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Strategy to expand fast-food chicken market Ba Vi to Korea and France Title: Strategy to expand fast-food chicken market Ba Vi to Korea and France PREAMBLE Ba Vi Food Technology Joint Stock company is a food technology company in Vietnam specializing in poultry processing has been established since 2000 The company is very successful in business areas of food processing and poultry is a chain fast food restaurant across the country Currently the company business is the largest market share in the market and poultry food processing in Vietnam After much research and investigation, the company decided to expand its business into the Korean market and France Mainstream product that we intend to expand markets overseas business is a fast food chicken The reason why selected targeting market are Korea and France 1.1 Korean market: Importing a lot of food items from Asia, however, it restrains imports with Vietnam’s food products … Importing-exporting quantum beetwen Vietnam and Korea reached 10 billion USD in 2009, in which Vietnam exported billion USD to this market, Food products made up 480 million USD According to the Vietnamese Embassy in Korea, Vietnam's food products made up about 2.5% of the total consumption of this country In fact, e food items, agricultural products and fruits of Vietnam is very rich, but to be exported to Korea are even more afraid to interfere For example, Vietnam’s Pho, a Vietnam’s traditional dish, which is known to the all world, but 100% condiments which used to cook noodle in Korea have originated from Thailand, not Vietnam Genaral introduce to Korea Korea is called South Korea or republic of Korea Korea is a contry in East Asian, locate in the southerm halof ò the Korean penisula, the northern borders with North Korea, the easter border Japan’s sea, the wester is Hoang Hai sea.Korea’s climate is temperate and the terain is mainly hilly Korean territory is 1000.032 km2 Page Strategy to expand fast-food chicken market Ba Vi to Korea and France - Capital: Seoul - National Flag: Taegeukgi: Symbol of 'Harmony and peace of the world " - National Flower: Mugunghwa: The meaning is 'immortal flowers' * Climate: Korea has four distinct seasons Temperature, climate varies with the seasons Spring and autumn are quite short, in summer weather is very hot, but wet, in winter weather is very cold, dry and a lot of snow Average temperatures range from 60C in Korea to 160C, the temperature is from 190C to 270C in summer, and in winter, the weather is cold, temperatures is from -80C to 70C * Population: According to the statistics in 2009 Population of Korea was 48.75 million, population density is 494 nguoi/1km2, the 3rd highest in the world (after Bangladesh and Taiwan) * Industrial and Economic: Korea is the 4th largest economy in Asia and 15th in the world Korean economy based on exports, focusing on electronics, automobiles, ships, machinery, petrochemical and robots Korea is a member of the UN, WTO, OECD and other major economies heading G20, Korea is a founding member of APEC and the East Asia Summit Korean is known in the world with manufacturing industries such as cars, boats, steel, electronics and semiconductors The number of produced cars each year in Korea is about 3,500,000 to 4,000,000 units, ranked fifth in the world, in which 60 to 70% is for exporting Korea's shipbuilding industry ranks second in the world, semiconductors is ranked third in the world and many other areas of productivity and technology was ranked highest in the world Global national income (GNI) of Korea to reduce after economic crisis in 1997 but it is increasing again ,and now it is reaching about $ 20.045 (according to 2007 prices) * Religion: Korean Constitution recognizes the right 'religious freedom', 51% of the population of Korea have religious beliefs In which, 49% are Buddhist, 49% are Christian (in which 39% Page Strategy to expand fast-food chicken market Ba Vi to Korea and France of Protestants and 10% of Catholics), 1% are followers Confucianism, the remaining 1% is other religions Many Koreans not emphasize religion, they celebrate many different religions Traditional ceremonies are still maintained The values of Confucianism is still deeply affected the daily life of Korean people * Politics: Korea is a democratic country and the Republican presidential regime includes 16 administrative units The president is directly elected by the people and not allowed to reelection The President is the highest representative of the country and has the right military commander (equivalent: Total Commander) The prime minister is appointed by the President and lead to government Government has at least 15 and a maximum of 30 members Cabinet members appointed by the Prime Minister Prime Ministers and Ministers must be approved by Congress The term of the President is five years, the tenure of members of parliament is years (by the people directly elected) and also conduct local selfgovernment * Consumption habits: The people who lives in Korea and contact with Korean, have found that Korean is very temper, rush It seems that they always say “Hurry up!”, “Hurry up!” The situation is common in the lives of people in South Korea on the street, cars queue up running like a waterfall Any vehicle in front slows down a joint, the next will shout “Hury up”! In the elevator, when it goes up (or down) the lift will automatically stop at the floor and opening, closing out the customer, but we can still find some impatient passengers press button continuously At 7/5/1990, a subway went from Seoul to Tungdaemun with 10 minute delay, when a subway arrived, a passager who wait in the Tungdaemun, smashed the 15 glass windows Korean characteristics is proud, enthusiastic but also very impatient, very susceptible to emotion According to the statistics South Koreans, while they are walking, for minute, number of steps they are often more than the Europeans at least 15 steps There are scholars who believe that the reason Korean easy to receive the way fast food (fast food) of Europe - the U.S because the traditional Korean diet is very simple, they receive a "fast food" of American - European fast Besides the South Korean are born to be hurry.Nowadays, the rhythm of life as a rush of fast food is very suitable for them Thus, Page Strategy to expand fast-food chicken market Ba Vi to Korea and France with product quality, time must serve customers quickly and timely, especially for those customers for meals in restaurants Thus, the Korean market is relatively big market, it is very potential for fast food chicken products from Vietnam 1.2 French market : Location: Located in Western Europe bordered by Belgium, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Spain, bordering the Mediterranean Sea, Atlantic and English Channel 551.602km2 area + Climate: temperate + Social: Population is about 64 million(2008 figures), women is more than men (0.95man/women), ethnic group: mainly European, immigrants mainly China, India, + Economic: GDP ranks fifth in the world, ranks 3rd in Europe, strong in construction, agriculture, + Region: Christianity, Islam, + language: French + Institutional and administrative structure + System of law + History + Education: French have education system with high standards of performance at all different levels of education - French culture: + Literature: France is proud of its literature Literature medieval period in France one of the indigenous culture is the oldest in Europe.The 17th century French literature is the literature of the most dominant in Europe, to the 19th century, 20th century French Literature with symbolism, the meaning of natural, surrealism, theory of being in the nature of the novel Balzac, Zola, Proust influenced on world literature France is also country of the world famous writer as Francois Villon, La Fontaine, Victor Hugo, + Cuisine: French cuisine is very rich Light breakfast, lunch is often to 14 pm and dinner Typical meals include appetizers (raw or salad vegetables), the main dish (meat or Page Strategy to expand fast-food chicken market Ba Vi to Korea and France fish with vegetable content, pasta, rice or fried meat), desserts (cheese, fruit or bread) Drinking culture has formed in the long time in France + Music: France is considered the center of European music, mixing various musical styles (bring a bit of musical styles in Latin America, Africa and Asia) Folk music and traditional instruments are piano and Accoc, Opera Music + Festivals: Bastille, Cannes, Jazz Festival at Nice + Sporting: Football, racing (Tour de France), basketball, boating, tennis, skiing, hockey, racing yachts are very popular game in France France of GDP is the 5th largest economy in the world French government to allow foreign enterprises operating advantages and recruiting local workers, allowing people with qualifications that can be settled in France in 10 years with his family In addition, over 50% of the business taxes are also entitled to exemption Thus, French market is very potential and have a lot of challenge for the fast food chicken of our company If we want to export products into this potential market, Vietnam businesses actually have to pass a lot of batteries, especially for food items To export products into the Korean market, France, Marketing Mix Strategies of enterprises should be associated with cultural factors of the host country, this is the key to success for enterprises of Vietnam 2.The cultural of challenges that businesses will meet when their products are exported into the Korean market and France: 2.1 The difference from cultural in Korean market: In business transactions,men often wear comle with a tie English is widely used in offices and commercial activities It is necessary to schedule an appointment Korean business cards are commonly used, and we should use our right hand when giving or receiving business cards, special card transaction receipt The best time to make an appointment or visit whic have the nature of work is in February to June Prescribed working hours from am to pm, from Monday to Friday Understading about basic cultural and business culture of Korea will be usable in the relationship in business Korea is based on beliving in Confucianism, this is means they Page Strategy to expand fast-food chicken market Ba Vi to Korea and France respected parent, superior They have responsibility with family, staunchness with friends, humility, sincere and polictic Acting foreign-going officials bribery is considered felonious acting Introduced with formalities: Koreans always want to collaborate to business with people they know So it is essential that you should have an intermediary to introduce you to the partner you're looking to business collaboration in the future Position in society of the intermediate are higher chance of association with your business partners become greater Please note that introducing bland will cause loss of good collaboration Building relationships: this is very important when you work with Koreans You can build these relationships through informal meetings between members, at the wine party, dinner It is important in such events is always attended by the business partners and discuss their work in a friendly Remember that South Koreans not hesitate to discuss work at lunch Legal documents: It is not too important Koreans often considered the legal documents such as the Memo and it is outlining the offer for the relationship Honor: Koreans honor very seriously If you insult or criticize someone in front of others, also means you are defamatory of him Never treating them as your subordinates For those sensitive issues should mention and indirectly through an intermediary Do not overestimate yourself: South Korean is famous in negotiators on their property in the world Please prepare a calm demeanor, gentle but tough to prove Always confirm my ability but should not be too highly Appearance and dressing: • When business transactions, Koreans prefer the neat and the clothes fit You should choose a dress with elegant color - subdued for the first meeting After you have built relationships and trust of them, please think of the light-colored clothing when the transaction Best male costume is dark suit, white shirt and subdued tie color The most popular ladies wear skirts legs often associated with women blouses Avoiding wearing tight skirt by customary Korean people usually sit on the floor or the floor while eating dinner Too short skirt and shirt next door is not appropriate for business transactions, even the intimate reception Communication behavior: Page Strategy to expand fast-food chicken market Ba Vi to Korea and France • In group meetings and parties, please should not present ourselve in front of people, it is best to have a friend along to introduce you to others • As a rule, when a staff member met their superiors: he'll be the first bow, then the superiors handshake with his employees A handshake or a slight bow action has its influence in the business world Korean men are often bowed or sometimes slightly shaking hands when meeting people, his eyes looking straight into the opposite When shaking hands, they usually support the left arm under his right arm According to the business culture of South Korea, the good woman and hight position also have greeting behavior Korean society is respect for the elderly, so when you see older people, you should start to talk and greet them first, then take a moment to visit them Ideally you should be praised for their health • Please bows everyone at the beginning and end of a meeting • For seasoned traders, early impressions are very important • Please should not touch another person, unless that relationship or friends, especially for the elderly, and persons of the opposite sex you are not close relatives and have not relationship However, in Korea, the friends of the same sex as often walk arm in arm together • Do not laugh, shout • Do not criticize others when they are not available • In Korea, their concept that the foot is not clean part, so not accidentally touch the opposite by foot When sitting in a crowded room, men should put his toe down and will not be squeezed down to two feet in front of others • Action nasal spray in public is considered vulgar Spices in Korean food sometimes makes people feel uncomfortable eating in the nose, but you should turn to one side and gentle spray, it is best to leave the dinner table and come back then • You can beckoned with an equal or younger than themselves, but please should not be swinging his thumb toward himself, Koreans considered that this is a rude action • Please note : cover your mouth when you yawn or dental floss • When the Korean national anthem was played in a public place, keep your eye express solemnity, not joking this time Page Strategy to expand fast-food chicken market Ba Vi to Korea and France • Avoiding using slang or specific language, remember that your purpose is for people to fully understand what you say Tell a moderate pace and use correct English grammar, not to say a discrete way During the meeting, if possible, please provide copies of your speech to the audience In the speech, please note repeat and emphasize the important points of the problem In important situation, you need a professional interpreter • Cultural gifts: Given gifts of art is also an important part of the business culture of Koreans, which helps preserve sympathies with partners and build new relationships • When you come to Korea, you are sure to bring the traditional gift from your country • In the initial meetings with partners, the most appropriate gift that you should donate the items presented desks, and may include your company logo on the gift The gift can then were beautiful gifts and more sophisticated • When the gifts to many of the same organization, be sure to give gifts to ensure better value for those in leadership positions Gifts for lower-level employees may be similar as long as the value is lower than the value of gifts to superiors Or you can donate a gift to everyone in that organization • Gifts are able to cash in envelopes.Cash are common in weddings, holidays (for children), birthdays, funerals • When visiting a Korean home, appropriate gifts include arts and crafts furniture in your country, candy, fruit, chocolate, coffee import Imported alcohol and tobacco can be given for people who like drinking and smoking Food donations are also appreciated in Korea • Sharing and receiving gifts with both hands • Avoid gifts are too expensive, because the recipient has to prepare a equivalent value gift to your response • When you are giving gifts, you should be best at first refused, only after certain people to donate gifts to you, you should receive at this time, this is also a feature in the cultural gifts of the South • Do not open gifts in front of the gift But you should also ask if they want you opened it right away Page Strategy to expand fast-food chicken market Ba Vi to Korea and France Bussiness etiquette: Koreans become more modern, but unlike other Western countries Koreans not hope you will fully understand all the cultural of their nation but they will be pleased if you show interest in issues important to them Korean people appreciate the efforts of foreigners trying to express thanks or greeting the Korean language, for example: 'thank you' mean 'gam-sa-ham- ni-da' or 'hello' mean 'an-yang-ha-say-yo' Korean attaches great importance to the relationship, so they always want to collaborate with people they know or through mutual acquaintance introduced (an intermediary) • Bussiness card: • All staff working in the business organizations in Korea have a clear position in the organization Business man in Korea is only really comfortable when in contact with you if they know their positions as well as your company name If your card used in Korean is not necessary to translate your name or position of the Korean language, because sometimes you will be confused when translating their position in this language, so please be careful • In Korea, you should not use Japanese business cards • Before starting the business in Korea, please remember to prepare a large amount of card transactions, because the Korean people have a habit handed cards when they first met One side of the card should be in Korean content and pay attention to the titles printed on the card, this title comes with the right qualifications, this will help tell your level • When you give or receive business cards to use both hands After receiving the card, before you store it in the box or bag of cards, please read and give some commentary on business cards Do not put business cards in such a reckless because it will make people think you does not respect them • Exchange business cards is very important, it helps the partners know the name, location and title of the award card Do not store the card in die hand, it is best to have a separate card box • Do not store boxes cards on the table and invite people to take your business card • Do not write notes to other people's business cards when they are present Appointments and negotiations in business: Page Strategy to expand fast-food chicken market Ba Vi to Korea and France • People business in Korea, especially the head of corporate leadership is often very busy, so sometimes they will delay the appointment a few minutes.Please should not appear angry or upset if your partner is late But if you are a foreign business, you should arrive on time Transportation in South Korea is also the cause of the delay in timing here • The most suitable time to meet partner is from 10 am to pm and from pm to pm, and you should book an appointment Usually the Korean business world often make appointments to snack or lunch, and can also make reservations at the coffee shop or restaurant • Korean people usually have a week vacation in the period between July to mid August, so please avoid scheduling appointments at this time of year The time is considered it is not convenient to other major holidays such as Lunar New Year (in April or 2), the Moon Festival (October or 10) Take note of Korean history to know about this holiday • Working hours generally from am to pm, from Monday to Friday Usually corporations, business companies usually work five days a week, but some offices are open at Saturday • When participating in social events, you are invited to arrive on time Some note when negotiating: • During the negotiations, some South Koreans will continue to move the topic, it is best to pay attention to the important points Those vary transacters in the negotiations will give a lot of questions, so it is important to listen patiently If you get confused about the terms of the negotiations, you can gently ask them • Be aware that, in the Korean business world, personal relationships will bring priority, so the first meeting you should find out about partners and build relationships with them • In meeting the first transaction, when you are invited for tea or coffee, to embrace their hospitality, even if you drink a few glasses before, and you not need to drink at all Always keeping a mannered way, avoiding too intimate gestures • To achieve agreed business or build a relationship, you may need to take some trip to Korea • The meeting usually begins with a short introduction, these remarks help people better understand the issues discussed Page 10 Strategy to expand fast-food chicken market Ba Vi to Korea and France • In South Korea, mutual respect is the foundation for business relationships to succeed You need to know how to express the sincere and honest in his business relations When you come back your country, please remember to keep in touch with partners via email or telephone 2.2 Cultural differences for the French market: + Important characteristics in the behavior of French business history and rituals In a country famous for its fashion industry, the style of dress is important in business as well, which is understandable + If you could be French exchange dealings, although many business people in France can speak English Always polite and often say please, thank you in French Do not scream for someone trying to understand her Always use the word in polite form "vous" rather than "tu" + The French education seriously if the negotiating team should have titles such as Professor, doctor, you should use both letters and direct meetings + Shake hands when greeting, meeting and farewell + Respecting schedule is very important appointment, together with the reminder by mail or Fax + On time if invited guests at the party Few minutes late when invited to a party and should have flowers landlady So when working with Korean and French partners must know the difference but to adapt and adjust behavior accordingly These sources of information in assisting the decision to invest in both Korean and French market: When investing overseas market businesses need to consider some important data such as market size, consumption habits, business culture, political institutions, legal environment, interoperability interested in business, logistics capabilities, of the host country To collect data for research, survey, enterprises need to rely on other sources of information such as: + Report of the Department of Commercial Counsellor of the Embassy of Vietnam in the country; Page 11 Strategy to expand fast-food chicken market Ba Vi to Korea and France + The report's research universities, academies, research institutions of the country; + Reports of government agencies of countries, annual statistics; + Information from trade associations, other international organizations to provide: Trade Promotion Agency of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Vietnam, ADB Bank, HSBC, + Purchase information of the Company provides information services; + Information collected through the Internet … If Vietnam businesses want to export to the French market should come to your place to market their products When to take place, enterprises should look to the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry They have a network of potential customers is vast in many industries and can be directed to businesses as Vietnam where potential customers Second, the professional association Industry associations such as leather, textiles, foodstuffs, agricultural products Third, the major distribution channel usually has a representative office in the country If they had a representative office in Vietnam, the businesses will not necessarily take place to understand the market The information gathered through these channels will help managers assess the opportunities and challenges when deciding to enter the market Credit Thonbg more specific, more detailed and accurate decisions, the ability to successfully increasing These factors have an important role in the global venture: - The goal of the partnership when the joint venture; - Management mechanisms operating joint venture; - Contributions of the parties to: capital, technology, labor, trade secrets, and how rights division - The cultural differences affect the operation of joint ventures; The establishment of joint ventures are faced with these problems but its benefits are also important so it is becoming a common trend for most companies want to expand their markets throughout bridge The joint venture will open the door to enter the host country Page 12 Strategy to expand fast-food chicken market Ba Vi to Korea and France market, shared costs and risks, combining the skills of both parties, to improve standards and technical capabilities These risks may face when expanding the market for three fast-food chicken market to South Korea and France: Investing abroad means expanding markets, expansion of human and material resources, access to machinery, equipment and technology - new technologies, access to advanced management methods and modern, and enjoy the priority policy incentives and increased sources of foreign currency for the country since the transfer of profits and increased investment opportunities in the country through promoting the image of the country, people of a nation on the field International According to the Ministry of Planning and Investment in Vietnam in 2004 the country has 17 licensed projects with total registered investment capital of $ 11 million; In the first months of 2005, there were 25 projects with total investment abroad registered capital of 84.7 million To date, Vietnam has had 138 investment projects in 30 countries around the world with total registered capital of 315.5 million USD of which 42% and 66% of project funds is to invest in the industrial sector, construction, exploration and exploitation of petroleum, 18% projects and 25% investment in agriculture - forestry, fisheries, the rest are in the service sector Investing abroad risky than domestic investment? In business, everyone knows big profits often accompanied by high risks, so if foreign investment brings benefits as such, certainly has more risks than domestic investment When a business investment decisions abroad must consider not only research issues related to capital, the situation of supply - demand and market prices, but also pay attention to the problem of "strange country , is the "have a decisive effect on the survival of overseas projects such as legal environment, economic environment - cultural - social, cultural differences in management, technical barriers - technology, language difficulties Vietnam enterprises are not always enough to overcome the difficulties and obstacles Besides the intrinsic difficulties, Vietnam enterprises also faced the limitations and shortcomings in the management of the State, namely: - Limited awareness: Vietnam and the new integration usually attracts attention of foreign investment than foreign investment There remains the idea that the lack of domestic capital, foreign investment will decrease investment in the country, from which the State Page 13 Strategy to expand fast-food chicken market Ba Vi to Korea and France may adopt policies and concrete measures to encourage and support enterprises investment abroad; - Complex administrative procedures, are not clear: The business of foreign investment into Vietnam is trying to license within 30-45 days, while Vietnam enterprises to invest abroad often have cumbersome procedures and prolonged, sometimes, missed investment opportunities; - Irrationality in the level of investment regulations: Decree 22/CP business regulations established under the Enterprise Law are only allowed to invest abroad under $ million, including machinery, plant and equipment technology, while SOEs if overseas investors from $ million must be approved by the Prime Minister is not reasonable, because the actual financial capability, technology some large enterprises of Vietnam has a lot more There are more poor countries than Vietnam are in need of capital and technology needed by rich countries and the priority policies, a very attractive incentives for foreign investment but the rich not pay attention Why Vietnam businesses ignored these opportunities? Hardship loans, money transfer, transfer of profits: We very rarely accept commercial banks for investment firms borrow abroad, because first, they have no mechanism for resource management when the loan is not have representative offices in countries where investment enterprises; Monday, foreign exchange management mechanism of state bank is not specified on the management of money invested abroad As a rule, when businesses invest overseas only mobilizing their own capital to invest, just invest using borrowed funds abroad if the Prime Minister approved Because of these reasons that businesses are not really excited Vietnam to find and implement investment projects abroad Vietnam now has over 130 investment projects in foreign countries with a total registered capital of 315.5 million dollars disbursed, but only about 10% of this How to improve the situation? Investment abroad that is the sea, is integration with the world economic flows, is to change the way of doing small, fragmented, random, stopped several times to survive and compete effectively on the international market It requires businesses to Vietnam determined to innovation management thinking, improve competitiveness, to have the Page 14 Strategy to expand fast-food chicken market Ba Vi to Korea and France roadmap, objectives, specific tasks such as immediate and long term to overcome the obstacles Intrinsic stated The business must be active in seeking information, searching the market, take advantage of partnership opportunities, links with partners at home and abroad to seek investment opportunities Without reform, the Vietnam enterprises will lose their home market when Vietnam joins WTO by having to compete with foreign goods flow into not need to wait until investment abroad In terms of macroeconomic management, the State should: - Consider investing abroad is part of a master plan for economic development economic development and improving policies which create a stable legal environment for foreign investment: - There are supportive policies, incentives appropriate priority in lending, foreign exchange management Create conditions for Vietnam commercial banks to open branches and representative offices overseas to offer direct payment services, money transfer and guarantee PAR accelerate the evaluation level permit, change the form of investment, reinvestment ; - Communications embassies, consulates and trade of Vietnam's overseas research on the economic issues - trade in the host countries to support when needed; encourage the establishment of business associations in Vietnam abroad Actively participate in industry associations organize regional and international organizations possible meetings between the Government and entrepreneurs, enterprises in Vietnam, the embassies, consulates of Vietnam South and overseas territory of Vietnam to obtain information, timely handling of matters arising; - Development of support services such as: Provides information about the market, partners, investment environment, the trade promotion services Providing consultancy support (registration, handling trademark disputes, taxation, import and export procedures ); Providing financial services - banking (payment, money transfer, insurance, ); - To promote foreign investment, we must seek to learn from Japan and China Because water is small and poor raw materials, Japan has done all for foreign investment with the motto of Japanese goods, that is where the borders of Japan As for China, not know what the secret was made for the goods and the production facilities of their business quickly filled caves and alleys of the world Page 15 Strategy to expand fast-food chicken market Ba Vi to Korea and France Planning market entry strategies of Korea and Japan: Due to differences in culture, consumerism, so to expand and penetrate markets in the two above-mentioned target markets are South Korea and France, enterprise strategies majority would choose local This strategy will be flexible to meet the needs of fast-food chicken market in each locality, each country Fast food chicken products will be processed according to the demand of each market as: For the French market: Business location must be clean, beautiful, beauty, products must meet strict requirements on food safety Products enter the market early enough French to meet the requirements of local authorities about the origin of goods, processing technology, storage, Because of European habit is to eat soft foods, not eat internal organs and bones to a fast food chicken products also need to differentiate against the Vietnam market (chicken "run" is long, using whole organs like the liver, gizzard, heart, ): chicken farming industry choose not to use drugs that stimulate growth, have a clear history of origin, filter soft fleshy parts such as thighs, breast, for processing For Korean Market: This market also requires quality, hygiene and food safety, high places of business but not have a luxurious place, South Koreans have a habit of slobbering and almost the Vietnamese men should choose to chicken meat processing can also be used as in Vietnam Key to fast-food chicken business in Korea is the serving style: quickly, in time to adjust to the heat of a Korean Selected mode of operation to expand the business market to South Korea and France based on market analysis, logistics systems, human resources and costs: - For the French market: Due to market entry costs high, the first phase to penetrate the enterprise market is only looking for distributors operating in the French market for export products Vietnam enterprises to access the French market can establish representative offices or subsidiaries but not to set up branches Under the laws of France, set up a representative office, usually a simple procedure, but businesses have no legal status, are not permitted to conduct business activities but only the market research, customer tracking If the chief representative of the Vietnamese people, must declare to be granted a residence permit card for France Also set up branches shall be permitted to conduct business activities and pay taxes But procedures are heavy and expensive The scope of taxable income of the branch and is now unclear To successfully penetrate the French market, companies need to directly probe Page 16 Strategy to expand fast-food chicken market Ba Vi to Korea and France the French market, learn about the criteria and characteristics of French and European market In France, we have common European standards, not only of French hygiene product quality For each commodity has different standards Also, consumer tastes of France and Europe also need to find out directly Vietnam enterprises for the first time exported to France to find a consulting business in France They will provide consulting services best suited to the operational model and create the most realistic conditions when you first set foot in France Currently in France and the European Union have regulations for foreign exporters Vietnamese enterprises should seek Oea regulations (for businesses approved for export to France) to enjoy two major benefits: simplification of customs procedures and simplifying the criteria for safety hygiene and product quality Since then, reduce the burden on businesses If the new medium businesses to access the French market which has no long-term partners and they should use the traditional channel is the first payment letter of credit (L / C) After you have established relationships and intimacy, they can be trusted channel transfer However, this method is not safe - For the Korean market: The food export enterprises of Vietnam came after Thailand and Japan a step in conquering the Korean market, so businesses need to thoroughly understand the market, and competitors learn before trying to to bring goods to market In Korea, distribution of goods is very complicated to model: the main importer-distributor-selling products on supermarket goods distribution by region The country also has two different systems market is supermarkets and retail outlets (convenience stores, restaurants), but there are about 75% of the market should focus on wholesale business to export regardless of the market and partner in this segment When you want to penetrate the Korean market stability and long term, businesses need to find partners, not customers, the most important thing is to find the big distributors Vietnam enterprises must present the advantages, competitiveness of their products there Want to retain in the Korean market, enterprises should not be looking for more customers but to find a strategic partner long-term, stable One special note to the food export business is to pay attention to quality and service Product quality is not negotiable should be kept stable, guaranteed to have declared on the Page 17 Strategy to expand fast-food chicken market Ba Vi to Korea and France package announced If the price advantage, Vietnam's food products will not be able to compete with Chinese goods, so firms need to maintain credibility We still prefer Korean foods, agricultural products, spices, in the form of OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturing) That is the South Korean enterprises to import foreign products under their brand and the producer shall be subject to annual inspection if it meets the quality requirements on food hygiene and safety of Korea or not Food export enterprises of Vietnam to note: make sure all papers (bills of lading, commercial invoices, certificates of origin, description of the pretty nursing, diagrams for processing ); standards and limited use of preservatives, drugs in food, residues of pesticides used in agriculture, additives and artificial colors (chemical) for food quality bleach Korean consumers often say "no" to foods that contain artificial colors, additives or even MSG (glutamate) In addition, enterprises should pay attention to the information on labels: product name (in English and Korean), total weight and net weight, information on manufacturers, ingredients were use, origin Currently, Vietnam and South Korea is the quarantine agreement for food, so many items have the advantage of Vietnam such as pork, milk pigs or chickens, live ducks were not present in this market can only export of processed goods Ministry of Industry and Trade of Vietnam is carrying out the policy can work to go to the exchange has signed the General Agreement on food inspection between Vietnam and Korea, creating a legal framework as well as creating favorable conditions for companies exporting food to the market Vietnam Trade Office in Korea are also coordinating with other organizations, the authorities of South Korea as well as the Trade Promotion Department and the professional associations in Vietnam to make a bridge for businesses of both sides understand together, increase opportunities for investment promotion and cooperation, especially in the food sector, while helping businesses resolve commercial disputes happen (if any) Thus, to penetrate the Korean market, the company needs to find a chicken for three distribution partners prestigious in Korea to export products to the Korean market, then research to establish selection venture here Sources of Information: - Trade Promotion Agency of Vietnam in French, Korean; - Centre for Trade Information Korean Embassy in Vietnam; Page 18 Strategy to expand fast-food chicken market Ba Vi to Korea and France - Centre for Trade Information French Embassy in Vietnam; - Additional information via Internet - Community Information Import Export Vietnam Page 19 ... the Prime Minister Prime Ministers and Ministers must be approved by Congress The term of the President is five years, the tenure of members of parliament is years (by the people directly elected)... steps There are scholars who believe that the reason Korean easy to receive the way fast food (fast food) of Europe - the U.S because the traditional Korean diet is very simple, they receive... regime includes 16 administrative units The president is directly elected by the people and not allowed to reelection The President is the highest representative of the country and has the right

Ngày đăng: 09/11/2018, 14:53



