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American english file 4a student book workbook full

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tu#C&ffiGe MxxXa&K&ffiK Srudenr K*ole W&rrkhererk MrxkiKOM Clive Oxenden Christina Latham-Koenig oxroRD American English File XxrXxx&cePACK 4*& Clive Oxenden C hri stin a Latham- Ko enig oxroRD \-TNIVERSITY PRESS Paul Seligson and Clive Oxenden are the original co-authors of Englkh File (prb 1996) andEnglisb File (w$.1997) Student Book Contents Grammar + ffi QandA review: question formation I m Do you believe it? auxiliary verbs; the 12 ffi You'rethedoctor! the Vocabulary Pronunciation guessing meaning intonation, stress, and rhythm from context in questions personality using a dictionary to check word stress; + comparatives intonation and sentence rhythm present perfect (simple and illness and treatment consonant and vowel sounds clothes and fashion vowel sounds airtravel irregular past forms confusing adverbs and word and sentence stress continuous) t6 Colroeurnl Ewclrsn What 17 wnrrrnc r8 Rrvlrw & zo [l 24 [l does the future hold? An informal e-mail/ letter What you remember? What can you do? CHECK ttationalstereotypes: truth or myth? adjectives as nouns, adiective order Airtravel:theinsidestory narrativetenses,pastperfectcontinuous; so 28 @ lncrediblyshortstories I such thot adverbs and adverbial phrases adverbial phrases 32 Couoeunl Encusx 33 wnriluc 54 Rrvrrw & CHEGK i6 40 44 Flying high A short story What you remember? What can you do? H[ fte one place a burglar won't look ffi Stormyweather ffi Takingarisk passive (all lormsl, it is soid thot ., crime and punishment the letter u he is thought to , etc future perfect and future continuous conditionals and future time clauses; vowel sounds sentence stress and rhythm expressions with toke likely and probobly 48 Conoeunl 49 Wnrrrruc Expressing your opinion 50 Rrvrsw & CHEcK What you remember? What can you do? I Eucr-rsn 16 Communication High risk? I2l Audioscripts t32 Grammar Bank 146 Vocabulary Bank ls7 Phrasal verbs in context r58 Sound Bank Lookoutfo'@ThisshowsyouWheretofindextramaterialformorepracticeandreview Workbook Contents ,, ,i,' , , + [ QandA z @ Do you believe it? ro tr You're the doctor! l3 Cor.r-oeuru Erucusn What does the future hold? A E 17 tr 20 tr 14 25 35 lncredibly short stories Encusn Flying high t,t ,,t.;;',:l'-' E tr 50 tr 27 Air travel: the inside story Cor.r.oQum A,, 24 National stereotypes: truth or myth? :''', :.,;;,: The one place a burglar won't look Stormy weather Takingarisk Cou.oeuru Encusn High risk? - 74 ListeningAudioscripts Page numbers in this edition are the same as in the full-lengh Student Book and Workbook G review: question formation v guessing meaning from context P intonation, stress, and rhythm in questions I GRAMMAR review: question formation Young star, old star a Complete the following questions with one or two question words or an au.xiliary verb Every week the newspaper The Guardion chooses people I How much you earn? Are you married? have you been studying English? you prefer, small towns or big cities? you go to the theater in a year? tall are you? religion are you? you want to have children? of music you listen to? 10 advice you listen to most? 11 you ever said "I love you" and not meant it? 12 did you vote for in the last election? - who have been in the news recently and publishes a short interview with them called Q&A The questionnaire often includes fairly personal questions Put an X next to the questions above that you wouldnt ask a person you dont know very well Are there any questions that you would not even ask a good friend? Which questions would you expect to find in a magazine interview with a famous person? Read the two interviews Which question is ? the most personal the most boring Read the interviews again and write the most original Where ruould you like to live? Barcelona N (Norah) or L (Lionel) tlUhat you most dislike about your appearance? I am too short I am feet, I inch (155 centimeters) Who ? never has enough time for what he / she wants to Who would play you in the movie ol your life? has happy childhood memories avoids answering one of the questions feels guilty about something probably doesnt like waking up early is very proud of something says he / she is an insecure person needs help in his / her daily life Maybe Christina Ricci Whafs your favorite smell? Onion, garlic, and butter cooking in a pan Itlhafs your lavorite word? "N0." lillhirh living person you most despise and why? No comment! What single thing would improve the quality of your life? In pairs, look at questions 8-12 in the Lionel Richie interview Find an example of a question where an auxiliaryverb has been addedto Probably a housekeeper llUho would you invite to your dream dinner party? All my friends and Kei*r Richards make the question a question where there is no auxiliary verb a question that ends with a preposition a negative question a question where the usual subject + auxiliary verb order has been inverted to make the question O p.lfZ Grammar Bank lA Read the rules and the exercises - I frink he'd be great at a dinner pafi Whafs the worst iob you've ever had? A waitressing job where I had the breakfast shift lt wasn't the iob that was so bad, just the hours I had to go in at five in the morning lf you could go back in lime, where would you go? Summer camp in Michigan, age 11 14 How you relax? A hot bath liUhat keeps you awake at night? Music A song will keep going around in my brain and keep me awake PRONUNCIATION intonation, stress, and rhythm in questions using the right intonation or tone helps you sound friendly and interested when you speak English Stressing the right words in a sentence helps you speak with a good rhlthm Intonation + stress = the music and rhythm of English l i : , l.I Listen to questions 1-8 In which one does the speaker sound more friendly and interested? Write a or b l_ 2_ 4_ 8_ b : 1.2 Listen and underline the stressed words in these questions Q&A I lyb4$ your favorite kind of music? Have you ever been to a health club? How often you go away on lionel Richie How weekends? Do you know what's long have you been living here? What are you thinking about? Are you a vegetarian? What you to relax? on TV tonight? Listen again and repeat the questions in b Try to sound as friendly possible Then ask each other the questions I Whafs your idea of perfect happiness? calls Sunday by the pool, no phone ' as SPEAKING a Look at the answers other celebrities gave to some of the questions in The Guardian interview series In pairs, match the answers below to some of the questions in the questionnaires on pages and What's your earliest memory? My first day at preschool I was terrified l'd never seen that many children in my whole Be open life to new ideas Playing piano when I was three Near the ocean, one day , My Oscar lf you could edit your past, what would you change? The Commodores never did a farewell tour We lust broke up and disappeared What has been your most emharrassing moment? Donna Karan, fashion designer Harry Connic( Jr, musician and acior Forgetting the lyria to my new single on a TV show David Schwimmer, actor What words or phrases you most overuse? I920s Hollywood No Whafs the most important lesson life has paparazzi yet taught you? Don't trust the smile, trust the actions l What don't you like about your personalifi? l'm an egotistical maniac with an inferiority complex g What makes you depressed? That there are 24 hours in a day and I need i6 ro When did you last cry and why? At the funeral of Milan Williams of The Bruce Willis, actor Panela Anderson, aclress and model Donald Trump, real estate developer Commodores tt UUho tvould you most like to say "l'm sorrf'to? for not being there more To my kids tz What song would you like to Now choose six questions from the interviews to ask a partner Ask only questions that you would be comfortable answering yourself he played at your luneral? All Night Long and Stevie Wonder's I lust Colled to Soy I Love You trW SPEED DATING SPEED DATING SPEED DATING SPEED DATING SPEED DATING SPEED DATING SPEED DATING SPEED DATING READING & VOCABULARY a Do you know what "speed dating" is? Read the first half of the article to check, or to find out how speed dating works ln recent years speed dating has become popular all around the world lournalist Anushko Asthona tried it out Guessing meaning from context INDING A PARTNER has always been a complicated When you are reading and you find a word or phrase you dont know, try to guess the meaning from the context (the other words around it) Think also about what part of speech the unknown word is (e.g., a verb, an adjective, etc.), whether it is similar to another English word you know or whether it is similar to a word in your language process If you still cant figure out what the word or phrase means, either ignore it and continue reading or use a good dictionary (or glossary if there is one) to help you Read the first half of the article again carefully With a partner, say or guess what the highlighted words and phrases mean Then check with Glossary lt is a ritual that has evolved over the centuries, from a man taking food to a prospective partner in the Stone Age to young couples having tea together in Victorian times (under the watchful eye of an unmarried aunt) to dancing in a club with deafening music in the 2l st century But now busy men and women who don't have the time for a slow, gentle courtship have a quicker way to find a partner: speed dating, where single people have exactly three minutes to decide if the person they are talking to could be Mr or Ms Right The idea involves bringing together people for an evening of frenzied, "quick{ire" Using your own words, answer questions 1-4 with a partner dating This is how it works According to the writer, how did people Small tables are placed in a line and the women sit down use to get to know prospective partner? What kind of people is speed dating designed for? Why does Adele Testani think three minutes is enough? Why you think the journalist pretended to be a lawyer? a at the one assigned to them They stay at their table all evening The men take turns sitting next to each woman and having a very quick conversation After three minutes a bell rings and, even if you are in mid-sentence, it is time Now read the second half of the article on page and find out for the man to move to the next table lf you like the person you have just spoken to, you put a check in the "yes" box the advantages ofspeed dating (according to the participants) on a scorecard lf the other person chooses you too, this is if the journalist thinks speed dating is a good idea Read the second half of the article again more carefully With a partner, say or guess what the highlighted words and phrases mean called a "match," and the organizers will send you the other person's e-mail address a couple of days later, and they will be sent yours, too "Three minutes is enough time to talk to someone," says Adele Testani, who runs a speed dating company, "because Glossary I prospective pa{ner sb who might become your boyfoiend / girlftiend or husband i wife in the future courtship the period of time when two people have a romantic relationship before they get married Mr or Ms Right [informal) the man / woman who would be the perfect partner lbr sb ffiffiffiD quick-fire (a series of things) done very quickly a scorecard a card or paper where you write the points, e.g., in a game a "match" when tu,o things or two peopie fit together not your type not the klnd of person u,ho vou would normally like or get along with you can get an idea of what a person is like in that time, and you can eliminate them if you see right away that they're not your type." One of the largest-ever speed dating evenings took place this week at the Hydro Bar, so I decided to go along and see what it was all about I pretended to be a single 24year-old lawyer S 1D DATING SPEED DATING SPEED DATING SPEED DATING Complete Glossary with the correct highlighted word or phrase Use the base form ofthe verbs Using your own words, answer questions 1-4 with a partner Why did the journalist feel a little uncomfortable at first? What kind of men went to this speed dating evening? \A4rat kind of signs did she make to the woman next to her? lVhat for? What kind of questions did she think worked best? Do you think speed dating is a good way of meeting people? If you were looking for a partner, would you try it? What questions would you ask? tI the Hydro Bar, the women, who were wearing fashionable dresses and stylish suits, b were giggling nervously as they each put on a tag with a number on it "Maybe my leans are a bad idea," I thought I chatted with other people while we waited People I in a year with just one night of speed dating The men included a chef, a banker, a photographel an engineer, a management consultant and a novelist They were just pleased they could "lt's so hard to meet women With speed dating you meet " said one man "You cant talk to women in salsa classes," said another Matt, 28, said, 'After doing this once I got several dates There's a good pafi a with lots of single women." tr I got fewer matches had a disastrous date because he / she wasnt feeling well was invited on a date that never took place had a good date in spite of hearing bad news that day realized on a date that his / her first impression was wrong says he / she isnt planning to go speed dating again stop having to try to make small talk with strangers in bars atmosphere; it's safe and it's really good lt's like being at Listen again Then answer the questions with E (Emily), A (Alex), or B (both) Who ? preferred to ask usual questions was asked an unusual question was asked the same question over and over spoke to said they had doubled the number of dates they had 20 or 50 single women in one night 1.5 Listen to a rad.io program about speed dating A man and a woman who have both tried it talk about their experiences How successful was it for them? a ',, HEN I ARRIVED at STEN I NG c Then it started I made eye contact with the woman next to tr tr tr tr I I I Does hearing about Emily and Alex's experiences make you feel more or less positive about speed dating? me so we could compare our opinions of the men; we raised a q o G o = E o our eyebrows Ior a possibiliry exchanged a smile if the man was goodlooking, and made a grimace if he made three SPEAKING minutes feel like three hours I &ffiY 8Y *efi&trY reacting and asking for more information thought it was boring just to ask questions like "What you do?" or "Where are you from?" so I tried to think of more interesting and imaginative questions to ask, like "lf you could I be an animal, what animal would you be and why?" E ! ln the end I checked six boxes A couple of days later, I was o o € ! told that four of the men had checked me, too Four new dates Pretty good for 66 minutes You are going to "speed questioning" with other people in the class Before you start, think of five questions to ask Glossary a small piece of paper, metal, plastic, or cloth u,ith a narne or some identification on it an expression on your face that shows you are in pain 3- laugh in a si1ly way because are amused or nervous When your teacher says "Starti'you have three minutes to talk to the person next to you Ask and answer each other's questions and ask for more information When the teacher says "Changel' stop and go and talk to another student 5,or1 move the line of hair above your eye upwards I When you ask someone a question and they answer, it is usual to show interest by saying expressions like Really?,ls that right?, Yes, me too, Me neither, I know what you mean, or by asking for more information, either with another question, e.g., And what happened then? or simply with a question word, e.g., Why? When?, etc Which questions were the best for finding out about other students? polite conversation about unimportant things 6-.,- talk in a fuiendly, informal way @W G v auxiliary verbs; /he the + comparatives personality P using a dictionary to check word stress; intonation and sentence rhythm SignAtUf€ I READING & SPEAKING trllhat your a Look at the signatures Can you identiflr any of the people? Your signature is the paft of your handvrriting that sap the most about your personality lt is common for your aysabout you signature to change during your life, as your signature reflects how you evolve as a person lt is also common to have several signatures, for example, a more formal signature (first and last name) when you sign a credit card or pasport and an informal signature (ustyour first name) when you sign a biftday card A signature usually contains either a first name and a last name, or initials and a Iast name, or, less frequently, a first name and initials Your first name represents your private or family self, and your last name represents your public self- how you are socially and at work If your first name is more promineni in your signature, this implies that you have positive feelings about 1,our childhood and that your "private" self is more important to you than your "public" self If your last name is more prominent, this means that your "public" self is more important to you The more space there is betu'een vour first and last name, the more you wish to keep your public and prir-ate self separate If you use only initials, either for your first or last name in vour signature, this means that vou are more secretive about this part of lour personalitv [vour Your formal signature prirrate or public persona) tegibility A legible signature, with names that car be clearlv read, implies that you are a person with clear ideas and objectives The more illegible your signature is, the Iess assertive you are as a person, and the more vou tend to avold conflict Angle Most signatures are horizontal, rising, or descending A rising signature means that you are the kind of person who, when faced with problems, will work to overcome them Usually optimistic, you are in control and ambitious A descending signature means that you have a tendency to get depressed and give up when faced with problems and lack self-confidence Some people's signatures go through a temporary phase when they go down, l,r,hich shows that they are going through a hard time or an illness A horizontal signature suggests an emotionally stabie person who is well-balarrced and general11, satisfied with the way their life is going Size If the letters in your signature are bigger than the letters in the rest of the text you have written, that means that you are self-confident ald have a high opinion of yourself Some people actually sign in capital letters, which suggests they are arrogant rather than self-confident People whose slgnature is smaller than the rest of the text may be insecure and have low self-esteem Read the first paragraph ofan extract from a book about graphology On a piece ofpaper, write the sentence look forward to hearing from you, and then sign your name under the sentence I Now read the rest of the extract and answer the questions According to the extract, which of the people A-F I .? has / had no separation between their public and private self, and is / was not very assertive is / was more identified with their public self, is / was probably rather arrogant keeps / kept their public and private life separate, is / was optimistic, and ambitious is / was more identified with their private self, and without much self-confidence d Try to ambitious, and has / had positive feelings about their childhood is / was secretive about their private life, and keeps / kept it very separate from their public life guess the meaning of the highlighted words and phrases from the context Check with your dictionary or the teacher e Now Iook f Did you agree with your partner's interpretation? Do you think graphology is a serious science? Why (not)? at your partner's piece of paper with his / her signature, and explain what it means VOCABUTARY personality a Without looking at the text, how many of the ten highlighted adjectives / phrases can you remember? Q p.r46 Vocabulary Bank Personolity Add either a suffix (e.g., -able or -ful) or a prefix (e.g., un- or dis-) or both to the bold words to make an adjective that fits SPEAKING $ill{iili'l' paraphrasing Ifyou dont know the exact adjective you need, i::,1,'11 ll'i use a phrase like He tends to A the sentence You can invite him to the party, but he won't go He's totally unsociable _ social You'11 have a lively evening if Jane comes because she's S/ze's the kind of person who R"rr"-ber the third perlon , s, Talk in small groups Where you can, give examples of people you know or have known very talk -You can't trust fohn to help He's completely You look rely very Have you had some good news? cheer He's kind of He said he liked my sister, but he obviously doesn't sincere She's not very She never has any good ideas imagine People say he's You can't trust him with money honest She's so to be late consider I She never calls when she's going PRONUNCIATION word What kind of person makes ? a bad roommate a bad traveling companion a bad boss a good teacher a good friend a good politician using a dictionary to check stress In a dictionary, word stress is shown by this mark ( ) before the stressed syllable, e.g., begin /br'gm/ Some words, especially compound u,ords, have a primary (or main stress) and a secondary stress, e.g., good-looking I ,god 1okr4/ Secondary stress is shown by a low stress mark (,) It is not as strong as primary stress Use the phonetics to underline the main stressed syllable I'nregantl /e'serttv/ irritable /'rretebl/ creative /kri'ertrv/ considerate /ken'srderet/ arrogant assertive possessive lpe'zeswl loyal I'lcrcll stubborn /'st,tbern/ 10 impatient /rm'perJnt/ 11 unsociable /,,rn sooJebl/ conscientious /,konJr'enJes/ 12 immature / rme tJor/ I.4 Listen and check Are the negative prefixes stressed? Are the suffixes stressed? Practice saying the sentences below He's terribly irritable - you need to be careful with him She's so conscientious - she always does her best in everything He's very easygoing - he never gets stressed His mother's really possessive - she doesn't want him to get married She's so immature - she behaves like a child l, i}lrtill: the the + comparatives }1ll i t\rl tl,i ill;llti,,fll The more illegible your signature is, the less assertive you are as a person lJse the + comparative adjective or adverb to show that one thing depends on another, for example: The sooner you it, the easier it'll be = How easy it will be depends on when you it The colder it is, the more clothes you need to wear Rewrite the sentences using the the + a comparative adjective or adverb If you study more, you learn more The , the If we leave soon, we'll get there earlier The , the If you are sociable, you have more friends The , rhe Ifyou are happy, you are nicer to other people The , the r.5 SONG J1 Yougottobe @i,+m;1fu,;l READING a Read the article quickly and answer the questions Who is Sid the shoplifter? What Read the article again and complete it with the missing sentences A When lane is out of sight behind the cash register, the seagull walks in and raids the store does he usually take? B C But Sid is no ordinary thief D Some of the locals even go into the store to pay for the chips E Since then he has become a regular and visits the store He suggested that perhaps the seagull had first tried the chips one day on the street almost daily Match the highlighted words in the text and in b above to the correct definition stole something and left quickly with it made offwith a J a person who is chosen to speak for an organization large special meal a person who goes to a particular store very often made full (and Sid is a shoplifter, and he always steals the same thing tears from the same store t I Ue is a seagullthat has a taste for a particular brand of chips The bird committed his first crime sometimes unfair) use of quickly or suddenly Iiking a person or thing the name of a product made by a particular company a few months ago in a local convenience store He walked in through the door and made off with the chips before employees could react z Store clerk Jane I Draper told us that she didn't believe the seagull had G been taking the chips until she saw it with her own eyes E ff u always takes the same type of chips from the shelf, goes back outside, r and rips the package open Other birds often join him to A spokesperson from the local wildlife park said that f] When he saw the package in the store, the seagull must have tAken,advantage of the situation to go inside and steal it Sid was given his name by the people in the area, who have become very fond of him s I Seagulls are not usually very popular with people, as they can make a mess, but Jane says that Sid is difterent because he's so unusual , etc the passive: 6e + past participle A lot of movies are shot on location My car is being repaired today Kill Bill was directed by Tarantino She died when the movie was being made My bike has been stolen You'll be picked up at the airport This bill has to be paid tomorrow share in the feast he had never heard of birds shoplifting before MAR passive (all forms), it is soid thot , Check what you know Review the rules Then b Apparently the seagull waits until there are no customers in the store and the door is open RAM he is thoughf fo We often use the passive when it's not clear or important who does an action, e.g.: My bike has been stolen (= Somebody stole my bike I dont know who.) If you want to say who did the action, use by (e.g.,by a thief ) You can often say things in two ways, in the active or in the passive b Complete the text with the correct passive form of They say the police are investigating the theft of painting by Picasso the verbs in parentheses a It is As a police officer, I was very upset when my motorcycle The terrorists are thought to be in hiding somewhere in I ruS;_lqken (take) from outside my house last month When I found out that over 20 motorcycles z (steal) in my area in the previous six months, I promised myself that the thief would : the mountains It is It is reported that an art gallery has been damaged (catch) and punished All the victims of the thefts by vandals a An art gallery (question) and all the motorcycle dealers in the area (visit) by myself and other officers Our investigations came to an end late last night when we 10 The suspect is known to be dangerous identified the criminal as my next-door neighborl 8_ (try) in the courthouse next month, and we all expect him to be found guilty He might Studemt Book p.trs Sr*rmrnsr Ssnk sA More Words to Learn Write translations and try to remember the words (give) only a short prison sentence, but the best thing is that no more motorcycles lo is ffiffilEmffe (just arrest), and right now he (hold) at the local police station His case He6 It (steal) Word Pronunciation antiques (noun) /en'tiks/ Translation burglar alarm (noun) / berqler a'lorm/ in my area in the near future humiliation (noun) /hyu mrli er.[n/ justice (noun) / dS,tstes/ kitten (noun) l'kfinl magician (noun) /me d3r.[n/ iclim (noun) /'vrktem/ tough (adj) Itfil interrogate (verb) /rn'tsrsgert/ in a trance /rn s trens/ New grammar Rewrite the sentences It is said that the smugglers have made the trip several times tffi The smugglers are said to hqve mqQ9the trip several fi1n9; People think that the mugger carries a selection of different knives rt is fupudtrtalilytaugger cqllktqjikaileq lf is understood to be a coworker A The victim went to the police B C The victim was hur"t during the incident of is It is reported that the presidentt wife has been kidnapped The victim didn't lose much because he / she had more than once the victim It (l-3) to each sentence D The victim refused to give the thief what he wanted E He/ She recovered one ofthe stolen belongings F He i She has been a victim of the same crime dealer is a local man The drug dealer The blackmailer and match the speaker learned to take precautions diferent knives They know that the drug listen to three people talking about ditferent crimes -$i.{$i risten again with the audioscript on page 75 and try to guess the meaning of any words that you don't know Then check in your dictionary The president's wife People expect the woman to be acquitted The woman ffirurutrinsffi ffiffi ilrww.oup.{om/eltlan, *ricanenglishfilel+ Airlines will have to buy permits READING a Read the article and decide what it is mainly about A The impact of cheap flights on the environment B How discount airlines are helping save the planet C The ways in which airlines can cut their costs c Environmental groups want governments to close down discount airlines to stop the increase in air travel to increase airfares Aircraft emissions will be the main source the estimate of aircraft emissions for 2050 is exaggerated people should be allowed to choose how to reduce emissions of carbon dioxide ground transportation is a greater source of COz emissions than air travel The European Parliament wants to introduce a program to cover a all flights using an airport in an EU country b all international flights worldwide c only flights from one European country to another of greenhouse gases a b c In the opinion of the representative from a major airline a b Read the article again and choose a, b, or c a b c to pay for the fuel they use b to be able to enter a European airport c to compensate for the dangerous gases their aircraft emit by2020 by 2030 by 2050 c Look at the highlighted words or phrases What you think they mean? Check with your dictionary CLOUDS ON THE HORIZON Who isn't tempted by ads for cheap flights by discount airlines? It seems like the ideal solution to broaden your horizons and go out to see something of the world But now governments are becoming increasingly concerned about the impact of air travel on the environment, and politicians are under pressure from environmental groups to stop the growth in discount flights Air travel is the fastest-growing source of greenhouse gases, and flrghts are on course to double by 2020 and triple by 2030 Emissions from aircrafl.,principally carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and water airtravel could accountfor nearly half of the total COz emissions by vapor, contribute in part to the effect of global warming lf aviation 2050 but alleged that the proposals would limit society's choice on how the gases should be reduced He said that society might prefer to continue to allow flights to grow and reduce emissions elsewhere, such as in power generators or ground transportation The European Parliament is currently debating the environmental impact of air travel, and politicians are drawing up plans for a program to cover all flights arriving at or departing from all airports in the European Union However, the program is likely to be limited in the early years to flights within Europe in order to avoid legal challenges from the United States and other countries As the years go by, it is becoming clear that it is not only governments who will be paying the price of reducing global warming In the future, individuals will be encouraged to either stay at home or contribute to the bill continues expanding at the same rate as it has in previous years, it will become the main source of CO2 emissions by the middle of the century halt the increase in air travel include introducing a tax jet fuel, sell ing permits to airlines to cover their output of carbon on dioxide, and stopprng the expansion of existing airports Airline companies will be forced to raise their prices to cover these costs, making air travel much more expensive for passengers lt looks like the PIans to ofa cheap weekend getaway in the Caribbean could be over ln response to these proposals, airlines insist that the impact days of aviation on the environment is not sufficiently understood to justiflT introducing such drastic measures A representative from the environmental affairs department of one major airline admitted that VOCABUTARY PRONUNCIATION weather Which words have the same vowel sound? Complete the chart with the words from the list Circle the odd one out (forchG-l chilly freezing mild showers pouring drizzling warm boiling scorching damp gale-force cool breeze wind mist fog smog lightning below zero blizzard hurricane hot vowel sounds @ drought below zero thunder effiry\ m ffi flood /10\ Complete the sentences with an appropriate word gale heat wave lightning pouring chilly breeze showers scorching flood bright drizzling oo^ f-_ =q?\, \ F 'l##B hailstorm : b _ It's not usually so hot soaked Practice saying the rvords in re We're having a heot wave @ Stardent Back a p.!58 Sound Bank GRAMMAR future perfect and future continuous at this time of year Check what you know Review the rules Then b If you're traveling in Asia, it's best to avoid the m season It rained so hard that there were serious in low-lying areas f The h_ was completely unexpected, and the balls ofice nearlybroke our greenhousel Hundreds of trees fell down during the h and several houses were destroved I be going /o + base form future plans and intentions My sister is going to adopt a child Are you going to buy a new car? I'm not going to go to Canada next week predictions The government is encouraging everyone to save water because of the d c I think they're going to win (They're playing very well.) It's going to rain (The sky is very dark.) Match each adjective to a noun strong low b periods clear C dry d fog a skies rain heary thick e temperatures f sunshine icy o b roads bright h winds ffi Sterd*rtt ffio*Xr p"!s* t/*r**er/*ry #cml* future forms (NOT will I won't) when you have already decided to something With the verb go you can leave out the infinitive I'm not going (to go) to Canada Use going fo present continuous be +verb + -ing future arrangements We're getting married in October They're meeting at 10:00 She's leaving on Friday You can usually use present continuous or going to for future plans / arrangements - going fo shows that you have made a decision We're going to get married next summer - Present continuous emphasizes that you have made the arrangements We're getting married on July 12th (i.e., weve reserved a hall for the ceremony) will + base form I'll have the steak I won't tell anybody where you I'll carry that bag for you You'll love the are movie! (instant decision) (promise) (offer) (prediction) Use will I won't (NOT the simple present) for instant decisions, promises, and offers Use will or going fo for predictions l@t*ilf h"" I @-ryp a drought in the future I'm going to take / take / I take the train instead of my car to the office I ve decided that I'll Keith is having / will Word Pronunciation canal (noun) lka'nnll chaos (noun) /'keros/ climate change (noun) /'klarmet t.[ernd3/ CO2 emissions (noun) /si or-i tu r'mrJnz/ l"*rr"") lfr.nl Translation /traeJ kaen/ sea level (noun) If this hot weather continues, forecasters saywe're having Write translations and trv to remember the words rash can (noun) Circle the correct form(s) I More Words to Learn /'si razy (adj) ,1ev1/ I'kretzil organic (food) (adj) /cr'grnrk/ recycle (verb) /ri'sarkl/ have / is going to have a video conference with the chief executive later on today A I dont know how to download this document B I'll help / I'm going to help / I'm helping you Anna has decided she's going to leave / she will leave I ij,,jii I Paul and Judith are both very worried about climate change she's leaving her job to go back to college We're going to go / will Listen to a conversation between two people about climate change Check (z) the correct sentence go I 're going away next weekend We rented a country cottage for two nights Paul is very worried, but Judith takes it less seriously Judith is very worried, but Paul doesnl take it seriously at all New grammar Complete the sentences with the future perfect or future continuous form of the verb ffi in parentheses Usten again and decide if the following opinions are expressed by Paul (P) or ludith (l) Who By the end of this month, we'll have moved (move) to our new house, so you can come and stay after that At this time tomorrow my parents t feels very positive about the unusual weather? mentions the government's action to reduce the number of flights? (fly) over the Pacific on their way to China! thinks that the government It's been raining all day, but hopefully it (stop) by tomorrow We were planning to have a picnic (read) the book I lent you by the next time we see each other globalwarming? If the game starts at 7:00 p.m., we (play) until at least 8:45 and energy? I cant meet you for lunch tomorrow because I think (work) I have so much to I'11 I vacation habits? they says admits his ,!ti li :':ii i'lii (build)the new road, and we'1l be able to get to work much quicker If everything goes according to plan, we (spend) the holidays in Mexico this year f,Mllffi that everyone should try to save water suggests that they could change their usual just have a sandwich at my desk a year, taking the wrong thinks that individuals can help reduce Hopefuliy you Within is action to reduce COz emissions? $tudent Eook p.I36 Grrmmsr / her attitude may be wrong? Listen again with the audioscript on page 75 and try to guess the meaning of any words that you don't know Then check in your dictionary ffiffitl*r*ffiffiffi scr*g# ffi w:rlltr oup.{*ffidelt/arn*ricanengiishf il*/a I believe that one of life's greatest risks is never daring to risk )proh Winfrey, Americon TV personolity Read the article again and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false) READING Read the article and number the paragraphs in the correct order Adrenaline is a drug injected by extreme sportsmen and The sportswomen F effects ofadrenaline can vary from person to person The adrenaline response is a necessary part o[ life The success of extreme sports shows that adrenaline addicts exist The least important feature of extreme sports is the element of danger involved Extreme sportspeople enjoy feeling scared Match the highlighted words to the correct definition l=E animals that kill and eat other animals an event in nature that may not be fully that the whole point of an extreme sport is that it is dangerous Although this is important, it isn't only danger that these sportspeople are seeking They also find these sports incredibly exhilarating and, in fact, it's this element - the combination of fear and enjoyment - that provides the Vou might think understood pleasure fE adrenaline has on the body For some people adrenaline can have long-term negative effects, but others can actually get addicted to it and the feeling it gives These people are often referred to as "adrenaline addicts" or "adrenaline junkies." situation as dangerous, adrenaline is released into the bloodstream in order to increase blood flow and heart rate Blood is rapidly supplied to the parts of the body needed most, Iike the legs and the pupils of the eyes At the same time, the supply is reduced to areas of less importancq like the skin and stomach the round black holes in the middle of your eyes a sudden strong feeling of excitement V0CABULARY My girlfriend is very sensible She doesnt like taking rlsks Katie is always campaigning for women's rights She takes gender equality very and cave diving s I'm looking forward to my vacation so I can take it a [El rvidence of this phenomenon can be found in the ever-growing world of extreme sports There is now a wide range of sports designed to give these adrenaline junkies the thrill they need Ever more strange sports are emerging - from the more usual (such as skydiving or snowboarding) to the incredibly dangerous Examples of these include base jumping (when people parachute off buildings or cliffs), ice climbing, expressions with foke Complete the sentences with an appropriate word ftrN Rdrenaline is the hormone that prepares our bodies to react in times of stress or danger When a person perceives appearing from somewhere one important or typical part of something real thrill ln the case of an extreme sportsperson, fear becomes ln today's world, where actual predators and natural dangers seldom exist, this response can eventually cause stress and feelings of anxiety In addition, any decisions we make in a risky situation can actually be influenced by the effect predators for a change Some politicians try to take for other peoples accomplishments My mother takes You dont have to finish this today There's no hurry You can take your c of herself and still looks great t_ When I was little, I used to take p in dance contests Let's take a a picnic of the beautiful weather and have MINI GRAMMAR the verb in parentheses Rewrite the sentences with likely or probably 1 If you Our team isnt likely to win the game will probably be going out this evening is a crime, you'll be I'11 (ask) for my phone number tell him I'm not interested (go) and see the doctor tomorrow if I (not lose) weight until you stop eating so much We probably wont be here this weekend (call) an ambulance if you think his 5We Ieg is broken Thev'll probably be having dinner when we arrive Th.y You'll regret it ifyou of this opportunity There's likely to be a drought if it doesnt rain soon The There they all agree |essica is probably going to fail her driving test Iffuel prices go up, discount airlines jury (not take) advantage (not give) their verdict until (go) out ofbusiness Iessica guy again, You It (commit) dont feel better My boyfriend If that I likply to be going out this evening My boyfriend isn't likely to get the job losh 2p!4!Ijt punished Our team probably won't winJhe game Josh of Complete the sentences with the correct form likelyandprobably It isnt very likely that I'11be taking part in the campaign New grammar Circle the correct answer Dont leave the medicine on the table if / @:qri, the children open it G RAMMAR a conditionals and future time clauses Check what you know Review the rules Then b first conditional and future time clauses + when, until, etc first conditional sentencest if (or unless) + simple present, will I won't + base form If you don t more work, you'll fail the exam He'll be late for work if he doesn t hurry up She won't get into college unless she gets good grades Use the present tense (NOT the future) after conditional sentences children grow up unless = if t future time clauses before / after our leaves Right (z) or wrong (t)? Correct the wrong sentences If there will be ablizzard tomorrow we wont be able to leave the house X As soon as you get your exam results, call me We'll have dinner when your father gets home I won't go to bed until you come home I'll have lunch before I leave After I finish college, I'll probably take a year offand travel (NOT the future) after when, until, before, and afier to talk about the future as soon as = at the moment when I'll call you as soon as I qrrive to your seats until / as soon as the "fasten seat belt" sign is turned on flight You can also use an imperative instead of the willclause, e.g., Come and see us next week if you have time Use the present tense Please return I'll change clothes until / after I have dinner You'll get soaked if / unless you go out now not won't go unless she invites ma = I won t go if she doesn invite me enough evidence, the man will be acquitted Let's go to the duty-free store f in first I You'll have plenty of time to travel when / if your If I In case there isnt r Lett stop the car unless / until it stops raining I_f there is a blizzqd trprypttpyv-tve wgilleoble to leave the house I'm staying in tonight unless my friends call me ,/ Dont take the tablets until you will have your lunch as soon as, I call you as soon as I get to my hotel this evening Bring your swimsuit in case you'll I'll have dinner want to go for a swim More Words to Learn Write translations and try to remember the words later, after I've finished in the garage You cant watch TV until you finish your homework Word Pronunciation catastrophe (noun) lkdt"rt iazard (noun) "fil I'h"rrrdl My boyfriend will call me as soon as he will land playground (noun) /'plerqraond/ lerrt/ Are you changing 0-"") d**"O*b) scare (verb) /sker/ sue (verb) /su/ instead (adv) /rn'sted/ whereas (conj) lwer'nzl according to (prep) /e'kcrdr4 tel th*"r 10 People clothes before you will go out? wont be allowed to fiIl their swimming pools if the drought continue Translation ldt""t l tlilllliiilljiii,: ii,,; ffiffi Student Eook p.Is6 6rsrurnrr #cn& tisten to part of a radio program about bungee iumping and complete the sentences You sometimes have to write more than one word I sf The first bungee iumpers were discovered on the island of Vanuatu, which is in the Young men called "land divers" used to iump off PRON a UNCIATION platforms with vines tied to sentence rhythm Underline the stressed words _ 1979 Chris Baker and three friends jumped off the Clifton Suspension Bridge in the city of Please take me seriously _, using a rope called a "bungee." They took advantage of me I hope you'll take care ofyourself She never takes notice of speed limits Take it easy for a few days He didnt take part in the game b ln Practice saying the sentences in lmmediately after the team jumped, they by police However, people kept on making bungee jumps, especially in _ Many people made jumps from the Colden Cate in San Francisco a Some of the jumps were sponsored by _ television Phrasal verbs in context I Complete the phrasal verbs from File with the correct particle through down out (x2) ilffi working and tell me when you're Kerry went J Watch The man got He's Listen again with the audioscript on page 76 and try to guess the meaning of any words that you don't know Then check in your dictionary finished Calculations and fittings should be checked before each jump on ,li;l'l,iJ Just keep Fatalities sometimes occur when people use a bungee that is a really hard time after the divorce ! There's a car coming ffiiitraxfitlffi#ffi of his car and walked into the bank been unemployed since the factory closed ffi wre,1f,d.*irp.c*iTi/eltlam*rieanenglishfileya .i [.1i rr''i i.,ii*11i1, I THE INTERVIEW Jump Complete the dialogues with a word from the list degree kind long picked sudden wav I A Do you want to go jogging with me tomorrow Thailand! morning? B Yes, OK, as as itt not too earlv A Why did you give up gymnastics? B Allofa I realized I didnt want to it anv I A That movie was really strange B It was, but I of liked it A How did you manage to come down the mountain in the dark? B Well, |ames led the with a flashlight, and the rest of us just followed him Do you enjoy your job? 5A B Toa , but I find it very stressful, too A How did you learn to speak Portuguese so fluently? B I just it up when I was living in Brazil The man coming toward us runs lightly along the path before jumping over a bench and landing easily on the other side I I They are fwo of the members of Thailand's first (and only) active free running collective comprising Anshul, Shayan, Dhruv, Arun, and Gee The group was founded by Anshul after he had seen ON THE STREET free runners on the documentary Jump Britain and then againin real life on a visit to the US Complete the missing words Anshul's group operates in Bangkok, which, like many cities in the West, has been built up to such an extent that going from A to B has become a challenge Free running gives people like Anshul the motivation to meet this challenge by traveling around in a different and innovative way As Anshul says, "It's 1ike, if you're walking on a sidewalk, anyone can use it, but this is breaking free 2I You can use a wall or anything." Free running attracts followers for many different reasons "Some people think it's a mafiia1u.1 a I Some people want to make it into a contest, while others want to keep it as a philosophy because they don't see why someone's move should bebetter than someone else's," explains Anshul Have you ever up on that job advertisement? Have you sent them your r6sum6? Is lane planning to get Can you s-._ _ i politics? yourself working for a big company? High-risk sports just arent too nervous f me I'm READING a Read the article about free running in Thailand Complete it with the missing sentences Some people just it for fitness, and some A see it as a sport B But it never made me want to stop C Another man nearby leaps from one wall to another D E over a meter away They regard strength and stamina as the main skills necessary together with a knowledge of where your body's center of gravity is There are so many alternative ways to move Underline five words you dont know Use your dictionary to look up their meaning and pronunciation The most important element of free running is safefy and, like their western counterparts, Anshul and his friends are careful to teach people the basics first Injuries are still possible, however, and group member Shayan remembers the effect an ankle injury had on him "When I got injured," he says, "I couldn't the same move for three or four months because I had the fear inthe back of my head a f-1" The group's advice to anyone interested in free running is that they should trainhard and as much research as possible s I As Shayan warns before going back to his routine, "You don't want to be standing on a building and fall off." fgii+itirririiii, Dialogue I Interviewer Sue, can you tell us how you met your boyfriend? Sue Yes, I met Kevin on the Internet I sent my profile to one of those Internet dating services just for a laugh, you know, and I got an e-mail right back from a guy in San Diego who said he wanted to meet me He was a psychologist, as it happens Interviewer So, where was your first date? Sue The first time we met face-to-face was in San Diego I drove down along the coast from Los Angeles, where I live, and we had lunch in a cafe by the beach We got along reaily well that day, and we've never looked back since then It is a little hard, though, having a long distance relationship, but we manage to see each other most weekends Dialogue Interviewer |ohn, where did you meet your girlfriend? |ohn Well, my brother Dan introduced me to Rachel because he was going out with Rachel's best friend, Sarah, at the time When Dan and Sarah split up, Rachel and I stayed together Weve been together for nearly six months now Interviewer Where was your first date? |ohn Our first date wasn t very private, because we went out with my brother and Sarah The four of us went to the movies together, but someone stole Rachel's bag when we were leaving the theater, and so we spent the rest of the evening in the police stationlOur second date was much better - we went out to dinner, just the two of us, and we had a really good timei We just took it from there A W,,r .,,, - ; ,, ", r;iillill+ifiirl,ir Presenter On today's program we have historian Harriet Thorpe with us to talk about superstitions Harriet, where superstitions come from? Harriet Well, the definition of a superstition is "an irrational beliefl' We have to go back hundreds of years to find an explanation for their existence, and sometimes the reason behind a superstition is even more bizarre than the superstition itself Take the case of the black cat, for example Most people know that it's supposed to be a sign of bad luck if a black cat walks in front of you, but they probably cant tell you why Well, the reason is that in the Middle Ages black cats became associated with witches, and they were said to possess evil spirits So obviously people thought that if a black cat crossed your path this was not very good news at all Presenter So the black cat superstition has been with us for a long time? Harriet Yes, but not as long as the idea that we shouldnt walk under ladders Apart from the practical reasons for not doing this - obviously somebody might drop some paint on your head while you are walking underneath - there is a more mysterious explanation that goes right back to ancient Egypt The shape of a triangle was sacred to the Eglptians, and it was considered very bad luck to, as it were, break the "power" ofthis shape People believed that if you walked under a ladder, the power of the triangle would break and you would lose your protection against bad luck Presenter Are there any superstitions about good luck? Harriet Yes, there are You know how people often touch wood or knock on wood when they're talking about something they hope will or won't happen in the future? Presenter Yes, in fact, I often it myself Harriet Well, in the Middle Ages people used to knock on trees to call the good spirits to protect them against misfortune So that's where that superstition comes from Presenter Weve just got time for one more Harriet Well, Id say that the most common superstition concerning good luck is the habit we have of saying, "Bless you" when someone sneezes Again this dates back to the Middle Ages when the plague - which was a terrible infectious disease - was sweeping through Europe Most people who caught the plague died, and one of the first symptoms was sneezing When sufferers began sneezing violently, it was considered a sign that they might be going to die, and so the pope passed a law requiring people to bless the person who was sneezing Presenter Well, this has been fascinating, Thank you very much, Harriet Harriet My pleasure Speaker I The only time I ve had to use first aid was on a skiing trip in Colorado Id gone with a few friends, and we were having a great time until disaster struck One of my more adventurous friends was skiing down one of those slopes that's really only for experts, and he suddenly lost control and crashed lnto a tree So we skied over to him as quickly as possible and found him in a lot of pain, and his leg was at a reaily strange angle The only thing we could was to put snow around his leg to stop the pain and call the emergency services to take him to the hospital for an X-ray In fact, his leg was broken in three places Speaker Afew years ago, I remember I was playing soccer with some friends in the park, and I suddenly got a terrible nosebleed The blood was just dripping from my nose I tried stuffing my nose with tissues, but it didnt make any difference One of my friends told me to press ice on my face, but of course we didnt have any ice there Then another friend told me to pinch the soft part of my nose just under the bridge and eventually it would stop I didnt really believe him, but I tried it and it worked! Speaker Ive never given first aid, but I have received it I was at our annual company conference, and we'd been standing up for about halfan hour when I started feeling very hot and dizzy I took off my jacket, but it didnt help Suddenly everything went black, and the next thing I knew I was lying on the floor surrounded by worried faces looking at me Then my coworkers helped me sit on a chair, and they put my legs up on another chair After a while I started to feel a little better, and then I went outside for some fresh air The whole thing was terribly embarrassing, and everyone kept on asking me if I was all right for the rest of the day written from the point of view of the mother, and you're not always sure whether to believe her or not It's a great book - I d is Although Spain is a big country with strong regional differences, I think there are certain characteristics that can be applied to the majority of Spaniards For example, people from Spain are generally very lively and friendly We love meeting friends either to eat or just to have a drink - any excuse to get out of the house is welcome I think Spaniards are also extremely hardworking People who think that the Spanish work shorter hours and have a siesta every day may be surprised to know that the reality is very different On the negative side, Spaniards can be a little bit unreliable They are often late and a little too easygoing For many people, appearances are really important, and people will often judge you by how you dress or how much money you seem to have AIso, Spaniards are sometimes suspicious of foreign customs This is probablybecause we are so proud of our country and culture, especially our cuisine, and we won't consider other ways of doing things Personally, I think I'm a lively, sociable person, and I must admit am often late if I'm meeting friends, but at the same time I'm very reliable at work and I certainly work hard So in that sense I suppose I am fairly typical Tiiiiiiir# Amelia Earhart first saw a plane at a fair when she was 11 years old, but apparentiy it didnt attract her attention at all However, a few years later she went to a flying exhibition in Toronto with a friend She and her friend were standing in a field, and when the pilot of one of the planes saw the two girls, he flew really close to them to try and scare them But Amelia wasnt frightened, and in fact, from that moment on, she knew that she wanted to fly But it wasnt easy for her First, she had to work hard doing temporary jobs in order to pay for flying lessons Her instructor was another pioneer woman pilot, named Anita Snook Six months later Amelia had saved enough money to buy her own plane, which was bright yel1ow and which she nicknamed "The Canarf' Finally, after two and a half years of classes, she was awarded her pilot's license Amelia's dream was always to fly solo across the Atlantic She had already flown across the Atlantic once before, but she didnt enjoy it, as she was only a passenger This experience made her even more determined to make the flight hersell and finally in 1932 she became the first woman to it She then started planning a flight around the world Her first attempt had to be abandoned because the plane was damaged Then Amelia and her copilot set offagain from Miami on June l,1937.It looked as if theywere going to make it, but when they had only 7,000 kilometers to go, contact with the plane was lost Neither Amelia, nor her copilot, nor the plane was ever found A -g Brian So, Kate, what's the best book you've ever read? Kate Itt never easy to say what the best book is, but definitely one of the most shocking books I've read recently was Lionel Shriver's We Need to Talk About Keyin.It's about a couple who have a little boy, and he turns out to be an awful child, every parent's worst nightmare In fact, at the end of the book, he's in a special home for dangerous children I wont tell you exactly what he did because it would spoil the whole story, but the end is more shocking than you can possibly imagine as you're reading the book Another interesting thing is that everlthing definitely recommend it Brian How about you, Sarah? Sarah One of my favorite books is Isabel Allend€s Daughter of Fortune Itt about a baby girl who is adopted by a wealthy British family in Chile during the mid- 1800s The girl, Eliza, has an adventurous spirit, and when she's old enough, she hides on a sailing ship and runs away from Chile to California during the gold rush days The characters in the book come from different cultures - Chile, the United States, China, and Britain - and end up in California, where some are drawn together and others clash I love novels that teach you something, and this story is not only about the lives of fictional characters, but also about true events that happened in several different countries during that era It's a great book from a wonderfully imaginative author Brian |anet? fanet Well, I think my favorite book is Tracy Chevalier's first novel, Girl with a Pearl Earring.It's about a girl named Greta who goes to serve in the house of the great painter Vermeer The story is full of the rich colors and deep emotions tlpical of an artist's studio I liked the book much more than the movie, I must say, even though the photography was absolutely fantastic Speaker This happened to a friend of mine It was pretty late, about half past eleven, and he was walking home from work, and he went through a park This guy came up to him and told him to give him all his money, which he did Then the guy asked him for his cell phone, but my friend refused to give it to him, so the guy pulled out a knife and stabbed him with it By the time my friend got to the hospital, he was bleeding very heavily, and later the doctors told him hed been really lucky It just goes to show that its better not to try to be brave if something like that happens to you I dont know why, but I always seem to have my wallet Speaker stolen when I'm abroad I guess itt because I'm speaking English, and I probably look like a tourist, or something The last time I was in the center of Barcelona in a very touristy street called the Ramblas, but luckily I wasnt carrying much in my wallet, just a few coins I ve gotten so used to it now that I always take my personal documents out of my wallet and leave them in the hotel That way, if I'm robbed, I only lose a little bit of money Speaker I did something really stupid once I was traveling home by train and I was really tired, and I fell asleep Unfortunately, I Ieft my bag with all my things in it on the floor, and I didnt notice when someone took it I realized what had happened when I woke up, and as soon as the train arrived in the station, I went straight to the police Amazingly, the police found my bag, but of course my purse, my cell phone, and my MP3 player were all missing I cant believe I was so stupidl A W-,-:, '' Paul ,,,",''Piiiifiii,tiilirj isnt it? Can you remember us ever having a barbecue in the backyard in the winter? |udith Yeah, it's nice to feel warm for a change instead of sitting in front of the fire all winter, but it's kind of worrisome, too I mean, it's a sign of climate change, isnt it? Paul Oh, you dont believe all that nonsense you? Not even the scientists can agree about it Gee, the weather's great today, Yes, I believe it because itt true Even some governments are starting to something about it Paul Like what? Judith Well, for one thing, they're trying to limit CO2 emissions from planes by reducing the number of flights each year Paul And how are they going to that? By raising the prices, Judith I suppose? Judith Well, yes, I suppose airfares will go up, but I think itt important that something is being done to solve the problem Paul Well, I dont see why I should stop taking trips abroad Maybe they should be looking at reducing the number of cars on the road, or reducing emissions from factories and big industry But, of course, that's not in their interest, is it? The government doesnt get much money from discount airlines, so that's why they're blaming them for everlthing Judith I know what you mean But still, global warming is a serious problem I think we all have to our part to prevent it You cant just sit back and expect the government to deal with it Paul So, what you think we should do? Sell our cars and bike to work? Judith Well, that's certainly one possibility I think everyone should be trying to save energy and water and just generally be a little more aware of the problems we're facing The fact is that in the future millions of people will lose their homes and others will die if globai warming continues We could try to fly less this year and take vacations closer to home, instead Paul OK, OK, Judith, I get it Maybe we should something But meanwhile lett just enjoy our barbecue outdoors Can you pass me another burger, please? At Presenter And Id like to welcome Andy Evans, the Director of Extreme Sports, to the program today Andy, your specialty is bungee jumping, isnt it? Andy Yes, it is Presenter Can you tell us something about bungee jumping Whose idea was it? Andy Well, bungee jumping has been around for centuries, but it wasnt discovered in the West until relatively recently It originated in the South Pacific isiand of Vanuatu, where young men known as "land divers" used to perform the ritual of jumping from tall wooden platforms with vines tied to their ankles Presenter And when did "land diving" actually become a sport? Andy Well, the first modern bungee jump happened in Bristol, in the UK A man named Chris Baker used a kind of elastic rope to make a bungee - thatt the name of the rope Baker was one of four members of the Dangerous Sports Club who made a jump from the Clifton Suspension Bridge on Aprrl 1,1979 Theywere arrested almost immediately afterward, but people continued jumping off bridges, especially in the United States - for example, people made bungee jumps from the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco In fact, some of these jumps were sponsored by American television, and so this brought the concept ofbungee jumping to the public eye, and then of course lots of people wanted to try it themselves Presenter How dangerous is bungee jumping? I mean, have people been killed while they were bungee jumping? Andy Actually, there have been relatively few fatalities considering the number of successful jumps that have taken place By far, the most important thing is to make sure the bungee - the rubber rope - is the right length The most common cause of death is using a bungee that's too long, but in most cases the calculations and fittings are double-checked before each jump Presenter How does it actually feel doing a bungee jump? Andy Well, many people say they love the feeling of falling so fast, but personally the part I really like best is when the bungee reaches its full extent and then you fly back upwards again You just cant beat that feeling offlying back up after you've nearly hit the ground Presenter Well, thank you very much, Andy Andy My pleasure Write new words here How you pronounce them? Underline the stress Write the translation or an example sentence There is one Grammar Quiz for each File of the Student Book Each quiz has 20 transformation questions - each time you the quiz, the questions appear in a different order (@ Use the Grammar Quizzes to testyour grammar after each File Do the quizzes again later for review Can you improve your score? These exercises review the words and phrases from the Vocabulary Bank pages of the Student Book (@!@ Use the Vocabulary Bank section of the MultiROM every time you complete aVocabulary Bank page in the Student Book Test your vocabulary and improve your pronunciation and spelling The Sound Bank shows you how to pronounce ail the vowel and consonant sounds presented in the Student Book Each sound has five extra example words (@@ Use the Sound Bankto helpyou practice the sounds of English and learn the symbols that represent them in a dictionary Improve your pronunciation and become a better dictionary user There is a Colloquial English section for each of these lessons in the Student Book Each ofthese sections in the MultiROM has new "On the Street" interviews, a comprehension activity, and the interviews scripts (@@ Use the Colloquial English section to practice listening to everyday language There is a dictation for each File in the Student Book (@@ Use the dictations to review the grammar and vocabulary from each File in the Student Book and to practice listening and writing There are two test practice activities for each File of the Student Book - word building and text completion (@ Use these activities after each File to help you improve your test techniques At the end of each Workbook lesson, there is a Listening box The recordings for these activities are on the MultiROM You can play the listening passages by using the media player on your computer or by inserting the CD-ROM in a regular CD player (@ Use the MultiRoM to listen to the recording Then the Listening activities in your Workbook 1A 4L I IB J 48 4C 5A 1C 2A 2B 2C 5B 5C 3A 6A 3B 3C 6B 10 6C 7A l0 7B 7C I1 J t2 American now with English File #*&w Fun, motivating lessons Texts and activities use humor, intrigue, and a few surprises to spark conversation Emphasis on communicative competence A balance of skills, vocabulary pronunciation, and grammar gets students speaking with confidence integrates multimedia into the core lessons lcons in the Student Book and Workbook show learners when to use the MultiROM and \,Vebsite for better results Spemflm$ fmm&ase-ms mff &Hse $&mdere€ ffimsa$s; Real-world input guaranteed to sparl< interest p.4 Colloquial English with integrated video p.$x Grammar Bank p $sk lllustrated Vocabulary Bank ffi" 84ffi lllustrated Sound Bank with unique sound pictures ffi.85ffi $pmxBmE $emffiwrws mff &$me Bffimwffisfummm6; Listening More Words p.fr'$ p.ffi to Learn Colloquial English p.,$ffi .. .American English File XxrXxx&cePACK 4*& Clive Oxenden C hri stin a Latham- Ko enig oxroRD -TNIVERSITY PRESS Paul Seligson and Clive Oxenden are the original co-authors of Englkh File (prb... Takingarisk Cou.oeuru Encusn High risk? - 74 ListeningAudioscripts Page numbers in this edition are the same as in the full- lengh Student Book and Workbook G review: question formation v guessing... now Hope to hear from you soon / Looking to hearing from you soon r0 rr- my regards (love) to Take r2 -" - - I 13 -, , -. " - wishes / Regards of) Iove from / (Lots l4 (= something you forgot

Ngày đăng: 26/10/2018, 13:12

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