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Page 1 of 57 UNIT 1 TYPES OF RELATIONSHIPS (BETWEEN IMMEDIATE CONSTITUENTS) QUAN HỆ GIỮA CÁC THÀNH TỐ TRỰC TIẾP TRONG CÂU I. Hypotactic Relationship: Mối quan hệ trong câu. 1. Exocentric: Mối quan hệ tương đương, hỗ tương → to indicate the tenses to-infinitive conjunction “and” Subject-Predicate Ex 1: He runs. Ex 2: He is leaving tomorrow. Ex 3: We have been living here for 5 years. Ex 4: I want to study Ex 5: I like football and volleyball 2. Endocentric: Mối quan hệ phụ thuộc → to indicate the types of modifiers (to modify N, V, Adj, Adv) Page 2 of 57 Ex 1: The girl sings very well. Ex2: The more, the better. Ex 3: The fence between the houses. Ex 4: The childrens swing in the park. Test: There are 5 IC relationships in the diagram. T/ F T Test: There are 5 IC relationships in the diagram which are exocentric. T/ F F Test: There are 5 IC relationships in the diagram which are endocentric T/ F T Ex 5: The boy runs very quickly. Test: There are 3 IC relationships with 2 endocentric and 1 exocentric. T/ F F II. Paratactic relationship: Moỏi quan heọ ngoaứi caõu. 1. Well, it is all right. 2. Oh, I like it Page 3 of 57 3. John, do it ! 4. Wow, he has passed the exam. 5. I think that that that that that man used is wrong. sentence 5: Tôi cho rằng cái chữ that ấy mà anh chàng đấy sử dụng thì chữ that ấy sai rồi. III. I.C Relationships in different types of simple sentences: (Mối quan hệ trực tiếp giữa các thành tố trong câu đơn) 1. Statements 2. Interrogative (Questions) 3. Imperative (Commands) 4. Exclamative (Exclamations) 1.1: Statements: Affirmative Negative Page 4 of 57 I can do it. I can not do it. You should go home. Running the show is no fun. The boy was badly bitten by a dog. 2.1: Interrogative. a. Yes-No questions b. WH-questions c. Tag questions a. Yes – No Questions Are you hungry ? Page 5 of 57 Are you going to the cinema ? b. WH-questions What is it ? = It is What What are you doing ? What do you love ? Where did he go ? c. Tag questions The weather is not hot, is it ? He has worked hard, hasn’t he ? Page 6 of 57 3. Imperative: Affirmative Negative Come here ! Do not tell him ! Stop! Stop doing that ! Don’t be angry with me ! Quickly! 4. Exclamative: a) How + adj/adv + Clause ! b) What + a + NP How beautiful she is ! What a beautiful girl she is ! // Page 7 of 57 UNIT 2 WORD CLASSES I. Definition: Word classes = parts of speech II. Classification: 1. Major (= open): nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs. 2. Minor (= closed): Pronouns, numerals, determiners, prepositions, conjunctions. 1.1: Nouns: 1.1.1: Proper noun: (Mr. Smith, Vietnam, Kodak…) 1.1.2: Common noun: (Man, city, building, dog, cat, …) 1.1.3: Concrete noun: (Box, hat, desk, book, pen, computer,…) 1.1.4: Abstract noun: (Beauty, love, courage, friendship, childhood…) 1.1.5: Collective noun: (Crowd, team, class, family, committee, organization, council, …) 1.2: Verbs: 1.2.1: Be/linking verbs: Ex: The boy is a student. The sky becomes cloudy. 1.2.2: Transitive verbs: requiring an object as part of predicate. Ex: The children ate the fried chicken on the table. The girl learns English. 1.2.3: Intransitive verbs: No object is required. Ex: They go in the morning. The students come late. // Page 8 of 57 Jack gave a rose to Jane . UNIT 3 MAJOR CLASS (OPEN CLASS) I. Nouns: a. Proper nouns: Refer to people’s names, places, countries, cities… b. Common nouns: Consist of Concrete nouns & Abstract nouns. II. Verbs: a. Auxiliary verbs: to produce grammatical meanings (be, do, have, modal verbs). b. Lexical verbs: to produce lexical meanings. b.1: Transitive verbs: Transitive verb + Object → To satisfy the questions: Whom/What? b.2: Intransitive verbs: Intransitive verb + Þ → To satisfy the questions : How/When/Where/Why? → adv c. Di-Transitive verbs: → To produce 2 Objects Ex: give, send, offer, show, … D.O: direct object. I.O : indirect object. Jack gave Jane a rose Page 9 of 57 III. Adjectives. a. Gradable adjective: that can be graded Phaõn caỏp ủửụùc (hot, tired, interesting, expensive, ) b. Non-gradable adjective. that cant be graded Khoõng theồ phaõn caỏp (previous, materialistic, physical, alive, dead, wooden, .) Order of Adjectives: Quality (Opinion) Size Age Shape Color Nationality Origin Material Purpose (Gerund) Noun mod N Head Good, bad, nice Big, small Old, new Square, oval Blue, black Vietnamese Chinese Metal, wood Dining, living carpet OSASCOMP IV. Adverbs. a. Adverb of time: now, tomorrow, yesterday, b. Adverb of place: here, there, over there, upstairs c. Adverb of manner: nicely, carefully How? d. Adverb of degree: very, extremely, terribly, quite e. Adverb of frequency: How often? e.1: usually, always, often, rather, frequently, sometimes, seldom, rarely, hardly ever, never, normally. e.2: every day, every weekend, every morning, every year, several times, every three hours, // Page 10 of 57 UNIT 4 MINOR CLASS (CLOSED CLASS) I. Pronouns: 1. Personal pronouns: a. Subject pronoun. b. Object pronoun. 2. Possessive pronouns. 3. Reflexive pronouns. 4. Interrogative pronouns. 5. Relative pronouns. 6. Demonstrative pronouns. 7. Indefinite pronouns. Interrogative pronouns: who, whom, which, what, whatever, why, where, wherever, when, whenever, how, how, whose, whether, Relative pronouns: who, whom, which, that. Demonstrative pronouns: this, that, these, those. Indefinite pronouns: no-one, nobody, nothing, everyone, everybody, everything, anyone, anybody, anything, someone, somebody, something Test: A. Whose knife is it ? B. It’s nobody (1) It’s nobody’s Þ (2) I talk to myself. Jack himself wrote the letter. The cat licked it self . I like the film itself. I like the lyrics themselves. . Pre- modifiers (Noun-head) Post-modifiers 2. Pre-Modification: The new project manager Noun-mod Noun-head - Identifiers (article, demonstrative adj, possessive adj ) - Numerals. ordinal) - Quantifiers - Adj (9 orders) - N- modifiers 3. Post-Modification: 3.1: Prepositional phrases (prep.p) The mother’s love for the children is great. Art N-Mod N-head Prep.p. Pre-Mod Post-Mod NP 3.2: Infinitive phrase: (Inf.p) (NP) His risky decision to invest in the business sounds impossible. Poss-adj Adj N-head Inf-phrase Pre-Mod Post-Mod

Ngày đăng: 02/07/2015, 12:52

