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Giáo án tiếng Anh lớp 10 chương trình mới

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INTRODUCTION A. OBJECTIVES: 1. Aims: To introduce the textbook English 10 To introduce the way of testing. To set up some class regulations. To give a fifteen minutes test and fourteen minutes test. II. Procedures:1. Textbook introduction: a. Contents: 4 themes: + Our lives + Our society + Our enviroment + Our future ten units. b. The Structure of the book: There are ten units. In each unit, there are eight main parts: + Getting started+ Language: Vocabulary, pronunciation, grammar+ Reading+ Speaking+ Listening+ Writing+ Communication and culture+ Looking back and project

English 10 Period Date of preparation: ………………………… INTRODUCTION A OBJECTIVES: Aims: - To introduce the textbook- English 10 - To introduce the way of testing - To set up some class regulations - To give a fifteen- minutes test and fourteen minutes test II Procedures: Textbook introduction: a Contents: - themes: + Our lives + Our society + Our enviroment + Our future - ten units b The Structure of the book: -There are ten units In each unit, there are eight main parts: + Getting started + Language: Vocabulary, pronunciation, grammar + Reading + Speaking + Listening + Writing + Communication and culture + Looking back and project The system of testing a Listening skill: + Listen and match + Listen and number + Listen and tick + Listen and complete + Listen and select the correct option + Listen and give short answer + Other listening questions b Reading skill + Read and match + Read and number + Read and tick + Read and complete + Read and select the correct option + Read for the main idea + Read for specific details + Read and summarize + Other reading questions c Writing skill + Complete the sentences with a word or a phrase (picture can be used) English 10 + Arrange the words to make complete sentences + Use the provided words or phrases to write complete sentences + Arrange sentences to make a complete paragraph + Use the provided words or phrases to write a complete paragraph + Use the provided words or phrases to write a short passage + Write short passages about relevant and familiar topics d Speaking skill + Introduction + Interview + Free talk + Other speaking tasks e Language +Multiple choice questions-MCQs + Matching + Gap filling + Information gaps + Reordering + Word form + Other similar and suitable questions Class regulations A fifteen- minute test I Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets The sun always (rise) in the east Look, it (rise) I don't think I (go) tonight I'm too tired Where you ( spend) your summer holiday last year, Tam? Mai ( be) very happy when she (receive) a letter from her sister this morning Would you like (join) my class next Sunday? We( visit) the local museum II Complete the second setence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one I haven't been to Portugal since 1990 I last When did you start your course? How long have I know it belongs to them , because there's a label on it I know it's I recognized him at once At once I knew The phone call interrupted my breakfast I was III Choose the best answer The boy likes (playing/ play) games but hate ( doing/ do) lessons Please stop (talking/ to talk/ talk); I'm trying ( to finish/ finishing/ finish) a letter to my friend His doctor advised him ( to give/giving) ( to smoke/ smoking) By (working/ to work) day and night he succeeded in (finishing/ to finish) the job in time After filling in the form, please (bring/take) it back to me The tourist needs ( finding/ to find) the police station because he has lost money Is he able (can join/ to join) the Y & Y Green Group? He doesn’t enjoy ( playing/ to play) basketball English 10 Let him (does/ do) what he wants 10 My mother is busy ( to cook/ cooking) Key: I Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets 1.rises/is rising will go did you spend 4.has been/received to join/will visit II Complete the second setence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one I last was to Portugal in 1990 2.How long have you started your course? III Choose the best answer 1.playing/doing 2.talking/to finish to give/to smoke working/finishing bring to find/ 7.to join playing 10.to cook Period Date of preparation: ………………………… Unit 1: Family Life LESSON 1: GETTING STARTED English 10 A OBJECTIVES: Aims: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - will know some words and phrases related to topic "Household chores" - ask and answer simple questions about sharing housework in their family Knowledge: - General knowledge: Family life - Language: + Words concerning household chores + The present simple tense & the present continuous Skills: - listen and pronounce - practice reading a dialogue - find information, vocabulary in a dialogue B PREPARATION: board, textbook, chalk, some pictures C PROCEDURE: Settlement: Checking attendance Warm – up: - T asks Ss to work in pairs/groups and list things they have to at home - T asks some more questions about housework; What housework you do? Do you hate or like it? Why? Things sts have to at home: clean the house, cook, shopping, wash clothes, the washingup… Suggested answers: I have to cook dinner I like it because I like eating - T introduces the lesson topic New lesson Teacher’s activities Listen and repeat - T plays the cd, pauses after a short sentence - T checks pronunciation and meaning * duty, chore, equally, rubbish, laundry, finances, grocery, heavy-lifting, homemaker, breadwinner Students’ activities - Ss listen and repeat the dialogue, pay attention to some new words - Ss say the new words, T corrects if necessary - Ss work in pairs to read the dialogue - Some pairs read the dialogue if there is time Reading - Ss works in pairs to decide if a - T asks Ss to give answers and explanation for each statements is True, False or Not Given in answer 5-7 minutes Answers: F (he is preparing dinner) NG (no information) F (she is studying for exams) T (he is preparing dinner) T (we split the chores equally) NG (no information) - Ss listen to the tape Listen and repeat the words English 10 - T plays the CD and pauses after each word/phrases to make sure that Ss have the correct pronunciation - T checks Ss' understanding of the vocabulary again Find verbs - A pair of Ss does the task at the same time on the board to save time - T checks with the whole class - Ss listen to the tape carefully and have the correct pronunciation - - Ss work in pairs to find verbs or verbs phrases that go with given words - Answers: split/divide/share take out shop for do responsible for IV HOMEWORK: - Learn by heart all of new words and structures and give examples - Summarise the main points of the text - Put questions + How does your family member share the housework? V COMMENTS: Period Date of preparation: ………………………… Unit 1: Family Life LESSON 2: LANGUAGE A OBJECTIVES: Aims: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: English 10 - use words and phrases related to topic "Household chores" to talk about sharing housework in their family - pronounce and recognize the clusters /tr/, /kr/, /br/ - realize the difference between present simple and present continuous Knowledge: - General knowledge : Family life - Language: + Words concerning friendship + The present simple tense & the present continuous + Review the vocabulary about household chores + Practice pronouncing /tr/, /kr/, /br/ + Give the correct verb form Skills: - Speaking: better Ss' speaking skill through guessing words' meanings in contexts, finding specific information B PREPARATION: board, textbook, chalk, some pictures C PROCEDURE: Settlement: Checking attendance Warm – up: - T says words in Vietnamese, Ss write the words in English in groups The winner is the group with most correct words Words for the game: chore, homemaker, breadwinner, groceries, split, laundry, heavy-lifting, washing-up New lesson Teacher’s activities Vocabulary a Matching - T checks with whole class by saying the number, Ss say the letter T can check their understanding by asking "How you know?" Answers: 1.f 2.e 3.a 4.h 5.b 6.g 7.d 8.c b Listing - T checks by pointing at each words and sts say no or yes T also decides if any other chores is suitable or not - T can organize a game to list other household chores in minutes Chores from the dialogue - prepare dinner, cook, shop, clean the house, take out the rubbish, the laundry, the washing up, the heavy-lifting, household finances Other chores: - bathe the baby, feed the baby, water flowers and plants, feed pets, put away clothes, lay the table for meals… Pronunciation a Listen and repeat Students’ activities - Ss work in pair to match each word with its definition in minutes - Ss work in groups this time, listing all chores by scanning the dialogue One pair does the task simultaneously on the board to get mark - Listen to T’s questions to elicit the English 10 - T asks questions to elicit the pronunciation of /tr/, pronunciation of /tr/, /kr/, /br/ /kr/, /br/ What colour is chocolate? - brown How you go to Hanoi? - by train What you like eating in summer? - ice-cream - Listen to the tape to practice - T plays the CD and pause after each word for Ss to practice - Ss to read rows of the table and - T asks Ss to read rows of the table and check check their pronunciation their pronunciation if necessary b Listen and circle - Ss listen and circle the cluster they - T introduces task and plays the CD, Ss listen and hear circle the cluster they hear Answer: 1.b 2.b 3.c 4.a c Further practice - Ss listen and react by standing or - T assigns /tr/, /kr/, /br/ to lines/rows of students raising their hands then read 4/5 sentences containing all three clusters Ss listen and react by standing or raising their hands Suggested sentences There is a crane on the train My brother cracks a big tree Trash may create breakfast The tread crash into an ice-cream mountain Grammar a Read and choose the correct verb form - T checks and elicit the use, the difference and cue - Ss work individually/pair, one student words of present simple and present continuous does the task on the board Answer - Ss can look at the yellow and green 1.does 2.cooks box in their textbook to review the two 3.cleans 4.is watching 5.is doing tenses 6.is doing is tidying up 8.is trying b Give the correct verb forms - T checks with the whole class and ask sts why to make sure that they remember the use, the difference - Ss work individually first then work and cue words of present simple and present in pair for peer check One st does the continuous exercise on the board to get a mark Answer: 1.does/isn't cooking/is working 2.is taking out 3.cleans/is cleaning 4.is preparing 5.looks after/works 6.is watching/watches IV HOMEWORK: - Rewrite the structure of tenses which they have learnt - Learn by heart the new words - Do exercises: A,B,C in Workbook English 10 V COMMENTS: Period Date of preparation: ………………………… Unit 1: Family Life LESSON 3: READING A OBJECTIVES: Aims: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - skim for title and scan for specific for information in a passage English 10 - guess the meaning of a word or a phrase - learn the benefit of sharing housework in the family Knowledge: - General knowledge : Family life - Language: + Words concerning household chores + The present simple tense & the present continuous Skills: - guessing meaning of words/phrases in a text - answer questions about housework-sharing - discuss the benefit of housework-sharing B PREPARATION: board, textbook,cassette player, tape, poster C PROCEDURE: Settlement: Checking attendance Warm – up: - T asks some questions about the pictures in the textbook What are they doing? Are they happy? why? * suggested answers They are doing housework The father and mother are cleaning the dishes The daughters are cleaning the floor and the fridge They are happy because they are smiling New lesson Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Choosing the best title - T lets Ss to read the three headings first, checks to - Ss to read the three headings first, make sure they understanding all of them checks to make sure they - T asks Ss to work in groups in minutes and choose understanding all of them the best title by skimming the text and crossing out the - Ss to work in groups in minutes heading that is about one aspect of the text and choose the best title by skimming - T checks by asking for the reason why they make the text and crossing out the heading their choice, guide Ss to decide on the heading that that is about one aspect of the text gives the general idea of the whole text Guessing the meaning of words from context - T lets Ss highlight the words in the text, models how - Ss work in pairs to choose the to guess the meaning of the word "sociable" from suitable meaning of the words context - T calls Ss to say the choices and explain how they Answers: choose the correct option b 3.b 4.b 5.a Guessing the meaning of reference from context - T asks Ss continue to work in pairs and find out what it refers to in each sentence Guide Ss to read and - Ss continue to work in pairs and find understand the whole sentence before it and choose the out what it refers to in each sentence correct answer - Ss read and understand the whole Answers: sentence before it and choose the 1.c 2.b correct answer Answer the questions - T asks Ss to read all the questions, check if they - Ss work in pairs to underline the understand all the question and underline key words of answers in the text Finally, Ss say each question before finding the answer the answers, if an answer is incorrect, English 10 T tries to elicit it from other Ss Answers: Para 2, line 2,3 para 2, lin 6,7 para 2, final line para 3, line 1,2 Discussion - T assigns this task as homework and gives Ss some more ideas and sub-questions Problems - time, attitude, ability, parents - Ss get some more ideas and subquestions IV HOMEWORK: - Learn the new words by heart - Talk about the housework-sharing in your family, using the suggested questions: Do you have any problem sharing the housework? Do you have time to housework? Why? Are you happy when you housework? Why? What housework can you well? Do your parents let you house work? Why? What benefits you get when you housework? (talk with parents, make parents happy…) Exercises in workbook:B4, B5, B6 V COMMENTS: Period Date of preparation: ………………………… Unit 1: Family Life LESSON 4: SPEAKING A OBJECTIVES: Aims: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - talk about the household chores they 10 English 10 Teacher’s activities I Pre-speaking (10’) -coffee plantation, book(v)=reserve, handicrafts Task 1: - Ask Ss what they think the heading of the speaking section (‘Travel and enjoy’) means and guess the topic Suggested answer Tourism and what activities tourists can enjoy doing while travelling - Ss practise the conversation in pairs II While-speaking (20’) Task - Have Ss identify the main ideas in the dialogue Ask them to complete the table with the information from the conversation Where Peter will go Bach Ma National Park explore the forests, watch the birds, look at What he will and see the plants, spend a night at an old villa What else he will if visit Hue, enjoy the he has more time local food Where else he may visit Lang Co beach - Explain to Ss that when making their own conversations about the three tourists destinations, they should use the four questions in the table III Post-Reading (20’) Task 3: - Divide the class into groups of – students Have each group choose one ecotourism destination in Viet Nam, find information about it, and introduce this place to other groups Their presentation should include interesting information about the destination and ecotourism activities there - For more able classes, ask Ss to choose destinations in other countries for their presentations Students’ activities - read ‘Travel and enjoy’ and guess the topic - work in pairs - complete the table with the information from the conversation - carry out - work in groups and choose one ecotourism destination in Viet Nam, find information about it, and introduce this place to other groups - carry out IV HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT: (3’) - Prepare the new lesson- listening V EXPERIENCES: ……………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 184 English 10 Period:97 Date of preparation: …………… UNIT 10: ECOTOURISM Lesson 5: Listening I OBJECTIVES : A Aim: By the end of this lesson Ss will be able to listen for gist and pecific information about ecotourism B Knowledge: - Vocabulary: Ecotourism - Grammar: Conditional sentences Types and C Skill: listening and speaking II PREPARATION: A Teacher: student book, lesson plan and chalk B Student: student book and notebook III PROCEDURE: A Lead- in: (3’): Inform Ss of the lesson objectives: listening for gist and specific information about ecotourism B New lesson: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 185 English 10 I Pre-listening (10’) -attract = appeal - release fish - ride an ostrich - local specilities - Elicit, model times, ask Ss to repeat in chorus then individual, write on the board, check meaning, stress and get Ss to copy down - Ask Ss some questions about the MeKong Delta: Where is the Mekong Delta? What is it famous for? Name some provinces in the MeKong Delta? Suggested answers The MeKong Delta is in south of Viet Nam It is famous for its fertile land, vast rice fields and fruits orchards This area includes 12 provinces and one city: Cần Thơ city, Tiển Giang, Hậu Giang, Vình Long, Sóc Trăng, An Giang, Đồng Tháp, Long An, Bến Tre, Trà Vinh, Cà Mau, Bạc Liêu, and Kiên Giang II While- Listening :(20’) * Task - Have Ss look at the pictures showing different activities for tourists and discuss with a partner which activities tourists usually when they go on a tour to the MeKong Delta suggested answer Tourists can all these activities, but the most common ones are listening to traditional music, eating local food and catching fish * Task This activity focuses on listening for gist in a news reports - Play the recording without pauses Have Ss listen and choose the caption that best summarises the main idea Key a (How the MeKong Delta became an ecotourism destination) * Task - Have Ss underline key words in the questions and focus on these words while listening - Let Ss listen again and answer the questions Then ask Ss to compare their answers with a partner Key Tourists did not have many interesting activities to 100 2005 They released small fish back into the pond 300 * Task This activity focuses on listening for specific 186 - Ss guess, listen, repeat, answer and copy down - carry out - give feedback - look at the pictures and discuss with a partner which activities tourists usually when they go on a tour to the MeKong Delta - listen and the activity - underline key words in the questions and focus on these words while listening - listen again and answer the questions Then compare the answers with a partner English 10 information in the news report about the two farmers’ecotourism places - Ask Ss to guess what kind of information they may need to write in the gaps - Have Ss listen and complete the gaps Key Ba Đức - garden area: 2.5 hectares - activities for a visiting the old house tourists: b catching fish c enjoy home – made meals d cooking local food/learning how to cook local food Tư Bình -fish pond 2.1 hectares area: -activities for a catching fish tourists: b watching birds c riding ostriches II Post- listening: (10’ ) * Task Have Ss discuss in pairs which activities mentioned in they would enjoy doing the most and give reasons - guess what kind of information they may need to write in the gaps - listen and complete the gaps - carry out IV HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT: (2’) - Learn vocab by heart and listen the text again - Prepare the new lesson - writing V EXPERIENCES: …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 187 English 10 Period:98 Date of preparation: ……………… UNIT 10: ECOTOURISM Lesson 6: Writing I OBJECTIVES : A Aim: By the end of this lesson Ss will be able to write about a travel brochure for an eco tour B Knowledge: - Vocabulary: Ecotourism C Skill: Writing and speaking II PREPARATION: A Teacher: student book, lesson plan and chalk B Student: student book and notebook III PROCEDURE: A Lead- in: (3’): Inform Ss of the lesson objectives: preparing a travel brochure promoting an eco tour 188 English 10 B New lesson: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities I Pre-writing: (10’) Vocabulary - elicit, model times, ask Ss to repeat in chorus then - Ss guess, listen, repeat, answer and individual, write on the board, check meaning, stress copy down and get Ss to copy down + sunrise#sunset + take aboat to + hunt for food + litter + cause a fire + brochure Task1: Explain to Ss that a travel brochure provides tourists - carry out with informstion about a destination It could be a small booklet or just one page - Ask Ss to read through the different sections in the brochure and match the numbered parts (1-6) with the content definitions (a-f) Key 1.c 2.e d 4.a 5.f 6.b II While-writing: (20’) * Task The focus of this activity is on disigning a brochure Ss can make a brochure by hand or with the help of some software available in their computer (such as Microsoft Word or Microsoft Pulisher) - work in groups and choose one - Put Ss into groups of or Ask them to choose one destination (Sa Pa or Central Highlands) and destination (Sa Pa or Central Highlands) and design a travelbrochure design a travel brochure for it - Encourage Ss to look for some other travel for it information (prices, duration of stay, departure times) - carry out and pictures about the chosen destination to make their brochure information and attractive III Post-writing: (10’) * Task 3: Have each group show their brochure and give a brief report on their eco tour - Ask the whole class to give comments and votes for - give comments and votes for the best brochure the best brochure IV HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT: (2’) - learn vocab by heart and unfinished-writing task - Prepare the new lesson V EXPERIENCES: …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 189 English 10 Period:99 Date of preparation: ……………… UNIT 10: ECOTOURISM Lesson 7: Communication and culture I OBJECTIVES : A Aim: By the end of this lesson Ss will be able to know the problems with ecotourism in Viet Nam and Africa B Knowledge: - Vocabulary: Ecotourism - Grammar: Conditional sentences Types and C Skill: listening, speaking and reading II PREPARATION: A Teacher: student book, lesson plan and chalk B Student: student book and notebook 190 English 10 III PROCEDURE: A Lead- in: (3’): Inform the class of the lesson objective: further skill development B New lesson Teacher’s activities Students’ activities I Presentation: (17’) Vocabulary - elicit, model times, ask Ss to repeat in chorus then - Ss guess, listen, repeat, answer individual, write on the board, check meaning, stress and and copy down get Ss to copy down + in endangered of extinction + base on + principle + fine(n) + suffer from I Communication Task1 - Explain to Ss that they need to go back to the previous - carry out sections of the unit and choose one place of their interest to practise speaking - Help Ss to complete the diagram with appropriate - complete the diagram with information about that place appropriate information about that Example: place Destination: Sa Pa - The most enjoyable activities on the tour: visit Cat Cat village, go camping in the forest - The benefits for me: know more about local people’s life and traditions, relax more, enjoy nature - The benefit for the environment and local people: more jobs and income for the local people, more money for the local community to preserve nature Task2 - work in pairs and practise the - Have Ss work in pairs and practise the model model conversation conversation, using their notes in III Culture Task - Ask Ss to look at the pictures and discuss with a partner - look at the pictures and discuss how the tourism activity in each situation may affect the with a partner how the tourism activity in each situation may affect environment the environment Suggested answers a Tourists may leave litter on the beach, which may cause land and water pollution b Making a campfire requires breaking tree branches or cutting down trees for firewood Campfires may cause forest fires if they are left unattended c Hunting animals may lead to their extinction Endangered animals can be in danger of extinction Task Tell Ss that they are going to read about some problems 191 English 10 with ecotourism in Viet Nam and some countries in Africa (Kenya and Tanzania) - Ask Ss to guess which problems mentioned in can be found in Viet Nam and Africa - Have Ss read the text and choose suitable titles for two articles Key c a Task Explain to Ss how to the next activity: Read through the five principles in the table first, and then read each article carefully to dicide if these principles have been applied in Viet Nam or Africa - guess which problems mentioned in can be found in Viet Nam and Africa - read the text and choose suitable titles for two articles - Read through the five principles in the table first, and then read each article carefully to dicide if these principles have been applied in Viet Nam or Africa Key Principles of ecotourism VN Africa Reduce the impact of tourism activities a X X on the local nature and culture Increase tourists’environmental and b X NG cultural awareness and respect Provide financial benefits for the c NG NG conversation of local destinations Provide financial benefits for local d NG X people Provide positive experiences for both e X X visitors and host Explanation: - Principle a: In neither places,there are strong measures tolimit tourists’activities that may harm the environment (littering,cutting tree branches, hunting) - Principle b: In VN, tourists have little or no access to environmental information or local cultural activities - Principle d: In Africa, ecotourism has not provided more jobs for the local people - Principle e: In VN, tourists have little or no understanding of the local culture; in Africa, local people are deprived of their best land Task - Have Ss work in pairs Ask Ss to look back at the pictures and tourists’harmful activities that have been discussed in (leaving litter, making campfires, and hunting animals.) - Ask Ss to suggest what should be done to restrict the harm or damage that tourists may cause to the environment and local people 192 - work in pairs - suggest what should be done to restrict the harm or damage that tourists may cause to the environment and local people English 10 suggested answers - More efforts (such as producing educational brochures and TV programmes about ecotourism) need to be made to fully inform and educate tourists on the environmental and social impacts of ecotourism - Moever, there should be regulations and laws banning the promotion of unsustainable ecotourism projects and activities that may harm the local cultures and nature (such as projects to cut down trees to build hotels and hunting activities) IV-HOME WORK ASSIGNMENT (2’) - Learn by heart the new words and the task again - Prepare the part: lesson V EXPERIENCE …………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… Period:100 Date of preparation: …………… UNIT 10: ECOTOURISM Lesson 8: Looking back & Project I OBJECTIVES : A Aim: By the end of this lesson Ss will be able to revise the pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar they have learnt in this unit B Knowledge: - Vocabulary: Ecotourism - Grammar: Conditional sentences Types and C Skill: listening, speaking and reading 193 English 10 II PREPARATION: A Teacher: student book, lesson plan and chalk B Student: student book and notebook III PROCEDURE: A Lead- in: (3’): Inform the class of the lesson objectives: reviewing pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar B New lesson Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 194 English 10 I Looking back Pronunciation - Help Ss to review the pronunciation rules for words ending in –ity,-ic, -ica, -tion on page 98 (Student’s Book) - Have Ss put a stress mark before the syllable with the primary stress in each word, and then say these words aloud Key ac’tivity conser’vation tra’ditional desti’nation eco’nomic eco’nomical under’standing degra’dation Vocabulary - The six words in the box are the ones most commonly used in the unit Ask Ss to write them in the gaps, using the plural forms of the nouns when necessary Key conservation destinations impacts, environment ecology exotic - For more able classes, ask Ss to make their own sentences with these words Grammar * Task 1: The focus of this activity is on using conditional sentences Type to talk about present or future activities that are real or very probable - Let Ss read through the eight cues to grasp the general idea of the story they are going to create - Ask Ss to make sentences, with the main clause of the privious sentence (the effect) becoming the if-clause (the cause) of the next sentence Key If I miss the lesson, I will not the test well If i don’t the test well, I’ll feel very sad If I feel very sad, I’ll go tho the gym If I go to the gym, I’ll keep fit If I keep fit, I’ll look attractive If I look attractive, I’ll be very happy * Task 2: The focus of this activity is on using conditional sentences Type to talk about present or future activities that are unreal or unlikely to happen - Ask Ss to read situations carefully and write the 195 - review the pronunciation rules for words ending in –ity,-ic, -ica, -tion - put a stress mark before the syllable with the primary stress in each word, and then say these words aloud - carry out - make sentences with these words - read through the eight cues to grasp the general idea of the story - make sentences, with the main clause of the privious sentence (the effect) becoming the if-clause (the cause) of the next sentence - read situations carefully and write the English 10 IV-HOME WORK ASSIGNMENT (2’) - Learn by heart the new words and the tasks again - Prepare the part: V EXPERIENCE …………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… Period:101 Date of preparation: …………… REVIEW 4: UNIT 9-10 Lesson 1: Language I OBJECTIVES : A Aim: By the end of this lesson Ss will be able to revise the language they have leart and practised in Unit 9-10 B Knowledge: - Vocabulary: words and phrases related to: Unit 9-10 C Skill: listening, reading and writing II PREPARATION: 196 English 10 A Teacher: student book, lesson plan and chalk B Student: student book and notebook III PROCEDURE: A Lead- in : (3’) Teacher may introduce the review by asking Ss if they rebember what they have learnt so far in terms of language T then summarises Ss’answers and adds some more information, if necessary B New lesson: Teacher's activities Students' activities I Vocabulary ozone layer, landfills, dispose of water, burry, stuff, ray, exhaust gases Task 1: - Ask Ss to this activity individually, and then - this activity individually, and then compare their answers with a partner’s compare the answers with a partner’s - Write the correct answers on the board Remind - carry out Ss of the use of suffixes to form adjective from nouns or verbs Key natural polluted environmental sustainable ecological task - this activity individually - Ask Ss to this activity individually - Ask a student to write his/ her answers on the - carry out board Check answers as a class Key pollution global warming Deforestation protect Acid rain II Pronunciation Task 3: - Ask Ss to this activity individually, and then - this activity individually, and then compare the answers with a partner’s compare their answers with a partner’s - Write on the board - Show the correct answers on the board Key poverty pollution energy solution awarenes s chemical economy sustainable ecology newslette environmen protection r t conservatio n preservation relaxation composition - take notes III Grammar Task - Elicit the form and use of the reported speech - carry out 197 English 10 Remind Ss of the changes to pronouns, possessive adjectives and verbs - Ask a student to the task on the board while other Ss also this activity individually - Check Ss’ answers or as them for explainations, if necessary Key Mary said (that) people are cutting down the rainforests Tom said (that) car pollution was/ is a big problem in his city scientists say (that) chemicals are destroying the ozone layer He told me to shut tho door but not to lock it Our teacher explained (that) burning gas, oil, and coal could/ can cause acid rain Task - Elicit the form and use of conditional sentences Type and - Ask Ss to this activity individually, and then compare their answers with a partner’s - Ask a student to write his/ her answers on the board - Check answers as a class Key didn’t throw will go close down is build Task - Ask Ss to this activity individually, and then compare their answers with a partner’s - Write the correct answers on the board, and give explanations if necessary Key will; would be were; would go use knew; would/ could phone - give feedback - this activity individually, and then compare their answers with a partner’s - carry out - give feedback - this activity individually, and then compare their answers with a partner’s - give feedback IV HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT: (2’) - Do exercise in workbook - Ask students to prepare review (2) V EXPERIENCES: ………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… 198 ... the Y & Y Green Group? He doesn’t enjoy ( playing/ to play) basketball English 10 Let him (does/ do) what he wants 10 My mother is busy ( to cook/ cooking) Key: I Complete the following sentences... working/finishing bring to find/ 7.to join playing 10. to cook Period Date of preparation: ………………………… Unit 1: Family Life LESSON 1: GETTING STARTED English 10 A OBJECTIVES: Aims: By the end of the lesson,... Aims: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - talk about the household chores they 10 English 10 - express their opinion about why they like or dislike a chore Knowledge: - General knowledge

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