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Ộ Kho tai lieu Ketnooi.com ENGLISH AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE ADULT LEARNERS’ LEARNING STRATEGY PROBLEMS A CASE STUDY AT VINH LONG COMMUNITY COLLEGE LUẬN VĂN THẠC SĨ: GIÁO DỤC HỌC Chuyên ngành: Lí luận Phương pháp dạy học môn Tiếng Anh CẦN THƠ, 2009 MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING CAN THO UNIVERSITY LÝ THỊ ÁNH NGUYỆT ENGLISH AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE ADULT LEARNERS’ LEARNING STRATEGY PROBLEMS Trung tâm Học liệu ĐH Cần Thơ @ Tài liệu học tập nghiên cứu A CASE STUDY AT VINH LONG COMMUNITY COLLEGE Program: Principles and Methods in English Language Education Program code: 60 14 10 MASTER THESIS: EDUCATION Supervisor: TRƯƠNG THỊ KIM LIÊN CANTHO, 2009 BỘ GIÁO DỤC VÀ ĐÀO TẠO TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC CẦN THƠ LÝ THỊ ÁNH NGUYỆT NHỮNG KHÓ KHĂN TRONG CHIẾN LƯỢC HỌC TIẾNG ANH CỦA HỌC VIÊN TRƯỞNG THÀNH Trung tâm Học liệu ĐH Cần Thơ @ Tài liệu học tập nghiên cứu TẠI TRƯƠNG CAO ĐẲNG CỘNG ĐỒNG VĨNH LONG Chuyên ngành: Lí luận Phương pháp dạy học Tiếng Anh Mã số: 60 14 10 LUẬN VĂN THẠC SĨ: GIÁO DỤC HỌC Người hướng dẫn khoa học: Th.s GVC: TRƯƠNG THỊ KIM LIÊN CẦN THƠ, 2009 BỘ GIÁO DỤC VÀ ĐÀO TẠO TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC CẦN THƠ LÝ THỊ ÁNH NGUYỆT ENGLISH AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE ADULT LEARNERS’ LEARNING STRATEGY PROBLEMS Trung tâm Học liệu ĐH Cần Thơ @ Tài liệu học tập nghiên cứu A CASE STUDY AT VINH LONG COMMUNITY COLLEGE LUẬN VĂN THẠC SĨ: GIÁO DỤC HỌC Chuyên ngành: Lí luận Phương pháp dạy học môn Tiếng Anh CẦN THƠ, 2009 Luận văn đính kèm theo với tựa đề tài: “ENGLISH AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE ADULT LEARNERS’ LEARNING STRATEGY PROBLEMS - A CASE STUDY AT VINH LONG COMMUNITY COLLEGE” học viên Lý Thị Ánh Nguyệt thực báo cáo Hội Đồng Chấm Luận văn thông qua Ủy viên (Ký tên) Ủy viên (Ký tên) Trung tâm Học liệu ĐH Cần Thơ @ Tài liệu học tập nghiên cứu Phản biện (Ký tên) Phản biện (Ký tên) Cần Thơ, ngày …… tháng………năm 2009 Chủ tịch hội đồng (Ký tên) i CERTIFICATE OF ORIGINALITY I hereby certify that this thesis entitled “English as a foreign language adult learners’ learning strategy problems - a case study at Vinh Long Community College” is my own work I declare that this thesis has not been submitted for the award of any degree or diploma at any other situations Can Tho, 2009 Supervisor Trương Thị Kim Liên Lý Thị Ánh Nguyệt Trung tâm Học liệu ĐH Cần Thơ @ Tài liệu học tập nghiên cứu ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I count myself very fortunate to have had Ms Truong Thi Kim Lien as my supervisor, and I would like to show my great thanks for her patience, advice, and support during the writing of the thesis I would like to express my special thanks to the instructors of MA class course 13, who provided me with valuable knowledge so that I could finish my thesis I would also thank my colleagues who have helped gather data, who have assisted with data analysis, and who have helped by reading and giving advice I am grateful to many students at Vinh long Community College who participated in the study by filling out questionnaire and by attending the interviews Special thanks are due to the Head of Vinh Long Community College and the colleagues in Socio- Economics Department for much support and encouragement when I was studying and writing so that I could finish the thesis this paper be possible without my family Trung Finally, tâm Học liệucould ĐH not Cần Thơ @ Tài liệu họcwho tậphave supported nghiênme cứu much with love and encouragement iii ABSTRACT It is practically recognized that English learning in early and late adulthood has been an urgent duty for learners in the time of information exchange and international integration in Vietnam However, it is proved not to be an easy task to fulfill, and learners face difficulties in their English learning This paper examined the extent to which EFL adult learners perceive about language learning strategy problems In addition, this paper considered the correlation between those problems and the factor of age and other factors In order to achieve these objectives, a survey was conducted on 135 adult learners majoring in Bureau Administration and Trade Union at Vinh Long Community College The participants completed the basic English course in three semesters each of which lasted for 60 to 90 periods From the survey result, 20 learners were selected for interview, and four classroom observations were carried out The main findings of the survey showed that affective strategies were the most serious problem The results indicated that among the correlations between those language learning strategy problems and age, gender, and belief about foreign language aptitude, the correlation between the problems and age was considerably significant Trung tâm Học liệu ĐH Cần Thơ @ Tài liệu học tập nghiên cứu In short, the thesis investigated the extent to which EFL adult learners at Vinh Long Community College perceived about language learning strategy problems The paper examined the correlations between age, gender and belief about foreign language aptitude with those problems Based on the findings, the study offered some recommendations to teachers, learners, curriculum designers, and administrators in order to improve adult learners’ English language learning strategies at Vinh Long Community College KEY WORDS: adult learners and learning, language learning strategy problems, memory strategy problems, compensation strategy problems, affective strategy problems, social strategy problems, belief about foreign language aptitude iv TÓM TẮT Thực tiễn cho thấy việc học tiếng Anh học viên trưởng thành nhiệm vụ cấp thiết thời đại trao đổi thông tin hội nhập quốc tế Tuy nhiên, học viên thường gặp nhiều khó khăn việc học tiếng Anh Đề tài khảo sát mức độ khó khăn chiến lựợc học ngoại ngữ học viên trưởng thành Ngoài ra, đề tài khảo sát xem có mối tương quan khó khăn với yếu tố độ tuổi yếu tố khác Để đạt mục tiêu trên, khảo sát tiến hành 135 học viên trưởng thành theo học chuyên ngành Quản trị Văn phòng Quản trị Công đoàn trường Cao đẳng Cộng đồng Vĩnh long Các học viên tham gia đề tài hoàn tất chương trình Anh văn học kì, học kì kéo dài từ 60 đến 90 tiết học Qua kết khảo sát có 20 học viên chọn để vấn Ngoài có bốn quan sát thực lớp học Kết cho thấy học viên trưởng thành gặp khó khăn nhiều chiến lược tình cảm Ngoài ra, mối tương quan khó khăn với yếu tố độ tuổi, giới tính niềm tin khiếu học ngoại ngữ, mối tương quan với độ tuổi mạnh kết tìm ĐH được, Cần đề tài đưa đề xuất với giảng chuyên viên Trung Từ tâm Học liệu Thơ @ Tài liệu họcviên, tậphọcvàviên, nghiên cứu thiết kế chương trình giảng dạy, cấp có thẩm quyền với mong muốn giúp cho chiến lược học tiếng Anh học viên trưởng thành trường Cao Đẳng Cộng Đồng Vĩnh Long tốt có hiệu v LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS BAFLA : Belief About Foreign Language Aptitude CPH : Critical Period Hypothesis EFL : English as a Foreign Language L2 : Foreign / second language LLSP : Language Learning Strategy Problems SILL : Strategy Inventory for Language Learning Trung tâm Học liệu ĐH Cần Thơ @ Tài liệu học tập nghiên cứu vi 17 I notice if I am tense or nervous when I am studying or using English 18 I write down my feeling in a language learning diary 19 I talk to someone else about how I feel when I am learning English 20 I feel afraid of learning English 21 I feel more tense and nervous in language class than in other classes 22 I am afraid that the other students will laugh at me when I make mistakes 23 I am worried when I don't understand what the teacher is saying in English 24 I can feel my heart pounding when I am called out in class D Social strategy problems 25 I am afraid of practising English with other students 26 I am afraid of asking questions in English 27 I am afraid of asking the teacher for explanation or clarification Trung 28 tâm Học liệu ĐH Cần Thơ @ Tài liệu I not want to join classroom activities 2 3 5 2 3 5 5 5 1 2 3 5 học1tập nghiên cứu PART THREE: YOUR BELIEF ABOUT LANGUAGE LEARNING APTITUDE 29 Children learn a second language better than adults 30 Some people have a special ability for learning foreign languages 31 I have a special ability for learning foreign languages 32 Women are better than men at learning foreign languages 33 Everyone has special ability for learning foreign languages 84 APPENDIX 3: INTERVIEW (Vietnamese version) Chào bạn, Xin bạn cho phép dùng tên thật vấn vui lòng trả lời số câu hỏi sau đây: Sự thành công việc học ngoại ngữ nói chung học tiếng Anh nói riêng phụ thuộc vào nhiều yếu tố Bạn có đồng tình với ý kiến không? Nếu bạn đồng tình với ý kiến này, theo bạn, yếu tố nào? - Về phiá thân người học (ví dụ khiếu đặc biệt, tuổi tác người học) - Về yếu tố bên (ví dụ điều kiện học tập, tài liệu học, vai trò giáo viên ) Bạn có bí giúp học tốt tiếng Anh không? (ví dụ bí ghi nhớ bài, bí làm giàm căng thẳng .) Xin bạn cho biết cụ thể (ví dụ để ghi nhớ bài, bạn làm gì?) Trong lớp, bạn không hiểu điều gì, bạn giải nào? Có hoạt động học tập học tiếng Anh lớp bạn hay không? (ví dụ làm tập theo cặp, trò chơi học tập, ) Trung Bạn tâmthích Học liệu ĐH Cần Thơ @ Tài liệu học tập nghiên cứu hoạt động học tập lớp nhất? Vì sao? Những hoạt động học tập lớp mà bạn không thích nhất? Vì sao? Cám ơn bạn dành thời gian cho vấn 85 APPENDIX 4: INTERVIEW (ENGLISH VERSION) Dear participant, Let me use your real name in the interview and please answer the following questions: There are many factors affecting the success of foreign language learning in general and English learning in particular Do you agree with this idea? If so, according to you, what are the factors related to the learners (for example, special ability, learners’ age )? What are the outside factors (for example, learning facilities, materials, the teachers’ role …)? Do you have any tips for good English learning (for example, how to have good memory, how to decrease the tension in English lessons …)? Please specify (for example, in order to remember the lesson, what you do?) What you if you not understand something in the English lessons? Are there any English learning activities in your English lessons (for example, pair work, group work, games, …)? What activities you like best? Why? don’t you like best? Why not? Trung What tâmactivities Học liệu ĐH Cần Thơ @ Tài liệu học tập nghiên cứu Thank you very much for your time 86 APPENDIX 5: INTERVIEW SAPMLE TRANSCRIPTIONS LÊ VĂN NGHIỆP Interviewer: Hello, could you please introduce yourself Learner: Hello, my name’s Lê Văn Nghiệp, born in 1969, and I’m a student of Trade Union I.: Do you mind if I use your real name in the interview? L.: No problem I.: The first question is that you think the success of learning a foreign language in general and English in particular depend on many factors? L I agree I.: Could you tell me some factors related to learner’s themselves? L.: I think it is necessary for language learners to have good basic knowledge on that language In addition, learners must have certain aptitude to acquire a new language They also have awareness of their learning, and are responsible for their learning Trung tâm Học liệu ĐH Cần Thơ @ Tài liệu học tập nghiên cứu I.: What you think about the outside factors, for example, learning facilities, the teacher’s role, ? L.: To me, some factors also affect the success of language learning They are warming learning environment, friendly atmosphere The materials must be comprehensive The most important outside factor is the role of teacher I mean the importance of teaching methods I.: Could you share some secrets of successful English learning of your own? L.: I think in order to remember the lesson, it is necessary to write down what have been learned Also, it is important to pay much attention in class I.: Sometimes you feel tired of learning Then, what you often to reduce the stress of learning? L.: In this case, I not think about the lesson for a while, then I focus on the lesson again I.: How you solve the problem of not understanding the lesson? 87 L.: Whenever I not understand anything, I first ask my teacher for clarification, I also ask my classmates sitting around me I try to solve the problems by myself by looking at the other materials at home I.: What classroom activities you like best? L.: In order to stimulate the class, it is necessary to organize some learning games for students to join Learning with fun makes English class more interesting I.: What activities don’t you like? L.: I not want to be called out, and asked to the board I think when learners are called out, they will have stress which leads to negative learning attitude I.: If you not want to get to the board, how teachers know you understand the lesson? L.: Discuss the problems in group in the most effective, I think so Also, the learners feel more comfortable when they share the ideas in groups I.: Thank you very much for your joining LÊ VĂN KHÁI Trung tâm Học liệu ĐH Cần Thơ @ Tài liệu học tập nghiên cứu Interviewer: Hello, could you please introduce yourself Learner; I am Le Van Khai, a student of Trade Union class at Vinh Long Community College I.: The first question is that you agree with the idea that the success of learning a foreign language in general and English in particular depends on many factors? L I agree I.: Could you tell me some factors related to learner’s themselves? L.: I think the most important factor related to learners themselves is that they must have deep love to English learning, and learners are to be serious in their learning Beside, learners’ age is also important because learning at young age is better than at older age I.: What you think about the outside factors? L.: Time for learning, I think so I mean flexible and appropriate time will make learning better because if many things are required to remember at the same time, 88 learners will forget them in a short time Beside, comfortable learning environment makes it better I.: Could you share some secrets of successful English learning of your own? L.: To tell the truth, I not think I have secrets for success However, from my own experience, learning from classmates is what I often in my learning I.: If so, when you not understand anything, you ask your friends? L.: I find it easier and more comfortable when I ask my friends for clarification However, because I am afraid of being laughed by classmates, I never ask my teachers I never ask my teacher in my student life I What classroom activities you like best? L.: Pair work is what I like best because it makes learning more effective in terms of memory I.: What activities don’t you like? L.: In general, I think being a learners, it is advisable to join any learning activities and assignments given by teachers To me, there is no choice I.: Would you like to share anything? Trung tâm Học liệu ĐH Cần Thơ @ Tài liệu học tập nghiên cứu L.: No, thank I.: Thank you for your joining PHẠM THANH THƯƠNG Interviewer: Hello, could you please introduce yourself Learner; I am Phạm Thanh Thương, a student of Bureau Administration class at Vinh Long Community College I.: The first question is that you agree with the idea that the success of learning a foreign language in general and English in particular depends on many factors? L I agree I.: Could you tell me some factors related to learner’s themselves? L.: I think learners’ love to study Also, learners should be keen on learning during the time they are at college I.: What you think about learners’ language learning aptitude? L.: I think learning ability is also important, but not always 89 I.: What you think about the outside factors? L.: There are four factors: they are enough time for learning, good learning environment, learning materials, and the most important is teacher’s role in class I.: Could you share some secrets of successful English learning of your own? L.: Having good plan is necessary Also, in order to have good memory, I try to learn the lesson right in class Before going to bed, I try to recall what the teachers have said I.: What you if you not understand the lesson? L.: I ask my classmate and my teachers I What classroom activities you like best? L.: Group work is what I like best because we can share ideas in group more easily In addition, I like games about word guessing because those games help me enrich my vocabulary I.: What activities don’t you like? L.: I don’t like the activities when I have to face the teacher, then, I feel nervous and my heart beats strongly Trung tâm Học liệu ĐH Cần Thơ @ Tài liệu học tập nghiên cứu I.: Thank you very much for your joining NGUYỄN VĂN TƯƠI Interviewer: Hello, could you please introduce about yourself? Learner: My name’s Nguyễn Văn Tươi, a student from Union Class I.: Could you please answer the following questions The first question is that you agree with the idea that the success of learning a foreign language in general and English in particular depends on many factors? L.: I agree I.: If you agree, could you tell me some factors related to learners themselves? L.: To learn English well, learners have to be keen on learning, learn with their hearts, take notes carefully, and review the lessons I.: What you think about the outside factors? L.: I think the help from classmates is necessary In addition, the other outside materials such as newspapers or magazines also help much in learning 90 I.: Could you share some secrets of successful English learning of your own? L.: I think understanding the lesson is important because students can not study well without understanding what they want to learn In order to understand well, it is necessary to study things with good care and to take notes carefully Using Vietnamese helps much in understanding I usually think in Vietnamese first, and then in English because I believe that this way I study better In dealing with much information, I divide things into smaller ones and study part after part I.: What you when you not understand the lesson? L.: I ask my classmates and teacher for clarification I.: What classroom activities you like best? L.: I prefer practicing the lesson with my classmates I.: Could you tell me the reasons? L.: This is because I have never learned English before, therefore I am afraid of being asked to be in front of the whole class for fear of making mistakes Working in small groups makes me more confident I.: What activities don’t you like best? Trung tâm Học liệu ĐH Cần Thơ @ Tài liệu học tập nghiên cứu L.: I not like being called out in class The reasons I have told you in the previous question I.: Thank you very much for your sharing ideas NGUYỄN KINH QUỐC I.: Hello! Could you tell something about yourself? L.: My name’s Nguyễn Kinh Quốc, a student from Union Class I.: The first question is that you think the success of learning a foreign language in general and English in particular depends on many factors? L I agree I.: If you agree, could you tell me some factors related to learners themselves? L.: Because I am attending university while still working, I think learners’ situation including their age as well as their present work affects much in the success of learning I.: What you think about learners’ aptitude? 91 L.: I think it also affects the success of language learning I.: What you think about the outside factors? L.: The most important thing is the teacher’s role Teacher teaches well, and that leads to good learning I.: What you mean by “well”? L.: I mean good teacher must have good teaching method appropriate to the learners, especially to adult learners I.: What you think about the outside factors? L.: My present works limits the success of learning I.: Could you share some secrets of successful English learning of your own? L.: I study new vocabulary with the help of mobile phone with which I can look up the word meaning This way, I can study by myself Of course, I understand new things through my mother tongue I.: What you when you feel stress out? L.: I try to relax by myself, and I reduce stress by myself I.: What you if you don’t understand the lesson? Trung tâm Học liệu ĐH Cần Thơ @ Tài liệu học tập nghiên cứu L.: I often ask my classmates Sometimes I ask my teacher I.: What classroom activities you like best? L.: I like working with classmates, sharing what I know with them I think I will remember more if I work with my friends I.: What activities don’t you like best? L Because I am older and my pronunciation is not good, I am afraid being in front of the whole class I.: If so, who will check you? L.: My classmates will check me Through exchanging with classmate I think I will overcome the problems I.: Do you have anything to share? L No I.: If not, thank you very much for your ideas 92 APPENDIX 6: INSIDE CLASSROOM OBSERVATIONS OBSERVATION (#1) Observation date: December 15, 2008 Time: Start: 7: 15am School: Vinh Long Community College End: 7:30 am Class: Trade Union Issue observed: Learners’ revision Method: Checking vocabulary Number of students: 38 Male: 25 Female: 13 Number of students being checked: 02 (01 male and 01 female) Volunteers: no Comments: Both did not review the lesson very well; female did a little better than male Learners’ attitude: When learners were checked the old lesson, they were worried much Some learners tried to open the note books to find the answers Some learners did not have the lesson notes because they were absent from the previous lesson OBSERVATION (#2) Observation date: December 19, 2008 Time: Start: 8: 30am School: Vinh Long Community College End: 8:45 am Class: Trade Union Trung Issue tâmobserved: Học liệu ĐH Cần Thơ @ Tài liệu học tập nghiên cứu Fifteen-minutes test Method: Accidental checking old lessons Number of students: 38 Male: 25 Female: 13 Comments: Learners did not the task seriously They looked at other papers, looked at the books and note books, and did not hand the paper when the time was over OBSERVATION (#3) Observation date: December 22, 2008 Time: Start: 8: 50am School: Vinh Long Community College End: 9:20 am Class: Trade Union Issue observed: Learners’ ability to guess the meaning of the new words Method: Teaching reading comprehension Number of students: 38 Male: 25 Female: 13 Comments: Learners could not guess the meaning of the new words They looked up every new word on dictionaries, or they asked the teacher for the meanings Some learners gave up, and waited for teacher’s explanation In general, nearly the whole class were very passive in dealing with new issues However, female learners seemed to be keener on working with dictionaries than male learners did 93 OBSERVATION (#4) Observation date: January 5, 2009 Time: Start: 8: 50am School: Vinh Long Community College End: 9:20 am Class: Trade Union Issue observed: Classroom interactions among learners and among learners and teacher in exercises periods Number of students: 38 Male: 25 Female: 13 Comments: Learners, especially older and weaker learners, preferred working in groups and pairs rather than working individually Female learners were not very embarrassed because they were not shy to asked teacher or their classmates for clarification Male learners, however, were shy and did not ask teacher for anything Learners were more confident when they faced their groups rather than they faced the whole class However, they did not ask questions in English They used their native language most of the time in English lessons Trung tâm Học liệu ĐH Cần Thơ @ Tài liệu học tập nghiên cứu 94 APPENDIX 7: RAW CALCULATIONS ****** Method (covariance matrix) will be used for this analysis ****** R E L I A B I L I T Y A N A L Y S I S - S C A L E (A L P H A) N of Cases = 135.0 N of Statistics for Mean Variance Std Dev Variables Scale 89.7630 175.5553 13.2497 33 Item-total Statistics Scale Mean if Item Deleted Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Trung Q5 tâm Q6 Q7 Q8 Q9 Q10 Q11 Q12 Q13 Q14 Q15 Q16 Q17 Q18 Q19 Q20 Q21 Q22 Q23 Q24 Q25 Q26 Q27 Q28 87.5407 87.3556 86.8519 87.6815 87.3185 Học liệu 87.3556 87.4963 87.2519 86.6296 87.6519 86.3926 86.9852 87.2074 87.6296 85.9111 86.5852 87.4444 87.4370 85.9037 86.9778 87.4296 86.9481 87.5185 87.5333 86.3630 86.5630 86.8963 85.7778 Scale Corrected Variance ItemSquared if Item Total Multiple Deleted Correlation Correlation 162.7278 5056 163.1562 4412 162.0525 4252 161.8008 4927 163.2485 4477 ĐH Cần Thơ @ 162.4547 4819 160.4757 5200 161.6674 4441 165.5931 3337 161.6018 5247 167.0910 2537 166.1192 3138 161.5089 4820 158.2648 6327 173.8428 0600 176.7819 -.0834 158.7413 5453 185.5613 -.3483 182.2519 -.2987 153.7234 6308 154.0678 7001 160.9898 4490 160.1620 5271 158.3851 5811 165.0538 3626 164.6807 3786 161.4220 4102 168.4726 2898 95 5320 4476 4249 5977 Tài.5504 liệu 5319 5518 4681 4016 4855 4520 3507 5206 6675 3171 2347 6354 4394 3615 6533 7201 5226 6141 6320 4491 4900 4473 3572 Alpha if Item Deleted 8181 8196 8198 8179 8195 học tập 8184 8167 8192 8231 8171 8259 8237 8181 8132 8299 8378 8154 8478 8411 8109 8093 8189 8164 8144 8222 8217 8203 8245 nghiên cứu Q29 88.2593 170.8651 2337 2875 8259 Q30 87.8667 173.3403 0884 2796 8292 Q31 85.7852 181.5132 -.3199 3471 8386 Q32 86.0667 171.5403 1271 2386 8292 Q33 87.8000 177.6836 -.1246 3856 8355 _ R E L I A B I L I T Y A N A L Y S I S - S C A L E (A L P H A) Reliability Coefficients N of Cases = 33 items 135.0 Alpha = 8278 Standardized item alpha = 8154 Descriptive Statistics MEAN Valid N (listwise) N Minimum Maximum 135 1.79 4.00 Mean 2.7402 Std Deviation 46937 135 Trung tâm Học liệu ĐH Cần Thơ @ Tài liệu học tập nghiên cứu Descriptive Statistics N Minimum Maximum Mean Std Deviation Adults' language learning strategy 135 1.79 4.00 2.7402 46937 problems Valid N (list wise) 135 Statistics Mean Std Deviation Memory Compensation Affective strategy strategy strategy Social strategy problems problems problems problems (max = 5) (max = 5) (max = 5) (max = 4) 2.73 2.77 2.39 2.79 1.294 914 1.059 706 96 Correlations between age and LLSP Descriptive Statistics LLSP AGE Mean 2.7402 1.4815 Std Deviation 46937 50152 N 135 135 Correlations LLSP AGE LLSP Pearson -.292(**) Correlation Sig (2-tailed) 001 N 135 135 AGE Pearson -.292(**) Correlation Sig (2-tailed) 001 N 135 135 ** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed) Correlations between gender and LLSP Trung tâm Học liệu ĐH Cần Thơ @ Tài liệu học tập nghiên cứu Descriptive Statistics LLSP Gender Mean 2.7402 1.46666 67 Std Deviation 46937 N 135 50074571 135 Correlations LLSP Gender LLSP Pearson 201(*) Correlation Sig (2-tailed) 019 N 135 135 Gender Pearson 201(*) Correlation Sig (2-tailed) 019 N 135 135 * Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed) 97 Correlations between BAFLA and LLSP Descriptive Statistics LLSP BAFLA Mean 2.7402 2.6074 Std Deviation 46937 35861 N 135 135 Correlations LLSP LLSP BAFLA Pearson Correlation Sig (2tailed) N Pearson Correlation Sig (2tailed) N BAFLA -.01 926 135 135 -.010 926 135 135 Trung tâm Học liệu ĐH Cần Thơ @ Tài liệu học tập nghiên cứu 98 [...]... advantages and disadvantages Adult learners could enjoy the benefits in language learning since they already knew a language, knew what language was used for, and language had a system of words and rules In addition, they could be aware the target language they were learning was different and they could be willing to take on the challenge Moreover, adult learners studied in an analytic way, willing to analyze... point, asking for help in doing a language task, talking with a native-speaking conversation partner, and exploring cultural and social norms) helped learners work with others and understand the target culture as well as the language In other words, social strategies facilitated interaction among learners and increased interaction with the target language; they were also helpful in cooperating in the learning. .. Oxford also stated clearly that setting goals and objectives, planning and organizing language tasks, directed actions and self-management belonged to metacognitive strategies Affective strategies enabled learners to handle their feelings, emotions, motivations or attitudes toward language learning Affective factors like emotion, attitude, motivation, and value influenced learning in an important way To... Language Learning Strategies: What Every Teacher Should Know Boston: Heinle & Heinle.) In my research, I investigated whether the age factor and the other factors like gender and belief about foreign language aptitude correlated with adults’ language learning strategy problems 2.3.1 Age factor As a part of biological factors which belong to individual differences, age factor has the influence on language. .. cognitively what they were learning Nevertheless, Duong (1999) said that the disadvantages seemed to outweigh the advantages In fact, when learning a foreign language as an adult, learners had to face many troubles, as follows: - The natural language ability is lost 19 - Speech organs have formed a habit and the speech for organ position to pronounce the mother tongue sounds have become a natural response - Rules... in order to improve adult language learning, the affective filters as well as barriers in classroom interactions should be considered 2.3 Factors affecting language learning strategy As specific actions or techniques taken by the learner, language learning strategies made learning “easier, faster, more enjoyable, more self-directed, more effective and more transferable to new situations” (Oxford, 1990,... one’s own learning style preferences and needs, planning for an L2 task, gathering and organizing materials, arranging a study space and a schedule, monitoring mistakes and evaluating task success, and evaluating the success of any type of learning strategy) In other words, these strategies involved being aware of and thinking about learning process together with planning, monitoring and self-evaluating... the researcher presents in detail (1) the rationale of the study relevant to problems related to language learning strategies in terms of memory, compensation, affective aspect, and social aspect that adult learners at Vinh Long Community College encounter when they learn non-major English, (2) the aims and significance of the study, (3) the general background of the study, and (4) the organization of... highly appreciated In short, as adult educators, in order to make teaching and learning effective, we should understand clearly about the characteristics of adult learners 2.1.4 Adult learning Principles of adult learning In adult education, it is very important to understand the principles of adult learning Knowles (1970), the father of adult education, developed andragogy (adult learning) ... that language learning strategies are “good indicators of how learners approach tasks or problems encountered during the process of language learning (Hismanoglu, 2004) They were operations and procedures that learners employed to promote and facilitate the language acquisition, storage, retrieval, and use of information in learners’ learning (Rigney, 1978) In fact, learners could improve their language

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