PPT PPT Module Module 44 Planning, Planning,Writing, Writing, and andRevising Revising McGraw-Hill/Irwin ©2007, The McGraw-Hill Companies, All Rights 4-2 Planning, Planning, Writing, Writing, and and Revising Revising To learn how to Increase the number of expert processes you use Use your time effectively Revise after feedback 4-3 Planning, Planning, Writing, Writing, and and Revising Revising Start by answering these questions: Does it matter what process I use? I don’t have much time How should I use it? What planning should I before I begin writing or speaking? What is revision? How I it? 4-4 Planning, Planning, Writing, Writing, and and Revising Revising Start by answering these questions: What is revision? How I it? Can a grammar checker editing for me? I spell check Do I still need to proofread? How can I overcome writer’s block? Can I use form letters? How can I get better feedback? 4-5 Expert Expert Writers Writers Realize that the first draft can be revised Write regularly Break big jobs into smaller chunks Have clear goals for purpose and audience 4-6 Expert Expert Writers Writers continued continued Have several different strategies to choose from Use rules flexibly Edit after the draft is complete 4-7 A A Formula Formula for for Using Using Time Time A Model for Writing ONE THIRD analyzing, gathering, and organizing ONE THIRD drafting/writing ONE THIRD evaluating, revising, editing, and proofreading 4-8 Activities Activities of of Writing Writing Planning Gathering Writing Evaluating Getting Feedback Revising Editing Proofreading 4-9 Invention Invention Techniques Techniques Brainstorm Freewrite Cluster Talk to Your Audiences Storyboard 4-10 Post-Writing Post-Writing Activities Activities Revising Editing Proofreading 4-11 Overcoming Overcoming Writer’s Writer’s Block Block Participate actively in the organization and the community Practice writing regularly and in moderation Learn as many strategies as you can Talk positively to yourself Talk about writing to other people 4-12 Overcoming Overcoming Procrastination Procrastination Set a regular time to write Develop a ritual for writing Try freewriting Write down the thoughts and fears you have as you write Identify the problem that keeps you from writing Set modest goals and reward yourself for reaching them ... I begin writing or speaking? What is revision? How I it? 4- 4 Planning, Planning, Writing, Writing, and and Revising Revising Start by answering these questions: What is revision? How I it?.. .4- 2 Planning, Planning, Writing, Writing, and and Revising Revising To learn how to Increase the number of expert processes you use Use your time effectively Revise after feedback 4- 3... feedback? 4- 5 Expert Expert Writers Writers Realize that the first draft can be revised Write regularly Break big jobs into smaller chunks Have clear goals for purpose and audience 4- 6 Expert