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  • Don’t give the victim lie down

  • Content

    • Jumbled words

    • Model sentence

    • Answer keys

      • Model sentences

      • Answer key

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      • Which word ?

      • Answer key

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      • Answer key: box, lamp. Truck, doll, flowers, elephant, bear, rabbit

      • Model sentence

        • Language focus 2

    • Mark Comment

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English 8 Tran Thi Mong Tram Xuan Duong High school 2010-2011 WEEK:20 Period : 58 UNIT 9: A FIRST _ AID COURSE Lesson 1 : Getting started & Listen and read I. Objectives : By the end of the lesson the ss will be able to: - know what they would do in the situation which require first-aid II. Language contents : _ Grammar : _ Vocabulary : ambulance, emergency, unconscious, bleed, conscious, III. Techniques : _ communicative approach, guessing, group work, IV Teaching aids : _ flash card, cassette, book. V. Procedures : Teacher and student’s activities Contents 1. Warm up (Getting started) * Kim’s game *. New lesson 2. Presentation T: Asking Ss to look at these things on page 80 and tell them these things are often used for first-aid. -Dividing the class into 2 teams. -Having Ss close their books and go to the board and write the names of the things. ( May be English or Vietnamese) -T Give answer key. . Practice: -Let ss to discuss and write down what they would do in these situations which require first-aid. ( work in groups) -T can supply the words for Ss if necessary. 1. Getting started *Answer key -emergency room: phong cấp cứu -medicated oil: dầu pha thuốc -water pack: túi chuồm nước đá -sterile dressing: đồ băng bó vô trùng -alcohol: cồn .Discussing -to ease : làam dịu -a towel: khăn lau -a handkerchief: (real thing)khăn tay -cotton ball: (real thing)bong thấm nước -a bandage: (real thing) băng -an ice bag = water pack - tiger balm: (real thing)dầu con hổ * Possible answer: a. I’ll use cold water to ease the pain b. I’ll use alcohol / medicated oil / sterile dressing to dress the pain - 1 - English 8 Tran Thi Mong Tram Xuan Duong High school 2010-2011 -calling on some groups to present their answers . * Pre-teach: T: Set situation and give some new words by many ways. - Practice them Ss: Look , copy down and practice 3. While – reading : T: Hang the chart with the paragraph on the board -Asking Ss to predict the words in the gaps -Calling on some ss to go to the board and write their words T: playing the tape again and have ss listen, then let them check their prediction. -Then Ss play the role to read the dialogue 4. Post – reading : -Let Ss read the dialogue again and select the topic covered in the dialogue (work in groups) C. Consolidation: - Remark all period - Asking Ss role play to read the dialogue. T: correct the mistakes (Ss can retell the story) 5. Homework : Let ss to learn all the new words by heart c. I’ll use the handkerchief to stop the bleeding / tell her to line down. d. I’ll use medicated oil. 2. Listen and read a. New words -an emergency: ( trans) tình trạng câp cứu -an ambulance: xe cừu thương -conscious >< uncurious:(adj) (trans) tỉnh >< bất tỉnh -to bleed: ( trans) chảy máu -to wound (expl) làm bị thương . (n): vét thương * Checking: Slap the board b. Gap fill “ There was an emergency at Lan’s school. A student (1) off her bike and hit head on the road. She was (2) , but she cut her head and the (3) was (4) badly. Lan telephoned Bach Mai hospital and asked the nurse to send an ( 5) to Quang Trung school .Lan was asked to keep the student (6) while waiting for the ambulance.” * Checking prediction 1.fell 2.concious 3.cut 4.bleeding 5.ambulance 6. awake c. Selection the topic: -a, b, c, e, f. - 2 - English 8 Tran Thi Mong Tram Xuan Duong High school 2010-2011 -Prepare next part ‘Speak & Listen WEEK: 20 Period : 59 UNIT 9: A FIRST _ AID COURSE Lesson 2 : : Speak I. Objectives : By the end of the lesson, the sts will be able to make and respond request, offers and promises. II. Language contents : j Grammar : Would you like ?;Can / could you ?;I promise I’ll ; I promise I won’t… k Vocabulary : III. Techniques : _* pair work ; net work ; IV. Teaching aids : _* pictures ; cassette V. Procedures : Teacher and student’s activities Contents 1. Warm up : 5’ T asking ss to give situations which require first-aid * Possible answer: + Have a nose bleed. + Have a burn + Have a cut. + Have a bee sting + Have a snack bite. -T sets the scene: -Then asking ss some questions to elicit the model sentences. -Having Ss repeat 2 or 3 times before writing them on the board. 2/. Pre – speaking ( 15’) T: Setting situation and give the forms , explain clearly. Ss: Listening carefully and copy down T: giving the structures Ss :listen and copy. 3/. While – speaking (15’) T explains model picture a. -Ss listen, repeat and practice. -T calls on 4 pairs to practice (b, c, d, e) and corrects. Network 1. Set the scene: a .I want you to get me a bandage. How can I say? b. I’d like you to come to my party. How can I say ? c. I’ll tell my mother that I’ll surely finish my work before time. How can I say? 2.Model sentences a. Will you get me a bandage, please? b. Would you like to come to my party? c .I promise I’ll finish my homework before time. 1. Speak * Form: A. To make a request.(thỉnh cầu) Will Would + you (please) + bare infinitive ? Could Can +Responses: (+) Sure / Ok / All right (-) I’m sorry I can’t / I’m afraid I am not. B. To make an offer. (Để nghị) Will /won’t you Shall I + bare infinitive ? Can I Would you like + to inf ? What can I do / get for you? Can I get ? +Responses: - 3 - English 8 Tran Thi Mong Tram Xuan Duong High school 2010-2011 -Ss practice. -T asks Ss to practice. -Ss practice in groups. . Practice T: Having ss look at each picture and practice speaking in pairs. Ss: Listening and doing as directed then present before class. T: Control whole class and correct mistakes. 4/. Post – speaking 5’) -T calls on some pairs to practice in front of class. -Ss practice. -T corrects. 5. Homework : -Learnt the structures by heart. -Prepare next part ‘Listen’ (+) yes, please / That would be nice. (-) No, thanks. C. To make a promise: I promise I’ll / I won’t I’ll , I promise I promise to +Responses: I hope so./ good / I’m glad / Don’t forget 1.Matching 1. The girl has a burn on her hand. 2.The girl has a bad fever. 3.The boy has just broken vase. 4.The boy has a headache. 5.The boy has a snake bite. * Answer key: 1:a 2: d 3:e 4:b 5:c 2. Picture Drill a: request d: offer b: offer / request e: promise c: offer / request EX: (b): Sister: Can I get you some medicines? Boy: yes, please. .a. Could you give me a bandage, please? - Sure. Here you are. b. Can I get you some medicine / water? - Yes, please / No, thank you. c. Shall I get you some bandage? - Yes, please. d. Would you like some medicine, please? - Yes, please. e. I promise. I won’t play soccer in the house again. I hope so. - 4 - English 8 Tran Thi Mong Tram Xuan Duong High school 2010-2011 WEEK: 20 Period : 61 UNIT 9 : A FIRST –AID COURSE Lesson 3 : Listen I. Objectives : By the end of the lesson, the ss will be able to listen to a paragraph for details about the activities taking place in an emergency room. II. Language contents : j Grammar : k Vocabulary : eye chart, paramedic, wheelchair, stretcher, crutch III. Techniques : + guessing, communicative approach. IV. Teaching aids : + pictures ; cassette Teacher and student’s activities Contents 1. Warm up : Guessing from context T : Having Ss look at the pictures on page 82 and writing out all the words describing the actions of the people in it ( work in 4 groups) -Telling the Ss ,Which group has the most right verbs is the winner. Sts : do as directed . New lesson 2. Pre - listening : -T introduces some new words by using pictures or translating. -T reads, Ss repeat 3. While-listening T: Having ss listen to the tape 3time ans do as requested Ss: Listening carefully and try to do. TAPE TRANSCRIPT This is the emergency room in a large hospital .A paramedic is wheeling a patient on a stretcher into the emergency room where a doctor is waiting to treat the patient .The patient doesn’t look well. His head is bandaged and his eyes are closed. A nurse is pushing an empty wheelchair towards the exit. She is probably taking it to * Possible answer: -Drive -Wheel /move /push -Weight -Lie -Stand -an eye chart (trans/ pict): bàng đo thị lực -a paramedic (expl): hộ lý ( She takes care of patients but she isn’t a doctor nor a nurse) -to wheel (action) đẩy, kéo a wheelchair : xe đẩy -a stretcher (pict) cái cáng -a crutch (pict) cái nạn -a scale (trans) cái cân *Checking slap the board + Matching: A: ambulance D: eye chart B: wheelchair E: scale C: crutches F: stretcher *Ordering prediction Your guess On tape - 5 - English 8 Tran Thi Mong Tram Xuan Duong High school 2010-2011 a patient in the ambulance. The eye chart on the wall is used to check people’s eyesight. The chart consists of about 28 letters ranging in size from about 5 centimeters in height at the top of the chart to about 1 centimeter at the bottom. A doctor is trying to weight a crying baby on the scale. The baby’s mother is standing nearby. She is trying to stop her child from crying. The crutches ,which are for someone with a broken leg, are leading against the wall. T: Asking Ss to look at the pictures in your books again and match the letter A,B,C, D, E ,f to the correct words in the box -T giving answer key -T setting the scene: You are going to listen to paragraph about the activities taking place in an emergency room which contains the words on the board. -Having ss guess the order of the words. -Giving feed back. -Letting Ss listen and check their prediction -Giving answer key. 4. Post-listening -Asking Ss to read the statements carefully. Having Ss work in pairs to decide which of the statement is true and which is false. -Ss listening and check their prediction. Sts : listening and doing their task. T : calling some sts to read their answer aloud Compare with their guessing Giving the correct answer . Consolidation _ Remark all period 5. Homework : -Learn vocabulary by heart. -Prepare next part ‘Read +Lf1’ ambulance wheelchair crutches eye chart scale stretcher 3 2 6 4 5 1 * T /F statements 1.The doctor is wheeling the patient into the emergency room. 2.The patient’s head is headache. 3.A nurse is pushing a wheelchair with a patient on it. 4.The eye chart consists of 28letters ranging in different size. 5.The baby’s mother is trying to stop the nurse from weighing her baby. *Answer key: 1.F (a endemic) 2.T, 4.T 3.F (empty wheelchair) 5.F (stop her baby from crying) - 6 - English 8 Tran Thi Mong Tram Xuan Duong High school 2010-2011 WEEK: 21 Period : 62 UNIT 9 : A FIRST –AID COURSE Lesson 4 : Read I. Objectives : By the end of the lesson, the ss will be able to use “in order to” and “so as to” indicate purpose read the text about more situations requiring first-aid. II. Language contents : j Grammar : in order to, so as to k Vocabulary : lie flat, elevate, victim, overheat, tissue, damage. III Techniques : pair work ; bingo; communicative approach. IV. Teaching aids : pictures ; cassette; flash card, book. V. Procedures : Teacher and student’s activities Contents 1.Warm up : T: asking ss to choose 4 words on the board and write them down on a piece of paper. T: calling out the words until someone has ticked all the four words and shouts ‘Bingo’ New lesson 2. Pre - reading : T:-giving meaning of some new words - write them on the board. - Read them Ss : copy – repeat -Asking Ss to think of what to do in these emergency cases 3. While - reading -Having ss open their book and read the instructions on page 83 *Bingo Burn, cut, bee sting, snake bite, fainting, shock, nose bleed 1.Pre-teach. *Vocabulary : -to lie flat (trans) nằm duỗi tay -to elevate >< to lower (trans) nâng cao >< hạ thấp -a victim (expl) nạn nhân (a person who needs first- aid) -to overheat (expl) làm nóng (make sth to hot) -tissue (n) (trans) cơ, -damage (n) (trans) sự hư hại -to ease : to stop làm dịu -to minimize (trns) giảm đến mức tối thiểu -shock (n) (trans) cú sốc, choáng Check : Rub out and remember 2. Network let the victim lie down - 7 - fainting burn First-aid English 8 Tran Thi Mong Tram Xuan Duong High school 2010-2011 -Asking Ss to go to the board and add the missing information. T : Asking Ss to read the statements on page 84 and match three leading A,B,C, to them. (group work) Sts : reading and do their task. T: correct -Ask the question to elicit the answer: 4. Post – reading : T: Asking ss some sentences. Ss: Listening and trying to answer. Further practice T: Guiding SS to match the sentences Ss: work individually T: Calling on some ss to read their answers . -Reading the instruction and fill the information T: Asking Ss to read the text again then answer some questions Ss: Listening and trying to do and answer. 5. Homework : -Learn vocabulary by heart. -Prepare next part ‘Write’ cool the burn with ice Don’t give the victim lie down 1.Adding missing information 2.Matching A: a, c, e B: b C: d 3. Model Sentences +.Why should we cool the burn immediately? We should do it so as to / in order to minimize the tissue damage Form: so as to +bare infinitive in order to Use : to indicate purposes( để diễn tả mục đích) -What should we do when a person has a shock / a burn / fainting? -What shouldn’t we do when a person has a shock / a burn / fainting? *Practice (Language Focus 1) Ex: I always keep the window open in order to let fresh air in. Keys: 2:c - 3:b - 4:e - 5:a - 6:d -Read the instruction and fill the information Cases Do Don’t Fainting Shock Burn - 8 - shock English 8 Tran Thi Mong Tram Xuan Duong High school 2010-2011 WEEK: 21 Period : 63 UNIT 9 : A FIRST –AID COURSE Lesson 5 : Write I. Objectives : By the end of the lesson, the ss will be able to know how to write a thank- you note II. Language contents : j Grammar : k Vocabulary : cheer- up, come over, thank III. Techniques : pair work ; shark attack, communicative approach. IV. Teaching aids :book, flash card. V. Procedures : Teacher and student’s activities Contents 1/. Warm up : T asking Ss to write the correct words. -Ss writing. -T correcting. 2/. Pre- Writing : -T introducing the lesson. -Ss listening. -T presenting vocabulary. -Ss listening, repeat and copy. -T checking vocabulary. -Ss remember ( pronunciation and meaning ) -T introducing the situation. -Ss listen. -T asking Ss to read the statements on the board and predict. ( T/ F ) -Ss predict. -T getting Ss to give their predictions and writing on the board. -T correcting. *Jumbled words : -ile __lie -eeelvat __ elevate -erwol __ lower -mitcvi __ victim -asee __ease *Vocabulary : -to thank (s.o) for (sth) -to cheer up -to come over -flower (n) -present (n) : “ Nga was sick and she had to go to hospital. After she left the hospital, she wrote a thank-you note to Hoa .” a. Nga writes to thanks Hoa for some flowers. b. Hoa’s present cheered Nga up. c. Nga would like Hoa to see her at the hospital. d. Nga is very glad now. e. Nga writes the letter at the house. *answers : a. T b. T c. F ( at her house ) d. F ( bored ) - 9 - English 8 Tran Thi Mong Tram Xuan Duong High school 2010-2011 3/. While- Writing : -T asking Ss to use the correct tense forms of the verbs in bracket to complete the thank-you note. -Ss doing. -T getting Ss to give their answer and corrects. -Ss giving their answers and then correct the mistakes if necessary. 4. Post- Writing : -T leading Ss how to write a thank- you note to a friend and invite him/ her to go on a picnic with them by answering the given questions. -Ss listening and answer the questions orally. -T asking Ss to join these answers into a paragraph to make it a thank-you note. -Ss writing it in their notebooks. -T calling on some Ss to read their letters in front of class. -Ss reading aloud. -T correcting. e. T 1. Complete the thank-you note Nga sent to Hoa after she left the hospital. Use the correct tense forms of the verbs in brackets. *Answers : 1. was 2. were 3. helped 4. came 5. am 6. will phone 2. Write a thank-you note to a friend. Invite your friend to go on a picnic with you. Arrange to contact your friend. Use the following questions to guide your writing. Dear . . . , Thank-you . . . Now I . . . I will . . . Your friend, . . . . . . ( Ss’ writing ) - 10 - [...]... Drink cans are brought back for recycling - - 23 - Learn vocabulary and the structure of passive form in simple present tense English 8 Tran Thi Mong Tram - - guiding homework Ss copy and prepare it carefully 6/ Remarks - 24 - Xuan Duong High school Prepare : Write 20 10 -20 11 English 8 WEEK: 23 Period : 68 Tran Thi Mong Tram Xuan Duong High school 20 10 -20 11 Unit 10 : RECYCLING Lesson 5 Write I Objectives... language focus 1 English 8 Tran Thi Mong Tram - 21 - Xuan Duong High school 20 10 -20 11 English 8 Tran Thi Mong Tram Xuan Duong High school 20 10 -20 11 WEEK: 23 Period : 67 Unit 10: RECYCLING READ I Objectives _ By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to : - read for details about how things are recycled II Language contents 1 Grammar: Passive form in the Present Simple tense 2 Vocabulary: tire(n), pipe... parents… -I’d like to English 8 Tran Thi Mong Tram -Learn new words by heart -Do exercises in workbooks -Prepare: Lesson 2 Speak + focus 3 Xuan Duong High school 20 10 -20 11 … * to express a request Ex: Would you mind sitting in the front seat ? … - 31 - English 8 WEEK: 24 Period : 71 Xuan Duong High school Tran Thi Mong Tram 20 10 -20 11 Unit 11 : TRAVELING AROUND VIET NAM Lesson 2: SPEAK I Objectives - By... future use 4/ Post- Writing 8 ) - asking Ss to read the two instructions carefully - reading the instructions 5/ Homework (4’) - guiding homework 6/ Remarks WEEK: 23 - 26 - -Learn: Vocabulary -Read : Exercises 1+ 2 -Rewrite : Exercise 2 - Prepare: Unit 10- Language Focus - listening, copying and prepare it carefully English 8 Tran Thi Mong Tram Xuan Duong High school 20 10 -20 11 Period : 69 Unit 10 :... fertilize ouir field T guiding homework -Ss preparing it carefully - 18 - English 8 Tran Thi Mong Tram Xuan Duong High school 20 10 -20 11 Week 22- p66 UNIT 10 : RECYCLING Lesson : Listen I Objective:: - To help Ss practice in listening for specific information about making compost II Language contents: 1 Grammar: Review Present simple tense 2 Vocabulary: compost, heap, shade, shovel, moisture, condensation... going to the local library or asking your family & friends d B/c plastic bags are difficult to be destroyed 1 What would you do with waste paper? 2 What would you do with plastic bags? - 16 - English 8 Week 22 -p 65 Tran Thi Mong Tram Xuan Duong High school 20 10 -20 11 UNIT 10 : RECYCLING LESSON : SPEAK I Objective: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to give and respond to instructions II/ Language... complete - Ss working in pairs - T calling on some Ss to check - Ss reading and writing - 28 - Xuan Duong High school 20 10 -20 11 - chemical (n) : - shape (n) : 2 A famous inventor Complete the dialogue : * Model sentence : Active : S + will – V + O Passive: S + will-be-Ved/ 3 + by O * Answer key : (1) Will be shown (2) Will be built ? (3) will be finished (4) Will be made ? 3 Complete... key Ngo mon Gate, Ha Long Bay, The Temple literature, Nha Rong Harbor a/ Ngo Mon Gate - 29 - English 8 Tran Thi Mong Tram Xuan Duong High school 20 10 -20 11 New lesson b/ Nha Rong Harbor 2 Presentation: (10) c/ The Temple Literature T Setting situation and present some new d/ Ha Long Bay words then practice them 2 Listen and read: Ss: Look copy and repeat then practice * Presentation  Pre-teach Voc... of class - T correcting - Ss check and correct 11’ - T leading Ss how to do exercise 4 - 12 - Xuan Duong High school 20 10 -20 11 order to / so as to let fresh air in 2 + c 3 + b 4 + e 5 + a 6 + d - schedule (n) : - entrance exam : Ba is talking to his mother about his aunt Mai Complete the dialogue : 1 will 2 will 3 won’t 4 shall 5 will 6 ‘ll - I, we > shall - He, She, It, You > will Nga is helping... V-ing ? 2 Would you mind if I + Verb (Past tense) …? Do you mind if I + Verb (Present tense) …? - 32 - English 8 Tran Thi Mong Tram 3 While-speaking :10’ Open pairs: Asking some pairs to demonstrate the dial Closed pairs Having Ss open their books and use the information on page 101 to practice other dialogues Group 1: Markets Group 2: Museums Group 3: Restaurants Xuan Duong High school 20 10 -20 11 Responses . destroyed. 1. What would you do with waste paper? 2. What would you do with plastic bags? - 16 - English 8 Tran Thi Mong Tram Xuan Duong High school 20 10 -20 11 Week 22 -p 65 UNIT 10 : RECYCLING LESSON : SPEAK. field. T guiding homework. -Ss preparing it carefully - 18 - English 8 Tran Thi Mong Tram Xuan Duong High school 20 10 -20 11 Week 22- p66 UNIT 10 : RECYCLING Lesson : Listen I. Objective:: -. - English 8 Tran Thi Mong Tram Xuan Duong High school 20 10 -20 11 a patient in the ambulance. The eye chart on the wall is used to check people’s eyesight. The chart consists of about 28 letters

Ngày đăng: 25/05/2015, 05:00

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