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giao an Tieng anh 8 unit 11

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  • Period66:UNIT11:

  • II.Teachingaids:

  • III.Procedures:

    • -Helpingsstolistentocompletethedetailsabo

  • II.Teachingaids:

  • III.Procedures:

  • II.Teachingaids:

  • III.Procedures:

    • Dateofplanning

  • III.Procedures:

    • Dateofplanning

    • -Givingssfurtherpracticeinusing-edand-

    • -Mainteachingpoints:-edand-ingparticiple

    • Retellhowtouse-edand-ingpar

    • Dateofplanning

    • Retellhowtouseallthestructures

Nội dung

giao an Tieng anh 8 unit 11 tài liệu, giáo án, bài giảng , luận văn, luận án, đồ án, bài tập lớn về tất cả các lĩnh vực...

GIÁO ÁN TIẾNG ANH LỚP Period 65: UNIT 11: TRAVELING AROUND VIET NAM Lesson 1: Getting started, Listen and read I.Aims and objectives: - Helping ss to read for details about how to express the intrerests and structure Would you mind - Vocabulary: a crop, a sugar cane, a water buffalo, forty minute drive - Skill: + Target skill: Speaking + Other skills: Reading ,listening, writing - Main teaching points: +To help ss to understand the dialogue and know to express interest and structure would you mind -By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to understand the dialogue and know to express interest and structures deeply and clearly II Teaching aids: -Teacher: Textbook, disc, poster… - Ss: textbook, schoolthings III Procedures: 1.Check up: (3’) S1: write passive voice S2: Write adj followed by to V Lead in:(2’) Matching places of the interest - T Sticks poster with pictures - Ask Ss to complete in individually Harbor-Ha Long-Gate-Ngo Mon-The Temple-Nha Rong-Bay-Literature Key -> Ngo Mon Gate, Ha Long Bay, The Temple of Literature, Nha Rong Harbor New lesson: (36 minutes) Teacher’s & students’ activities 3.1 Presentation: (18’) * Preteach vocabulary + Techniques: picture, realia, translation, explanation + T elicits words from ss, asks ss to read in chorus, Content of the lesson I Vocabulary: - a crop: vụ mùa - a sugar cane: mía - a water buffalo: trâu nước individually and give meaning + Check understanding: Ro + R - Set the sence: Ask ss to look at the picture and elicit situations from ss - a forty minute drive = chuyến xe 40 phút Viet Nam has a lots of interesting places Now we follow Tim, Hoa, Shannon and Mrs Jones to visit some places -Present the dialogue: Ask s to close their books & listen to the tape carefully Ask ss to open their books, listen to the tape twice, find out the pronunciation & the content of the dialogue Ask ss to read the dialogue in pairs - Call some pairs to read again * True or false: Ask ss to read the dialogue silently & practice saying true or false and correct the false sentences (p 99) in individually - Monitor, take notes & give the correct answers * Present new target item: Elicit sentence from ss +what are these sentences into Vnamese? + what comes after “ Would you mind?” Ving - Do we use present simple tense or past simple tense in sentence 2? past simple tense + Elicit form & use from ss 3.2 Practice: (10’) Ask ss to complete sentences individually - Monitor, take notes & give the correct answers 3.3 Prodution: ( 8’) Ask ss to write full sentences ASk ss to make up sentences in pairs - Monitor, take notes & give the correct answers T/F II Dialogue: Answer key a.T b.T c.F -> The Jones family is travelling from the airport in a taxi d.T e.T f F -> Rice, corn and sugar cane are grown around Ha Noi New target iterm Hoa says: - Would you mind sitting in the front of the taxi? (1) - No problem - Would you mind if I take a photo ? (2) - Not at all Form: -> Would you mind + V-ing -> Would you mind + If + S + V( past) Use: III Practice Word cues + clean the house + wash the clothes + cook dinner + help your friend Ex: Would you mind cleaning the house? Would you mind if I cleaned the house? Discuss + to express interest + to express a request Summary: ( 2’) Repeat the main structure again Homework: (2’) - Learn by heart the vocabulary & structures, Ex of unit 11 - Prepare Unit 11: Speak ******************************** Date of planning: Date of teaching: Period 66: UNIT 11: TRAVELING AROUND VIET NAM Lesson 2: Speak I.Aims and Objectives: - Helping ss Practice in making suggestions and using mind to make requests and develop speaking skill - Vocabulary: reply (n) , to suggest, a vegetarian restaurant, revolutionary museum, a botanical garden Skill: + Target skill: Speaking + Other skills: Reading, writing, listening -Main teaching points: Making suggestions and using mind to make requests - By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to practice making suggestions and using mind to make requests and develop speaking skill II Teaching aids: - Teacher: Textbook, poster, pictures … - Ss: Textbook, schoolthings III Procedures: 1.Check up: (3’) Ask one ss to write vocabulary Ask one ss to write form: Making requests Lead in: (2’) Make questions - Everyday -> How often you go to school ? - Books -> What are you reading ? - To the library -> Where you go ? - By bus -> How you go to school ? Let’ s come to our lesson New lesson: ( 36’) Teacher’s & students’ activities 3.1 Pre- speaking activities: (9’) Content of the lesson I Vocabulary: - Preteach vocabulary + Techniques: explanation, example, translation, situation, synonym + T elicits words from ss, asks ss to read in a vegetarian restaurant: nhà hàng fục vụ ăn kiêng a revolutionary museum: nhà bảo tàng cách mạng a botanical garden: vườn bách thảo reply (n) câu đáp, lời đáp chorus, individually and give meaning + Check understanding: Ro + R - Set the sence: Ask ss to look at the picture and elicit sentences from ss - Ask Ss to match the request with the reply on page 100 - Ss work in pair then compare with their partners - Monitor, take notes & give the correct answers 3.2 While – speaking activities: (19’) T gives the model sentence - Ask ss to work in pair One is student A and the other is student B Look at the information about your role and use it to make request and suggestions - Ask ss to work in pair use the cues in the box on page 101 - Call some ss to practice in front of the class 3.3 Post – speaking activities: (8’) Ask ss to produce new dialogues according to the structures they have learnt (in pairs) - T monitors, takes notes & corrects the mistakes if necessary (to) suggest: đề nghị II Speak: - Would you mind sitting in front seat of taxi ? -> No problem - Would you mind if I took a lots of photoes ? -> Not at all Form Would you mind + V-ing Do you mind + v- ing Do you mind + If + S + present simple Would you mind + If + S + past simple Agreement: No, I don’t mind/ No, of course not./ Not at all/ Please do/ Please go ahead Disagreement: Iam sorry, I can’t / Iam sorry, it is impossible/ I would rather you didn’t / I’d prefer you didn’t Practice:  Activity 1: Would you mind if I asked you a question ? -> No, of course not I want to visit a market ? -> Please go ahead  Activity 2: Practice with the cues in the box p 101 Answer keys Summary: (2’) Repeat how to make suggestions Homework: (2’) - Learn by heart form and vocabulary - Do exercises of unit 11, prepare Unit 11: Listen *************************** Date of planning: Date of teaching: Period 67: UNIT 11: TRAVELING AROUND VIET NAM Lesson 3: Listen I.Aims and Objectives: - Helping ss to listen to complete the details about the place direction - Vocabulary: a temple, an information center, a highway, the direction Skill: + Target skill: Listening + Other skills: Reading, writing, speaking -Main teaching points: listen to complete the details about the place direction - By the end of the lesson, students will be able to complete the details about the place direction and develop listening skill II Teaching aids: - Teacher: Textbook, tape, radio, poster, pictures … - Ss: Textbook, schoolthings III Procedures: 1.Check up: (3’) Ask one ss to write vocabulary Ask two ss to practice speaking using “ mind” in request Lead in: (2’) Have you ever given directions to anyone? How can you give directions? Let’s come to our lesson today New lesson: ( 36’) Teacher’s & students’ activities 3.1 Pre- listening activities: (8’) - Preteach vocabulary: + Techniques: example, translation, explanation, mime + T elicits words from ss, asks ss to read in chorus, individually and give meaning + Check understanding: Ro + R - Set the sence: Content of the lesson I Vocabulary: -a temple: nhà thờ -an information center: trung tâm cung cấp thông tin -a highway : đường cao tốc a direction: hướng II Listening: Tim and Mrs Jones are talking about places Answer keys: Sticks the map a restaurant - Open prediction: b hotel Ask ss to look at the poster It is the map of the directions I’d c bus station like you to think and predict for matching the places in the box d pagoda to their correct positions on the map.Then compare with e old temple your partners QS: - Listen for the first time a Where is the hotel? 3.2 While – listening activities: (18’) b How you go to the - Ask ss to listen to the tape carefully & check their hotel? predictions.(Ss listen to the tape for three times) T plays the tape the last time to check and give the correct c Could you tell me the way to the pagoda? answers - Multiple choice: Ask ss to practice individually d Where is the bus station? e Can you tell the class how - T monitors, takes notes & give the correct answers to get to the restaaurant? 3.3 Post – listening activities: (10’) Ask ss to look at the map and practice asking and answering the qs (in pairs) T monitors, takes notes & correct Summary: (2’) Repeat how to ask and give directions Homework: (2’) - Learn vocabulary by heart - Write a short passage to show the way from your house to school - Prepare Unit 11: Read *************************** Date of planning: Date of teaching: Period 68: UNIT 11: TRAVELING AROUND VIET NAM Lesson 4: Read I.Aims and objectives: - Helping ss read for details about about some places of interest in VietNam - Vocabulary: an accommodation, a railway, a guest house, the attraction, a florist, a tribe, a jungle, a slope, limestone (n) - Skill + Target skill: Reading + Other skills: Listening, speaking, writing - Main teaching points: Reading for details about about some places of interest in VietNam - By the end of the lesson ,Ss will be able to understand the vocabulary, the content of the text and make some suggestions on some tourist sites in VN to foreign táoits and talk about their plan for summer vacation II Teaching aids: - Teacher: Textbook, poster, pictures … - Ss: Textbook, schoolthings III Procedures: 1.Check up: (3’) - Ask one ss to write vocabulary - Ask ss to practice giving and respond to requests Lead in: (2’) Elicit from ss: Guess words Use picture with some interest places - Teacher introduces and ask - Ss anwer the questions -> Nha Trang, Da Lat, Sapa, Ha Long Let’s come to our lesson today New lesson:(36 minutes) Teacher & students’ activities 3.1 Pre-reading activities: (10’) Content of the lesson I Vocabulary: - Pre-teach vocabulary: + Techniques: Explanation,picture, example, translation, example, translation, synonym, situation, translation an accommodation, chỗ ăn nghỉ a railway: đường sắt a guest house: nhà nghỉ the attraction: thu hút + T elicits words from ss, asks ss to read in chorus, individually and give meaning + Check understanding: Ro + R - Set the sence: ASk ss to look at the picture & elicit situations from ss What are they? They are Da Lat, Nha Trang ? - Predition: Ask ss to look at the picture, think and guess the topic mentioned in the brochures about the resorts 3.2 While-reading activities: (18’) - Ask ss to open the text book, read silently and check their predictions T monitors, takes notes & give the correct answers * Matching: Ask Ss to match the words or phrases in colunm A with one in colunm B - Run through all the cues - Ss individually T monitors, takes notes & give the correct answers - Ask SS to read the text on page 105 and check (V) the boxes in pairs T monitors, takes notes & give the correct answers 3.3 Post- reading activities: (8’) Ask ss to make conversation with their friends decide where they should go, and explain why - Ask ss to work in group of five, then ask the tutor to retell in front of the class - T monitors, takes notes & give the correct answers a florist: người bán hoa -a tribe:bộ tộc -> tribal(a) - a jungle : rừng - a slope : sườn núi - limestone (n) : đá vôi II Read: Answer key: -caves : Ha Long Bay -flight to Ha Noi : Nha Trang -hotels : all four places -local transports : all four places -mini hotels : Ha Long Bay -mountain slopes : SaPa -railway : NhaTrang, Ha Long Bay, SaPa -restaurants : not mention -sand beaches : Ha Long -tourists atractions : all places -types of foods : not mentioned -villages : Sa Pa -waterfalls : Da Lat * Keys: A a.NhaTrang, b.Da Lat c.SaPa, d.Ha Long Bay e.Nha Rong B tribal village, mountain climbing The place where president HCM left VN in 1911 Swimming and sunbathing Oceanic institute flower gadern Answer key: a b c d e Sa Pa Nha Trang Nha Rong Harbor Ha Long Bay Da Lat Summary: (2’) Sum up the interests in Viet Nam Homework: (2’) - Learn vocabulary by heart - Do test of unit 11, Write a short passage about famous sight in VN - Prepare Unit 11: write *************************** Date of planning Date of teaching : Period 69: UNIT 11: TRAVELING AROUND VIETNAM Lesson 5: write I.Aims and objectives: - Helping ss know how to write a narractive a guided composition - Vocabulary: a canoe, (to) paddle, (to) hire, (to) overturn, (to) rescue - Skill + Target skill: Writing + Other skills: Listening, speaking, reading - Main teaching points: To introduce to ss how to write a narractive a guided composition - By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to understand the vocabulary, how to write a narractive a guided composition fluently & correctly & develpoe their writing skill II Teaching aids: - Teacher: Textbook, poster, pictures … - Ss: Textbook, schoolthings III Procedures: 1.Check up: (3’) Ask one ss to write vocabulary Ask one ss to retell the famous sights in VN Lead in: (2’) Which words? written, climax, , brief, events.-A narrative is a sequence of (1) .These events are usually (2) .in chronogical order and often lead to a (3) The first sentence of a narrative should get the reader’s (4) .and the ending should be (5) - run through the passage - Ask ss to rearrange these title in individually Answer key: events written climax attention brief New lesson: (36 minutes) Teacher & students’ activities 3.1 Pre-writing activities: (10’) Content of the lesson I Vocabulary: - Pre-teach vocabulary: + Techniques: Example, translation, explanation, mime, situation + T elicits words from ss, asks ss to read in chorus, individually and give meaning + Check understanding: Ro + R - a canoe: thuyền - (to) paddle: chèo thuyền - (to) hire: thuê - (to) overturn: lật ngược - (to) rescue: cứu thoát - Set the scence: Last week, while on vacation in DaLat, the Jones family had quite an unforgetable adventure on Xuan huong lake What did they and what happened to them? - Ask ss to reoder the sentences (Ex P 106) - Monitor, take notes and give the correct answers II Write Keys: - Ask ss to look at the pictures and rearrange the events in the c, a, g, d, f, b, e (Ex P 106) correct chronoligical order to make it a story 3.2 While-writing activities: (18’) Answer key: Ask ss to Ask ss to read the story on page 105 and check their (d,b,e,h,a,f,c,g.) predictions Uyen had a day to remember last - Monitor, take notes and give the correct answers week She had a Math exam on Friday - Ask ss to use the pictures already rearranged and the given and she got up late She realized her words to write the story about Uyen Ask ss to notice the past alarm clock didn’t go off.As she was simple tense is often used in a narrative leaving home, it started to rain - T moves around, helps weak ss & takes notes heavily.Uyen tried to run as fast as she 3.3 Post- writing activities: (8’) could.Suddently, she stumbled against - Ask some tutors to write the story on the board, the others a rock and fell down Her schoolbag observe and give their remarks went into a pool and everything got T monitors, takes notes & give the correct answers wet Strangely, the rain stopped as she got to her classroom Uyen had enough time to finish her exam Summary: (2’) Retell how to write a narractive a guided composition Homework: (2’) - Learn vocabulary by heart,complete writing , test of unit 11, write a short story - Prepare Unit 11: Language focus ********************************** Date of planning Date of teaching : PERIOD 70: UNIT 11: TRAVELING AROUND VIETNAM Lesson 6: Language focus I.Aims and objectives: - Giving ss further practice in using - ed and - ing participles, requests with Would / Do you mind if ? Would / Do you mind + Ving? - Vocabulary: Revision Skill + Target skill: speaking + Other skills: Reading , listening, writing -Main teaching points: - ed and - ing participles, requests with Would / Do you mind if I ? Would / Do you mind + Ving ? - By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to improve their knowledge, know the use of the structures above clearly & skills of doing exercises in the real situations II Teaching aids: Teacher:Textbook, poster SS: textbook, schoolthings III Procedures: Warm up: (2’) Elicit from ss: Ask ss to give structures they have learnt in unit 11 New lesson:(39’) Teacher’s & students’activities 2.1 Revision 1:(11’) * Present participle: Explain the form and use of the present participle - Elicit form from ss -.Elicit use from ss - Ask ss to look at part (p 108) and say each person is ( individually) - T monitors, takes notes & gives the correct answers Content of the lesson I Practice T: What's Ba doing? Ss: He's reading a book Or: He's sitting under the tree? Who is the boy reading a book?  Model setence: The boy reading a book is Ba (present participle phrase) Form: Verb + ing  Present participle Use: A present participle can be used as an adj to qualify a noun with adj meaning 2.2 Revision 2:(12’) *Past participle: Explain the form and use of past participle phrase - Elicit form from ss - Elicit use from ss - Ask ss to look at part (p 109) and practice matching in individually - Monitor, take notes & give the correct answers Ask ss to look at part (p 109) and practice in individually - Monitor, take notes & give the correct answers 2.3 Revision 3:(16’) * Requests: - Elicit form from ss -Elicit use from ss - Ask ss to look at part 3,4 (p 109-110) and practice in pairs - Monitor, take notes & give the correct answers The woman carrying the bag is Miss lien The boy standing next to Miss Lien is Nam The girl standing by the table is Lan The girls are playing chess are Nga and Hoa II Practice  Pre – teach : Matching box a wrap in truck b dress in lamp c recycled from doll d keep in flowers e make in toys f paint Where is the old lamp made in?China How much is the old lamp made in China? five dollars Model sentence: The old lamp made in China is five dollars (past participle phrase) Form: PII( Ved / irregular verb: column 3) Use: A past participle can be used as an adj to qualify a noun with passive meaning  The old lamp made in China is five dollars  The box painted green is one dollar  The truck made from recycled aluminum cans is dollars  The doll dressed in pink skirt is dollars  The flowers wrapped in yellow paper are one dollar The toys kept in a cardboard box are ten dollars III Practice 3: Form: Would / Do you mind + Ving .? Would you mind if I + Ved / V2 ? Do you mind if I + bare V ? a.Would you mind moving your car?No, of course not b.Would you mind putting out your cigarette?No, of course not c.Would you mind getting me some coffee? I’m sorry, I’m too busy d.Would you mind waiting a moment?I’m sorry, I can’t Exercise 4: Guided answers: a.Do you mind if I sit down? Please b.Would you mind if I smoked? I’d rather you didn’t c Do you mind if I postpone our meeting? Not at all d.Do you mind if I turn off the stereo? I’d rather you did not e.Would you mind if I turned on the air-conditioner? Please f.Do you mind if I watch TV while eating lunch? No, of course not Summary: (2’) Retell how to use - ed and - ing participles, requests with Would / Do you mind if ? Would / Do you mind + Ving? Homework: (2’) - Learn grammar by heart -Do exercises of unit 11 -Prepare for revision ********************************** Date of planning Date of teaching : Period 71: Revision I.Aims and objectives: - - Giving ss further practice The passive form, Adj + infinitive/a noun clause, Future simple & present simple, In order to, so as to, Will to make requests, offers and promises - Vocabulary: Revision Skill + Target skill: speaking + Other skills: Reading , listening, writing - -Main teaching points: The passive form, Adj + infinitive/a noun clause, Future simple & present simple, In order to, so as to, Will to make requests, offers and promises - By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to improve their knowledge, know the use of the structures above clearly & skills of doing exercises in the real situations II Teaching aids: Teacher:Textbook, poster SS: textbook, schoolthings III Procedures: Warm up: (2’) Elicit from ss: Ask ss to give structures they have learnt in unit to unit 11 New lesson:(39’) Teacher’s & students’activities Content of the lesson 2.1 Revision 1:(9’) * Future simple tense: - Elicit form from ss -Elicit use from ss I Practice - T monitors, takes notes & gives the correct answers 2.2 Revision 2:(9’) WILL + S + bare VERB + ? YES, S + WILL NO, S + WON’T Notes: Will = shall = ‘ll Will not = won’t - I , We -> shall II Practice 2: In order to/so as to: Future simple tense: - The simple future tense is used to talk about the action that happens in the future without any attention - Ask ss to make up - Forms: S + WILL + bare VERB + sentences( individually) S + WILL NOT + bare VERB + * In order to/so as to: - Elicit form from ss -Elicit use from ss - Ask ss to make up sentences individually - Monitor, take notes & - In order to/so as to are used to combine reason – clause with result – clause Form : In order / so as + to V / not to V E.g I always keep the window open in order to let fresh air in III Practice 3: The Passive form: give the correct answers - T revises the main knowledge of the passive form: 2.3 Revision 3:(11’) * It is used to talk about passive action when the subject of the action is * The Passive form: not as important as the object - Elicit form from ss FORM: -Elicit use from ss BE + PII - Ask ss to practice making E.g The bottles are cleaned and refilled with milk sentences in pairs John was punished (BY THE TEACHER) - Monitor, take notes & IV Practice 4: * Adj + inf: give the correct answers S + be + adj + to V 2.4 Revision 4:(10’) E.g It’s difficult to follow your instructions * Adj + inf, Adj + noun * Adj + noun clause: clause: E.g I’m delighted that you are fine - Ask ss to practice making We are please that you have passed the exam sentences in pairs V Practice 5: Will to requests, offers and promises - Monitor, take notes & * To make a request: give the correct answers Will / Would /Could / Can + you (please) + bare V ? Responses: - Sure/ ok/ Tất right I'm sorry I can't/ I'm * To make an offer: Will/ won't you Shall I bare infinitive ? Can I Would you like + to infinitive Summary: (2’) Retell how to use all the structures above Homework: (2’) - Learn grammar by heart -Do exercises of unit 11 -Prepare for 45 – minute test ... unit 11, write a short story - Prepare Unit 11: Language focus ********************************** Date of planning Date of teaching : PERIOD 70: UNIT 11: TRAVELING AROUND VIETNAM Lesson 6: Language... structures, Ex of unit 11 - Prepare Unit 11: Speak ******************************** Date of planning: Date of teaching: Period 66: UNIT 11: TRAVELING AROUND VIET NAM Lesson 2: Speak I.Aims and Objectives:... house to school - Prepare Unit 11: Read *************************** Date of planning: Date of teaching: Period 68: UNIT 11: TRAVELING AROUND VIET NAM Lesson 4: Read I.Aims and objectives: - Helping

Ngày đăng: 20/11/2017, 16:04

