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unit 13 lop 11 co ban dap an

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UNIT 13 ( dap an )HOBBIES I.Choose the best answer :

1 There are number of things I like to do in my free time.a pleisure b precious c busy d idle

2 My uncle, who is an accomplished guitarist, taught me how to play.a unimpaired b unskilled c ill-educated d unqualified3 Now I can playa few simple tune.

a compound b plain c easy d complicated

4 He advised me to practise playing the guitar regularly

a unusually b commonly c freely d completely5 I have a modest little glass fish tank where I keep a variety of small fish.

a limitted b excessive c conceited d moderate6 I always remove the stamps before discarding the envelopes.

a dispensing b disposing c dumping d keeping

7 Another hobby of mine is keeping fish.

a omitting b discharging c releasing d delivering8 I usually throwaway the common stamps.

a distinctive b beautiful c unpopular d ordinary9.My father never indulges _ drinking.a on b in c with d to10.These ideas have now been completely discarded.

a come up with b got rid of c put forward d put into practice

11.This vase is quite rare and is almost a _'s item.

a collect b collective c collection d collector

12.The singer was _ on the piano by her sister

a played b performed c accompanied d helped

13.The most important thing is to keep yourself occupied.

a busy b relaxed c comfortable d free14. _ who was elected the first woman mayor of Chicago in 1979.

a It was Jane Byrne b Jane Byrnec That Jane Byrne d When Jane Byrne

15.It was in 1875 _ joined the staff of the astronomical observatory at Harvard University.

a that Anna Winlock b Anna Winlock, whoc as Anna Winlock d Anna Winlock then

16. _ that the capital of South Carolina was moved from Charleston to

17.It was Mr Harding _ the bill to yesterday.

a who sent my secretary b to whom my secretary sent

c that my secretary sent d my secretary sent

18.There are some hobbies that I _ in for a while besides reading and collecting.a occupy b accomplish c fascinate d indulge

19.My uncle, who is an accomplished guitarist, taught me how to play.

a skilful b famous c perfect d modest20.Cycling and karate are among her hobbies.

a pursuit b entertainment c amusement d pastime

IICleft sentence.

1 She bought the car from Tom.

It was Tom who/ that she bought the car from.

2 My secretary sent the bill to Mr Harding yesterday.

It was my secretary who/ that sent the bill to Mr Harding yesterday.

3 He already plays for national side; he only turned professional last year.

He already plays for the national side, it was only last year when/that he turned professional.

4 The film was made in Bristol.

It was in Bristol where/ that the film was made.

5 We are coming to stay with Jane this weekend.

It is Jane who/ that we are coming to stay with this weekend.

6 Columbus sailed to America in 1492.

It was in 1492 when/ that Columbus sailed to America.

7 The president makes the important decisions.

It is the president who/ that makes the important decisions.

8 I'm not looking forward to physics, but I'm most worried about, the statistics exam.

I'm not looking forward to physics, but it is the statistics exam which/that I'm most worried about

9 She's been seeing a doctor at Newtown Hospital, but she's having the operation in the Queen Mary Hospital.

She's been seeing a doctor at Newtown Hospital, but it's in the Queen Mary Hospital where/ that she's having the operation.

10 Caroline has been feeling a bit depressed for some time, so r booked a holiday in Amsterdam to cheer her up.

Caroline has been feeling a bit depressed for some time, so it was to cheer her up that I booked a holiday in Amsterdam.

11 It's not that I don't want to have dinner with you tonight; I can't come because I've got so much work to do.

It's not that I don't want to have dinner with you tonight; it's because I've got so much work to do that I can't come.

12 I had my wallet when I went into the sports hall, so r lost it somewhere in there.

I had my wallet when I went into the sports hall, so it was somewhere in there which/that I lost it

13 She doesn't find learning language very easy, and she improved her Spanish only by studying very hard.

She doesn't find learning language very easy, and it's only by studying very hard that she improved her Spanish

14 I have had great help from my best friend Dave in doing my research, and I delicate this thesis to him.

I have had great help from my best friend Dave in doing my research, and it's to him that I delicate this thesis.

15 I don't mind her criticising me, but I object to how she does it.

I don't mind her criticizing me, but it's how she does it that I object to.

Ngày đăng: 02/05/2015, 23:00

Xem thêm: unit 13 lop 11 co ban dap an

