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Giáo án Tiếng Anh 11 Unit 3: A party

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  • I. Objectives:

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Giáo án Tiếng Anh 11 UNIT 3: A PARTY Lesson1: READING I Objectives By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - Develop such reading-micro skills scanning for specific ideas, and identifying and correcting false statements - Use the information they have read to discuss celebrations in their culture II Materials Textbook, handouts III Anticipated problems Ss may need to be provided vocabulary related to celebrations and festivals so that they can complete various learning task IV Procedure Time Steps 7’ WARM UP A matching game (To teach vocabulary related to celebrations and festivals) Work arrangement Group work whole class and - T divides the class into small groups of 3-4 Ss Then T distributes the following handouts for Ss to the matching task in their own groups Which group finished it first and has all the correct answers will be the winner - T might want to get Ss to tell if there are similar celebrations and events in Vietnamese culture to check Ss’ understanding of the new words - T might also give some details about these celebrations Matching the celebrations with the correct imagines below: Christmas Easter Graduation Halloween Thanksgiving Moher’s day Wedding Birthday Answer: Celebrations Imagines Christmas E Halloween A Wedding D Easter C Thanksgiving I Valentine’s day Valentine’s day H Graduation F Mother’s day G Birthday B About the celebrations: - T celebrate Christmas day Western families often buy Christmas trees, which are often real or plastic pine trees and decorate them with ornaments and gift boxes - On Halloween night children often dress in costumes and go door-to-door to collect sweets and fruits Houses are decorated with lights or candles - Picture d shows a wedding horseshoe It is the symbol of good fortune and ability to have many children So on weddind days many weatern brides carry a replica of a horseshoe for good luck - Picture c shows Easter eggs It’s a custom to eat eggs on this day because eggs are symbol of life Today people often eat chocolate eggs instead of real eggs - Thanksgiving is the celebration that exists only in America.On this day people pray to God and eat roasted turkey - On Valentine’s day people often send cards and buy chocolates for the ones they love - Mother’s day is the celebration that honors mothers On this daypeople often send cards and gifts to their mothers to show how they love and appreciate their mothers 8’ BEFORE YOU READ - T gets Ss to work in pairs and try to make sense of the pictures on page 32 Then T gets them to answer the questions on this page - T calls on some Ss to answer the questions T should ask Ss to give reasons for their answers - T checks with the class and asks Ss to guess what they are going to read about Suggested answers: The police in the first picture might belong to a family The young woman and the young man might be the parents and the kids might be their children The people in the second picture might belong a family, too The old lady and the old man who are standing might be the parents The woman and the man who are sitting in front might be their son and daughter in law The boy and the girl might be their grandchildren The people in the first picture are celebrating a birthday(the little girl is blowing out the candles) And the Pair work & whole class people in the second picture are celebrating a wedding anniversary(the words on the wall read “50th anniversary) Pre-teaching vocabulary Mark(v): Milestone(n): an important event or stage in one’s life Lasting(a): continuing a long time Golden(a): made of gold Golden anniversary/jubilee: celebration of the 50th wedding anniversary Silver anniversary/jubilee: celebration of the 25th wedding anniversary Diamond anniversary/jubilee: celebration of the 60th wedding anniversary - Before teaching these words, T helps Ss to pronounce them correctly T may want to model first and then ask Ss to repeat after him/her - T presents or elicits the meanings of these words from the class - T gets Ss to make sentences with these words - T gives corrective feedback WHILE YOU READ Set the scene : You are going to read about how 7’ American people celebrate birthdays and wedding anniversaries Then you the tasks that follow TASK - T gets Ss to read the passage silently and then Task T may want to give them some tips to the task + First , Ss should skim the seven statemments to understand them As Ss this they underline the key words to decide what information they need to find in the text For erxample , the key word is “song ” for the first statement and cake for second one + Then they should go back to the passage and locate the key words in the passge + Then they should read around the key words carefully to find the answer - T get Ss to check their answers with a peer - T calls on some Ss to write their answers on the board and ask them to explain their choices - T checks the answers with the whole class Answers: Birthday people sing a V Wedding song People eat V cake people receive V cards and gifts from friends and relatives people joke V about their ages people remember their wedding days people go out V to dinner people blow V V out candles, one for each year TASK2 - T checks if Ss can identify and correct the wrong information in TASK2 after their first reading of the passage If they can’t, T gets Ss to read through all the questionsin TASK2and identify the key words in each question For example, in question 1, these might be “Lisa’s family and friends”, and “8 th birthday” In question 2, these might be “make cakes and ice-creams” and “birthday” etc - Now T instructs Ss to go back to the passage and locate these words Ss should read around these words carefully to find the answers to the questions - Then T gets Ss to check their answers with a friend - T calls on some Ss to present and explain their answers - T gives feedback and correct answers Answer: eighth >sevenths (line 1, paragraph 1, part A) makes > ears (line 2, para 3,part A) foods > presents (line 3, para 3, part A) anniversaries > ages (line 4, para 4, part A) months > years(line 2, para 1, part B) 5th > 50th (line 2, para 3, part B) 10’ silver > golden(line 5, para 3, part B) AFTER YOU READ - T introduces the task: Ss work in small groups of or and discuss the questions - T teaches structures that can be usedfor giving comparison and contrast E.g: “In the US, people .but in Vietnam, people ”, “Americans while Vietnamese ”, “Americans .in contrast, Vietnamese ”, etc - T goes around to check and offer help Group work & whole class - T calls on the groups to tell and explain their choices - T gives corrective feedback 3’ WRAPPING UP - T summarises the main points of the lesson - For homework, T asks Ss to write a paragraph about how Vietnamese people celebrate their birthdays or wedding anniversaries, based on the text they read in class Whole class UNIT 3: A PARTY Speaking I Objectives By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - Use appropriate language to talk about parties and negotiate how to plan them - Use appropriate language to invite people to come to parties II Materials Textbook III Anticipated problems Ss may have little experience negotiating in English, so T should be ready to provide them with appropriate language to so IV Procedure Time Steps Work arrangement 7’ WARM UP Talking about a party - T asks the class if they like parties and why to lead Ss to the topic Then T asks if they have ever been to a party If Ss say Yes, T asks follow-up questions like “Whose party was it ?” , “On what occasion?” , “Where was it?” , “Was it fun ?” etc T helps Ss to Whole class a.Presentation: Exercise - If necessary, T reviews the verbs that are followed by an E.g: stop, infinitive, a gerund and both love, hate, regret, etc E.g: + Infinitive only + Gerund only + Both Agree Admit Begin Arrange Avoid Start Ask Deny Continue Choose Enjoy Stop Decide Keep Love Demand Verbs Deserve expect that followed prepositions are Like by Hate Remember Forget Try Fail Hesitate Hope Intend Learn Manage Offer Plan Refuse Seem Wait Note: T should point out which verbs have different meanings when are used with an infinitive or a gerund E.g: stop, hate, love, regret, etc b Practice: - T gets Ss to Exercise individually and then find a partner to check their answers with - T checks with the whole class and provides corrective feedback Answer: having getting to tell practising to see 8’ Exercise a Presentation: - If necessary, T reviews the forms of passive infinitive and gerund and emphasises their uses Exercise Answer: b a b b a E.g: + Form: * Passive infinitive: to be + Past Participle * Passive gerund: being + Past Participle + Use: to emphasise the action / event rather than the agent b.Practice – T gets Ss to Exercise individually and then find a partner to check their answers with - T checks with the whole class and provides corrective feedback Answer: b a b b a 7’ Exercise b Practice: Exercise Answer: d - T gets Ss to Exercise individually and then find a partner to check their answers with c b b c - T checks with the whole class and provides corrective feedback Answer: d c b b c 10’ COMMUNICATIVE PRACTICE( PRODUCTION STAGE) Group work & whole class - T divides the class into small groups of Then T introduces the task “A Celebrity Interview”: “Now you are going to work in groups of Two of you will act as a celebrity and his/her manager The other two will act as reporters for a local paper Discuss among yourselves which celebrity you would like to act and interview The celebrity and the manager then will prepare some background information about the celebrity, based on the questions in the worksheet The reporters will work out the interview questions that they want to ask about the celebrity They can use the questions in the worksheet as guidelines After minutes, you are going to the interviewin your own groups” - T distributes the worksheets to Ss Then T guides how to ask interview questions and answer them and reminds Ss to use infinitive and gerund when completing the tasks - T gets Ss to work in groups, then goes around and offers help - T gives final comments and provides correction if necessary Worksheet for the celebrity Name: Likes Dislikes Future plan Worksheet for the reporters Likes Dislikes Future plan Model questions: What you like/love doing ? What you hate doing ? What plan to in the future ? What award you hope to achieve in this year’s competition ? What you think you need to to achieve your objectives/ make your dream come true ? Etc 3’ WRAPPING UP - T summarises the main points of the lesson - For homework, Ss review the uses of different verb tenses that have been covered in the lesson Whole class REVIEW I Objectives: - After the lesson Ss will be able to review all the grammar from unit to unit II Teaching methods: - Communicative teaching approach III Preparation: - Teaching plan - Hand outs IV Teaching steps Class organization.p Previous lesson checking (7 min) - Checking up the previous lesson Presentation Teacher’ s activities Students’ activities Past simple T reviews the use and the form of past simple form: S + V(ed) take notes and give a nice example S + didn’t + V Use: to talk about things that happened and finished in eg: We had the past holiday last year Advs: last, yesterday, ago, in + year, from….to, … Past continuous T reviews the use and the form of past continuous form: S + was/were + Ving Use: to talk about things that was happening at a certain time in the past or at the time that another things happened (when, while are used) Past perfect T reviews the use and the form of the past perfect eg When we saw him, he form: S+ had PII was playing football Use: to talk about things that had happen before a certain He was watching TV time in the past or before the other action happened in between and pm the past Conjunctions: When, After, Before, By, By the time… Past perfect continuous T reviews the use and the form of past perfect continuous form: S + had been+ Ving eg By the time we arrived, the train had Use: to talk about things that had happened and were left happening till a time in the past After he had finished his EX.: Choose one word whose underlined part or stress is pronounced differently A homework, he went to B passenger C village D generous B passenger C village D figure A B C D which children characteristic changeable A B constancy C quality bed guitarist A Dangerou s loyalty A D unselfishness B affect C broaden D embrace appreciate GRAMMAR AND VOCABULARY (2 marks) A Choose the best answer by circling the letter A, B, C, or D They made him ………… there for the weekend A to stay B stay C staying D stays He saw the thief ………………… through the window A jump B jumped C jumping D jumps It is said that Hai Phong people are cold but she is eg When we came to his house yesterday, he had been sleeping for 10 hours really friendly A selfish B unfriendly C ill D sick When we’re going through a rough time, he’s really a good friend A pleased B nice C easy D difficult Friendship is a two-side ; it lives by giveand-take A affair B event C way D aspect 10 The children seem to be totally _of working quietly by themselves A unable B impossible C incapable D not able 11 Suddenly, she recognized the _of the situation that made her laugh A wonder B pleasure C D understanding humour 12 They let their children _up late at weekends A staying B stay C to stay D stayed B Choose a letter A, B, C, or D that must be changed to be correct 13 Speak English to a native English speaker makes you more interested in learning English A C B D 14 They allowed him write a letter to his wife A B C D 15 When they got to the station, the train left A B C D 16.Oh, we were having lunch when we were hearing that news A B C D 17 Travel to other part of the country makes you love your country more A B C D 18 They let him to write a letter to his wife A B C D 19 When they got to the party, everyone came home A B C D Consolidation: (2min) T sums up the lesson Homework: (1min) Ss learn new words and some exercises assigned by the teacher TEST YOURSELF A I.Objectives: By the end of the lesson , ps will be able to practise skills ,grammar and phonetics by themself II Language Focus: *Vocabulary: virtually, prominently, grinning, *Grammar: Infinitive and gerund, passive infinitive and gerund *skill: skills III Method and Tecniques: - Communicative approach , - Gap-filling multiple choice III teaching aids: text book, handout, poster., real objects IV Procedures: I.Warm up: Sing a song “Happy birthday”(3ms) II.New lesson: T’ACTIVITIES STS’ACTIVITIES 1-Listening (10ms) *Listen and choose the best answer Ss listen to T or the tape and choose A, B, complete the sentences: C or D to complete the sentences (from to at page 42) -T checks and gives the feed back The answers: A 25 years D Lived next door to each other B move to Scotland D.1999 C at Jame’s wedding Reading: (11ms) -T asks some questions Answer Who are they? *Vocabulary: What are they doing? - virtually (adv) : Whose is the party? - prominently (adv) -T asks Ss to read the text in silently - ought (n) and answer the questions Calls ss to present their answers ss work in pairs *Answer the questions: 1.Because they had been childless ten years after they got married To take some photos of the happy family The boy was dressed in a smart ,brand ,new ought and look like a little prince Because he was only interested in the toys (he had received) 5.He felt it was a delightful and look Pronunciation and grammar forward to the next day to have the film (15ms) developed a, Listen and put the tick ( ) in the -Ss work in individually and the right column, paying attention to the exercises pronunciation of the underlined part of the world nine * mine hour* house matching* machine 4.yam* jam -Ss work in groups and the exercise the party b, Complete the sentences , using the right form (base, full or passive) of the infinitive in brackets (from to at page 45) -T checks and gives the feedback -Ss work in individually the compare the 4.Writing (9ms) answers with a partner Asks Ss to write about their birthday Answers: party (or one of their friends’) - After they have finished T picks up some Ss’ writing and find common mistakes then asks Ss to correct to see 2.to be 3.to phone 4.pay 5.to be met 6.To be appointed Write about their birthday party by 5.Home work (2ms) Do all the exercises in the book in answering these questions + Whose birthday party was it? the text book again +Where and when was it held? prepare unit +What did you there? +How did you enjoy it?

Ngày đăng: 30/08/2016, 08:37

