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  • Week 33 Period 94

  • Week 33 Period 95

  • Week 33 Period 96

  • Week 34 Period 97

  • Week 34 Period 98

  • Week 34 Period 99

  • Week 35 Period 100

  • Week 35 Period 101

  • Week 35 Period 102

  • Week 36 Period 103

  • Revision

  • Week 36 Period 104

  • Revision

  • Week 36 Period 105

Nội dung

Week 33 Period 94 The date of preparing: 11-04-10 The date of teaching: -04-10 Unit 15: COUNTRIES B : Cities, buildings and people (3, 4 – R) I- AIMS: - Writing a postcard about being on vacation. - Should be taught how to adjectives comparative and superlatives and comparison with than - Developing: four skills. II- PRESENTATION OF STRUCTURE: Grammar: - Vocabulary: sears tower, meter, high, twin towers, great, wall, longest, over, kilometer, between, thick III- TEACHING AIDS: - Text book, lesson plan, cassette tapes. IV- TEACHING INSTRUCTION: 1. Class order; Check sts’ absent and present 2. Check the old lesson 3. New lesson: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Contents Note - Ask S S to recall the new words. - Practice. - Introduce the new lesson. - Explain new words. - Let them listen to the tape then read the passage. - Listen. - Write. - Listen to the cassette and repeat. New words: - sears tower (n): - meter (n): - high (adj): - great (adj): - wall (n): - over: - thick (adj): - Ask S S to name some tall building they know in VN as well as in other countries. - Let them listen to the cassette without looking at the book. - Ask them some questions about the names of the buildings, the height, the places where they are then mark it on the board. - Name some tall pairs buildings in VN and in other countries. - Listen. - Answer the questions by writing on the board 3. Answer the question: Which is taller: sears tower or Petronas twin towers? -> Petronas twin towers. 1 - Play the tape twice, let Ss listen and look at book. - Call on some Ss read loudly. - Correct if any. - Have Ss work in pairs to reread the text and ask and answer the question. - Call on some pairs to ask and answer in front of class. - Correct and give the right answers. - Introduce part 4, and explain the request. - Have Ss look at picture and show what is this? - Read the text loudly twice . - Have Ss read loudly. - Have Ss work in pairs to ask and answer the questions. - Call on some pairs to give the answers by asking and answering in front of class then writing on the board. - Correct and give keys. 4.Consolidation: - Read loudly part. 5.Homework: - Set homeworks. - Listen and look at book. - Read loudly. - Listen and note. - Work in pairs as the teacher ask. - Give the answers by asking and answering in front of class. - Listen and copy. - Listen and take note - Look at the pictures show by the teacher and do as directed. - Look at the pictures of the Great Wall of China and answer the questions of the teacher. - Listen carefully. - Read loudly. - Work in pairs. - Give the answers as the teacher asked. - Listen and copy. - Listen and note - Listen and copy. 4. Answers: It’s over 6,000 kms long. It’s between 4 and 12 meters high. It’s over 9 meters thick. “Remember”. - Learning the lesson at home. - Prepare “Unit 15. Countries. Section C: Natural features (1, 2, 3) ” for the next time. Week 33 Period 95 The date of preparing: 11-04-10 The date of teaching: -04-10 2 Unit 15: COUNTRIES C : Natural features (1, 2, 3 – R) I- AIMS: - Should be taught about “VN” “lots of …” as a quantifier with geography vocabulary to describe Vietnam. - Reading a text about the world’s Great rivers and mountains to skim for details and get father practice in using comparatives and superlatiives. II- PRESENTATION OF STRUCTURE: Grammar: - Structures: + It’s many/a lot of/ lots of rain. + It doesn’t have … + We have much a lot of/lots of rain. - Vocabulary: natural, features, lots of, rain green, forest, desert, great country, red river, flow, Gulf, tibet, nile, North Africa, mediterranean sea, highest, mouth everest III- TEACHING AIDS: - Text book, lesson plan, cassette tapes. IV- TEACHING INSTRUCTION: 1. Class order; Check sts’ absent and present 2. Check the old lesson 3. New lesson: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Contents Note - Play game “slap the board” - Practice. Beautiful, green, river, lake, field - Introduce the new lesson. - Explain new words. - Let them listen to the tape then read the passage. - Correct. - Listen. - Write. - Listen to the cassette and repeat. - Listen and note. 1. Listen and read. New words: - natural (adj): - feature (n): - lots of = a lot of: - rain (n): - green (adj): - forest (n): - desert (n): - great country: - Let them listen to the cassette and repeat, sentence by sentence. - Show them a picture of a desert and ask them if they know why there isn’t a desert in Viet Nam. - Practice group work. - Ask S S to ook at the - Listen to the cassette and repeat chorally. - Answer. - Practice. - Look at the pictures and Because we have lots of rain/ the country is very green, we have big forests, lots of lakes and rivers. 2. Look at the pictures again. Ask and asnwer: Does Viet Nam have any forest? Yes, it does. 3 pictures in the book. Read the passage and then find correct words to complete the sentences. - Ask some S S read aloud the exercises. - Correct if there are any mistakes. - Introduce the three rivers: the Red river, the Mekong river, the Amazon river and the 2 famous Mountains: Phanxipang and Mount Everest. Ask them to tell something they know about these rivers and mountains. - Let them listen to the cassette while looking at the books to get the information about these rivers and mountains. - Let them read the passage by themselves in a few minutes. - Ask questions to check their comprehension. - Let some pair practice asking and answering about these rivers and mountains with wh- questions. - Give the key answers. - Have them practice again with correct information. - Let S S do some more practice on their rivers and mountains they know. - Let them copy the passage and translate into find out the words indicating each item, then complete the sentences. - Read aloud the passage, sentence by sentence. - Listen and note. - Listen. - Note where the three rivers and two mountains are tries to tell something about these rivers and mountains. - Listen to the cassette and repeat. - Listen tries to remember. - Read. - Listen to the teacher and try to answer his questions. - Some pairs practice asking and answering before the class, using wh- question. - Listen to the teacher’s anwers. - Practice. - Make more to practice. - Copy nad translate into Vietnamese No, it doesn’t. Complete: a. Mountains b. Rivers c. Lakes d. Rain e. Forests f. Beaches g. Deserts 3. Listen and read. Then answer the questions. New words: - Red river (n): Sông hồng - flow (v): chảy - gulf (n): vịnh - Tibet (n): ở Tây Tạng, phía Nam Châu Á - Mediterranean Sea: Biển địa trung hải - Mount Everest: ở cao nguyên a. The Mekong River is the longest river in Viet Nam. b. The Mekong River starts in Tibet. c. The Amazen River is the longest river in the world. d. The Mediterranean Sea. e. The highest mountain in the word is Mout Everest. f. Phanxipang is the highest mountain in VietNam. 4 Vietnamese. - Have them take into and memorize. 4.Consolidation: - T. asks S S to recall the questionsand read. 5.Homework: - Set homeworks. - Take note and memorize. - Recall and read . - Listen and copy. “Remember” - Learning the lesson at home. - Learning the lesson at home. - Prepare “Unit 16. Man and the Environment. Section A: Animal and plants (1, 2) ” for the next time. Week 33 Period 96 The date of preparing: 11-04-10 The date of teaching: -04-10 Unit 16: MAN AND THE ENVIRONMENT A: Animals and plants (1, 2) I- AIMS: - Countable and uncountable quantifiers: a lot, a little, a few to talk about food. - Should be practice asking and asnwering the questions with “How much” and “How many”. - Developing: four skills. II- PRESENTATION OF STRUCTURE: Grammar: - Structures: + How many eggs do his chicken produce? + How much rice does he produce? - Vocabulary: environment, animal, plant, little, few, procedure, grow, also, buffalo, plow, pull, cart, cow, dog, cat III- TEACHING AIDS: - Text book, lesson plan, cassette tapes. IV- TEACHING INSTRUCTION: 1. Class order; Check sts’ absent and present 2. Check the old lesson 3. New lesson: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Contents Note - Ask S S to recall the new words. - Answer. - Use pictures and some real things as chalk, pens, books water to identify the meannings and usage of the quantifiers. - Look at what the teacher shows and notice the meanings as well as the usage of the quantifiers. 1. Listen and repeat. New words: - environment (n): - animal (n): - plant (n): - little (adj): 5 - Let S S listen and repeat. Then have them take note. - Call on some Ss read loudly. -Correct if any. - Listen and repeat. - Read loudly. - Listen and note. - few (adj): - produce (v): - grow (v): - also: - buffalo (n): - cart (n): - plow (v): - cow (n): - dog (n): - cat (n): Structures: - How much rice is there? There’s some/a lot of/a little rice. -How many eggs are there? There’re some/a lot of/ a few eggs. - Tell S S about Mr.Hai and his farm and write on the board the infortant details you want to emphasize. - Ask questions to check their comprehension. - Ask S S to read the passage again then practice in pairs asking and asnwering questions. - Let S S copy the passage in their notebooks and write the questions and answers. - Give the key answers and retell the usage of “some, a lot of, a few, a little” - Ask them to correct their answers if there are any mistakes. 4.Consolidation: - T. asks S S to recall the questions. - Listen and notice the details written on the board. - Answer. - Read the passage again. - Write. - Listen. - Practice. - Listen and remember. 2. Listen and read. Then answer the questions Some paddy fields. A lot of rice. A few vegetables. A little fruit A lot of eggs … Answer the questions: a. Mr. Hai produces a lot of rice. b. Yes, he does. c. He producedures a little fruit. d. His cows produces a little milk. e. His chickens produces a lot of eggs. 6 5.Homework: - Set homeworks. - Listen and copy. - Learning the lesson at home. - Prepare “Unit 16. Man and the Environment. Section A: Animal and plants (3, 5 – R) ” for the next time. Week 34 Period 97 The date of preparing: 18-04-10 The date of teaching: -04-10 Unit 16: MAN AND THE ENVIRONMENT A: Animals and plants (3, 5 – R ) I- AIMS: - Reading a text about farming and getting further practice in a lot, a little, a few. - Should be taught about environmental issus and about occupations. - Developing: four skills. II- PRESENTATION OF STRUCTURE: Grammar: - Vocabulary: more … more, land, cut, down, burn, destroy, Asian, danger III- TEACHING AIDS: - Text book, lesson plan, cassette tapes. IV- TEACHING INSTRUCTION: 1. Class order; Check sts’ absent and present 2. Check the old lesson 3. New lesson: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Contents Note - Ask S S to recall the new words. - Answer. - Explain the purpose of the exercise. Show them pictures and introduce the new words . - Have Ss listen and repeat. - Let them listen to the cassette twice, then do exercise. - Ask Ss check – cross the answers to next friends. - Call some Ss to give the answers. - Correct and give the keys. - Listen to the teacher and notice the word - Listen and repeat. - Listen. - Check – cross to next friends. - Give the answers as the teacher asked. - Listen and copy. 3. Listen and write the letter of the picture under the right heading. - Onion: - tomato: Answer: a. a lot of b. some c. a lot of d. a few e. a little f. some Tape transcript: a. There are a lot of potatoes. b. There are some tomatoes. c. There are a lot of onions. d. There are a few vegetable. e. There is a little rice. f. There are some flowers. - Introduce part 5 and explain the - Listen and notice – 7 request. - Let S S work in pairs to ask and answers the questions. - Call on some pairs to give the answers on the board, then ask and answer loudly. - Correct and give the keys. - Tell them to write in their exercise book. 4. Consolidation: - T. asks S S to recall the questions. - Remember. 5. Homework: - Set homeworks. - Work in pairs to ask and answer - Give the answers as the teacher asked. - Listen and take note. - Listen and copy in book. - Recall the questions - Listen and copy. 5. Answer the questions using because. a. B/c there are more people. b. B/c they need more fields. c. B/c people/we are destroying their home and their environment. “Remember” - Learning the lesson at home. - Prepare “Unit 16. Man and the Environment. Section B: Pollution (1) ” for the next time. Week 34 Period 98 The date of preparing: 18-04-10 The date of teaching: -04-10 Unit 16: MAN AND THE ENVIRONMENT B: Pollution (1) I- AIMS: - Reading a text about pollution for vocabulary and to understand ideas. - Can talk, listening, reading and writing about environment. - Developing: four skills. II- PRESENTATION OF STRUCTURE: Grammar: - Structures: Review present progressive tense. - Vocabulary: pollution, environment, destroy, wild, waste, burn, coal, oil, gas, power, pollute, air, trash III- TEACHING AIDS: - Text book, lesson plan, cassette tapes. IV- TEACHING INSTRUCTION: 1. Class order; Check sts’ absent and present 2. Check the old lesson 3. New lesson: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Contents Note - Ask S S play games “slap the board” - Practice. Animal, cow, land, cutdown, burn 8 - Introduce the situation. - Let them listen to the tape. - Have them read paragraph aloud. - Ask the S S to reread the paragraph about “the population of the word”. - Let them to recall the test and explains the new structures. - Let them listen then practice pairworks. - Correct and feedback. - Listen. - Read. - Reread the paragraph. - Listen. - Practice pair works. New words: - pollution (n): - environment (n): - destroy (v): - wild (n): - waste (v): - burn (v): - ocean (n): - coal (n): - oil (n): - gas (n): - power (n): - pollute (v): - air (n): - trash (n): Structures: -What are we doing to our environment? We are destroying the forests. -What’s polluting the air? Gases. - Introduce the questions. - Suggest. - Ask S S to recall the test. - Practice pair works. - Let them practice asking and answering the question. 4. Consolidation: - T. asks S S to recall the questions. 5. Homework: - Set homeworks. - Listen. - Listen and note. - Recall the test. - Practice in pairs works. - Ask and answer in pairs - Listen and remember. - Listen and copy. Answer the questions: a. B/c we/people are destroying the foest. b. Gases are pollution the air/people are polluting the air. They are burning too much coal, oil and gas. c. The pollution comes from gases and trash. d. Trash is polluting the land, rivers and the oceans. - Learning the lesson at home. - Prepare “Unit 16. Man and the Environment. Section B: Pollution (2) ” for the next time. Week 34 Period 99 The date of preparing: 18-04-10 The date of teaching: -04-10 Unit 16: MAN AND THE ENVIRONMENT 9 B: Pollution (2, 4) I- AIMS: - Should and shouldn’t for giving Advice about protecting the Environment. - Developing: four skills. II- PRESENTATION OF STRUCTURE: Grammar: - Vocabulary: follow, rule, throw, pick, damage, keep off, grass, save, collect, bottle III- TEACHING AIDS: - Text book, lesson plan, cassette tapes. IV- TEACHING INSTRUCTION: 1. Class order; Check sts’ absent and present 2. Check the old lesson 3. New lesson: Teacher’s work Students’ work Content Note - Ask S S play games “slap the board” - Practice. Pollution, destroy, wild, burn, ocean, gas, power - Introduce the new lesson. - Explain the listen to the tape. - Ask them to read aloud (chorally or ind Individually). - Check and feedback. - Listen and take note. - Listen. - Read. 2. Listen and read: New words: - throw (v): - pick (v): - damage (v): - keep off (v) - bag (n): - put (v): - leave (v): - grass (n): - save (v): - collect (v): - bottle (n): - Introduce the situation and use make. - Call S S write in front of the class. - Check. - Introduce part 4 and explain the request. - Practice pairs work. - Call on some pairs - Listen. - Practice in pairs works. - Listen and note. - Practice. - Read loudly. Now match the rules with these signs: a. Don’t damage trees. b. Save water. c. Don’t throw trash on the street. d. Collect bottles and cans. e. Keep off the grass. f. Don’t pick flowers. g. Collect paper. h. Don’t throw trash in the country. 4. Listen and repeat. 10 [...]... answer - Call SS write in front of the class - Check - Listen to the tape 4 Consolidation: - T asks SS to recall the questions - Remember 5 Homework: - Set homeworks - Listen and repeat to the teacher - Listen and note - Role – play - Practice in pairs - Practice in pairs works - shouldn’t - recycle (v): - waste (v): - feed (v) fed: - pig (n): - empty (adj): - scap metal (n): - plastic (n): - thing:... blanks - Give the answers - Listen and copy - - Listen and 13 Present simple tense Note units 5 Homework: - Set homeworks remember - Present progressive tense - Comparatives and superlatives - Indefinite quantifiers - Learning the lesson at home - Prepare “Revision of all units” - Listen and copy Week 35 Period 102 The date of preparing: 2 5-0 4-1 0 The date of teaching: -0 4-1 0 REVIEW I- AIMS: - The teacher... answers - Correct and give the keys - Introduce and explain the request - Ask SS to fill in the blanks with the suitable words - Call on some Ss give the answers - Correct and give the keys 4 Consolidation: - Revision of all the - Listen and copy - Do as the teacher asked - Give the answers - Listen and copy - Fill in blanks - Give the answers - Listen and copy - Listen and copy Contents 1 Present... c Recycle them d Yes, I do e I collect empty bottle, cans, scap metal - Write - Listen and ccopy - Listen and remember - Listen and copy “Remember” - Learning the lesson at home - Prepare “Grammar practice” for the next time Week 35 Period 101 The date of preparing: 2 5-0 4-1 0 The date of teaching: -0 4-1 0 GRAMMAR PRACTICE I- AIMS: - Futher practice in present simple and progressive comparatives and superlatives,... the board park/street/country - Correct and give - Listen and copy the keys - Introduce the new lesson - Explain the new - Listen and copy - Listen and copy 6 Listen and read: New words: - should 11 words - Let Ss listen and repeat to teacher - Introduce the situation and use make - Call to role – play in front of the class - Have Ss work in pairs practice in front class - Have Ss read the questions...read loudly - Correct 4 Consolidation: - T asks SS to recall the questions 5 Homework: - Set homeworks - Listen and note - Listen and remember - Listen and copy - Learning the lesson at home - Prepare “Unit 16 Man and the Environment Section B: Pollution (2)” for the next time Week 35 Period 100 The date of preparing: 2 5-0 4-1 0 The date of teaching: -0 4-1 0 Unit 16: MAN AND THE ENVIRONMENT... from first to - Review number Listen and copy tenth: from one to one hundred - Review ordinal - Listen and recall number from first to tenth 4 Consolidation: 14 Remember about the unit 5 Homework: - Set homeworks - Listen and remember - Listen and copy -Ss write the lesson into note book - Ss review the lesson Week 36 Period 103 The date of preparing: 0 1-0 5-1 0 The date of teaching: -0 5-1 0 Revision I... activities - Ask SS some - Answer questions - Ask the SS review “present simple tense and present progressive tense” - Have Ss work in person - Call on some Ss to give the answers on the board - Correct and give the keys - Recall the old grammar - Introduce and explain the request - Ask SS to fill in the blank with the suitable “comparatives and superlatives” - Call on some Ss give the answers - Correct... Natural features, farming and environment vocabulary - Developing: four skills II- PRESENTATION OF STRUCTURE: Grammar: - Present simple tense - Present progressive tense - Comparatives and superlatives - Indefinite quantifiers - Vocabulary: busy, traffic, most, only III- TEACHING AIDS: - Text book, lesson plan 12 - Revision of all grammar notes in the units IV- TEACHING INSTRUCTION: 1 Class order; Check sts’... Contents Note - Ask SS play games - Practice Collect, save, throw, pick, damage, bag, “slap the board” put - Introduce the new - Listen and take 5 Using should and shouldn’t: lesson note a We should not leave trash - Explain the new - Listen and copy b We should save water words c We shouldn’t damage trees - Have Ss do in pairs - Work in pairs d We should collect cans - Call on some pairs - Give the answers . words: - pollution (n): - environment (n): - destroy (v): - wild (n): - waste (v): - burn (v): - ocean (n): - coal (n): - oil (n): - gas (n): - power (n): - pollute (v): - air (n): -. repeat. - Read loudly. - Listen and note. - few (adj): - produce (v): - grow (v): - also: - buffalo (n): - cart (n): - plow (v): - cow (n): - dog (n): - cat (n): Structures: - How much. ind Individually). - Check and feedback. - Listen and take note. - Listen. - Read. 2. Listen and read: New words: - throw (v): - pick (v): - damage (v): - keep off (v) - bag (n): - put (v): - leave

Ngày đăng: 08/07/2014, 11:00



