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American english file 2 student book full

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AxmeeGc&c* MCmhffiGe Student Book Clive Oxenden Christi na Latham-Ko enig Paul Seligson oxroRD American English File Sardent Book Clive Oxenden Chri stin a Latham-K o enig Paul Seligson oxroRD 1INIVERSITY PRESS Paul Seligson and Clive Oxenden are rhe original co-authors of English File (pub 1996) ardEnglish File (ptb.l997l Contents +[ Who'swho? Grammar Votabulary Pronunciation word order in questions common verb phrases, vowel sounds, the alphabet classroom language l0 12 ft Who knows you B E better? simple present family, personality adjectives nt tte Moulin Rouge present continuous the body, prepositions of fne Devil's Dirtionary defining relative clauses (a person who , o thing thot ) Pnncncnr Enclrsx At the expressions for paraphrasing: vowel sounds pronunciation in a dictionary like, for exomple, elc airport I5 Wnrrrc 14 Rrvrrw & t6 ffi Right place, wrong time simple pasfi regular and irregular l8 i:.& Amomentintime past continuous Cnrcr place third person and plural -s Describing yourself What you remember? What can you do? verbs -ed endings, irregular verbs vacations place: lel and lerl question words, pop music lwl and lhl verb phrases the lefter a prepositions of time and ot, in, on 20 22 24 ffi fifty years of pop music ffi OneOctoberevening Pnncncnr Erclrsx 25 Wnrrrc 26 Rrvrrul & 30 32 Cxrcr questions with and without so, becouse, but, although At the conference hotel The story behind a photo What you remember? What can you do? I where are you going? fl Thepessimist'sphrasebook witt /won'f(predictions) ! auxiliaries goin g to, pr esent continuous I ook (for, th ro ug h, etc.) sentence stress (future arrangements) conkactions (wi ll I won't), opposite verbs lol ru always love you will I won't(ptomises, offers, and lool uerb + bock word stress: two-syllable words verbs + prepositions sentence stress clothes vowel sounds decisions) 34 [ I was only dreaming review of tenses: present, past, and 56 future Pnncncnr Ercusn Restaurant problems 37 Wnrrrc 38 Rrvrsw & Cxrcr An informalletter What you remember? What can you do? erer, 40 [ from rags to riches 42 [ Famity ronflitts present perfect + yet and olready verb phrases lW, ryl,and ldsl 44 B Faster, faster! tomparatives, os os I less thon time expression s: spend time, woste time, elc sentence stress 46 48 E fhe world's friendliest Pnncrcnr Encusx 49 Wuunc 50 Rsvnw & 52 54 56 present perlert (experience) + neveri present perfect or simple past? Crucx tity Describing where you live What you remember? What can you do? I Are you a party animal? uses of the infinitive p VUhatmakesyou feel good? uses of the -inglorm Q tlowmuthranyoulearn hoveto,don'thoveto,must, 60 E fne name of the Pnncrcnl Ercusn 6l Wnrrrnc 62 Rsvlrw & Ctttcx word stress Lost in San Francisco in a month? 58 superlatives (+ erer + present perfect) opposite adjectives game verbs + infinitive word stress verbs followed by -rng lrSl modifiers o liftle (bit), extrenely, mast not, con't foirly, reolly, elc expressing movement prepositions of movement, At a department store Aformal e-mail What you rememberT What can you do? spofts sentence stress prepositions Grammar ffi 66 ffi 6B 70 lf something bad can happen, it will ffi Decisions, detisions ffi Wtrat should I do? Elcusr 73 Wnrrrc 74 Rrvrrw & Cxscx 76 7B 80 82 confusing verbs vowels animals stress and rhythm noy / might (possibility) word building: noun formation sentence stress, -ion endings should / shouldn't get /o/, sentence stress words related to fear hl biographies word stress (first conditional) Never smile at a trorodile if + pasl; would +baselotm (second conditional) Pnncrcru 72 if+ present; will +baselorm At the pharmacy Writingto a friend What you remember? What can you do? ffi Famous fears and phobias present perfecl + for and since present perfect or simple past? ffi aorntodired used to ffi lusedtobearebel il# The mothers of invention passive and lar/,senlence stress school subiects: fisfo4z, sentence stress geogrophy,elc used to uerbs: invent, discover, elc -ed, sentence stress I didn't use to 84 Pnncrrcnl Encusn A boat 85 Wnrnnc 86 Rrvrrw & Describing a building What you remember? What can you do? 88 frl lhateweekends! something, onything, nothing, elc adjectives endin gin -ed and -ing H /tl, /oal ,and ln/ 90 nowoldisyourbody? quantifiers, foo, not enough, health and lifes$ ei use sunsaeen, elc / N, 92 ffi Waking up is hard to word order of phrasal verbs phrasal verbs lglandldSl 94 E$ "l'm lim," "so am so similarities vowel and consonant sounds, sentence stress 96 Pnncrrcru Ctrcx Etcusx trip 1." / neither + auxiliaries 0n the phone 97 Wnrrrc Giving your opinion 98 Rrvrrw& Whatdoyouremember? Whatcanyoudo? I Cxrcx lttl, latl, I tl ; linking wtrataweek! past perfect adverbs: suddenly, immediotely, etc review of vowel soundt sentence stress 102 t04 lo5 I r ften I Vorabulary, Pronuntiation he kissed me reported speeth soy,tell,or osk! rhyming verbs Grammar Quick grammar check for each File Quick check of vocabulary, sounds, and word stress 108 Communitation I18 Audiosrripts 126 Grammar Bank look out for @@ 144 Vocabulary Bank ts6 Sound Bank This shows you where to find extra material for more practice and review G word order in questions v common verb phrases, classroom language P vowel sounds, the alphabet t INTRODUCING YOURSETF Hi l'm a Introduce yourself to all the other students Try to remember their narnes Nice b Can you remember? Does anybody in the class have ? ' long name a very short name a Yery a nalne that's fifficult to spell _ to meet you a verv traditional name the same name as another student an unusual name the same name as a famous person from your country GETTING TO KNOW EACH OTHER a Complete the groups of questions 1-5 belowwith a verb b : I.I ':' 1ir,.n and repeat the FREE TIME questions eopy the rhythm c In pairs, ask and answer the questions Can you find two things you have in common? We live in the city and we yoga JS& / $rWXlrK$ What, you r I{oMx etrlrm s'&Itfrxr,Y Where you from? Where you ? - Where you I i anybrothere and oieXere?i Doyou -{\ Do you -? + \ your job? Do you -?/ univereity you to? Whatr echool t - What.year you in? 1/ - Which? any foreiqn lanquaqee? THE fUTURE Where areyou qoinqto What are you qoinq lo - after the claee? lhie weekend? - EI rmgs'rxffiK ?ffim pAsT What kind of mueic you _to? Do you a mueical inatrumenfl Which? you Do proqramo? - any What Do you eporLe? Which onee? -'N? \Nhatbooke or maqazinee doyou ? Where - you born? Enqlieh betore? What, did you laet eummer? Where did you - GRAMMAR word order in questions a Can you remember the questions? Reorder the words I from CTASSROOM TANGUAGE a Complete the teachert and student's phrases are you where? watch you TV? to music you what kind of listen do? English where you before did study? are what you weekend going this to? O p.tZS Grammar Bank the exercises TISTENING t-2 a a Read the rules and & SPEAKING Listen and choose a or b What day of the week a lA Tuesday 'v\4rat day is b O p.laa Vocabulary a b Momday How you pronounce the letters of the alphabet below? Use the sound pictures to help you lHH b (") g:ZS Y t{ does the class start? 9:45 b 10:15 cc< ffi When was the woman born? a :.,,r ' ., I ir sounds, the aiphabet \ What time om languoge b frrursday it today? What time is it? a 8:55 C/ossro PRONUNCIATION vowel is the test? Sumday Bank b \\4rat day does he want tickets a ,:, ,.-,,,,:,:, b ,,r:,t,t ,,.1 AHK BCDEPTVZ F L MN S I- €a Ef ,,1 for? ut EJ au t.t,.,.tt,ltl: rM \A4rat number is the house? a tI7 How much a $r5 b t70 are the flowers? b $s0 b Complete the alphabet chart with these letters WGYRJXO c Practice sapng the letters of the alphabet b In pairs, ask and answer the questions What day is it today? What days yeu have yo&!r Hmglisl.r elass? What time does the class start and finish? What time is it now? d In pairs, play Wat does it mean? Think of six words that you can spell and pronounce Then test another pair How you spell it? What's the number of your house or apartment? G simple present V personality adjectives family, personi P third person Derson ar and plural I VOCABUTARY family, -s He likes movies He doesn't smoke personality adjectives a Can you remember these words? Do the pvzle in pairs The opposite of thin or slim is Your brother's wife is your Your sister's daughter is your Your mother's brother is your Your aunt's children are your Lighthair is the opposite of hair The opposite of short is Your brothers, sisters, cousins, etc are your b What's the " mystery word " c O Who knows better, your family or your friends? yCIrx In our weekly "test," single people who are looking for a partner ask their mother and their best friend to help The mother chooses one partner and the best friend chooses another The test is to see who can choose the best partner! This week's single man is Richard Taylor, a 26-year-old musician from Vancouver, Canada His mother, Meg, chooses one woman, and his best friend, Danny, chooses another Then Richard goes on a date with each woman \Alhich woman does he prefer? \I,Iho knows him better, his mother or his best friend? Who chooses the right woman for him? ? p.t+S Vocabulary BankAdjectiyes Do part READING a Who you think knows you better, your family or your friends? Why? I urruffy work in Canada, but sometimes I work :ilbi$aAl, too \Mhen I'm not working, I like going to the movies and eating in Read the introduction to the article nice restaurants I don't like sports very much, and I don't Vrrho is Richard? Who is Danny? exercise, but at least I don't smoke rv\4rat Richard's mother and Danny try to \t\4rat does Richard have to do? do? Now read what Richard says Mark the sentences T (true) or F (false) Correct the false ones He sometimes travels for his job T He's friendly and outgoing He likes music and parties He prefers women who are shorter than he is He likes women who talk a lot He doesn't talk to his family about women His mother doesn't think he's good at choosing girlfriends Guess the meaning of the or phrases Ii words I think I'm open and friendly - I $6tt.a]OngiiW6llt with most people - but I can be kind of shy, &0t For example, I don't like going to parties I prefer to meet friends individually or in small groups I like intelligent, funny women who make me ll{iiiqh, and ideally who love music Physically, I prefer women with dark hair who are not taller than me And I like women who are good listeners I'm sure that my friend Danny knows me better than my family because we often tatk about gulfriends and the probiems we have I dont usually talk to my family about that kind of thing My mom always says that I look for the wrong kind of woman, but that's what mothers atways."yr fl GRAMMAR simple present a Complete the questions about Richard rrA4-rere does he I liye l'5 a ? s In Vancouver, Canada \Vhat He's a musician PRONUNCIATI0N \A4rere Listen and repeat He works abroad She likes good food She laughs a lot , He plays the piano In Canada and abroad She lives smoke? in Mexico He enjoys comedies No, he doesn't exercise much? She exercises every day No, he doesn't ltzl \\4rat kind of women Inteliigent and funny ones He relaxes at night She dresses very well to his mother about girls? No, he doesn't O -s endings b choose cook go know stop p.tZO Grammar Bank I B Read the rules and c the exercises Cover the text In pairs, try to remember five How you say the he I she I itform of these verbs? teach How you say the plural of these nouns? book friend language niece parent party things about Richard I.6 He lives in Vancouyer Listen and repeat the verbs and nouns Look at the photos of Claire and Rosa SPEAKING a Work in pairs, A and B Think of a person you know well, a family member or a friend, who is single You are going to tell your partner about him / her Look at the chart below and prepare what you are going to say, NAME? AGE? JOB/STUDTES? HIS FRIEND'S CHOICE HIS MOTHER'S CHOICE Claire Rosa LIVES IN? O Communication Cloire ond Roso A p.108 B p.l12 \A4ro you think is more Richard's type?'rArhy? TISTENING to Richard talking about what happened when he met Claire and Rosa Does he like them? \Arhat are the problems? a Listen 1.5 claire 1.4 Very friendly PERSONATITY? SMOKES? LIKES? Rosa Now listen again and write any adjectives or expressions that Richard uses to describe Claire and Rosa Claire PHYSICAT APPEARANCE? Rosa Very attroctive \A4ro knows Richard better, his mother or Danny? Are you surprised? DOESN,T LIKE? A describe your person to B B listen and ask for more information Do you know anybody who would be a good partner for this person? Then change roles G present continuous v P MCABUTARY the body 5 GRAMMAR present continuous a Look at the painting At the Moulin Rouge.In pairs, ask and answer the questions What clothes are the people wearing? \Nhat are the people at the table doing? What are the tvvo women in the back doing? What are the two men in the back doing? Describe the woman on the right What you think she's doing? One of the people in the painting is the artist, Toulouse-Lautrec Which person you think he is? I think the artist is the tall man who is sitting between the two women a Look at this painting Do you like it? Why (not)? b Label the woman's eat c O eyes hair face with words from the box lips mouth d In pairs, how many words can you remember in two minutes? PRONUNCIATION vowel sounds a Look at the sound pictures What are the words and sounds? @ "M m In the picture the men wear I are wearing hats often wear / are wearing In some countries women neck p.t+e Vocabulary BankThe body ffi b Underline the correct form of the verb a -\ hats to weddings Karina usually sits / is sitting at the front of the class Today she sits / is sitting at the back O p.tZO Grammar Bank lC Read the rules and the exercises TISTEN I NG 1.8 Listen to a guide in an art gallery talking a about At the Moulin Rouge Answer the questions I What was the Moulin Rouge famous for? Who did Toulouse-Lautrec include in his paintings [,1?\ \)(-z and posters? Which person is Toulouse-Lautrec? Why some people think he liked painting the t dancers? (-l Listen again Write the numbers of the people next to their names t.7 Toulouse-Lautrec ' Put the words in the correct columns Listen and check arms bite ears eyes nose shoulders smell head hear stomach heart touch O p.tSZ Sound Bank Look at the typical spellings for these sounds rmr, His cousin Gabriel His friend, a photographer Iane Avril, a dancer La Macarona, a dancer La Goulue, a singer I tr tr tr tr tr - SPEAKING O Communication a Match the prepositions B behind on between on the left in with the pictures of in the middle next to on the right across from under in front ffi 2_ UT R 3_ trffi 7_ Describe ond drow A pJAB p.ll2 Describe your picture for your partner to draw In small groups, ask and iumwer the questions Do you paint or draw? What kinds of things? Do you haye a favorite painter? Who? Do you have a favorite painting? What? Can you describe it? What pictures or posters you t#J o 8_ C?O 6o have on the wall in your bedroom or living room? Iook again at the paintings in this lesson (here and on pages 108 and 112) Which one would you choose to have in your house or apartrnent? +,,r.g18 SONG i nin't got no - t got life I Phrases a with go Match ttre verbs and pictures go abroad la'brcdl I go swimming / sailing [I*'",r,.' ' , t" go sightseeing i go camping go by car / bus / plane / train go to the beach go out at night go away for the weekend go for a walk Cover the phrases and look at the pictures Test yourself or a partner Other vacation activities a Complete the verb phrases meet rent brry b sunbathe spend /'s,r.nberd/ take walk atahotel/campsite on the beach in the mountains / around the town photos souvenirs time money / time friends a good a car I an apartment Test yourself Cover the verbs Remember the phrases The weather a Match the words and pictures sunny windy foggy cloudy I'klaodil I rain SNOW A It cold Ireezrng these words are adjectives except rqin and snow,whrch are nouns or verbs It snows every year There's snow on the ground rarely rains It rained a lot this morning There was a lot of rain last year It's snowing hot boiling ett b Test a partner Imagine you were on vacation last week Point to a picture A Say Wat was the weather like? B Answer in the simple past It was sunny / It rlined O p.t6 @MultiRoMWWW.oup.com/elflamericanenglishfile/2 I at/inlon a Complete the chart with at, in, or on PI.ACE Countries cities France, Paris Rooms the kitchen and Buildings, Transportation e store, a musettm, the library, school Closed spaces a bike, a bus, train, plane, a ship a park, a garden (not car) home, work, the airport, the station, a bus stop, a party, the door, the end A surface the J7oor, a table, a shelf, the balcony, the roof, the wall a car college, school TIME Months February, June Seasons the winter b Years, Centuries 2008, the 21st century Dates March lst six o'clock, half past two, 7:45 Times of day Days the morning, the afternoon, the et ening (not night) Tuesday, New Year's Day, Valentine's Day Times of day night, noon, midnight lunchtime Times the weekend, weekends, Monday morning Look at the chart for a few minutes Then test a partner: A (book open) say a place or time word, e.g., Singapore, Tuesday, etc B (book closed) say the preposition (at, in, or on) Change roles O p.rs Prepositions of movement a Match the prepositions and pictures under (the railroad) along (the street) around (the lake) through /0ru/ (the tunnel) into (the store) lm ffi NEWs eet B across (the street) over (the bridge) ffi up (the steps) past (the factory) toward /tcrd/ (the lake) I down (the steps) out of (the store) b Cover the prepositions Where did the dog go? lt went down the steps O p.se @iltrD MultiROM www.ou p.com/elt/a merica nen gl ishf i le/2 I Opposite verbs a Match the verbs and pictures Opposite b.,y (a house) I win (a game) lend (money to somebody) find (your keys) push (the door) pass (an exam) forgq! (a name) turn on (the TV) send (an e-mail) // miss (a train) / a14ive (at the station) teach (a language) b IL @ il% Find the opposite verbs below Write them in the Opposite column catch fail get / receive pull remember sell borrow (from somebody) learn leave lose (x2) c r rrfr turn off Cover the verbs and look at the pictures Remember the verbs and their opposites O p,5l Confusing verbs a Match the verbs and pictures wear carry clothes a bag win earn prize a game a salary money know meet somebodv sometntng Iffst a make someb.ody txme for the cake homework, housework, lunch, dinner a noise judo, aerobics, yoga, hope that something goodwillhappen the dishes, the laundry, a job wait for a bus watch look at TV a look look like hoppv your mother photo O p.6a Cover the words and phrases and look at the pictures or a partner Test yourself @MultiRoMWWW.oup.com/elt/americanenglishfile/2 EEI a Match the words and pictures Singular clothes a dress atop a skirt /skert/ a shirt a belt a T-shirt /'sweter/ /sut/ a sweater a suit /koot/ atie llatl a coat a scarf a warm-up suit a j4cket a hat a cap a blouse Plural clothes pajgmas lpa'd3a;mezl pants jeans shorts shoes /Juzl boots tennis shoes / sneakers socks tights / pantyhose b Cover the words and look at the pictures Test yourself or a partner Verbs used with clothes a Match the phrases and pictures get dressed wear (a black hat) take off (her boots) try on (a dress) put on (her coat) b O Cover the phrases \A4rat is she doing in each picture? p.+o @MultiRoMWWW.oup.com/elt/americanenglishfile/2 a Match the animals and the pictures insects I 26 bee MWffiffi K ryffiMM ffi W ffirc butterfly flv mosqqlto qplder farm animals bull chicken cow /kau/ goat 1"1; :,,:., lgoutl horse pig sheep wild animals bear camel crocodile dolphin elephant giraffe gorilla ilH kangaroo lion mouse (plural mice) rybbit shark snake tiger whale birds duck eagle swan /swon/ b Cover the words and look at the pictures Test yourself or a O p.sz l@MuttiRoM wwwou p com/elt/a merica nen gl ishf i le/2 M ffiffir ffi @ry M ffi ffi ffi ffi partner r a Match the phrases and the pictures /t )-\ get + adjective get divorced I get angry get in shape get married get lost get * comparative get older get worse get !,etter get=buy/obtain get a job get a ticket get an apartment get a newspaper get + preposition (phrasal verbs) get along (we11) with get on (opposite get of ) into (opposite out of) get up get = arrive get to work get home get to school get = receive get a Pqlrcheck get a letter get a present get an e-mail Cover the words and look at the pictures Test yourself or a partner O p.zt @@ Multi ROM www.ou p.com/elt/a merica nenglishf ile/2 a Match the sentences and the pictures We often stav i.rp late on the weekend The game will tre over at about 5:30 I don't get along with my father I want to flncl out about hotels in Madrid I should give up chocolate Please put away your clothes Don't throw away that letter! Turn down the musicl It's very loud Turn up the TVI I can't hear I He looked up the words in a dictionary Could you fill out this form? Please pick up that towel Cover the sentences and look at the pictures Remember the phrasal verbs Look at these other phrasal verbs from Files 1*7 Can you remember what they mean? gft up turn on (the TV) ccme back turn off (the TV) go l,riicl< put on (clothes) hi.rrryl upr take off (clothes) go alvalr try on (clothes) g(] Out give back (something you borrowed) look fbr (something you lost) conte in take back (something to a store) iook fbrward to (a vacation) si{ ciou.n call back (later) look through (the advertisements) st;,nd u;; pay back (money you borrowed) rnll ii-v!ilV write down (the words) Green = no object The verb and the particle (on, up, etc.) are never separated I get up 0t 7:30 Blue = + object The verb and the particle (.on, uP, etc.) are never separated Look for your ke7s NOT too+

Ngày đăng: 26/10/2018, 13:17

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