technology transfer is reflected

in the added values of production activities through targets of (i) accelerating

the time between the transfer to the time when the product is applied in mass production , (ii) increasing the production capacity of the product of the the

transferee, (iii) technology suitable for the environment of Vietnam without

needing following processing stages: (iv) products produced from transfer

technology transfer is modern, synchronous and suitable to the needs in the

industry and the whole society Production targets also reflect the quality of thetechnology transfer

Regarding the ability to absorb knowledge and technology transferred in

projects, the following criteria shall be ensured: (i) improve knowledge and

workmanship for employees; (ii) ensure confidentiality in the professional

operations of the security industry; (iii) help the technology recipient to

apply and improve technology features to put into operation in the long

run; (iv) help shorten the technological gap in Vietnam's security industry

compared to other countries, ensuring efficiency in ensuring security work inVietnam

2.3.4 Model of evaluating factors that affect the technology transfer

in the field of security industry

The model of factors affecting the technology transfer in the field ofsecurity industry is defined in linear regression as follows:

Y = β0 + β1.X1 + β2.X2 + β3.X3 + β4.X4 + β5.X5 + β6.X6 + ε

In which:

Y: dependent variable, showing the result of technology transfer

β0: intercept, constant

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3.1 General information about General Department of Logistics – Engineering of Ministry of Public Security and Department of Security Industry and Enterprise Management

3.1.1 General introduction of General Department of Logistics – Engineering of Ministry of Public Security

General Department of Logistics and Engineering under the Ministry ofPublic Security of Vietnam, is the leading strategic agency advising theMinister of Public Security on the logistics and engineering work in the entirePeople's Public security branch The organizational structure of the GeneralDepartment of Logistics and Engineering has 29 units directly under theGeneral Department, divided into 4 blocks: Block of units helps the GeneralDepartment perform the State management functions, Block of researchinstitutes, Block of hospitals and enterprises

3.1.2 General introduction of Department of Security Industry and Enterprise Management

Department of Security Industry and Enterprise Management (H59) is aunit of General Department of Logistics and Engineering (Ministry of PublicSecurity) The Department was set up in 2015 under Decision No 1136/QD-BCA dated March 6th, 2015 by the Minister of Public Security Accordingly,the Department of Security Industry and Enterprise Management is responsiblefor assisting the General Director of the General Department IV in unifyingthe management of the security industry, enterprises and public non-businessunits with revenues and production establishments in People’s PublicSecurity; Formulate and implement investment projects on investment,research and production of equipment and means in service of combat workand the building of the People's Public Security force; Organize the investment

in the development and management of the security industry infrastructureaccording to the regulations of the State and the Minister

3.1.3 Study capacity and application of science and technology of units in General Department of Logistics and Engineering (Ministry of Public Security)

Units in the General Department regularly apply scientific study intoprofessional activities to ensure the adequate supply of professional facilitiesand increase the fighting capability of the units of the People's Public Securityforce, contributing to security in society

Ngày đăng: 02/04/2019, 08:57



