T: asks sts to comment the piture T: turns the tape 2times and reads the dialogue with sts aloud T: Gives the new words and writes on Family gia đ×nh Member : thµnh viªn Father : bè moth
Trang 1English plan 3 Date of preparing :9/1/2011
Unit 7 Family Members
Priod :36
I.The aims
1 The abilitiy of language:
T: Helps sts to getacquainted with the word of family members
- Helps sts to ask and answer the question “ Who is that ?”- That is my brother
2 Language focus
Family Mother Open
Father Brother Close
3 Vocabulary.
Family , Members ,Excuseme, Who , father, mother , brother , sister,
my ,her ,his , this , that ,
4 Grammar
Who’s that ?
That’s my father/ mother
II Teaching aids
Book , pictures , wordcards , CD
III Steps
1 Organization
Good morning / afternoon
2 Check up
Asks sts some question which are learnt before
3 New lesson
Teacher’s activities Student’s activities
T: Introduces the content of U7 and
writes on the B.B
1 Look , listen , and repeat
T: asks sts to comment the piture
T: turns the tape (2times)
and reads the dialogue with sts aloud
T: Gives the new words and writes on
Family gia đ×nh
Member : thµnh viªn
Father : bè
mother : mÑ
Sister : chi g¸i
Brother : anh trai
T: calls sts to read individual
2 Look and say
T: Ỉntoduces the structure to ask the
members in the family
Who’ that ?
That’s my brother
Sts: see and comment Sts: listen to read after
sts: listen to write down
Sts: read aloud
Sts: read individually
Trang 2T: asks sts to read the words in part2
again and calls sts to work in pair
T: gives idea
3 Let ’ s talk
T: asks sts to see the picture to ask
and answer the content of the picture
in part 3
T: Who’s that ?
T: calls some sts to work in pair
4 Consolidation
T: summaries the content of the
5 Gives home work
T: asks sts to review the old lesson
and prepare the new lesson at home
Sts: write the structure down notebook Sts: work in pair
Eg: St1: who’s that ? St2: That’s my Father/ mother/ Sister
Sts: practice speaking Sts : That’s my Sister Sts: practice speaking
Sts: Sum up
Sts: listen to remember
Trang 3English plan 3 Date of preparing :12/1/2011
Unit 7 Family Members
Priod :37
I The aims
- Helps sts to practice four skills
- Helps sts to review the words of member in the family and say it right
II Teaching aids
- Book , picture , wordcards
III Proceduces.
1 Organization
Goodmorning/ afternoon
2 Check up.
T: calls 2sts to go to the B.B to write the words of members and the
question ( Who’s that ?) answer That’s my + member (father )
3 New lesson
Teacher’s activities Students’s activities
T: writes the part 4 on the B.B
4 Listen and check
T: asks sts to comment the pictures in
T: Turns the CD 2 times
1 Who’s that ?
That’s my father
2 Who’s that ?
That’s my sister
T: calls sts to repeat again
5 Say it right
T: Writes the words on
Family Mother Open
Father Brother Close
T: Explains the way to pronunciate
the underline letter
Then calls sts to read individually
6 Let ’ s Write
T: Explains the aim of this part
T: Summaries the contentent of the
lesson by giving the strures to
Sts : see the pitures and comment by vnese
Sts: Listen to check 1V b
2.V b
Sts: repeat again
Sts: listen to pronunciate Sts: read aloud
Sts: listen to introduce the members of their family
Eg: This is my father That is my mother Sts: Practise speaking
Trang 45 Home work
T: Asks sts to review the old lesson
do exercise in work book of part A
Sts: listen to remember
Trang 5English plan 3 Date of preparing :8/2/2011
Unit 7 Family Members
Priod :38,39
I The aims
- Helps sts to get acquainted with the other name and the questiopn of
other name so the answer
II Teaching aids
Book , Pictures , CD
III Proceduces
Teacher’s activities Students’s activities
1 Organization
Googmorning /afternoon
Who’s absent today?
2 Checks up
T: calls two sts one makes question and
one introduces the member in the
T: Gives idea
3 Teaching the new lesson
1 Listen and repeat
T: Asks sts to talk about the content of
this part
T: Explains the meaning and turns the
tape 2 times
T: reads the dialogue and gives the new
His (adj) : cña anh Êy
Her (adj) : cña c« Êy
2 Let ’ s talk
T: Asks sts to see the picture to kwow
the name of all personal in this picture
T: Asks some sts to role play before the
3 Listen and number
T: Asks sts to discuss to understand
more the situation
1.This is my mother Her name is Nga
2 That is my father His name is Son
3 A Who’s that ?
B That’ my sister Her name is Nga
T: Checks again
4.Read and match
T: Asks sts to read two paragraphs then
reads with sts two times
T: Asks sts to see the content of the
picture to match
5 Let’s write
T: Asks sts write about their family
T: Explains and suggests for sts to
Sts: Greet and answer
Sts: go to the B.B to do
Sts: listen to write down notebook
Sts: read and write down
Sts: See to understand the content of the picture
Sts: Listen to number 1b 2a 3c
sts: read aloud and see the picture 1- b
2- a Sts: listen to write down This is my father His name is Son This is my mother Her name is Nga That is my bbrother His name is Nam
58 57
Trang 6understand
T: calls one sts to write on the board
and some read
6 Let’s play
T: Asks sts to do crossword
7 Summary
T: Explains the content of this lesson by
giving more situations for sts to
practices speaking
4 Consolidation
T: Summaries the content of this lesson
by giving more situation for sts to
workin pair
5 Gives homework
T: asks sts to review the old lesson and
do ex 7,8,9,10 in work book
That is my sister Her name is Hoa Sts: write and read aloud
Sts: complete to base on the pattern word and fill the words of family members
1 Mother
2 sister
3 father
4 Brother
Sts : Write the aim down
Sts : Work in pair
Sts : Sum up Sts: Work in pair
Sts: listen to remember
English plan3 Date of preparing :15 /2 /2011
Unit 8 Ages
( Period 40, 41)
I The aims
T: Helps ps o get acquainted with the asking and answer of others ages in the family
T: Helps sts to count from one to ten
* Vocabulary : one, two , three, four ,five ,six, seve , eight, nine , ten,
* Grammar : The question of the age “ How old are you ?”
The answer “ I’m nine years old”
II Teaching aids
Book , Wordcard ,CD
III Proceduces
Trang 7Teacher’s acivities Students’ activities
1 Organization
T: Good morning/ afternoon
Who’s absent today ?
2 Checks up
T: Calls sts to go to the B.B to
introduce their family members with
( this is and that is )
T: Gives idea and marks
3 New lesson
1.Look,listen ,and repeat
T: calls sts to comment the picture
T : Turns the tape two times and gives
new words
How old ? : hái tuæi
Number : Sè
one : 1
two : 2
three : 3
four : 4
five : 5
six : 6
seven : 7
eight : 8
nine : 9
ten : 10
T: Reads with sts loudy
T: calls sts to read individually
2 Look and say
T: Asks sts to talk about the content of
the picture
Then introduces the structure to asks
the age
How old are you?
I’m nine years old
T: Calls 4 pairs to practices speaking
T: Gives idea and marks
3 Let’s talk
T: Asks sts to disscuss the content of
this part in the picture
4 Listen and number
T: Asks sts to see the picture and
comment the content of the picture
T: Turns the tape 2 times
T: Calls sts to check again
5 Say it right
T: Asks sts to practise and write the
words on the board
Down Brother Down
How Mother About
T: Turns the tape for sts listen to read
Sts: Greet and answer
Sts: write on
Sts :Comment the picture by vietnamese
Sts : write down
Sts: read after the teacher Sts : read individually
Sts: Write on and work in pair
Sts: Ask and answer about their age
Sts: write the aim down notebook Sts: work in pair
Sts: listen to work in pair Sts: See the picture and comment Sts: Listen to check
1b 2a
Sts: write down notebook and listen
to the tape
St : Reads individually
Trang 8T: Calls sts to read individually and
correct the mistake if sts have
6 Let’s Write
T: Gives the aim for sts to know
T: Suggests for sts to write
T: calls sts to read their results and
give mark
4 Consolidation
T: Summaries the content of this
lesson by giving more situations for sts
to practice speaking
5 Gives homework
T: asks sts to review the old lesson and
preparing the new lesson at home
T: Guides for sts exercies 1,2,3.4.5 in
work book
Other comment
Sts: Listen to write down
My name is Lan
I am nine years old
Sts: Listen to work in pair
Sts: Listen to remember
Trang 9English plan3 Date of preparing :22 /2 /2011
Unit 8 Ages
( Period 41, 42)
I The aims
T: Continuostly to learn the question of ages in the third personal
P: Practice four skills (Speaking ,writing, listening, and reading ) and do all the exercises in the workbook
II, Teaching aids
Book ,picture , CD
III Teaching the new lesson
Teachers activities’ Students activities’
1 Organization
T: Good morning / afternoon
2 Ckecks up
T: Calls sts to write on the B.B
How old is he ?
He is eight
How old is she ?
She is nine
T: Gives marks
3 Teaching the new lesson
1 listen and repeat
T: Asks the picture and comment on
T: Turns the tape two times and reads
T: gives the new word for sts to know
How old ? : Bao tuæi
Is : th×
She : c« Êy
He : anh Êy
T: Reads aloud the words
3 Let s talk’
T: Writes the aim and introduces the
What’s his name ?
His name is Hung
What’ her name ?
Her name is Nga
T : Calls sts to work in pair
3 Listen and number
T : Asks sts to disscuss the aim for
sts to understand the dialogue
T : Turns the tape 2 times
T : Calls sts to repeat again
Sts: Greet
Sts: Answer and write on
Sts: Seethe picture and comment by vienamese
Sts: Read after the teacher
Sts: Write down
St: Reads individually
Sts: Write the structure down notebook And read aloud
Sts: Work in pair
Sts: Disscuss and listen to the tape
To number 1b
2c 3a Sts: Repeat aloud
Trang 104 Consolidation
T: Summaries the content of this
lesson by giving more situations for
sts to practice speaking
5 Gives homework
T: asks sts to review the old lesson
and preparing the new lesson at home
T: Guides for sts exercies 1,2,3.4.5 in
work book
Sts : Listen to work in pair
Sts : Listen to remember
Trang 11English plan3 Date of preparing :4/3 /2011
Unit 9 My House
( Period 44,45)
I The aims
- Helps sts to intrduce their house about the rooms
-Helps sts to talk about the furniture in each room
II Teaching aids
Book , Picture ,CD
III Proceduces
Teacher s activities’ Students activities’
1 Organization
T: Good morning /afternoon
2 Checks up
T : Calls two sts to go to the B.B to
write the question of the age
T: Gives marks
4 Teaching the new lesson
T: Introduces the new lesson and
writes on the board
Sts: Greeting Sts: Write on the board How old is she?
She is nine years old