TÍNH BỀN CƠ KHÍ CHO THÂN VÀ ĐÁY,NẮP THIẾT BỊ THEO TIÊU CHUẨN CHLB ĐỨC AD2000 CODE AD2000 code là bộ qui chuẩn tính toán kỹ thuật của hiệp hội kỹ sư Đức dựa trên những tiêu chuẩn DIN,DINISO để tính toán cơ khí cho thiết bị hóa học (đáy nắp, thân thiết bị)ContentI. IntroduceII. Calculation Method1. Parameter calculation2. Cylindrical Shell 2.1 internal pressure 2.2 external pressure3. End and headII. Example
AD2000 CODENhóm 11:
GVHD: Nguyễn Hữu Hiếu
Trương Thanh Tiến 61203843 Huỳnh Quang Tiên 61203793
Trang 3 The AD 2000 Code of
practice for pressure vessels
is drawn up by the German
Pressure Vessel Association.
Trang 5II Calculation Method
1 Parameter calculation (AD2000-B0)
Calculate the length of the shell
Symbols and units
Trang 6a lever arm mm
b width mm
c1 allowance for minus thickness tolerance mm
c2 wear allowance mm
d diameter of an opening, flange, screw mm
da outside diameter of a tube, nozzle, flange mm
di inside diameter of a tube, nozzle, flange mm
dt pitch diameter mm
dD average gasket diameter mm
e wide side of rectangular or elliptical plate mm
f narrow side of rectangular or elliptical plate mm
p design pressure bar
Ps maximum allowable pressure bar
Pt test pressure bar
r generally radius, e.g transition radius mm
s required wall thickness includin allowances mm
se actual wall thickness mm
v factor indicative of the use of the allowable design stress in joints or factor allowing for weakening
x decay-length zone mm
A area mm2
Symbols and units
Trang 7Calculate the length of the shell
- L = H (shells have fit flange and connected with two flat ends)
- L = H + h/3 (shells connected with two eliptical or spherical ends)
L = l (b < 0,1L)
L = l-b (b ≥ 0,1L)
(shells have stiffener ring)
Trang 8I planar moment of inertia mm4
K design strength value at design
S safety factor at design pressure
S´ safety factor at test pressure
SD leak safety factor
SK safety factor against elastic cupping at design pressure
S'K safety factor against elastic cupping at test pressure
SL safety factor on the permissible number of load cycles
Trang 9• If a pressure-bearing wall is subject to pressure and vacuum at the same time, the design pressure is equal to the pressure difference.
Trang 10- Tmax < 20 °C => T = 20 °C
- Tw < 10o c => see AD 2000Merkblatt W 10
- For unheated walls: T = Tmmax
- For heated walls:
- In the case of brick linings,
it shall be determined by calculation
in the case of protected walls, the maximum working temperature plus 20 K
in the case of directly heated walls, the maximum working temperature plus 50 K
Design temperature
Trang 11Design strength value
• design temperature : W series of the AD2000
• time-dependent design : AD2000-S 6
Trang 13Safety factor
• The safety factors shall be taken from Tables 2 and 3 unless differing or additional data are given in the individual AD 2000-Merkblätter
Trang 14• For austenitic steels and non-ferrous metals,minus
tolerances are not taken into account only when there
is static loading due to internal pressure
• For ferritic steels => c1 = 0
• For austenitic steels and non-ferrous metals => c2 = 0
• For ferritic steels => c2 = 1 mm
Trang 15The permissible design stress level
in joints
- v = 1
- For brazed joints
- Lapped soldered circumferential joints between copper
parts are acceptable provided the lapping is at least 10 se up
to a wall thickness of 6 mm and up to Da, p ≤ 2500 mm bar v= 0,8
- For soldered joints between copper plates with a continuous
strap of width ≥ 12 Se on both sides of the joint, Se ≤ 4 mm
and an allowable Pw ≤ 2 bar
Trang 16Minimum wall thickness
• The minimum wall thicknesses specified in the B series
of AD 2000-Merkblatter are nominal wall thicknesses
Trang 172.1 Cylindrical shells subjected to
Trang 18Calculation steps
Determine minimum
thickness S’ ?
Choose actual thickness Se ?
Check permissible
stress ?
Calculate stiffener
ring ?Choose material ?
Trang 19 Step 1: choose material
• Design temperature T
• Design pressure P
• External diameter Da
• Design strength value K
• Wall thickness tolerances C1 (mm)
• Wear allowance C2 (mm)
• Weld joints safety factor v
Trang 20• Safety factor
- The safety factors for plastic deformation are given in Table 1
- The safety factor for elastic buckling, irrespective of the
Trang 21 Step 2: Calculate minimum thickness S’ ?
• Ceamless, welded or brazed cylindrical shells
Trang 22Design calculations for elastic buckling
n: the number of buckling ridges
D n
l S c c
− −
3 2
Trang 24 − −
Trang 25Design calculations for plastic deformed
a a
a e
Trang 28Where the circumference is oval:
Where the circumference has a flattened portion:
For tubes:
D: governed by the manufacturing conditions
max min max min
Trang 30Shell length against elastic
buckling after reinforcement
EI p
Trang 322.2 Cylindrical and spherical shells
subjected to internal overpressure
Trang 33Calculation steps
Minimum wall
thickness S’ ?
Choose actual thickness Se ?
Required wall thickness S ?
Check permissible
stress ?Choose material ?
Trang 34Step 1: Choose material
• Design strength value K (N/mm2 )
Trang 35Step 2: Minimum wall thickness S’ (nominal wall thicknesses)
• Seamless, welded or brazed cylindrical shells
Trang 36Step 4: Required thickness S
Trang 37 1,2<Da /Di ≤1,5 : Cylindrical
(Da/Di>1,35 : S= 1,4 (over 200 oC))
Trang 38Step 5: Check permissible stress
Wall with no considerable temperature difference
Stress intensity on the inner σ i and outer σ a surface :
Trang 39Wall with considerable temperature difference
Thermal stresses :
Trang 41Maximum stress on the inner σi and outer σa surface
Trang 42
3 End and head
Domed ends objected to internal or external pressure
Trang 43• The length of the cylindrical part is: a) For torispherical ends : h1 ≥ 3,5s b) For semi-ellipsoidal ends : h1 ≥ 3s
Trang 45Calculate steps
Calculate minimum
thickness S’ ?
Calculate actual thickness
S ?
Check permissible pressure ?
P ≤ [p]
Choose material ?
Trang 46Step 1: choose material
Trang 47Step 2 : Minimum wall thickness S’
•Domed ends : s=2mm
•Domed ends made of aluminium and its alloy: s=3mm
•For castings the minimum wall thickness, among other parameter, is determined by the manufacturing technique
Trang 48Step 3: Calculation required wall thickness
•K : design strength value at design temperature
•safety factor at design pressure
1 2
40.K.v ( a 1).
Trang 49•Thickness of knuckle and hemisphere connection :
• S : safety factor at design pressure
•β : the design factors B shall be taken form Fig 7 and Fig 8
a kah
v S
Trang 52Step 4 :Check permissible pressure
Internal pressure :
The maximum pressure allowed of torisphecal ends:
The maximum pressure allowed of knuckle and hemisphere connection :
S p
K v s c c P
D p β
− −
Trang 53Safety factor:
•The safe factor Sk against elastic buckling of the end under external pressure :
•if PT>1,3p:
0, 002 3
S ≥ Sk
Trang 54s c c
E p
Trang 553.2 Conical shells subjected to internal and external overpressure
Trang 58 Safety factor
Safety factor S shall be taken from tables 2 and 3 of
AD 2000-Merkblatt B 0.
In case of stressing by external overpressure the safety factor
according to 4.1 shall be increased by 20 % The safety factors for grey cast iron remain unchanged
The safety factors to prevent elastic and plastic inward buckling
of the cone shall be taken from AD 2000-Merkblatt B 6
Trang 59Calculate minimum thickness S’
•Conical shell is : s’=2mm
•Conical shell made of aluminium and its alloys is s’=3mm
•Exception to the requirement of 9.1 and 9.2 are possible as specified in 10.2 of AD 2000- merkblatt B0
Trang 60Calculation required thickness s
•Tapler length (inside the tapler area ) :
a l
a l
x D s c c
D s c c x
Trang 61• Required wall thickness outside of taper area :
•Requires wall thickness inside of taper ares :
20 .
k g
D p
v p S
K v
Trang 62Shallow convergent conical shells ( > 70°)
'For shallow conical shells having a knuckle radius r> 0,01 Da1, the required wall thickness is:
Trang 63III Example
Trang 64Thank you for your attention