Activity Book ﻡ٢٠١٥¥٢٠١٤ Vocational Stream Commercial Grade 10 Activity Book م2015 - 2014 المؤسسة العامة للطباعة Contents Lesson Title Page Functions of Management Management Concepts Appointments Test 12 Money and Banking 14 Bank Accounts 17 Customer Service and Loans 20 Test 23 Office Equipment 25 Satellites 28 Friendship 31 Test 34 10 Account Books 36 11 An Electronic Office 39 12 Success in Life 42 Test 45 Correspondence 47 Glossary 60 Functions of Management Exercise Vocabulary Write the words in the list in the correct boxes below company head office Juliet Susan receptionist Helen secretary sales assistant training officer Jobs Commercial organisation Secretary company Andy John Mark managing director Karen sister company English names (for men) Ian English names (for women) Exercise Name labels A Write name labels for these people Name Ian Banks Karen Dobson Juliet Sanders Mark Norton-Smith Paul Vickers Emma Bradley Married? Yes ? No ? No Yes Mr Ian Banks B Complete the dialogue A Good morning B Good My name’s Ian Banks A Welcome to the conference, Banks Here’s your name label B you Exercise Grammar Choose the correct letter: a, b, c or d a receptionist or a secretary? a Huda is b Huda c Is Huda your second language? a Where is b What is c When is receptionist at T ST ? Who a the b is she c Salw a Is Ali in his office? No, a he isn’t b he is c she isn’t Is English his second language? Yes, a he is b his c is is Susan Bennett? a What b She c Who d Is she Huda d How much is d is the d she’s out d it is d Is she Exercise Writing Read this paragraph about Huda Then write about Andy Huda is a secretary She w orks for a Syrian company in Damascus Her first language is Arabic and her second language is English Andy Exercise Numbers A Write the blue numbers in words 13 30 43 34 18 12 15 10 B Write these jumbled numbers correctly EHT RE three ENNI NOE FEET NIF RY T HIT ORFU FY T Unit Exercise The language of maths A Write the words in the list in the correct boxes div ision addition div ide multiplication subtraction add subtract multiply Symbol Verb Noun + – x ÷ B Match the sentences to the calculations Then calculate the answers Subtract three from tw elv e a T w elv e times three Add three to tw elv e b T w elv e div ided by three Multiply tw elv e by three c T w elv e plus three Div ide tw elv e by three d T w elv e minus three ANSWERS Management Concepts Exercise Job requirements Read these job advertisements and decide which person is most suitable for which job W A N R TECEPTIEON I STD SECR ETAR Y all for busy office in sm company d at Computer skills anperience ex s ar least two ye essential Reply to box 793 W AGES CLER K company in manufacturingskills, Needs computer on and maths qualificatiar minimum one ye t box experience Contac 926 EExp erience i – Hanan d good Pleasant manner an mputer Co telephone skills No skills preferred ary experience necess Write to box 628 CComputer t skills kill M Maths th qualification lifi ti TTelephone l skills – ✓ ✓ Ibrahim year ✓ ✓ – Reem years ✓ – ✓ Unit Exercise Selecting Employees The following sentences describe a typical process for selecting new employees, but they are in the wrong order Reorder the sentences to make a coherent text The first sentence has been done for you and suitable candidates are invited for interview and applications are received and a short list of the best applicants is drawn up After that, candidates are sorted Next, appointments are arranged A job offer is made to the successful candidate, and one of them is selected and finally, an employment contract is signed The candidates on the list are interviewed again, Firstly, a vacancy is advertised Exercise Grammar Rewrite the sentences, using possessive ’ s This is under the control of the management You have to write all the phone numbers of the companies Can you write the name of the customer on the note book of your director? The losses of the company are huge The manager has to properly deal with the structure of the organisation Exercise Dialogue Read and complete the telephone dialogue A Good morning Mike Harper’s office ? B Hello Can I speak to Mike Harper, here today A I’m sorry He B What about Della Paine? lunch at the moment A Yes She’s in today, but secretary there? B Is Huda I’ll put you through to her A Yes, she B Exercise Industries Match industries (1-6) to the phrases (a-f) Then use each in a meaningful sentence advertising banking farming manufacturing mining shipbuilding a b c d e f producing food making things telling everyone about products and services getting minerals from under the ground making ships looking after people’s money and lending money Exercise Writing Write a job advertisement using the following guides what position is available what qualities should the applicant have Glossary antenna noun a wire rode used to transmit or receive radio or television signals: account b ook noun a record in which business transactions T elevision antennas are a must are kept: The y got a p ermission for a television to function to ex amine our account books p rop erly A arrangement noun plans or preparations for a future event: All the arrangements for the graduation were made asset noun something of monetary value that is owned antenna tow er noun by a firm or an individual that account numb er noun a tall structure designed can be sold to pay debts: unique code assigned to to support antennas for Kno wing what to and how each investor’s account at a to it when it comes to brokerage firm: The p assword telecommunications and broadcasting, including selling comp any assets can of your account number is television: Antenna towers are help return the most value confidential among the tallest man- made structures assignment noun a task or accountant noun a person piece of work assigned to whose job is to keep or check someone as part of a job: financial accounts: M y father is apologetic adj ective saying or showing that you are sorry I was on assignment for a an accountant something happened: S he S yrian magaz ine was very apologetic about the adj ust verb change whole incident attachment noun a document (something) so that it fits, or file that is sent with an corresponds or conforms; appeal verb be attractive or email message: I’ ll send the adapt; accommodate: It is interesting: T he range of top ics sp readsheet as attachment very imp ortant to adjust my will appeal to youngsters ex p enses to my income attract a charge verb bring a application noun a formal charge to something: Re q uests advise verb tell someone request to an authority for for multip le cop ies will attract about something: We’ll advise something, such as a job: An a charge for p ostage you of any changes in the application should be filled to delivery date j oin a university audience noun the readership of a book, magazine or affiliate company noun an appointment noun an newspaper: T he newsp ap er has organisation that is related arrangement to meet someone a sop histicated audience to another organisation through some type of control at a particular time and place: S he made an appointment or ownership: O ur comp any B has an affiliate company that with my recep tionist handles overseas sales b ack-u p adj ective related to appreciate verb regard with making a copy of a computer deep affection: Her abilities analogue adj ective relating file especially for storage in are not fully appreciated to or using data that are another place as a security represented by continuously copy: Y ou should always have variable physical quantities back–up files in order not to such as spatial position or lose any data voltage: T errestrial radio signals are analogue signals 60 b alance noun the amount of money held in an account: He accumulated a healthy balance with the savings bank b alance verb compare debits and credits in an account, typically to ensure that they are equal: The law req uires the council to balance its books each year b ank account noun an arrangement whereby a customer deposits money at a bank and may withdraw it when it is needed: He moved his bank account to a new bank b anker’ s draft noun a document similar to a cheque but drawn on the bank itself against a cash deposit: Y ou must give notice to the bank that you req uire a banker’s draft so that they can p rep are the draft and check that you have enough money in your account b anqueting suite noun a set of rooms designated for one person’s or family’s use or for an elaborate and formal evening meal for many people: The recep tion will be held at the Banqueting Suite b enefit noun an advantage or profit gained from something: T enants bought their houses with the benefit of a discount b ereavement noun deep sorrow, esp that is caused by someone’s death: He is slowly getting over his bereavement b ill noun a banknote; a piece of paper money: E x change the money in bills of 20 S P b oast verb talk with excessive pride and self-satisfaction about one’s achievements, possessions or abilities: T ed used to boast, “ I manage ten p eop le” b ookkeeping noun the activity or occupation of keeping records of the financial affairs of a business: Bookkeeping is the recording of financial transactions such as sale, p urchase, income and p ayment b orrow verb take and use money from a person or bank under an agreement to pay it back later: I borrowed the money to p ay for the ticket Glossary cardholder noun a person who has a credit card or debit card: T he tickets should be bought by the cardholders themselves carry forw ard p hrasal verb transfer figures to a new page or account: Account holders are allowed to carry forward any unsp ent funds cash card noun a credit card that entitles the holder to receive cash: Cash cards are used by comp anies to reduce p ayroll costs and eliminate p ap er cheq ues cash machine noun a machine in or outside a bank, supermarket or other public building, from which you can b reak verb fail to observe (a obtain money with a special law, regulation or agreement): plastic card: C an you show me The district attorney says she how to use a cash machine? will p rosecute retailers who break the law cashier noun a person handling payments and b revity noun concise and receipts in a store, bank or exact use of words in writing other business: M y mum is a or speech: T he rep ort is cashier notable for its brevity catalogue noun a publication b rief adj ective concise in containing details and often expression: Int roductions were photographs of items for sale: brief and p olite P eop le nowadays shop through an online catalogue b ring forw ard p hrasal verb ( in bookkeeping) transfer a total CEO abbreviation ( Chief sum from the bottom of one Executive Officer) the person page to the top of the next: with the most authority in a A p rofit and loss balance of large company: M y father is 1, 0, 0 S P was brought the CEO of a famous ship p ing forward onto the new balance comp any sheet change noun money given in exchange for the same amount C in larger denominations: D o S P candidate noun a person who you have change for a 10 note applies for a job: Candidates ap p lying for this p osition should be good in E nglish 61 channel verb to control and direct something such as money or energy tow ards a particular purpose: Advertisers channel money into radio charge noun a financial liability or commitment: An asset of 30, 0 S P should have been taken as a charge on earnings colloquial adj ective (o f language) used in ordinary or familiar conv ersation; not formal or literary: S he j ust loved the colloquial ex p ressions of her S outhern in- laws corrective action noun a change implemented to address a w eakness identified in a management system: Corrective action should be imp lemented soon before a crisis occurs condolence noun an ex pression of sympathy, esp on the occasion of a death: We offer our sincere condolences to his widow courteous adj ective polite, respectful or considerate in manner: O ur courteous staff is available 24 hours a day charge verb demand an amount as a price from someone for a serv ice rendered confidently adverb in a or goods supplied: He charged manner of feeling or show ing me 25 S P for the p ostcard confidence in oneself: He read his graduation sp eech confidently cheque b ook noun booklet w ith new cheq ues: I need a new cheque book since mine confusion noun lack of has only one cheq ue left understanding; uncertainty: The re seems to be some confusion about which system clarity noun the q uality of does what being clear: For the sake of clarity, each of these strategies is dealt with congratulation noun an sep arately ex pression of praise for an achiev ement or good w ishes on a special occasion: Y ou all close adj ective a short deserve congratulations distance aw ay or apart in space or time: T he hotel is close to the sea connect verb put someone into contact by telephone: I closing phrase noun a set of was q uickly connected to the accounting dep artment w ords used to end a letter: C an anyone tell me which are the most common closing consultancy noun a company phrases? that giv es adv ice on a particular subj ect: M y uncle collab orate verb w ork j ointly runs a consultancy firm on an activ ity, esp to produce or create something: convert verb cause to change He collaborated with a in form, character or function: distinguished p ainter on the The seating converts to a designs double or two single beds colleague noun a person w ith w hom one w orks, esp in a profession or business: We went out for dinner with our colleagues 62 coordination noun cooperativ e effort resulting in an effectiv e relationship: Action group s are working in coordination with local group s to end rain forest destruction coverage noun the area reached by a particular broadcasting station or adv ertising medium: A network of eighty transmitters would give nationwide coverage credit noun an entry recording a sum receiv ed, listed on the right-hand side of an account: Y ou need to record debits or credits made to your account credit verb add an amount of money to an account: T he cheq ue has been credited to your account credit card noun a small plastic card issued by a bank, business, etc., allow ing the holder to buy goods or serv ices on credit: I used my credit card to p ay for my new dress crisis noun a time of intense difficulty, trouble or danger: T he current economic crisis is affecting the whole world current account noun account in a bank from w hich customers can w ithdraw money w henev er they w ant: Current accounts not always p ay interest customer noun a person or organisation that buys goods or services from a store or business: Mr Harrison was a regular customer at the Go lden Li on D data-en try noun written information put in a certain program: Data-entry is an easy j ob department noun a division of a large organisation such as a government, university, business or shop, dealing with a specific subject, commodity or area of activity: The accounting department is very busy with sending cheq ues today destination noun the place to which someone or something is going: I think we’ve arrived at our destination at last deadline noun the latest time or date by which something detector noun a device that should be completed: T he rectifies the alternating deadline for handing in the current in a radio receiver: p roj ect is February 5t h A new electrosmog detector offers p eop le the chance to deb ate noun discussion of a identify radio emissions that particular subject that often might be harmful to health continues for a long time and in which people express different opinions: The re was digital adj ective using a system in which information much lively debate about is recorded or sent whether women should sp end electronically in the form more time at home of numbers: Digital T V is becoming very fashionable deb it noun a payment nowadays made or owed: His debits outnumbered his credits digital signal noun a signal in which the original deb it verb remove an amount information is converted of money from a customer’s into a string of bits before account, typically as payment being transmitted: T he for services or goods: 50, communications industry S P was debited from their worldwide is in the midst of a account switch to digital signals deb it card noun a card issued by a bank allowing the holder to buy anything through an electronic point of sale: Debit cards may be used for p urchasing goods and services discipline noun activity, exercise or a regimen that develops or improves a skill: A daily shift at the typ ewriter is an ex cellent discipline for a writer demonstrate verb give a practical exhibition and explanation of how a machine, skill or craft works or is performed: C omp uterised design methods will be demonstrated discount noun a deduction from the usual cost of something, typically given for prompt or advance payment or to a special category of buyers: M any stores will offer Glossary a discount on bulk p urchases discrepancy noun a lack of compatibility or similarity between two or more facts: T here’s a discrepancy between your rep ort and his dish ( satellite dish) noun a bowl-shaped antenna with which signals are transmitted to or received from a communications satellite: T o receive nice channels, you’ll need to have a satellite dish installed on the roof of your house doub le-en try accounting noun it is a method of record-keeping that lets you track just where your money comes from and where it goes: When you study accounting, you learn doubleentry accounting draft noun order for money to be paid by a bank: A p rivate or p ublic seller may ask you to p ay by bank draft E e-c ommerce noun the activity of buying and selling goods and services and doing other business activities using a computer and the Internet: E-commerce ap p lications such as online ticketing and reservations are becoming very widesp read effectively adverb in such a manner as to achieve a desired result: M ake sure that resources are used effectively efficiently adverb working in a well-organised and competent way: He functions efficiently 63 elastic b and noun a loop of stretchy rubber for holding things together: I need to order from the warehouse a p ack of elastic bands elicit verb evoke or draw out (a response, answer or fact) from someone in reaction to one’s own actions or questions: Y our sarcastic remarks will no doubt elicit a negative resp onse eliminate verb completely remove or get rid of (something): We need a p olicy that would eliminate infla tion employee noun a person who is paid to work for someone else: He is a government employee engaged adj ective (of a telephone line) unavailable because already in use: S he rang Ms Sm ith but the line was engaged entry noun an item written or printed in a book or other collection of financial accounts of a particular type: So p histicated features to help ensure accurate data entry were introduced in the system today evaluate verb form an idea of the amount, number or value of: C omp uter simulations evaluated how the aircraft would p erform ex pense account noun money which a businessman is allowed by his company to spend on travelling and entertaining clients in connection with his business: I’ll p ut this lunch on my expense account 64 ex posure noun experience of something: His exposure to the banking system led him to this p osition ex tend verb expand in scope, effect or meaning: We have continued to extend our range of sp ecialist services F fade verb gradually grow faint and disappear: T he noise faded away farew ell ex clamation used to express good wishes on parting: Farewell, Albert! fax noun an image of a document made by electronic scanning and transmitted as data by telecommunication links: T hey received the fax immediately fib re-o ptic cab le noun an insulated wire having a protective casing that use light to send information: The re are three typ es of fibre- optic cable commonly used: single mode, multimode and p lastic op tical fibre ( PO F) filing noun the process of placing a document in a cabinet, box or folder in a particular order for preservation and easy reference: T hese p ap ers need filing financial adj ective of or related to the management of large amounts of money: He called the financial adviser to help him imp rove his comp any’s situation firm adj ective showing resolute determination and strength of character: He didn’t like being firm with L arry, but he had to first course noun a dish or selection of dishes served at the beginning of a meal: T he first course was delicious today fix verb decide or settle on a specific price, date, course of action, etc.: N o date has yet been fixed for the history test form noun a printed document with blank spaces for information to be inserted: Pl ease, fill the ap p lication form free b anking noun a theory of banking in which commercial banks and market forces control the provision of banking services such as banknote issues, cheque accounts, deposit acceptance and/or money lending: T he p eriod between 1837 and 1862 is known as the free banking era frequent adj ective occurring or done on many occasions, in many cases or in quick succession: We got used to the frequent changes in the weather funds noun financial resources: T hey are misusing the p ublic funds funds transfer noun moving funds between accounts or to a third party account at the same financial institution: E lectronic funds transfer was imp lemented in 1978 hold verb wait to be connected while making a telephone call: Please hold the line while I transfer you G good w ill noun friendly, helpful or cooperative feelings or attitude: The plan is dependent on good will between the two sides grateful adjective feeling or showing an appreciation of kindness: I’m very grateful to you for all your help greeting phrase noun standard formula of words used in a letter to address the person being written to: Always start your letter with a proper greeting phrase group dynamics noun the processes involved when people in a group interact with each other: Group dynamics is a very important asset to work in a company guaranteed cheque noun a cheque that is paid by a bank up to a certain amount, even if there is no money in the account: Our company needs to use guaranteed cheques from time to time H hardship noun severe suffering: We all shared the hardships of economic crisis Glossary interest rate noun percentage per annum charged on money borrowed or lent: You have to pay an interest rate when you borrow money from the bank I In ternet b anking noun ideal adjective most suitable: it refers to systems that This is an ideal opportunity to enable bank customers to access accounts and general save money information on bank products impolite adjective not having and services through their or showing good manners: It computers: Internet banking would have been impolite to is an amazing invention! refuse invoice noun a list of goods import tax noun an amount of sent or services provided, with money paid to the government a statement of the sum due for these; a bill: Could you send on the cost of some goods me an invoice, please brought in from abroad for sale: The import tax on sugar IT abbreviation (Information is rising yearly Technology) the study or use in charge expression in control of systems (esp computers or with overall responsibility: and telecommunications) for He was in charge of the loans storing, retrieving and sending information: My father has a department degree in IT in due course expression at the proper or right time: The project will be approved of in due course J j oint adjective shared, held or made by two or more people or organisations together: The companies issued a joint statement infl ation noun a general increase in prices and fall in the purchasing value of money: The government has developed several policies K aimed at controlling inflation keep a record expression take insult verb speak or treat with note of information for future head office noun the disrespect or scornful abuse: reference: You have to keep a administrative centre from You have insulted him with record of sales which the affairs of an your remarks organisation are directed: key in verb to type Have you discussed it with the insure verb arrange for information into a computer: head office? compensation in the event She keyed in a series of of damage, loss of (property) commands hiring noun the action of or death of (someone): The employing someone for wages: company had insured itself The hiring of workers is the against a fall of the dollar manager’s responsibility 65 L M N layout noun the way in which text or pictures are set out on a page: The layout is very simp le and the illustrations are help ful main course noun the most substantial course of a meal: The main course is chicken with rice negative adj ective (of a quantity) less than zero: A negative number is a number that is less than z ero, such as - manage verb be in charge of leader noun the person who a company or establishment: leads or commands a group, S he manages a staff of 80 organisation or country: He is p eop le a leader among his classmates manager noun a person leadership noun the action responsible for controlling of leading a group of people or administering all or part or an organisation: The re are of a company or similar different styles of leadership organisation: S he left it to her manager to deal with the interviews leafl et noun a printed sheet of paper, sometimes folded, containing information or managing director noun a advertising and usually person who is in charge of distributed free: A leaflet on an organisation: M r Ali is the car loans is distributed there managing director at T S T lend verb allow a person or organisation the use of a sum of money under an agreement to pay it back later, typically with interest: The bank lends only to its current customers manufacturer noun a company that makes large quantities of goods: Re ad the manufacturer’s instructions before using your dishwasher letterhead noun a printed heading on stationery stating a person’s or organisation’s name and address: The letter has been written on university letterhead memo noun abbreviation of memorandum: a short official note to another person in the same company or organisation: I sent him a memo reminding him of the meeting note noun a piece of paper money: A two hundred S yrian p ound note is reddish notice b oard noun a board on which important information is posted: T he schedule for the holidays is p osted on the notice board O ob j ective noun goal: T he objective is to highlight the environmental threat to the p lanet operation noun an activity in which a business organisation or a company is involved: T he comp any is selling most of its commercial banking operations orb it verb move around in a circle: T he mobile’s disks orbited slowly order noun a thing made, supplied or served as a result of an oral or written request liab ility noun a thing for mission noun a company’s for something to be made, which someone is responsible, aim or ambition: His main supplied or served: Orders will esp a debt or financial mission in life has been to cut be delivered the nex t business obligation: V alue is given to unemp loyment day the comp any’s liabilities and assets mix verb produce a sound oscillator noun a device signal or recording by for generating oscillating lined adj ective made up of combining a number of electric currents or voltages lines (long, narrow marks): separate signals or recorded by nonmechanical means: The y ordered a box of lined soundtracks : It took two years Oscillators show up in lots p ap er to mix his album of electronic eq uip ment: comp uters, radios and metal detectors 66 overdraft noun a deficit in a bank account caused by drawing more money than the account holds: As with any loan, you p ay interest on the outstanding balance of an overdraft loan overdraw verb draw money from one’s bank account in excess of what the account holds: Y ou only p ay interest if your account is overdrawn Glossary He had to consult his partner before continuing party noun a person or people forming one side in an agreement or dispute: A contract between two parties is being signed now patch antenna noun it is a popular antenna type, which gains its name from the fact that it basically consists of a metal patch suspended over a ground plane: A microstrip ow e verb have an obligation patch antenna has been to pay or repay (something, sp otlighted as a mobile p lanar esp money) in return for something received: The y have antenna for receiving satellite denied they owe money to the broadcasting signals comp any pay verb give (someone) P money that is due for work done, goods received or a p a abbreviation (per annum) debt: B onuses were paid by per year: What is their turnover the end of the year p.a.? payab le adj ective (of money) p c m abbreviation (per required to be paid: S end a calendar month) used to state cheq ue, payable to T S T the amount of rent to be paid each month: Y ou p ay the bill payee noun a person to p.c.m whom money is paid: When friends and family are not packet noun a paper or able to serve as payee, cardboard container, typically S ocial S ecurity looks for one in which goods are packed q ualified organisations to be a to be sold: I ordered a packet rep resentative p ayee of p ap erclip s performance noun an action, paperclip noun a piece of task or operation seen in bent wire or plastic used for terms of how successfully it holding several sheets of was performed: P ay increases paper together: M ay I have are now being linked more some paperclips? closely to performance participate verb take part: Tho usands participated in a nationwide strike partner noun a person who takes part in an undertaking with another or others, esp in a business or company with shared risks and profits: distinguished from a loan financing a business: A personal loan to p urchase an automobile is easy to get nowadays persuasive adj ective good at making someone something through reasoning or argument: Her argument is q uite persuasive PIN numb er noun abbreviation of Personal Identification Number: a number allocated to an individual and used to validate electronic transactions: S he refused to give them her PIN number plain adj ective 1- not decorated or elaborate; simple or ordinary in character: E veryone dined at a plain wooden table 2- easy to understand: T he teacher ex p lained the lesson in plain E nglish pleasant adj ective (of a person or their manner) friendly and considerate: T hey found him pleasant and coop erative policy noun a course or principle of action adopted or proposed by a government, party, business or individual: T he government policies p rotect the rights of individuals personal account noun a record of amounts receivable from or payable to a person or an entity: C harge it to my personal account potential adj ective having or showing the capacity to become or develop into something in the future: T hey are starting a camp aign to attract potential customers personal loan noun loan granted for personal, family or household use as premium noun an amount to be paid for an insurance policy: Y ou p ay either an 67 receptionist noun a person employed in an office or other establishment to answer Q the telephone, deal with clients and greet visitors: T he preventive action noun it qualified adj ective having receptionist is not here to is a change implemented suitable knowledge, experience answer the p hone to address a weakness in a or skills, esp for a particular management system that is job: Qualified managers know not yet responsible for causing how to deal with crisis at their recipient noun a person nonconforming product or or thing that receives or establishments service: Preventive actions is awarded something: T he help in avoiding p roblems recipient of the N obel P eace R Pr iz e previous adj ective existing record noun a thing or occurring before in time or radio receiver noun an electronic circuit that receives constituting a piece of order: Ti ckets will be sold on evidence about the past, the same basis as in previous its input from an antenna and uses electronic filters to esp an account of an act or years separate a wanted radio signal occurrence kept in writing or from all other signals picked some other permanent form: A process verb operate on up by this antenna: I like to record of the meeting is kep t data by means of a program: collect old- fashioned radio by the assistant Processing this data is taking receivers time! record-k eeping noun the radio transmission noun the maintenance of a history of profit noun a financial gain, forwarding of radio signals one’s activities, as financial esp the difference between over distances that are too dealings, by entering data in the amount earned and the great to be simply connected account books or journals, amount spent in buying, by a twisted pair of wire: In putting documents in files, operating or producing this course, you learn about etc.: I need to hire someone something: Pr etax profits are the different stages of radio for record-keeping net profit before tax es, divided transmission, how radio waves by net sales are emitted and the difference recruiting noun the process between AM and FM radio of enrolling (someone) as promote verb support or a member or worker in an range noun a set of different organisation: T he recruiting actively encourage: S ome things of the same general regulation is still req uired to of more staff members is the type: The area offers a wide promote comp etition solution to our p roblem range of activities for the tourist referee noun a person who promotion noun the action provides information about of raising someone to a rate noun the amount of a you when you are trying to higher position or rank: T hey charge or payment that is set get a job: When ap p lying, congratulated her for her according to a standard scale: p lease give the names of three promotion at work Y ou’ll find our current interest referees rate very comp etitive promptly adverb done without regret noun a feeling delay; immediately: S he turned raw material noun the of sadness, repentance off the alarm and promptly basic material from which a or disappointment over went back to sleep product is made: T he cost of something that has happened our raw materials has risen or been done: S he ex p ressed put through p hrasal verb significantly her regret at V irginia’s death connect someone by telephone to another person or place: Put me through to the loans 68 annual premium or twelve monthly premiums for this insurance p olicy dep artment, p lease reliab le adj ective able to be trusted: The Int ernet is not always a reliable source of information resources noun a stock or supply of money, materials, staff and other assets that can be drawn on by a person or organisation in order to function effectively: L ocal authorities comp lained that they lacked resources retailer noun a merchant that sells goods to the public in relatively small quantities for use or consumption rather than for resale: T his retailer’s business is still growing risk analysis noun identification, determination, evaluation and application of qualitative and quantitative techniques to reduce uncertainty of the outcomesand associated costs, liabilities or losses: He is maj oring in risk analysis risk management noun the technique or profession of assessing, minimising and preventing accidental loss to a business, as through the use of insurance, safety measures, etc.: My cousin works in risk management risk transference noun risk management strategy in which an insurable risk is shifted to another party (the insurer) by means of an insurance policy: Risk transference is very common in business routine noun a sequence of actions regularly followed; a fixed programme: I settled down into a routine of work and sleep RS V P abbreviation (Répondez S’il Vous Plaît) please reply (used at the end of invitations to request a response): We need to write an answer to this invitation because they p ut RSVP on the card rude adj ective offensively impolite or ill-mannered: S he had been rude to her boss S sales assistant noun a person who sells goods: He is the head sales assistant in the carp et dep artment satellite radio noun it is a digital radio signal that is broadcast by a communications satellite, which covers a much wider geographical range than terrestrial radio signals: We sell satellite radio accessories and eq uip ment savings account noun a bank account that earns interest: When you start work, you should op en a savings account Glossary service noun work done for a customer: We have highly customised goods and services sheet noun a rectangular piece of paper, esp one of a standard size produced commercially and used for writing and printing on: I need a sheet of unmarked p ap er show off p hrasal verb make a deliberate or pretentious display of one’s abilities or accomplishments: T he p arade was designed to show off the latest fashion signal noun an electrical impulse or radio wave transmitted or received: I rep air eq uip ment for receiving T V signals simplicity noun the quality or condition of being easy to understand or do: For the sake of simplicity, this chap ter will concentrate on one theory sincere adj ective free from pretense or deceit; honest: T hey offer their sincere thanks to P aul sine w ave noun a curve representing periodic oscillations of constant amplitude as given by a sine function: S ince a sine wave has only a single freq uency associated with it, it may be considered the simp lest sound scheme noun a largescale systematic plan or arrangement for attaining some particular object or putting a particular idea into effect: T he money will be used sister company noun one for teacher training schemes parent company can have roll noun a cylindrical mass one or many supplementary of something or a number of sellotape noun transparent or companies, which all are sister items arranged in a cylindrical semitransparent adhesive tape companies to each other: It shape: The desk calculator uses used for sealing, attaching or is a big comp any that has five a roll of p ap er mending: I need to order some sister companies around the sellotape from the warehouse world 69 skill noun the ability to something well; expertise: He has got the basic accounting skills staff noun all the people employed by a particular organisation: T he hosp ital staff were not to blame slot noun a long, narrow hole or opening in a machine for something to be inserted: He slid a coin into the slot of the machine start verb bring (a project or an institution) into being: The y are going to start a new p roj ect nex t year sorrow noun a feeling of deep distress caused by loss, disappointment or other misfortune suffered by oneself or others: He understood the sorrow and discontent underlying his brother’s sigh sort verb arrange systematically in groups according to type, class, etc.: She sorted out the clothes, some to be kep t, some to be thrown away statement noun a document setting out items of debit and credit between a bank or other organisation and a customer: The accounts dep artment has p rep ared a financial statement for the shareholders station noun a regular stopping place on a public transportation route, esp one on a railroad line with a platform and often one or more buildings: T he train leaves the station at p m sound verb convey a specified stationery supplier noun a impression when heard: He person who provides office sounded worried supplies such as printer ink, toner suspension files, pens, source noun a place, person or papers, etc.: T he stationery supplier sent us a new thing from which something catalogue comes or can be obtained: Ma ckerel is a good source of fish oil stop payment noun an authorised withholding of payment on a cheque: C all the spend verb pay out (money) bank tomorrow and get a stop in buying or hiring goods or services: The firm has spent a payment on that cheq ue lot of money on hardware and software supplier noun a person who provides goods: T he supplier spreadsheet noun a computer did not get the new machine today program used chiefly for accounting, in which figures arranged in the rows and supply noun a stock of a columns of a grid can be resource from which a person manipulated and used in or place can be provided with calculations: Y ou can create the necessary amount of that documents, spreadsheets and resource: T he office is running p resentations online short of p ap er supply 70 surplus noun an excess of production or supply over demand: E x p orts of food surpluses is good for a country’s economy sympathy noun feelings of pity and sorrow for someone else’s misfortune: T hey had great sympathy for the fl ood victims T tactful adj ective having or showing sensitivity in dealing with others or with difficult issues: T here was no tactful way of p hrasing what he wanted to say tariff noun a tax or duty to be paid on a particular class of imports or exports: T he government imp oses tariff barriers on some p roducts task noun a piece of work to be done or undertaken: Y our task is limited to typ ing these documents and sorting them technical officer noun someone who assists in the surveying, design and building of a project to ensure that it meets Health & Safety, environmental and quality standards: A technical officer in the armed forces may be resp onsible, through his or her team, for the maintenance and serviceability of ship s, aircraft and land terrestrial radio noun landbased stations: Terrestrial radio stations still p rovide millions of listeners with music, talk, news and more tone noun a modulation of the voice expressing a particular feeling or mood: T he teacher talked to her students in a firm tone Glossary went to the travel agency to book for our holiday traveller’ s cheque noun cheque taken by a traveller which can be cashed in track verb follow and note the a foreign country: When course or progress of: T hey are travelling, it’s imp ortant that tracking the evolution of stars you have some foreign cash and traveller’s cheques training noun the action of teaching someone a particular trend noun a general direction in which something is skill or type of behaviour: The first few weeks will be for developing or changing: An up ward trend in sales and training p rofit margins is noticed training officer noun a person who manages the learning and U professional development of an organisation’s workforce: undertaking noun a task O ur training officer is that is taken on: S tarting a resp onsible for develop ing a new business can be a risky comp rehensive training p ackage undertaking to maintain a motivated and skilled workforce and to fulfil urgent adj ective requiring the needs of the organisation immediate action or attention: The situation is far more trait noun a distinguishing urgent than p oliticians are quality or characteristic, admitting typically one belonging to a person: P atience is a common V trait among trainers transaction noun an instance of buying or selling something; a business deal: In an ordinary commercial transaction, a delivery date is essential W w arehouse noun a large building where raw materials or manufactured goods may be stored before their export or distribution for sale: M ove these goods to the warehouse w astepaper b in noun a small container for holding paper, cans, etc that are not wanted: Pl ease, throw these p ap ers in the wastepaper bin w ithdraw verb take money out of an account: N ormally, you can withdraw up to 230 S yrian p ounds in cash verify verb make sure or demonstrate that something is true, accurate or justified: His conclusions have been verified by later ex p eriments version noun a particular form of something differing transmitter noun a set of in certain respects from an equipment used to generate and transmit electromagnetic earlier form or other forms of the same type of thing: A waves carrying messages or signals, esp those of radio or revised version of the p ap er was p roduced for a later television: The range of the transmitter when running at meeting 9V is about 30 feet voucher noun a small printed travel agency noun an agency piece of paper that entitles the holder to a discount or that makes the necessary that may be exchanged for arrangements for travellers, goods or services: Y ou may esp the booking of airline use this voucher in all our tickets and hotel rooms: I branches 71 ﺣﻘﻮﻕ ﺍﻟﺘﻮﺯﻳﻊ ﻓﻲ ﺍﳉﻤﻬﻮﺭﻳﺔ ﺍﻟﻌﺮﺑﻴﺔ ﺍﻟﺴﻮﺭﻳﺔ ﻣﺤﻔﻮﻇﺔ ﻟﻠﻤﺆﺳﺴﺔ ﺍﻟﻌﺎﻣﺔ ﻟﻠﻄﺒﺎﻋﺔ ﺗﺪﻗﻴﻖﻭﻣﻮﺍﺀﻣﺔﻛﺘﺐﺍﻟﻠﻐﺔﺍﻹﻧﻜﻠﻴﺰﻳﺔ ﺳﺮﻭﺭﺷﻠﺶ ﻧﺒﺎﻝﺣﻨﺎ ﺭﺷﺎﺑﺎﻳﺰﻳﺪ ﻟﻴﻨﺎﺍﻟﺬﻳﺎﺏ ﺳﻤﺮﺍﻟﺸﻴﺸﻜﻠﻲ 322 Old Brompton Road, London SW5 9JH, England Maktabat El Nashr El Tarbawi El Souri (Syrian Educational Publishers) Omar El Mukhtar 2nd Str., Bldg El Mazraa, Damascus-Syria Phone: (011) 44676789 Fax: (011) 44676788 e-mail: Reprinted 2014 © York Press 2009 All rights reserved; no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the Publishers 72 English for Starters, Vocational Stream – Commercial English for Starters, Vocational Stream – Commercial, is an English language course that was specially written for vocational / commercial secondary schools in Syria The course progresses from an intermediate level of English in Grade 10 to an advanced level of English in Grade 12 The book introduces students to concepts in commerce; it assumes no prior knowledge of commercial skills on the part of students and teachers The course aims to review and consolidate the language and skills learnt at previous levels and equip students for their future foreign language needs in the following areas: language skills (reading, listening, speaking and writing), grammar, vocabulary and commercial knowledge It enables students to perform routine tasks at work and to take part in social interaction in a commercial context Components: Students’ Book Activity Book including a glossary Teacher’s Book Audio CD ﻝﺱ١٣٠ﺍﻟﺴﻌﺮ