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Building an estimated cost for staff training activities of the "Building a juice processing manufacturing" project His company is in her final stages of project cycle "plant juice processing" to meet the needs of the market for fruit juice The plant went into operation will be needed to 150 employees Workers who have been selected companies They are students who have graduated from grade 12, who wish to go to work immediately The company will organize training for staff on the 150 insects: general labor skills, attitudes, labor, and labor safety Proposed study period is 15 days The company asked him to build you a cost estimate for training on the requirements say here * After the training course, all 150 workers have good working attitude, able to perform the work of ensuring safety, fire, explosion and can afford to work at any position on the production line * Issues related to the training location and time specific training, how to divide the class, rating agencies, reward training funds by him, her initiative and proposed to build implementation of training objectives mentioned above one of the best, most effective A Preface: Today, with the boom of science - technology, it requires more individuals to constantly learn, improve their knowledge and skills to cater for the job and life Along with that is the role of people involved in the production process Human resource is the important factor which determines the success of every business On the other hand, it is the driving factor in the business development, and is the main competitive advantage between enterprises Therefore, to attract those talents to work for company, its leaders and managers must build policies, consistent vision and plans right from recruitment, training and management stage in order to promote the favorable conditions for them to contribute their best possible efforts for business I Prepare the cost estimation for training new employees of the Company 1.1 Basis to estimate costs - Based on size, number of employees recruited by the Project; - Based on actual financial situation of the Company; - Based on the exploration costs in the market (though the list price, the economic contracts signed in recent times) at the time of prepare the cost estimation; - Based on the professional qualifications of the staff had been recruited; - Based on project progress and time to put the project in operation; - Based on actual material and technical basis of the Company 1.2 Build cost estimation for employee training of company Based on the above basis, the Company’s Human Resource and Training Department prepare cost estimation is as follows: Project Management COST ESTIMATION FOR STAFF TRAINING No Description Unit No of days Unit: VND Quantity Unit price Amount A PREPARATION STAGE I Photocopy cost for training materials Cost of preparing training material VND/person 150 Cost of printing training material VND/person 150 5,0 00 10,00 750,0 00 1,500,00 60,000,00 15,000,00 15,000,00 60,000,00 II RENTAL COST OF TRAINING ROOM, FACILITY AND EQUIPMENT Rental cost of training room VND/room 10 Rental cost of equipment VND/room 10 3 Cost of beverages, and snacks VND/person 10 150 Consultant cost VND/day 10 2,000,00 500,00 10,00 2,000,00 Management cost (attendance checking, management of trainees) 200,00 6,000,00 500,00 200,00 75,000,00 10,000,00 VND/day 10 B TRAINING IMPLEMENTATION STAGE Cost of buying work wear clothing Set/person 150 Powder fire extinguisher VND/unit 50 Project Management 300,00 2,500,00 1,000,00 15,000,00 37,500,00 5,000,00 200,00 3,000,00 Cost of buying anti-explosive devices Set/person Cost of hiring practical training expert VND/day 5 Rentals of practice locations VND/day Management cost (attendance checking, management of trainees) VND/day 50 C ASSESSMENT AND MAKING SURVEY STAGE Cost of printing comment survey VND/person 150 Cost of printing questions VND/person 150 Cost of marking exercises VND/person Cost of organizing valuation meeting VND Reward cost VND 3 00 00 1,000,00 20,000,00 5,000,00 Total estimated cost 30,0 00 75,0 00 3,000,00 20,000,00 15,000,00 341,855,00 Hanoi, date Prepared by Approved by (Sign and write full name) (Sign, write full name and seal) Table 1: (Prepare cost estimation model based on financial planning form - Project Management Textbook page 75) Project Management 1.3 Classroom Organization Based on the actual situation and Training plans given by the Human Resource and Training Management Department, managers conduct organization is as follows: 1.3.1 Time of training: It should be taken place in 30 days before the plant went into operation It helps employees of the Company can begin immediately to work and can use training skills to work professionally and efficiently 1.3.2 Venue: The company plans to hire 03 classrooms, each has 50 students of a training school in the area to hold classes Each class has a teacher in charge of teaching In addition, it is necessary to have a staff manager to check attendance and record the actual situation of the classroom Besides the above venue, the Company conducted the installation of equipment such as fire prevention, occupational safety in a rental place which is near the company’s headquarters for staff to practice their skills like labor skills, fire and explosion prevention skill, and through which to evaluate the working level and attitude of each employee 1.3.3 Evaluate and reward: Based on the results of knowledge testing and skills testing that marked through all the practice work, Human Resource Management and Training Department will select those with highest point to award them (03 people having highest marks to be rewarded) To assess the staffs’ capacity, Human Resource and Training Management Department must build a “KPI” assessment process for specific criteria to get the right and correct employees’ assessment To effectively prepare a staff training plan, reduce costs, especially after the training staff can begin to work is essential and significant for each company To get a successful training, the person in charge must build a detail plan of execution, time and specific task allocation, so that we can grasp the progress of work, where the difficulties come from in order to make necessary comments as well as the direct orientation to achieve a successful training plan 1.4 Plan for staff training Based on training plan, Human Resource and Training Management Department prepare a staff training plan as followed: Project Management PREPARE A PLAN FOR STAFF TRAINING Description I Documents preparation 1.1 Draft training documents 1.2 Print out training documents In charge staff Ms Hoa II Venue, consultant and equipment rental 2.1 Venue rental 2.2 Training equipment rental 2.3 Drinks and snacks preparation Mr Long Mr Huyen 2.4 Hire professionals and consultants 2.5 Hire class manager Mr Duc 2.6 Buy work wear clothing 2.7 Purchase firefighting equipment 2.8 Buy anti-explosive devices Mr Tung IMPLEMENTATION TIME (DATE) AUGUST 2012 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Project Management 2.9 Lease a practice classroom III Class organization Mr Long 3.2 Teaching skills, work attitude Mr Hien, Long, Thanh Mr Hai, Duc, Tien 3.3 Practice workplace safety, fire and explosion prevention Mr Ty, Thanh, Dong 3.1 General labor skills training IV Evaluate and reward 4.1 Mark and collect comments 4.2 Organize assessment and award Prepared by Approved by (Sign and write full name) (Sign, write full name and seal) Table (Plan for project implementation based on a Gantt chart) Project Management In order to conduct staff training program as planned and effective, before staff training is taken place, Human Resources and Training Management Departments must print training materials, hire training venue, hire teachers and purchase equipment for learning that takes about days (from st – 2nd of August 2012) Training and practices is expected in a period of 15 days (from the 3rd – 17th of August 2012) After the training course, the Human Resource and Training Management Department will assess the staff capacity, collect comment and organize the assessment of merit that is estimated for days (from 18th – 20th of August 2012) Thus, the entire training program takes place over a period of 20 days with a total estimated budget is: VND 341,855,000, training costs estimated for each person is: VND 2,279,000 VND / training course The above costs are quite closed to the actual situation and meet the Company’s leader’s requirements B Conclusion It is limited in financial resources for each project Therefore, it is necessary to prepare a detailed planning cost for the implementation, which helps investors have a basis to evaluate and select suitable projects The project’s implementation cost is composed of many different categories of costs such as procurement costs of raw materials and machinery and labor costs Therefore, for each project we should draw up detailed costs for each item given to easily manage, monitor, synthesize and report when needed During the project implementation, Human Resource is the important factor that involves in project implementation process and decides the success of that project It is necessary to prepare a work plan for each project, which helps managers and investors to know the progress of projects, whether project implementation is on schedule, how much faster or slower than projected figure, then make adjustments to suit reality For managers: In addition to leadership skills, managers need to equip themselves with the general knowledge about project management in order to make correct comments and right policy decisions to contribute to the business success Project Management References: Dr Tran Van Hung, Project Management Textbook - PGSM Dr Pham Xuan Giang, Project formulation, evaluation and investment management, Financial Publishing House, 2010 ... figure, then make adjustments to suit reality For managers: In addition to leadership skills, managers need to equip themselves with the general knowledge about project management in order to make... closed to the actual situation and meet the Company’s leader’s requirements B Conclusion It is limited in financial resources for each project Therefore, it is necessary to prepare a detailed... practice their skills like labor skills, fire and explosion prevention skill, and through which to evaluate the working level and attitude of each employee 1.3.3 Evaluate and reward: Based on the results

Ngày đăng: 09/11/2018, 15:06



