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Week: 1. Date of Preparing :24-09-2014 Period: 2 nd . Date of Teaching :25-09-2014 UNIT 1: A SUMMER CAMP Lesson 1 I. Objectives: - By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to ask and answer questions about where someone is from. - Develop speaking skill. II. Teaching methods: - Communicative approach. - Techniques: + Ask and answer (say individually) + Work in pairs/ groups. + Discuss. III. Resources: - Students’ and teacher’s book, fresh cards, posters, recording, puppets IV. Languages focus:. - Vocabulary: summer, camp, country, Malaysia, Thailand, Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur, the UK, the USA, Indonesia, Thai, Laotian, Combodian, cultural display - Sentence patterns: Where is he /she from ? He /She is from Malaysia. Where in Malaysia is he /she from ? He /She is from Kuala Lumpur. V. Procedures: 1. Warm up: _ T uses the character gallery on page 2 to play the game Slap the board. Say thename of each character and get Ss from 2 teams to move to the board to slap the pictures corresponding to the names of the characters. 2. Look, listen and repeat: _ T asks Ss to open their book on page 6. Focus their attention on the title of the unit, the pictures and the texts. Get Ss to read the title of the unit and elicit their answers:Do you understand the title? Have you been to a summer camp? _ Have Ss look at each picture and get them to identify the familiar characters and the new ones. Point to each character and ask: Who is this? Do you know him/ her? What’s his/ her name? * Pre- teach: Teaching vocabulary. + summer camp (translate) + Malaysia(Atlas) + Thailand (Atlas) + Bangkok (Explaination) + Kuala Lumpur (Explaination) - Get Ss to read all the new words in chorus, in groups, then individual. * Checking vocabulary : Slap the board. 1 Năm học 2013-2014 - Giving introduction of the text (set the scene): - Play the recording and asks Ss to listen to the tape twice. - T asks Ss to listen and repeat in chorus three times. - Let Ss practice the dialogue in pairs. - Gets some pairs to read it aloud. * Presenting new structure: - T gives a situation to present (using picture). - T elicits the structures by asking Ss to speak out the model sentences: Where is he/she from? He/She is from Thailand. Where in Thailand is he/she from? He/She is from Bangkok. -Ask Ss repeat the model sentences several times in chorus. 3. Point, ask and answer: - Have Ss look at the pictures a,b,c,d and introduce four characters: . (/Using the puppets). - T models the dialogue (Point to Zack and ask). T: Where is he from? S: He is from Malaysia. T: Where in Malaysia is he from? Ss: Kuala Lumpur. - Have the class repeat all the phrases. - Have Ss to work in pairs: Zack, Lawan, Sam, Azmi. - Monitor the activity, check the pronunciation ( sound, assimilation of sound and intonation) and offer help when necessary. - Call on some pairs to perform the task at the front of the class. Others observe and comment. - Make some questions to check Ss’ comprehension of language. - Have the whole class repeat all the phrases to reinforce their pronunciation. 4. Listen and tick: - Have Ss look at the pictures on page 7.Get Ss look at the pictures and tell them the purpose of listening:” You are going to listen to 4 dialogues in order to tick the correct picture in each number . - T does the first example with Ss. - T plays the recording twice; once for ss to listen all the way through and once for them to do the task. - T pause after each part for ss to have sufficient time to tick the pictures. - T replays the recording for ss to check their answers. • Answers: 1b 2b 3a 4c 5. Follow –up: - T asks Ss to open their books on page 7. - Each S chooses a boy/ girl from the pictures and introduces him/ her to his/ her partner. His/ Her partner will make questions. - T does the first example with the whole class in order to give them a clear idea of how the activity works. - Ss work in pairs_ Ss ask and answer questions about the characters in this section. 2 Năm học 2013-2014 - T calls on an open pair to demonstrate the task in front of the class. 6. Home- link: - Ss learn new words and structures. 3 Năm học 2013-2014 Week: 1. Date of Preparing :01-10-2014 Period: 3 rd . Date of Teaching :02-10-2014 UNIT 1: A SUMMER CAMP Lesson 2 I. Objectives: - By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to - Pronounce correctly the sound of the letters ese as in Vietnamese and those of letters ian as in Indonesian - Listen and number the pictures in the order they hear. II. Teaching methods: - Communicative approach. - Techniques: + Ask and answer (say individually) + Work in pairs/ groups. + Discuss. III. Resources: - Students’ and teacher’s book, posters, recording, puppets IV. Languages focus:. - Vocabulary: cultural show twin towers, mask, model. - Phonics : Vietnamese and Indonesian - Sentence patterns: review V. Procedures: 1. Warm up: Slap the board _ T uses flags of the countries. T calls out the name of each country. - Ss from 2 groups move to the board to slap the corresponding flag on the board. The S who first slaps the correct flag gets for his/ her team. The group with the most points wil win the game. 2.Listen and repeat: _ T asks Ss to open their book on page 8. _ T sticks the large-sized sheet of paper with this section written on it on the board. _ T draws Ss’ attention to the sound of the letters ese as in Vietnamese and those of letters ian as in Indonesian. _ T gets Ss to repeat the words a few times. 3. Listen and read together: * Pre- teach: Teaching vocabulary. + cultural show(translate) + mask( picture) + twin towers(picture) - Get Ss to read all the new words in chorus, in groups, then individual. * Checking vocabulary : Slap the board. - T reads each dialogue, stops at times to check Ss’ comprehension.Then have them repeat each line in dialogue. 4 Năm học 2013-2014 - T tells Ss that they are going to hear and clap once for the words with “ese” and clap twice for the words “ian”. - T models the dialogue a. Then asks Ss to repeat each line of the dialogues. - T plays the recording twice: once for Ss listen all the way through and once for them to clap at the focued words. - T divides the class into four groups to takes turn in repeating the lines from Mai, Akio, Azmi and Zack. 4. Listen and tick: - Ss open their books on page 9. - T tells them the purpose of listening: you are going to listen to the recording and number the pictures. Look at the pictures. How many pictures are there? Look at picture a, What is this? Do you know it? And picture b, What is it? Etc - Pre- teach the key words to understand the text: activity, talk, display, Doraemon. - T reminds Ss not to worry if they do not understand every word. - Ss should focus on the order of the text as they hear nad rely on the contextual information to number the pictures. - T plays the recording twice: once for Ss to listen all the way through and once for them do the task. - T pauses after each part to give Ss suffcient time to select and write the number. - T replays the recording for Ss to check their answers. - T gets Ss to check the answers in pairs. T calls on a few Ss to report their answers to the class. 5. Summary: In the lesson Ss have learnt: • To pronounce correctly the sounds of the letters ese as in Vietnamese and those of the letters ian as in Indonesian. • To listen and number the pictures. 6. Home- link: - Ss select a favourite flag, draw and colour it at home for class display in the next lesson. 5 Năm học 2013-2014 Week: 2. Date of Preparing :01-10-2014 Period: 4 th . Date of Teaching :02-10-2014 UNIT 1: A SUMMER CAMP Lesson 3 I. Objectives: By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able : - to ask and answer questions about someone’s nationality. - to read an information text on a summer camp and write an e-mail. II. Teaching methods: - Communicative approach. - Techniques: + Ask and answer (say individually) + Work in pairs/ groups. + Discuss. III. Resources: - Students’ and teacher’s book, fresh cards, posters, recording, puppets IV. Languages focus:. - Vocabulary: stage, nationality - Sentence patterns: What’s his/her nationality ? He/ She is Malaysian. V. Procedures: 1.Warm up: - Ss display the flags (Homelink) and play the game Country Bingo (in the Lesson 2) 2.Look, listen and repeat. - Play the recording again for Ss to repeat the lines in the speech bubbles two times. 3. Point, ask and answer. - Elecit the structures from Ss: What’s his/ her nationality? He’s/ She’s Malaysian. 6 Năm học 2013-2014 - Have Ss to look at the book at page 10 - Elicit the characters and have Ss guess what they are saying. - Set the context: This is a cultural activity at the summer camp. Look at Picture a. Who are they? Who are children talking about? What’s the name of the boy on the stage? What’s his nationality? Repeat the step with Picture b. - Teaches the new vocabulary: stage, nationality. - Have Ss listen to the recording as they read the lines in the speech bubbles - Play the recording again for the whole class to repeat each line in the speech bubbles to reinforce their pronunciation. - Ss repeat the model sentences several times in chorus then individiual. - Have Ss look at the pictures a, b, c,d and e on page 17 - T models the task with the whole class(picture a): T : What’s his nationality? Ss: He’s Malaysian.(Point to Zack) - Ask Ss to act out the pictures b, c, d,e - Have Ss practice acting out the dialogue in pairs, using the pictures. - Monitor the activity and offer helf. Correct pronunciation errors (stress, assimilation of sounds,intonation) when necssesary. - Call on some pairs to perform the task at the front of the class. The others observe and give comments. - Have the whole class repeat all the phrases in chorus to reinforce their pronunciation. 4.Read and do the task. - Ask Ss to open their Ss’ books on page 11. - Get them to look at the pictures and read the title of the text. Tell them the reading purpose: You are going to read the passage and do the task. - Read the passage, stops at times to check Ss’ comprehension. - Asks Ss to repeat each line of the passage. - T does the first example with Ss if they are confused - Gets Ss to do the task. Gives sufficient time for them to carry it out. - Move around to monitor. - Have Ss check their answers in pairs. Then get some Ss to report their answers. * Answer: 1.F 2.F 3.T 4.T 5.T 5. Read and write an e-mail - Get Ss to open their book on page 12. - Have a brief discussion with the class about the pictures and the task. - Points to the model text and elicit Ss’ answers: What is this? Who wrote the e-mail? Who will receive it? Then reads the passage, stops at times to check Ss’ comprehension: Where was the summer camp?What did the campers do at the camp?ect. - Gets Ss to repeat the model e-mail. Then asks them to read the guide and follow the model e-mail for their draft writing before they copy it into a clean sheet of paper for the class display later. - Sets time and moves around the classroom to monitor the activity. Writes any words that Ss need on the board. - Calls on a few Ss to read aloud their e- massages to the class. 6.Summary: In this lesson, Ss have learnt: - To ask and answer questions about someone’s nationality using What’s his/her nationality? He’s/ She’s Indonesian 7 Năm học 2013-2014 - To read about a summer camp and to write an e-massage to a friend. 7 Homelink: Ss play the game City/ Country Bingo and sing the song Jenny and Harry. Week:3. Date of Preparing :08-10-2014 Period: 5 th . Date of Teaching :09-10-2014 UNIT 2: MY FRIEND’S HOUSE Lesson 1 I. Objectives: By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able : - to ask and answer questions about where one lives. II. Teaching methods: - Communicative approach. - Techniques: + Ask and answer (say individually) + Work in pairs/ groups. + Discuss. III. Resources: - Students’ and teacher’s book, fresh cards, posters, recording, puppets VI. Languages focus:. - Vocabulary:cardinal number 50-100, avenue, road, lane, flat, block, floor - Sentence patterns: Where do you live? I live at 52 Ba Trieu Street. I live on the second floor of Ha Noi Tower. V.Procedures: 1/ Warm up: Play Bingo with numbers 21-50. 2. Look, listen and repeat. - Play the recording again for Ss to repeat the lines in the speech bubbles two times. 8 Năm học 2013-2014 - Have Ss to look at the book at page 13 - Elicit the character and have Ss guess what they are saying. - Set the scene: we are going to a dialogue between Mai and Tony. - Have Ss listen to the recording as they read the lines in the speech bubbles 3. Point, ask and answer. *Pre-teach: road: (explaination) street:(explaination) avenue:(explaination) lane:(explaination) flat:(explaination) tower:(explaination) - Have Ss look at the pictures a, b, c and d on page 13 - T models the task with the whole class(picture a). - Ask Ss to act out the pictures b, c, d - Have Ss practice acting out the dialogue in pairs, using the pictures. - Monitor the activity and offer helf. Correct pronunciation errors (stress, assimilation of sounds,intonation) when necssesary. - Call on some pairs to perform the task at the front of the class. The others observe and give comments. - Have the whole class repeat all the phrases in chorus to reinforce their pronunciation. 4.Listen and match: - Set the scence “you are going to listen and match the boy/girl to his/her address. - Ask Ss to identify the characters in the picture on page 14 and what they are saying. - T does the first example with Ss 9 Năm học 2013-2014 - Divide the class into two groups. One repeat Mai’s part and the other repeat Tony’s part. - Play the recording again for the whole class to repeat each line in the speech bubbles to reinforce their pronunciation. - Elecit the structures from Ss: Where do you live? I live at 52 Ba Trieu Street. I live on the second floor of Ha Noi Tower. - Ss repeat the model sentences several times in chorus then individiual. - Play the recording and asks Ss to listen to the tape twice. - T asks Ss to listen and repeat in chorus two times. - Pause after each part for Ss to have sufficient time checking the picture. - Replay the recording for Ss to check their answers. Get them to correct their answers in pairs. After that, asks some Ss to report their answers to the class. - In case there is disagreement on any answer, play the recording related to the part again. Read out the correct answers to the class. • Keys: 1.b 2.c 3.d 4.a 5.Summary: In this lesson, Ss have learnt to ask and answer questions about where one lives, using Where do you live? – I live at/ on 6.Homelink Each Ss draws his/ her house and writes the address under the picture for the class display in the next lesson. 10 Năm học 2013-2014 [...]... 3 Answers: 1.tooth 2 Brush 3 Morning 4 Evening 5 Country 6 flat 7 House 8 Beach 9 Birthday 10 Flag II Listening: 1.Answers: 1.b 2 C 3 C 4.a 5. b 2.Answers: a 3 b .5 c.4 d.2 e.1 III.Reading and writing: 1.Answers : 1.c 2.f 3.e 4.b 2 Answers: a) 1.b 2.c ; b) 1.F 3.d 4.a 5. d 6.a 2.T 3.T 4.T 5. T 35 Năm học 2013-2014 Week: 9 Period: 18th Date of Preparing : 15- 10-2013 Date of Teaching :16-10-2013 UNIT 6: A... Answers: a 4 b.1 c .5 d.3 e.2 5 Summary: In the lesson Ss have learnt: - To pronounce correctly the sounds of the letters ill as in will and that of the letters all as in small • To listen and number the pictures 6.Home- link: - 31 Năm học 2013-2014 - Ss select and copy one picture from this section and colour and write the words under it for the class display in the next lesson Week:8 Period: 15th Date of... c.3 d.1 5 Summary: In the lesson Ss have learnt: - To pronounce correctly the sounds of the letters ir as in third and that of the letters em as in December • To listen and number the pictures 6.Home- link: - Ss draw a birthday cake, then decorate and colour it for the class display in the next lesson 19 Năm học 2013-2014 Week: 5 Period: 9th Date of Preparing :24-09-2013 Date of Teaching : 25- 09-2013... birthday party - To read a birthday card and write a birthday invitation card 7.Homelink: - Ss practise singing their own version of the song Happy birthday at home Week: 5 Period: 10th Date of Preparing :24-09-2013 Date of Teaching : 25- 09-2013 UNIT 4: MAI’S DAY Lesson 1 I - - Objectives: By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able : to ask and answer questions about someone’s daily activities II Teaching... answers to the class * Answers: a 2 b.4 c.3 d.1 5 Summary: In the lesson Ss have learnt: - To pronounce correctly the sounds of the letters oo as in afternoon and that of the letters br as in brush • To listen and number the pictures 6.Home- link: - Ss select and copy one picture from the crossword puzzle and colour them for a classroom display in the next lesson 25 Năm học 2013-2014 Week: 6 Period: 12th... Gives sufficient time for them to carry it out - Move around to monitor - Have Ss check their answers in pairs Then get some Ss to report their answers * Answer: 1 Got up 2 Have 3 Went out 4 Went 5 Watched 6 had 5 Write an invitation card - Get Ss to open their book on page 26 Get them to read the passage, the title and instruction 27 Năm học 2013-2014 - Tells them the writing purpose: you are going to... 1.a 2.c 3.a 5. Summary: - In this lesson, Ss have learnt: to ask and answer questions about what people will do in the future, using What will you be in the morning?- We’ll run on the beach 6.Homelink - Ss write a list of four things they plan to do in a picnic for the class to display in the next class Week: 7 Period: 14th Date of Preparing :08-10-2013 Date of Teaching :09-10-2013 UNIT 5: OUR PICNIC... house 2 weekend 3 large 4 bedrooms 5 garden 6.Summary: In this lesson, Ss have learnt: - To ask and answer questions about one’s house, using: What’s your house like? It’s a It’s got - To read about a house description and write about a friend’s house - To draw and colour their house 7 Homelink: - Ss finish their drawing for the class display in the next lesson 15 Năm học 2013-2014 Week: 4 Period:... select and copy one picture from this section and colour and write the words under it for the class display in the next lesson Week:8 Period: 15th Date of Preparing :14-10-2013 Date of Teaching : 15- 10-2013 UNIT 5: OUR PICNIC TO THE SEASIDE Lesson 3 I - Objectives: By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able : To ask and answer questions about what one will do in the future 32 Năm học 2013-2014 - To read... the Mountain at home Week:8 Period: 16th Date of Preparing :14-10-2013 Date of Teaching : 15- 10-2013 34 Năm học 2013-2014 REVIEW 1 Objectives: In this review unit, the teacher will help Ss revise the topics, the language competences, the sentences patterns, the vocabulary and the phonics they have learnt from Unit1_ 5 Then Ss will do the tasks related to vocabulary and spelling, listening, reading and . their answers in pairs. Then get some Ss to report their answers. * Answer: 1.F 2.F 3.T 4.T 5. T 5. Read and write an e-mail - Get Ss to open their book on page 12. - Have a brief discussion. Languages focus:. - Vocabulary:cardinal number 50 -100, avenue, road, lane, flat, block, floor - Sentence patterns: Where do you live? I live at 52 Ba Trieu Street. I live on the second floor. class display in the next lesson. 19 Năm học 2013-2014 Week: 5 Date of Preparing :24-09-2013 Period: 9 th . Date of Teaching : 25- 09-2013 UNIT 3:A BIRTHDAY PARTY Lesson 3 I. Objectives: By

Ngày đăng: 30/05/2015, 16:24

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