For example, when brother was sick, Inot only beside but also careful are very good I willing to help people when theyneed the lazy, sometimes, I sleep late but then it don’t lazy.. Ho
Trang 2TOPIC 1: Think about your favourite living famous person Talk about them to
your partner
My favourite living famous person, her name is My Tam Full name Phan Thi MyTam She was born on the 16th of January in 1981 in Da Nang city She graduatedfrom the Ho Chi Minh city conservatory and is currently one of the most favousitesingers in Viet Nam Not only beautiful, but also she is very talent Besides, she is
a famous singer, she is a famous actress
About family, she is a daughter 8th on her family (has 10 member in her family) The reason why I admire her this is beautiful sing, good aetress and expecially,she is very kind She often do cherity, she willing to help people around such as:poor people, … When they need or when they have difficulties
I love her very much
Although, I sing badly, I like sing, I often sing a song of My Tam singer, such as:chuyen nhu chua bat dau, uoc gi?, … I can learn her a lot of thing, although, she isonly singer Especially, the effort She strived for succeful Thank to effort she wassuccessin aspeeting on her life This make other people espect
TOPIC 2: Introduce yourself
My name is Dung The people often call me is “be” I am 19 years old Now, I amstudying at Hung Vuong Universit I was born on Tuy Loc village, Cam Khe distric,Phu Tho provide Now, I am living in Viet Tri city
There are six people in my family They are: my father, my mother, 2 youngsister, my young brother and I My mother died in 2005 Now, I am living withstep mother I like them very much
About chateractic, my father said that I very heart less But, I don’t think so Iusually care for other people in my family (For example, when brother was sick, Inot only beside but also careful are very good ) I willing to help people when theyneed ( the lazy, sometimes, I sleep late but then it don’t lazy) My friend said that I
Trang 3very friendly, kind, help feel and drank On study or on life I willing to help peoplewhen they need or when they have disfficulties I feel prouned of my friendbecause they are very kind Thank to my friend, I feel my life is more enjoy And Iwant to talk them that I love them so much.
My hobby is simple I like reading book, listening to music, chatting with friend
… After hard working day or stress lesson, my dream is becomed teacher.Because I love children and morver, my mother is a teacher There for, I alsobecome teacher like her
TOPIC 3: Think about a couple that you know very well you are going to tell a painter about them.
A couple that I like most This is my parents My father name is Ha He is 54years old My mother name is Xuyen She died in 2005 Now, my family are living
in Tuy Loc village, Cam Khe district, Phu Tho provide The reason why Iadmirethem is their love The love like love story My parent love each otherabout 10 years, they live together about 11 years Then my mother died Whenshe was too young My father said that, my love’s parent is very beautiful, purebut have a lot of difficulties Grand parent of my mother didn’t like him andbanded her to love him My Grand father beated my mother several times Myparents were very sad and dispointed but they didn’t give up My father talk, thatday, he was army, his house was very poor, and my mother was a teacher.Perhaps, it is the reason why my grand parent protested Then, my father wentforeign countries
My mother waited determination After 5 years, my father came back When,
my grand parent apcessed Finally, after 10 years, with have a lot of difficulties,
my parents also get married together and they live together very happy
I feel proud of them, my dear parent I learn from them a lot of thing,especially their love They can over come difficulties in order to happiness
Trang 4TOPIC 4: Differences between a modern and traditional family
First of all, one important difference is size of family, size of traditional familiesare larger than modern family Normally they have more than ten people in theirfamilies Where as modern families have only three to fair people traditionalfamilies always lives with their relatives & have a lot of children And they aremainly farmers: Members of families can work at the farms, there fore, theydidn’t hire workers They can save a lot of money In contrast, in modern families,they work in the office They only have one or two children and don’t live withtheir relatives
Secondly, another difference between traditional families and modern families ishead of family Men are always head of traditional families Women need to wakeeasly to prepare breakfast for everyone in their families They and children mustlisten & follow when ever men tell them Men have the power to order member
of their families to do everything On the other hand, modern families don’t havethe head of family because women & men are equal Both men & women workoutside They share ideas with each other women & children can decide by themselves, women can wake up at the some time
Thirdly, this is the difference of discipline Parents of traditional families areshict For example, children’s marrage must depend on their children’s decision.However, parents of modern families don’t follow these rules They always spoilchildren
In short, I think there difference can tell development of family system from thepast until now People should choose only the good things to change in theirfamilies because families are important
TOPIC 5: It is said that the only thing people are interestedin these days is earning more money What is your opinion?
Trang 5First of all, we can’t deny that money plays on important role in our societytoday Money is available means to make cair lives more comfortable and better.
We need money to pay for rent, electricity, petrol, gas tuition & so on The moremoney we have, the better food we can eat and medical treatment, we canreceive Also, the more money we have the more we can donate to charity.Therefore, people are interested in these days is earning more money
However, except for money there are some things that make life worth living.They are good health, good job, healthy hobbies true friendship Money is notgood it does not feed you directly Money can’t buy happiness, love When welose money, we can earn again money is important but not everything
In short, money isn’t only thing but it is a bigthing We can’t live withoutmoney Therefore, we should live both physically & mentally
TOPIC 6: What should you do to be healthy both physically and mentally.
I think,
The first, you should have a good and balanced died you should eat manydifferent kinds of meat and vegetable which provide enough vitamin andnutrition You should eat more vegetable and fruit, less meat, fat and sugar
The second, you shouldn’t drink too much coffee, wine and beer because it willaffeet to health You should drink more water Because water is nessesary foryou health and 75% body is water You should drink more fruit juice, it will make
me become more beautiful The third, you should avaid bad habit such as:smoking, drinking, going to bed late, … you should build good habit You shouldspend from 30 minutes to 1 hour playing sports such as: tennis, volleyball,badminton,… And also spend from 30 minutes to 1 hour doing exercise such asiogging, taking erobic,…
Trang 6The fourth, you shouldn’t be too angry, you should keep calm in any situations,you should have a positive attitude towards You should smile a lot, be lund toeveryone, help other people when they have difficulties you feel comfotable Youshouldn’t be pesimistic when we don’t succeed in doing anything.
In short, you should spend from 1 to 2 hours a day enjoyingour life to relaxreduce stress such as listening to music, chatting with friends, surfing the internet,singing, shopping,…
And expecially, you should go to hospital to cheek our health twice a year
TOPIC 7: Money and health, which is more important?
In my opinion, health is more important than money
Firstly, if you have a good health, you can do something Specially, you can earn
a lot of money People said that “ have a good health, have do something ”.Money can’t buy health despite having the ability to acquire the best medicalsystem however, money is earned through hard work How do you think whenyou have a lot of money but you disease lung cancer? Money become useless Secondly, money don’t bring to enjoy on the life if you don’t have a goodhealth A good health is interested in the life If you have a bad health, you willnot enjoy life and money will become useless Health can also bring joy in our lifefor an example, imagine that you were overseas doing all sort of crazy thing whileyou being healthy but all of the sudden you feel ill not being ableto spend yourlast few day in this wonderful trip
Thirdly, money can buy a lot of thing but money can’t buy health If you have alot of money, you can buy good food, the best medical system, … But if you have
a good health, you can also them A good health will help us to earn a lot ofmoney but a lot of money can’t buy health Money can also improve your health
Trang 7TOPIC 8: Your most treasured possession
I come from a family has 6 people: my parents, 2 young sister, 1 young brotherand I My parents work very hard There fore, they always want me to study welland overcome entrance exam And finally, their wish became true, I became astudent of a university To study E well, computer is very necessary However, Inever tell them to buy it But, I don’t understand why they know that my fieldneed to use computer for studying so much Therefore, my parents try to earnand save money so as to buy a computer for me After a month when I go touniversity, I’m really happy and surprised by computer which they bought to me.Although, I know that my parents will still buy it However, I’m still very surprised.It’s really a valuable and full of meaning present to me Therefore, I will try to use
it suitablly and carefully, and study well to deserve to my parent’s gift I like it somuch
TOPIC 9: Talk about a typical wedding ritual in Viet Nam
Wedding is very important not only to the couple involved but also for both families.
A wedding traditional in Viet Nam is divited to 3 part
Firstly, it is betrothal ceremony First of all, 2 parents will choose good day inorder to hold Next, 2 parents will extend invitation their relative, friend, ….Before betrothal, groom and bride often take photograph On the engagement,the ritual is very interest Groom’s family will have 3 or 5 unmariage man andbride’s family will have 3 or 5 unmariage woman, too The girl wear red “ ao dai “but it don’t like “ ao dai “ ‘s bride The boy wear white T- shirt tie and dark jeans
or pants but it don’t like groom Groom’s family will being betrothal presentincluded in areca nut, betlek leaves, tea , wine, cigarelte , Phuthe cake, … Theyare placed in round lacquered box… After betrothal, groom and bride go to the
Trang 8registration office to get marriage certificate Secondly, it is wedding, on thewedding, bride wear white wedding dress and groom wear suit The bride andgroom pray in front of the alter Next, they exchange the rings bride’s family is bedowry MC give sprech to other people Then groom take bride home In thegroom’s home, people be taked part in reception All people eat candy drink teaand sing or dance together….
The traditional wedding often hold at home or church The mordem weddingcan hold at home, church, restaurant, hotel,…
Finally, after wedding is honeymoon
TOPIC 10: Talk about a funeral ritual in Viet Nam
The sense of the dead is that of the final, say a Vietnamese proverb meaningthat funeral ceremonies must be solemnly organized Most funerals in Viet Namconsist of three stages
The first stage is called “ nhap quan “ ( entering the coffin ) After dying, thedeath body is cleaned with water, removed from the old clothes and worn in thedeath clothes The clothes are made from white fabric After wards, the orpse isplace inside the coffin and the relatives begin the side under the leader ship of ashaman All families and relatives will then go slowly around the coffin to payrespect and to see their deceased family member for the last time In addition,there is a bowl of sice and an egg place on top of the coffin
The second stage is the funeral is started at best time so that the friends andfurther relatives of the deceased come to share the sorrow with the family andpray for the salvation of the death’s soul The funeral can be held a few hours or awhole day, depending on the number of the vistors
Finally, on the best time, the deceased with the coffin is taken an others place
by their family It can be far away home and bury the deceased
Trang 9TOPIC 11: Talk about advantages and disadvantages of using the internet
Internet play an important roles in our mordem life The report will discuss theadvantages and disadvantages of using the internet
About advantages, using internet, firstly, the internet is a big store ofinformation You can find it many thing by the most popular search engines, forexample:,,, etc Beside, you can shareinformation with other people around the world, such as: chat with friend, check
e – mail, g – mail online phone, message, … There fore
Internet connects many people all over the world Stay up date with happening
in the whole world, the new technology, information Secondly, you can becomebusiness when using internet Thank to internet, you can earn a lot of money Youcan sell clothes, books,… And thank to internet you can save time and money.There are many services on internet Such as online shopping, online banking, jobseeking purchasing tickets for your favorite movies, bill paying, …
Thirdly, internet also provide good means of entertainment you can see movies,listen to music,… You can play games with other people in any part of the worldand there are many games for you choose
Morever, online education is also popular on the internet Many websitesprovide lectures, books and documents on the different subjects or topic You canalso download these lectures into your own computer You can listen and seethese lectures repeated and get a lot of knowledge
Firstly, nowadays internet has a lot of harmful websites Children can connect
to these websites that are for adult only They can see the information which isnot good This is perhaps the biggest threat related to your children’s healthymental life
Trang 10Secondly, this is virus threat Internet is the most popular source of spreadingviruses These viruses create different problems in your computer viruses that canattack your privacy and get some information about you It’s hard to predict whatwill happen if you were hacked the account information Besides, a lot ofinformation stored is stored on the websites some information may be incorrect
or not Sometimes you may be confused Thirdly, if you spend too much time infront of computer, you can diseases such as: eyesight deficiency, obesity, bone, ….Moreover, you waste money when using internet
TOPIC 12: Talk about the advantages and disadvantages of the mobile phone.
Mobile phone play an important roles in our morden life Mobile phone is agood technology which is not lacking from our lives The report will discuss theadvantages and disadvantages of using mobile phone
To day, mobile phone has become popular to everybody since it is veryconvenient The most advantages of having a mobile phone First of all mobilephone can help us keep in tough with my family, my friend my relatives,… especially with student When they must living far from a way home Having amobile phone is very important In case emrgeney such as: accident, illness,serious problem … Use can phone our parents, our friend, … Or our teacher toask for help The second, mobile phone provide good source of information Wecan know more information about every firld of life Such as: news, fashion, ….Morever, it help users up to date We can search useful information in theinternet… The third, mobile phone also provide good mean of entertainment Wecan play games, listen to music, chat with my friend, take photograph,… So wecan relax and reduce stress after hard working day On the other hand, mobilephone can help us save time, save money and energy For example, when you aresick, you don’t go to school, you can make a phone call your teacher in order toask for help Finally, mobile phone is also one way of user to show off They can apersen who is very fashion or is hi-tech fan…
Trang 11On the other hand, there are also disadvantages Firstly, using a lot of mobilephone can harm brain, particularly teen ager and children who are under 16 yearsold If you use mobile phone too much, you will get bad affects like dizzy, blood-brain bauier, or ears problems Morever, if you use mobile phone while you areother people.( besides, mobile phone is also trouble with line Such as: poorsignal, coverage, spam,…) secondly mobile phone can make alienlate people.Especially, when you chat with other people too loudly This make to affecteveryone around Thirdly, this is the costly we can waste much money in creler tobuy mobile phone and after we must pay phone Finally, mobile phone also cause
of crime such as: thief,… Nowaday, a lot of the thieve happen because a lot ofmobile phone is very expensive and have available such as: iphone, galaxy note,…
TOPIC 13: Talk about traffic and traffic accidents in our city Do you think that only stricter traffic law, can prevent accident on the road.
Nowadays, traffic and traffic accidents is more popular in our city But I don’tagree with idea only stricter traffic law can prevent accident on the road
Accidents caused by a lot of reason Firstly, poor quality of the road or whiclecan get accident Most of roads we’re built long time ago and were designed for acity of only around 2 million inhabitants Now there are over 4 million Most roadshave therefore become too narrow with a lot of pothoes Morever, mostpavements have been occupied by many kinds of people And most streets arecrammed with people and whicles, especially in the rush hours Secondly, peopleuncontrol animal of them to across on the road get accident Such as: dog,buffolow, beef,… Thirdly, a lot of driver are traffic laws and regulations They cannot enough age, they can drink a lot beer,… They can also get accident whenusing mobile phone and they violate the law Busy road Especially, bad weather iscaused by get accidents…
There are a lot of solutions in order to prevent accident on the road and merelymaking traffic law is not the best solution Firstly, we can provide better road
Trang 12facilities such as: traffic sign/ light… Secondly, we can improve quality of road.Road must big and don’t potholes Thirdly, we can improve responsibility andknow ledge of traffic participant lasses or course should be given at shools orvillages Fourdly, stucter traffic law can help to prevent accident on the road and
we can have whicle ckeeked regularly… therefore, have a lot of solutions in order
to prevent accidents on the road and tricter traffic law is only one solutions
TOPIC 14: Talk about the advantages and disadvantages of using public transport.
There days, public transport is becoming more and more popular all over theworld The report will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using publictransport
About advantages, public transport has many advantages for the environment.One advantages is that the environment will not be polluted The more cars theydrive, the more carbon dioxide they produce As you know, now global warming isbecoming a very serious problem Secondly, the streets will not be so crowdedifthey take public transport It also reduces the number of car accidents Manypeople die in car accidents everyday They can save our world and their lives,when they catch( a bus ) public transport Thirdly, using public transport can help
us to save your cost of living by saving petrol and parking cost With money that,you can pay hourse rent or buy books,…
About disadvantages, using public transport is inconvenience They can nottravel every where they want to go: when you go to by bus, it stops only a busstop If their destination is far away, they have to walk for a long time… Secondly,when using public transport you have to spend time with people who you do notknow especially when you went to school by bus We have to worry about them.Morever, buses are very crowed regularly We have to put up with being veryclose to strangers It’s terrible! They will fell stress when they take a bus Thirdly,high government spending expense to public transport
Trang 13TOPIC 15: What is significance of traveling?
Travel is more and more popular in our life It bring us a lot of happyness andinterested There are some significance of traveling
The first, travel help us reduce stress after long hard working day and busy life
We can see beautiful place, enjoy favourite food,… thus, you feel morecomfortable The second, travel is also an effective way to help us widenknowledge You can give chance to explore new things Such as: new places,cultures, tradition, custom, lifestyle, fashion and so on it help us more knowledgeabout human and life around Morever, travel help us improve many skillsespecially on our life.( communicate and behavior ) The third, travel help us toimprove our relationship, especially family member It help people become closeknit to each other Besides, travel is also chance to make friend contactwithpeople around and overseas The fourth, travel help us more matural When you
do to travel, you face with many problem Such as: culture shock, homesick,carsick,… Therefore, it help us be active, creative, confident to deal with difficult
On the other hand, travel is chance to change yourself about behavior andattitude toward people and life
In conclusion, travel have many benefit Therefore, if I have chance I am sure Iwill go to travel
TOPIC 16: Talk about the most important invention in the 21 st century
In the 21st century iphone became one of the most popular gadgets, bringingthe term “ smartphone” to a new level The first model was officially presented byApple Inc in January 9,2007 Users were able to buy the handset starting June2007
Trang 14To day the iphone can be used to make videos and pictures, listen to music,watch clips and more The users get the device with both Wifi and 3G.
The most impressive, however, is the multi- touch screen that boasts fastresponse to touch Users have the possibillty to use a myriad of applications thatcan be downloaded from the App store or third parties These applications havedifferent functionalities – users can play games, activate GPS navigation, browsesocial networks, watch movies and more Currently there are 5 generations ofiphone models
TOPIC 17: Talk about the favourite invention.
The favourite invention I like most, it is mobilephone It was invented in 1973
by Martin Cooper
Mobilephone has an important role in our life Mobile phone has becomespopular to everybody since it is very convinient We can bring it everywherewhen I want When you use mobile phone wherever, you can contact with otherpeople
TOPIC18: Talk about your idea partner.
My idea partner is a person who:
Firstly, about appearance, my partner isn’t too much handsome My partner isalso good- looking Because, if my partner is too much handsome, I will feelunsafe My fartner will have to catch a lot of girl eyes I want to my partner good-looking Thus, I will feel pround of my friend and I want my children will beautythe same their parent
Secondly, about characteristic, my partner need kind, dank, faithful humous,and know forgive is especially, my partner must sympathy with me I want to behappy when I beside him When I sad or disapoitted I want him to make smile
Trang 15Thirdly, about education, I wish my partner granduated college or university.Thus, we will easy share idea with each other And I don’t worry about money Mylife will become more comfortable If my partner have good education I am suredthat he will have a good job I want my partner is a businessman Because I want
to have a lot of money
Finally, about family My family’s partner is a moderm family I will feel morecomfortable when we live each other Thus, my life become more happy
First of all, I think that a man and woman must have sympathy so as tounderstand each other perfecttly And in difficulty siluation, thanks to sympathy,from the other, they can over come difficulties easily
Secondly, to lerance and generosity are very necessary in generating true love
We are human, we are not perfeet Therefore, they should accept Put up withand overcome each others short coming or mistake to built beautiful love
Finally, kindness and consideration are of great important things, too Because,one can’t hope to win the other’s affection and belief if he/ she is not willing toshare and give mutal help Therefore, they should try their best to be thought feel
to wards each other’s feeling By this way, they will be able to rais their importantroles in their partner’s heart It’s very interesting to talk about true love Hoping Iwill find a true love for myself in the future
Trang 16TOPIC 20: What do you think about TV commercial
Nowadays, TV commercial is more and more popular in the world It bring a lot
of benefit to our life There are some adoantages of TV commercial
Firstly, TV commercial provide a lot of useful information for consummers TVcommercial is a way moderm, intelligent of producers to introduce their products.The picture, the sound, … Make consummers remember their products aboutcost, brand, quality, function, design or place to buy… Secondly, TV commercialhelp the consummers to save time or money In tead of going shopping theconsummers can find out the goods & it information on the TV commercial.Therefore, consummers can get at home and choose suitable good products Thirdly, TV commercial increase competliveness among producers It makeimprovement for products TV commercial make high quality of product whilelower prices Besides, TV commercial is also good mean of entertainment It isvery interesting it is very eye catching people especially children With livelypicture,… When I watch TV commercial on the TV It is a way interested relax
TOPIC 21: Think of a piece of advertisement you’re seen which has disappointed you You are going to tell your partner about it.
Advertising is like a window of our modern life By looking at advertisement, Ican see what kinds of things I like to buy However, some advertisement is unture.One of the piece of advertisement I’ve seen which has disappointed me isshampoo called “ rejoice”
With the advertising, they said attractively Rejoice can leaves your hair shingand manageable Especially, this shampoo can be smooth in 24 hourscontinuously At that time, I thought that I found out suitable shampoo for myself.I’was very interested in this product But, in fact that, I couldn’t image when Ibought it, it made hair become very it chy and lost hair much I didn’t think that
Trang 17they could hupe Although, I spent a lot of money on buying it I had to give up itafter using some times Really, I’was very annoyed.
I hope that the advertisement should give instruction for their product exactly
TOPIC 22: Talk about the most important qualities that a good student should have.
We are students we want to become a good student It is sure But, becoming
a good student is very difficult I think the most important qualities that a goodstudent should have: firstly, this is hard working Hard working is a way helpstudents become agood students If you don’t intelligent, you should studyharder Thus, you will study better Besides, if you study harder, you will no timeonline facebook, play game, chat with friend,… Secondly, this is passionate,passionate is a good motivation It help students to love study, students willing tolearn new things Morever, students don’t give up their dream, and never stoptrying to achieve their goal
Thirdly, this is responsibility students should have responsibility to yourself Onstudy, students must self- study and don’t need to remind from their parent orteacher On works, student should have aware of their action students try to notmake mestakes Responsibility will make student feel shy with other peoplearound if they make mistakes
On the other hand, a good student must have self- confident 50 persent ofsuccessful is confidence If you have self- confident, you can do anything you are
a bad student, but you have self confident, I am sure that you can overcomedifficulties
TOPIC 23: Talk about qualities of a good teacher
Trang 18I personally think that a good teacher should have the following qualities:
Firstly, a good teacher should have good know ledge about the field he/ she isteaching In addition, a teacher should have general knowledge about every field
of life So that he/ she can answer any questions that his/ her students ask
Secondly, a teacher should be patient enough when his/ her students makemistakes
Thirdly, a teacher should be strie enough to punish lazy or bad students
Besides, a teacher should be tolerant to his/ her students What is more, ateacher should be enthusiastic to help her student with their study andresponsible for her students and work
On the other hand, a good teacher should find out the best method in teachingdifferent levels of students a good teacher should encourage their students towork harder Especially, a good teacher should love his/ her job so the teachercan overcome difficulties in life such as: low salary,…
In short, a good teacher should be fair in giving marlis and giving feedback agood teacher should should a good sense of humor kind, friendly,…
TOPIC 24: Think about your idea home
My idea home is a beautiful house It can a villa my house is a place where myfamily noisy I like quiet and fresh air here My house is a place where I can feelmore comfortable and happy besides my family after hard working day I want myidea home will have 5 main room There are living room, bed room, kitchen, bathroom and toilet I want all of room enough equipment About living room, it has abig sofa, a big television, in the wall I will hang some beautiful picture I want myliving room to be decoraded luxious In the middle living room, I will hang a big
Trang 19decoration- lamp It help my living room become more beautiful Next to livingroom, it is kitchen I want my kitchen have enough equipment Such as: TV,dinning table, fridge, microwave oven, cup board,… I want to arrange it suitableand convenient I want my kitchen must clean and have homely kitchen Aboutbed room,I want to have 3 bed room in my house There are my parent’s bedroom, my children’s bed room and my bed room Each bed room will decorade tohobby of member My bed room wil have a big bed, a big TV, a dressing table, award robe, … in the wall, I will hang a big photo of I a long with my husband.About bath room and toilet I want enough equipment about bath room andtoilet Such as: mirror, wash basin, shower,… I want each room in my house willhave decoraded different color.
In the ouside, I want have a small garden I can grow many flowers and manytrees I like
In my house, living room is the most important Because, living room is a placewhere my family watch film and chat together
TOPIC 25: At what age should a child leave home? Why.
In my opinion, the age children can leave home is a 18 years old when theystudy at college or university There are some following reasons
Firstly, when children are a 18 years old, child be enough matural in order toface with the life around Child will self- study way independent of their family.Parent shouldn’t too worry about them child can do anything when they are 18years old Especially, child can past- time job to support their life Beside theirmoney of their parent support
Secondly, when child is a 18 years old, child can take care of yourself They cancook, do house work and don’t need to help others people Parent shouldn’tsupport enough equipment when child is living far away from home Such as:washing machine, TV, fried, … Thus child can become lazy and dependent on
Trang 20their parent When child boarding house, child must living far away from home,child must take care of yourself.
Thirdly, when child is a 18 years old, is meanins child is a student at college oruniversity After 18 years child live their family together child learn them a lot ofthings And now, child can use it to their life Such as: communication, soft skill, …
TOPIC 26: Is there a generation gap in the modern Vietnamese family.
In the modern Vietnamese family there is always a generation gap in everysociety The gap is due to the following fads:
Firstly, the busy job is a mainly cause widens the gap Nowadays elderly peopletrend to leave their jobs and they stay at home with their family Young people go
to work and they can’t share the job interest with their elderly Because, their job
is too busy therefore they don’t have time take care of their family They look oftime to calk and to meet each other
Secondly, elderly pp have more experience in the life than young people.Therefore, old people see the young as inexperienced people who need carefulguidance to progress in life while these people tend to think and behaveindependently to assert their majority Thirdly, this is a lifestyle young people isvery energetic dyname and more ambition They like noisy, they willing to learnnew things Opposites, elderly people is very simple, they like peaceful tradition.Morever, each generation have individual education Therefore, each generationhave will have different thinks and suitable with their education
The gap is there, as in fact There are some solution to control Firstly, the gapyoung people should observe traditional value intead of calling, young peopleshould usually visit their parent if we have time or whenever we can
Secondly, young people should arrange suitable time, we should balantbetween job and life
Trang 21Thirdly, old people should get access to the modern world Such as: usinginternet, mobile phone, travelling, ….
TOPIC 27: What types of family do you prefer: nuclear or extended family?
Living in whether nuclear family or extended family is also good In my opinion,
I prefer living in nuclear to extended family because of some following reasons First of all, nuclear family only have 2 generation: parents and their children.Therefore, parents have much condition to care their children They can supportnecessary things to children what they want Such as: education, money, clothes,books, and so on Second of all, living in nuclear family help me ack nowledge and
be more mature and responsible Because, when I live in extended family, myparent or grandparent can give some introductions to encourage me to do But, if
I live in nuclear family, my parents have to work all day, my parent’s can’t helpregularly Therefore, I have to be responsible to study and do house chorse tohelp my parent And when I make mistake I can correct by myself Thus, I canbecome more mature
Third of all, living in nuclear family, I can be equal to everyone I can take part ingiving my own idea to any important event of my family
Last of all, I think that when I live in nuclear family, I can feel more comfortableand free I know that, extended family usually has grand parents, they are verystrict They always forced me to obey strict sule However, when I live in modernfamily, it is more comfortable although I have to obey rules
TOPIC 28: Talk about one of the most serious environmental problem in you area? What the causes and solution the problem?
Land pollution is one of the most serious enviormental problem in my area Firstly, ther are some following reasons
In my area, land pollution is mainly caused by family disposals and farmingchemical About family disposals, garbage is a land pollution In my area, garbage
Trang 22includes many types of glass, prastic, … it is emitted everywhere We can seeeasily garbage in the road or see people littering public places About farmingchemical, people in my area mainly live on agriculture Therefore, they useherbicide on agriculture are very popular We can see easily many herbicide onthe road And it is mainly get land pollution in my country Secondly, landpollution is get bad effect people in my area Especislly health problem, a monthago in my eare have over 10 people died cancer land pollution lead to{air
waterpollution and others thing Morever, it make surface run of
Finally, there are some solution to improve land pollution in my area with thisproblem government had many solution to improve situation We should improveresponsibility and enhance aware of people about protect environment weshould help people to know bad effect of pollution We should set stricter law onenvironment protect
TOPIC 29: Talk about the causes and effect of global warming.
Global worming is caused by many things The causes are split up into twogroup, man- made and natural causes
Natural causes created by nature One natural causes is a release of methane gasfrom arctic tundra and wetlands Methane is a green house gas Agreen house gas
is a gas that traps heat in the earth’s atmosphere Another natural cause is thatthe earth goes through a eyele of climate change
Man- made causes probably do the most damage There are many man- madecauses Pollution is one of the biggest man- made problems Pollution comes inmany shapes and sizes Burning fossill fuels is one things that causes pollution.Possill fuels are fuels made of organic matter such as: coal, oil, … When possillfuels are burned they give off a green house gas called CO2 Grobal warming bringbad effect to the earth Grobal warming increase one of the most immediate andobvious impacts of global warming is the increase in temperatures around theworld Next, scientists have found that the number and severity of extremeweather events- record-breaking high or low temperatures, high rainfall events or