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As anattempt to gain more insights into translation methods in literary translation, thisresearch aims to investigate the translation methods used by the two translators Nguy Mong Huyen

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Though The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is one of excellent works by Mark

Twain, which has great impacts on American literature, there have been little to noresearch on the way professional translators translate it into Vietnamese As anattempt to gain more insights into translation methods in literary translation, thisresearch aims to investigate the translation methods used by the two translators

Nguy Mong Huyen and Hoang Van Phuong in translating The Adventures of Tom Sawyer into Vietnamese Besides that, the research succeeds in identifying the

frequency of every translation methods as well as their effectiveness Finally, somesuggestions would also be given

These goals were achieved by a research using questionnaire and documentobservation Questionnaire were delivered to all 4th year students majoring inTranslation and Interpreting, FELTE, ULIS, VNU

Findings from the study show that there are up to 6 out of 8 translation methods

according to Peter Newmark’s theory being used throughout the story The Adventures of Tom Sawyer The most common translation method applied is

communicative translation – a surprise to the researcher as the most appropriatemethod which are usually used in literary works is semantic translation method.The study also suggests a non-traditional point in translating literary works.Moreover, the researcher also suggest some better issues for further research

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1 Statement of the research and practical rationale for the study 1

2 Aims and objectives 1

3 Significances of the study 1

4 Scope of the study 1

5 Organization of the study 1


1 Definitions of translation 1

2 Translation methods Error! Bookmark not defined 2.1 The definition of translation methods Error! Bookmark not defined. 2.2 Types is of translation methods (Peter Newmark’s theory) 1

3 Mark Twain and The Adventures of Tom Sawyer 1

3.1 Mark Twain 1

3.2 The Adventures of Tom Sawyer 1


1 Selection of subject 1

2 Research instrument 1

3 Data collection procedures 1

4 Data analysis procedures 1


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1 Translation methods applied in the translation of The Adventures of Tom

Sawyer by Nguy Mong Huyen – Hoang Van Phuong 1

1.1 Semantic translation 1

1.3 Faithful translation 1

1.4 Free translation 1

1.5 Idiomatic translation 1

1.6 Adaptation 1

2 Result of students’ survey 1

2.1 Participants 1

2.2 Time 1

2.3 Process 1

2.4 The result for translation methods applied in translating The Adventures of Tom Sawyer decided by students 1


1 Major findings of the study 1

2 Limitation of the study 1

3 Recommendations for further study 1




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PageAbbreviation SL: Source language

TL: Target language


Figure 1 Translation methods applied in The Adventures of Tom



Table 1 Translation methods applied in translating The Adventures

of Tom Sawyer decided by students


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1 Statement of the research and practical rationale for the study

As the country is increasingly integrating into the world, Vietnam has moreand more chances to raise its competitiveness, develop the economy and enhance theliving standard for people However, the integration also requires proper conditionsand preparations Language difference is one of the most basic one That is why therole of translation is more important than ever It has great impact and relation tomany aspects in daily modern life Being aware of the need for qualified translators

in the near future, in recent years, the University of Language and InternationalStudies has made great progress in enhancing the quality of training translators andinterpreters Being a senior student of the Translation – Interpretation TrainingDivision at University of Language and International Studies - Vietnam NationalUniversity, researcher decided to make a study on the field of English –Vietnamesetranslation as the graduation paper to improve my understanding and preparationabout my future career

Translation is a complex academic field “Translation is not merely aninterlinguistic process It is more complex than replacing source language text withtarget language text and includes cultural and educational nuances that can shape theoptions and attitudes of recipients.” (Bernacka, 2012) In the field of translation, onekey concept which cannot be ignored is the translation methods The concept is notnew It is a powerful measure to make the most appropriate translation There aremany types of document which need to be translated To make standard translation,the translator has to apply a proper translation method which is suitable with eachtype of document The understanding and distinguishing of translation methods arestill limited and controversial Yet, the main subject of the study is about translationmethods

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In order to make an effective study on translation methods, literary workssuch as novels, stories and poems are good suggestions Various types of works aswell as the flexible contents which need to be transferred to readers enable the study

to make a thorough analysis on translation methods Therefore, a study ontranslation methods in literary should be scientifically conducted As a famous and

highly-evaluated short story, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain is

chosen as the subject of the study More specifically, the Vietnamese version byNguy Mong Huyen and Hoang Van Phuong is the subject to make comparison withthe original one It is regarded as one of the most common and successful literarytranslation

For all those reasons, the study “The translation methods applied in

Vietnamese version of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain” is

conducted to make a better view on the field of translation methods

2 Aims and objectives

By researching the work The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain and

its Vietnamese version, the study aims to:

- Identify all the translation methods which professional translators apply in the

translated version The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.

- Identify the main translation methods which mostly applied in the translated

version The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.

- Make recommendations for further researches on translation studies

In order to achieve those goals, the research aims to answer these followingresearch questions:

1 What are the translation methods Nguy Mong Huyen and Hoang Van

Phuong applied in the Vietnamese version of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain?

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2 What are the most common and effective translation methods Nguy Mong Huyen and Hoang Van Phuong applied in the Vietnamese version

of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain?

3 Significance of the study

The study aims at supporting translators-to-be of Translation andInterpretation Division, University of Language and International Studies, VietnamNational University as well as novice translators in particular and anyone who hasthe same interest in literary translation

Firstly, the study is expected to provide readers with a better view onacademic translation methods More specifically, the study provides concepts anduses of all kinds of translation methods which are applied in Vietnamese version of

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer To some extent, it can help to develop the

understanding of readers about the translation methods which can be useful forliterary translation Thanks to this, readers can find it useful in their process ofmastering translation theory

Secondly, readers can find here the most common and effective translation

methods which are applied properly in Vietnamese version of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer To this extent, the study helps to make deep and thorough view about

some specific translation methods which are useful for professional researches abouttranslation

Thirdly, the study provides readers with better suggestions about thetranslation methods which can be applied in translating literary works of MarkTwain, which supports better translations on these ones This can provideresearchers with some useful and reliable information for their further studies in thefuture

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4 Scope of the study

Translation is a complex and sophisticated concept, so it is impossible todiscover all the aspects of this issue Within the scope of this graduation paper, thisstudy focuses on translation methods Main dimensions of translation methods will

be mentioned such as semantic translation, communicative translation, literaltranslation, word-for-word translation, faithful translation, adaptive translation, freetranslation and idiomatic translation

All the quotations and examples, comparisons in the study are extracted from

the English and Vietnamese versions of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark

Twain (translated by Nguy Mong Huyen and Hoang Van Phuong)

5 Organization of the study

The structure of the study is as following:

Chapter 1 - Introduction: Provide an overview of the study with rationale, aims and

objectives, significance and organization of the study

Chapter 2 - Literature review: Provide key concepts in translation and linguistic in

order to understand the concept of translation and translation methods

Chapter 3 - Methodology: State methods of the study including selection of subjects,

research instrument, procedures of data collecting and procedures of data analysis

Chapter 4 - Findings and discussion: Discuss the results of the study and explain

how these results are discovered, then explain how they answer the researchquestions

Chapter 5 - Conclusion: Summarize discussed points, limitation of the study as well

as suggestions for further researches

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1 Definitions of translation

Translation is a complex concept and many key thinkers have introduced itsdefinition R Jakobson (1959) mentioned it in his theory “On linguistic aspects oftranslation” Following this theory, there are three types of translation as follow:

 Intralingual translation (or rewording): An interpretation of verbal signs bymeans of other sign in the same language

 Interlingual translation (translation paper): An interpretation of verbal signs

by means of some other languages

 Intersemiotic translation (transmutation): An interpretation of verbal signs ofnon-verbal system

This classification seems quite obscure, as it describes the translation from apanorama view In this definition, translation does not merely concern linguisticunits like words, sentences, texts but also refers to non-linguistic measures like non-verbal language system

In a simpler way, the Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary - 7th edition,defines that "translation is a process of changing something from written or spokenform into another language" This definition shares something in common withsecond type of translation mentioned in Jakobson's essay Besides, translation asdefined in Le & Nguyen (2008), is "the expression in another language (or targetlanguage) of what has been expressed in another (source language), preservingsemantic and stylistic equivalence" By this, translation in common sense is thetalking or writing about one thing using a different language The definition alsoclearly states two most significant criteria for translation: unaffected information andthe style of the source language text

But translation is not only a process, but also a product in which the translatormust convey as exactly as possible the message from the source text to the target

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text, remaining the scrutiny of language In other words, translation, as a product,requires achievement in both linguistic and artistic effects, or three criteria offaithfulness, good form, and accuracy.

To further clarify "translation", another question may be put forward "What is

translation for?" Venuti (1995, p.18) stresses that aim of translation is “to bring back a cultural other as the same, the recognizable, even the familiar, and this aim always risks a wholesale domestication of the foreign text, often in highly self- conscious projects, where translation serves an appropriation of foreign culture for domestic agendas, cultural, economic, and political.”

In this analysis, the writer highlighted the function of translation: turning anexotic culture into something familiar with the readers, implying that translation, inthe end, seeking to blur the language barriers between cultures In the context ofintensive and extensive integration, this function day by day proves to beincreasingly vital

2 Translation methods

2.1 The definition of translation methods

Newmark (1995, p.5) introduces a very clear and comprehensive concept oftranslation which “rendering the meaning of a text into another language in theway that the author intended the text.”

Roger Bell (1991, p.5) defines translation as “the expression in anotherlanguage (or target language) of what has been expressed in another, sourcelanguage, preserving semantic and stylistic equivalences.”

Mildred L Larson (1984, p.10) otherwise claims:

Translation consists of transferring the meaning of the source language into

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grammatical structure, communication situation, and cultural context of thesource language text, analyzing it in order to determine its meaning, and thenreconstructing this same meaning using the lexicon and grammatical structurewhich are appropriate in the receptor language and its cultural context

Meanwhile Nida and Taber (1974, p.12) believed that “translation consists inreproducing in the receptor language the closest equivalent of the source languagemessage, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style” Translators arealso required to possess a lot of qualities which are compounded of intelligence,sensitivity, and intuition and other knowledge-based elements All of these seemimpossible for a translator to do his task to a good, well-preserved end But it isproved to be untrue, because translation, though by not any means, is simply torender the meaning of a text into another language in a way the author intended, but

it is not always simple for a translator to reproduce a work, or to play his single role

in making an art Translation, instead, is an instrument of education and truth.Precisely, it has to reach readers whose cultural and educational levels are differentfrom, or even lower than that of the reader of the original A translation is alsoobligated to serve a quite different language structure that some community speaksand other numerous factors related to its own culture, its own way of thinking andexpressing

Additionally, translation itself is also a means of communication, atransmitter of culture, a technique of language learning and further a personalpleasure Each means serves its own significant characteristics and typical forms ofexistence, which helps explain the newly modern trends of language, cultural inter-connection

2.2 Types of translation methods (Peter Newmark’s theory)

The central problem of translation has always been whether to translateliterally or freely The argument has been going on since at least the first century

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BC Up to the beginning of the 19th century, many writers favoured some kind of

“free” translation: the spirit, not the letter the sense not the words; the messagerather than the form; the matter not the manner This was the often-revoluntionaryslogan of writers who wanted the truth to be read and understood – Tyndale andDolet were burned at the stake, Wycliff’s works were banned Then at the turn of

19th century, when the study of cultural anthropology suggested that the linguisticbarriers were insuperable and that language was entirely the product of culture, theview that translation was impossible gained some currency, and with it that, ifattempted at all, it must be as literal as possible This view culminated in thestatements of the extreme “literalists” Walter Benjamin and Vladimir Nabolov Theargument was theoretical: The purpose of the translation, the nature of thereadership, the type of text, was not discussed Too often, writer, translator andreader were implicitly identified with each other Now the context has changed, butthe basic problem remains

Peter Newmark (1988) puts it in the form of a flattened V diagram:

SL emphasis TL emphasis

Word-for-word translation Adaptation Literal translation Free translation

Faithful translation Idiomatic translation

Semantic translation Communicative translation

Below are some definite translation methods which stand out for atranslator’s choice and an easy adaptability to his task, achieving the optimumeffects and influence on the translation in accordance to its purposes

Word- for- word translation

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This is often demonstrated as interninear translation, with the TLimmediately below the SL words The SL word order is preserved and the wordstranslated singly by their most common meanings, out of context Cultural words aretranslated literally The main use of word for word translation is either to understandthe mechanics of the source language or construe a difficult text as a pre- translationprocess.

Literal translation

The factor that distinguishes literal translation from the former method is thatthe SL grammatical constructions are converted to the nearest TL equivalents but thelexical words are again translated singly, out of context As a pre-translationprocess, this helps indicates the problems to be solved

Faithful translation

Moving a step further than the previous one, faithful translation is an attempt

to reproduce the precise contextual meaning of the original within the constraints ofthe TL grammatical structures It transfers cultural words and preserves the degree

of grammatical and lexical “abnormality” (deviation from SL norms) in thetranslation It aims at being completely faithful to the intentions and the text-realisation of the SL writer

a corporal cloth”- and it may make other small concessions to the readership

The distinction between “faithful” and “semantic” translation is that the first

is uncompromising and dogmatic, while the second is more flexible, admits the

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creative exception to 100% fidelity and enable the translator’s intuitive empathywith the original


This is the “freest” form of translation It is used mainly for plays (comdies)and poetry; the themes, characters, plots are usually preserved, the SL cultureconverted to the TL culture and the text written The deplorable practice of having aplay or poem literally translated and then rewritten by an established dramatist orpoet has produced many poor adaptations, but other adaptations have “rescued”period plays

Free translation

Free translation reproduces the matter without the manner, or the contentwithout the form of the original Usually it is a paraphrase much longer than theoriginal, a so-called “ intralingual translation”, often prolix and pretentious, and nottranslation at all

Idiomatic translation

Idiomatic translation reproduces the “message” of the original but tends todistort nuances of meaning by preferring colloquialisms and idioms where these donot exist in the original (Authorities as diverse as Seleskovitch and Stuart Gilberttend to this form of lively, “natural” translation.)

Communicative translation

The last method proposed by Newmark (1988) is communicative translationwhich tries to render the exact contextual meaning of the original in such a way thatboth content and language are readily acceptable and comprehensible to thereadership In other words, communicative translation is written basing on thereadership and normally is most suitable for informative and vocative text

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Among these eight translation methods, the most notable ones are semantictranslation and communicative translation, which, according to Newmark, are theonly methods fulfilling the two main aims of translation, accuracy and economy.Besides, they also share the common feature that "treat the following itemssimilarly: stock and dead metaphors, normal collocations, technical terms, slangs,colloquialisms, standard notices, phaticism, ordinary language".

Though, there are still sharp disparities between these two translationmethods As in A Textbook of Translation (Newmark, 1988), semantic translation isexplained through the comparison with faithful translation It not only renders theexact meaning of the source-language text in compliance with the grammaticalstructure of the target language as faithful translation does, but also pays greatattention on the aesthetic features of the source-language text Semantic translation

is thus more flexible and compromising than faithful translation and "admits thecreative exception to 100% fidelity", i.e helps the translator fully transfer theoriginal ideas of the writer It is personal and individual, tends to over-translate; andsince semantic translation closely renders metaphors, collocations, technical terms,slang, colloquialisms, unusual syntactic structures and collocations, etc It is oftenused for texts that have high status such as religious texts, legal texts, politicians'speeches, and expressive texts, e.g literature

Communicative translation differs from semantic translation in the sense that

it gives priority to the effectiveness of the message and focuses on readability andnaturalness; in other words, it renders the meaning of the source-language text insuch a way that "both content and language are readily acceptable andcomprehensible to the readership." It is social, concentrates on the messages of thetext, tends to under-translate, to be simple, clear and brief, and is always written in anatural style As a result, communicative translation is used for informative andvocative texts

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Despite identifying clearly the features of the two translation methods andstating which method will be applied in each type of document, Newmark (1988)also noted, "there is no one communicative nor one semantic method of translating atext - there are in fact widely overlapping bands of method A translation can bemore, or less, semantic - more, or less, communicative - even a particular section orsentence can be treated more communicatively or less semantically" This statement

is the cornerstone in Newmark's translation method argument; the recognition ofrelativity between semantic and communicative translation, i.e there is no document

in which merely semantic or communicative translation is applied, makes it a soundand practical theory

These are not what have been considered the most outstanding methods oftranslation but they are numerous and can be potentially chosen during a translator’sworking process, and only practice can show their importance, or even decisiveness

to the success of a translation, or their usefulness as terms of reference in translation

3 Mark Twain and The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

3.1 Mark Twain

Samuel Langhorne Clemens (November 30, 1835 – April 21, 1910), betterknown by his pen name Mark Twain, was an American author and humorist He ismost noted for his novel The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (1876) andits sequel, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (1885), the latter often called "the GreatAmerican Novel." He achieved great success as a writer and public speaker His witand satire earned praise from critics and peers, and he was a friend to presidents,artists, industrialists, and European royalty

Twain began his career writing light, humorous verse, but evolved into achronicler of the vanities, hypocrisies and murderous acts of mankind At mid-career, with Huckleberry Finn, he combined rich humor, sturdy narrative and socialcriticism Twain was a master at rendering colloquial speech and helped to create

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and popularize a distinctive American literature built on American themes andlanguage Many of Twain's works have been suppressed at times for variousreasons Adventures of Huckleberry Finn has been repeatedly restricted in Americanhigh schools, not least for its frequent use of the word "nigger," which was incommon usage in the pre-Civil War period in which the novel was set.

A complete bibliography of his works is nearly impossible to compilebecause of the vast number of pieces written by Twain (often in obscurenewspapers) and his use of several different pen names Additionally, a large portion

of his speeches and lectures have been lost or were not written down; thus, thecollection of Twain's works is an ongoing process Researchers rediscoveredpublished material by Twain as recently as 1995

3.2 The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is an excellent novel about a young boygrowing up along the Mississippi River It is one of the most successfulmasterpieces of Mark Twain The story was written in 1876 and set in thetown of

"St Petersburg", inspired by Hannibal, Missouri, where Twain lived

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is a great read that has a bit of everything

-treasure hunts, murder, romance and a neat look at what life was like when kidsplayed with dead rats and frogs Each chapter is an unique adventure that fits into alarger story about the importance of friendship and the idea of freedom


1 Selection of subjects

The main research subjects of this study are the story The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain and its Vietnamese version translated by Nguy Mong Huyen

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and Hoang Van Phuong This study will be methodologically conducted bycollecting, analyzing and interpreting data on cases of translation methods in these

two versions The story The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is chosen for these three

following reasons:

Firstly, Mark Twain is one of the most successful writers in the world as awriter of humor and satire Mark Twain’s stories, with the profound satirical natureand skillful social psychosocial description, are highly evaluated as a weaponagainst the oppressive rule of the capitalist feudal, especially against the brutalpolicies racism to black people in the United States Besides, Mark Twain is also

excellent writer for children with the two best-seller works The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn With the diversified styles like

that, a story by Mark Twain is a standard for further research on translation methods,

as it can reveal clearly all dimensions related

Secondly, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is considered the most remarkable

works of Mark Twain The story is a perfect selection as a book-for-children Itattracts readers – both children and adults – with interesting writing styles butsimple word use, humor but highly educated Readers at all ages passionate with theadventures of the mischievous boy named Tom This story has great value andinfluence during the 20th century, and up to now it is still one of best choices forchildren That is the reason why the research on this work is valuable

Finally, the translated version by Nguy Mong Huyen and Hoang Van Phuong

is also a successful work in Vietnamese literary Both the content and the style of theauthor in the source language are expressed smoothly and naturally into Vietnamese

As the first to translate the story, these two authors did succeed in introducing andmaking the story favored among Vietnamese readers

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All above has made a proper explanation for the subject of the research “The

translation methods applied in Vietnamese version of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain.”

2 Research instrument

The main instrument of the study is also its subject, the story The Adventures

of Tom Sawyer in English by Mark Twain and its Vietnamese version by Nguy

Mong Huyen and Hoang Van Phuong These two works will be researched carefully

to find out translation methods which are applied in translating the English versioninto Vietnamese version as well as the most common and effective ones

Moreover, to make the figure more persuasive, researcher aims to use anotherinstrument for supportive information from the students who are in class 09E25,University of Language and International Studies The questionnaire focuses onfinding out the translation methods which are applied by Nguy Mong Huyen and

Hoang Van Phuong in translating The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, at the same time

find out the most common translation method, in order to solve the second researchquestion

3 Data collection procedures

First of all, the two versions of the story will be read carefully and critically.All dimensions of translation methods which are applied in translating from Englishinto Vietnamese will be found after a process of comprehending, choosing andhighlighting the most noticeable sentences and expressions Then, the resultcollected will be the subject for further research of the study

In the field of questionnaire, there are 20 handouts are printed and delivered

to 20 students in class 09E25, University of Language and International Studies Theresult collected will be calculated and summarized to support for the main one fromthe following procedures

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4 Data analysis procedures

For the first and second research question, the collected data will be analyzedthrough the following two steps:

Step 1: All noticeable results from data collection procedures are analyzedcarefully to find out all translation methods which are applied in the translation ofthe story The results of this step will be the answer for Research Question 1: Whatare the translation methods Nguy Mong Huyen and Hoang Van Phuong applied in

the Vietnamese version of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain?

Step 2: After all translation methods are found, a deeper analysis andcomparison are carried out in order to find out the translation methods which are themost common and effective ones The results of this step is the answer for ResearchQuestion 2: What are the most common and effective translation methods Nguyen

Mong Huyen and Hoang Van Phuong applied in the Vietnamese version of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain?

Step 3: The data collection is completed with the return of questionnaire Thedata then is summarized and calculated to find out what translation methods areapplied in translating the story into Vietnamese and what is the most popular methodused by Nguy Mong Huyen and Hoang Van Phuong The result collected supportsfor the main findings from the above steps


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1 Translation methods applied in the translation of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Nguy Mong Huyen – Hoang Van Phuong

To get the proper accounting number and percentage, the researcher aims to

study the third chapter of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer – Busy with War and Love

for a modeling sample The result from this study will be stated as the figure for thewhole study The reason for choosing the chapter is that this is the one which can

represent the whole story The Adventures of Tom Sawyer aims to describe the event

around a mischievous boy named Thomas Sawyer Tom's infatuation with classmateRebecca "Becky" Thatcher is apparent He lives with his half brother Sid, his cousinMary, and his stern Aunt Polly in the (fictional) town of St Petersburg, Missouri.The chapter succeeded in describing all the characteristics of his through childlikeactivities: fighting, falling in love, flirting, “showing off”, stealing food, beingscolded All these factors gather and make the chapter most suitable for beingstudied as a sample for the long story This is also the reason why this chapter isselected for former textbooks for secondary school program

All the translation methods applied in translating every sentence of the third

chapter in The Adventures of Tom Sawyer - Busy with War and Love have been

detected through a process of comprehensive reading and classifying The samplechapter is divided into group of sentences which have relation in context andtranslation methods which appeared in all 37 cases There are totally 6 of all 8translation methods introduced by Peter Newmark are found namely semantictranslation, communicative translation, faithful translation, idiomatic translation,free translation and adaptation Though there are 37 cases studied, there are morethan 37 places in which more than one translation methods are applied Morespecifically, there are of all 76 cases in which different translation methods areapplied With the length excuse, a detailed appendix will be provided for morereference about this result

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Below is the chart describing the result of the analysis and coding phrase withrespect to the frequency of using of each translation methods:

Figure 1 Translation methods applied in The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

To better describe the chart, these following figures are provided:

The frequency of translation methods being applied:

 Communicative translation: 38% (29 of all 76 cases supervised)

 Semantic translation: 19% (15 of all 76 cases supervised)

 Faithful translation: 11% (8 of all 76 cases supervised)

 Free translation: 11% (8 of all 76 cases supervised)

 Idiomatic translation: 13% (10 of all 76 cases supervised)

 Adaptation: 8% (6 of all 76 cases supervised)

The results, as seen in the chart, indicate that communicative translation is themost popular translation method, accounting up to 38% The translation methodwhich ranks second is semantic translation, while idiomatic translation ranks thethird with 13% Faithful translation and free translation get the same percentage and

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take position of fourth and fifth most common translation methods respectively Thesmallest proportion belongs to adaptation which makes up only 8% of the totaltranslation methods applied in the story Detailed analysis for each method will bepresented in the following parts Each translation method will following be analyzedthoroughly through examples of typical paragraphs throughout the story in whichthe method can show off all its roles.

Saturday morning was come, and all the summer world was bright and fresh,and brimming with life There was a song in every heart; and if the heart wasyoung the music issued at the lips There was cheer in every face and a spring

in every step The locust-trees were in bloom and the fragrance of theblossoms filled the air Cardiff Hill, beyond the village and above it, wasgreen with vegetation and it lay just far enough away to seem a DelectableLand, dreamy, reposeful, and inviting (Twain, 13)

Đã đến sáng thứ bảy Trời đất cảnh vật mùa hạ rực rỡ muôn màu tươi thắm

và tràn đấy sức sống Mọi người đều thấy trong lòng như muốn hát ca, và nếu trái tim còn trẻ thì lời ca giọng hát ở miệng cứ thế tuôn ra Ai nấy mặt mày hớn hở, chân bước thoăn thoắt Hoa minh quyết đua nở, tỏa hương thơm ngào ngạt Đồi Cardiff sừng sững ở phía cuối làng, cây cối xanh um, xa xa

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trông có vẻ là một nơi tuyệt thú đầy thơ mộng, yên tĩnh, như chào đón mọi người đến dạo chơi.

It can be said that semantic translation is an ideal tool for transferring scenerydescription Pay attention in underlined lines and readers will see that the sentencesare properly translated with standard phrases: bright and fresh, and brimming withlife; cheer in every face and a spring in every step, etc These ones in sourcelanguage (SL) are not this scale attractive, however, to the surprise of readers, NguyMong Huyen and Hoang Van Phuong have turned these normal sentences intocolorful ones which create strong impression To this extent, it can be said thattranslators have performed better than the author themselves

Readers can investigate more examples in which semantic translation method

is applied:

It was the cool gray dawn, and there was a delicious sense of repose andpeace in the deep pervading calm and silence of the woods Not a leaf stirred;not a sound obtruded upon great Nature's meditation Beaded dewdrops stoodupon the leaves and grasses A white layer of ashes covered the fire, and athin blue breath of smoke rose straight into the air Joe and Huck still slept.Now, far away in the woods a bird called; another answered; presently thehammering of a woodpecker was heard Gradually the cool dim gray of themorning whitened, and as gradually sounds multiplied and life manifesteditself The marvel of Nature shaking off sleep and going to work unfoldeditself to the musing boy.[ ] All Nature was wide awake and stirring, now;long lances of sunlight pierced down through the dense foliage far and near,and a few butterflies came fluttering upon the scene (Twain, 120)

Trời mới tảng sáng, ánh sáng mờ mờ một màu xám nhạt, không khí mát mẻ; trong cái yên lặng tĩnh mịch bao trùm khu rừng có một cảm giác thư thái và thanh bình tuyệt thú Không một chiếc là nào lay động; không một âm thành

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nào đến phá rối sự trầm tư mặc tưởng của thiên nhiên vĩ đại Sương đọng thành những chuỗi hạt nhỏ trên lá cây, ngọn cỏ Một lớp tro trắng phủ trên đống lửa, một tia khói xanh nhỏ như sợi chỉ bốc thẳng lên trời Joe và Huck hãy còn ngủ Ở đằng xa, mãi sâu trong rừng một con chim lên tiếng gọi; một con chim khác hót trả lời; một lát sau có tiếng chim gõ kiến mổ lộp độp Màu sáng nhạt mát dịu của buổi sáng trăng dần, các âm thanh nổi lên mỗi lúc một nhiều, cuộc sống dần dần biểu hiện Cảnh kì diệu của thiên nhiên đang giũ cái ngủ để sắp sửa bước vào lao động, diễn ra trước con mắt mơ mộng của Tom.[ ] Tất cả thiên nhiên nay đã tỉnh dậy hẳn và hoạt động lao xao xa gần, những tia nắng dài như lưỡi kiếm xuyên qua đám lá cây rậm rạp chiếu xuống, một vài con bướm tới bay lượn phấp phới trên không.

This paragraph is the description of the island of Cardiff, the place whereTom Sawyer and his friend, Joe Harper and Huck Finn, leave the normal life to startthe journey of pirates Semantic translation is applied properly with careful word

choices: the deep pervading calm and silence of the woods and cái yên lặng tĩnh mịch bao trùm khu rừng; great Nature's meditation and sự trầm tư mặc tưởng của thiên nhiên vĩ đại; The marvel of Nature shaking off sleep and going to work unfolded itself with Cảnh kì diệu của thiên nhiên đang giũ cái ngủ để sắp sửa bước vào lao động All these wonderful translation show readers with the significant

landscape of Cardiff island The author shows his talent by pearling words, andtranslators also play well their role in the game of drawing a perfect painting ofnature

Now the research comes to the last example about semantic translationmethod:

Now the battle was at its highest Under the ceaseless conflagration oflightning that flamed in the skies, everything below stood out in clean-cut andshadowless distinctness: the bending trees, the billowy river, white withfoam, the driving spray of spume-flakes, the dim outlines of the high bluffs

Trang 27

on the other side, glimpsed through the drifting cloud-rack and the slantingveil of rain Every little while some giant tree yielded the fight and fellcrashing through the younger growth; and the unflagging thunder-peals camenow in ear-splitting explosive bursts, keen and sharp, and unspeakablyappalling The storm culminated in one matchless effort that seemed likely totear the island to pieces, burn it up, drown it to the tree-tops, blow it away,and deafen every creature in it, all at one and the same moment It was a wildnight for homeless young heads to be out in (Twain, 142)

Bây giờ trận ác chiến đã lên tới cao điểm Những tia chớp liên tiếp lóe sáng rực trên trời, mọi vật ở dưới đất đều hiện ra rất rõ nét, không một chút bóng mờ; cây cối cong rạp xuống đất, con sông cuồn cuộn sóng, bọt trắng xóa, như bông tuyết tung lên tan thành những đám bụi nước bay đi, bóng mờ mờ của những bờ dốc cao bên kia sông thấp thoáng hiện ra sau những đám mây lững lờ trôi và sau bức màn mưa buông chéo Chốc chốc lại có một gốc cây khổng lồ không chống đỡ nổi đổ xuống đánh ầm, đè lên những cây nhỏ hơn mọc ở bên dưới; sấm vẫn đổ liên hồi không bớt dữ dội chút nào, tiếng nổ như

xé tai, khủng khiếp không thể nói hết được Cơn dông tố lên tới cao điểm trong một nỗ lực chưa từng thấy; tưởng như muốn xé tan hòn đảo ra từng mảnh, đốt cháy rồi dìm xuống nước cho ngập tới ngọn cây, thổi cho nó trôi băng đi mất, làm mọi vật trên đảo phải điếc tai choáng óc, tất cả những việc

đó diễn ra ngay trong cùng một lúc Thật là một đêm rùng rợn cho những đứa trẻ không nhà không cửa phải sống bơ vơ ở ngoài trời.

In contrast to the last example, this paragraph describes a terrible storm onCardiff island, where the three little pirates are settling If the last scene is beautifulwith peace and brightness, this time the Nature seems to be in anger with the way

author describes: ceaseless conflagration of lightning that flamed in the skies, the bending trees, the billowy river, white with foam, the driving spray of spume-flakes, some giant tree yielded the fight and fell crashing through the younger growth, to

Trang 28

tear the island to pieces, burn it up, drown it to the tree-tops, blow it away, and deafen every creature in it, all at one and the same moment are used talentedly by

Mark Twain in purpose of describing the strong of nature This is still treated well in

the translation of Nguy Mong Huyen and Hoang Van Phuong: Những tia chớp liên tiếp lóe sáng rực trên trời, cây cối cong rạp xuống đất, con sông cuồn cuộn sóng, bọt trắng xóa, như bông tuyết tung lên tan thành những đám bụi nước bay đi, chốc chốc lại có một gốc cây khổng lồ không chống đỡ nổi đổ xuống đánh ầm, đè lên những cây nhỏ hơn mọc ở bên dưới, tưởng như muốn xé tan hòn đảo ra từng mảnh, đốt cháy rồi dìm xuống nước cho ngập tới ngọn cây, thổi cho nó trôi băng đi mất, làm mọi vật trên đảo phải điếc tai choáng óc, tất cả những việc đó diễn ra ngay trong cùng một lúc In the above example, the translators with their rich vocabulary

chose very appropriate way to express the ideas of SL version They all contribute tomake the original version more meaningful and literary colorful

Through these examples above, obviously, semantic translation pays attention

to the treatment on words rather than the whole sentences In other words, it takesmore account of the aesthetic value of the words in the source language texts.Especially, Nguy Mong Huyen and Hoang Van Phuong use Vietnamese wordscompletely to transfer the beauty and natural features of the texts from English toVietnamese It is because the words used in translating are familiar to Vietnamesepeople and using such words is the habit of Vietnamese people in dialogue

To the extent of applying semantic translation method, it can be said that NguyMong Huyen and Hoang Van Phuong have completed their role excellently duringthe work

1.2 Communicative translation

Though it is applied in a very excellent way, semantic translation is not themost common translation method To the researcher’s surprise, there is anothermethod which is also convenient and interesting for translating is used most

Trang 29

popularly It is communicative translation method Communicative translationmethod attempts to render the exact meaning of the original in such a way that bothcontent and language are acceptable and understandable to the readership It is noteasy to differentiate it from semantic translation But in fact, communicative has to

be explained much and it has more freedom It uses structures that are acceptable inthe target language It means that communicative translation pays more attention tostructures and sentences rather than words like semantic translation In thetranslation works by Nguy Mong Huyen and Hoang Van Phuong, many sentencescan be used as examples:

At this dark and hopeless moment an inspiration burst upon him! Nothingless than a great, magnificent inspiration He took up his brush and wenttranquilly to work Ben Rogers hove in sight presently the very boy, of allboys, whose ridicule he had been dreading Ben's gait was the hop-skip-and-jump proof enough that his heart was light and his anticipations high Hewas eating an apple, and giving a long, melodious whoop, at intervals,followed by a deep-toned ding-dong-dong, ding-dong-dong, for he waspersonating a steamboat (Twain, 15,16)

Giữa cơn đen tối thất vọng chán chường, Tom bỗng nảy ra một sáng kiến Một sáng kiến vĩ đại, tuyệt diệu chứ chẳng phải vừa Tom lại cầm lấy cái chổi vôi lẳng lặng quét Được một lát, chợt Ben Rogers thấp thoáng ở đằng

xa đi tới – trong tất cả đám trẻ, chính Ben là đứa hay chế giễu người khác nhất mà Tom rất sợ Ben vừa đi vừa nhẩy cẫng chân sáo, đủ chứng tỏ trong lòng nó nhẹ nhõm vui sướng và có những ước vọng cao xa Ben vừa đi vừa gặm một quả táo, thỉnh thoảng lại hú lên một tiếng ngân dài du dương, tiếp theo là một tiếng rất trầm bính-boong-boong, bính-boong-boong Ben tự cho mình là một con tàu đang chạy trên mặt nước

Trang 30

Through this long paragraph, readers can see the application ofcommunicative translation In the example, there are changes in the structures ofsentences, with the rearrangement of phrases, for example: his sorrows multiplied -càng nghĩ lại càng buồn, where the subject is changed from the sorrow (SL) into theboy (TL) To be in better view, with the following examples: they would make a

world of fun of him for having to work the very thought of it burnt him like fire

-và nếu chúng biết chuyện Tom phải làm việc thì chắc sẽ cười Tom ghê lắm – chỉ nghĩ đến nông nỗi ấy Tom cũng đủ thấy trong lòng bừng bừng như lửa đốt, nothing less than a great, magnificent inspiration - Một sáng kiến vĩ đại, tuyệt diệu chứ chẳng phải vừa, the structure of sentences and phrases are totally changed To the last one, for he was personating a steamboat – Ben tự cho mình là một con tàu đang chạy trên mặt nước.Here the sentence in SL is separated into two new ones.

The content of paragraph is still proper, but translators are willing to make somechange so that it can be more reader-friendly Look at some other examples:

Sabbath-school hours were from nine to half-past ten; and then churchservice Two of the children always remained for the sermon voluntarily, andthe other always remained too for stronger reasons The church's high-backed, uncushioned pews would seat about three hundred persons; theedifice was but a small, plain affair, with a sort of pine board tree-box on top

of it for a steeple At the door Tom dropped back a step and accosted aSunday-dressed comrade:

"Say, Billy, got a yaller ticket?"


"What'll you take for her?"

"What'll you give?"

Trang 31

"Piece of lickrish and a fish-hook."

"Less see 'em."

Tom exhibited They were satisfactory, and the property changed hands.Then Tom traded a couple of white alleys for three red tickets, and somesmall trifle or other for a couple of blue ones [ ]; stuck a pin in another boy,presently, in order to hear him say "Ouch!" and got a new reprimand from histeacher Tom's whole class were of a pattern restless, noisy, andtroublesome [ ] Ten blue tickets equalled a red one, and could be exchangedfor it; ten red tickets equalled a yellow one; for ten yellow tickets thesuperintendent gave a very plainly bound Bible (worth forty cents in thoseeasy times) to the pupil (Twain, 32,33,34)

Buổi học bắt đầu từ chín giờ đến mười rưỡi mới tan Sau đó đến nhà thờ làm

lễ Trong ba chị em bao giờ cũng có hai đứa tự ý ở lại nghe giảng kinh: còn đứa kia bao giờ cũng ở lại – vì những động cơ khác mạnh hơn Những chiếc ghế dài trong nhà thờ chỗ dựa rất cao, mặt ghế không có đệm, ngồi được chừng ba trăm người; nhà thờ chỉ là một ngôi nhà nhỏ, kiến trúc đơn sơ, cái gác chuông ở trên nóc trông chẳng khác gì một cái hàng rào chung quanh các gốc cây làm bằng ván gỗ thông ghép lại! Tới cửa nhà thờ, Tom đi lui lại một bước, để nói chuyện với một thằng bạn cũng ăn mặc quần áo Chủ nhật như nó.

- Này Billy, mày có phiếu vàng nào không?

- Có

- Đổi lấy cái gì nào?

Trang 32

- Thế mày định đổi cái gì?

- Một miếng cam thảo và một cái lưỡi câu.

- Cho xem đã.

Tom liền đưa cho xem Billy ưng ý, thế là những tài sản kia đổi chủ Sau đó Tom lại đổi hai hòn bi trắng lấy ba phiếu đỏ và một vài thứ lặt vặt khác lấy hai phiếu xanh [ ] một lát sau Tom lại lấy đanh ghim đâm một thằng bé khác, để được nghe đứa kia kêu “oái” một tiếng và vì thế lại bị thầy giáo mắng cho một trận nữa Tất cả lớp Tom đều rập theo một khuôn như vậy – nghĩa là không chịu ngồi yên, làm ồn ào không ai chịu nổi [ ] Mười phiếu xanh bằng một phiếu đỏ và có thể đổi lấy một phiếu đỏ; mười phiếu đỏ bằng một phiếu vàng; học sinh nào được mười phiếu vàng, ông hiệu trưởng sẽ cho một quyển Kinh Thánh đóng bìa cứng rất sơ sài (ở vào cái thời còn dễ dàng

ấy, đáng giá độ bốn hào).

In the example, translators continue to change the structures of sentences sothat make them nearer to readers:

Sabbath-school hours were from nine to half-past ten - Buổi học bắt đầu từ chín giờ đến mười rưỡi mới tan

The church's high-backed, uncushioned pews would seat about three hundred persons; the edifice was but a small, plain affair, with a sort of pine board tree-box on top of it for a steeple - Những chiếc ghế dài trong nhà thờ chỗ dựa rất cao, mặt ghế không có đệm, ngồi được chừng ba trăm người; nhà thờ chỉ là một ngôi nhà nhỏ, kiến trúc đơn sơ, cái gác chuông ở trên nóc trông chẳng khác gì một cái hàng rào chung quanh các gốc cây làm bằng ván gỗ thông ghép lại.

Trang 33

Tom's whole class were of a pattern restless, noisy, and troublesome - Tất

cả lớp Tom đều rập theo một khuôn như vậy – nghĩa là không chịu ngồi yên, làm ồn ào không ai chịu nổi.

In addition, they are more active to change the way of translating concretenouns which take important role in the story:

some small trifle or other - một vài thứ lặt vặt khác

a pattern restless, noisy, and troublesome - nghĩa là không chịu ngồi yên, làm ồn ào không ai chịu nổi.

forty cents in those easy times - ở vào cái thời còn dễ dàng ấy, đáng giá độ bốn hào

These changes in fact make some differences in the meanings of the phrases,but the general content of paragraphs is still available It’s hard to evaluate thechanges are good or bad, but the fact is that the readers can more easily catch withthe ideas and feel more familiar with some special words

Communicative translation has an important role to achieve the value of thewhole story The two translators flexible transferred images of a small boy intoVietnamese

1.3 Faithful translation

The concept is from the theory of translation by Peter Newmark and thismethod also appears in the translation work by Nguy Mong Huyen and Hoang VanPhuong However, it is not used much because it cannot help readers understand thetarget language text If the translators used it too much, no one would understand thedevelopment of the story Therefore, Nguy Mong Huyen and Hoang Van Phuongused this kind of translation only several times They preserves the cultural wirds ofthe source language text in the translation:

Trang 34

Tom said:

"Say, Jim, I'll fetch the water if you'll whitewash some."

Jim shook his head and said:

"Can't, Mars Tom Ole missis, she tole me I got to go an' git dis water an' notstop foolin' roun' wid anybody She say she spec' Mars Tom gwine to ax me

to whitewash, an' so she tole me go 'long an' 'tend to my own business she'lowed she'd 'tend to de whitewashin'."

"Oh, never you mind what she said, Jim That's the way she always talks.Gimme the bucket I won't be gone only a a minute She won't ever know."

"Oh, I dasn't, Mars Tom Ole missis she'd take an' tar de head off'n me 'Deedshe would."

“Bà nói thế nào mặc bà Bao giờ bà chả nói thế Chú Jim cứ đưa cái xô đây Tôi chỉ đi một phút thôi Bà biết đấy là đâu.”

Trang 35

“Ồ tôi chẳng dám làm thế đâu, cậu Tom ạ Tôi mà làm thế thì bà chủ phạt bôi hắc ín lên đầu cho thì chết Bà nói là làm thật đấy cậu ạ.”

In this example, translators are quite risky to take faithful translation Readerswill see that the dialogue is not so simple as the translation:

"Can't, Mars Tom Ole missis, she tole me I got to go an' git dis water an' not stopfoolin' roun' wid anybody She say she spec' Mars Tom gwine to ax me towhitewash, an' so she tole me go 'long an' 'tend to my own business she'lowed she'd 'tend to de whitewashin'."

“Không được đâu, cậu Tom ạ Bà chủ bảo tôi đi lấy nước giữa đường không được la

cà với ai Bà còn nói chắc thế nào cậu cũng nhờ tôi quét vội hộ, nhưng lại dặn tôiđừng có nghe, mà phải lo làm công việc của mình – bà nói rồi bà sẽ ra xem côngviệc quét vôi ra sao đấy.”

Here is the typical conversation for the example It can be seen that thesaying from Jim is not standard English However, during the translation, NguyMong Huyen and Hoang Van Long do not find out the way to solve with thisproblem To this extent, the translators failed to convey the source language wordsinto target language ones However, these sentences above are not very essentialones which can effect content of the whole story, so it can be ignored In addition,the translation method this time makes readers easier to catch the story, so it should

be considered if the translation is really a failure

1.4 Free translation

In Newmark theory, free translation reproduces the matter without themanner, or the content without the form of the original Usually it is a paraphrasemuch longer than the original, a so-called “ intralingual translation”, often prolix andpretentious, and not translation at all In fact, this translation is not a useful method

It result is not effective enough to transfer the meanings of the sentences and

Ngày đăng: 19/08/2014, 07:26


Hình ảnh cô bé Amy Lawrence nào đó liền bị xóa nhòa ngay trong trái tim Tom, không còn để lại một dấu vết nào nữa - CÁC PHƯƠNG PHÁP DỊCH được áp DỤNG TRONG bản DỊCH TIẾNG VIỆT của tác PHẨM NHỮNG CUỘC PHIÊU lưu của TOM SAWYER tác GIẢ MARK TWAIN
nh ảnh cô bé Amy Lawrence nào đó liền bị xóa nhòa ngay trong trái tim Tom, không còn để lại một dấu vết nào nữa (Trang 54)
Hình  ảnh  cô bé  Amy Lawrence  nào  đó liền bị xóa nhòa ngay trong trái tim Tom, không còn  để  lại một dấu vết  nào nữa. - CÁC PHƯƠNG PHÁP DỊCH được áp DỤNG TRONG bản DỊCH TIẾNG VIỆT của tác PHẨM NHỮNG CUỘC PHIÊU lưu của TOM SAWYER tác GIẢ MARK TWAIN
nh ảnh cô bé Amy Lawrence nào đó liền bị xóa nhòa ngay trong trái tim Tom, không còn để lại một dấu vết nào nữa (Trang 60)



