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An accessement of economic efficiency of safe vegetable production of farm households at kim dinh commune, kim thanh district, hai duong province

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CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1. Rationale of the study The Vietnamese economy has been through a period of strong growth following economic reforms in the late 1980s. These reforms put production decisions back in the hands on farmers and gave them the opportunity to produce directly for market ( Luong 2003, QuinnJudge 2006). As a result, the use of agrochemicals has increased substantially since the early 1990a ( FAOSTAT 2004). The increased use and misuse of pesticide in particularly worry for human and environmental healthy. Further, is was found that even if farmers can read the pesticide labels, they do not always follow the instructions or use protective clothing, resulting in pesticide exposure and poisonings. It has also been found that poorer farmers apply lesser amounts of pesticides than better – off farmers, but they use more toxic pesticides ( Meisner, 2003) Vegetable farmers across Vietnam received training on safe vegetable production and integrated pest management ( IPM) in an attempt to reduce pesticide residue in vegetables and improve food safety. The protection of human health appears to be the primary driver behind safe vegetable production. In developed countries such as the Netherlands, France, America, ... vegetable production technologies have reach at advanced level as: vegetable production on greenhouse, and hydroponic technology that achieve high productivity and quality. Safe vegetable production in Vietnam is more and more pay attention, some of the typically examples have to mention to Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh city , then the safe vegetable program was extended to a number of other

LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS SVP CV CVP FSQM PPC IPM ADDA VNFU VIETGAP GLOBALGAP MARD DARD ANOVA SPSS Safe Vegetable Production Common Vegetable Common Vegetable Production Food Safety and Quality Management Plant Protection Practices Integrated pest management ( IPM) Agricultural Development Denmark Asia Vietnamese National Farmers Union Vietnamese Good Agricultural Practice Global Good Agriculture Practice Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development Department of Agriculture and Rural Development Analysis of Variance Statistical Package for the Social Sciences BACK GROUND OF REPORT Kim Dinh commune belongs to Kim Thanh district, Hai Duong Province and is famous for being the land with lush agriculture Long time ago, famers in the commune have known to take advantage of favorable conditions of geographic for crop rotation and livestock- agriculture Moreover, they also know how to handle crop improvement, bring advanced varieties in production yield as planting flowers, some kind of perennial plants such as: mango, guava, longan, lychi, jujube… In particular, from 2010 onwards, due to possible accessibility of the advanced production technology, a lot of farmer at Kim Dinh have boldly abandoned traditional cultivation methods to start converting to produce safety vegetables Ever since, literally, the economic efficiency of the households has improved significantly Actually, how economic efficiency of safe vegetable production at Kim Dinh commune is ? What villagers have met detrimental difficulties or convenientcet in the production process and expanded safe vegetable production model? These questions need to be studied in detail, required us have suitable and advanced solutions to enhance economic efficiency for producers there By the same token, I have conducted to research the topic “An accessement of economic efficiency of safe vegetable production of farm households at Kim Dinh commune, Kim Thanh District, Hai Duong Province” CONTEND Acknowlegdement i List of abbreviations ii Back ground of report iii Contend iv List of table vi List of fingures and charts viii CHAPTER INTRODUCTION 1.1 Rationale of the study 1.2 Objectives of research 1.2.1 General objectives 1.2.2 Specific objectives 1.3 Scope and objective of research 1.3.1 Object 1.3.2 The scope of research CHAPTER THEORETICAL AND PRACTICAL REVIEW ON ASSESSMENT OF ECONOMIC EFFICIENCY OF SAFE VEGETABLE PRODUCTION IN FARM HOUSEHOLDS 2.1 Theoretical basis on assessment of economic efficiency of safe vegetable production in farm households 2.1.1 Rationale economic efficiency of safe vegetable production 2.1.2 The concept and role of safe vegetable production .9 2.1.3 How to get certification of Safe Vegetable 13 2.1.4 The concept of product consumption and market .14 2.2 Practical basis 17 2.2.1 The situation of vegetable production in the world 17 2.2.2 The situation of farmland production safe vegetables in Vietnam 19 2.2.3 The general situation of safe vegetable consumption in our country 22 CHAPTER RESEARCH METHODOLOGY .26 3.1 Select of the study site 26 3.2 Data collection 26 3.2.1 Secondary data collection 26 3.2.2 Primary data collection 27 3.2.3 Analytical methods for data processing 28 CHAPTER 4: FINDING AND DISCUSSION .31 4.1 Overview the researched location 31 4.1.1 Natural conditions 31 Geographical location, topography 31 4.1.2 Socioeconomic Characteristics 34 4.2 An overview of the production and consumption of safe vegetables at Kim Dinh commune 45 4.2.1 The situation of production of vegetables in Kim Dinh commune 45 4.2.2 Reality of safe vegetable consumption Kim Dinh Commune 47 4.3 Accessing economic efficiency of the SV production process at Kim Dinh 48 4.3.1 General information on surveyed households .48 4.3.2 Production costs compared to between common vegetable and safe vegetables 51 4.3.3 Results safe vegetable production of farmer households .57 4.3.4 Consumption of vegetable safety of surveyed households .58 4.3.5 Economic efficiency of safe vegetable production of the surveyed households 61 4.3.6 Social effect and environmental efficiency of safe vegetables production 66 4.4 Factors affacting to economic efficiency of safe vegetable production of farmers at Kim Dinh commune 67 4.4.1 Economic condition of the farm households 67 4.4.2 Production scale of surveyed farm households 71 4.4.3 Educational level of surveyed household-heads 74 4.4 Implication for improving economic efficiecy of SVP of farm households at Kim Dinh commune 76 4.4.1 Analysis SWOT 76 4.4.2 Solutions to improve the economic efficiency of safe vegetable production (SVP) for farm households at Kim Dinh commune 81 CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 85 5.2 Conclusions 85 5.2 Recommendations 86 5.2.1 Recommendations for the State 86 5.2.2 For the Commune People's Committee Kim Dinh 87 5.2.3 Recommendations to farmers those who growing by safe vegetables method 87 REFERENCES 89 LIST OF TABLE Table 2.1: The situation of farmland in Vietnam from 2007-2009 20 Table 4.1 Mean monthly climate data for Kim Dinh 33 Table 4.3 : The existing condition of land use in Kim Dinh commune 37 Table 4.4 Administrative Unit of Kim Dinh commune .39 Table 4.5 : Situation of labor force of Kim Dinh commune in 2013-2015 .40 Table 4.6: Value socioeconomic Kim Dinh the commune 2013-2015 44 Table 4.7 Productivity of safe vegetable production of Kim Dinh from 2013-2015 46 Table 4.8: Comparison of indicators between SV and common vegetable households at Kim Dinh 2015 .49 Table 4.9: Property and equipment for production of surveyed households vegetables 50 Table 4.10 Production cost of Safe vegetable ( SV) production and Common vegetables ( CV) production at Kim Dinh .52 Table 4.11 Volume inputs in common vegetable production (CV) and safe vegetables (SV) averaged / year 55 Table 4.12: Origins plant seeds of households in Kim Dinh 56 Table 4.13 Situation of acreage, yield and production of the three main vegetables 57 Table 4.14 : Consumption of safe vegetable farmers 59 Table 4.15: Consumption of vegetable production as standard SV of households (HH) at KD .60 Table 4.16: Economic results of SV production in the surveyed households in Kim Dinh .62 Table 4:17 Economic efficiency of safe vegetable production by economic condition of the farm househodes .68 Table 4.18 Assessment of economic efficiency of SVP scale .71 Table 4.20: SWOT analysis matrix in the SV production of farm households at Kim Dinh commune 77 LIST OF FINGURES AND CHARTS Figure 2.1 : Direct Distribution Channel .15 Figure 2.2: Indirect Distribution Channel 16 Picture 4.1: Image of Kim Đinh commune 32 Chart 4.1:The Total Cost of each types of vegetables 53 Figure 4.2: Marketing channel of SV .58 Chart 4.3: Consumption place of SV 60 Chart 4.4: Tomato efficiency economic of surveyed households 63 Chart 4.5 : Radish efficiency economic of surveyed households 64 Chart 4.6: Tomato efficiency economic of surveyed households 66 CHAPTER INTRODUCTION 1.1 Rationale of the study The Vietnamese economy has been through a period of strong growth following economic reforms in the late 1980s These reforms put production decisions back in the hands on farmers and gave them the opportunity to produce directly for market ( Luong 2003, Quinn-Judge 2006) As a result, the use of agrochemicals has increased substantially since the early 1990a ( FAOSTAT 2004) The increased use and misuse of pesticide in particularly worry for human and environmental healthy Further, is was found that even if farmers can read the pesticide labels, they not always follow the instructions or use protective clothing, resulting in pesticide exposure and poisonings It has also been found that poorer farmers apply lesser amounts of pesticides than better – off farmers, but they use more toxic pesticides ( Meisner, 2003) Vegetable farmers across Vietnam received training on safe vegetable production and integrated pest management ( IPM) in an attempt to reduce pesticide residue in vegetables and improve food safety The protection of human health appears to be the primary driver behind safe vegetable production In developed countries such as the Netherlands, France, America, vegetable production technologies have reach at advanced level as: vegetable production on greenhouse, and hydroponic technology that achieve high productivity and quality Safe vegetable production in Vietnam is more and more pay attention, some of the typically examples have to mention to Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh city , then the safe vegetable program was extended to a number of other provinces such as Vinh Phuc, Hai Phong, Dong Nai Kim Dinh is locally where has favorable conditions for the development of safe vegetable production such as: soil condition, irrigation, crop rotation and intensive that permit to expand area of safe vegetabel In addition, Kim Dinh commune has advantageous position near to some of large and potential markets like: Hai Phong , Ha Noi, or Quang Ninh market Foreseeing market demand, farmers at Kim Dinh commune has strongly restructured to focuse on producing safe vegetable In these current years, SV production has brought high economic efficiency for the producers, on average , SV production culticated bring an income of 13-15 million VND per year Produced, semi-processed and processed vegetables also attract a large of labor who are unemployees in rural areas at present, Therefore, perceiving the urgency issue, the communal farmers at Kim Dinhm has approached safe vegetable method in farming to meet market However, a problem is posed that the output of safe vegetable products does not truly stable, as brand of safe vegetables that have not been built, the product of the farmer were mingled with unknown original vegetables or China vegetables by traders makes the consumer couldn’t distinguish how exactly quality vegetables is? Nevertheless, economic efficiency from cultivating safe vegetable of farmers in Kim Dinh commune, Kim Thanh District, Hai Duong province is not high, and safe vegetable production does not really help them to become the rich From this perspective, I have started to conduct researching the topic “ An acessement of g economic efficiency of safe vegetable production in farm households in Kim Dinh commune, Kim Thanh district, Hai Duong province 1.2 Objectives of research CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 5.2 Conclusions In the bottom of line, Kim Dinh - Kim Thanh District- Hai Duong province is a commune where has had longtime- traditional agriculture and potential in vegetable production The conditions and strengths to develop safe vegetable production is the right direction, and is essential issues in the production agriculture Through the research project "Assessment of economic efficiency in the produce of farm households of SV Kim Dinh commune, Kim Thanh district, Hai Duong province," we have concluded the following: Firstly, the rationale of topics includes issues of economic efficiency assessment of SV production Also, theoretical basis outlines the factors affecting economic efficiency SV production In addition, the rationale was given practical vegetable production standards of the world and of SV situation production of Kim Dinh commune, Kim Thanh district, Hai Duong province, as well as Secondly, SV production brings higher economic value than ordinary vegetables And enhancing productivity and quality, efficiency and environmental society + Kim Dinh is a natural social conditions, economic - social advantages for safe vegetable production Currently, model of SV is determined to be highly effective model than the traditional model in the locality, so the area is increasingly expanding, the number of households growing more and more towards the produce formation large-scale concentrated SV + Certainly, SV production standards of KD communal showed the trend of SV production in the future: + About area, yield and production: The production area has been 84 increasingly expanded and produced in most of the villages, however, unevenly distributed between village and significantly differences in terms of area, yield , quantity + On region planning for safe vegetable production areas are pay attention of local authorities + Regarding the organization the production: cooperatives have been established by a group SV-producing households The coordination and association in the organization of scientific and technical transfer to producers is limited SV production is evaluated highly effective but requires the producer must have the experience, qualifications, knowledge and technical progress Thirdly, at the harvested season, the price of safe vegetables sell on the market down low and fall into devaluation In contrast, in the case of severe weather, lost season vegetables, the farmer in Kim Dinh commune have no enough agro- products to meet consumption market, price of SV is very high, though In the past, there were many cases dealers and collectors who bought the SV of producer in Kim Dinh commune and then mixed them with common vegetable or unidentified vegetables which smuggled from China to fool their customers 5.2 Recommendations 5.2.1 Recommendations for the State - Initially, the State should have policies to support appropriate mechanisms to produce safe vegetables for sustainable development Specifically, as policies to support infrastructure invest, incentives for the production loans to farmer households towards safe the production, agricultural policy, support the product, support the development the branding for vegetable the production safety standards Required policies oriented to facilitate enhanced economic efficiency of SV production 85 - Furthermore, the State also issues guidelines and policies not only improve the quality of safe vegetables but also to expand and raise the quality of the output market for agricultural products of farmers 5.2.2 For the Commune People's Committee Kim Dinh - Ensuring irrigation, regular information to the people about pests and diseases situation, to seasonal weather and the actively support policies to help farmers be assured the production - While improving the management and the establishment of a steering committee SV production frequently, and monitoring, as well as dissemination of knowledge to farmers - Creating a legal basis for the establishment of the club, cooperative groups of safe vegetable the production in order to create favorable conditions for improving economic efficiency, learning production experience from each other among households SV production on the locality of Kim Dinh commune, or neighbor other communes, districts, even provinces - Actively searching the market for safe vegetables production, and have policies to encourage farmers to switch to transform from CV production to of SV 5.2.3 Recommendations to farmers those who growing by safe vegetables method - Farmers need to comply with the production process in the direction of safe vegetables, actively learn and acquire the scientific and technical progress the new, boldly applied to production - Need to be aware of the value of SV production and development trend towards safe vegetables in the future to invest in the right direction and effectively Take full advantage existing the conditions (land, labor, tools, productive labor ) family an affordable way to increase vegetables production areas as required, preserving and packaging of vegetables meet 86 market demands - For producers with favorable conditions, should perform intensive to increase productivity and product quality that improve the economic efficiency of SV production to bring back high incomes, improve living conditions of them - Actively looking output, participation in linker the production and consumption in order to increase production efficiency, price and output stability In order to improve economic efficiency in production as well as improve the quality of life 87 REFERENCES  Document from books, newspapers, magazine and reports - Do Ha Van (2005) Report on Vietnam, in "Proceedings from Asian Regional Workshop Implementation, Monitoring and Observance of the International Code of Conduct on the Distribution and Use of Pesticides" - Luu Minh Ngoc (2006) Linking small scale agricultural production to global value chains, Conference on "Promoting Market Opportunities at the Base of the Pyramid", 18th October, Hanoi - Nguyen, H D., & Tran, T T D (1997) Economic and Health Consequences of Pesticide Use in Paddy Production in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam Ottawa: International Development Research Centre - Phan, T G T., Le, T L., Trinh, T H., & Hoang, T T (2005) Country Case Studies on Reflecting National Circumstances and Development Priorities in National Codes on Good Agricultural Practice Benchmarked to EUREPGAP Ho Chi Minh City: Faculty of Economics, Vietnam Forestry University and UNCTAD - Economy and Marketing Department (2003) Information about some survey results, Vegetable Market Newsletter Hanoi: Economy and Marketing Department, Research Institute of Fruits and Vegetables and SUSPER/MALICA Projects - Luis, E., & Firmino, A (2007) Organic Agriculture in China and Viet Nam: Nanjing and Hanoi as Case Studies The Hague: Agricultural Economics Research Institute, SEARUSYN Project - Bolens, L (1997) "Agriculture" in Selin, Helaine (ed.), Encyclopedia of the History of Science, Technology, and Medicine in Non-Western Cultures Dordrecht/Boston/London, pp 20 – 22 88 Kluwer Academic Publishers, - Collinson, M (ed.) A History of Farming Systems Research CABI Publishing, 2000 ISBN 978-0-85199-405-5 - Jared Diamond, Guns, germs and steel A short history of everybody for the last 13,000 years, 1997 - Mazoyer, Marcel; Roudart, Laurence (2006) A history of world agriculture: from the Neolithic Age to the current crisis Monthly Review Press, New York ISBN 978-1-58367-121-4 Watson, A.M (1983) Agricultural Innovation in the Early Islamic World, Cambridge University Press  Document from Internet - ADDA (2006) The IPM Project Hanoi: Agricultural Development Denmark Asia (ADDA) Available online at: http://www.adda.dk/eng/IPM_eng.html - (2007) The Organic Project Hanoi: Agricultural Development Denmark Asia (ADDA) Available online at:http://www.adda.dk/eng/organic_eng.html - Berlow, J (2008) Organic Gardening Project Website Hanoi: Green Vietnam Available online at: “http://www.greenvietnam.org/en/index.ph option=com_frontpage&Itemid=1.” - Camillo, A (2004) Organic shrimpfarming in Ca Mau, Vietnam INFOFISH International, 4, 19-22 Danida (2007) Agricultural Sector Programme Support: Completion Report Hanoi: Danida Available online at: http://www.ambhanoi.um.dk/NR/rdonlyres/0A696405-63D1-4BD2-BFF1861796271452/0/ASPS.pdf - FAO (2001) The FAO Programme for Community IPM in Asia: Country Report for Vietnam Hanoi: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Available online at: http://www.communityipm.org/Countries/vietnam.htm 89 - (2008) Vietnam: Organic Agriculture Rome: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Available online at: http://www.fao.org/countryprofiles/index.asp? lang=en&iso3=VNM&paia=6 PHỤ LỤC 90 APPENDIX PHIẾU ĐIỀU TRA HỘ NÔNG DÂN SẢN XUẤT RAU AN TOÀN A.Thông tin chung hộ Họ tên chủ hộ:……………………………Tuổi: ………… Giới tính: □ Nam □ Nữ Địa chỉ:………………………………………………………… Trình độ học vấn: Cấp I Cấp II Cấp III  Khác Số nhân gia đình:………………….người Số người độ tuổi lao động: ……… người Phân loại hộ theo thu nhập: Hộ giàuHộ khá:□ Hộ TB Ông(bà ) có phải th thêm lao động khơng? Có Khơng Diện tích đất đai hộ bao nhiêu? (Ơng/bà ghi rõ bảng ) Chỉ tiêu Đất nhà Đất vườn Đất trồng rau nói chung Đất trồng rau an toàn Đơn vị m2 sào sào sào Diện tích Mục đích sử dụng Nguồn thu nhập hộ từ đâu? STT Các hoạt động Trồng trọt Chăn nuôi Thủy sản Công chức nhà nước Đi làm thuê Thương mại - dịch vụ Giá trị ( triệu đồng/năm) 91 Ghi Tiểu thủ công nghiệp Thu nhập khác Tổng Thu nhập B: Tình hình sản xuất rau an toàn Hộ sản xuất rau an toàn năm:……… năm Diện tích sản xuất rau an tồn gia đình ơng (bà):…… sào 3.Tình hình sản xuất loại rau mà ông bà thường trồng hàng năm STT Loại rau Diện tích (Sào) Sản lượng Năng suất (kg/sào) Cải Củ cải Cà chua Xà lách xoăn Đậu đũa Súp lơ xanh Hành tỏi Dưa chuột Khác Trang thiết bị sử dụng cho sản xuất rau an tồn vụ Đơng- Xn( 2015-2016) Tên thiết bị ĐVT Máy bơm nước Bình phun thuốc Cái Máy cày, máy bừa Cái Nhà lưới Li non che phủ M2 Kho chứa thuốc BVTV Hệ thống tưới Bộ Năm mua Số lượng 92 Giá trị Thời hạn sử dụng Đường điện km 10 Giếng khoan 11 Phương tiện vận chuyển 12 Khác Nguồn vốn để sản xuất rau an toàn hộ bao nhiêu:… triệu/ năm - Nguồn vốn có từ: □Vay □ Tự có Cơng lao động gia đình th ( tính theo vụ Đơng Xn 2015-2016) 1.Lao động gia đình 1.1 Số người làm…… ( người) 1.2 Thời gian làm… ( ngày công) Lao động thuê 2.1.Sô người làm…… ( người) 2.2.Thời gian làm… ( ngày công) Giống rau an tồn gia đình trồng lấy từ nguồn đây( Đánh dấu X vào ô ông (bà) chọn) Loại rau Nhà tự để giống Mua đại lý Mua HTX 93 Mua công ty giống Mua giống địa phương Khác ( ghi rõ) Ơng (bà) có thực sản xuất rau an tồn mà CB khuyến nơnghướng dẫn khơng? □ Có □ Khơng Cải Củ cải Cà chua Giá(1000 Chỉ tiêu Số đ) lượng(kg) Số lượng Giá Số (Kg) (1000đ lượng(kg) Giá(1000đ) Giống 2.Phân bón _Phân chuồng _ NPK _Phân VS Thuốc BVTV 4.Chi phí khác Ông (bà) có tham gia lớp tập huấn địa phương quy trình sản xuất rau an tồn khơng ? □ Có ( Bao nhiêu ……lần/ năm ) □ Khơng 10 Quy trình sản xuất rau an toàn hộ hướng dẫn, giám sát kỹ thuật từ ai? □ Cán sở sản xuất □ Cán khuyến nông □ Khác 11 Hiệu sau buổi tập huấn ông bà nhận gì? ……………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………… 12 Vùng đất sản xuất rau an toàn hộ chịu ảnh hưởng yếu tố đây? □ Các chất thải công nghiệp □ Chất thải sinh hoạt từ khu dân cư □ Gần đường giao thông lớn □ Gần nghĩa trang □ Khác Chi tiết:………………………………………………… 94 13 Nguồn nước gia đình sử dụng tưới rau lấy từ đâu? □ Sông □ Giếng khoan □ Hồ, ao tù □ Giếng đào Khác:……………………………………………………………… 14 Ông (bà) sử dụng phân bón có nguồn gốc từ đâu? □ Hợp tác xã □ Đại lý phân bón  Tự tạo Khác:……………………………………………………………… 15 Nguồn gốc thuốc BVTV gia đình sử dụng từ đâu? □ Cửa hàng đại lý phân bón  Khác □ Hợp tác xã Khác:…………… …………………………………………… 16 Ơng bà có cấp giấy chứng nhận sản xuất rau an tồn khơng? □ Có □ Khơng 17 Giấy chứng nhận quan cấp □ HTX□ Quản lý thị trường □ Trạm BVTV C Tình hình tiêu thụ rau an toàn STT Loại rau bán Đối tượng mua Khối lượng (kg) Giá bán (1000đ) Địa điểm bán Hợp đồng 1.Tình hình tiêu thụ rau Chi phí tiêu thụ STT Loại rau Số lượng bán (kg) Thời gian bán rau 95 Tên phương tiện vận chuyển Chi phí vận chuyển D Thuận lợi khó khăn sản xuất, tiêu thụ rau an tồn 1.Ơng(bà) có gặp khó khăn sản xuất rau an tồn khơng? □ Giá đầu vào cao □ Thời tiết, dịch bệnh □ Thiếu vốn không ổn định □Giá đầu thấp, □ Thiếu kinh nghiệm, kỹ thuật Khác…………………………………………………………… Theo ơng bà sản xuất rau an tồn có lợi so với rau thơng thường? ………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………… Việc sản xuất rau an tồn gia đình ông (bà) có thường xuyên nhận quan tâm, hướng dẫn quyền xã khơng? Ơng bà đánh giá quan tâm, hướng dẫn đó? ………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… Trong tương lai gia đình ơng (bà) có muốn mở rộng diện tích sản xuất rau an tồn khơng? Có: □ Khơng: □ Ơng (bà) thấy khó khăn tiêu thụ rau an tồn □ Khó bán □ Giá khơng ổn địn □ Người mua khơng tin tưởng Khác……………………………………………………………… Sản xuất rau an tồn có làm tăng thu nhập cho gia đình ơng (bà) khơng? □ Có □ Khơng Ơng bà có mong muốn, đề nghị quyền xã, quan ban ngành việc sản xuất rau an tồn gia đình? ………………………………………………………………………… Ơng (bà) có đề xuất hay khiến nghị để phát triển rau an tồn 96 tốt khơng? …………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………… Ơng bà có ý kiến đóng góp sách khuyến nơng xã, huyện, tỉnh khơng?  Có Khơng Nếu có, xin ơng/bà nêu ra: …………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………… Tôi xin chân thành cảm ơn ơng/bà nhiệt tình trả lời câu hỏi giúp tơi hồn thành đề tài nghiên cứu ‘’ Đánh giá hiệu kinh tế theo phương pháp trồng rau an tồn địa bàn xã Kim Đính, huyện Kim Thành, tỉnh Hải Dương” Sau hoàn thành xong đề tài nghiên cứu, hi vọng sẽ đánh giá thực trạng tình hình sản xuất rau an tồn xã Kim ĐÍnh huyện Kim Thành tỉnh Hải Dương, mong muốn đóng góp giải pháp để nâng cao hiêu kinh tế từ phương pháp sản xuất rau an tồn Xin chân thành cảm ơn nhiệt tình hợp tác giúp đỡ Ông (bà)! Chủ hộ Kim Đính, ngày tháng năm Người vấn Nguyễn Thị Yến 97 98 ... conducted to research the topic An accessement of economic efficiency of safe vegetable production of farm households at Kim Dinh commune, Kim Thanh District, Hai Duong Province CONTEND Acknowlegdement... base of economic effiiciency of safe vegetable production of the farm households - To assess the economic efficiency of safe vegetable production in farm households in Kim Dinh commune, Kim Thanh. .. Thanh district, Hai Duong province - To analyze the factors affecting the economics efficiency of safe vegetable production of farm households at Kim Dinh commue, Kim Thanh district , Hai Duong province

Ngày đăng: 14/03/2018, 13:59

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Mục lục

    1.1. Rationale of the study

    1.3 Scope and objective of research

    2.1. Theoretical basis on assessment of economic efficiency of safe vegetable production in farm households

    3.1. Select of the study site

    4.1. Overview the researched location

    4.2. An overview of the production and consumption of safe vegetables at Kim Dinh commune

    4.3.Accessing economic efficiency of the SV production process at Kim Dinh

    4.4. Factors affacting to economic efficiency of safe vegetable production of farmers at Kim Dinh commune

    4.4. Implication for improving economic efficiecy of SVP of farm households at Kim Dinh commune

    - Actively looking output, participation in linker the production and consumption in order to increase production efficiency, price and output stability. In order to improve economic efficiency in production as well as improve the quality of life


