' iN \ l ) - s re 7 i h Li J = 4 zn | A naw yy cy Ñ' _ PC AC THANH `» A A | = : £ —_ Ff ta: | = & 3 = fy = & a a ch `, ˆ General:
Definition: Biliary atresia is a condition in which the normal extrahepatic biliary system is disrupted
Progressive damage of extrahepatic and intrahepatic bile ducts secondary to inflammation may occur,
leading to fibrosis, biliary cirrhosis, and eventual liver failure
Biliary atresia is characterized by luminal obstruction
of the extrahepatic bile duct with a fibrous ductal
remnant representing the obliterated duct in the porta hepatis
Trang 2
® Prevalence: Approximately 1 in 10,000-15,000 births
Trang 3==
2 distinct clinical forms:
- fetal-embryonic (or syndromic): is characterized by early cholestasis, appears in the first 2 weeks of life, accounts for 10-35% of all cases In this form, the bile ducts are
discontinuous at birth, and 10-20% of affected neonates have associated congenital defects: s\\s inversus,
oo ysplenia, malrotation, intestinal atresia, and cardiac
perinatal (or acquired): accounts for the remaining 65- 90% cases This form is typically found in neonates and infants aged 2-8 weeks Progressive inflammation and obliteration of the extrahepatic bile ducts occurs after
birth This form is not associated with congenital
anomalies, and infants may have a short . -free interval
Trang 4— > — "¬ — %* a RY ATRESIA: Classification Classification 1: - A(operated): 10-15%, a major
portion of the extrahepatic bile ducts are patent (the proximal common hepatic
duct is patent, allowing for
primary anastomosis of the extrahepatic bile duct to the
Trang 5—_—— —_—._
Kasai classification: 3 main types type I: the common bile duct is
obliterated while the proximal bile ducts are patent
type Ila: atresia of the hepatic uct, the cystic and common bile ducts are patent
- type IIb: the cystic, common bile duct: and hepatic ducts are obliterated
on II]: atresia refers to
iscontinuity of the right and the left hepatic ducts to the level of the porta hepatis, more than 90% of cases
Trang 6
[maging modalities:
- Ultrasonography: the initial investigation in patients with suspected biliary atresia
- Hepatobiliary scintigraphy
- Magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography (MRCP)
- Surgical and percutaneous cholangiography
- Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography
Trang 7
© Ultrasonography:
- Technique: fasting at least 4 hours before examination 2 times obtained: 60 -go minutes after patient was fed - The gallbladder ghost triad: a gallbladder length less than
1.5cm(1.9cm), a thin or indistinct gallbladde wall, and an irregular and lobular contour
- The triangular cord sign( TC sign): a circumscribed, focal,
triangular or tubular echogenic density more than 3 mm thick located cranial to the portal vein bifurcation
Trang 8—_ Ƒ— =.=.-.ễ— oO —— Gallbladder contraction
- For evaluation of gallbladder contraction, the examination was repeated 60-go min after the infant was fed
- The volume of the gallbladder was calculated using the following equation: V= 0,52 x width x width x length
- Gallbladder contraction was evaluated by calculating the contraction
index (Cl) as follows:
Cl(%)= 100 x (fasting Volume — postprandial Volume)/ fasting Volume
- Anormal C! = 86% = 18% (mean + SD) in 6-week-old infants(value for
patients younger than 12 weeks old) and 67% + 42° in 4-month-old
(value for patients 12 weeks old or older )
If the Cl less than the mean + SD, the gallbladder was described as
(Sonographic Diagnosis of Biliary Atresia in Pediatric Patients Using the “Triangular Cord” Sign Versus
Trang 9
Gallbladder ghost triad in babies with biliary atresia Longitudinal scans of the gallbladder in (A) a 3-week- old girl and (B) a 5-week-old boy demonstrate a short
gallbladder, an irregular or
lobulated contour, anda
relatively indistinct lining and wall
Trang 10
64-day-old female infant with biliary atresia
Sonogram shows
abnormal gallbladder
(arrows) Gallbladder is
Trang 11
® Small, abnormal
gallbladder (arrow) in 8-
week-old infant with BA
has irregular wall and
abnormal shape
Trang 12
® Abnormal gallbladder
(arrow) in 10-week-old
infant with BA Note the
more subtle irregularity
of the wall (arrowheads)
Trang 13(b) Schematic drawing represents- TE-SIGN: the anatomic relationship between
the fibrous ductal remnant and
a) Photograph of surgical one of ze
obliterated extrahepatic bile ducts blood vessels around the porta
shows the fibrous ductal remnant hepatis The triangular, cone-
(black arrowheads) in the porta | shaped, fibrous ductal remnant hepatis, atretic gallbladder (arrow), P
and fibrous common bile duct (white (black arrowheads, green) Is
arrowhead) The fibrous ductal positioned anterior and slightly
remnant is a triangular cone-shaped superior to the portal vein (long mass arrow, blue) and the hepatic artery ;
Trang 14xo ¬ Triangular cord Transverse (a) and longitudinal (b) scans of
the triangular cord ina
baby with biliary atresia,
which appears as a focal echogenic triangular or ovoid density just
Trang 15' 3s-day-old male infant
with biliary atresia Sonogram reveals
tubular echogenic cord
Trang 16® 1s-day-old female neonate with unknown cause of infantile cholestasis Sonogram reveals tubular
echogenic cord (arrows) “Triangular cord” was
0.3-0.4 cm wide and 1.3-
Trang 17® Transverse sonogram
shows TC sign (arrow) in
Trang 18
Sonogram in 10-week-old
infant with BA shows TC sign (arrow) superior to portal
vein (arrowhead)
The TC sign (cursors) asa
thick, tubular, echogenic area
along the anterior aspect of the right portal vein (long
Trang 19
(b) Transverse scanshows Images ofa 3s-day-old boy
triangular echogenic area with biliary atresia (a)
(cursors) in the anterior Longitudinal scan shows TC
aspect ofthe portal veinin sign (cursors) with a 5.1-mm-
Trang 20".x `" &
Images of a 36-day-old boy with biliary atresia but no
demonstrable TC sign (a)
Longitudinal US scan shows
EARPYV is 3.0 mm thick between
(b) Surgical specimen of the
fibrous ductal remnant is a pattern of fibrous hepatic
duct (arrowheads) in the
Trang 21= — — ~_~-
Sonography sign accuracy
® The diagnostic accuracy of the triangular cord
sign( TC sign) was 95%, sensitivity was 93%, and specificity was 96%
© The diagnostic accuracy of gallbladder length was
71%, sensitivity was 72%, and specificity was 69% © The diagnostic accuracy of gallbladder contraction
was 77%, sensitivity was 85%, and specificity was 73%
Trang 22-Hepatobiliary scir ® A technetium-labeled iminodiacetic acid (IDA) ae is typically used, include” Tc (technetium-ggm
DISIDA sega yl-iminodiacetic
acid) and" Tc tebrofenid
(trimethylbromo-iminodiacetic acid)
® Infants with biliary atresia usually have normal hepatocyte uptake of the radiotracer if they are younger than 2 months of age
® If excretion of radiotracer into the
bowel is seen, biliary atresia is
virtually excluded If radiotracer
excretion is absent after 24 hours (as
it is in the image below), biliary atresia is suspected
Trang 23mm —_ — Biliary atresia In a 2- week-old boy: ® Hepatobiliary scan obtained after a 35- minute delay demonstrates absence of
activity in the central
common bile duct and
small intestine
Trang 24
phy -
© Surgical cholangiography is typically performed by
injecting contrast material through the gallbladder If no communication is seen between the biliary tree and the gastrointestinal tract, biliary atresia is diagnosed
urgical and percutaneous cholangiog
© Ultrasonography-guided percutaneous
cholecystocholangiography is a relatively new technique in which radiographic contrast material is injected into the gallbladder under ultrasonographic guidance and the extrahepatic biliary system is viewed with fluoroscopy ® Liver biopsy is often used to confirm the diagnosis of
biliary atresia and may be done at the same time as surgical or percutaneous cholangiography
Trang 25
Surgical and percutaneous cholangiography
Biliary atresia and central
(A) Oblique sonogram
demonstrates a large cystic structure in the porta
(B) Intraoperative
demonstrates filling of the
cyst and mildly dilated intrahepatic ducts but no communication with the duodenum m
Trang 26ỷ—_— nam = mm šÝ - Liver biopsy: =>" Pathologic changes in
Pathologic changes in biliary atresia: a marked neonatal hepatitis: lobular
disarray, giant cell degree of fibrosis, bile duct
transformation, and proliferation, and portal
mononuclear lobular inflammation
Trang 27- —— — SS ndoscopic retrograde — cholangiopancreatography( ERCP)
® ERCP allows direct visualization of the extrahepatic biliary tree
with the injection of F250) DẸTE contrast agent into the
extrahepatic biliary system through the papilla of Vater It requires a general anesthetic, substantial expertise, and the availability of sufficiently small endoscopes
® This technique can show obstruction in the common bile duct and enables visualization of the extrahepatic biliary system
distal to the common hepatic duct and the extrahepatic biliary system with bile lakes at the porta hepatis
® ERCP, while not an alternative to noninvasive imaging, can be used to avoid surgery in approximately 25% of cases
(a study by Petersen et al)
Trang 28Magnetic Resonance Cholangiography © MRCP is a relatively new technique for neonatal imaging
® Findings in infants with biliary atresia include
incomplete visualization of the extrahepatic biliary
system and periportal high signal intensity on T2- weighted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans
(which may represent cystic dilatation of fetal bile
Trang 29
Triangular Area of High Signal Intensity in the Porta Hepatis at T2-weighted MR Cholangiography with US Correlation
Images obtained in a 13-day-old
female neonate with acholic stool (a)
Transverse gray-scale US image of the
liver shows an echogenic triangular cord (arrowheads) that contains a linear hypoechoic lesion (arrow)
Trang 30a 57-day-old female infant with
cholestatic jaundice and acholic stool
power Doppler US image shows a tubular cystic lesion (straight arrow), which does not have a flow signal,
anterior to the portal vein (curved
arrow) Cursors indicate the
maximum depth of this cystic lesion
Oblique coronal T2-weighted
single-shot fast SE MR
cholangiogr am demonstrates an
inver ted tr riangular area of high
signal intensity (arrow) anda
Trang 31in a 59-day-old female infant with persistent jaundice and acholic stool (a) Transverse power
Doppler US image of the liver shows a small ovoid hypoechoic lesion (arrow) within a triangular t cord that abuts the portal vein
Oblique coronal thick-slab T2-
weighted single-shot fast SE
MR cholangiogram shows a small triangular area of high
signal intensity (arrow) inthe
Trang 32
Images obtained in a 40-day-old
female infant with jaundice and
acholic stool (a) Oblique gray-scale US image of the liver shows a
tria ngular hypoechoic lesion (long straight arrow) within a periportal
echogenic mass, a dilated common
bile duct (short straight arrow), and the portal vein (curved arrow)
Cursors indicate the maximum width
(0.79 cm) of the dilated common bile
(b) Oblique coronal thick-slab MR T2- Geighted single-shot fast SE MR
cholangiogram shows a choledochal cyst (short arrow) and the gallbladder (arrowheads) The triangular area of high signal intensity (long arrow) located in the porta hepatis is not continuous with the choledochal cyst or gallbladder Intraoperative
cholangiogram (not shown)
demonstrated a choledochal cyst, but the triangular structure at the porta
Trang 33
® Treatment: Kasai portoenterostomy( a Roux-en-Y
anastomosis ofthe bowel to the bed of the porta
© Prognostic: patient had BA will have good prognosis if be operated as soon as possible before 3 months of age