PPT PPT Module Module 88 Reader Reader Benefits Benefits McGraw-Hill/Irwin ©2007, The McGraw-Hill Companies, All Rights 8-2 Reader Reader Benefits Benefits To learn how to Use audience analysis to identify and choose reader benefits Develop reader benefits with logic and details Match the benefit to the audience 8-3 Reader Reader Benefits Benefits Start by answering these questions: Why reader benefits work? How I identify reader benefits? How detailed should each benefit be? How I decide which benefits to use? What else reader benefits need? 8-4 Reader Reader Benefits Benefits Are advantages your reader gets by Using your services Buying your products Following your policies Adopting your ideas 8-5 Good Good Reader Reader Benefits Benefits Are Are Adapted to the audience Based on intrinsic advantages Supported by clear logic and explained in adequate detail Phrased in you-attitude 8-6 Maslow’s Maslow’s Hierarchy Hierarchy of of Needs Needs Physical Safety, Security Love, Belonging Esteem, Recognition Self-Actualization (Highest) 8-7 Developing Developing Reader Reader Benefits Benefits In general, Use 3-5 sentences of detail per benefit If you develop 2-3 reader benefits fully, use 1-2 sentences of detail for less important benefits 8-8 Developing Developing Reader Reader Benefits Benefits continued continued Use vivid, strong detail Psychological Description Is creating a scenario rich with sense impressions 8-9 Developing Developing Reader Reader Benefits Benefits continued continued Brainstorm twice as many benefits as needed Use at least one benefit for each part of your audience Use intrinsic benefits Use benefits you can develop most fully Use you-attitude 8-10 Psychological Psychological Description Description Describe what the audience can see, hear, smell, taste, and feel Example: Balancing precariously on a rickety ladder to clean upper-story windows Shivering outside in the winter winds and broiling in the summer sun as you scrub away Cleaning with traditional windows really is awful In contrast, cleaning is a breeze with Tilt-in Windows ... benefits need? 8- 4 Reader Reader Benefits Benefits Are advantages your reader gets by Using your services Buying your products Following your policies Adopting your ideas 8- 5 Good Good... benefits 8- 8 Developing Developing Reader Reader Benefits Benefits continued continued Use vivid, strong detail Psychological Description Is creating a scenario rich with sense impressions 8- 9... to the audience Based on intrinsic advantages Supported by clear logic and explained in adequate detail Phrased in you-attitude 8- 6 Maslow’s Maslow’s Hierarchy Hierarchy of of Needs Needs