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GIÁO ÁN TIẾNG ANH LỚP 9 NĂM HỌC 2010 – 2011 – HỌC KÌ II ========================================================================= Tuần 24 Tiết 47 Ngày soạn: 27 / 01 / 2011 Ngày dạy : 14 / 02 / 2011 Unit 7: SAVING ENRGEY Lesson 3: Read I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: • Know how North American and European countries save money and natural resources II. Content: • Vocabulary: consumer , bulb, label ,scheme , innovation , conserve • Grammar: Review. III. Method • Explanation. • Ask – answer. • Pair works. • Teamwork. IV. Teaching aids: • Pictures and posters. • Tape and cassette. • Flashcards. • Books and notebooks. V. Procedure: 1. Warm up (7 minutes) Teacher’s activities Students’ activities - Greet and chat with Ss with these questions. - From these questions lead in the lesson: Today we learn about how people in the others countries to save money and resource. - Listen and answer the questions. * Chatting: 1. What is this? electricity bill ) 2. How much is your family’s electricity bill? 3. Are your parents worried about it? 4. Do you want to reduce the amount of electricity? - And what should you do? How about people in the other countries? - Listen to teacher’s leading. 2. Pre – reading (10 minutes) - Teach some new words and have Ss guess and give the meaning of these words. - Model, repeat, read before class. - Call some Ss to check their pronunciation. - Teacher uses technique “Rub out and I. New words: - Guess and give the meaning of the new words + Consumer : người tiêu dùng (explanation) + Bulb : bóng đèn tròn (realia) + Label : nhãn (realia) + Scheme: kế hoạch ( synonym) = plan + Innovation : sự đổi mới (translation ) + Conserve : bảo tồn ( example ) - Listen and repeat - Read aloud before class - Play the game “Rub out and remember”. [ ========================================================================== TRƯỜNG T.H.C.S GIANG PHONG – CƠ SỞ 2 GIÁO VIÊN TẠ THỊ MINH GIÁO ÁN TIẾNG ANH LỚP 9 NĂM HỌC 2010 – 2011 – HỌC KÌ II ========================================================================= remember” to check new words. - Asks Ss two questions and have Ss guess and give the answer. - Listen and answer the questions (By guessing) a. Do people in Western countries think electricity, gas, and water are luxury? b. Do they want to save electricity / What do they do to spend less on lighting? 3. While – reading (18 minutes) - Have Ss read the text silently and check again two questions. - Check and give the answer key. - Have Ss read again and choose the best summary for the text (Ss discuss in groups). - Call some groups to give the answer (Ss give feedback). - Check and give the answer key. - Have Ss read the text again then ask and answer the questions in pairs (close pairs). 1. What are Western countries interested in? 2. What can we do to spend less on lighting? 3. Mrs. Jones uses only two ordinary bulbs and she pays US$8 for lighting. How much will she pay if she uses two energy – saving bulbs instead? 4. What is the purpose of the labeling scheme? 5. Why should we save energy? - Have Ss play game in two teams. - Check and give answer key. II. Read - Read the text silently and check the question in pre-question again. 1. No, they don’t. 2. Yes, they use energy saving bulb instead of ordinary bulbs and there is a labeling scheme helping them use household appliances efficiently. a) Which of the following is the best summary of the passage? 1) Energy – saving bulbs should be used to save electricity. 2) In Western countries electricity, gas, and water are necessities. 3) North American and European countries are interested in saving money and natural resources. 4) Labeling schemes help save energy. - Read the text again and choose the best summary in groups. - Write the answer on the board North American and European countries are interested in saving money and natural resources. b) Answer the questions. - Read the text again and ask and answer the questions in pair (close pairs.) - Play the game. - Give the answer before class. - Check and take note. 1 – a 2. Lucky 3. Lucky 4- c 5- b 6. Lucky 7- e 8 - d. [ ========================================================================== TRƯỜNG T.H.C.S GIANG PHONG – CƠ SỞ 2 GIÁO VIÊN TẠ THỊ MINH GIÁO ÁN TIẾNG ANH LỚP 9 NĂM HỌC 2010 – 2011 – HỌC KÌ II ========================================================================= a. Western consumers are interested in products that will not ……………save money. b. They can use energy saving bulbs instead of ordinary 100 watts bulbs to spend less on lighting. c. She will pay US$ 2. Because these bulbs use a quarter of the electricity of standard bulbs. d. It helps the consumers know how energy efficient the household appliances are. e. Because when we save energy, we will save money and conserve the Earth’s resources. 4. Post – reading (7 minutes) - Give the task and ask Ss discuss in groups. - Ask Ss to write on the poster and hand in some then have them compare with the other groups - Summary for the best ways. - Discuss in group to write down the ideas on the posters. - Tick the posters on the board. - Check the whole class. Discussion “Discuss the way to spend less on lighting” * Suggested ideas - Turn off the light / TV? / electric fan when no one uses. - Use energy-saving bulbs instead of ordinary 100 watt light bulbs. - Use the household appliances properly (following instructions). - Keep refrigerator door closed. - Turn off the unnecessary lights. - Not use iron, cool and hot water machine during rush hours. 5. Homework (3 minutes) • Learn the vocabulary by heart. • Do the exercise 3, 4 on p.48. • Write down ideas on how to save energy. • Prepare section WRITE. Tuần 24 Tiết 48 Ngày soạn: 27 / 01 / 2011 Ngày dạy : 16 / 02 / 2011 Unit 7: SAVING ENRGEY Lesson 4: Write I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - Write a simple speech and present it before class II. Content: • Vocabulary: sum up, attention, detail, solid, draft. Introduction Body Conclusion. • Grammar: Review. ========================================================================== TRƯỜNG T.H.C.S GIANG PHONG – CƠ SỞ 2 GIÁO VIÊN TẠ THỊ MINH Secons of a complaint leer GIÁO ÁN TIẾNG ANH LỚP 9 NĂM HỌC 2010 – 2011 – HỌC KÌ II ========================================================================= III. Method • Explanation. • Ask – answer. • Pair works. • Teamwork. IV. Teaching aids: • Pictures and posters. • Books and notebooks. V. Procedure: 1. Warm up (7 minutes) Teacher’s activities Students’ activities - Greet and have Ss write the parts of the letter in groups. - Check and give feedback. - From the game lead in the lesson: 1. How many parts are there in complaint letter? 2. How about a speech? - In order to know about it we learn part 4: Write. - Write these sections of the letter in groups. - Check the whole class. Situation Action Resolution - Listen and answer the questions. 2. Pre – writing (10 minutes) - Introduce the three parts of the speech and have Ss match in groups. A (Parts of a speech) 1. Introduction 2. Body 3. Conclusion B (Functions) A. summing up what you have said B. getting people’s attention and telling them what you are going to talk about C. giving details is easy – to – understand language - Call 2 groups to write on the board. - Check and give feedback. a) Match each part of a speech in column A to a suitable function in column B. - Listen and read three parts of the speech - Match A with B in groups. - Write on the board and check whole class. - Read the speech and order it individually. - Compare with the other. [ ========================================================================== TRƯỜNG T.H.C.S GIANG PHONG – CƠ SỞ 2 GIÁO VIÊN TẠ THỊ MINH GIÁO ÁN TIẾNG ANH LỚP 9 NĂM HỌC 2010 – 2011 – HỌC KÌ II ========================================================================= - Introduce the speech on the extra board and have Ss read and order. - Ask Ss to compare with other partners. - Have Ss give answer and check. - Call Ss read the speech before class. - Give the answer and check before class. Answer key : 1. B , 2.C , 3.A - Read the speech aloud before class. 3. While – writing (18 minutes) - Introduce 3 topics and have Ss choose one topic and write a speech. (topics on the text book ) - Have Ss write and share with the partners. - Read three topics and choose one to write a speech base on the topic. c) Choose one of the following topics and prepare a speech for your classmates: * Topics: 1. Reducing garbage 2. Reusing paper 3. Saving energy in the kitchen. - Write and share with the others. - Make a speech before class - Check the whole class - Read the suggested speech - Copy down * Suggested speech : Reusing paper : Good morning everybody. My name is ……. And today I am going to tell you how to reuse paper. Most of us use too much paper. You can reuse paper by : • Having a separate wastebasket for waste paper. • Keeping sheets with single printed page for drafting. If you follow these simple rules, not only will you reduce garbage, but also you’ll save money. Reusing paper Good afternoon, how to reuse paper. Most of us use too much paper. You can reuse paper by: • Having a separate waste basket for waste paper. • Keeping sheets with single printed page for drafting. If you follow these rules, not only you reduce garbage but also you’ll save money. Saving energy in the kitchen: ========================================================================== TRƯỜNG T.H.C.S GIANG PHONG – CƠ SỞ 2 GIÁO VIÊN TẠ THỊ MINH GIÁO ÁN TIẾNG ANH LỚP 9 NĂM HỌC 2010 – 2011 – HỌC KÌ II ========================================================================= Good evening, how to save energy and money. Most of us use too much electricity and water especially in the kitchen. You can reduce this amount by: • Turning off the lights before leaving the kitchen. • Preparing food carefully before turning on the stove. • Keeping refrigerator door closed. If you follow these simple rules, you’ll not only save money but also conserve the resources. 4. Post – writing (7 minutes) - Call Ss make a speech before class. - Check and remark. - Give the suggested speech. - A volunteer from each group presents his / her speech before class. - Correct their mistakes (give the suggested speech) 5. Homework (3 minutes) • Copy down three speeches above in your notebooks. • Do the exercise 7 on p. 51. • Prepare section LISTEN & L .F 3 ========================================================================== TRƯỜNG T.H.C.S GIANG PHONG – CƠ SỞ 2 GIÁO VIÊN TẠ THỊ MINH . natural resources. b) Answer the questions. - Read the text again and ask and answer the questions in pair (close pairs.) - Play the game. - Give the answer before class. - Check and take note. 1 – a 2 help save energy. - Read the text again and choose the best summary in groups. - Write the answer on the board North American and European countries are interested in saving money and natural resources. b). people’s attention and telling them what you are going to talk about C. giving details is easy – to – understand language - Call 2 groups to write on the board. - Check and give feedback. a) Match

Ngày đăng: 22/04/2015, 09:00

