Explain the relationship between ability, biographical characteristics and job performance.. Discuss similarities and differences between job satisfaction and the other job attitudes d
Trang 1Chapter 2
Foundations of Individual Behavior
Essentials of Organizational Behavior, 9/e
Stephen P Robbins/Timothy A Judge
Trang 3After studying this chapter, you
should be able to:
1 Explain the relationship between ability,
biographical characteristics and job performance.
2 Contrast the three components of an attitude.
3 Discuss similarities and differences between job
satisfaction and the other job attitudes discussed.
4 Discuss the causes and consequences of job
5 Understand how to shape the behavior of others.
Trang 4Ability*
• Refers to an individual’s capacity to perform the
various tasks in a job
• Is a current assessment of what one can do
• Intellectual ability is one of the best predictors of
• The correlation between intelligence and job
satisfaction is about zero
• Employee performance is enhanced when there
is a high ability-job fit
Trang 5Kinds of intellectual abilities*
1 Number Aptitude: Ability to do speedy and accurate arithmetic
2 Verbal Comprehension: Ability to understand what is read or heard and the
relationship of words to each other.
3 Perceptual Speed: Ability to identify visual similarities and differences quickly and
Trang 6Multiple intelligences*
• Intelligence contains four subparts: cognitive, social, emotional, cultural
Cognitive : traditional intelligence test.
Social: ability to relate effectively to others
Emotional : ability to identify, understand, and
manage emotions.
Cultural: awareness of cross-culture
differences and the ability to function
successfully in cross-cultural situation.
Trang 7Physical abilities*
• The capacity to do tasks demanding stamina, dexterity (swiftness or
precision), strength, and similar characteristics
Trang 8Today’s Question
Many companies have special rewards for employees to thank them for doing a good job or to motivate employees to do good work (incentives)
•List five different kids of rewards or incentives
•Which one is best? Explain why
Trang 9Submit Workplace Analysis
• Submit workplace analysis of strengths of a manager you know using
information from Chapter 1 Your analysis must be at minimum 300 words
long and typed in English
Trang 10Biographical characteristics*
• Include age, gender, race, tenure
• Studies show differences in job fit, satisfaction and performance.
Trang 11Age issues
• Age—performance: relationship is important
• Performance declines with increasing age
• The workforce is aging
• Outlaw mandatory retirement of US
• Age—turnover :the older one get, the less likely to quit one’s job
• Fewer job opportunities
• Long tenure :higher wage rate, longer paid vacation, better pension benefits.
• Age—absenteeism: Lower avoidable absence; Higher unavoidable absence
• Age productivity
• Employee over 50 were more productivity
Trang 13Major Components of Attitude*
• Cognition – an opinion or belief
• Affect – the emotional or feeling segment
• Behavior – the intention to behave in a certain way
Trang 14Consistency of Attitudes
• People seek consistency among their attitudes and between their attitudes
and their behavior
• When there is an inconsistency, the individual may alter either the attitudes or behavior, or develop a rationalization for the discrepancy
Trang 15Cognitive Dissonance*
• Any inconsistency between two or more attitudes,
or between behavior and attitudes
• Individuals seek to minimize dissonance
• The desire to reduce dissonance is determined
Trang 16Moderators of the
attitudes-behavior relationship
• Importance of the attitude
• Specificity of the attitude or behavior
• Accessibility of the attitude
• The existence of social
• A person’s direct experience
with the attitude
Trang 17Self-Perception Theory
• The view that behavior influences attitudes
• Argues that attitudes are used after the fact to
make sense out of an action that has already
occurred rather than as devices that precede and guide action
• Tend to infer attitude from behavior when you
have had few experiences regarding an issue
• Attitudes likely to guide behavior when your
Trang 19What causes job satisfaction?*
• Work itself – the strongest correlation with overall satisfaction
• Pay – not correlated after individual reaches a level of comfortable living
• Advancement opportunities
• Supervision
• Coworkers
• A person’s personality
Trang 20Effects of Satisfied and Dissatisfied Employees
• Job performance – strong correlation
• OCB – modest relationship but more related to
conceptions of fair outcomes, treatment and
• Customer Satisfaction – strong correlation
• Absenteeism – moderate to weak negative
• Turnover – moderate negative correlation
• Workplace deviance – strong correlation
Trang 21• Learning involves change
• The change must become ingrained
• Some form of experience is necessary for learning
Any relatively permanent
change in behavior that occurs
as a result of experience.
Trang 22Theories of Learning
• Operant Conditioning
Argues that people learn to behave to get
something they want or avoid something they
don’t want
• Social Learning
Individuals can learn by observing what
happens to other people and just being told
about something, as well as by direct
Trang 23Methods of Shaping Behavior*
1 Positive reinforcement
2 Negative reinforcement
3 Punishment
4 Extinction
Trang 24Schedules of reinforcement
• Continuous – reinforces behavior each and every time it is demonstrated
• Intermittent
Fixed or variable ratio
Fixed or variable interval
Trang 25Schedules of Reinforcement
Trang 26Implications for Managers
• Ability
Effective selection process improves fit
Promotion and transfer based on abilities
Fine-tune job to better match abilities
• Attitudes – raise satisfaction by focusing on making work challenging and
• Learning – Use reinforcement instead of punishment
Trang 271 Explained the relationship between ability and job
2 Contrasted the three components of an attitude.
3 Discussed similarities and differences between job
satisfaction and the other job attitudes.
4 Discussed the causes and consequences of job
5 Understand how to shape the behavior of others.
Trang 28Discussion Questions
1 From the workplace, give an example of someone whose thinking does not
match his behavior How should the manager solve this problem?
2 Explain five ways that cognitive dissonance is an advantage at the workplace
3 Is job dissatisfaction a problem in Vietnam? Give some examples Explain
ways managers can help employees have higher satisfaction using workplace
commitment and improved supervision (or other strategies)
4 Which type of shaping of behavior is most common in Vietnam? Give some
examples of how both positive reinforcement and punishment CAN have
negative outcomes
5 Explain some ways employees in the workplace are not fit correctly for their
abilities or biographical characteristics Explain how a company can better match employee to job assignment
Trang 29Citing Sources
• You MUST cite your sources of information (from the
textbook, internet, etc in your Group Presentation.
• To cite your sources within a PowerPoint presentation, you can include your references or in-text citations on each
slide. You can (a) provide the references verbally, (b)
provide a reference list slide at the end of your presentation
with corresponding in-text citations , or (c) combine these.
• For any presentation, be sure your audience knows where the information, visuals, and other materials you use are
Trang 30• Read chapters 1-7
• Group Presentations start next week.
Group 1 Monday Chapter 4
Group 2 Wednesday Chapter 5
• Mid-term Exam April 10 Chapters 1-7
Trang 31Group Presentation
• Each group is required to lead discussion on some topic in its assigned
chapter (NOT THE WHOLE CHAPTER) You may choose your topic
• You MUST give credit for your sources
• Each presentation should be 20 minutes.
• Each person in the group must speak to get credit for the presentation
Trang 32Presentation Topics and Due
• Groups 1, 2 (Decision making chapter 4, motivation chapter 5) due Monday
and Wednesday, April 3 and 5
• Groups 3, 4 (Leadership chapter 11, Power chapter 12) due Monday and
Wednesday, April 10 and 12
• Groups 5,6 (Organizational Culture chapter15, Change chapter16) due
Monday and Wednesday, April 17 and 19