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U1 my new school Tiếng Anh lớp 6 Chương trình mới

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August 24, 2015 Period 1: Introduction Objectives: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to: + know the format of the textbook and how to learn + know the symbols of the international phonetic alphabet Procedure: I Textbook - The teacher introduces the format of the textbook The textbook is designed around big themes: + Our Communities + Our Heritage + Our World + Visions of the future The textbook is divided into 12 Units: The first semester: Unit 1: My new school Unit 2: My home Unit 3: My friends Unit 4: My neighborhood Unit 5: Natural wonders of the world Unit 6: Our Tet holiday The second semester: Unit 7: Television Unit 8: Sports and games Unit 9: Cities of the world Unit 10: Our houses in the future Unit 11: Our greener world Unit 12: Robots Each Unit is divided into parts: Getting started A closer look A closer look Communication Skill Skill Looking back Project II Symbols of the international phonetic alphabet The teacher introduces the pronunciation symbols: August 25, 2015 Period 2: Unit 1: My new school Lesson 1: Getting Started Objectives: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to: + know the topic of the Unit 1: My new school + talk about what they should prepare for the new school year + review some vocabulary about school things Language focus: Vocabulary: uniform, excited, some vocabulary of school things Grammar: Review Teaching aids: Textbook, lab Procedure: Stage Activities Warm up Chatting: - Ask Ss some personal questions: + What is your name? + How are you today? + What is the weather like today? 7ms Network: - Ask Ss to list what they often prepare for the new school year - Get feedback - Lead Ss to the topic of the Unit MY NEW SCHOOL Presentation Set the scene - Use the picture on page to introduce the characters, Phong, Vy and Duy - Write the title on the board “A special day” Explain the meaning of “special” - Ask Ss questions about the 15ms picture: + What is Phong doing? + Who are Vy and Duy? - Ask Ss why it is a special day - Get feedback Listen and read - Ask Ss to listen and read the dialogue and check their answer - Get feedback: Because it is the first day of the school year T/F statements - Ask ss to read the conversation again and decide these sentences on page are T or F Interaction T-whole class T-whole class T-whole class Indiviual work Individual work - Feedback 1.T T F T F Finding these expressions in the conversation - Tell Ss te refer back to the conversation to find the expressions Practice saying them together (play the recording again if necessary) - Explain the meaning (or give synonyms) to the Ss, then give some examples used to express surprise (negative) “You’ll find out’ used to invite sb in used to say ‘yes / alright’ Practice Role-plays - Ask ss to work in pairs and creat short role-plays with the expressions Then practice them Example: A: Oh dear I forgot my calculator B: That’s Ok, you can borrow mine A: Thank you - Call some pairs to pracrice in front of the class 10ms Poem - Play the recording Let the whole class read the poem on page with the right intonation and rhythm - Ask questions to check Ss’ understanding of the poem: + When does new school year start? + What does nam have? - Ask Ss to work in pairs and write a poem about their partner, then read the poem aloud - Get feedback Production Matching - Ask Ss to match the words with the school things Play the recording Ss listen and repeat - Feedback pencil sharpener compass school bag rubber calculator pencil case 10ms notebook bicycle ruler 10 textbook - Let Ss practice saying the names of school things Help explain the meaning if necessary - Ask Ss to write the correct words in the space Description - Tell Ss to look around the class Ask what they see around them/ what they have (point to each St) Then let them practice the words, and make up sentences with the words if there is time - Get feedback Consolidation Focus on what Ss have learnt 1m Homework - Complete their poems Pairwork T-whole class Pairwork T-whole class Pairwork T-whole class T-whole class Pairwork T-whole 2ms - Review the vocabulary about school things class Experience from the lesson: ………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… August 26, 2015 Period 3: Unit 1: My new school Lesson 2: A closer look Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: + pronounce correctly the sounds /əʊ/ and /ʌ/ in isolation and in context + use the lexical items related to the topic “My new school” + use the combinations: to study, to have, to do, to play + Noun Language focus: Vocabulary: Review the lexical items related to the topic “My new school’ Grammar: to study, to have, to do, to play + Noun Teaching aids: Textbook, lab, lap top Procedure Stage Activities Interaction Warm up Kim’s game Groupwork - Let Ss play Kim’s game - Divide the class into groups Ask Ss to have a look at 12 pictures in 30 7ms seconds (Do not write) - Ask Ss to work in groups and write the words for the pictures they have seen - Feed back: the group having the most correct words is the winner - Give the answer: T-whole class Practice Vocabulary - Lead Ss to the new lesson Listen and repeat - Play the recording and let Ss listen Play it again and pause for them to repeat each word Correct their pronunciation - Call some Ss to pronounce these words Matching - Let Ss work in pairs, putting the words in into groups T-whole class Pairwork 20ms Check Ss’ answers and explain to them which words go with each verb Play football / music Do homework / judo / exercise Have school lunch / lessons Study physics / English / history / vocabulary / science - Ask Ss to find more words which can go with these verbs Sentence Completion - Tell Ss to the task individually Call some Ss to write on the board, then check their answers homework football lessons judo science Writing - Ask Ss to write sentences about themselves in their notebooks, using the combinations above They can write as many as sentences as possible Example: I/We have English lessons on Tuesday and Thursday - Call some Ss to read aloud their sentences and correct them Pronunciation Listen and repeat 15ms - Let Ss practice the sound /əʊ/and /ʌ/ together Ask Ss to observe the T’s lip positions for these two sounds - Play the recording and ask Ss to listen and repeat Play the recording as many times as necessary - Call some Ss to pronounce these two sounds Listen to the words and put them into two groups - Play the recording twice Allow Ss to work individually Then let them check their answers in groups T may call some Ss to write their answers on the board Correct their mistakes Sound /əʊ/: rode, don’t, hope, homework, post T-whole class Individual work Individual work T-whole class Individual work/Group work Sound /ʌ/: some, Monday, month, come, one - Call some Ss to pronounce these words again Listen and repeat Underline the sound /əʊ/and Individual /ʌ/ you hear work - Play the recording Let Ss repeat sentence by sentence Help them recognize the two sounds, then underline them in the sentences - Get feedback: They are going to open library I’m coming home from school His brother eats lunch in the school canteen The new school year starts next month My brother is doing his homework He goes to the judo club every Sunday Consolidation Focus on what Ss have learnt T-whole 1m class Homework - Practice pronouncing the sounds /əʊ/ and /ʌ/ in 2ms isolation and in context - Ask Ss to exercises in the workbook (A Phonetic 1, and B Voca and gram1,2,3) - Review present simple and present continuous tenses Experience from the lesson: ………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… August 31, 2015 Period 4: Unit 1: My new school Lesson 3: A closer look Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: + use the present simple and the present continuous tenses + read an e-mail to understand more about the present simple and the present continuous Language focus: Vocabulary: Review Grammar: The present simple and the present continuous Teaching aids: textbook, lab, lap top Procedure Stage Activities Interaction Warm up Personal questions T-whole - Ask Ss some questions about themselves: class + Where you live? 7ms + Which school you go to? + Do you have any new friends? + What you usually at break time? +… - Lead Ss to the new lesson Practice 1 Set the scene T-whole - Use the picture on page to class introduce the conversation and the task “Miss Nguyet is interviewing Duy for the school newsletter Write the correct form of the verbs” - Let Ss the task individually T corrects their Individual answer (and may call some Ss to say their answer work 15ms separately) T gives explanation if necessary has Do you have love Does Vy walk ride teaches doesn’t play reads go 10 Mistake Correction - Ask Ss to read the conversation again and correct the Individual sentences on page work - Get feedback Duy lives near here Duy likes/loves his new school Vy and Duy ride to school T-whole class Practice 10ms Mr Quang teaches Duy English At break time, Phong reads in the library - Ask Ss to give the rule and use of the present simple themselves Let them study the grammar box T can add something and give more examples if necessary Interviewing - Ask Ss to work in pairs Make questions then interview their partners - Take turns to ask questions and give answers T goes around and correct mistakes or gives help when and where necessary - Feedback Do you ride your bike to school? Do you read in the library at break time? Do you like your new school? Do your friends go to school with you? Do you your homework after school? Listen and read - Ask Ss to refer to the conversation in Getting Started T can ask Ss to focus on the verbs used in the present continuous - Play the recording again and ask Ss to listen and follow the conversation on page - Ask Ss to underline the present continuous form - Feedback - Use the grammar box to explain how the present continuous is formed and used Complete the sentences - Have Ss study the example first Then ask them to give the correct verb forms (Ask Ss them to repeat the verb form in each sentence, and read the whole sentence correctly - Feedback am not playing are studying aren’t doing am having are riding - Ask Ss to say the differences between the two tenses, then T explains to them: Pairwork Individaul work T-whole class Individual work T-whole class Practice MCQs - Ask Ss to the task by themselves T corrects their Individual mistakes (ask why they use the present simple or the work present continuous, focusing on the context of the sentences such as use the adverbs of time: now, on Monday and Saturday…, or the command: Look!, Shh!) - Feedback 10ms are having wears starts is watching are skipping Read Vy’s e-mail to her friend Individual - Ask Ss to read the Vy’s e-mail and underline things work that often happen or are fixed Then underline things that are happening now - Feedback - If the time is enough, help Ss compare Vy’s first week with theirs individually They can write in their notebooks Then T calls them to read out their sentences, and corrects their mistakes E.g Both Vy and I are having an interesting first week Consolidation Focus on what Ss have learnt T-whole 1m class Homewrork Ask Ss to exercises 4,5,6 in the workbook on page 2ms Experience from the lesson: ………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… September 1, 2015 Period 5: Unit 1: My new school Lesson 4: Communication Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: + Ask appropriate questions when making new friends at a new school Language focus: Vocabulary: pocket money, remember, share, help, classmate Grammar: The present simple tense Teaching aids: Textbook, English room Procedure: Stage Warm up 7ms Practice 35ms Activities Chatting: - Ask Ss some personal questions: + What’s your name? + How old are you? + Where you live? + Do you have many new friends at new school? + How you make new friends? - Lead Ss to the topic of the lesson Game - First, have Ss guess the meaning of the vocabulary Tell them that this vocabulary will appear in the tasks that follow - Then T can ask Ss how they often make friends, what they often say when they first meet a new friend, what questions they often ask, ect - Ask Ss to read and tick the questions they think are suitable to ask a new friend at school - Feedback - Ask Ss to give some more questions and share with the class Getting to know - T draw a star with his some personal information, then ask Ss to make questions E.g + How many people are there in your family? + Where you live? + What you often in your free time? + Do you like reading books? +… Interaction T-whole class T-whole class Individual work/ Pairwork T-whole class Watch TV Vinh City TRANT U Nghia Dong School Ice-ream - Ask Ss to make the similar star about themselves, Pairwork/ then work in pairs and groups to make questions Group work - Then call some Ss to tell their new friends they have interviewed - Feedback Friendship quiz - First ask Ss to give qualities of a good friend in class T-whole (adjectives) They can give as many words as possible class E.g friendly, generous, helpful, cheerful, … - Divide the class into groups of or Ss takes turn Group work to interview the other members, using the questions on page 11 - Encourage Ss to give nice sentences about T-whole friendship class Friends are forever Nothing can buy friendship …………… - Choose some Ss to present the class about their good friends and why they are good friends if there is enough time Consolidation Focus on what Ss have learnt T-whole 1ms class Homework - Ask Ss to write a short paragraph about one of their 2ms good friend - Prepare some information about their new school Experience from the lesson: ………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… September 7, 2015 Period 6: Unit 1: My new school Lesson 5: Skills Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss wil be able to: + read three webpages for specific information about school + talk about schools they would like to go Language focus: Vocabulary: boarding school, international, creative, surrounded, oversea Structures: The present simple and present continuous Teaching aids: Textbook, English room (lab) Procedure: Stage Activities Interaction Warm up Chatting T-whole - Ask Ss some questions about their school: class + What is your school name? 5ms + Where is your school? + How many classrooms are there in your school? +… - Lead Ss to the topic of the lesson Pre-reading Set the scene T-whole - Show three webpages of three schools on page 12 to class introduce them 7ms Prediction - Encourage Ss to give their ideas (as many sentences T-whole as possible) about three schools class What they tell you about the school? - Feedback While1 Prediction check reading - Ask Ss to read three passages quickly and check Individual their ideas Set a strict time limit to ensure Ss read work quickly for information - Feedback Pre-teach 15ms - Ask Ss to read the passage again, then find the words T-whole in the passage Help them to give the meaning of the class words, or explanations, or examples, or the Vietnamese equivalent Tell them to pay attention to the context of the words: + It is a boarding school That means many students study and live there + The school is surrounded by mountains and green fields + … international school … for Ss from year to year 12, students learn English with foreign teachers … + Some creative students drawings and paintings in the art club Sentence completetion - Set a longer time limit for Ss to reread the text and Individual find words to finish the sentences on page 12 Ask Ss work / to note where they found the information that helped Pairwork them complete the sentences Ss can compare answer before discussing them as a class - Get feedback boarding Vinabrita Australia mountains English speaking teachers - Allow Ss to read in chorus once Then, call some T-whole individuals to read aloud to the class Check their class pronunciation and intonation Post-reading Speaking - Ask Ss to refer back to the three schools Give some background of the schools - Allow Ss time to answer the questions: “Which Individual school (among the three above) would you like to go work to? Why?” 10ms - Ss complete the table on page 12 in their notebooks Groupwork Then divide the class into groups of or 5, let them discuss their answer to the questions, and give reasons When they finish, ask some Ss to talk to the class, then the class give their comments on their friends’ content, pronunciation, fluency, language (grammar, use of words…), body language, etc - If there is enough time, ask Ss to talk about their own school Consolidation Focus on what Ss have learnt T-whole 1m class Homework - Ask Ss to prepare an introduction about their school 2ms - Learn new words by heart - Do exercises 1, 2, on page and in the workbook Experience from the lesson: ………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… September 8, 2015 Period 7: Unit 1: My new school Lesson 6: Skills Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: + listen to get information about school activities + talk about school activities, subjects, and what Ss at school + write a webpage for their school, using correction punctuation Language focus: Vocabulary: Review Grammar: the present simple Teaching aids: Textbook, English room Procedure: Stage Activities Interaction Warm up Hangman T-whole - Let Ss play the game class 7ms Pre-writing 15ms WEBPAGE - Show some webpages so that Ss can understand more about this word - Lead Ss to the new lesson Listening - Ask Ss to refer back to the reading: PLC Sydney (Ss have to give the full name) Introduce Susie Brewer – a student at PLC Sydney - Ask Ss to listen and choose the correct answer to complete information about Susie - Play the recording Ask Ss to listen only the first time Then play the recording again and allow Ss to choose the correct answer as they listen Ss can share their answers before listening to the recording a final time to check - Get feedback A A B B A Writing tip - Show the paragraph on page 13 and ask Ss some questions: + Is a good paragraph? Why? + Do you think its punctuation is correct? Individual work T-whole class T-whole class +… - Tell the class the importance of punctuation marks Allow some time for the Ss to study the writing tip Explain to them the new words and punctuation marks - Ask Ss to correct the passage and write the correct version - Get feedback Hi I’m Phong and I’m from Ho Chi Minh City I wear my uniform to school every day My favorite teacher is Mr Trung He teaches me science Oral Preparation - First Ss brainstorm for the language necessary for writing Allow Ss to refer back to the reading for useful language, and note interesting expressions and language on the board T can also show a webpage to inspire Ss WhileFree writing writing - Tell Ss to write a draft first, trying to answer all the questions 10ms - Then Ss write a paragraph of about 80 words about their school, covering as many ideas as possible of the answers to these questions Post-writing Correction - Choose one or two Ss’ writings to correct in front of the class 10ms - First ask the St to read aloud his/her writing, then the others comment - Focus Ss on the punctuation, structural elements, linking words, etc Consolidation Focus on what Ss have learnt 1m Homework Ask Ss to compete their writing and exercises and 2ms on page in the workbook Individual work T-whole class Individual work T-whole class T-whole class September 9, 2015 Period 8: Unit 1: My new school Lesson 7: Looking back Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to review: + the lexical items related to the topic “My new school” + the present simple and present continuous + talk about their school Language focus: Vocabulary: Review Structure: Revew Teaching aids: Textbook, English room Procedure Stage Activities Warm up Kim’s game - Let Ss play Kim’s game - Divide the class into groups Ask Ss to have a look at 10 pictures about school things in 30 seconds (Do not write) - Ask Ss to work in groups and write the words for the 10ms pictures they have seen - Feed back: the group having the most correct words is the winner - Give the key: Dictionary Uniform Pencil sharpener Compass Caculator Notebook Ruler eraser School bag 10 Textbook Practice 1 Matching (Task 2/page 14) (Vocabulary) - Ask Ss to match the words in column A with the ones in column B - Feedback b c a d Listening (Task 3/page 14) 10ms - Ask Ss to listen and write down the words they hear in the correct places - Play the recording twice - Get feedback + play: sports, badminton, music + do: morning exercise, homework + study: new words, geography + have: English lessons, a new book Practice Present simple (Task 4/page 14) (Grammar) - Ask Ss to complete the sentences with the present Interaction Groupwork Individual work Individual work Individual simple work - Feedback comes don’t walks teaches play - Ask Ss to read aloud each sentence to check their pronunciation and intonation - Focus Ss on the form and uses of the present simple Present continuous (Task 5/page 15) - Ask Ss to complete the sentences with the present Individual continuous work 10ms - Feedback are doing are riding Is … studying is having am walking is teaching - Ask Ss to read aloud each sentence to check their pronunciation and intonation - Focus Ss on the form and uses of the present continuous Text completion (Task 6/page 15) - Ask Ss to complete the text with the correct form of Individual the verbs in brackets work - Get feedback: lives is has is walking go study are working loves Practice Matching (Communication) - Ss read the questions and answers once or twice Individual (they can read aloud), then match them work - Get feedback: b-g d-f e-a h-c - Ask Ss to role-play the questions and answer with a Pairwork 12ms partner Project - Show the class some more examples of different T-whole types of school if possible class - Ask Ss to talk about their dream school, using the pictures and their imagination Consolidation Focus on what Ss have learnt T-whole 1m class Homework Ask Ss to write about their dream school 2ms Experience from the lesson: ………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… ... 1: My new school Lesson 1: Getting Started Objectives: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to: + know the topic of the Unit 1: My new school + talk about what they should prepare for the new. .. to the topic ? ?My new school? ?? + use the combinations: to study, to have, to do, to play + Noun Language focus: Vocabulary: Review the lexical items related to the topic ? ?My new school? ?? Grammar:... Period 5: Unit 1: My new school Lesson 4: Communication Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: + Ask appropriate questions when making new friends at a new school Language focus:

Ngày đăng: 10/01/2017, 23:16

