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428 C120N How When Who Where —— PHAN THI MINH CHAU (Chu bien) LE THANH HA (Bien soan, tuyen chon va gidi thigu) &dni nang. on. lugiii HOC SINH GIOI * TIENG ANH TRUNG HOC CO Sd y Cac chuyen de ngO am, ngO phap, tCr viing, ky nang noi, doc, viet nang cao va cac bai tap luyen theo cau true de thi Hoc sinh gioi Tieng Anh THCS va de thi vao trudng chuyen. >' Hadng dan lam cac dang bai thi HQC sinh gioi Tieng Anh THCS. Hadng dan Chi tiet dap an. y Tuyen tap cac de thi Hoc sinh gioi Tinh mon Tieng Anh THCS va de thi vao tracing chuyen DM NHAXUATBAN DAI HOC QUOC GIA HA NO! a PHAN THI MINH CHAU (Chu bien) LE THANH HA (Bien soan, tuyen chon va gioi thieu) HOC SINH GIOI TIENG M TRUNG HOC CCf Sd • Cac chuyen de ngOr am, ngCr phap, Xis vUng, ky nang noi, doc, Viet nang cao va cac bai tap luyen theo cau true de thi Hoc sinh gio Tieng Anh THCS va 6k thi vao triiong chuyen. • Hudng dan iam cac dang bai thi Hoc sinh gioi Tieng Anh THCS • Hadng dan chi tiet dap an • Tuyen tap cac de thi Hoc sinh gioi Tinh mon Tieng Anh THCS va de thi vao truong chuyen. THLT ViEN TifvHBIMHTHUAN* NHA XUAT BAN DAI HOC QUOC GIA HA NQI I Lcfi gi&i thieu Cac bai thi Hoc sinh gioi Tieng Anh va cac bai thi vao Trirang chuyen, lop chpn luon luon la cac bai thi day kho khan, thir thach nhimg cung 6ay hap dan d6i vai cac em CO niem dam me hoc Tieng Anh va muon hoc Tieng Anh gioi 6k c6 the sir dung Tieng Anh tot trong cong viec tuang lai cua minh. Mot so em c6 thi chua dat dugc ket qua cao trong cac ky thi Hoc sinh gioi c6 le vi cac em chua dugc cung cap cac kien thuc nang cao cua chuang trinh hoc mot each day du, cung c6 the cac em chua c6 ky nang lam bai thi va ciing chua quen cac dang bai thi. Chinh vi the, cu6n sach "CO'/M nang on luyen hoc sinh gioi Tiing Anh Trung hoc ca s<r" la cuon sach dugc bien span vai muc dich giup cac em hoc sinh c6 the tu minh dao sau kien thirc tren nen tang kien thuc sach giao khoa, tu ma rong kien thuc ngon ngiJ, tu on luyen cac dang bai thi pho bien cua cac ky thi hoc sinh gioi de c6 the tham gia va dat~ket qua cao trong cac ky thi Hoc sinh gioi va cac ky thi vao truang chuyen Anh, lop chon. Cuon sach cung se giiip cac em pho thong ca scr tu trang bj cho minh mot von kien ngon ngO nang cao, de sau nay c6 the tham gia cac ky thi vao Cao dang, Dai hoc hay tham gia cac ky thi Tieng Anh mang tam quoc te. Cuon sach bao gom 6 chuyen de chinh dugc phan chia dung cau true cua cac bai thi hoc sinh gioi ma cac Truang, cac Thanh pho, cac Sa GD (cac Tinh) hay su dung trong cac bai thi: • Chuyen de 1: PHONETICS (Ngir am): Phan nay giiip cac em phan biet cac cap am hay nham ian va each ghi nha mot so luat le danh trong am. • Chuyen de 2: VOCABULARY (Tir vyng): Phan nay giiip cac em hieii dugc mot so net dac diem dac trung cua cau tao tu trong Tieng Anh, mot so truong tir virng ngiJ nghTa (cac sac thai nghTa khac nhau cua tir dugc diing trong cac van canh khac nhau), mot so ngu. thanh ngir c6 djnh,. . . • Chuyen de 3: COMMUNICATIVE FUCTIONS (Chirc na.ig giao tiep): Phan nay la ph^n kiem tra kha nang giao tiep qua cac tinh huong theo dang viet. Phan nay giiip cac em c6 cac kien thuc ve van hoa giao tiep va c6 the tra lai cac cau hoi theo tinh huong giao tiep. • Chuyen de 4: GRAMMAR {I'gJ phap): Phan nay cung cap cac kien thuc ngu phap ca ban va nang cao theo tan,.', chuyen muc • C;.;;ytn de 5: COMPREHENSIVE liEADING (Doc hieu): Phan nay gnip cac em c6 thi nang cao cac ky nang lam cac dang bai doc hieu. • Chuyen 6e 6: WRITING (Viet): Ph^n nay giiip cac em hieu va ren luyen cac each thiic viet thu, viet cac bai luan theo chii de. Ngoai ra," cu6n sach con c6 Phan Gioi thieu mot so de thi hoc sinh gioi trong nhirng nam gan day va Phan dap an cac bai tap on luyen va cac de thi. Vai kinh nghiem giang day cua minh, cac tac gia c6 gang bien soan, tuyen chpn va giai thieu cuon sach vai hy vpng cuon sach se la tai lieu tham khao c6 gia trj cho cac em hpc sinh cac bac phu huynh va cac thay c6 giao. Cuon sacii se khong tranh khoi mot so sai sot va nhUng dilm can b6 sung. Rat mong nhan dugc nhieu y kien dong gop ciia cac dong nghiep va cac em hpc sinh. Cac tac gia 3 Chuyen de 1: PHONETICS (NGO* AM) A. LY THUYET CO BAN VA NANG CAO * DANG BAI KIEM TRA KIEN THUC NGU AM (PHONETICS) Thong thirong, trong cac bai thi lieng Anh danh cho hoc sinh ph6 tiioiig ca so va ph6 thong trung hoc. plian thi ngir am chi chiem 5 -10 cau. Tuy nhien day lai la phkn thach thi'rc nhat doi v6i hoc sinh vi tieng Anh. nhir ngiroi ta van noi. "viet niot dSng. doc mot neo". Khac vdi nhieii ngon ngir khac. ngiroi hoc chi can hieu m each kct hop cac iigii>CMi am, phu am la c6 the phat am dung, trong ticng Anh kicn thuc ngu am cii: cu liic diroc Cling CO thong qua viec nam virng mot so kien thuc co ban va thuc hanh thirimg xuyen. Trong khuon kho quyen sach nay, chung toi chi de cap den 2 dang bai tap pii6 bien nhat trong cac ky thi chon hoc sinh gioi va co.gang chi ra mot so qui tac ngfr am nham gii'ip cac em de dang hon trong vice \ac djnh can tra I6i cho loahbai Xiip nay. Cac bai tap trong sach ciing dirge sap xep theo cac van de ly tluixet diroc de cap de thuan tien cho cac em tinrc hanh nhirng qui tac da neu. Tu\ nhien cfMig can phai liru y rang, cac qui tac nay khong the bao quat tat ca cac pham trii trong phat am tieng Anh bai vi trong tieng Anh c6 rat nhieu ngoai le. Do do. de lam tot phan nay. ngoai viec nam vung cac qui tac duoi day, hoc sinh ciing can phai chu trong tich liiy kien thuc trong qua trinh hoc bang each tap phat am cac tir theo dung phien am cua mot cuon tir dien tieng Anh. DANG 1: Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others. Identify your answer by circling the corresponding letter ,\ B, C or D. (Chon tir c6 phan gach chan duoc phat am v6°i cac tir con lai). Cdcfi lain: Chii y xac dinh mot so each piiat am sau 1/ Pronunciation of-ed Khi phat am cac tir c6 tan cimg la -ed ta phai dira vac am cuoi cua tir triroc khi them -ed * / id/: sau cac am /1/ /d/: Eg. visited needed mvitcd * /1/: sau cac am / 9/ /k/ p/ /f/ / s/ / j / /t| / Eg. looked washed laughed * / d/: sau cac phu am con lai va cac nguyen am Eg. cleaned ramed studied Note: some special adjectives, some adverbs ending in 'ed' and 'ed' is pronounced / id / (Mot vai tinh tir, trung tir tan cimg bang 'ed'. ninmg 'ed' dirac phat dm la /id/. ) Adj: naked,crooked, ragged, wretched, rugged, beloved, wicked, sacred Adv: deservedly, supposedly, markedly, allegedly II Pronunciation of v or -es (present simple/ plural nouns/possessive) * /s/: sau cac am / 0/ /k/ p/ /f/ Eg. looks steps laughs * I'vzJ: sau cac am l\\l. l\lj 5/. / dj/. '/./. 'sJ Eg. watches judges washes * / zl: sau cac phu am con lai va cac nguyen am Eg. lives cleans needs 5 d, d - NS MINH TAM, 2 - 29&31 Phan Bpi ( - 04 Ly Thai To - - 259 Le Duar -94X6 Vidt Ngh§ - 1 58 TInh 10 8 - T" - 51 Ly ThUdng Kie 3/ Pronunciation of * TH dugc phat am la / 0 / hoac 7 6/ / 9/: three, thank, breath, tenth. I 6/: this. that, these, those, father, mother. * CH dugc phat am la / tj /: / k/; /1 / /tj/: phan Ion cac tir c6 chura nhom 'ch' dirge phat am la / tf / nhir trong teacher, researcher, chair, achieve, watch, catch, teach, chat etc. /k/; mot so tir nhu ache, backache, earache, headache, toothache, anchor, archeology, architect, bronchitis, chaos, character, chemical, chemistry, choir, chord, choreography, choms, Christ, Christian, Christmas, chronic, chronological, echo, mechanic, monarchy, orchestra, orchid, psychiatrist, psychiatry, psychologist, psychology, schedule, scheme, scholar, school, stomach, technician, technique, technology phan Ion cac tir nay la tir vay mirgn tir tieng Phap nhir trong brochure, cachet, champagne, chauffer, chef, machine, mustache, parachute * C dirge phat am la Dd; Is I /kJ car, cat, cake, cook Is/ cell, circle, circus * T dirge phat am la /t/; /tJ^1 /t/: teacher, ten, take, computer /t] /(T before U) picture, actual, statue question /\/: notion, information, calculation, potential, essential 4/ Mot so pliu am 'cam" (silent letters) H = /h/ hoac silent: 5/ Mot so cap am hay nham Ian: long vowels and short vowels: Eg: III & Ir.l (hit # heat); /a:/ & IN (far # cup); Id & I /ae/ (man # men); /u/ & /u:/ (pull # pool), DANG 2. Choose the word with different stress pattern by circling the corresponding letter A, B, C or D. (chon tir co phan nhan am khac voi tir con lai) Cdch lam: Theo mot so ehuyen gia ngon ngiJ va giao vien Tieng Anh, can ehii y xac . djnh mot so quy luat co ban nhan trong am nhu sau: • Luat le thong thuong cho tir co 2 am tiet la trgng am dirge danh a am tiet dSli. nhung neii am tiet dau la mot tien to hay am nhe (weak form), trgng am dugc danh a am tiet hai. Vidu: 'market; 'commerce: 'baker; 'candy; 'carrot; 'journey: ca'nal; ci'gar; pol'ice; poss'ess; rom'ance; guit'ar • Neu tir 2 am tiet vira la danh tir, dgng tir, thi trgng am dugc nhan a am dau tien neu no la danh tir, am thir 2 neu no la dgng tir. Vi du 'increase (n) 'import (n) 'decrease (n) 'perfect (n) 'survey (n) in'crease (v) im'port (v) decr'ease (v) Per'fect (v) sur'vey (v) • Luat le thong thuong cho tir co 2 am tiet la trgng am dugc danh am tiet thiir hai neu am tiet dau la mot trong nhiJng tien to sau: a, ab, abs, ad, ac, af, al, ong hur, ord. cho, lire, ling xac tilt am hu an,ar,as,at; be; co; col;com; con; cor; de; dis; e, ef, ex, em, en, im, in; ob, op; pre, pro, re, sub, sup, sur, tran, un, Vi du: ab'oard al'ive abs'tract addr'ess aciu'eve ad'opt acc'ord affirm all'y appr'oach • Neu dpng tir co 2 am tiet, trong do am dau la mot trong cac ti^n to: for, fore; out, thi trong am diroc nhan vao am thir 2, nhung neu dpng tir do chuydn thanh danh tir hay tinh tir thi chung ta nh4n trong am a: for, fore; out. Vi du: for'give(V) 'forgivable (adj) 'forgiveness (N) fore'see (V) 'fogettable (adj) • Neu tir c6 2 hoac 3 am tiet, trong do am dau tien !a cac tien to voi nguyen am dai nhu: /e:/; /o:/; /i:/; /ei/; /au/; /ou/ va theo sau am na> la nhimg phu am, trong am dirpc danh a am tiet {a tien to do). Vidu: 'absence 'adverb 'colleague 'essay 'concrete • Tir CO 3 am tiet thuong co trong am niian a am dau, neu tir do co cac tien to niur: a, ab, abs, ad, ac, af, al, an, ar, as, at; be; co; col;com; con; cor; de; dis; e, ef, ex, em, en, im, in; ob, op; pre, pro, re, sub, sup, sur, tran, un,. . . . thi trong am nhan 6 am tiet thir hai hoac thir ba. Vidu: 'usually 'capital 'difficult 'favourite 'government Dec'ember Nov'ember tob'acco arr'angement underst'and • Tir CO 4 am tiet tra ien, trong am thucrng dupe nhan a am thiir 3, tinh tir sau tra ve truac. Vidu: e'conomy eco'nomical manu'facturc ne'cessary cons'iderable Ngoai le cho nhij-ng truang hpp co am tiet bi giam di. khong dupe phat am. thi trpng am ciia cac tir co nhieu am tiet nay dupe nhan a am dau tien. Vidu 'busmess 'int/e/rest 'int/e/resting 'secret/a/ry 'mis/e/rable • Neu tir tan ciing bang: ic; ical; ically; ion; ia; ial; ual; al; ian; iar; ular; ience; ience; iency; iance; ium; ious; eous; uous,. . . thi trpng am dupe nhan a am ngay truoc cac duoi nay. Vidu: Econo'mic atmos'pheric desc'ription comm'ercial intcl'lectual • Tir tan ciing bang ous, ate, tude, ity, ety, ical, logy, graphy. metry, noniy, . , trpng am thuong dupe nhan a am thir 3, tinh tir sau tra ve truoc. Vidu: va'riety cap'tivity ad'vanturous Con'siderate as'trology • Tir tan ciing bang ade, ee; ese; eer; oo; oon; ette; esque, trpng am thuong dupe nhan 6' am cuoi. Vidu: engineer sham'poo cigar'ette 7 - NS MINH TAM, 245 T - 29&31 Phan BQI Chau - 04 Ly Thai To - TP. - 259 Le Duan - T -94X6 Vi^t Ngh# TTn -158 TInh 10 8 - TT.CCi - 51 Ly ThUoing Kift - T • Tir ghep dirge ket hgp bai 2 danh tir gdc thi trgng am nhan a am dan: 'air-raid; "bookease; 'eoal-mine; 'crossword; 'tea-pot; 'footprint; • Tir ghep dirge ket hgp bai mot tinh tir va danh tir, thi trpng am nhan a am hai: loud'speaker; bad'tempered; second'class: B. BAI TAP ON LUYEN Dang bai 1: Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others. Identify your answer by circling the corresponding letter A, B, C or D Exercise 1: (-ed /-d ending) 1. A. answered B. crowded C. enjoyed D. failed 2. A.depended B.added C. tasted D.crooked 3. A, prayed B. impressed C. comprised D. admired 4. A. designed B. ironed C. picked D. served 5. A. opened B. closed C. contained D. finished 6. A. skied B. helped C. watched D. booked 7. A. offered B. owned C. ruled D. washed 8. A. exchanged B. wanted C. controlled D.reduced 9. A. mstalled B. prevented C. persuaded D. polluted 10. A. suggested B. congratulated C. decorated D. wicked 11. A.launched B. collapsed ('. damaged 1) worked 12. A. occurred B. destroyed C. separated U. warned 13. A. proved B. trusted C. pulled D. claimed 14. A. markedly B. unidentified C. terrified D. behaved 15. A. nominated B. celebrated C. extended D. replaced 16. A. missed B. reduced C. covered D. conserved 17. A. frightened B. organized C. arrived D. relaxed 18. A. imparted B. molded C.cooked D. mended 19. A. pleased B. instructed C. showed D. killed 20. A. relaxed B.reached C. supposedly D. crossed Exercise 2: -s/-es ending 21. A. boxes B. classes C. potatoes D. watches 22. A. catches B.phones C. courses D. places 23. A. plays B. stays C. bays D.says 24. A. decks B. boats C. bears D. stops 25. A. contests B. remarks C. postcards n. gallop^ 26. A. bottles B. novels C". occasions U. poets 27. A. describes B. encourages C. judges D. washes 28. A. composes B. decorates C. expects D. drops 29. A. houses B. places C. horses D. faces 30. A. walks B. begins C. helps D. cuts 31. A. cats B.tapes C. lives D.cooks 32. A. tells 8 B. talks C. stays D. steals 33. A. biscuits B. magazines C. newspapers D. vegatables 34. A. learns B. works C. controls D. responds 35. A. rises B. slices C. relaxes D. sleeps 36. A. transmits B. laughs C. seems D. escapes 37. A. volunteers B. devices C. appears D. behaviors 38. A. habits B. applications C. victims D. waterfalls 39. A. cats B. fifths C. grapes D. valleys 40. A. fetches B.reduces C. goes D.loses Exercise 3: Pronunciation of "th" 41. A. both B. tenth C. myth ^ D. with 42. A. tooth B.sunbathe C.these D. father 43. A. this B. thick C. maths 44. A. within B. without C. clothing D. strengthen 45. A. wealth B. healthy C. birthday D. with 46. A. mother B. leather C. breath D. breathe 47. A. together B. Thursday C. theater D. thirsty 48. A. think B. author C. arithmetic D. therefore 49. A. though B. thought C. feather D. bother 50. A. method B. rather C. rhythm D. together Exercise 4: Pronunciation of 'ch' 51. A. champagne B. chair C. achieve D. pitcher 52. A. chaos B. toothache C. watch D. archeology 53. A. children B. character C. chimney D. researcher 54. A. check B. bachelor C. Christmas D. catch 55. A. technique B. Christ C. headache D. lunch 56. A. monarchy B. Michael C. chef D. school 57. A. machine B. stomach C. architecture D. chorus 58. A. butcher B. chemical C. which D. chocolate 59. A. much B. teacher C.coach D.echo 60. A. cheap B. backache C. psychology D. orchestra Exercise 5: Pronunciation of 'c', 'g' 61. A. cruel B. cross C. delicious D. because 62. A. century B. commercial C. cease D. ceiling 63. A. city ' B. racial C. precious D. sufficient 64. A. cite B. cruel C. commercial D. cooperation 65. A. magically B. comment C. academic D. cigarette 66. A. official B. ocean C. convenient D. precious 67. A. generous B. glassware C. gallery D. sugar 68. A. gain B. geology C. get D. goose 69. A, manager B. magically C. register D. magnificent 70. A. begin B. eligible C. group D. growing 9 - NS MINH ' - 29&31 Phi - 04 Ly Thi - 259 Li -94 XO Vi^ - 158 TTnh I. - 51 Ly ThU. Exercise 6: (silent letters) 71. A. baggy B. hamburger C. benefit D. subtle 72. A. comb B. debt C. viable D.doubt 73. A. resign B. microorganism C. grade D. category 74. A. hobby B. honest C. hedge D. Hinduis^ 75. A. household B. brotherhood C. exhausted D. hole 76. A. rhythm B. ghost C. handle D.honour 77. A. knee B. knit C. kangaroo D. knowledge 78. A. knife B- talk C. keen D. blanket 79. A. calm B. compulsory C. careless D. honestly 80. A. what B. white C. who D. whisper 81. A. autumn B. occasion C. column D. solemn 82. A. gneumonia B. receipt C. psychology D. paragraph 83. A. exgerience B. raspberry C. present D. separate 84. A. island B. campus C. scener>' n. course 85. A. fasten B. hasten C. effective D. listen 86. A. Christmas B. chestnut C. ballet D. material 87. A. answer B. sword C. awareness D. two 88. A. wrinkle B. warn C. towards D. wonderful 89. A. well-qualified B. wrap C. whole; D. wrist 90. A. guitar B. ultimately C. biscuit D. build Exercise 7: Pronunciation of's', 'gh', 't', 'n' 91. A. display B. mouse C. taste D'. design 92. A.see B.sugar C. salt D. sofa 93. A. basic B. exist C. sale D. society 94. A. seldom B. aspect C. cousin D. slim 95. A. possession B. dense C. campus D. assemble 96. A. laugh B.though C. tough D. enough 97. A. plough B. through C.cough D. bright 98. A. future B. stop C. culture D. picture 99. A. natural B. character C. priority D. pastime 100. A. thank~ B. jungle C.anchor D.banana Exercise 8. Vowel sounds 101. A. creature B. creative C. creamy D. crease 102. A. boat B.road C. broad D.coat 103. A. butter B.sugar C. put D.push 104. A. great B. bread C. break D. steak 105. A. weight B. height C. eight D. vein 106. A. too B. food C. soon D. good 107. A. would B.about C.round D. out 108. A. few B. sew C. knew D. new 109. A. hard B. father C. rather D. sacrifice 110. A. dosage B. voyage C. massage D. carriage 10 Dang bai 2. Choose the word with different stress pattern by circling the corresponding letter A, B, C or P. Exercise 9. Word stress 111. A. adorable B. ability C. impossible D. entertainment 112. A. engineer B. corporate C. difficult D. different 113. A. popular B. position C. horrible D. positive 114. A. selfish B. correct C. purpose D. surface 115. A. nominate B. susceptible C. resistant D. recovery 116. A. eliminate B. domesticate C. unlimited D. sabotage 117. A. sustantial B. technological C. exponential D. infiltration 118. A. immunity B. pursuit C. perfection D. confident 119. A. accompany B. unfinished C. contagion D. separate 120. A. continent B. essential C. industry D. comfortable Exercise 10. Word stress 121. A. recycle B. completely C. introduce D. alternative 122. A. religious B. miserable C. perform D.include 123. A. significant B. quantity C. committee D. believable 124. A. ambitious B. constant C. investment D. exhaust 125. A. opportunity B. decoration C. temperament D. expectation 126. A. particular B. equipment C. identify D. miracle 127. A. complete B. command C. common D. community 128. A. journal B. mourning C. calcium D. although 129. A. memory B. compare C. connect D. upgrade 130. A. simulate B. permanent C. fertilizer D variety Exercise 11. Word stress 131. A. accelerate B. digestive C. disorder D. infantry 132. A. convenient B. previous C. management D. purchase 133. A. deliberate B. dramatist C. discovery D. improvement 134. A. redundancy B. comparison C. maintenance D. capacity 135. A. recognize B. stimulate C. activity D. adult 136. A. intelligent B. direct C. desire D. satisfactory 137. A. relationship B. command C. vocabulary D. island 138. A. define B. idea C. express D. figure 139. A. suppose B. expect C. unusual D. literary 140. A. magnetic B. radiation C. unpleasant D. equipment Exercise 12. Word stress 141. A. distraction B. considerable C. recommend D. description 142. A. probability B. attitude C. technological D. entertainmen 143. A. emergency B. encourage C. shortage D. distraction 144. A. natural B. surplus C. d>Tiamite D. decision 145. A. create B. ordinary C. attitude D. scholar 146. A. obtain B. theory C. illustrate D. diagram 11 [...]... reveal 15 9 A identify 16 0 A adequate Exercise 14 Word stress 16 1 A experience 16 2 A numerous 16 3 A immediate 16 4 A conference 16 5 A politics 16 6 A.Japan 16 7 A consequently 16 8 A conference 15 J A traveler 15 2 15 3 15 4 15 5 15 6 15 7 A unmanned A leisure A already A result A suggest A colleague 15 8 A discovery B igloo 17 0 A Ignite Exercise 15 Word stress 17 1 A innovate 17 2 A irritable 17 3 A spectacular 17 4... discovery B igloo 17 0 A Ignite Exercise 15 Word stress 17 1 A innovate 17 2 A irritable 17 3 A spectacular 17 4 A estimate 17 5.' A admire176 A describe 17 7 A independence 17 8 A comfort 17 9 A ashamed 18 0 .A., express Exercise 16 Word stress 18 1 A atmosphere 18 2 A popular 18 3 A solemn 18 4 A anthem 18 5 A settle C industry C integral C.succeed C excite C distinct B entertain B different B express B lyric B distance... D preview 12 D extinct C protect B wealthy 19 0 A inspire D alternative C repetitive B electrify 18 9 A practically D regional C ethereal B physical 18 8 A confident D misunderstand C dimensional B comparative 18 7 A emergency D active C jealous B precise 18 6 A pleasing Exercise 17 W o r d stress B apologize 200 A substantial C retirement B forgotten 19 9 A expensive C camera B banana 19 8 A opposite... tonight 19 7 A wardrobe C notebook B market 19 6 A return (', informal B holiday 19 5 A gallery D scenery C peninsula B mountain 19 4 A valley D original C circumstance B mistake 19 3 A serious D mechanics C academy B statistics 19 2 A mathematics D activity C electricity B pollution 19 1 A smiplicity C numerous D lecturer D office D explode D difficult D picturesque D advancement Exercise 18 Word... interrupt C underground B arrange 2 01 A apparent B unlike 210 A accent B believe 209 A facility C conservative C indestructible C determined C phenomenon C however C cultural D display D simultaneous D fantastic D distinguish D democracy D.evidence D approximate D linguist D climate Exercise 19 Word stress B exceed 213 A audience B attractive 212 A average B together 211 A information C residential.. .14 7 A gravitation 14 8 A messenger 14 9 A agree 15 0 A passenger Exercise 13 Word stress B B B B manufacture assistant religion explorer C behavior C enable C suitable C Italian C support C occasion C eagerness C deny C result C unfortunate C initiate C arrival C museum C hollow B definite 16 9 A argument B discomfort B admit B.success B horrible... together 211 A information C residential C gallery C convince C entertainment B synonymous 220 A extent B headmaster 219 A musical B balcony 218 A attractive B centigrade 217 A kilo C restaurant B together 216 A wonderful C birthday B address 215 A doctor B repetition 214 A superior C temperature C chocolate C engineer C admit D cosmopolitan D numerous D assure D incorrect D concert D physicist... (tinh mau tir) them vao mot danh tir de tao thanh mot danh tir m o i chi dieu kien, tinh trang thai gian, hoac nhirng ngirai thuoc mot nhom nao do ship, hood socialism (chu nghTa xa hoi), Maxism (chii ngliTa Mac), heroism (chu nghTa anh hiing) mot chii nghTa, mot hoc thuyet, niem tin Ism happiness (niem v u i , hanh phuc), sadness (noi buon), loneliness (sir c6 dan) cau tao mot danh tir tir tinh tir de... 34 4 When you come to my party, don't forget to something to drink 5 Is Peter Steve to my party? 6 He is out the rubbish now 7 Can you the CD to your uncle, please? 8 My husband often flowers when he comes home 9 Would you this to the shop for me? 10 Can you the car to the garage on Wednesday? 11 They live in an isolated village so they have to water to drink from the mountain 12 We need some waste cans... to (prefixes and suffixes) Mot dang bai tap rat pho bien doi vol cac bai thi hoc sinh gioi tieng Anh la loai bai tap cau tao tir (tao ra mot tir phai sinh tir mot tir cho san) Doi voi dang bai tap nay, nguoi hoc c6 the sir dung kien thirc ciia minh ve ngir phap de chon ra dung tir loai can dung trong ngiJ canh cu the (danh tir, dong tir, tinh tir ); dong thai nSm virng each cau tao tir qua viec sir . 11 4. A. selfish B. correct C. purpose D. surface 11 5. A. nominate B. susceptible C. resistant D. recovery 11 6. A. eliminate B. domesticate C. unlimited D. sabotage 11 7. . P. Exercise 9. Word stress 11 1. A. adorable B. ability C. impossible D. entertainment 11 2. A. engineer B. corporate C. difficult D. different 11 3. A. popular B. position. lieng Anh danh cho hoc sinh ph6 tiioiig ca so va ph6 thong trung hoc. plian thi ngir am chi chiem 5 -10 cau. Tuy nhien day lai la phkn thach thi'rc nhat doi v6i hoc sinh vi tieng Anh.