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GIÁO ÁN TIẾNG ANH LỚP 8 NĂM HỌC 2010 – 2011 – HỌC KÌ II =========================================================================== Tuần 24 Tiết 70 Ngày soạn: 05/ 02 / 2011 Ngày dạy : 14 / 02 / 2011 Unit 11: Traveling around Viet nam Lesson 3: Listen + Read 1 I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: • Listen for details about the place directions and to talk about some places of interest in Viet Nam. • Talk about a trip to Ha Noi. • Be aware of beauty of places in Viet Nam. • Know more about some places in Viet Nam. II. Language content • Vocabulary: pagoda, cave, slope, railway, tourist attraction, waterfall, World Heritage …… • Grammar: Review. • III. Method • Individually. • Ask – answer. • Pair works. • Explanation. IV. Teaching aids: • Pictures and posters. • Tape and cassette. • Flashcards. • Books and notebooks. V. Procedure: 1. Warm up (6 minutes) Teacher’s activities Students’ activities - Give the game of “Quiz” - Asks questions and calls the students who put his/her hand up first to answer. - Tells the students each place consist of 3 questions; 3 points for the first question; 2 points for the second question and one point for the third. * Da Lat 1. It is called the city of Eternal Spring. 2. It has a lot of waterfalls and lakes. 3. You can find the most kinds of flowers here. * Nha Trang 1. It’s a seaside resort. 2. It has a very big mountain of Buddha. 3. It has an Oceanic Institute. * Sa Pa 1. It is a mountainous resort. 2. It has tribal villages. 3. Sometimes it has snow. * Ha Long Bay - Play the game. 1. It is recognized as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. 2. It is in the Northern of Viet Nam 3. In is in Quang Ninh. - Introduces and tells the aims of the lesson: Today we continue ============================================================================== TRƯỜNG T.H.C.S GIANG PHONG – CƠ SỞ 2 GIÁO VIÊN TẠ THỊ MINH GIÁO ÁN TIẾNG ANH LỚP 8 NĂM HỌC 2010 – 2011 – HỌC KÌ II =========================================================================== Unit 11: TRAVELING AROUND VIET NAM, section: Listen and Read 1. In this lesson, we will hear a dialogue about the Jones’s trip around Ha Noi and they are talking about the directions to 5 places in the maps. - Listen to the teacher. 2. Pre listening (7 minutes) – - Asks the students to look at the map in page 102 and ask some questions: + What do you see in the map? + How many roads are there? - Gets the students to have a careful look at the places in the box and try to guess their positions on the map. Bus station Hotel Temple Pagoda Restaurant - Listen and answer: - Look at the map and guess the positions on the map. - Match the places in the box to their correct positions on the map. a. Restaurant b. Hotel c. Bus station d. Pagoda e. Temple 3. While listening (12 minutes) – - Have the students listen to the tape for the first time. - Asks them to check the correct answers. - Let them compare their answers with their partner. - Checks their answers and gives feedback and plays the tape for the second time. * Tape transcript: Tim: Mom, I’m tired. Mrs. Brown: All right. You go back to the hotel and we’ll go and look at the pagoda. Tim: Okay, but how do I get to the hotel? Mrs. Brown: Let me check the map. Oh, yes. It’s Phong Lan Road, just off the high way. I. Listen - Listen to the tape and do exercise individually. - Listen and check the answers. - Compare with others. - Write down. a. restaurant b. hotel c. bus station d. pagoda e. temple [ Tim: I remember. See you later. Mrs. Brown: Bye. Shannon: I’m hungry, Mom. Mrs. Brown: Can you wait until after we’ve seen the pagoda, Shannon? The restaurant’s in Tay Ho Road. It’s in the opposite the direction from the pagoda. Shannon: Please, Mom. I’m starving. Mr. Brown: I’ll take you to the restaurant and get something to eat, Shannon. We’ll let your mother go to the pagoda. Shannon: Thanks, Dad. Perhaps we can get some food at the restaurant and eat it beside the river. Mrs. Brown: As you are going in the direction of the bus station, can you book seats on tomorrow’s bus to Ho Chi Minh City? The bus station is just opposite the tourist information center. Mr. Brown: All right. ============================================================================== TRƯỜNG T.H.C.S GIANG PHONG – CƠ SỞ 2 GIÁO VIÊN TẠ THỊ MINH GIÁO ÁN TIẾNG ANH LỚP 8 NĂM HỌC 2010 – 2011 – HỌC KÌ II =========================================================================== Mrs. Brown: I’ll see you back at the hotel. Shannon: How are you going to get to the pagoda, Mom? Mrs. Brown: I’m going to walk over the bridge and take the first road on the left. If I have time, I’ll also visit an old temple, which is just past the pagoda on the same road. Shannon: Bye, Mom. Have a nice time. Mrs. Brown: I will, bye. 4. Post listening (5 minutes) – - Asks the students to play “Giving directions”. - Play the game. 5. Read 1 (12 minutes) - Ask Ss to look at the table in page 104 and pre teach some new words. + picture + picture + picture + picture - Give the game of “What and Where”. - Ask Ss to look at the table once more then read the text in page 103 quickly. - Have Ss to work in four groups and check the item in the brochures. - Check the answers and give the feedback. II. Read 1 - Look at the books. 1. New words: + Cave: + slope: + railway: + waterfall: - Play the game. 2. Practice - Look at the table and read the text. - Work in four groups. - Hang the posters and compare the answers among the groups. + caves: Ha Long Bay. + flights to Ha Noi: Nha Trang. + hotels: Da Lat, Sa Pa, Ha Long Bay. + local transport: all four places. + mini – hotels: Ha Long Bay. + mountain slopes: Sa Pa. + railway: Nha Trang. + restaurants: no places. + sand beaches: Ha Long Bay. + tourist attractions: all four places. + types of food: no places. + villages: Sa Pa. + waterfalls: Da Lat. + World Heritage: Ha Long Bay. 6. Homework (3 minutes) • Do exercise in the workbook. • Prepare for Unit 11 – lesson 4: Read 2 + language focus 4 ============================================================================== TRƯỜNG T.H.C.S GIANG PHONG – CƠ SỞ 2 GIÁO VIÊN TẠ THỊ MINH GIÁO ÁN TIẾNG ANH LỚP 8 NĂM HỌC 2010 – 2011 – HỌC KÌ II =========================================================================== Tuần 24 Tiết 71 Ngày soạn: 07/ 02 / 2011 Ngày dạy : 16 / 02 / 2011 Unit 11: Traveling around Viet nam Lesson 4: Read 2 + Language 4 I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: • Learn more some new words and phrases relating to traveling around Viet Nam. • Revise the simple present tense. • Talk about some famous places of interest in Viet Nam. • Be aware of the beauty of places of interest in Viet Nam. II. Language content • Vocabulary: tribe, tribal, oceanic institute, florist .……………… • Grammar: Review. III. Method • Individually. • Ask – answer. • Pair works. • Explanation. IV. Teaching aids: • Pictures and posters. • Tape and cassette. • Flashcards. • Books and notebooks. V. Procedure: 1. Warm up (7 minutes) Teacher’s activities Students’ activities - Asks the students to listen and answer about places of interest in Viet Nam. Ex: It has a long beautiful beach. It has a lot of beautiful places such as Hon Tre, Tri Nguyen Aquarium.” - Introduces and tells the aims of the lesson: Today we continue to learn Unit 11: TRAVELING AROUND VIET NAM. In this lesson, we will learn about four famous places of interest in Viet Nam; they are Nha Trang, Da Lat, Sa Pa and Ha Long Bay. - Play the game. - Listen to the teacher. 2. Pre reading (8 minutes) – - Pre-teaches new words following steps and principles of teaching words. + using explanation + using explanation belong to ocean. + using explanation very big, unusually large + using explanation not far from the land. + using translation + using picture + using translation + using translation - Checks understanding of the new words and phrases: What and Where. - Ask Ss to look at the pictures of the four places and I. New words: - Listen, repeat, guess the meaning and write down. + resort (n) + oceanic (adj) + giant (adj) + offshore + eternal (adj) + slope (n) + limestone (n) + heritage (n) - Play game in two teams. - Look at the pictures and match the suitable picture with the right name of the place. ============================================================================== TRƯỜNG T.H.C.S GIANG PHONG – CƠ SỞ 2 GIÁO VIÊN TẠ THỊ MINH GIÁO ÁN TIẾNG ANH LỚP 8 NĂM HỌC 2010 – 2011 – HỌC KÌ II =========================================================================== 3. While reading (12 minutes) – - Ask Ss to read the text after listening to the tape and write down the sights in each place. - Get Ss to compare their answers with the prediction. - Call some Ss to read the text loudly. - Ask Ss to read the texts about5 people: Andrew, Mary, John, Joanne and Donna in exercise 2 page 105 and decide where each people should go. - Call some Ss to give their answers. - Check the answers and give the feed back. - Read the text silently. - Write down the names of the sights in each place. - Some Ss read the text. - Work in pairs. - Give their answers. Andrew – Sa Pa Mary – Nha Trang John – Nha Rong Harbor Joanne – Ha Long Bay Donna – Da Lat 4. While reading (7 minutes) – - Ask Ss some questions about themselves. + Where do you want to go? + Why do you want to go there? - Answer he teacher’s questions about themselves. 5. Language focus 4 (8 minutes) - Ask Ss to look at the pictures in exercise 4 page 110 and use the form of “mind” to make short dialogues as examples. a) A: Do you mind id I sit down? B: Please do. b) A: Would you mind if I smoked? B: I’d rather you didn’t. - Call some pairs to practice the dialogues loudly. - Check the answers and give the feedback. - Look at the pictures and work in pairs. A: Would you mind id I sat down? B: Please do. A: Do you mind if I smoke? B: I’d rather you didn’t. - Some pairs practice loudly. c) A: Do you mind if I postpone our meeting? B: Not at all. d) A: Do you mind if I turn off the stereo? B: I’d rather you didn’t. e) A: Would you mind if I turned on the air conditioner? B: Please do. ============================================================================== TRƯỜNG T.H.C.S GIANG PHONG – CƠ SỞ 2 GIÁO VIÊN TẠ THỊ MINH GIÁO ÁN TIẾNG ANH LỚP 8 NĂM HỌC 2010 – 2011 – HỌC KÌ II =========================================================================== f) A: Do you mind if I watch TV while eating dinner? B: No, of course not. 6. Homework (3 minutes) • Do homework in the workbook. • Learn by heart all the new words. • Read the text carefully. • Prepare for unit 11 – Lesson 5: Write. Tuần 24 Tiết 72 Ngày soạn: 07/ 02 / 2011 Ngày dạy : 18 / 02 / 2011 Unit 11: Traveling around Viet nam Lesson 5: Write I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: • Know some words and phrases relating to a trip to Da Lat. • Revise the simple past. • Write a narrative. • Be aware of the beauty of places of interest in Viet Nam. II. Language content • Vocabulary: canoe, paddle, rescue, overturn, stumble …… • Grammar: Review. • III. Method • Individually. • Ask – answer. • Pair works. • Explanation. IV. Teaching aids: • Pictures and posters. • Books and notebooks. V. Procedure: 1. Warm up (7 minutes) Teacher’s activities Students’ activities - Gets the students to study the definition of a narrative by a gap fill: written climax brief events attention “A narrative is a sequence of (1) …… . These events are usually (2) …….… in chronological order and often lead to a (3) ………… . The first sentence of a narrative should get the reader’s (4) …… … and the ending should be (5) …….… . - Introduces and tells the aims of the lesson: Today we are going to learn how to write a narrative in Unit 11: TRAVELING AROUND VIET NAM, part: Writing. - Do exercise individually. - Listen to the teacher. 2. Pre writing (12 minutes) – ============================================================================== TRƯỜNG T.H.C.S GIANG PHONG – CƠ SỞ 2 GIÁO VIÊN TẠ THỊ MINH GIÁO ÁN TIẾNG ANH LỚP 8 NĂM HỌC 2010 – 2011 – HỌC KÌ II =========================================================================== - Pre-teaches vocabulary: + using picture) + miming + using translation + miming + miming - Checks understanding of the new words and phrases: Slap the Board. - Ask Ss to read the sentences about the trip of the Browns. a) The canoe moved up and down the water. b) A boat appeared and rescued them. c) The wind started to blow and the rain became heavier. d) She leaned over and tried to pick it up. e) The family was very lucky. f) The canoe overturned and everyone fell into the deep and dangerous water. g) Shannon dropped her paddle. - Have Ss to work in four groups to order the sentences in the correct chronological order to complete the story. - Check the answers and give the feedback. c – a – g – d – f – b – e. I. New words: + canoe (n) + paddle (n, v) + rescue (v) + overturn (v) + stumble (v) - Play game of “Slap the board”. II. Read - Read the sentences in page 106. - Work in four groups and write down their answers on the posters. - Compare the answers among the groups. The wind started to blow and the rain became heavier. The canoe moved up and down the water. The canoe overturned and everyone fell into the deep and dangerous water. She leaned over and tried to pick it up. The canoe overturned and everyone fell into the deep and dangerous water. A boat appeared and rescued them. The family was very lucky. 3. While writing (15 minutes) – - Ask Ss to look at the pictures about an unlucky day of Uyen. - Ask Ss to use the given words below each picture and rewrite into full meaning sentences to complete the story. a) Suddenly / she / stumble / rock / and fall b) she realize / her alarm clock / not / go off c) Strangely / rain / stop / as she / get / her classroom d) She / math exam / Friday / and she / get up / late e) As she / leaving / it / start / rain / heavily f) schoolbag / pool / and everything / get / wet - Look at the pictures and imagine about the story by rearrange the pictures in the correct chronological order. d – b – e – h – a – f – c – g. - Work in pairs. [ g) Luckily, Uyen / enough time / finish h) Uyen / try / run / fast / she could - Call some Ss to write their completed sentences on board. - Check the answers and give the feedback. - Some Ss write on board. Uyen had a day to remember last week. She had a math on Friday ============================================================================== TRƯỜNG T.H.C.S GIANG PHONG – CƠ SỞ 2 GIÁO VIÊN TẠ THỊ MINH GIÁO ÁN TIẾNG ANH LỚP 8 NĂM HỌC 2010 – 2011 – HỌC KÌ II =========================================================================== and she got up late. She realized her alarm clock didn’t go off. As she was leaving home, it started to rain heavily. Uyen tried to run as fast as she could. Suddenly, she stumbled against a rock and feel. Her schoolbag went into a pool and everything got wet. Strangely, the rain stopped as she got to her classroom. Luckily Uyen had enough time to finish her exam. 4. Post writing (8 minutes) – - Call 3 Ss to read the completed story. - Ask Ss to look at the reordered pictures and tell the story again. - 3 Ss read the completed story. - Some Ss look at the pictures and tell the story again. 5. Homework (3 minutes) • Rewrite the story about Uyen in the notebook. • Read the two stories in the book perfectly. • Prepare for Unit 11 – Lesson 6: Language focus 1, 2. ============================================================================== TRƯỜNG T.H.C.S GIANG PHONG – CƠ SỞ 2 GIÁO VIÊN TẠ THỊ MINH . caves: Ha Long Bay. + flights to Ha Noi: Nha Trang. + hotels: Da Lat, Sa Pa, Ha Long Bay. + local transport: all four places. + mini – hotels: Ha Long Bay. + mountain slopes: Sa Pa. + railway:. Viet Nam. • Talk about a trip to Ha Noi. • Be aware of beauty of places in Viet Nam. • Know more about some places in Viet Nam. II. Language content • Vocabulary: pagoda, cave, slope, railway,. Nha Trang. + restaurants: no places. + sand beaches: Ha Long Bay. + tourist attractions: all four places. + types of food: no places. + villages: Sa Pa. + waterfalls: Da Lat. + World Heritage:

Ngày đăng: 22/04/2015, 09:00



