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Văn hoá mỹ và quá trình thâm nhập thị trường mỹ của honda e

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Văn hố Mỹ q trình thâm nhập thị trường mỹ Honda  I Introduction  Each country has its own cultural characteristics Culture is a very complicated portrait of a nation In the process of economic development, the whole nation in general and the enterprises in particular have the ambition of stretching to the oversea markets All the enterprises have the same dream of increasing the export market shares and penetrating to the foreign markets, then increasing the profit However, it is only the desire, how to make the desire become the truth is a long way because to expand to any market, the enterprises should pass over many different obstacles, one of which is cultural obstacle If the enterprise cannot go over the cultural obstacle, the enterprise is considered to fail in the market Market business requires the enterprise to understand clearly about the culture, allowing them to devote in this culture, increasing the negotiation ability, the human resource management ability and marketing ability, avoiding the culture shocks   Honda, a very famous company in Japan has determined the rule that for developing, Honda must penetrate into the international market Honda has been successfully in the European market and American market and so on One of a very important market of Honda is USA The USA culture and the penetration of Honda to the USA market are the two main points in this assignment   II Honda spreading to the USA market  Honda Motor was in the hard competition during 1950s and past over the difficulties successfully It got many achievements while other company got bitter failure The success of the company is mainly by the parallel effort of Mr Honda and Mr Fujisawa, the combined strength helped the company pass over the severe competition   Like other famous Japanese companies, Honda has taken the process of penetrating to the foreign markets In 1958, Honda established a foreign market research group with different ideas like focusing on the European market, South East Asia market USA market required the strong competition and placed much challenges to many enterprises The philosophy of Honda requires the company to face the most severe difficulties Takeo Fujisawa highlighted “we must penetrate the USA market before penetrating other markets”, with this opinion, the company has started the research about the USA market However, the company met many difficulties with the culture difference which increased the hardship when Honda set the risky business in a far-away country  In June, 1959, Honda Motor company was founded in USA During this time, the company only sold made-in-Japan motorbikes in USA The company faced many difficulties due to the difference in culture, style, taste and geology They affected directly the products and the product quality With an effort to going out of all the problems, Honda has successfully increased the motorbike market shares in USA Changing from selling to manufacturing was a big challenge with many arising problems, once again, Honda must face a culture difference in labor, working organization, labor management style and the competition For many people, such small company dared to face big companies like General Motor, Ford, Chrysler in America is a crazy and risky idea However, Honda was always loyal to its guideline, manufacturing its own products right in the consuming market, so the company bravely established its factory in USA There were opinions that Honda must build the company under the joint venture name, but it was not Honda’s style The guideline of Honda is that the company must hold the torch by itself   With its business philosophy, Honda has step by step penetrated into the USA market by selling made-in-Japan products in USA to directly manufacturing the products in USA Its success is not easy to reach; the company has faced many difficulties in the way of conquering a potential but hard market   III American Culture and the process of penetrating into American market of Honda  American Culture  People said that each person is the product of his culture Culture creates a kind of “social grease” to lubricate the communication among people, without it, we cannot anything Culture functions as a filter or a prism reflecting the world When anything is clear through the view of prism and your cultural rules as well as in the views of American partners, you will be provided with sufficient valuable information for the work effectiveness in the intercultural environment   “There is no solution for unknown problem”, it is the reason why foreign enterprises wishing to business in America study about the business culture of American first The first American was called North Asian original American, through many centuries have emigrated to America, the second emigration was from Europe including people of political and religious conflicts and the richness hunters in new land They were people of bravery, voluntary or forced to try the luck in the hope of better life With the origin characteristics of American, we take the consideration into the American culture and the American characteristics, in which way it affects the business   American people set the personal liberty to the height  Individual is the basic social unit in the American culture American people think that “be yourself” is very important They want to be the owner of yourself, they give the decision on their own life The most liked commence is “ you are a self-controlled people” or you give their own decision on what you think right Because American people always set the individualism, the personal liberty is an important factor in the American culture American people need the life privacy and work privacy American offices are divided into different private rooms with private space   American people are trained to be independent in working For American, helping other people without their requirements only when they are children or incompetent  American people are ready to present their ideas They like the clearness and straightness They consider the mistake as a lesson They develop the criticizing ability in the building spirit and the feedbacks to change the style into positive way is very important For American people, especially when arranging work, the truth is more important than the emotion or the surface There is a famous saying that “straightness is always the best policy”   For an American manager, a conflict is not necessary a bad thing When facing a conflict, they want to find the reason, For American, going ahead by their own strength is reasonable and encouraging American increases the competition and believe that competition can bring the best result for all the people, competition is the main factor of the renovation and the potential, is one way to encourage staffs   American target to the action  American people say that they are the owner of their life, most of American believe that most of the arising problems in the economy as well as the society can be solved by the hard working, critical thinking and creation For most of the American managers, world is a chain of challenges to overcome   They usually lack patience with the obstacles to their job completion The final objective is to obtain the result- which is of most significance to most of American Enterprises This is the highest scale of the success and failure  American work in an intelligent way They want to be awarded of their failure as soon as possible so that they can control the situation clearly  For American culture, mistake is not of expectation, but mistake can be a chance of learning In the American culture, mistake is not the reason of being fired if this mistake is not related to the security, ethnology or the law  American like changing For most of American, changes are considered in a totally different way In American history, the changes tend to be positive even the changes in this time are causing temporary bitterness They consider the change itself is for the good objectives For most of American managers, changes for improving the business, increasing the effectiveness and improving the production is reasonable to solve the difficulties in business The nature of change is the risk In contrast, the changes can create the good opportunities Because their culture attaches to the risk acceptance, American people seem to like “go for broke” to get the greater award than their counterparts in Asia  For America, time is gold, they never feel to have sufficient time Being a punctual person is very important in America as well as many countries in Asia Businessmen in America are considered to be impolite if they go to the meeting late, especially if they are under the management of the people you are going to meet They usually attempt to go to the meeting minutes earlier   Communication with the American  American people take notice on what is written or spoken They pay less attention to the information around American people talk much and make many questions because they want to obtain as much as concerned information as possible In business, American are very straightforward, they always want you go straight to the problem, not beating around the bushes  American culture has many differences with Asian culture in general and Japanese culture in particular When Honda penetrated into American culture, it faced the culture difference and many problems which are common to most of enterprises when taking business in a foreign country  The market penetration of Honda  When selling products   The limited budget together with the lack of Japanese government priority; the culture difference and other difficulties have made Honda in stagnant situation However, with the determination to penetrating to the American market, Honda has built up its own plans In stead of following the conventional trade through other trading company, Honda decided to establish its own distribution web This is suitable for the Honda’s philosophy which is maintaining the independence in creativeness, not depending on others to decide its future   At first, Honda advertised its products on commercial magazines and visited retail shops Next, Honda generated a small advertisement campaign, mainly on the magazines of motorbikes This was for two purposes, the readers would buy Honda products in local distributors, then they would be curious about the wholesalers of the company; in addition, the feedbacks could be received from them Next, Honda processed its advertisements with American’s big advertising companies, most of advertisements were made carefully to avoid the dissatisfaction of any customers   In the first period, Honda did not find that in America, motorbikes were used in a different ways compared with that in Japan Because of the wide space and street, American people drive motorbikes with high speed and longer way, which make motorbikes leak oil and harm the tooth clutch Many complaints from businessmen and consumers were sent to Honda In this situation, Honda took motorbikes back to Japan, Japanese engineers worked continuously to find the defects, analyze the reasons and find the solutions in different conditions After moths working, springs of front buffers and tooth clutches were re-designed, commissioning was conducted and existing problems were solved   With the distribution through wholesale and retail distributors, with the philosophy “serving well is the key for the long success”, Honda has come over many hard challenges to show to the American that Honda name carries the meaning of good service With Honda’s rule, Honda has gradually built the position in America land To the end of 1961, there are 500 distributors in America and 150 staffs of Honda working in offices in Los Angeles, Wisconsin, New Jersey The first time in America, women bough motorbikes   However, Honda did not only build a totally new market but also start the business of cars Honda started a campaign of selling cars in America The car business in America also had many problems First, there were many reputed leading manufactures in America, secondly, the car distribution system was totally different from the motorbike distribution system, thirdly, the car business in two countries had no similarities  However, with the introduction to the markets the controlled internal combustion engine, the small Civic cars with energy saving when operating by gasoline mixed with lead, not needing the costly catalytically converter, meeting the strict regulation on emission issued by the law of protecting the fresh air in America in 1970 Honda was considered to be a creative company After years, Honda was accepted by American market So, the patient waiting for opportunities and the supply of good service are the key to success of Honda in American market  Honda’s manufacture in American land   In 1974, when the car business in America started to be promising, Honda managers in Japan started the discussion on the possibility of buiding another factory in America At this time, demand for Honda products pushed the current factories to work with all of its capacity It was difficult for Honda to manufacture spare parts except a new company was established  For many people, such small Honda competing with many leading American companies ranking 1st, 2nd and 6th in the world is crazy and risky Once again, in 1982, Honda met many obtacles when becoming the first car producing company in America  Difficulties and challenges   Firstly, the labor force, at the time of building factory in Ohio, many people said that Honda would fail because American cannot manufacture products requiring high skill like Japanese When Honda declared the plan of buiding the factory, some people had severe opposition, especially motorbike businessmen of Honda Businessmen of Honda in America encouraged the company to continue the production in Japan Certainly, their concern was that the poor-manufactured motorbikes in America could destroy their career   Secondly, labor management along with the cultural difference, Japan with the geological isolation as a island existing for more than 300 years with variety of religions like Buddha, christianism and Confucianism Theism is a native religion in Japan, teaching people to respect nature, advising people to live harmonically with nature Not be familiar with conflicts, Japanese like the agreement when giving out decision They believe in the necessity of keeping the concord Japan give priority to men, they hope for a stable job   Japanese respect the private relationships, they consider the relationship with famous individuals important in life, so they give much time to build relationships  American culture sets the individuality to the height The most concerned factor is what he or she can For American, no organizations can be of importance in their life Different organizations have different efforts, usually competition and mutual influence American people admit the importance of personal relationship However, for American, business is business without any relation to other life aspects American express their opinion clearly, give the commends in building spirit  It can be said that Japan and America are two nations with different culture, especially human So, how to exist and adapt to the new human resource management Honda managers have found the solutions   With the clear difference in culture, especially the labor management, America focuses on the individualism while Japan focuses on the collectivism Right at the beginning, Honda did not have intention of hollowing out the management system of Japanese factories and imitating the American organization way Therefore, the first priority of Ham is to establish a policy system and separate schedule To that, first American managers had started a difficult task which is developing a community culture, starting from basic problems, step by step  Many problems were taken into discussion and decision For example, was it possible to call first ranked divisional managers as supervisor, foreman or production coordinator? The final title was chosen In contrast, each individual will be called collaborator because it describes the relationship among other members of the company It also reflects the individual respect while other titles can bear the dependence meaning  Although, uniform bears the safe characteristics with no button or bell to avoid catching to the machines or scratching the outer paint layer The basic significance is to declare the equality among people People from directors to newly recruited workers have the same clothes and each people are collaborators Unlike the military uniform with badges for hierarchy differentiation, no one in Honda is distinct from others in a group or differentiated by ranking This is still true in Honda factories in the world  In Ham, you will see a equal environment with no parking place for any individuals, no separate eating rooms for directors Engineers, foremen not only eat with collaborators but work with them in factories, no one in Ham has separate working office All of car factories, motorbike factories have wide offices, in which coordinators, directors and office staffs working together at simple desks  At the beginning, there is a discussion on which reaction from American people when working in an equal environment, especially the attitude of managers who will change from veston to white uniform with blue white hats, whether the leaders will accept to give up separate luxurious offices, delicious meals and high bonus?  Obviously, some individuals will not adapt to such working environment with no working room separated for the manager to differentiate from other people of different hierarchy as in American industry Some ideas on white uniform instead of conventional uniform also dissatisfied some people, no symbol of the management is important to individuals Not all the people adapt to the equal environment of Ham However, for most of people working in Ham, the adjustment to the American standard, the unusual environment is not important problem In contrast, the collaborators feel satisfactory Most of the success of Honda in America has the direct relationship to the ability of the company to promote the collective spirit among American collaborators Teamwork spirit and its application is not limited by the border The task of managers is simply to nurture this spirit Better service In Japan, the better supply of service is not the option but the first condition to exist Honda became the leading company daring to penetrate into a totally new market with three giant competitors of the car industry in the world Honda continue serving the customers, supplying them by their devote and the responsibility as to other customers in Japan Placed in a competitive environment with disadvantages in meeting the demand of valuable customers, Honda became a superstar The success of Honda over other competitors are probably due to the good service and high quality of products One businessman said that “ the management of paint quality in Honda products is higher than that of domestic products This erases many worries of customers because any defects of paint are recognized at glance when buying” It is an example of Honda quality, showing the understanding the customer’s psychology When Honda coming to America to sell products, Honda staffs were trained carefully the way of serving customers Honda does not ignore its service The attitude go through the distribution web of the company, highlighting that distributors have to make all customers of all sectors: wholesale, spare parts and second hand products satisfactory Honda usually highlight with distributors that selling products is only the first step, “service, service and service is important”, serving customers to the step that they feel embarrassed even when thinking of buying from other distributors Honda with its service quality, with its belief and patience has existed in over a competitive America III Conclusion The life reality shows that business is not granted by God and not anyone can business Business becomes a technological career, requiring high art Therefore, to succeed in business is not simple, it requires hard work and learning, even experience bitter falure in the first steps  Honda, a famous motorbike brand in the world is successful in America in particular and in the world in general, Honda cars produced by American workers under the management of Japanese in America is a very risky position firstly by the human diference, management difference, business culture difference between American and Japanese Secondly, America with three giant manufactures in car now accepts the existence of Honda willing to compete and become a fourth car suppliers in America This success of Honda comes from the smart combination between human being and new technology, and another importance is that Honda has the right philosophy and determination to follow its targets  Challenges and success of Honda in America has created many lessons for managers One of them is the bravery which strengthens and increase the confidence for Vietnam enterprises Much difficulty, many competitors not mean the worry of not to invest, much culture difference does not mean that the investors will avoid Before the difficulties and challenges, the importance to each of us is not to hide but to face, then find the solutions so as to adapt and develop There is proverb that “difficulty comes from initial steps”, the first difficulty came in the initial period of penetrating the market With its determination and its right guideline and high-performance laborers, the magic appeared in America   ... Japanese like the agreement when giving out decision They believe in the necessity of keeping the concord Japan give priority to men, they hope for a stable job   Japanese respect the private relationships,... workers under the management of Japanese in America is a very risky position firstly by the human diference, management difference, business culture difference between American and Japanese Secondly,... when they are children or incompetent  American people are ready to present their ideas They like the clearness and straightness They consider the mistake as a lesson They develop the criticizing

Ngày đăng: 17/11/2018, 11:08

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    Văn hoá Mỹ và quá trình thâm nhập thị trường mỹ của Honda

    II. Honda spreading to the USA market

    American people are ready to present their ideas. They like the clearness and straightness. They consider the mistake as a lesson. They develop the criticizing ability in the building spirit and the feedbacks to change the style into positive way is very important. For American people, especially when arranging work, the truth is more important than the emotion or the surface. There is a famous saying that “straightness is always the best policy”

    American target to the action

    Communication with the American

    The market penetration of Honda

    Honda’s manufacture in American land

    At the beginning, there is a discussion on which reaction from American people when working in an equal environment, especially the attitude of managers who will change from veston to white uniform with blue white hats, whether the leaders will accept to give up separate luxurious offices, delicious meals and high bonus?


