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Activity Book ﻡ٢٠١٥¥٢٠١٤ Vocational Stream Industrial Grade 10 Activity Book م2015 - 2014 المؤسسة العامة للطباعة Contents Unit Title Page Electricity Computers and Operating Systems Mobile Phones Test 12 Money and Banking 14 Measurements 17 Electronics 20 Test 23 Heating and Air Conditioning 25 Satellites 28 Safety 31 Test 34 10 Diesel Engines 36 11 Alternative Energy 39 12 Success in Life 42 Test 45 Glossary 47 Electricity Exercise Vocabulary Complete the text below with words from the list appliances cable transformers ( 2) cables circuits transmission lines fuse generators turbines lightning power In power stations, high pressure, steam, gas, water or wind is used to drive (1) which turn huge (2) Large power stations generate electricity at 25,000 volts This is then stepped up to 275,000 or 400,000 volts using (3) before being fed into a network of (4) known as the Grid Electrical (5) is then carried across the country by overhead (6) The Grid voltage is reduced by stepping down (7) at substations before it is used in homes and factories Some industrial plants take electrical energy from the Grid system at 33,000 or 11,000 volts, but for use in homes and offices it is stepped down to a lower level In the home, supply from the main (8) passes through a main (9) and then to a fuse box The fuse box is a distribution point for the electricity supply to the house Most houses have two or three ring main (10) connecting electric sockets There are also two or three (11) circuits and separate circuits for (12) such as cookers and hot water heaters Exercise Word formation Match the words and use them in meaningful sentences a circuit an alarm b an electroswitch c bell a relay d magnet an open Exercise Quiz Match the words from the list with the right picture battery bell buzzer conductor earth lamp switch terminal Exercise Listening Listen and number the pictures Exercise Grammar Choose the correct letter: a, b, c or d an electrician or a mechanic? a Al i is b Al i c Is Al i an electric socket? a Wh ere is b What is c Wh en is electrician? Wh o a the b is he c Samer Is A li in his workshop? N o, a he isn’t b he is c she isn’t Is English his second language? Y es, a he is b his c is fixed the light switch? a What b She c Wh o d Is he Al i d H ow much is d is the d she’s out d it is d Is she Unit Exercise Reading and writing Read the text then answer the following questions Electricity must be transmitted from the power plant to the places that use it such as fl ats and offices The electric current needs to be sent over long distances, so set up transformers are used to increase the voltage of the current which is generated by the plant F or example, if a power plant generates 6 kilovolts of electricity, the voltage is increased to 110 kilovolts before it is transmitted O verhead transmission lines are used to carry the electricity from the power plant to the substations These lines are suspended from steel towers called pylons W hen it is not possible to use overhead transmission lines, underground lines are used They are used, for example, in big cities or under the sea A t the substation, the voltage of the current is decreased to 6 kilovolts, and other low voltages, by a step down transformer The voltage may be decreased again by another step down transformer near the place where the electricity will be used D istribution lines carry the electricity from the substations to buildings, factories, schools and many other users A Choose the best answer Electricity is generated at a a substation b set-up transformer c power plant Substations are used to a decrease the voltage b produce electricity c increase the voltage Kil ovolt means a 1000 volts b 1000 watts c 1000 metres Steel towers are also called a substations b pylons c overhead transmission lines are used to distribute electricity to the places that use it a Dis tribution lines b Substations c Ov erhead transmission lines B Write five sentences describing what the following items do: overhead transmission lines, distribution lines, step-down transformers, underground transmission lines, step-up transformers Computers and Operating Systems Exercise Vocabulary Choose the correct word in each of the following sentences The speed at which a modem can process data is measured in a bandwidth b bits per second (bps) c signal Cabl es consisting of several copper wires each with a shield are known as cables a twisted pair b optical fibre c power cables Com puters that are connected together within one building form a aW A N b ISP c LAN If you transfer a file from a remote computer to your computer, you a download b upload c run To send out information is to a signal b packet c transmit A document containing information and graphics that can be accessed on the Internet is a a website Exercise Labeling Label the diagram b a web page c the W orld W ide W eb Unit Exercise Listening Here is a list of instructions for someone wanting to set up a small network Listen and put the instructions in the correct order a Make wiring and layout plans for your network b H ook up the network cables by connecting everything to the hub c Ch eck that each computer has an IP address and give it a name d If you’r e installing a small network, twisted pair will be adeq uate H owever, in order to span greater distances and to minimize magnetic and electrical interference, use fibre optic cable e Deci de on the type of network you want to install To enable you to transfer large amounts of data, choose Fas t Ethernet (100 Bas eT) f Install network adapters in the computers g A dd an Internet gateway to your network to set up a shared Internet connection h Install driver software for the adapter driver and install client software to share printers and files i Ch eck which protocols are installed and add any other protocols you req uire j Get the hardware you need: an Ethernet adapter card for each computer that doesn’t have an Ethernet port, a hub if you’v e got more than two computers, cables and wall jack s Exercise Vocabulary Fill the table with words from the list application software dot matrix printer keyboard notebook server browser email software laptop operating system terminal Models and types of computer CPU expansion card laser printer RAM word processing Computer hardware database software graphics software mainframe scanner workstation desktop inkjet printer monitor search engine Software Exercise Present continuous Write sentences in the present continuous using the following words W e / print / the files: Y ou / not surf / the Internet: They / design / the webpage?: H e / type / his project : I / not send / the report: Exercise Possessive: ‘s, or of Order the words to make phrases laptop My sister email children friend ‘s hardware ‘s computer father computer ‘s My personal computer The mouse camera the The printer the website ‘s Al l ‘s colours of The My ‘s of top the digital The screen Exercise Writing Write an email to a friend in which you explain to him how to set up a small network health could be dangerous emit verb produce and discharge (something! esp gas or radiation)! Coal -"red power stations continue to �large q uantities of sulfur dioxide enterprise noun a business or company! A growing � must have a bold leader evaporate verb turn from liquid into vapour! Cook until most of the liq uid has � re extinguisher noun a �, a good way for an engine to lose power is through portable device that discharges a jet of water! foam! gas or back pressure other material to put an end expandverb enlarge! The to a fire! There are various computer industry has types of �, �greatly over the last which are used for different decade types of "res expansion valve noun (steam x verb fasten something engine) a cut-off valve used securely in a particular place to shut off steam from the or position! �the clamp on cylinder before the end of each the rail please stroke! Before thinking that ammable adject ive easily set this �is your problem, be sure the evaporator on fire! eP troleum is a highly �liq uid coil is clean evaporator noun an apparatus or container that turns a liquid extract verb obtain a into vapour! The �as a machine generally consists of substance or resource from something by a special four sections method! Lead was � exaggeration noun enlarging fromcopper or altering information beyond normal! It is no � F to say that everyone will be fade verb gradually grow faint affected by the new policy and disappear! The noise � away exhaust pipe noun the system through which waste gases or air is expelled from a machine in the course of its operation! An �must be carefully designed to carry the gases away from the users of the machine fault noun a break or other defect in an electrical circuit or piece of machinery! The "re was caused by an electrical � breglassnoun a light material made from small glass threads pressed together! �fabric is corrosion resistance exhaust port noun the opening! in the cylinder or valve! by which the exhaust steam escapes! This � bre-optic cable noun an �"ller panel is an inexpensive way to improve the insulated wire or wires having a protective casing that use look of your car"s � light to send information! exhaust stroke noun the There are three types of � fourth of four stages in an �commonly used: internal combustion engine single mode, multimode and cycle! Dur ing the � plastic optical "ber(POF) oat noun a thing that is able to stay afloat or rise to the top of a liquid or gas! The plumber came to "x the toilet"s � oat verb m ove slowly and lightly in a liquid or the air! drift! I looked up at the clouds �in the sky ow verb circulate continuously within a particular system! A light bulb lights up because an electric current �through it forklift noun a vehicle with a pronged device in front for lifting and carrying heavy loads! The �was developed in the 1920s by various companies free banking noun It is a theory of banking in which commercial banks and market forces control the provision of banking services such as bank note issue! cheque accounts! deposit acceptance and!or money lending! The period Glossary between ! and ! is is generally harmful to future known as the free b anking era offsprings sources are a haza rd to wildlife heat pump noun � geostationary adjective freq uency noun� � � �� � � � �� 22� � 00 � �This station broadcasts �A heat p ump is on three different frequ encies �35�900� sometimes used to heat or G eostationary satellites appear preheat water for swimming fuel cell noun� to be !xed over one spot above pools � the equator � heightnoun� give out phrasal verb � Fu el cells are different from �These are �!er car batteries columns rising to ! feet in gav e out height funds transfer noun� go verb � � high adjective � � � �This is the highest � �� mountain in !apan e ! have a wider selection of Since the !th century! and vehicles that go much further hit verb�Small with the help of telegraphs! businesses can hit the top once and faster funds transfers were a they create strategies to face usual thing in commercial graphic softwarenoun challenges transactions � hold verb� �� G � G � rap hic software gear noun�gears� � is used in many aspects of life I reached up to the nearest � branch that seemed likely to and business �� hold my weight � greenhouse gas noun� �Any cyclist homepagenoun� � can climb a dif!cult hill! you � � just change gear � � �� �If you need G reenhouse gases include generate verb�� more information about our water vapour! carbon dioxide! �!i nd turbines company! visit our homep age methane! nitrous oxide and generate electricity for the ozone local community I ignite verb� H generation noun� �Sparks !ew out hacksaw noun� � and ignited the dry cloth � �A new generation of rear-engined � ignition noun� sports cars is on the market now �There are two � main types of hacksaws! panel �Three minutes genetic damage noun� hacksaws and junior hacksaws after ignition! the !ames were � � still growing hazard noun� �G enetic damage � Polluted water that range from installing �� applications to designing � complex computer networks and � information databases � in due course expression � �Our world is full injur everb� �The of integrated circuits o! u !nd project will be approved of in �The several of them in computers explosion inj ured several due course people intendverb� in reverse expression� �The book is inlet noun� � intended for teenagers �This air inlet should be �A similar ride interconnected adjective next year will the route in blocked � rev erse input noun� e�! visited a series of � incoming adjective� interconnected lakes �The inp ut is a � interest rate noun � In coming calls were monitored low-frequency signal � insertverb� � indispensable adjective o�! u have to �� �This book pay an interest rate when you A steel rod was inserted into is indisp ensab le to anyone borrow money from the bank interested in space exploration the small hole interpretverb � installverb� inductor noun � �� � � �The evidence is �e! !re � dif!cult to interp ret planning to install a new � intranet noun �� shower �!hen �� the alternating current !ows insulatingadjective � through an inductor! it creates �� � an electromagnetic !eld Flexible insulating materials �The company!s such as polyvinyl chloride are information pack noun intranet can be accessed only used to insulate the circuit and � by authorised employees prevent human contact with a �.� !live! wire K �She gathered the keypadnoun� information she got from intake valve noun � � the exhibition in separate � � information p acks �!hen the �� intake v alv e is open on the information technology �The key p ad of engine! air is being sucked into noun � my cell phone is not working the engine! so the air in the � properly! intake runner is moving rapidly �� toward the cylinder keystonenoun� �� �� �In formation integrated circuit noun� � technology professionals � �Cooperation perform a variety of duties in advance e xpression � �o! u need to book weeks in adv ance Glossary remains the keystone of the government"s security policy � �verb b ring (an aircraft or sp acecraft) to the ground or the surface of water, esp in a controlled way : The copilot landed the plane from light-weight plastic �verb connect or j oin p hy sically : A new network of routes linking towns and villages is being constructed �noun the p rocess of keep ing something in good condition: The theatres were closed on Saturday and Sunday for routine maintenance �noun a b ook of �adjective (of a wire or instructions, esp for op erating devi ce) connected to a source a machine or learning a of electric current: Be careful! sub j ect: Consult the computer those wires are live �noun a machine that manual if you have a problem shap es wood or metal b y �verb to p ut a p r ogram in �noun the p art of turning it around and around a comp uter or to b e p ut in a a comp uter in which data against a sharp tool: Lathes comp uter: The program takes a or p rogram instructions can are used in woodturning! while to load b e stored for retrieva l: My metalworking! metal spinning � noun a computer has two gigabytes of and glassworking divi sion in a b ank or large memory �abbreviation (Li qu id comp any that lends money �noun a knob Cry stal D isp lay ) the p art of that is exp ected to b e p aid on a p iece of electrical or a watch, calculator or small b ack with interest: My father comp uter where numb ers or works at the loans department electronic equ ip ment that letters are shown b y means is p ressed to go to a list of � adjective measuring a of an electric current that commands or op tions: Press great distance from end to end: the menu button and then is p assed through a sp ecial The line for tickets was long liqu id: Some LC D panels have click on messages to send a defective transistors and that is �noun suitcases or text message due to their large size other b ags in which to p ack �noun a devi ce that p ersonal b elongings for �noun a p rinted sheet measures and records the travel ling: Can you help me of p ap er, sometimes folded, qu antity , degree or rate of with my luggage please! containing information something: A man came to or adver tising and usually read the electricity meter � distrib uted free: A leaflet on � noun a p iece of iron or car loans is distributed there steel that can stick to metal or �noun an instrument that measures small make other metal ob j ects mov e �noun the measurement distances: A micrometer can towards it: A long bar magnet or exten t of something from measure the width of a pencil has a north pole at one end end to end; the greater of and a south pole at the other �noun an two or the greatest of three instrument for conver ting dimensions of a b ody : It can �noun the sound waves into electrical reach over two feet in length p rincip le devi ce for making energy va riations, which and b reaking the connection �adjective not heavy : may then b e amp lified, in an electric circuit: The main These bags are light to carry transmitted or recorded: She switch of the electrical system spoke con!dently into the in your home switches on and �adjective of thin microphone material or weighing less than off the supply of electricity to the entire house av erage: !e has a torch made �noun th e central chip in a comp uter which controls most of its op erations: Every system from the largest mainframes to the smallest handheld computers now uses a microprocessor at its core �verb p roduce a sound signal or recording b y comb ining a numb er of sep arate signals or recorded soundtracks: It took two years to mix his album � �noun a sy stem of connected electrical conductors: An electrical circuit is a network that has a closed loop! giving a return path for the current �adjective electrically neither p ositive nor negative: In the v! e-wire system! there are three hot wires! one neutral wire! and one grounding wire �noun the curved p ath of a celestial ob j ect or sp acecraft around a star, p lanet or moon: The spacecraft is now in orbit �verb move around in a circle: The mobile"s disks orbited slowly �noun a devi ce for generating oscillating electric currents or vol tages b y nonmechanical means: Oscillators show up in lots of electronic equipment! computers! radios and metal detectors �adjective not p oisonous or harmful to y our health: Our products are �noun chemical-free and nontoxic for a site where antennas and �adjective p ortab le the health of your baby electronic communications and usually mounted on the eq uip ment are p laced to �noun a p i ece of p ap er outside of the stern of a create a cell in a mob ile p hone money : A two hundred Syrian b oat: !e has a boat with an network: Medical experts said pound note is reddish in colour outboard motor that no de!nitive link had been noun a fourproved between mobile phone � �adjective going row key b oard of digits used tower radiation and cancer out or away from a p articular on calculators, comp uter p lace: Please put the letter on �noun the p rocess key b oards and telep hones: o! u the tray for outgoing mail of changing the form of a must use the numeric keypad! radio signal so that it can b e if you use the number keys on �noun a p ip e or hole b roadcast more effectivel y : the top of the keyboard! the through which water or gas In music! modulation is most characters will not appear may escap e: e! should install commonly the act or process a waste water outlet � of changing from one key to �verb b reak the �noun a p lace wh ere another conducting p ath of an p ower or information leaves �noun a televi sion electrical circuit: The switch a sy stem: In computers! the or p art of a comp uter with a opens the motor circuit output devices are monitors screen on which y ou can see and printers � p ictures or information: She noun software for which the �noun a deficit in was staring at her computer original source code is made a b ank account caused b y monitor freely ava ilab le and may b e drawing more money than the �phrasal verb redistrib uted with or without account holds: o! u pay interest to distance oneslelf from modification: Open Source on the outstanding balance of somthing: Move away from the software and free software are an overdraft loan chainsaw different terms for software which comes with certain rights or freedoms for the user G lossary P p.a expression per annum (per year): h! at is their turnover ! � packet noun a paper or cardboard container in which goods are packed to be sold: I ordered a �of paperclips personal account noun a record of amounts receivable from or payable to a person or an entity: Charge it to my � plug into phrasal verb (of an electrical appliance) be connected to another appliance by a plug inserted in an outlet: �the TV � the socket so we can watch the football game tonight eP rspex noun a strong type of plastic that can be used polycarbonate noun a solid instead of glass: �has paint verb cover the surface been used as a surface to paint or liquid synthetic organic of something with paint, as polymer used as the basis of on by Salvador Dal! decoration or protection: The walls plastics, adhesives, varnishes hadnt been �for years petrol noun rened petroleum or other products in which used as fuel for internal the polymer units are linked paint shop noun the part of combustion engines: Fill your through carbonate groups: a factory where goods are car only with unleaded � �is becoming painted, typically by spraying: more common in housewares I left my car in the � piston noun a disk or short as well as laboratories and in yesterday cylinder tting closely within industry a tube in which it moves up panel noun 1- a thin, typically and down against a liquid or power noun energy that can rectangular piece of wood gas to make the other parts be used to make a machine or glass forming or set into work or to make electricity: of the engine move: There are the surface of a door, wall several advantages to using a Many people are using solar or ceiling; 2- a thin piece of �in water heating �pump in your operations! metal forming part of the outer particularly if you are in the power button noun a knob shell of a vehicle: !- There automotive or aerospace on a piece of electrical or were a few �missing from industries electr onic equipment that is the fence! !- One of the door pressed in order to operate �was badly damaged and plant noun a place where an a machine: Press the � had to be replaced industrial or manufacturing �to hear some nice process takes place: The patch antenna noun a popular company has ! �in music antenna type, which gains Mexico power stroke noun the stroke its name from the fact that it of a cyclic motor which basically consists of a metal pleasant adjective (of a person generates force: The � patch suspended over a ground or their manner) friendly and � diesel is a mighty engine plane: A microstrip � considerate; likeable: They �has been spotlighted found him and � precautionary adjective safe: as a mobile planar antenna for cooperative As a �measure! receiving satellite broadcasting don!t re-enter the building for plug noun a small object at signals at least ! hours the end of a wire that is used for connecting a piece of path noun the direction or present verb existing or electrical equipment to the line along which something occurring in a place or thing: main supply of electricity: or someone is moving: The Organic molecules are� � my iron needs tornado destroyed everything in The on in comets changing its � prevalence noun something that is widespread in a particular area at a particular time: The �of deafness in older age groups is on the increase principle noun a fundamental source or basis of something: The !rst �of all things was water process noun a systematic series of mechanised or chemical operations that are performed in order to produce or manufacture something: Coal forms by a slow of � chemical change is testing a �of the car a mobile platform that I want to motorise pull verb to use your hands to make something or someone move towards you: !e � the car door handle and began to get out radio receiver noun an electronic receiver that detects, demodulates and amplies transmitted signals: I like to collect old-fashioned � � pulse noun a single vibration or short burst of sound, electric current, light or other wave: A mystery object near the centre of our galaxy is sending out powerful �of radio waves radio transmission noun the forwarding of radio signals over distances that are too great to be simply connected by a twisted pair of wires: In this course! you learn about the different stages of � !�how radio waves are emitted and the difference between AM and FM radio pump verb to force liquid, gas, etc to move in a specied direction by or as if by means processor noun a machine that of a pump: Try to�the performs a series of mechanical gas pedal before you start your rail noun a steel bar or continuous line of bars laid car or chemical operations on on the ground as one of a pair something in order to change puncture noun a small hole in forming a railroad track: !e or preserve it: This �is a tire resulting in an escape of travelled by � the fastest and best performing air: She was on her way home �available till date rate noun a xed price paid when she had a � or charged for something, esp profit noun a nancial gain, push out phrasal verb to get goods or services: Advertising esp the difference between air, liquid or another substance �are increasing the amount earned and the out of something by pressing amount spent in buying, rationalisation noun the it: The sides of the box � operating, or producing process of making a company, �! and I was afraid it would something: Pretax �are process or industry more break net pro!ts before taxes! divided efcient by reorganising it by net sales R in such a way as to dispense radiator noun an enginewith unnecessary personnel or protective adjective capable cooling device in a motor equipment: Over the past day of or intended to protect vehicle or aircraft: The or two! there have been new someone or something: policeman shot at the vehicle! reports on the possibility of �gloves are worn to hitting the �and a tyre � minimise injury radio dish noun a telescope receive verb detect or pick prototype noun a rst specically designed to detect up signals or information: or preliminary model of radio emission, made up of Satellite dishes �signals something, esp a machine, a large parabolic dish which from space from which other forms are focuses long radio waves: I developed or copied: The !rm have a !ve-metre �on G lossary recovery noun the action or process of regaining possession or control of something stolen or lost! This software is an effective and powerful �tool to recover deleted "les and lost data from damaged or formatted operating systems resist verb withstand the action or effect of! Ant ibodies help us to infection � reverse verb make something the opposite of what it was! The damage done to the ozone layer can not be � reve rsing valve noun it is a component in a heat pump that changes the direction of refrigerant flow! Wil l low pressure stop the � �from switching to heat mode? S satellite noun an artificial body placed in orbit around the Earth or Moon or another planet in order to collect information or for communication! This broadcast comes live via �from N ew oY rk satellite dish noun a bowlshaped antenna with which signals are transmitted to or received from a communications satellite! reector noun device that W e!re having a � reflects radio waves! seismic risk noun a situation involving installed on our rooftop vibrations! sound or other exposure to danger! Al l outdoor satellite radio noun a digital waves! The N ewtonian � activities carry an element of radio signal that is broadcast was a highly successful design � by a communications satellite! and remains one of the most roller noun a cylinder that which covers a much wider popular telescope designs in rotates around a central geographical range than use today axis and is used in various terrestrial radio signals! W e sell refrigerant noun a substance machines and devices to move! �accessories and used for refrigeration! flatten or spread something! eq uipment �should never be The boats are taken down to mixed together savings account noun a bank the sea on � account that earns interest! reliability noun ability to be rotate verb move in a circle When you start work, you trusted! �is a key around an axis or centre! The should open a � concept in our company wheel continued to � screen noun the surface reliable adject ive able to be routine noun a sequence of of an electronic device on trusted! The Internet is not actions regularly followed! a which images and data are always a �source of fixed programme! I settled displayed! My father bought information down into a �of work me a computer with an 18-inch and sleep renewable adject ive (of energy colour � or its source) not permanently running engine expression an secure adject ive safe from and used up! A shift away from engine that is still functioning! protected against damage or fossil fuels to �energy A motorist has been "ned attack! Com panies can offer is a must for the future for parking his car outside �credit card transactions his home because he left it repeat verb something over the Internet unattended with the � again! either once or a number � semiconductor noun a of times! Earlier experiments solid substance that has a were to be �on a far conductivity between that larger scale reduce verb make smaller or less in amount! degree or size! Small businesses will need to �costs in order to survive of an insulator and that of most metals! either due to the addition of an impurity or because of temperature effects! �form the heart of modern electronics service noun work done for a customer! W e have highly customised goods and � shaft noun a long cylindrical rotating rod for the transmission of motive power in a machine! He needs to check the drive �of the rear-wheel vehicle shower head noun an overhead nozzle that sprays water down on the body and can be manipulated by hand! Choos e the � �that!s right for you shuttle noun a rocketlaunched spacecraft! able to land like an unpowered aircraft! used to make repeated journeys between the earth and earth orbit! The space agency says it!s completed a readiness review of space �A tlantis signal noun an electrical impulse or radio wave transmitted or received! I repair eq uipment for receiving TV � simultaneously adverb at the same instant!moment! Al ison and Frank spoke � sine wave noun a curve representing periodic oscillations of constant amplitude as given by a sine function! Since a � has only a single freq uency associated with it, it may be considered the simplest sound socket noun an electrical device receiving a plug or light bulb to make a connection! W e!ll need to have a new electric "t�ted into the wall for the television plug solar cell noun a d evice converting solar radiation into electricity! It was not until 1883 that the "rst � was built solar panel nouna panel designed to absorb the sun!s rays as a source of energy! Buy cheap �from China today! solar water heater noun a conductor used for heating water that derives its energy from the sun!s rays! The� �is a very common device used nowadays to heat water inexpensively sound verb emit sound! A loud buzzer � spacecraftnoun a vehicle used for travelling in space! �and space travel are common themes in works of science "ction spark plug noun a device for firing the explosive mixture in an internal combustion engine! Our company provides automotive � designed to increase power, improve fuel ef"ciency and reduce engine emissions speaker noun an apparatus that converts electrical impulses into sound! I need new �for my TV specications noun a detailed description of the design and materials used to make something! The airport building had been constructed to AF A � spreadsheet noun a computer program used chiefly for accounting! in which figures arranged in the rows and columns of a grid can be manipulated and used in calculations! oY u can create documents, �and presentations online spring noun a spiral metal coil that can be pressed or pulled but returns to its former shape when released! He was trying to repair an old armchair with broken � spring back phrasal verb quickly return to the original position or shape! The branch �and hit him in the face start button noun a knob on a piece of electrical or electronic equipment that is pressed to make a machine function! Push the �so you can start using the machine statement noun a document setting out items of debit and credit between a bank or other organisation and a customer! The accounts department has Glossary prepared a !nancial statement for the shareholders �noun a p lace or b uilding where a sp ecified activi ty or servi ce is b ased: This research station is based in the rain forest �noun a wheel that a driver rotates in order to guide or control the movem ent of a veh icle: My car!s steering wheel is covered with leather �verb draw into the mouth b y contracting the muscles of the lip and mouth to make a p artial va cuum: They suck mint juleps through straws �noun a sub stance havi ng the p rop erty of zer o electrical resistance at sufficiently low temp eratures: Most of the physical properties of superconductors vary from material to material liqu id or gas: The tank should be moved there before it is !lled �adjectiveof or relating to tension: The addition of linseed oil improved the tensile strength of the cricket bat �noun one of the p oints to which y ou can connect wires in an electrical circuit: A terminal is a conductive device for joining electrical circuits together �noun a stock o fa resource from which a p erson �noun a knob on a �noun landor p lace can b e p rovi ded with p iece of electrical or electronic b ased stations: Terrestrial the necessary amount of that equ ip ment that is p ressed to radio stations still provide resource: The of!ce is running stop a machine: Press the stop millions of listeners with music! short of stationery supply button to stop this machine! talk! news and more �verb b e a source of �noun the retention of �verb tak e measures to something needed: e! should p hy sical items or retrieva b le check the qu ality , p erformance eat foods that supply a data on a comp uter or other or reliab ility of something: signi!cant amount of dietary electronic sy stem; memory : o! u need to test a machine !bre The storage of radioactive before it is put into use material is a very dif!cult job �noun a devi ce for �noun va cuum making and b reaking the �verb retain or enter fl ask that p reserves the connection in an electric information for future temp erature of hot or cold circuit: The guard hit a switch electronic retrieva l: The data is drinks: I need to wash my and the door opened stored on disk thermos flas k �phrasal verb turn �noun steel or other metal �noun a devi ce off an electrical devi ce: Can in the form of narrow fl at that automatically regulates you please switch off the b ars: Our company has been temp erature, or that activa tes lights! experienced in metal strips a devi ce when the temp erature made to order since ! reaches a certain p oint: The �phrasal verb turn on thermostat switches heating an electrical devi ce: Can you �noun a movem ent, or cooling devices on or off as please switch on the lights! esp one of a series, in which needed to maintain the correct something moves out of its � temperature p osition and b ack into it: �phrasal verb write Employers prefer mechanics �noun a small rocket down sp oken words: I took who have knowledge of both engine on a sp acecraft, used down the address two- and four-stroke engines to make alterations in its �noun a large recep tacle fl ight p ath or altitude: e! or storage chamb er, esp for offer nationwide sales! service � and quick installation of a full the wheels of a motor veh icle: � A manual transmission keeps range of thrusters �verb transfer data to you tuned in to your car another comp uter sy stem; �adjective done or transmit data: !e uploaded �noun a ty p e occurring at a favou rab le the video to the website of satellite dish used to send or useful time: !ith timely signals: The satellite transmit treatment the patient has a �adjective ab le or fit dish is located next to the good chance of recovery to b e used: These features are centre on the campus designed to increase useable �noun the battery life and eliminate �noun a set of furthest p oint of a p iston"s surprises when battery power is equ ip ment used to generate travel , at which it changes required for emergency back-up from an up ward to a downward and transmit electromagnetic waves carry ing messages or stroke: Finding top dead � centre can be a bit more tricky signals, esp those of radio or �noun a devi ce for than most people might think televi sion: The range of the controlling the p assage of transmitter when running at fl uid through a p ip e or duct: �noun the state of !V is about ! feet aV lves are used in a variety of b eing twisted, esp of one end applications �noun an agency of an ob j ect relative to the other: Specimen deformation is that makes the necessary �noun a fastener analysed on the basis of a one- arrangements for travel lers, for clothes or other items, dimensional torsion equation esp the b ooking of airline consisting of two strip s of tickets and hotel rooms: I went thin p lastic sheet, one cover ed �noun an instance to the travel agency to book with tiny loop s and the other of b uy ing or selling something; for our holiday with tiny fl exi b le hooks, which a b usiness deal: In an ordinary adhere when p ressed together commercial transaction a �adjective ver y and can b e sep arated when delivery date is essential great in amount, scale p ulled ap art delib erately : The or intensity : There was a trademarked name eV lcro �verb move or cause tremendous explosion in the comes from !vel! or velvet and to move from one p lace to laboratory last night !cro! from the French word another: !e should transfer !crochet! which means !hook! money to his own account �noun a clear line on the side of a va lley formed �noun an op ening that �noun a b y a glacier: The trim line is allows air, gas or liqu id to semiconductor devi ce with visible due to changes in colour p ass out of or into a confined three connections, cap ab le of to the rock or to changes in sp ace: Black Smoker is a type increasing the amp litude of an vegetation on either side of the of hydrothermal vent found on electrical signal in addition to line the ocean !oor conver ting alternating currents to direct currents: Physicists �phrasal verb to fall � preposition b y way !ohn Bardeen and a ! lter or nearly fall b ecause y ou hit of; through: Send me the Brattain had invented the y our foot against something application via email transistor in December ! on the ground: !e tripped over a fallen branch and landed �noun the in a pile of leaves mechanism b y which p ower is transmitted from an engine to � G lossary W warehouse noun a large building where raw materials or manufactured goods may be stored before their export or distribution for sale! Move these goods to the � waste product noun any material unused and rejected as worthless! Most of the �are carried off in the sewers wingspan noun the maximum extent across the wings of an aircraft measured from tip to tip! The Boeing 7has a �of about 60 m (200 feet) wire noun metal drawn out into the form of a thin flexible thread or rod! W e need a copper � � workbench noun a bench at which carpentry or other water pipe noun a tube of mechanical or practical work is metal! plastic or other material done! The �today is used to convey water! For full of unnecessary stuff many centuries, lead was the workshop noun a room or favoured material for � building in which goods are � manufactured or repaired! Did weld verb unite pieces of you check on the employees in plastic or other material by the �today? melting or softening surfaces in contact! This is a basic guide on how to �using a metal inert gas welder well-ventilated adject ive open to the atmosphere! oY u should install the server in a secure and location � wide adject ive having a great or more than average distance from side to side! The car is parked at the end of the � road width noun the measurement or extent of something from side to side! The yard was about seven feet in� windscreen noun a window at the front of the passenger compartment of a motor vehicle! oY u should repair your �before it collapses! � � l� � ro� � to� � oa� � � o� � o� S� � � E� la� � � a�� tabat � l� ashr � l a�rbawi � l� ouri S� � ria� E� u� atio� al � ublish� rs� ar El Mukhtar � � Str� � l� � � El Ma� raa� a� � as� us� S� ria ho� � � � � a� � � � ail� � i� o� � s� ria� o� � www� s� ria� o� � ri� � t� � � ork � � r� ss � �������� �������� ���������� ����� �������� � �