As an Business Administrator, what would you do to effectively manage your employees?. + Corporate restructuring, downsizing implementation, development of expansion connecting with outs
Trang 1Bài tập về QUản trị nhân sự và phân tích tình huống quản trị nhân sự
Qu.1: Why is Human Resource Management (HRM) said to be challenging and
complex? According to you, what are the changes in HR Management today?
As an Business Administrator, what would you do to effectively manage your employees?
Qu.2: What is a good business administrator? Give an example of a good
administrator that you know in reality for illustration and analysis
Qu.3: Case study for recruitment of “PR Officer” for Phong Phu Textile Company
1 What should Phong Phu do to attract more candidates?
2 What kinds of mistakes has the company made during the process of recruitment?
3 What could be the reasons that prevent Hải from getting his task done well?
4 What should Phong Phu do to improve the effectiveness of their recruitment?
a Human Resource Management (HRM) is complex and challenging because:
- HRM is the management related to human resource, which is the object for governance People are always changing and developing; people acquire
knowledge through training and gain experience from practice or observation, thereby learning new lessons People of qualifications, knowledge and life experiences will always tend to attempt to strive for the development and betterment of both individual and organization Human never stop inventing, innovating techniques, science and technology and management, promoting and exchanging relationships, which, as a result, makes the business
production increasingly effective, material and spiritual life increasingly
- Therefore as an advanced administrator, one must be able to predict the
changes in nature of objects under governance while taking into account the
Trang 2objective conditions affecting behavior, attitude and productivity of employees Every change of conditions, factors mentioned above involves the manager’s analytical thinking, constantly updating new forms and mechanism of
management in order to fully exploit the capabilities as well as contributions of each individual in the organization, provide high efficiency in human resources management, such as recruitment, training, authorization/ assignment,
evaluation, reward, motivation, sharing the common goal of the organization Therefore, human resource management is always complex compared to that
of other sources (machinery, capital, resources, technology )
b Changes in HRM style:
- Nowadays, we live in a rapidly changing environment, especially in such a digital era and a flat world Managers have to face many difficult, unpredictable tasks, meaning they have to be prepared for and adaptable to changes
Therefore, clearly identifying the root of change, then preparing solutions of adaptation is a key factor for management in general and administration of
human resources in particular
- There are four important sources of change that can strongly impact the operation of HRM:
- Physical environment and economic environment: population growth, depletion
of resources and environmental pollution make the competition between regions, countries, companies and even individuals or groups is becoming more intense Economic growth and inflation or the economic crisis has affected income, life and employment for each employee The trend of globalization or a flat world makes the competition between enterprises increasingly fierce Integration and globalization trends also affect the organizational culture of the enterprise / organization
- Technology - Technical Information Environment: modern techniques with rapid growth and new technological production create more professions Employees, thus, need to be equipped with new knowledge and skills Add to that, old job
Trang 3loss must be made up by re-training, and there must be solutions for those who
do not meet professional requirements/skills for new technology application Plus, thanks to modern technology, information system is more and more
developed and information has become a vital resource of an organization
(Internet, digital technology, management & application software)
- The political environment: Enterprises will increasingly have a strong impact on the political environment through the services, products or jobs they have
created for society Conversely, political environment also has its strong influence like the stability of economic policy
- Socio-Cultural Environment: Society is divided into groups of benefits and these groups are interested in community-based products (such as employment, social welfare ) rather than economic products like profits
Moreover, needs and perspective on human values have changed These
changes have influence on the way policies and Human Resource Management are thought of in an organization
From the above analysis, HRM Environment can be indicated to consist of:
- The external environment: which comprises factors such as: economic – politic environment, population and labor force in the society, the common cultural-social conditions of the country, the legal system, science -technology,
customers, competitors, Internet and other achievements of information
technology have changed the way of conducting business and set higher
requirements for the intellectual workforce as well as sensible organizational structure and method for an effective business operation
-Internal environment :
+ includes factors such as mission, vision, strategy, objectives and
measures to achieve the objectives, the psychological atmosphere and organizational structure of the unit, the operation area ;
+ Improving the competitiveness of enterprises through cost management measures; improve quality and create innovative work environment for human resources;
Trang 4+ Corporate restructuring, downsizing implementation, development of
expansion connecting with outside ;
+ Improving power and responsibility for subordinates, decentralizing and organizing self- management group;
+ Developing organizational culture, business ethics in accordance with
environmental changes and core values of the company;
+ Appropriate application of technology;
+ Also, pressure from staff can help result in appropriate policies that
encourage employees to be committed to the organization, minimizing the rate of transfer, resignation and raising productivity;
The above factors influence the formation and development of human resources, the content nature and implementation of human resource management in organizations
c If was an business administrator, what would you do to manage your employees effectively?
All business administrators have a common goal/desire is how to manage employees effectively, so that staff can do their best to contribute to the success of business administrators In my opinion, to manage staff effectively,
I need to implement the followings:
1 Trust and authorize employees to handle work based on their abilities and personalities rather than giving instructions all the time When assigning tasks, let them think, act independently, creatively, as well as control make decision
by themselves They will make the best effort in fulfilling the tasks assigned and are willing to take responsibility for the final result However, an adequate source of information and assistance/support or facilities should be provided
on giving authorization/assignment so that employees can understand and handle the issues well During the implementation process, reports on
Trang 5progress, periodically status for controlling and timely adjustments if problems arise should be required
2 Share goals of the month/quarter/year with employees so they can see how important they are as a vital linking point in the entire process and the implementation plan Only so can employees be aware of their role to make the best contribution to the implementation and completion of the shared goals
3 Setting up a clear job description for each job title for proper understanding and compliance from employees and for convenient management as well as removal of unsatisfactory employees through periodical evaluation
4 Setting up clear procedure, scales of salary, compensation and benefits for each job title Being fair, transparent when showing employees the remuneration package they will receive for tasks and monthly targets completion or surpassing performance like exceeding the targets, innovative ideas that boost productivity & quality or reducing products’ prices
5 Having a prompt and adequate emulation to recognize the achievements of outstanding employees and give them mental incentives so they would feel appreciated, which encourage them to work harder and better
6 Create a democratic atmosphere, open and thorough communication among staff Listen and share the difficulty with employees In addition, to effectively perform management, administrators must know how to exploit the strengths
of each employee to maximize their contribution Understanding that each employee is a personality to be able to find out the most common point to collect power when dealing with big difficult tasks?
Qu.2a How to be a good Business Administrator?
A good business administrator knows how to fully exploit the limitless creativity of human to add values to the organization as human is the key factor for the
Trang 6development Without man, no matter how advanced technology is, how smart the solution is or how much capital can reach, there is no subjet to exploit, optimize those sources And in the long run, that enterprise will be likely to lose profits and even go bankruptcy A good business administrator is supposed to carry out the followings:
+ Appreciate employees’ values, considering them the most valuable asset of the enterprise:
With proper HR policies, considering employees the core of development,
appreciate employees, administrators need to share goals, tasks, orientation for enterprise and staff development, which will stimulate employees to work harder to achieve higher performance than they thought This is especially apparent when they are aware of their important contribution to the development and success of the enterprise
As a matter of fact, staff will do their best for the companies that appreciate their contributions Employee's enthusiasm, responsibility, initiatives will be enhanced when they are given a lot of credibility from their managers, which contribute to the development of enterprise
CEOs of the world’s most well-known companies like Facebook, Google have done
a very good job on this
+Visionary, capable of forecasting, leading a team:
Many administrators are often stuck in solving daily tasks of the enterprise
Sometimes they even have to do the job of their staff Because of being too busy, they forget about setting goal, development strategy, forecasting situation (internal environment, external environment ) to come up with appropriate solutions for each stage of the development, increase the competitiveness of enterprises, they also forget the role of orientating, directing, motivating employees to make effort and get ready to fulfill the assigned tasks
Good managers must know how to gain trust and respect from employees
Employees, then, will regard administrators as a model example, creating positive thinking and attitude at work
Trang 7A good administrator will not manage his staff too tightly but knows how to turn employees into real owners of the enterprise instead by enabling them to participate
in solving problems, contributing new ideas Trust in employees’ capabilities,
assigning them tasks, and provide them with necessary conditions to carry out the work Then they will bring out better results
+ Know how to create a warm, friendly work atmostphere:
The leader should be able to build up an atmosphere of intimacy in the enterprise Intimacy will help employees come up with more creative ideas Such an
atmosphere can be created in many ways, such as allowing employees to dress casually once a week, encouraging employees to present their ideas, organizing informal meetings or regular outing trips
+ Dare to face reality and ready for the change:
Good leaders must accept the truth and are always willing to change strategies and business plans to suit the actual circumstances (eg during global economic crisis, domestic market was freezing, many enterprises went bankrupt due to rambling investment rather than concentrating in core competencies)
Good leaders can foresee the trending movement of the world, make employees understand that change is inevitable and it is an opportunity for growth, or at least a challenge we can overcome if prepared
+ Inspiring employees:
A good administrator needs to inspire employees by listening to their viewpoint presentation and expresses appreciation for their efforts Be willing to get rid of the conservative thinking like "the boss is always right and knows all) Only so can employees share and propose their new ideas
In addition, a good administrator should build and implement an effective emulation
in the company to motivate and inspire employees to work better
+ Create a learning environment within the company:
A good administrator should be able to create a learning environment, in which everyone constantly improve their knowledge, skills and come up with new ideas
Trang 8Ideas must be invented and shared at all levels in the enterprise When a good idea
is proposed, leaders should recognize and offer adequate, prompt rewards
+ Enhance employees’ self-motivation:
Since pressure from business competition is getting increasingly severe,
opportunities coming and passing rapidly, only self-motivated individuals can catch good chance when it comes A good administrator, hence, should offer training on attitude for employees so that they can work swiftly, effectively and make quick, smart decision
+ Building enterprise’s culture, appreciating core values of enterprise:
A good administrator must know how to set up a reputable image for the enterprise, creating close connection and spiritual values between employees and always
appreciate core values that contribute to “enterprise’s culture” steadily
Qu.2b An example about a good CEO
I would like to introduce Mr Truong Gia Binh – Chairman and CEO of FPT (Vietnam’s leading IT-Telecommunications Corporation) Mr Truong Gia Binh is also Head of Business Administration Department – Hanoi National University, chairman of
Vietnam Software Association)
He was born in 1956 in Dien Ban, Quang Nam province, Vietnam and graduated with major in Maths from Lomonosov University, Russia in 1979
Successfully defended his Ph.D Thesis on Physics at the same University
In 1991 he was bestowed Associate Professor in Vietnam
In 1988, he and 12 other friends founded a small company in the food industry
In 1995, he switched to the field of Information Technology (IT) and more than 24 years later, Mr Bình and his partners have built FPT into leading group in the field of
IT & telecommunications in Vietnam covering a broad field of many activities
(software development, system integration, training, IT equipment distribution, devices, digital content, telecommunications) FPT now has 11 subsidiaries with nearly 15,000 employees, present in 14 countries around the world with total assets
Trang 9reaching 15.000 billion vnd, sales in 2012 25,350 billion FPT is attempting to
become a group of international stature
He was once voted one of the Top 10 typical Vietnamese ICT characters and Top 10 individuals of great contribution to and influence on Vietnam's Internet and has just been honoured one of the three leading businessmen of Asia Pacific Region by Nikkei, Japanese leading Media Corporation because of his outstanding contribution
to regional growth
FPT General Director Truong Gia Binh met the President of Panama Ricardo
Martinelli (right) and the Governer of Colorado (USA) John Hickenlooper (left) at Davos
From a scientist trained in the Soviet Union, with a sharp mind, great effort and ambition, he has become a leading enterprise in VN now
During the formation, construction and development of FPT, he has always been the soul, the gathering human resource as well as maintaining the outstanding growth
of FPT He always respects human factor, considering human as the key source to development, especially in the business of technology with demanding requirements
on intelligence He has set out policies of searching, recruiting and using talents He has placed highest priority for the collection of forces, talents in FPT and
Trang 10acknowledged differences in each individual So he is surrounded by generations of dedicated, capable staff of nice personalities They share the same aspiration: build
a more and more growing FPT
In addition, he has the ability to predict the trend of technological development, changes in market demand and thereby set out the proper growth strategy
appropriate to each stage of development of FPT
He is very studious and is always a shining example for all FPT employees He learned from the military, from Fractal structure, from the spiritual will of the people during wars He regularly consults army generals, he even learned how to observe people from Uncle Ho
In short, he would learn anything that can bring about positive results for FPT
He is also a giifted speaker Audiences and listeners were convinced not because of the nature of the subject but it’s the way he convinced them that make them believe and follow him
In particular, he is always determined to pursue his goals regardless of how many obstacles and difficulties arising during the process Thus, not only a business
leader, he was an influential enterprise to Government’s policy when it comes to the development of the information technology industry in Vietnam
Qu.3: Case Study
1 What would Phong Phu Textile Company do to attract more candidates?
- Reasons preventing Phong Phu Company from attracting many potential candidates can be:
+ Uninteresting recruiting advertisement
+ Recruiting company did not supply many candidates, indicating that requirements of the company are quite unique and few people can meet
So the company can attract candidates:
+ Through personal relationships