Then prepare a report of your learning” TABLE OF CONTENT CHAPTER I: CONTROL OF BEHAVIOR SKILLS FOR MAKING DECISIONS SELF 4 1.. Thus, the behavior of people based on their perception of
Trang 1Hoàn thành các bài tập Big 5 và MBTK Sau đó hãy chuẩn bị một báo cáo việc học
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“Complete exercises Big5 and MBTI Then prepare a report of your learning”
1 Standard behavior to make a decision 4
2 Decide what is the best solution, then follow the solution 5
After finishing homework help Big5 and MBTI part I explain the attitudes, behaviors
of the individual or individuals within the organization, team and entire organization of
Trang 2which I am a member It helps me make the right solution to solve the conflict, as well as take the measures motivate employees, and also to build a culture for my organization In addition, I also offer personal issues that need further improvement, namely:
Improve the management efficiency
To develop the role man in the organization
Optimal exploitation of human resources
To promote human creativity
Related to the individual level I found a lot of interesting things concerning himself
In life and in work, there are things I think, I feel and I act but I did not explain But what
we perceive may be different from the objective truth For example, the company is a good work: pleasant working conditions, work assignment consistent, high-paying, responsible management and sympathetic, but not everyone would agree as this because each person's perception is dominated by the subjective Or when we look at a woman, some people find her beautiful but believed that she was not beautiful Thus, the behavior of people based on their perception of what is true and not based on the fact that
Trang 31 Standard behavior to make a decision
In life, we often have to make their own decisions The decision can be very simple, just a "snap" that we were able to "saw" the right decision For example today I decide to wear any clothes to the company? But there are very complex decision requires
us to think, maybe every day for hours and sometimes need to refer to the comments from others So with these complex decisions, I will do anything to make a mature decision for themselves? I refer to and follow the "rungs" step following:
Step 1: Understanding the problem • I have to decide what?
• Ensure that I have to focus exactly on the problem that caused the trouble
Step 2: Identify solutions
• The What are my options?
• Think about the way that I can solve the problem
• Consult from other people, be it parents,
teachers, my friends or people that I feel confident
• Listen to comments and analysis on the
basis of reality itself
Having regard to the evaluation itself.
Trang 42 Decide what is the best solution, then follow the solution
• Combine all of the information to decide what is the best choice ;
• The decision and implementation ;
• To take responsibility for decisions and their actions
Some decide to do and not do:
• Honesty in the identification and assessment issues;
• Accept responsibility for decisions in his life;
• Use your time wisely when I decided - Using the maximum time that I need to not create new problems;
• Have confidence in the ability to make their own decisions - and the ability to learn from my mistakes again
Do not do:
• Have unrealistic expectations for myself - I'm sure sooner or later will also be a wrong decision;
• Having decided "a while" unless absolutely necessary Instead, follow four steps when making decisions;
• Action is not required when the best course of action is to do nothing;
• deceiving myself by choosing the solution easy and convenient, but does not solve the problem
Making decisions is easy - but the right decision requires knowledge and skills
Change is good or bad depending on the perspective of the organization Next point is sustainable change - the temporary change is not considered any form of study Also, by definition, learning takes place when there is a change in action A change in thought process or in attitude if not accompanied by behavioral change is not learning Finally, experience is needed in the study Experience we can achieve thanks to direct observation
or practice, or indirectly through reading the document And if experience creating sustainable change in behavior is that we can be hien.Kien learning we get from the official academic knowledge can be external (visible) and the form from experiences External knowledge is achieved through lectures or through communication with others Learning from experience is what we get from the actions or thoughts and share them with others by observation and experience Sometimes that is the case when we heard
Trang 5someone say to yourself "I can not tell you how, I can only do that to him ', it means that
he possesses knowledge of experience
V / d: Specifically about my own case (the smokers)
Habits affect knowledge, knowledge that affect habits, but few
Everyone knows smoking is harmful, but many people still smoke I think that smoking
"relaxes smoking than at rest, more focused at work, and increase quality of life." Habits affect behavior, attitudes have more influence on the habit, but only temporary The reason is the behavior, attitudes change quickly, and very slow to change habits Before habits keep changing, the attitudes have changed
• Those who have never smoked will understand the difficulty of quitting smoking, and it's hard to remain determined to quit a steady, steady
• Those who do not exercise will see the maintenance of a weekly sportsmanship is hardly any
The inactivity of habit, is the main cause of the non-performance The result is the behavior, habits will drag attitude, back to the old range
The way in which individuals identify or explain the events and circumstances that serves to regulate the way that individuals feel and behave Of the individual perception exists in the relationship between emotion and interaction behavior with the consequences of them on the events occurring in his or her environment Thus, the operation of man is the result of continuous interaction between the variables of a specific person (beliefs, cognitive processes, emotional and behavioral) and environmental variables These variables affect mutual as time progresses However, not regarded as major factors or as the first cause, which must be regarded as
Trang 6personal factors and environmental triggers are just medium as a result of the interaction process
Two The interpretation of the meaning of the event is positive and continuous The analysis of individual events to help draw some meaning from their experiences and help individuals understand the events with the purpose of establishing a "living environment his own personal" ( personal environment) as well as his or her response
to events As a result, the functions of emotions and behaviors are considered to have purpose and adaptability Humans are considered the search, the creator and use information in a positive way
3 Every man should be able to develop systems of their particular beliefs which guide the behavior of that person Beliefs and assumptions affect the perceptions and personal memory, user memory which is activated when stimuli or specific events Each individual becomes sensitive to the specific factors including external events and experiences feelings inside Beliefs and assumptions that tend to contribute to the applicants selected to participate and receive information consistent with the inherent belief system, and "ignore" what information does not match the faith
4 The stressors thereby contributing to damage individual cognitive activities "have many shortcomings" (themselves) and "the people around me can not be trusted" (society) In contrast, irate individuals, can not believe that is defective (itself), however, they tend to believe that the world is dangerous (social) and people are taking mischief ( society) Although these beliefs may not be part of everyday thoughts, these beliefs can strongly influence the behavior and their reaction to others
Want us to manage the process of determining the behavior and the impact factor for its use in managing how Want to manage change, sometimes we argue that consciousness is the cause of behavior does not meet expectations In fact, to form a sense, to go through the behavior and results that are stored in the subconscious To have good sense we have to wait too long can a generation But change management does not allow us wait so in personnel management we eliminate the causes of not achieving the target operation is less conscious Only so can we see clearly the solution changes
9 factors to change and impact behavior management, organizational change
1 Current sensory information.
To initiate a behavior, people will get information from the senses is possible through hearing, seeing (reading) felt through other senses When information on cortical impact its behavior at boot stage awareness But behavior has not yet begun Sensory information current role is particularly important since it started the behavior Therefore also that of social management, corporate governance has many parallel applications Thanks to these measures provide multiple parallel current sensory information that impact on human behavior must comply with the purpose of the manager
2 Subconscious.
Subconscious is what has happened and loaded into or recognized in the human
Trang 8brain become the standard of behavior Include: knowledge, skills, experience, social norms are recognized, standard living and working environment Each person has different information and subconscious so the same current sensory information, but we impact that different people have different behavior Subconscious is a very important role in the awareness phase of behavior, it is to compare, compare and promote clear behavior To change behavior, we have an impact on the subconscious In business activities including communications, training, education, emulation development of scientific management system, complete and professional is sufficient grounds to raise the knowledge, skills and effects standardize the behavior of forces personnel
3 Engine 1.0.
The engine acts as a boost to the goal and objectives The engine is a 1.0 engine simplest biological nature, it is also the lowest level of the engine to meet the biological needs, the existence of the tools used by more than meet the threat But the engine power of 1.0 in promoting behavior is enormous
4 Engine 2.0.
Engine 2.0 is a higher level in the urge to act This engine includes the value of material incentives to promote behavior is performed In enterprise management engine 2.0 may include: salaries, bonuses, allowances, benefits
Engine 2.0 is the engine of "stick and carrot" Currently, the 2.0 engine is a common tool to motivate the behavior in the business with the "addiction" is increasing
5 The 3.0.
This engine acts motivated by the correctness of the values should do, duty, responsibility and honor For managers of scientific and humanistic psychology focused
on communication and education and are typical examples will impact significantly on the 3.0 engine now, this engine is given focus Developed by the weight of its progress
in managing and building a humane environment
After 3 engine driven by the cognitive process or processes will of behavior ends move to phase 2 decision process or the reason
6 Meet expectations.
People will determine the value of satisfaction after making behavior see what the results directly, what about the indirect results, assuming the results occur In
Trang 9determining the result is satisfied that the behavior was about to be completed.
7 Accept the risk.
Along with satisfaction the results of human behavior will determine the risk of bringing behavior, considering the magnitude of the risk is real, the impact of the risks
to them The high or low risk factors also affect behavioral decisions have been made or not
8 Willing to take responsibility.
When people are determined to satisfy expectations and risks as well as decisions made at the behavior can significantly shape: Basically can have the following cases: Satisfy the high-expectation, low risk -> to the current decision
- Satisfy the high expectations, the risk of high -> decision to make or not make, depending on item 2
- Meet expectations low, the risk low -> decide whether or not the current implementation depends on the engine and dignity
- Meet expectations low, the risk low -> not done
9 Dignity.
Dignity is the level of understanding of social and human-friendly fine-leg The concept of right and wrong in the family, social, work environment and lifestyle and personality Dignity as the ultimate impact on the phase behavior of the decision Especially with difficult behavioral decisions affecting the dignity huge We can impact
on the dignity of each person through the media, strategy and organizational culture A second action that is not enough on the process or can not perceive or can not decide it
is not the behavior we are not ruling, not impact For example, the mad act of legal immunity An error behavior and inefficient, not achieve, no one wants, is the manager,
we define it by where in the above factors and to impact change and behavioral factors will change At the same time, we prepare for the impacts positive behavior occurs goal
Trang 10Conclusion :
In the formation and personality development, economic environment is particularly important because without it the human economic investment is human nature can not be developed, the specific role of the environment: - The formation of personality can only be done in a certain environment Contribute to environmental goals, motives, means and conditions for exchange activities of individuals, so that individuals occupy the experience of human society to form and develop his personality However, the nature and extent of environmental influence on the formation and personality development depends on the stance, views, personal attitudes
to the effect that, as well as depending on Trends and capabilities, on the level of individuals involved in environmental modification Human life as a ladder to the highest evolution of physical evolution, is an economic entity, is the subject of labor, perceptions and interactions Activities make people aware of reality, spark interest, passion and creativity raises new needs, new psychological attributes Thanks to that personality is formed and developed It is very much related to behavior, brand image-building is valuable, unique and consistent for you It was built thanks to the available resources: the value inherent in us, nature's own, through hard training, education, behavior, skills, education, food personally, the only capacity, the achievement of economic, social To build a successful personal brand also means we have a useful tool to control yourself minh.Khong merely build an image out to the outside world, but
a self- awareness of the strengths, weaknesses, skills, emotions as well as how to use these factors to make a difference for themselves and to guide the decisions of individuals
Please thank me: TS Hoang Lam Tinh has given me the full view with subjects of organizational behavior management, although relatively short time but I have acquired the most basic things
Because of the time, the limited ability of my essay inevitable shortcomings, he could only hope to be added to the platform itself has been in Management
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