VĂNHÓAMỸVÀKẾHOẠCHMARKETTINGSẢNPHẨMDAGIẦYTHÂMNHẬPVÀOTHỊTRƯỜNGMỸ AMERICAN CULTURE AND MARKETING PLANS FOR LEATHER SHOES PRODUCTS TO ENTER THE U.S MARKET Answer: The VINA Shoes was established in 2005, with 6,000 employees and total capital of $70 million Its major products are leather shoes, canvas shoes, all kinds of leather and fake leather products The products mainly serve domestic needs and outsorcing orders from foreign countries such as USA, Hong Kong, Taiwan and some European countries Product quality is of international standard with nice package, variety of product types Besides, the company also provides products according to customer requirements and market needs Based on the company capacity, assessment of the U.S market demand and especially the U.S consumer culture in terms of footwears, we – VINA Company – would like to present our Marketing strategies to panatrate the market I OVERVIEW OF CULTURE AND FEATURES OF THE U.S CULTURE: Concepts of culture: 1.1 According to the original meaning of the word: In the Western: Culture originates from the word Cultus in Latin language means reclaiming, cultivating agricultural trees The word was then opened its meaning to be used in social fields such as cultivating, educating, training, and developing all the human abilities In the Easten: Culture includes the meaning of two elements First, it’s the beauty of human dignity and intelligence Our brainpower can be got by selfimproving and partly by the sound leadership of the government The second element is Education Culture, therefore, carries the meaning of converting people from the bad to the good, to the so-called the truth-the good-the beauty value in life 1.2 According to the research scope: Culture is the set of material and spiritual values that people created along the flow of history Points of view of Culture 2.1 According to UNESCO: Culture is considered as the set of distinctive spiritual, material, intellectual and emotional features of society or a social group and that it encompasses, in addition to arts and literature, lifestyles, ways of living together, value systems, traditions and beliefs 2.2 According to E Herriot: Culture is what is remembered after people forget all the things, and what is missed after they learn everything Constituent Elements of Culture: Culture is a complex and varied object To capture the essence of Culture, we need to study the following constituent elements of Culture: 3.1 Material Culture Material Culture is entirely the value of creation reflected in the material wealth created by human being (commodities, working tools, materials consumption, economic infrastructure, social infrastructure, etc.) Material culture can be seen through the way of living in the country Therefore, material culture will be strongly affected by the educational level and lifestyle of people in the economy 3.2 Spititual Culture Spiritual Culture is all spiritual activities of human and society, including: knowledge, customs and habits, languages, religions, ethical standards, attitudes, lifestyles, education, literatural and artistic activities, means of communication, the society structure, etc Features of the U.S Culture: The first Americans were the native American Some of them from North Asia, over the centuries, had emigrated to America The second wave of emigration was from Europe They were those who were in political and religious dissidents, or seekers of enrichment opportunities in new territories They are risky, voluntarily or forcedly, to try their luck with the hope of a better life Based on this, we will study how the cultural traits of Americans and their personalities affect our business in the U.S: 4.1 The Americans value personal freedom: Individual is the basic social unit in American culture The word “I” is recorded to be used much more regularly than the word “we” in almost conversation between two Americans The Americans believe that “Be yourself” is very important, Americans want to be the master of themselves and make their own decisions There is no word to make them more happy than “You are well self-control” Since the Americans are highly individualistic, personal freedom is very important in their culture They strongly need privacy in life and at work An evidence for this is that offices in the U.S are always divided into individual rooms 4.2 The U.S Culture emphasizes equity: They emphasized the concept known as equal opportunity The Americans can change their position in society One way of handling the position gap is through friendly behaviors This makes the world considers the American open, easy-going, friendly and funny 4.3 The Amerians are action-forward: They often say that they are the owner of their own destiny Most of the Americans believe that the majority of problems arising in the economy and society can be solved by working hard and thinking creatively Almost American managers see the world a series of challenges and problems to overcome The ultimate goal is to achieve a result, which is meaningful for almost American businessmen, is the greatest measure of their success or failure Americans work intelligently, not stressfully They want to get bad news as early as possible as it helps the American managers have the sense of better control over the situation 4.4 The Americans like to change: In American history, the changes tended to be active, even that change was painful They see change itself a good purpose In most of American managers’ opinion, changing, especially changing in business environment to increase efficiency and improve production, is a appropriate way to resolve the difficulties in doing business The change, say, is very risky naturally In contrast, it will create the possibility for more good things to happen To the Americans, time is money, they never feel like enough time They consider time a straight line with an obivious starting point and ending point They act as if a date is only in a brief moment Being punctual is very important in the U.S as well as many countries in the Asia Businessmen in the United States consider you an impolite person if you are late for a meeting, especially if you’re at a lower level They are usually five to seven minute early 4.5 The Amerians respect the law: The rate of lawyers in the U.S population is much higher than any country in the world Americans consider law or regulations are the best base to make decision It is important to comply with the policies and standards of operations They believe that this will help ensure fairness to everyone American businessmen can see gifts as a bribe Some U.S companies prohibit their employees to receive any kind of gifts from their customers, particularly their partners So when doing business with foreign partners, especially Asian ones, they are generally thought to be untruthful because they not accept gifts American entrepreneurs not have a habit of giving gifts, even their important customers Therefore, they often been thought to be stingy by Asian entrepreneurs 4.6 Communication to the Americans: Americans pay much attention to what is said or written They often pay little attention to the other elements such as the speaker’s voice, gestures, and order of ideas The Americans talk a lot and want as much information as possible about issues they care about They are very frank in doing business and want you to go straight to the point This is only the key aspect of American culture and American people The difference in customs and habits, social etiquettes, what to and what not to do, are the first and most obvious things we face when communicate to people from other cultures II MARKETING PLAN FOR VINA SHOES TO PENETRATE THE U.S MARKET: Features of VINA Shoes: This kind of consumer products is durable and unshrinkable So they are easy to be stored They are counted in pair Due to management requirements and the orders of customers, they are often packed in packages Terms like sizes, colors of the shoes are entirely at the request of the customers: In term of quantity: The number of products created each month depends on number of order, the economic contracts signed with the clients and its consumption status in the market, from which the planning department will plan for the production in the month The process of moving final products is very short and quick so that the products are timely delivered to the customers as the signed contract In terms of quality: As the company owns modern, advanced, and international standard production lines, its products are high quality Besides, many kinds of imported materials for production purpose also contribute to improving product quality The company provides its products with diverse models for customers at different ages and different culture Especially, the company has recently produced some types of beautiful high-quality shoes to serve the U.S market To penetrate the U.S market with leather shoe products, the company has invested in studying characteristics of American culture and the habits of using leather shoes in the U.S Marketing plan for VINA Shoe Company in the U.S Market 2.1 Traits of the U.S market The current U.S population is bout 308,745,538 people It is the third largest in the world with very high income per capita (about $47,400 in 2010) What makes the U.S become a huge consumer market is its citizens’ wrong consumption and debt habits Americans are willing to buy everything, from the most expensive one to clothes and shoes, and then pay for them gradually So Americans need to import large quantities of goods Especially, the import value of clothing and footwears is up to $100 billion Another feature is that the income gap between the strata in the country is increasingly large The income gap this creates a market with diverse segments It required expensive commodities for the rich and need cheap goods to the poor “Being one of the countries with highest income per capita in the world, America still has many one-dolla shops” Thereby we see the opportunities for Vietnamese company to enter the U.S market, which is very diverse, under different distribution channels and for varied market segments Marketing plan: 3.1 Product location: - VINA Shoes are Vietnamese high-end leather products - The product gives users a feeling of gentleness, pleasure and luxury - VINA Shoes products are high quality, well designed, and reasonably priced - VINA Shoes worldwide commits to provide customers with the best quality products 3.2 Market segments: Vina shoes are always the best quality and the most luxurious The company focuses primarily on clients who are wealthy, upstream and high-position in the society 3.3 Strategy for product: The Americans are always interested in the creativity and change The products must be high quality, well-designed, and be able to reveal personalities and styles of their user The Americans naturally prefer to listen rather than speak On average, each of them uses four pairs of shoes per year Thereby VINA Shoes Company provides products appropriate with market segments of rich, upper class, high-positioned customer in the society As high-end leather products, they bring their users the feeling of confidence, comfort and reveal the users’ styles and class The company has diversified its products in many styles, designs and different sizes to adapt to changes in the U.S consumer spending habits 3.4 Strategy of price: The company’s focus on rich, upstream market segments in the society It sets relatively high prices at an average of 800USD-1200 USD/pair The price of VINA Shoes product are marked the same all over the U.S to build customers’ trust 3.5 Strategy of distribution: The company construcs a country-wide distribution network in the U.S within five years At first, the company strongly concentrated its distribution in major cities through its tier and tier agencies: Requirements for agents: Agents have extensive customer network throughout the U.S., has a team of professional sales - Sell directly to supermarkets - Selling to wholesale stores in the U.S 3.6 Strategy of promotion mix: Communication and sales support strategy need to targeted chosen customer segments: business people, the elite, governmental officials, etc Advertising methods: The company, initially, advertised its products on trade magazines and visited each retail store to introduce them Next, it launched a small advertising campaign, mainly the advertisements published in magazines specializing in selling footwears and clothing Then the company built a larger communication strategy aimed primarily at the focused market segment through advertising on the U.S television channels Conclusion: VINA Shoes Company has been successful in branding in Vietnam Its product quality, ability to organize production and distribution capabilities to the U.S market entirely meet requirements, but they are not enough for success in the U.S market From the perspective of cross-cultural management, American consumer culture, especially in leather products, is different from Vietnamese consumer culture and other markets’ To make opportunities to provide products VINA Shoes to the U.S market successful, we must properly orient to quality, design, distribution, and management in accordance with the consumer tastes of American culture ... of the government The second element is Education Culture, therefore, carries the meaning of converting people from the bad to the good, to the so-called the truth-the good-the beauty value in... they learn everything Constituent Elements of Culture: Culture is a complex and varied object To capture the essence of Culture, we need to study the following constituent elements of Culture:... customers, they are often packed in packages Terms like sizes, colors of the shoes are entirely at the request of the customers: In term of quantity: The number of products created each month depends